InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Relationships ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inuyasha had decided to take his own car. He thought it would be better not being cooped up beside Miroku again; especially after that kiss. He licked his lips once more, trying to find any traces of the sweet flavor left. Why am I feeling this way about him? I love Kagome with all my heart, but I'm starting to feel the same way about Miroku.. He's confessed that he has feelings for me too and I know that he loves Sango. But what would the girls say if one of us told them? 'Yeah, we love you, but we're going to fuck around with each other as well. Hope you don't mind!' FEH! That would go over real fucking well.

With a sigh, he turned the radio on loudly, hoping to drown out his thoughts with anything screaming and loud. He flicked through a few stations before muttering softly and forcing in a CD. He twitched a little when the first song started to play. His brain had decided to pick out certain lyrics and made them all seem to be singing about him. All he could think about was Miroku and Kagome.

".. Look at me, my depth perception must be off again. Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did. It has not healed with time. It just shot down my spine. You look so beautiful tonight. Reminds me how you laid us down, and gently smiled, before you destroyed my life..."

He shut the radio off in disgust. "Dammit all to hell! I can add "Rest in Pieces" to songs not to listen to when I'm stressed out and questioning my sexuality.."

The lyrics kept playing over and over in his head, `reminds me how you laid us down, and gently smiled...' and he kept having fantasies of when he had laid in bed with Kagome and she had looked down at him. However, her beautiful, feminine features changed to the image of Miroku staring down at him and leaning his head down upon Inuyasha's chest.

Inuyasha gasped and jerked the wheel a little. "FUCK! Knock it off you sick baka!!! Stop thinking with your dick!" Somehow, he was convinced if he could only scream loud enough at himself, that he could make his body listen.

However, it was just like its owner: stubborn.


The time at the club proved to be uneventful. In fact, all they did was tour the rooms in which they would be performing in and were sent on their way. Inuyasha had not said a word to Miroku while they were being shown around and did not say a `goodbye' as they left. All he could do was tell himself that he needed to talk to Kagome.

He pulled up to the Higurashi Shrine and shut his engine off before walking around the house and leaping up to Kagome's windowsill. He found her doing some work at her desk and he rapped upon the window to get her attention. She looked up from her papers and saw the amber eyes she loved so much, now filled with pain and distress.

Wasting no time, she hurriedly opened the window and let him inside and he slumped upon her bed. He sat with his legs crossed in an Indian style position and let his hands lay in his lap as he gazed down at the floor quietly. His ears were drooping pitifully lower than they had ever been before.

Kagome bit her lip. She was not used to seeing her lover like this. She reached out and placed her hand upon his shoulder softly, ".. Inu.. yasha?"

She could feel him trembling. She sat beside him and leaned in close. ".. Inuyasha? Please tell me what's wrong.. Did something happen?" Her stomach was flip-flopping about as every horrible scenario she could think of raced through her mind. "Inuyasha, please speak to me.."

Kagome was taken aback as she heard the unmistakable sound of a stifled sob escape his lips. She looked through his silver hair and saw a tear trickling down his paling cheek. Now, she was terrified. She had only see him become teary eyed on very, very rare occasions.

".. Do you love me, Kagome?..." came a cracked voice.

She blinked and held him tighter. "Inuyasha?.. What kind of question is that? Of course I love you. I don't think I could possibly be able to love you any more deeply than I already do."

He let out a long sigh and turned to lay his head upon Kagome's shoulder as he squeezed her tightly to himself, afraid that she may slip away through his fingers. ".. I love you just as much Kagome.. But I have something to tell you and I'm afraid you won't love me anymore once I do."

"Inuyasha, you're being silly. I'm your mate, remember? And as such, I am loyal to you and love you unconditionally.. Please tell me what's bothering you though. I'm so scared that it's making me feel sick to my stomach with worry."

He stroked the back of her hair gently, took her hand tightly in his own, and gave it a squeeze. ".. I.. I think.." He felt his heart pounding in his ears. ".. I told Miroku.. told him that.. that I.."

"What did you tell him, Inuyasha? You can trust me."

The dog demon gave a shudder and let another struggled sob escape as he finally blurted out, "I think I'm in love with Miroku!! And he told me he feels the same way! And,.. Oh gods, Kagome.. I kissed him!" He could not hold back any longer. He jerked her tightly to his chest and laid his head over her shoulder as he started to cry. "But I love you, Kagome! I feel so confused. I don't want to lose you because of my fucking stupidity!"

She was silent as she listened to him spill his heart out to her. He startled her when he pulled her into a hug, but she slowly moved her arms around his back and held him close. She began to rub his back, trying to help soothe his painful whimpering and sniffles. Kagome felt her heart absolutely breaking to see him this upset. "Shh... shhh, Inuyasha.. It's alright.. Try to stop crying now."

His body gave a jerk occasionally as his sobs began to subside and Kagome brought him back and laid beside him upon her bed. She started to stroke his soft ears and she felt his body begin to relax. He let out a quiet sigh and rested his head upon her pillowy soft chest, still holding her close.

".. Do you hate me now, Kagome?.." His voice sounded as if he could burst again into hysterics at any moment.

"No, Inuyasha. I don't hate you.. And I'm not angry with you.. I'm just worried about you crying, but I'm relieved that you at least told me what was on your mind."

He lifted his head to look into her smoky gray eyes filled with love. She gave him a warm smile and it helped to ease the pain he was feeling inside. "But.. but it was, Miroku.. He's a male."

"I know that, Inuyasha," she kept rubbing his ears softly and caressing his face.

The hanyou looked away. ".. I thought you would never want to see me again.."

"I wouldn't do that. And I couldn't do that now. You told me yourself that we're bound together for life.. If you didn't have regrets about your actions, then we would not have that bond. I know you're sorry, but there is nothing to be sorry about. You've known Miroku for a long time after all."

"But, Kagome.. He's a male.."

"And are you, or have you ever been, in love with another man, besides Miroku?"

He thought to himself, then replied, "No.. But I'm afraid that I will be now."

"And will you leave with them?"

Inuyasha's honey eyes trembled uncertainly, ".. No.. I want to have pups with you and watch them grow."

"And, you've shown me your love, Inuyasha. I trust you. I trust you completely and I hope that you trust me to know that I will always be by your side. No. Matter. What..."

He collapsed into her chest again, breathing in her soothing scent and nuzzling her soft breasts. ".. But what if I mate with him?"

"Then you do.. But he has to know that you're not going to leave."

"He knows.. And he said that he couldn't leave Sango if we ever did."

Kagome started to smile softly and leaned in to kiss his sweet, little puppy ears. "You know.. I think it's pretty cute, actually.. And it makes me want you even more now."

His ear twitched from her hot breath and he opened an eye from where his face was buried in her cushiony mounds. She moved her hands down his back and into the back of his jeans, and into his boxers. She gave his ass a squeeze and he jumped with a 'yip!' of excitement.

"Ka.. Kagome?..." he lifted his head up, holding himself with his arms as he looked at her with surprise.

The raven-haired girl gave a seductive smile up at him. "It opens so many more possibilities for us when we make love now."

He swallowed hard. "Oh, hell.. You've been hanging around Sango and Miroku too much. They're starting to rub off on you."

To his surprise, he was suddenly flipped over onto his back and Kagome straddled his hips as she looked down hungrily at him. "Maybe I am.. But I think right now, I need to do something to help make my sexy hanyou happy again."

Inuyasha's eyes were wide, but he did not dare struggle, even though he could easily throw her off of him. "Just what are you plotting, woman?" He could already feel himself growing painfully aroused as he felt the heat of her core even through his clothes.

She pulled up his shirt and started to kiss and drag her tongue over his firm stomach and chest. She found a nipple and gave it a love bite, making him arch his back. He surrendered beneath her quickly and let her go to work as he began to pant.

Kagome slid herself down to his knees and made quick work of unzipping his jeans to reveal the tented, dog bone print boxers beneath. She started to giggle. "You wore them."

He looked down and gave a sheepish grin and a blush tinted his cheeks. "Feh, I only do because they're from you."

Kagome pulled his underpants down and let his fully erect member spring forth. She moaned with appreciation and was incredibly thankful that everyone had left for the weekend. Her head moved down, she took his tip into her wet mouth, and he gasped.

"Ngh.. Kagome.." Inuyasha grit his fangs together and held onto her bed sheets as she slid her tongue against the underside of his cock and bobbed her head upon his length. Her hand moved and she began to play gently with his testicles. He hissed in pleasure and arched his back again. It felt so fucking good! His eyes went wide as he felt her start humming as she worked him over and just added to the already incredible stimulations he was receiving.

"Kagome-e-e! Oh, gods.." He shut his eyes and held her head in his hands. His hips began to thrust upwards into her mouth, but he made sure to stay gentle enough so he would not hurt her. The half demon felt himself approaching his finish and tried to pull her off. "K-Kagome.. I.. I'm gonna.."

She let him fall from her lips only long enough to state, "I want to taste you," and quickly resumed her work. Her words alone were the last push he needed to send him over. He arched his back, let out a grunt as he shot his creamy seed into her mouth, and felt her swallowing each drop she could milk from him.

Once she was satisfied that he was empty, Kagome pulled her lips from his slightly softening member and looked down at him. He was still frozen in bliss, but managed to tilt his head enough to look at her. She licked her lips slowly and suggestfully and that was enough to get him growing erect once more.

"Mmm, looks like puppy wants to play some more," and she pulled off the T-shirt she was wearing. He found that she was not wearing a bra underneath.

".. Gods, you're so beautiful, Kagome.." Inuyasha whispered tenderly.

Kagome stood up, took the sides of her lounging pants, slid them down her smooth thighs, and kicked them aside. She now stood in only a pair of floral printed panties, which she quickly removed as well and stood completely bare before him. He kept staring in awe over her body.

"I don't want to be the only one getting naked around here, you know," she smirked and placed her hands upon her hips.

"I'm not complaining," he grinned.

"Get those pants off now or I'm cutting them off!"

He gulped and quickly started throwing his clothes off. Inuyasha was starting to learn better than to get on Kagome's bad side. But he did not even question her when she was angry and aroused. With a kick of his foot, he sent his boxers off to the floor and now lay nude upon his lover's bed.

"That's more like it. Now the fun begins. You wait here," the girl cooed before he heard her padding down the carpeted stairs.

I didn't like that look in her eye.. What is that woman planning to do to me? All Inuyasha could do was wait and try to strain his youkai senses to their limits to get an idea of what was going on. He couldn't stand not knowing something. His curiosity was akin to a child looking for Christmas presents.

He took notice to the fading sunlight and happened to glance over at Kagome's calendar above her desk. "Shit! I completely forgot what day it was.." His already dulling amber eyes looked out the window and watched the sun setting into the horizon. Inuyasha closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as he let the changes overcome his body.

His hair began to gray until it became a pure black that resembled the midnight sky. Sharp claws began to retract and dull into human fingernails. Fangs shrank to normal teeth. One last twitch of his ears, and he felt them seem to melt into his blackened hair and slide down to the sides of his head to form normal, human ears. Then, almost as if someone had pulled a lever to power them down, his senses faded until he felt helplessly blind and deaf and no scents to give indications of his surroundings. The last change was always the most unnerving for a dog demon that relied heavily upon his senses.

Inuyasha sighed and opened his eyes. The honey glow now a darkened violet as he looked over himself. He eyed his now flaccid and slightly smaller penis with anger. "Dammit! I forgot you shrink too!" Even when he became erect in his human state, it still wasn't up to his impressive standards that his youkai blood so graciously bestowed upon him. At least in his opinion.

He wanted to punch something, but the only thing he wanted to punch at that moment was what was making him upset. However, that, he thought, would be a very bad and painful idea. So, he just crossed his arms in front of his chest and began to pout.

There was a considerable amount of time that had passed since Kagome had left and Inuyasha now wanted to see just what had happened to his lover. He was worried that she may have gotten herself into some kind of trouble. Getting to his feet quickly, Inuyasha started to make his way down the darkening stairs. He noticed that there was a soft glow of candles about and it helped provide enough lighting so he would not plunge headlong down the staircase in his still nude state. Once safely at the bottom, he scanned the room to see if there were any signs of his mate.

".. Kagome?.. Kagome, are you alright?.." He took a few tentative steps into the livingroom, one hand going to cover himself so he would not hit his most sensitive and prized part of his body. "Kagome? Please say something. I.. I can't find you in the dark.." Oh, how Inuyasha hated to admit weaknesses. But this wasn't a time for playing games, in his opinion.

Without his heightened senses, the now human boy could not hear the person sneaking up behind him. He only knew he was in trouble when he felt something grab his exposed rear and he jumped. "AHH!" He could not twist around as gracefully as he once could before and ended up landing heavily upon his backside with an 'oof!' The assailant tackled him upon the floor and kissed him passionately.

"Poor baby doesn't have his demon side anymore. I didn't mean to have you fall. Is your butt okay?" Kagome stroked his locks back into place as she couldn't help but giggle.

Pushing himself up slightly, Inuyasha winced and gave himself a rub. "Yeah, I'm okay. You just startled me. You know I hate when you sneak up on me and I can't tell, woman."

She gave a playful pout. "I know, but it's so fun when you can't tell I'm coming!" She kissed his lips tenderly and he laid himself back down as he embraced her. Lips parted and tongues exploring familiarly growing territory. Kagome pulled away to look at her transformed lover's face. "I just wanted to give you a surprise."

A slight smile began to form across the boy's mouth. "What kind of surprise?"

"Well, besides scaring you silly, I wanted us to have a romantic night. Maybe a little something to eat and then a night full of making love." She ran her hands over his chest, pulled herself off him, and helped him to his feet.

"But I think I'd rather have a little some one to eat," he grinned. Even in the low lighting of the candles and with his dulled eyesight, he could still see Kagome's blush.

"Well, it's either me or the food."

He put his best 'deep-in-thought' face on and rubbed his chin in his hand. "Hrm, let's see.. Kagome or food.. Kagome or food.." Inuyasha looked down innocently, "Can't I just have both?"

She took his arm with a giggle and pulled him into the kitchen. He was surprised to find that she had set a table for two and had his favorite food waiting for him. "Ramen! All right!"

"The food may not be the food of love, but it's the thought that counts." She gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I don't know what else I could ask for right now, really. I have my mate, my ramen, and we're both naked." They both laughed at the complete absurdity of the situation before sitting down. He wasted no time in devouring his meal and even ended up eating the rest of Kagome's.

Once they were finished, she grinned mischievously at him from across the table. "How about some dessert?"

At this point, Inuyasha was ready to just slap the dishes away with one hand, throw her onto the table, and mate her until the table gave way beneath them both. He returned the grin and nodded as he felt his erection throbbing in agreement under the table.

"Then go back to my room and I'll be there in a minute." She slipped away and he eagerly stumbled his way back into her room and laid back upon the mattress. And, as she promised, Kagome appeared in the doorway. She gave her hips an extra swing as she came closer and stood beside the bed.

In her hand, she held a can of whipped cream. She gave it a good shake, squirted two little globs upon her nipples, and drew a circle around her belly button and a downwards pointing arrow beneath. "Dessert's on me."

Inuyasha had sat up when he noticed her enter and he could tell that he was drooling slightly while he watched her draw upon her body canvas with her sweet 'paint'. He grabbed her hips and pulled her close and started to lick off the whipped cream art. He left her breasts in tact before pulling her down on the bed with him and laying her back.

Black hair shaded his face as he latched onto a nipple and began to suckle like a babe. He massaged and rubbed the neglected one as he worked to bring the nub in his mouth to rock hard firmness. Kagome moaned as he took her nipple into his teeth while he suckled. He did not have to worry about hurting her with his fangs now, so he was going to make the most of it.

Once Inuyasha was satisfied, he went on to the other breast and began his work again. The girl beneath him mewled with pleasure at his ministrations and ran her fingers through his soft, obsidian colored locks. "Ohh, Inuyasha.."

Without taking his face away, he grabbed the whipped cream can and began to spray a thick line down between her breasts all the way to the beginning of her black curls. His wet tongue paved the way as he lapped at her quivering flesh until she was clean, then gazed at the treasure he had been seeking.

Placing a hand on either side of her thighs, he spread her open for him and gave her ghostly soft kisses up her inner thigh. He sat up, squirted a dollop of cream upon his fingertips, and offered them to her. Kagome took them into her mouth and ran her tongue over the tasty digits until he pulled them away and brought them down to her already moist opening and slide his index finger inside.

Kagome gasped and felt a warm tingle wash across her body as he began to feel inside of her. The second finger was added and he kept his movements slow and torturous as he felt around his mate's sex. She writhed with desire and clenched her hands into fists. "Ah!.. Inuyasha.. Stop teasing me!"

The boy smirked proudly before removing his finger and spraying the whipped cream upon them again. This time, he took them into his own mouth and licked them clean. "Mmm.. I think you make the cream taste sweeter."

He adjusted his position and started to tease her folds with the tip of his tongue. Inuyasha kept her thighs spread for him with his firm hands and started to dip and twist his tongue tip into every nook and cranny. Occasionally, he would delve deep into her entry way and lap the nectar he could reach there. Kagome's moans and squeals kept him very aroused and wanting, but he wanted to make sure he could pleasure her the same way she had done for him earlier.

Inuyasha found her sensitive love button and began to suckle upon it and caused his mate to scream and wriggle in his grasp. He only held her tighter and kept his face buried between her thighs, having no intentions of giving up his treat until he was finished.

Her hips began to buck against his mouth and fingers tangled in his long tresses as she took a sudden sharp gasp and arched her back with a scream when she climaxed. All his hard work was rewarded by the mouthfuls of her sweet juices that flowed onto his tongue. He drank from her greedily until he was quenched and sat up upon his knees. Using the back of his hand, he wiped his face slightly. "I think I still like your cream the best though."

Kagome was still breathing heavily as she gazed at him through eyes hazy with lust. She whispered to him, ".. Take me, Inuyasha.."

The transformed hanyou did not need to be told twice. He settled himself between her soft thighs and wrapped his arms around her body tenderly as he brought himself forward. In one stroke, he managed to sheath himself completely in her hot and moist tunnel. No matter how many times they had made love, each time he took her feel like a new experience. He waiting for her to show that she was ready before be began to thrust slowly and build a rhythm.

"Ohhh, Kagome.. I love you." He rest his head over her shoulder as he continued to move into her and gave a happy sigh when she hooked her legs around his back. His face buried into her hair and he inhaled her sweet smell.

Kagome missed being able to play with his dog ears, but she was glad for the intimacy nonetheless. She moaned happily into his human ear and let her hands roam across his back and down to the curve of his buttocks where she gave him a firm squeeze and a little pinch.

Inuyasha jerked in surprise and lifted his head to look down at her. "Shit.. What has gotten into you, woman? You're worse than an inuyoukai bitch in heat! Leave my ass alone already before I get a bruise!" It would disappear when he returned to his half demon form, but it still seemed un-dignifying to develop one in the first place.

She looked at him with an angry pout, but mischief still twinkled in her eye. She actually gave him a little swat across his bare flesh and he jumped again with a slight squeak. "You shouldn't talk to me like that. This ass is mine now." Kagome had a silly grin upon her face as she squeezed him again.

Not one to be outdone, Inuyasha started to grin back. "Okay, bitch. You wanna play rough? I can play hard ball too." She could tell from his tone that he was referring to the female dog type 'bitch' rather than an insult. He pulled back and began to give harder thrusts, much to his 'bitch's' delight.

Kagome arched her back and dug her fingers into his flesh as he let out soft grunts and moans with each deep thrust. She kept murmuring nonsense in her ecstasy and gave him more little swats and pinches to keep him going strong. He pulled her close, his rhythm becoming urgent as he drew near his finish.

Her legs gave a slight kick out from their locked position and she held her mate tightly as she make a slight gurgle that welled into a long cry of passion. "INUYASHA-A-A-A!!"

The tightness of her body was too much and he lost himself. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and buried his face into her neck as he groaned and filled her with his hot love. The lovers lay panting and embracing until Inuyasha felt he was through and tenderly pulled himself from her and laid beside her. Kagome snuggled close and his muscled arm came around her body.

".. We need to find another way to do this so you'll leave my ass be," he grinned at her and brushed her bangs from her eyes.

"I told you already. It's mine now and I can do whatever I want with it." She began to giggle softly. "And I can't blame Miroku for wanting a piece."

His violet eyes went wide and he slammed his face down into the bedding. "Ugh, woman.. Can't you at least wait for me to catch my breath before you start off on your yaoi fantasies?.." He raised his head suddenly and looked at her seriously, "Oh, shit, don't tell me that's what brought this on!"

Kagome's grin began to widen and he slammed his face down again. ".. Everyone's against me!"

"Oh, come on, Inuyasha. I said I thought it was cute. And I wasn't lying when I said that it made me want you more. I just love the thought of you and another cute guy together."

His head whipped up again. "What?? Did you just call that bastard, 'cute'??"

She started to giggle once more. "But you think he's cute too! You told me you liked him!"

Inuyasha made a defeated sigh and slapped his hand over his face with a groan as he rolled over onto his back. "I'm not going to live this down between you and Miroku now, am I? And I sure as hell know Sango will be willing to make me squirm when she finds out.. Don't you dare tell anyone else! Or I'm going to have to find a place to hide the bodies."

Kagome looked un-amused at his comment. "I won't tell.. Even if I still think it's sexy." She rolled over and started getting comfortable to fall asleep. "But if you're going to be like that, then I'll just go to sleep."

"Huh?" he shot up, "What'd I do? You're the one trying to pimp me out to my best friend! Feh!" he crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared up at the ceiling in a pout.

She just giggled and snuggled closer. It gave him a moment to think it over before he decided to pounce and ravish her once again.