InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Relationships ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

After the show had ended, Sango and Kagome waited around outside so they could catch the boys. At last, they emerged, now dressed in their normal clothes. They saw the girls waiting for them and both flashed an innocent smile.

"Ah, Sango. What a pleasurable surprise it was to see you in such a place. You had better watch yourself or people will say that I'm beginning to rub off on you."

Inuyasha turned his attention to Kagome. She looked a mixture of embarrassment, anger, shock, and desire, as did Sango. "Heh, you should have seen the look on your face Kagome.. You know, I think I would have let you get away with the 'no touching' rule, but you seemed to be stuck. I think your friends are jealous of you and Sango now at least... Am I right?"

Kagome blushed, but gave him a stern look as she held up a finger in his face to tell him off. "Why you! You did this on purpose just to embarrass us! Oooh.. I could hit you so hard!"

Her outburst didn't seem to bother him too much. He watched her finger wagging before his nose before opening and giving her digit a playful nip with his fangs then suckling the tip and letting it slide from his mouth to give it a kiss. He gave a lusty growl before looking back at her face. Kagome's eyes were wide as she watched him and her mouth dropped open.

"You shouldn't wave your finger around in a dog demon's face, woman. You're just begging to get that thing bit off." He leaned in a bit closer, his warm breath against her cheek as he murmured into her ear, "But maybe you like it." He sent his point home by nibbling her earlobe then pulling away.

Inuyasha couldn't help but make a cocky smile as he straightened himself up as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "So, need a ride home, Kagome?"

Miroku had been talking to Sango until he saw his friend bite the shorter girl's finger with some suggestive looks in his eyes. He offered his arm. "Yes, Sango. Let me escort you home as well."

Everyone knew that the girls were not going to their homes that night.


"Ah!!.. Ohh!.. Inuyasha!!" Kagome gripped the headboard tightly, trying to hang on as she was slammed from behind by her lover.

Sweat caused their hair to cling to their bodies, but that was the last of his worries. His hands snaked around Kagome's belly and came up to cup and fondle her breasts as they bobbed. He kept growling dominantly in her ear as he raked his fangs over the flesh of her shoulder and neck. He gave her hard nipples a squeeze and a tug to make her cry out again.

That's it.. Scream my name. Let everyone know you belong to me. He thrust himself again, sending his cock deep into her wetness. Kagome threw her head back against his shoulder with a scream as she hit her peak. "INUYASHA!!!"

Her neck was exposed and he attacked, biting down and breaking the skin. The bite only fueled her orgasm and made her insides clench tighter. He licked away the few crimson droplets as he came with a snarl. His thrusts slowed as he let his balls empty his essence into her. Afterward, he slumped to his side and took her down with him.

Inuyasha disconnected himself, leaving Kagome feeling a little discontent at the empty feeling, but he rolled her over and clutched her tightly to himself. He nuzzled his face in her raven locks and deeply inhaled her scent. It was intoxicating for him. ".. You're all mine.."

Kagome wrapped her arms around him to return the embrace and nestled her head beneath his chin. She echoed breathlessly, ".. All yours.."

They had already discussed marking her many times before. She was uncertain of it and was more worried about any permanent damage that a bite like that could cause, but she did not seem to care now. She felt completed.

She let out a sigh of contentment, her eyes closed as she listened to his heartbeat slowing back to normal inside his chest.

".. You know that I care about you, Kagome.. Don't you?"

Kagome tilted her head up to look into his glowing, amber orbs. No matter how dark it could be, it always seemed that his eyes were lit up. ".. Of course I do, Inuyasha."

He brushed her bangs lovingly from her forehead. "Miroku's the one that got us into that club.. He found out you and Sango were going to be there so he wanted it to be a surprise for you two... Feh, he surprised me too."

She smiled a little and leaned up to kiss his lips. "It was a very enjoyable surprise."

Inuyasha returned her kiss and hugged her closer. "Well.. the club's owner liked us both and so, she offered us a job." He started to put his ears back, worried that Kagome was going to get angry with him on where the conversation was going.

She looked up curiously. "Oh?.. What kind of job?"

"Uh,.." he reached up and scratched one of his ears nervously, "as a dancer for private performances.." The look on her face though showed she was worried. He could smell the uncertainty in her scent as well. "But no one will be able to touch me!.. They just watch and I can't even see them. And I don't have to do anything that I don't want to. I wanted to tell you because I wanted you to know. And I wanted to make sure you knew I wouldn't touch anyone else, especially if you objected to it. You're my mate now and I am yours, so that means that I will always be loyal to you... Do you understand?"

Kagome felt a small knot in her stomach, but she was soothed as he promised to be faithful. That was one point that he made sure she knew about when he wished to mark her. She nodded and held him close. "I understand. And I trust you, Inuyasha. Will you come and tell me first if you want to have a partner?"

He nodded. "Of course. But I doubt that I'll let anyone come that close. It's not right for me to go around smelling of another female's scent if you're the one I marked.."

She couldn't help but smile and chuckle to herself. She knew all too well at how jealous he would get if she ever smelled of another boy. It happened once when she had only hugged a male friend she had not seen for a few years. She saw Inuyasha later and he was furious to find traces of the stranger's scent upon her. There had been a lot of screaming that night, but it was not passion induced. But, he found the truth out later and did feel guilty about mistrusting her and they had made up.

Kagome laid her head upon his chest and he held her in a tight embrace as they drifted off together into a peaceful slumber. A few hours rest and they would be ready for yet another go.


Miroku and Sango were busy as well. She was rather surprised to find some of the things he was into, but was even more surprised that she was happy to give them to him. He was currently kneeling upon the bed on all fours. He had stripped down to his dance thong, but that was presently wrapped about his ankles. He gripped the bed sheets in his fists in his anticipation.

"So, you worthless insect.. You had this planned the entire time then?" Sango paced slowly back and forth behind him as she spoke. She had a devilish grin curling the edges of her mouth as she watched him squirm and beg.

He lowered his head. "Yes, Mistress Sango. This lowly male was plotting against you.. I humbly ask for your forgiveness and your mercy as you give me my punishment."

"My forgiveness? I think I shall whip you until you realize your place.." She picked up a thick paddle made out of tough leather. There were holes cut into it to make sure it would deliver the maximum amount of pain with the least amount of resistance. She tapped it into her palm a few times before she pulled her hand back, preparing to bring it down across his bare flesh.

She let it go and connected with a resounding *SMACK!* that echoed in the small room. His back arched and he let out a hiss as he felt the stinging begin and the area grow warm. "Yes Mistress Sango!.. I need to learn my place!"

Sango rained swats across his exposed backside, making sure to give a few seconds in between each swat so the sting from the last did not dull the feeling of the new. Miroku bit his bottom lip and grunted with each slap that landed upon his skin. He lost count of the lashes he had received, all he could think about was the wonderful tingle the stinging sensation made and the warmth that it melted into and about how much pleasure he was receiving. He was sure that he was going to lose himself all over the bed sheets if this kept up too much longer.

There was a final swat that she had made sure to put all her strength into to signal the finale. She traced her fingertips over his now bright red backside and felt the warmth that came from the welts. Miroku bucked his hips from the feeling. He whispered, but the need was clear in his voice, ".. Please, Mistress Sango.."

She allowed him to turn over onto his back, which elicited a yelp from Miroku as he touched his backside against the bed. He did not have time to worry about it though, as Sango crawled on top of him and straddled his hips.

She leaned down and cooed into his ear, "Don't worry, your mistress will make you forget the pain." With that, she spread her thighs and slowly impaled herself upon his throbbing erection. She gasped at the feeling of being filled, but settled into a comfortable position before she began to rock her hips. She clenched her internal muscles around him and watched him writhe in bliss.

Miroku let his hands come to rest upon her hips and he began to thrust upward to meet her body as it came down so he could drive himself further into her tight depths. It was not long before both cried out their lover's name as they toppled over the edge of ecstasy.

Their pent up sexual energy had guaranteed a short ending to their coupling, but it did not mean that they would not have more tries to make up for the length. In fact, they continued to make love throughout the night until they could no longer find the energy even to keep their eyes open.


The next morning, the girls departed after a few more hours of knee weakening sex. Inuyasha met up with Miroku at his apartment so they could head to the show room later and see Madam Makkuro and hopefully start working that night. They did not have to ask what had happen after they left last night. They both had satisfied smirks upon their faces.

"Had a good time last night, Miroku?"

"Ah, yes, a very eventful night. As well as you, I take it." Miroku came to walk over to the couch and Inuyasha could see him limping slightly.

"You're walking funny. What the hell happened?" he reached up and pulled his friend down onto the couch beside him and Miroku cried out in pain and his body went stiff.

"AHH! Not so hard!!"

The demon youth let go quickly and shot his hands up in defense, his ears twisting back against his head. "Sorry! I didn't know!.. Are you alright?"

Miroku leaned over to push himself off the couch and Inuyasha caught sight of some still reddened skin peeking out from the top of his pants. He winced. "Did you do something to your back? You're all red back there."

He turned to look back at his friend, then glanced back at his backside and then slowly lowered his pants enough to show his companion his welted ass. Inuyasha gasped slightly. "Holy shit, Miroku. No wonder you screamed. What the fuck happened to you?"

Pushing a few wisps of his black bangs from his dark violet eyes, Miroku looked away and blushed. "That would be Sango's handiwork.. I think we got a little carried away last night."

Inuyasha looked back and forth between the reddish tint of friend's face to the reddish tint upon his friend's buttocks. He said softly and pointed his finger, ".. You're bleeding."

Miroku blinked and reached back and gingerly touched his skin. When he brought his fingers to his face, there were traces of crimson smears upon them.

"You need to put something on those cuts. That's not a place you want getting infected. Makkuro won't be too happy if you show all bloodied up."

He nodded gravely. "I suppose you're right." Miroku went to stand to head to his bathroom, but Inuyasha came to his feet first.

"Just stay here. I'll get the band-aids."

Miroku nodded dumbly as he watched him leave. He returned with an armful of antiseptics and bandages. "Just lay on your stomach and pull your pants down some." Miroku complied as he began to blush. He rested his head upon his folded arms.

Inuyasha swallowed hard, but sat beside him and opened the bottle of peroxide and soaked a cotton swab with it. He began to dab the liquid on the cuts and watched Miroku grimace slightly. "You'd better take it easy today, baka." He then applied a bit of healing ointment before placing band-aids over the more serious wounds. He kept telling himself that he did not think his friend had an attractive ass.

It was awkward for Miroku as well. He could not help but let his mind wander into lusty fantasies and his body wished that Inuyasha could just move his hands a bit lower. He felt his growing erection pressing between the couch cushions. Once Inuyasha was finished, he stood and took the things back to the bathroom.

Miroku pulled up his pants and struggled to get his cock down, but Inuyasha had returned. He slammed back down onto his belly and bit back a yell as he nearly snapped his member in half. He tried stay composed.

"You might want to just lay there for a bit.. I'm going to find something to eat while you get rid of your hard on." The hanyou strolled into the kitchen, rustling through the drawers and cabinets until he found a bag of potato chips. He came back, crunching loudly. He was met with look of utter humiliation upon Miroku's face.

The boy stammered, but could not seem to find his voice or form a coherent sentence. He sputtered out at last, ".. B-but,.. how did--??"

The dog demon plopped down into a chair, shoving another handful of chips into his mouth. He avoided his friend's gaze, but tapped his nose with a clawed finger. ".. I could smell you getting turned on, shit head. I'm a demon remember. I don't have your wimpy human strength senses you know."

There was a long, awkward silence except for the crunching of chewed chips and the rustling of the plastic bag. Miroku laid his head back down upon his arms as he faced the opposite direction.

".. Are you angry with me, Inuyasha? I did not mean to offend you. It was unintentional."

They still did not look at one another. He replied simply, "No."

*rustle... crunch crunch crunch crunch*

"I assume that you're at least willing to stay long enough to eat my food. But, will you be willing to stay my friend?" Miroku turned his head back hopefully.

".. We've been friends for a long time, Miroku. I'm not just going to leave like that. I do have some integrity after all. I'm just feeling a little uncomfortable right now.. I think you're going to have to bandage your own ass for a while."

Miroku couldn't help but smile slightly. "Please try not to eat me out of house and home."

"Feh. Your food is the only reason I'm sticking around," he replied with a smirk.

*rustle.. crunch crunch crunch... rustle rustle rustle*

Inuyasha crinkled up the empty bag into a ball and tossed it aside before licking away some of the crumbs left over upon his fingers.

"Inuyasha, I know this is probably a bad time to ask, but do you want to go to lunch maybe? I know you can still put away something after that snack, but I don't want you to think I'm asking you for a date."

He snorted. "I know it's not a date, baka! Besides, Sango would whip your ass.... again."

Miroku managed to chuckle as he pushed himself up, confident it was safe to stand again. Inuyasha broke into a smirk and joined his friend with a soft, 'heh'.

He shook his head, arms crossed in front of his chest now that he did not have anything to eat. "You're a kinky bastard, man. But some things will never change, I suppose.. So, where the hell are we going to eat? I'm starved."

"Some things will never change for you either, Inuyasha."


It was just a bit later until Inuyasha was once again stuffing his face. He was currently buried nose first in his third hamburger while Miroku ate a few french fries in a much more dignified manner.

"Inuyasha, you keep saying that you are half dog demon. I think that one day I should make you have a blood test to prove it. You could easily pass off as half pig."

He narrowed his eyes and tucked his ears back slightly, his mouth still full with food, "Fuck you, asshole."

"Isn't that what brought this food binge of yours up in the first place?"

Inuyasha nearly choked on his bite and started to cough. "Shit, not so loud!"

Miroku lowered his voice and suddenly, the table became extremely interesting to him. He fingered the straw of his soda nervously. ".. I think we should at least talk. I don't want a barrier of uncertainty to build between us."

The hanyou was finishing his coughing fit before taking a long drink to wash the rest down. His ears twitched and he too dropped his voice. He knew whenever Miroku had something bothering him that he would speak very seriously. "Okay, I guess.. So.. when did it happen?"

"I think we both have felt a bond that has only grown the longer we've been friends. I care about you as I know you care about me. We're like brothers. I cherish the strength of that bond. I suppose, to answer your question, I found out after I saw you in your costume the first time. I'm feeling confused like you. I think you are the first, other male that I have found attractive. But, I have always loved you in our brotherly bond." Miroku spoke very slowly and deliberately as he thought to find the right words.

"I think I understand.. I mean, I think of you as my real brother over my actual bastard of a brother, Sesshoumaru.." he spat the name in disgust, "so, yeah, I have feelings for you like that. I guess I could start to tell when you scent started changing around me. Honestly, I feel a little flattered." He narrowed his eyes and looked at his friend, baring his fangs. "If you say a single word of this to anyone, I'll deny it all and slit your nuts off in the middle of the night."

Even though Miroku's eyes were covered with his ebony bangs, he could still tell just how Inuyasha looked and he smiled gently. "You have my word, Inuyasha. I know that you will not say anything as well."

The silent tension began to build around them. They took a few more bites of their food.

"So, did you like what you felt?"

The boy looked up, "Huh?"

"You were grabbing my nuts man. That was definitely a new way to wake up. Better than coffee to get you wide awake."

It was now Miroku's turn to sputter and cough. He nearly spit his soda in his friend's face, but choked it down. "What the hell--?"

"Yeah. You did it. A little bit of a rude awakening on my part, really."

"I-I, um.. I'm sorry," was all he could offer while trying to recover from the shock.

Inuyasha slurped the last bit of his soda down loudly. "I'll forgive you. You were pretty shitfaced anyway."

There was a pause. And the half demon's ears started to lower slightly. A ruddy tint grew upon his cheeks. He mumbled something softly while looking away, but Miroku could not make it out. "What? I didn't hear you."

Inuyasha cleared his throat and leaned in, his hands trembling slightly as he whispered into his companion's ear, ".. I said your name when I came..." He sat back down in his chair, but his shoulders were slumped noticeably.

Miroku would have been lying if he denied that he did not feel incredibly awkward after that revelation. The images alone that flashed through his mind were making him start to shift uncomfortably in the hard plastic booth. "Why don't we continue this conversation somewhere private?"

They took their wrappers and empty cups and threw them into the trash beside the door as they exited the fast food restaurant. Since Inuyasha had taken a ride with Miroku, they had to climb into his car and suffer through the gnawing tension the forced confinement now created. It was silent the entire way back to Miroku's apartment. Even as they entered his home, the silent tension remained. It was thick enough to cut with a knife.

They sat down on the couch, a bit of distance between them. They were each fidgeting and waiting for the other to speak. At last, it was Miroku to break the agony. "So, uh, my.. um.. backside doesn't hurt as much now. Thanks."

"Uh, yeah, sure. You're welcome."


Inuyasha reached up and ran his claws through his hair slightly as he scratched an ear. It seemed to be one of his nervous habits. "I didn't freak you out by telling you that did I? I just needed to get it off my chest. I couldn't stop thinking about it and all and I tried everything to get my mind off of that morning, but I guess I got caught up in the moment."

"Don't be ashamed of yourself, Inuyasha. Now we have both confessed our secrets. I feel better having confided in you."

"So you don't think I'm sick in the head or something? And I wasn't trying to hit on you or anything."

"I can tell you're afraid, Inuyasha. I, myself, am still wondering, but I have accepted that I now seem to harbor deeper feelings for you. I don't think I'm ready to label myself 'bisexual' yet, but I do think I am in a certain degree of love with you."

The demon could not stop fidgeting. He scratched his ears, played with his shirt, and tapped his claws, but he still could not relax. "I don't think I want to accept that in myself though. But it does help to have someone that understands and isn't judging me. I guess I'm scared of losing Kagome if something were to happen." He looked up serious, his amber eyes filled with troubled pain. "I love her, Miroku.. I marked her as my mate. I can't go against that mark and betray her."

"And I am not asking you to. I think we can better control ourselves now that we have an understanding of our circumstances. Even if we were to give ourselves into passion for any reason, I would not expect you to leave Kagome. Nor, could I leave Sango."

Inuyasha nodded slowly. "This is going to be difficult at the club.. I told Kagome about it and she trusts me. She didn't seem to be overly upset about it, but there was a doubt at first. I knew she was afraid I would find someone to replace her."

"But you won't. You have proven that. I know that you couldn't cause her that kind of pain."

Inuyasha slumped over, resting his elbows upon his knees as he hung his head and let his silver hair cascade down around him. He sighed heavily. ".. Should I tell her, Miro? Should I tell her my feelings or will that just make things worse?"

Miroku looked over his friend. He knew he was concerned. "That, is something for you to decide, Inuyasha. The only advice I can give is that opening up to your other and telling them about the things you worry about that may affect them is a wonderful sign of your trust. Though, they can either choose to accept or reject you after, you will still find your answers."

".. That didn't help me very much, you cryptic bastard."

"I was only trying to help. You can think about what I said, but we need to get going soon if we're going to be on time."

Miroku went to stand, but Inuyasha reached out and took a hold of his shirt. "Wait!... wait.."

"Yes, Inuyasha?" he seated himself once again, now right beside his friend. Amber eyes peered through a silver curtain.

"I just want to know.. Just a test."

"What are you--MMPH!"

Miroku was cut off as their lips connected forcefully. Inuyasha held him close as he kissed him for all he was worth. His tongue caressed his soft lips and begged for entrance into the boy's mouth. Miroku parted them and Inuyasha attacked. Miroku returned the favor and found it a strange feeling to let his tongue trail across pointed fangs. The heated kiss stopped as Inuyasha pulled himself away slowly and looked deeply into his friend's eyes.

".. It was just a test.." and he stood to go to the car, leaving Miroku stunned and feeling like every nerve was on fire with electricity now. He touched his lips softly with his fingertips and could still taste his dog-eared friend there.

'It was just a test'. But what a test it was! Oh, Inuyasha. You've only made me want you more now, you fool....