InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 23 ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry about this, I thought I had posted this chapter months ago lol :P thank you trujinx for reminding me ^^
Chapter 23
Inuyasha couldn't sleep his mind not where it shouldn't be.
It was on her.
He had been laying here in the bed room that Cindy fixed up for him for what felt like seven days, their wasn't anyone but him in here, but he could feel the tension weigh down thin.
Maybe it was because Kagome's room was right across from his.
He rolled over and sigh, resting on his stomach and staring off into nothingness.
He just had to find out…
They talked a lot about her, where she was from, what she was like when she was a child. If you call him asking the question and then she just ignoring him the answer, then yeah they talked about a lot of things.
She was a strange human, but he needed to know about her, he needed to know why she kept her pregnancy a secret, why she never smiled, and why she didn't have that child now.
He had, had enough; he got up in frenzy. Throwing on a pair of blue jeans over his boxer shorts, he walked out his temporary bedroom door.
Intent on finding some answers.
He was being nosy he realized that, but something just wasn't right with the whole thing.
………………………&# 8230;………………………… ……………………..
“Fluffy?” jinx asked, saying the nickname that he missed more then anything.
They had been sitting in a weird silence when Cindy woke up not to long ago in her recliner saying her body wasn't fit to rest in that chair and was going to bed.
Jinx of course laughed at her sister and stole the recliner.
“Hmm…” he said, not trust his voice to much at the moment. Digging his toes into the soft carpet having long ago taken off his shoes and socks, he was a dog demon, and shoes were the worst thing the humans ever created.
“What'd you really do when you were gone?” her voice sounded sad, far away almost.
He looked to her, her hair now dry and some short strands now in her eyes, her face was unreadable the light from the fire place not helping one bit on that matter.
“When I traveled the world?” he himself asked, at first not understanding the question.
Putting her book down she got up from her sit in the recliner and walked to the middle couch ands sat tucking her legs underneath herself, she turned towards him ready to listen, a good two feet were between them. “Yeah I want to know, but please don't tell me any boring stuff.” She almost pleaded.
He watched as the strap of her tank top fell off her shoulder.
“Not much to say, traveling the world on your own would be that exciting.” His voice sounded saddened to her, but Sesshomaru was one to never show emotion so she could have just been imagining it.
She nodded her head. “I see.” she drew closer to him and lend her head on his shoulder. “I missed you.” She whispered.
Sesshomaru let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. She smelled good, he sent hadn't changed since the last time he saw her.
Fresh fallen snow, something he took to memory when she was first born.
He looked down at her head, the full head of hair that she once had was gone replaced by short black hair, he like it better, the twigs, and clumps fitted her attitude well but she was a lady.
“This look is better for you.” He spoke, touching the top of her head with a clawed finger.
She opened her eyes, when had she closed them? “Well it was hard to take care of that mess, Cindy always brushed it too hard.”
“I think she brushed it too hard because you had nothing but dirty and twigs in there. Not even water could get out.” Sesshoumaru spoke remembering the screams of the little elf.
She looked up and him, lifting her head off of his shoulder. “Did you just make a funny Fluffy?” She smiled at him. Her barbell of her pierced tongue resting in the crack of them.
He reached for it, the tips of his claws hold out to it so strongly she could bring it back in.
“Opfh” she said as best she could with some one hold her tongue, glaring at him.
He glared back.
“What is this?” he asked looking at it like it was a bug, he knew what it was, and he really just wanted to know why she got it.
She reached up and slapped his hand away. “It a tongue ring you doof.” She glared at him some more, slouching down into the couch and crossing her arms over her chest.
Giving Sesshomaru and very nice view of her cleavage.
He turned away, wanting so badly to take up the habit of biting his nails as the humans did when nervous.
………………………&# 8230;………………………… …………….
Kagome sat on the window sill of her room, looking out into the winter's cloudy sky.
Her little hand resting on her once swollen belly, she just wished thing could have been different.
She was dressed in what Jinx let her borrow, a pair of silk pink long pants and a silk long sleeve shirt to match, it was comfortable, and something she would wear to work if it didn't get her in to trouble.
She looked to the door, Inuyasha was just across from her, but he felt so far away.
She wished she could have answered his questions after dinner, but she didn't want to burden him. Her life sucked and she new it, no reason to drag some one else into it.
She turned back tot the window, and sighed.
Someone was knocking on her door. She jumped down softly, careful not to tip on her long, long barrowed pajamas and walked to the noisy door.
She opened it, not at all surprised to see inuyasha standing on the other end.
“Give me answers.” He said, and walked in without really being invited in.
She turned around from shutting the door and sighed, he was sitting on her bed in nothing but a pair of blue jeans, glaring at her with his arms crossed over his well toned chest.
She sat down next to him and looked him square in the eyes.
“Tomorrow?” she asked, resting her head on his shoulder and sighing. She felt them slump in defeat and she new he would wait.
She left a pair of strong arms wrap around her and pulled her back. She was hesitant at first, but her reassured her he wouldn't harm her.
She curled up next to him, the warmth from his bare chest was enough for she knew she wouldn't need a blanket all night; she rested her face on her chest, rubbing her cheek into the warm she knew would always be there for her.
She began to lightly drift off, his arm tightening around her.
………………………&# 8230;………………………… ……………………
Jinx looked up into the face of the man she had one promised to marry. Yes she remembered it, she may be old, but she wasn't that old, she was still in her twenties in human years. He looked still the same, the little lines on his face almost visible, but that was it, he still looked like the last time she saw him.
She really had missed him when he was gone, the long walks, and the rides on his shoulders. She had missed it.
Then one day out of the blue, he showed up, she of course was stunted at first, but she played it off as nothing.
Her heart though told a different story, she wanted to so badly run up to him give him a kiss on the cheek then hug him with all the strength she had in her and then slap him in the face.
She sighed, and cupped her hands around her face. She was too young for this.
She looked up threw the crack in her finger to see him staring at her like she was bug on his hand. And eyebrow slightly rose.
She dropped her hands to her sides, she probably did look foolish, but she could still feel his eyes on her.
She looked over at him, mimicking the look he was giving her, she knew she was doing it better; after all he was the one that taught her, well kind of.
“What?” she finally asked, poking him in the ribs with her index finger?
He scooted away a little, shocked that she would do something that childish, his face showed it as well.
Jinx laughed, it had been a long time since anyone reacted to that, by now everyone was used to it. They would just go about there business like they didn't just get gabbed in the side by `The Jinx'.
Sesshomaru had decided he liked that noise. The way in echoed off the walls made his senses cloud over, he looked at her and with out her knowledge reached over and poked her in the side.
She stopped laughing and looked at him, he thought at first that, that was the wrong thing to do, but the next thing he knew she was on top of him straddling his hips poking his chest and arms. Egging him on in the process, she was laughing and he welcomed it.
He pushed her to the floor, he now straddling her hips her lying underneath him. She was out of breath, but still laughing.
He couldn't help himself but look into her almost white eyes, the blue almost not there, they were breath taking, he hadn't registered that she had stopped laughing her face turning serious and her eyes meeting up with his.
He long silver hair fell over his shoulders jinx having long ago taken it out of it's braid to play with it some more. It fell around them like a curtain of silver. Blocking out anything and everything that might ruin whatever it was that they were having.
He heard her take a breath, a slow ragged breath, she was nervous about something.
He brought a hand up to her face, his other arm hold his weight so not to crush her small body, using a deadly claw he traced the invisible lines that only he could see, she leaned into his touch, closing the eyes that he had been in a trance like state from.
The pads of his thumb traced her thin black eyebrows, enjoying the silky texture of the little hairs. He then slowly trailed his hand down to her lips, his index finger lightly touching the thin pink lines; she kissed his fingers, her delicate lips pushing against the softness of his digit.
His hand moved away, he removed himself from her body and stood up, whatever trance he was once in, was now over.
Jinx looked up at him just as he grabbed his coat and walked out the living room entrance. The next thing she knew she heard the front door shut.
She lightly touched her lips where his fingers where, and looked to the clock.
It was time for her to go to bed. She picked herself up off the floor, grabbed her book and headed in the direction of the stairs; something told her that tomorrow was going to be an uncomfortable day.
………………………&# 8230;…………………….
Again sorry about that, I'm tarded lol :P but anywho I do have the other chapter, I think the next two or three? Can't remember? But I'll have those up sooner or later :P I have a new job now so it's a pain in the ass to do this a work at the same time *glares*