InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

You people aren't giving me any feed back for this fiction! Fan fiction net is, so why isn't media miner?

Chapter 2

Her eyes slowly opened to stare at an unknown ceiling `That's not my ceiling' she thought to herself. Slowly, yet cautiously she sat up on her sore elbows on the warm and very comfortable king sized bed, she looked down at herself `Ok, I'm still wearing my cloths, but where are my shoes?' thought wiggling her toes threw her white cotton socks.

Taking a look at her surroundings, she got slightly scared; these walls were dark red `Aren't my walls dark green?' she asked her self, confusion clearly written all over her tired face, reaching up and scratching her head as if it would bring her back to reality, she painfully regretted it. Reaching up further into her mess of black hair, she winced; there on the back of her head she had a lump the size of a golf ball.

"Ok now I know I'm going crazy." She said not really noticing she said it out loud.

At that very moment the door swung open, but no one came in. then the next thing she knew she was attacked by a big fat dog jumping out too the bed, and making himself comfortable, laying down next to her, putting it's huge heavy head and one large paw on her stomach and looking up at her with concerned eyes.

"Well, hello" she said petting the dogs huge paw "Do you know what I'm doing here?" she asked some what recognizing the dog. Then it hit her, latterly "You're the dog that was in the park."

At that the dog softly barked, wagging its long large tail behind him.

"Rex, right?" she asked as if the dog would understand her. Which he kind of did, his head shot up, and let his long pink tongue fall out of his mouth, as if smiling at her. "Oh great now I'm talking to a dog, at it seems as if the dog can understand me." She said frustrated.

Swinging her long legs over the edge of the dark red decorated bed, she hopped off. Standing on some what wobbly legs she looked once more at her surroundings. Looking in front of her she saw a silver plasma television hang on the wall, the bed she was once on sat in between two very large floor to ceiling windows covered in long dark red drapes that only let a light through the crack in between them.

Looking around more she noticed tall black dresser built into the wall with shelves surround it from floor to ceiling filled with cloths and pictures frames of people smiling, next to what looked like a open door that lead to black and white tile bathroom.

Curiosity getting the better of her she walked out the door, on her still wobbly legs with Rex fallowing closely behind her, leading to a spacious red and silver decorated living room. The couch was big red and fluffy looking with a silver flat screen television, much like the one in the room she was in, sitting on a long oak table, also decorated with pictures frames of people smiling.

Catching movement out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man with his back turned to her in what looked like a kitchen looking out the window sipping his cup, with his silver waist length hair tied back in a thick loose braid down his back. Remembering the silver hair in the park it hit her again for the second time that day he was the man that was in the park, the owner of the dog that plowed her down. `What did he say his name was? Inufasha, No….Inuyasha, yeah that's what it was.'

"Excuse me?" she tried getting his attention without scaring him, taking a couple steps closer to the now turned around man.

"You're awake!" he said putting down his mug on the island in the middle of the black and white decorated kitchen, and walking around everything to stand in front of her, his long thick braid swaying slightly back and forth as he walked. "I was wondering if you were ever going to."

"Can you please tell me why I'm here?" she asked, what if she did something she'd regret.

"You were cry and you feel asleep in my arms, so I brought you back to my apartment since I didn't know where you lived?" Inuyasha said shyly

`Oh great, I cried to a complete stranger and fell asleep in his arms, great, my life is just perfect now!' she thought frustrated, her knuckles turning white in her clinched fists, she didn't need this right now, she didn't need this at all; Letting a small sigh escape her small lightly tinted pink lips.

"Would you like some coffee?" Inuyasha asked, noticing the frustrated emotion flicker in her dark blue eyes. He walked back into the kitchen, hoping she would just get the hint and fallow. Looking over his shoulder out of the corner of his golden eye, he saw her still standing there, looking for some thing, with a sigh he stopped and turned around, and crossing his arms over his well toned chest. "Are you looking for anything?" he asked raising a delicate black eyebrow.

"My shoes." She said almost too quietly for him to hear, walking over to the front door, hoping that they might be there.

"There in the closet next to the front door." He indicating to the door next to were she was standing, turning around he walked back into his kitchen to feed his whimpering Great Dane/ St. Bernard dog, Rex, who caused this whole mess.

Not bothering to say a `thank you' or `kiss my ass' she opened the said door, found her shoes, and walked out the front door, slipping her high healed black work boots on in the process.

Inuyasha hearing his front door slam, he turned around from dishing Rex's food to him, standing back up, and placing the now empty dish on the island he walked around the counter to stand in the living room staring at the front door.

"Huh?" he said taken back a little bit by her rude exit, shrugging his shoulder he walked back into his kitchen, finding the newspaper he forgot he had, popping a cigarette into his mouth, and lighting it up with ease, he began to read the funnies section as Rex happily ate his `graving train' dog food.

"See if I ever do anything nice again" he huffed. Rex at that moment chose to lift his head up from the bowl, and make eye contact with his idiot silver haired master over the top of his newspaper.

"What!" Inuyasha shouted Rex just went back to eating his precious meal.


Making her way out the strange apartment building, that looked to be an old abandoned factory. She began to walk do the cold winters streets, hugging her blazer to her small body. `It wasn't this cold in the park, heck Inuyasha didn't even wear a coat!' she thought to her self as the people on the street gave her funny looks.

`Wait, did I just think about him?' she asked her self, waling over to a bus stop, sitting down on the snow covered bench, she waited, and waited, and waited so more but the bus never came.

Sighing heavily, she got up and began to walk to the only place she knew here in this neighborhood, Inuyasha's place.

Making her way back to old factory, now apartment building, she walked up the short stairs and threw the heavily door. Making her way to the elevator, she hurried in before the doors closed, and pressed the button to his floor, which was latterly his floor.

Walking out the door that slowly open, she took a couple steps towards his door, knocking softly, she heard Rex bark loudly and Inuyasha's manly voice threw the door telling her his coming and Rex to shut the hell up.

The next thing she new the door swung open, and there stood Inuyasha with his shirt off, water beading down his very well toned sun kissed body, with a big white fluffy towel wrapped around his waist, his muscles glistening in the winters sun that shone through the huge windows the adorned the back side wall near the kitchen.

She swallowed hard, her dark blue eyes fallowing the bead of water as it went down his stomach and dipped into his deep belly button.

He couldn't help the smirk that played across his face as she stared at him, the slowly drying his wet dripping wet hair with another white fluffy towel; he took a step to the side letting her in.


Tennyo's come back toady *sob* I miss her so much! *sob*

Anyways, the viewers on, said that they liked this story, so I'm assuming the liked it as well, so I wrote a second chapter. ^^


Daniy jinx