InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Relationships ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshoumaru awoke first the next morning. He looked over the scene before him of his younger brother sound asleep with the human boy. They seemed to have shifted slightly during the night and now Miroku laid with his head cradled beneath Inuyasha's chin. The two young males at their arms wrapped around the other and sandwiched the elder demon's arm between their bellies.

Not wanting to disturb them, he only moved his fingertips to caress the bodies surrounding his hand. Inuyasha's ear flickered softly and Miroku had a smile curl onto his mouth as he was tickled in his slumber. Sesshoumaru was quite touched, but he would not admit that.

A whimper drew him from his thoughts and he took notice that there was a growing spike in his brother's scent. The hanyou wiggled back deeper into his chest and lap. Sesshoumaru stopped for a moment and only listened. Inuyasha whimpered once more and the older demon noticed a wetness beginning on his hand. He moved his fingers and felt the stiff column of flesh dribbling upon his skin. The young youkai had slipped through the opening in the front of his underpants.

Sesshoumaru smirked to himself. So responsive even when you're asleep, Inuyasha? I knew you enjoyed yourself as much as I, no matter how much you denied. He wrapped his hand around his brother's member as he began to stroke him slowly. The half demon's lips parted and ears turned back softly. A tint of pink came to his cheeks and he murmured in his unconscious state.

There came a moan and Inuyasha wiggled his hips into his brother's lap. Sesshoumaru took a deep breath. He already had a firm lump in his underwear and the feeling of his sibling's backside grinding against him had not helped the situation. Sesshoumaru pressed himself against the curve of the hanyou's tight ass and leaned in to give the back of his brother's neck a lick.

Eyelids began to flutter open and a pair of golden eyes struggled to focus and wonder where he was and why he was breathing so heavily. He smelled Miroku and this brother all over himself, but looked down to see his friend was still asleep. The grinding behind him made him turn his head back slowly.

".. Ses.. shoumaru?" he asked groggily. A wet tongue across his cheek came the reply.

"So, you've awakened then, little brother. I had hoped I would have had more time to play before you were aware."

".. What're you doing?.."

Sesshoumaru gave a gentle growl as he nibbled the scruff of his baby brother's neck. "Pleasuring you. It seems you've made me rather aroused with your sleep moaning and rubbing yourself against me."

Inuyasha bit his lower lip softly as he finally became aware of the hand stroking his erection and the firm lump pressing against his rear. ".. Ngh.. Sessh.."

Sesshoumaru scruffed his younger to still his voice. The movements around him brought Miroku from his dreams. He felt a wet spot upon his stomach and heard a faint whimper of submission from the body next to him. The boy lifted his head and looked. He saw his friend being pleasured by the elder demon and began to grow hard himself.

Inuyasha's body went limp and completely surrendered as he was scruffed. He smelled Miroku's arousal, but he did not open his eyes. Sesshoumaru glanced up at the now conscious human.

"It appears we've awoken your friend, Inuyasha. Now we have someone to watch," the demon cooed into a flattened dog ear.

Inuyasha whimpered in reply and let his eyes slit open slightly to take in the sight of his companion looking over him.

Sesshoumaru let him go and quickly removed his undergarments before disrobing his brother and resuming his slow stroking. The elder youkai rolled them both more onto their stomachs as he pressed his body against the still boyish curves beneath him.

Miroku began to rub the tented front of his underwear as he watched. Sesshoumaru looked over at him again. "Take them off."

The boy complied and soon sat nude upon the bed. The demon ground himself against his brother's rear and Inuyasha lifted his head to make a soft whine. He took his younger's canine ear into his mouth and bit it softly.

"Your human looks lonely, little brother."

Inuyasha lifted his head slightly and pulled his friend closer. Miroku's breath caught in his throat as he felt the hanyou's hot breath against his thighs and his face was coming ever closer to his shaft. He wouldn't.. Would he?

Lips parted and a moist tongue trailed up the underside of his member, causing him to gasp and arch his back. He could not believe Inuyasha would ever consider giving him oral, but the half demon seemed to be working under another force.

Sesshoumaru gave his brother a light scruffing again. "That's it, little brother. I have shown you your place and you know that I am in charge. You have no choice to listen to me."

It was true, he had established his dominance over his 'beta male' brother and all betas knew that they must follow the alpha's command. Inuyasha's eyes were clouded over with submissive lust as he lapped over Miroku's flesh.

While he was distracted, Sesshoumaru slipped his first two fingers into the warmth of his younger's tunnel. He received a whimpered moan in return. Inuyasha then took his friend into his mouth as he felt the digits scissoring inside of him, but did not struggle.

Miroku's knees were bent slightly as his legs lay spread. He leaned back and propped himself up with his arms to allow the hanyou's mouth to continue suckling him. Pointed fangs ghosted across his shaft, but were taking great care in not to harm him.

Sesshoumaru slipped his fingers out and quickly replaced them with his throbbing cock, thoroughly establishing his dominance over the younger demon. Inuyasha's cries were muffled by Miroku's member. They died into soft whimpers when his brother began to push through him.

A hand came around to grasp the hanyou's neglected erection and once more began to stroke his length fully while Sesshoumaru moved his hips against Inuyasha's buttocks.

Panting, groaning, and whimpering filled the bedroom. Miroku combed his fingers through the soft tresses of the half youkai at his loins. He would occasionally buck his hips up against the hot mouth that engulfed him.

It was not long before Inuyasha arched his back with another muffled moan and coated his brother's hand with his creamy seed. Sesshoumaru brought the hand to his mouth to taste the gift. He then offered his hand to the hanyou, silently demanding that he taste of himself.

Inuyasha lifted his mouth from Miroku and gave a timid lick across the coated fingers, cleaning what remained while remembering to lavish his friend as well. The tastes intermingled in his mouth. Once his brother's hand was clean, he returned his focus to the boy.

Miroku arched his back and came into the hanyou's mouth. Inuyasha coughed and tried to pull his head away, but Sesshoumaru held him down with a hand upon the back of his head and a sharp command. "Swallow it."

The younger demon gagged and grimaced, but he swallowed each mouthful he received before the hand left and he could breathe again. The full youkai grasped him firmly by the hips and tore through him faster. Inuyasha gasped and clenched his fists around the silk sheets before Sesshoumaru gave one last deep pump and held his brother securely as he spilled himself inside the tight body.

He only removed himself once he was sure he was finished and gave a heated lick across Inuyasha's cheek before rolling onto his back. The three lay still as they recovered from their climaxes. Sesshoumaru sat up first and walked to his bathroom to retrieve a robe for himself.

Miroku fluttered his eyes open again, still feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He looked down at the hanyou and gave a soft stroke upon one of his ears. "Inuyasha?.."

Amber eyes began to peek through opening lids as he rolled his head to look up at the source of the voice.

"Are you alright, Inuyasha?"

"... Yeah.." came a soft reply. "I just want to rest.. for a bit longer..."

Miroku gave a nod and lovingly continued to stroke the furry dog ears while Inuyasha tried to regain his strength.

Sesshoumaru stepped from the bathroom in a plush, white robe with some small designs in red across the surface. "I'll allow you both to clean and change before I take you back to your vehicles. If you wish to eat before you do, I will make something."

The dark haired boy nodded, "Thank you for your hospitality," then looked back at his now sleeping friend. "Is Inuyasha going to be okay? He's asleep again."

"He is fine and will awaken shortly. He is not accustomed to taking a demon lover and needs to regain his strength."

"But wouldn't he heal faster because he's part demon?"

"That is why he will awaken soon. It is his human blood that grows weak when mating with a demon. He should be awake in time to eat," the youkai stated.

"If it's alright with you, Sesshoumaru, I'd like to wait for him to wake up."

Sesshoumaru gave a nod. "Then I will return when the food is ready," and left towards the kitchen.

Miroku laid with his friend and lover and watched over his sleeping face. He saw the sensitive nose give a twitch before the half demon's eyes opened once more. The two gazed into the other's eyes quietly and the boy leaned in to give Inuyasha a tender kiss on the cheek.

".. What happened?"

"You fell asleep again. Are you feeling any stronger?"

Inuyasha pushed himself up into a sitting position and rubbed his honey colored eyes with the bottom of his palm. "Yeah, I feel better now.. I'm starved and I can smell something good." His stomach gave a growl in agreement.

Miroku gently pulled the hanyou against his chest and caressed his face. "Sesshoumaru's making some breakfast for us. Then he said we can shower and get dressed and he'll take us back to the club to get our cars."

Sesshoumaru came into the doorway to fetch his guests. "I knew you wouldn't sleep through a meal, Inuyasha. The food is ready, but I would ask if you would both put something on before coming to the dining room."

The search to retrieve their discarded underpants and clothes began. Miroku dressed himself completely while Inuyasha just pulled on his pants and went shirtless to the table. The boy followed behind and the two males came to seat themselves for their meal.


Inuyasha showered while Miroku helped clean away the breakfast dishes. He and Sesshoumaru had just finished when the hanyou came in dressed in his old clothes. Miroku excused himself to go clean up next and left the brothers alone.


"What?" he perked.

"I am curious if you would perhaps leave your residence to come live here with me?"

The younger youkai blinked. "You want me to move in with you? Really?"

Sesshoumaru nodded.


"Because, little brother, I have taken my family for granted once and allowed us to grow distant. Now that we have reconciled the past, I would like to make amends. Someone of our father's blood should not live in such a meager existence. There is more than enough room for the both of us here. You may have your own bed or you may share mine." His claws traced lovingly across the boyish features of his brother. "Though I would prefer if we bed together." The glint in his eye held the promise of passion.

Inuyasha blushed and looked away slightly. "You'd really let me move in? But what if I want Kagome here?.. Or if you're busy?"

"There is a guest bedroom that you may use in that case. But my offer stands."

He thought it over and decided it would be a good idea. "Okay, Sessh. I will."

"Good. Then your things will be here in three days."

"Three days? Shit, you weren't joking around."

"You should know better than anyone that I never 'joke around' Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru gave a slight smirk that caused his brother to smile.

He gave him a quick hug. "Thanks, Sesshoumaru."


The elder demon was good on his word and, in three days, Inuyasha's apartment was cleared out and his belongings brought to Sesshoumaru's home. They had to adjust their lives to fit around each other's personalities, but it managed to work out well.

Inuyasha gave a new key to Kagome and they shared plenty of intimate moments together in his new home. The hanyou had placed and unofficial claim to the guest bedroom and would retreat there only when Kagome was visiting, Miroku wanted some private time, or when Sesshoumaru brought over Naraku. On those nights, he was more than happy to be away from his brother, but he could still hear everything clear as day with his sensitive ears.

One rule that Sesshoumaru established was that he was the final word since it was his house. If Inuyasha acted up, the elder demon would discipline him. It was humiliating enough to be scolded like a child that it made the hanyou sure to keep on his brother's good side as much as he could.

However, he did not mind doing something to anger the older demon purposely, on occasion. After all, he was actually starting to enjoy getting pulled over Sesshoumaru's knee and having his bare bottom spanked.
