InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy Anniversary. ❯ Always Those Eyes ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Always Those Eyes.
A seguel to Unhappy Anniversary.
By Zabe Phillips and Bryan Parsons.

Inu Yasha peeked in through the window his golden eyes tinged with red, the harsh autumn wind blowing his silver tressws around his pallid face. Crawling forward, crimson blood dripping onto the tree bark, he lept through the window landing soundlessly on the ground in front of Kagome's sleeping form. Stepping back from the foot of her bed he backed into a shadowy corner of her room, russet leaves blowing in through her window, carried by the chilling autumn wind, coming to rest lightly on kagome's smooth, tearstained face. The touch of the leaves brought her up out of her subconcious as a cool breeze fluttered the curtains on her window. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and rolled over shivering in the cold wind. Suddenly, her silver eyes, dulled by pain flew open, thinking, "wait a second..."
Inu Yasha watched her jerky movements, and snarled, a deep malicious rumble coming from the depths of his chest. Kagome's head lifted hearing him snarl and she tensed, "It can't be..." she thought to herself. She shot straight up in bed and her eyes flew over to Inu Yasha and widened. Inu Yasha took a step back as she sat up and growled.
"I-Inu Yasha??" Kagome whispered softly earning another growl out of him. Kagome frowned and pushed back her blankets swinging her legs over the edge to the floor, "Inu Yasha?" she asked again her voice gaining a bit more strength.
Inu Yasha narrowed his eyes at her and flexed his claws his eyes glaring scarlet. Kagome's eyes widened upon seeing his demon markings. She warily eyed him making sure he wasn't going to attack her. She saw the arrow protruding from his chest and gasped. She rushed forward, dropping to her knees and gently touches the shaft of the arrow inspecting the seriousness of the wound out of complete reflex, and for a moment it felt as if everything were normal between them.
"Inu Yasha are you alright?!" she asked her eyes flying up to his face. He tensed and stepped back growling at her, showing his deadly fangs. Kagome jumped back her wide eyes looking up at him. Taking a deep breath, she reached out a trembling hand up and brushed her fingers gently against his cold face.
"Calm down, Inu Yasha..." she spoke softly to him before letting her hand trail further up his face, into his hair massaging his scalp gingerly. Confusion flashed across his face a faint trace of comprehension trickling into his eyes, dulling the harsh red of them.
"K...ka...kagome...." his hoarse voice broke at the strain of taliing in his demon form. Kagome caressed his ear carefully watching him her body relaxing slightly as he said her name. "He recognizes me," she thought happily to herself, "He remembers me..."
"Let me look at your wounds, Inu Yasha..." she said and let her hand slide back down his face to his shoulder lightly resting her hand there.
Inu Yasha tensed and growled, but he allowed her to examine the wound. She reached up and lightly touched the arrow, all the while Inu Yasha kept his eyes on her, watching her carefully. A scowl crossed her face, her expression darkening considerably, "Turn around Inu Yasha, I need to see how far it went through."
The only thing before compling, Inu Yasha graced Kagome's request with was an ungrateful grunt, cause a wry smirk to cross her face, "Well he sure hasn't changed" she thought to herself. Upon seeing where the tip of the arrow stood out, blood soaked, from his back. A hand flew to her mouth as her eyes fell upon the three colored band that claimed it as kikyou's arrow. Her eyes flew to Inu Yasha's face, which had tensed, guessing what had caused her alarm.
"But....why...?" she looked up at him her face withdrawn in confusion.
Inu Yasha growled, "Lets just say things have a habit of never changing..."
Kagome's brow furrowed and she gingerly touched the tip of the arrow, "This is going to hurt, sorry ahead of time..." she said softly letting her questions go for the moment.
A growl bulit in Inu Yasha's throat, "Just fix it!" he snapped.
Kagome's eyes widened, "H-hai." She reached out and snapped of the end along with the feathers. Wrapping her slender fingers around the blood slicked tip, she yanked the arrow through, trying to cause him as little pain as possible.
Inu Yasha's back arched and his eyes flashed as he roared in pain, "FUCK! That HURT, Bitch!!" he snarled.
Kagome looked up at him and spoke meekly, "Sorry..."
Inu Yasha reached back and rubbed the wound, as kagome disposed of the arrow, " Take your shirt off," she said as she wiped her bloody hands on the front of her night gown. Inu Yasha snapped his gaze over to her and scowled.
"So I can bandage your wounds," she said, her face set into a practical expression. She reached over and grabbed her first aid kit out from underneathe her bed, while Inu Yasha shrugged off his haori and shirt, sitting down crosslegged on the floor. Kagome took out a cloth and walked over to her bathroom to wet it before coming back and kneeling in front of him and began to clean his wounds. Inu yasha's ears tiwtched irritably his teeth gritting agaisnt the pain. Kagome moved behind him and carefully cleaned the gaping gore there too, getting a painful growl from Inu Yasha.
"Careful!" He growled, causing her to flinch and look nervously up at him.
"I'm sorry, but it has to be cleaned..." she said quietly.
"That stuff you used always burns like hell. It always has." he huffed and turned his back on her.
" just means it's cleaning it out."
Inu Yasha grunted and went silent, ending the conversation.
Kagome grabbed up the bandages and wound them around his chest, carefully tying off the end and cut the link.
Inu Yasha looked over his shoulder at her, "Are you done?" he watched as she cleaned up the area and pitched the bloody cloth, nodding at him.
"I am."
Inu Yasha twitched an ear and looked at the bandages, grabbing up his shirt and preparing to put it back on.
Kagome stood up and looked down at him, "Do you want me to wash your shirts?"
Inu Yasha blinked and looked up at her, "I don't have anything else to wear.
Kagome let a half smile grace her lips for a nanosecond, "You can borrow one of Grandfather's shirts while they wash."
Inu Yasha twitched an ear, then nodded, tugging the shirts back off and handing them to her. Kagome took the shirts and walked out of the bed room to the laundry room, throwing in the soild laundry and started the machine.
Meanwhile, Inu Yasha stood up to look around her room, his eye caught be the clutter on her desk. His eyes landed on a small book she used to carry around with her in the Feudal Era, causing his chest to tighten. "Kagome..." he thought to himself.
Kagome walked down the hall to her grandpa's bedroom and grabbed a shirt she knew he wouldn't miss, made out of soft black cotten. A soft sigh escaped her lips, thinking about why Kikyou's arrow had been in his chest. "What happened this time, Inu Yasha..." she whispered as she treaded down the hallway. She stepped into her bedroom seeing him looking at a pink furry book on her desk. Her eyes widened and she ran over snapping her diary shut, and held the shirt out to him, blushing crimson. Inu Yasha looked at Kagome.
"'s a shirt for you.." she stammered.
Inu Yasha took the shirt and slipped it on, while Kagome watched him her eyes watching the way his musles rippled with his movements. She blushed, and lowered her eyes when she saw how it stretched over his chest.
"Ah... it's a lil..small.... but ... it will have to do for now," she said nervously looking everywhere but at him, "Are you hungry?"
Inu Yasha looked out the window, keeping his eyes from hers, his profile tense in the morning light, "No."
Kagome looked at the floor her voice meek as she spoke, "...why did you come here?"
Inu Yasha flinched at the question and flicked an ear back at her.
Kagome looked off to the side so she couldnt even see him out of the corner of her eye, "I mean...why didn't you go to miroku... or kaede or something?"
Inu yasha turned to face her, "It was you who always took care of me when I was hurt...coming here... coming to you... it was instinct."
Kagome's eyes shot to his face then looked away again quickly, "Oh... are you ok?"
Inu Yasha relaxed a bit, the last of his demon form fading, "I think I'm gonna live."
Kagome studied the cracks in her hardwood floor as if it were the back of a new brand of shampoo, "You know... you're lucky....she missed your heart by a hair... if not less."
Inu Yasha studied Kagome's profile carefully, "Yeah... I know," he ran a hand across the wound.
Kagome, noting the lack of his father's fang at his waist asked, "Where's tetsusaiga?"
Inu Yasha stiffened, "It's broken," he said with out any emotion, "Unrepairable."
Kagome's eyes widened, "Huh?" She blinked, "How did that happen?"
Inu Yasha visibly tensed even more, "In the fight with Kikyou."
Worry creased her forehead, turning into an easy and familiar scowl, filled with disdain at the woman's name, "...Gomen, Inu Yasha..."
Inu Yasha snorted turning his back on her. Kagome frowned. "Yea seems to be his new favorite past time... turning his back on me..." she thought bitterly.
"So... What are you going to do... when you go back?" she asked softly.
"I dont know."
Kagome frowned at the lack of emotion in his voice, "Are all the others ok?"
"The others are fine."
Kagome let out a breath of relief.
"Shippou live with Miroku and Sango," Inu Yasha decided to elaborate, but still his voice was monotone.
Kagome smiled slightly, "That's good, he needs a family to take care of him..."
"Sango married Miroku."
"Figured that would happen," she suddenly smiled wryly and Inu Yasha actually laughed quietly, his body relaxing, "Any little Sangoku's yet?" she asked sarcastically.
Inu Yasha looked up at her, funny you should ask that," He said a slight smirk on his face, "Sango is expecting."
Kagome's eyes flew wide open, "IT'S ONLY BEEN A YEAR!!! WHAT?!?! Unless...." she blinked then groaned rubbing her temples at the ecchi thoughts filling her brain, "Oh, gods..."
Inu Yasha laughed, "You know Miroku, he couldn't wait to get in her"
Kagome groaned and threw a hand over her eyes, "How far along is she?"
Inu Yasha thought for a moment a perplexed look on his face, "I knew she was pregnant before she did. So, not far."
Kagome looked up at him, "Oh, well I would figure. What about Sesshou~maru and Rin?"
Inu Yasha smiled, "The little girl still follows him around.I suppose he has adopted her."
A sad smile fell on Kagome's face again, "That girl worships him. It's funny how everyone is getting back to family now."
Inu Yasha looked out the window, "Yea... everyone is ... except me..." he thought to himself.
"And Kaede?" Kagome's tender voice broke through his thoughts.
"Babe is fine," Inu Yasha smirked, "Still bitchy as ever."
"And Kouga and Ayame?"
"I haven't seen much of them," Inu Yasha huffed indigantly, as if irritated at her implying he would ever willingly associate himself with those low rank demons, "I heard rumors that they mated, but only rumors."
Kagome smiled as he looked out the window to the god tree, "They make a cute couple."
Inu Yasha grunted and Kagome stared down at the sunlight on the floor, "Kouga shouldn't breed. We don't need any more of him and his ignorant bloodline, hell, one is more than enough."
Kagome smiled softly, "You should be nicer to him, it's not like I'm ever going to see him again and there is no chance of me becoming 'his woman' now, not that I ever wanted to be with his stupid wolf ass in the first place."
Inu Yasha spun around to look at her, "He should have known better than to ever touch you in the first place....."
Kagome arched a brow, "Why? It's not like I had anyone else I was saving myself for," she deliberately put a cold edge in her voice, but her heart clenched as a look of pain crossed his face, causing her to look away, "...he thinks THAT is painful..."
Inu Yasha looked at her, feeling as if his heart was on the verge of breaking, "...What did I do to her?"
"So, How are things with you?" Kagome asked, Quickly changing the subject.
Inu Yasha growled, "I show up hurt and you ask how are things. I figured it was self explanitory. Life fucking sucks right now."
Kagome arched a brow at him, "Well? What was it? A lover's tiff gone too far? What did you do? Forget to take the kids to school?" Kagome's eyes darkened.
Inu Yasha scowled at her, "I never touched the bitch in that way!!"
Kagome looked at him, "You didn't?" a touch of hope leaking through her voice, but she squashes it quickly.
Inu Yasha turned his back to her, "She couldn't accept me the way I am. And no, I didn't."
Kagome looked to the floor, "Oh...why not? You gave her new life...and she couldn't even look past your differences for that?"
Inu Yasha started snooping through the things on her desk to distract himself, running his claws over the papers and text books, "...guess not..."
"...Yea...Things have been great for me this past year... I graduate next friday.." Kagome spoke up after a few moments of silence.
Inu Yasha's claws paused over a picture of him and her together, " more school huh?" he eyed the picture.
Kagome nodded as she thought, "Yea and great timing too..." she watched him pause at something on her desk, "What are you looking at?"
Inu Yasha looked over his shoulder at her, "Oh......a picture."
Kagome's brow furrowed, "Oh."
Inu Yasha spoke uncharacteristically softly as he traced the frame, "I remember when this picture was taken.... you brought that weird machine through the well."
Kagome looked over his shoulder at it, to see a picture of her kissing a suprized hanyou on the cheek while snapping the photo, "Oh...yea...those were good days..." she said softly, looking off to the side.
Inu Yasha felt his heart wrench in his chest and picked up the picture frame, and thought to himself, regretfully, "I want those days back again." He looked up at her, "Yeah, they were," he put the picture back down on her desk.
Kagome wrapped her arms around herself and walked over to close the window, then dropped her hands to the window sill, playing with the sealing on it, "...what made her...why did she shoot you?"
Inu Yasha hung his head, "I'm a nasty half breed and I wasn't fit to be around her."
Kagome felt her eyes flash in anger, "What?!"
"She called me a pathetic Hanyou and I slapped her across the face."
"How can she say that?!"
Inu Yasha shrugged, "Very easily I suppose."
Kagome felt her miko energy snap and crackle as she tried to get ahold of her fury, "After you chose her, and used the Shikon Jewel to revive her soul! That's Bullshit!" she fumed. Struggling to calm down she looked at the floor.
"Well she did, and it doesn't matter now. That bitch can rot in hell for all I care!!" Inu Yasha snarled bitterly.
Kagome's eyes snapped back up to him, "Inu Yasha.. you don't mean that..." she bit back a miserable sigh and looked out to the god tree.
Inu Yasha looked at Kagome with a very dangerous look in his eyes, "Oh yes I do, she comes within arm's reach of me and I will snap her neck, without giving it another thought."
Kagome looked up at him, "..You mean you feel that way until her next reincarnation comes around to convince you of your love for her again," Kagome scowled at a snag on her rug, pushed away from the wall and walked over to her bed. She picked up the pillows and tossed them to the floor and yanked the sheets up into place.
Inu Yasha stared at the wall, "Who said I would be around then?"
Kagome's eyes snap up to his face, fear registering across her features, "W..what do you mean?"
Inu Yasha lowered his eyes to the floor and refused to answer.
Kagome watched him, "Inu Yasha, don't do what you are thinking of doing... please? She'll get over it. She will realize what a great person she is pushing away."
Inu Yasha looked over to the corner, avoiding her eyes, "It's not that... I don't care if she DOES get over it."
Kagome watches him carefuly, "Just don't do it... please, Inu Yasha."
"Why? I have nothing."
Kagome's deep eyes constricted, "What about Miroku and Sango? They would miss you...and so would Shippou."
Inu Yasha looked out the window, "They have each other."
Kagome bit her lip and looked down to the ground, "Kouga would miss fighting with your stubborn ass all the time," She tried for a bit of amusement to work it's way into her voice, but failed miserably.
Inu Yasha growled.
Kagome stared at the floor, thinking, "I already do miss much it makes me numb." Kagome placed the pillows back into place on the bed and walked over to her dresser flipping the alarm on her clock off before it went off.
Inu Yasha looked down at his feet, "....What about you?"
Kagome froze.
"Would you miss me?" Inu Yasha asked softly, his face barely reaching her ears in which her heart was pounding.
Kagome couldnt stop the pain from leaking into her voice as she choked out, "...why would you care..."
Inu Yasha felt his heart stop,"I.....I..I have always cared....." he said rubbing his wound nervously.
Kagome looked up at his reflection in the mirror her eyes revealing the hurt and pain she was feeling, thinking, "Nice way of showing it..." Kagome looked back down at the dresser straightening it up, "Have you?"
Inu Yasha caught her reflection in the mirror, "Those eyes....always those eyes..........I get lost in those eyes."
Kagome pulled her sleeves back down over her hands, tossing her knives into her top drawer, "Really? I couldn't tell."
"I'm sorry about that," Inu yasha said softly watching her movenments intently, "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning things up, why?" Kagome kept her back to him and her head down.
Inu Yasha walked up behind her, "Kagome..... please don't hate me..."
Kagome froze.
"Hate you?"
Inu Yasha eyed the silken ebony tresses that fell softly down her back, "There was a reason I never touched Kikyou."
Kagome looked up to bottom of the mirror, "...and what was that?"
Inu Yasha listened to his heart, pounding in his ears for a few moments before answering, "Cause...Because I wanted someone else."
Kagome looked up into the mirror looking at his eyes, her own reflecting the past months angst and anguish, "...who?" she asked holding her breath, barely daring to think her hopes that flared up inside of her, her heart pounding in her chest.
Inu Yasha tooke a deep breath and wrapped his arms around her waist, "Kagome, I'm sorry I put you through hell and back."
Kagome's breath hitched in her chest and she tensed slightly at his sudden touch, watching him in the mirror, "...Why?"
Inu Yasha looked at her reflection in her mirror, "Her eyes are so sad... I put that sadness there..." he thought to himself his chest tightening considerably, "Because all those times you called me a jerk....I was."
Kagome's eyes glued themselves to his profile, "No argument there..but...I meant...why did you choose her..." Kagome looked away to the side, as he nuzzled her hair and breathed in her scent.
"Obligation. I felt it was my duty to make her happy. Even if it meant my life being a constant heart ache."
"..." Kagome continued staring at the frame, "But it didn't matter if I was happy or not did it? It didn't matter if MY heart was ripped out and bled dry right in front of my eyes. I didn't matter....I never did..." she thought bitterly.
"Inu Yasha, why did you come here?"
He looked up at the mirror seeing the looks that crossed her face and cringed, "To basically say I'm sorry and that you were right," he said his voice filled with deep rooted pain as he let her go.
Kagome stared coldly at her jewelry box where the chain that once held the shikon jewel lay, and looked up at him as he turned around to walk towards the window, "That all?"
"No.." he paused, then shook his head his silver locks flying around his face, "But it's too late for that now."
Kagome looked over her shoulder, seeing him out of the corner of her eye, and then turned around to see him, "...I missed you Inu Yasha..."she said softly her icey demeanor falling with each painfilled spoken word, "When you pushed me away...that hurt...alot."
Inu Yasha froze in midstep and grabbed his chest, "I know."
Kafome looked down at the ground, "...Yesterday...was the one year anniversary of that day.."
Inu Yasha nodded, "I remember."
"...I haven't spent one day without crying since then..." Kagome looked up at him, the pain and torture that scarred her aching heart reflected in her everlasting sapphire eyes and etched clearly on her face.
"That was the day I sold my sould and broke your heart. And I know you have been crying, kagome," he looked into her deep eyes, "I can smell the tears."
Kagome forced herself to look him in the eyes, "...Inu Yasha.."
"Kagome I wish..." Inu Yasha trailed off, emotion choking his words off, "I wish I could change it all... I wish I could take back that day."
"..." Kagome watched him, "You can't. No one can."
Inu Yasha looked down at the floor, "I know...but still I wish I could..."
Kagome continued to watch him and steeled herself for what she was about to say, "...."she watched the contours of his face as the drew taught in pain, "........" Kagome took a deep breath, "Inu Yasha......"
Inu Yasha looked up at Kagome, seeing the tears brimming in her eyes.
"I love you..." Kagome finally gasped out, "I'm sorry she hurt you... again. You're welcome to stay here if you want."
Inu Yasha's shoulders began to jerk sporatically as he lowered his eyes back to the floor. Kagome looked at him as his tears dropped to the floor, "Inu Yasha?"
"I'm sorry." he sobbed.
Kagome walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, laying her head on his shoulder, and held him carefully, being mindful of his injuries, "I know you are. I'm sorry that it happened too, but I can't change it, and neither can you," Inu Yasha burried his face in her hair and cried and she closed her eyes beating back the tears even though he could still hear them in her voice, "But I still love you."
Inu Yasha whispered into her ear through all of his sobs, "I always loved you."
Kagome's eyes widened slightly as he turned to look at her, "...Inu Yasha..." suddenly, unable to keep them back any longer, she felt as the tears spilt over her cheeks and trekked down her pallid face. She burried her face in his should to hide her tears as he whispered to her apologetically, "I should have told you sooner, " and held her tightly.
Kagome pulled back looking up at him, " I am sorry that everything turned out the way it did..."
Inu Yasha pressed a finger against her trembling lips to quietly and for a long time they stood there like that, with him studying the depths of her now rewarmed sapphire eyes, "...I never meant to put that sadness in those beautiful eyes of yours."
Kagome's eyes widened just slightly, "...Inu Yasha..." she whispered quietly looking up at him, "..."
"I always got lost in the warmth of your eyes."
Kagome blushed and leaned closer to him, pressing her crushed rose petal lips up against his. Inu yasha let his eyes drift shut and pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself into his warm embrace.
"Those eyes, always those eyes."
Kagome pulled back staring at him with her wide eyes, as they burned with her love for him and all but the faintest trace of sadness was gone, "Inu Yasha..."
Inu Yasha looked up at her his eyes still full of guilt, "Yes, Kagome?"
"We have a full year of lost time to make up for..." she said her smile reaching her soft sapphire eyes for the first time in a year.
"Always those eyes..."