InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy Anniversary. ❯ In the Throes of Passion. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
In the Throes of Passion.
The third chapter in the Unhappy series.
By Zabe Phillips and Bryan Parsons.

Inu Yasha nuzzled her hair breathing in her scent,relishing the embrace he had so longed for over the past month. He ran his fingers through her silken ebony hair as the autumn wind outside rattled the windows.
"I know we do," he replied softly his voice barely above a whisper.
Kagome tightened her arms around him surrounding herself in his woodland aura and resting her forhead into hte crook of his neck, "I missed you Inu Yasha..." she breathed against the chilly flesh of his neck.
Inu Yasha felt his heart skip a beat, leaving a strange a daunting silence echoing in his chest for half of a moment, "And I missed you."
Kagome looked up at him her liquid silver eyes glinting in the morning sunshine, "Can we start over?"
Inu Yasha ran a hand through her airlight locks, looking down at her and smiling, "If that's what you wish."
Kagome smiled softly, her gentle face creasing, "Really, I couldn't care long as I'm with you."
Inu Yasha felt relief come across his face, " I want to stay with you."
Kagome looked up at him her eyes widening in vague suprize, "With me? In my time??"
Inu Yasha nodded his silver locks falling back aroundhis face, "I don't want to go back."
Kagome watched him and blushed.
Inu Yasha watched her expression carefully studying her gentle face, "You said I could stay."
Kagome smiled and nodded, "I wont make you go to school with me either...but here come next week, once I graduate ... I have to choose a college to go to. I can get a dorm...or i can get money to get a house of our own."
A confused look glanced across his face, "College?"
She beamed up at him lighting the room with her smile though a hesitant tone filled her voice as she spoke catiously, "'s another form of school."
His expression suddenly darkened a storm cloud of apprhension flipping over his face and a low growl started up in his throat, "More school."
Kagome laughed nervously a sweatdrop trickling down her face, "Yes, more school, but I wont be there as much!"
He scowled, "Yea, but..."
Kagome watched him her nervousness keeping her on her tiptoes, "But what?"
"There will be guys around."
Her eyes widened and then a sweat drop collected on the side of her face again, "Oh geeze, you can always come with if you want."
Inu Yasha shot her a look that clearly said, 'How the fuck do I do that??!'
She simply beamed squeezing him tighter and chirped, "You're lucky we live in this day and age. Your ears will be considered a fashion statement," Kagome giggled and kissed his jawline," You'll look like a demonic hippie or something," she laughed.
He raised a brow at her, "You must be joking, woman."
She giggled again and shook her head, "Unless of course you'd rahter me be all alone out there in that sea of ravenous men just waiting to ravage my body," she drawled dramtically while fanning her face which was fixed into a woeful expression.
He grouwled and felt a twinge pull at his insides,"Don't say that shit."
Kagome looked up at him arching a brow, her mouth twitching into an irresistable smirk,"And why not?"
Inu Yasha pulled her close to him, "Cause. You're mine."
Kagome felt her face go scarlet as she gazed up at him, "...Inu Yasha..."
He pressed a finger against her moist lips to quiet her, "No one, and I mean NO ONE, touches you, but me," he said softly, burrying his face into the crook of her graceful, smooth neck.
She felt an evil gleam start to burn in her eyes, "What about Houjo? I mean he has all the marriage plans and he;s even bought a house now."
Inu Yasha's eyes flashed as they shot open and a growl escaped his throat, "I will kill the little fucker!" He raged.
Kagome smiled, "Calm down, Inu Yasha, the house and wedding plans are for him and sakura, they hooked up right after I got back."
Inu Yasha relaxed and nuzzled her neck, "Good, then he can go away and play with his mate," he said softly, mischeiviously.
Kagome cuddled up close to him holding him tight, and giggled, "Oh can he?"
He nodded.
"And what will I do while my best friends are off fucking like wild monkeys?" She smirked as she asked him her eyes drifting open to look up at him.
Inu Yasha smiled against her neck, "I have an idea."
Kagome tilted her head to look at him a blush tinging her cheeks, "Oh? And what's that?" She asked, only to be answered by him scraping a fang slightly down her neck. She closed her eyes and shivered, sucking in a deep breath suddenly, "I...Inu..Yasha?" she spoke softly.
Inu Yasha took a deep breath noticing her scent change and he grinned, "What?"
Kagome looked up at him, "What exactly do you have in mind?"
He ran his hand up the back of her shirt, "Oh, nothing really," He smirked.
Her eyes widened and she shivered at his chilly touch, "Really? Then why is your hand up my shirt?" Kagome felt her face heat up as she blushed.
Inu Yasha gently ran his claws along the curve of her spine, "Is it? ...I didn't realize it was."
Kagome shivered and wrapped her arms arounf his neck bringing her mouth closer to his ear and sucked on it gently, "Liar," she whispered as she pulled back to look at him and smiled.
Inu yasha grinned, "I have hung around Miroku alot, what can I say?"
Kagome blushed and slid her arms around him tightly and pulled herself closer to him and Inu Yasha felt his blood heat up and thicken as he pulled her hips to his, "Kagome...I...."
Kagome gasped as she felt what was being pushed against her and hid her face against his shoulder in shy embarrassment, "Yes, Inu Yasha?"
His breath came in heavy pants as he said, "I want you as my mate."
Kagome looked up at him her eyes slightly glazed over, her face seeming to be locked into a permanent blush, "I want you as mine as well...." She blushed and lowered her eyes.
"Good will have no problem with what I'm about to do next."
She looked up at him, "N...Nani?"
Inu Yasha cut her off by sweeping her up into his arms and carrying her over to the bed. Her eyes widened and she squealed at the sudden movment, looking up at him, "Inu Yasha?"
He put her down gently, looking at her with all the love in the world in his eyes. Kagome caught his wrists and pulled him to her sliding her arms back around his neck, leaning up and pressed her lips to his, her eyes closing. Inu Yasha deepened the kiss as he tugged at her clothes. She reached down and pulled the oversized tshirt up and leaned back as she slid it up over her head, breaking the kiss only for a second before leaning up again and recapturing his lips with hers. He ran his hands up her sides and up to her breasts, squeezing them gently. Kagome felt her face heat up again and wrapped her arms around his waist her hands sliding up the shirt he borrowed from her grandfather, accidentally brushing her fingers afainst the bottom of one of his bandages, frezzing for a moment, and pulled back to look up at him, "Inu Yasha... What about your wounds?"
Inu Yasha looked at Kagome with lustful eyes, "As long as you don't apply pressure to them I will be ok."
She nodded and bit her lip, "Alright..."
He kissed her neck and she leaned her head back and moaned softly tangling her fingers in his hair while he ground his hips into hers. She closed her eyes and thrust her hips upward against his and bit her bottom lip again.
Inu Yasha panted impatiently in her ear, I need to get undressed and so do you."
She looked up at him her eyes sparkling with her lust-ridden desire and nodded, sliding her hands down and tugged of her panties tossing them off into a corner of the room, while Inu Yasha moved off of her and stood beside the bed, pulling off his t-shirt, and ropped it to the floor. Kagome sat up and swung her legs over the side of her bed, reaching towards him and carefully undid the ties to his hakama pants, leaning forward and pressing her lips against his stomach as she slid them down over his hips and took them off kicking them across the floor with her foot. He looked down at her, her breath catching in his throat at the sight of her lithe naked body against the satin pink sheets off her bed.
His chest heaving, Inu Yasha slid a gentle hand along the curve of her face, "I have waited a long time."
Kagome looked up at him, her cheeks rosy, and slid her arms around his waist, making his breath catch again, "I have, too, Inu Yasha.." she whispered laying her head against his stomach and closing her eyes.
He ran a hand through her hair and tilted her fae up to look at him, "We don't have to wait anymore, I'm yours."
She looked up at him, "I'm yours as well, Koishii, we belong too each other," She let her eyes travel down to his member and brought a tentative hand up to brush her fingers lightly against it, making him close his eyes and moan at her ginger touch, feather light and cool against his member which was on fire with his long pent up desire. As Kagome wrapped her fingers around him and squeeze him slightly, she felt him twitch in her hands and harden even more. She blushed and pulled her hand back in suprize, her eyes widening slightly, and looked up at him her eyes soft.
Inu Yasha's amber, lust filled orbs opened and looked down at her, "What's wrong?"
She shook her head, "I didn't hurt you did I?"
Looking a little more than frustrated and a bit of desperate longing choking his voice, making him squeak, he said, "Hell no, touch me where ever you want!"
Kagome giggled and ducked her head her hair falling in her face. Inu yasha scowled, "What's so funny?
She stood up and slid her arms around his neck, "Nothing...", she pressed her lips against his and nipped at his bottom lip and her growled, grabbing one of her toned legs pulling it up and wrapping it around his waist. Kagome pulled back and looked up at him, watching his face as she pushed her hips forward up against his expiramentally. His ears flicked back against his skull in the strain not to throw her to the bed and let loose all the desires that had been building with in him for the longest time at just that little movement. He rocked his hips toward her, and rubbed his tip against her entrance.
"How badly do you want to be my mate?" he asked breathlessly raking his fangs against the smooth skin of her shoulder.
Kagome shivered and whimpered slightly burried her face in his neck as he probed at her moist entrance, rubbing his tip agaisnt her some more, teasing her, "I want that more than anything in the world," she whimpered softly and squeezed her eyes shut, running her tongue along his neck, pressing her lips up against it and sucked on it gently.
Inu Yasha groaned and fought the urge to throw her down on the bed, "Are you sure you want this?"
Kagome bucked her hips up agains this and nodded, "I am positive."
Taking that as his cure to free reign, he pushed the tip of himself into her and stopped, a sly grin spreading over his face as tingling waves of pleasure rushed through his body at even that minimal movement, biting her shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her face into the crook of his neck, her breathing heavily labored.
"Inu Yasha...Please..."she whispered softly, her breath tickling his neck.
"Please what?" he taunted her.
She blushed, "You know what..."
"No I don't," he ran his claws down her down her back once again.
Kagome pulled back and glared at him a shiver running through her body, "Quit fucking teasing me! If You are going to do it, do it! - Ack!" she yelped as he grabbed her by the hips, and looked up into his eyes tightening her arms around his neck.
"Why..." He smirked and spoke softly a dark, taunting look falling over his face, "You ungrateful little bitch." He pushed himself into her, causing her to gasp and burry her face into his neck again. Keeping them joined, he grabbed her other leg and wrapped it around his waist and moved her onto the bed. Kagome looked up at him, whimpering and thrust her hips hup against his forcing him to rip through her barrier. She squeezed her eyes shut against the pain and bit her bottom lip, pressing her forhead into his shoulder. He ran his tongue from her ear down to her collar bone, causing her to shiver and mumble his name softly, "Inu Yasha..."
He gave an experimental push and watched her reaction. She shut her eyes tight and moaned, a shudder running through her body. Opening her eyes and gazing into his, she saw the deep rooted love there, all this mischieviousness gone, replaced by completely worshipping love, which was undeniably reflected in her eyes, and for a moment they just sat there amber gazing into sapphire, sapphire gazing into amber. A smile lit across his flushed, animated face. Kagome smiled back, her eyes filling with the deepest feelings that she felt for him piuring them all into just one gaze.
He set up a graduall, slow rhythm as he kissed her her lips gently. Kagome rocked her hims up against his, matching his rythm and parted her lips to deepen their kiss, her arms sliding around his neck. Enveloped completely in her warmth, Inu Yasha shivered with excitement. "Finally...Finally I'm home." He slid his lips away from her mouth and kisses her elegant jawline and trailed slowly down her throat. Kagome moaned softly and thrust up a bit hader and leaned down pressing one side of her face into the crook of his neck her eyes openin and a soft smile gracing her lips. "This just feels so right....why did we wait so long..?" she thought to herself as Inu Yasha continued thrusting deeply into her. Kagome pulled back and looked up into his eyes as an evil glint flickered in her eyes, her hips picking up speed and thrusting up into his hips, causing him to grunt and thrust deeper, burrying himself inside of her moist heat. Inu Yasha nuzzled her neck, taking in the sweet smell of her and their mating, groaning as the mixture of her scent and enhanced speed, shuddered through his body, and he picked up speed to match hers. Kagome reached up and slid her fingers through his long silky silver hair, and reached up to carress his ear gently. He leaned his head into her hand and made a noise in his chest that almost sounded like purring. Kagome gasped and whimpered, feeling her body tensing slightly, "I...Inu Yasha..." she tightened her arms arounf him, thrusting against him harder. Sweat poured down his face making his hair damp as he thrust deep, feeling her tighten around him. She cried out and tightened her arms aorunf him burrying her face into his hair, sweat slicking along her body, and wrapped both legs around him to pull him into her deeper. Inu yasha slid hs tongue down her neck and to her breast, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it gently. Kagome had to suck on his ear to muffle her moans, her face screwed up in intense pleasure, and wrapped her fingers into his hair and whimpers at the tension building within her. He thrust harder and faster at her rumbling moans, biting her nipple gently before he let it go again. She arched her back, her body trembling as her muscles clenched tightly around him a cry wrenching from her lips, "Gods! Inu Yasha!"
Inu Yasha clawed at the bed as he felt her clamp down around him. Kagome whimpered and thrust against him burrying her face in his neck as her hid his face in her hair, whispering softly into her ear, "I love you."
She wiped swear from her browline holding him tightly, a shiver running through her body, "I love you too...koishii.."
He grunted as his whole body went stiff, closing his eyes tightly as he felt his crest wash over him. Kagome nearly screamed as her body climaxed with his and she ducked her head trying to bite back the sound, but to no avail, "Inu Yasha!" she tightened her arms around him and held him close, proppin his weight on his elbows he looked down at her, sweat running down his back and face. Kagome panted, looking up at him, "I...Inu Yasha?" she blushed dark.
"What, Kagome?"
She blushed again at his breathless tone, "Are you ok?"
He smirked, "Do I look ok?" he smiled at her.
Kagome giggled and ducked her head. Nodding she said, "I though it was great, too..." as she nipped at his collar bone.
Inu Yasha laughed, "It will be better next time. "
She blushed, "Not. Possible." She studied his face for a bit, "Inu Yasha?"
Inu Yasha kissed her neck and rolled over to her side, "Aishiteru." She closed her eyes and curled up against him as he pulled up the covers around them.