InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 22 ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 22
Jinx looked up from her curry chicken too across the table at the gorgeous man that was about three hundred years her senior. His now loose braid that she herself did over a couple hundred times, it seemed, in the kitchen while her sister cooked, he didn't protest one bit, and in fact she thought he actually liked it.
She stared at him for a while; her hands itching to one again touch the soft silk hair.
Getting her mind off that she turned away, her attention going else where, a vase, a picture, an empty chair where her husband once sat…not there.
She then turned her attention to the small human sitting by inuyasha, rather close in fact.
She was the only one to notice that Kagome had once been crying when she and Inuyasha walked through the door, her body almost blue in color as her arms were wrapped around herself. Her whole appearance just screamed cold, blood shot eyes and a puffy face kind of gave it away. Jinx being who she was, pulled the human aside to the bathroom, sitting her on the toilet she tried to wipe away, with a small wet cloth, whatever saddens was evident in Kagome face.
She sighed, taking a bit of her food; Cindy sure knew how to cook.
Her mind once again wondered to the human with inuyasha, she new of the life she once held in her body, her elf senses telling her of it when she first walked in the door of the diner that day.
But she kept to herself as her older sister did, also because she didn't want to get hit in the back of the head with a kitchen utensil. Silently she began to wonder if Inuyasha knew or not. He was a little naïve at times. Or maybe it was because he was once a hanyou and his sense of smell wasn't as strong as it was now.
In her head, she even tended to ramble.
She sighed once again, this time gaining the attention from every one around her, it was quite all of a sudden, where they talking? She looked up to everyone from her plate of food.
“What?” she asked, wiping her mouth making sure she didn't have any pieces of rice or and huge chunk of chicken.
“You ok dear?” Cindy asked, grabbing her sister's hand, the one not trying to wipe of the imaginary piece of food. She sometimes began to wonder if her sister was as nuts as everybody tends to tell her.
“Yeah I'm fine…why?” Jinx looked around at everyone once again, this time making eye contact with Sesshomaru, his eyebrow raised and his golden eyes showing no emotion.
Such an impossible man.
“No reason, that's just the second time you sighed in less then four seconds.” Cindy spoke, taking a bite of her food.
She looked over at Jinx to see she wasn't even paying attention to her, she was staring at something, and her gaze turned to Sesshomaru then back to Jinx. Yep that's what she figured.
Jinx was crushing on Sesshomaru, she would have jumped up and down like a giddy school girl finding a cute puppy in an ally way, but that would bring to much attention to her self and she wasn't like that.
She went back to her food, ignoring the staring pair, an all knowing smile on her face.
Jinx couldn't look away; her mind was now on the floor, crawling towards the kitchen to look for something to munch on. She gazed into his emotionless eyes deeper, she felt a blush coming across her cheeks and her brain was now back from the kitchen.
She finally looked away, going back to her food, and stuffing in as much as she could, fear that she might say something stupid.
Kicking her feet in the direction of her sister, she so badly wanted her to stir up a conversation. She could feel his eyes on her, looking threw her.
“Ouch… anyone for some more?” Cindy said, rubbing her now sore ankle. Glaring at her sister out of the corner of her eye.
………………………&# 8230;………………………… …………………………̷ 0;..
What was he going to do now?
Inuyasha played with his food, no longer hungry for the food that sat in front of him.
He some how let his demon blood take over, his body and mind just didn't want to respond to him in the forest.
He looked to Kagome, she was eating her food with little bites on her fork, she probably wasn't hungry either, and she just didn't want to be rude.
He so badly wanted to turn to his brother, smack him in the face and ask him what the hell was going on, and possibly for good measure throw in a few more slaps.
He sighed; he probably wouldn't get within two seconds of Sesshoumaru's face with out getting thrown into the wall behind him.
He picked at his food some more.
He felt a little tap on his hand, looking off to his side, opposite his brother. Kagome smiled at him her hand now resting on his.
He smiled back at her, her face still holding the sad eyes she had when they returned from the forest, he didn't care that she once had life within her, but he did want to know where that child was?
He would of course let her tell him of that, or maybe not, if she didn't want to tell him. Because from his point of view that seemed to be the thing she was always sad over.
He sighed again and felt the hand on his tighten.
He just wanted her to be happy.
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`When had she got that?' he thought looking at the large tattoo on the back of Jinx's neck, he had never noticed it until now, she being to short only coming to his chin. Her hair was also covering it up a little.
It was a very Celtic looking tattoo, the Celtic knots forming something that looked similar to a flower of some sort. A small rimed circle around it, the place not weaved in and out of each other, blacked with ink.
He tilted his head to the side slightly when he heard Jinx kick her sister under the table.
He wondered of handily if Jinx knew that he himself had a number of tattoos. Or course over the years his demon blood would rid his body of the Ink, but that only meant he'd go get another, the humans where correct on one thing they were rather addictive.
He at the moment had two on his back and one on each calf, and one on his left arm, they were in need of touching up, but he'd probably let them go, he was growing tired of them anyways, His demon markings he never counted, seeing as how he was born with those.
He looked down to his food and then off to his side to see his brother not eating, his clawed hand playing with a piece of chicken that was once a chunk, now shreds.
He could from the moment he walked in the front door with the cold woman that something was up, but he really didn't care, he had his own problems to deal with.
He looked to that problem, her face soft and delicate. He just wishes she was the old Jinx again, asking him questions upon question and wanting so badly to ride on his broad shoulders.
He too poked at his food.
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Cindy looked up from her food to the younglings around her, only she and Jinx seemed to be eating, well Jinx was devouring it, something she did when she was nervous.
She knew what was on everyone's mind, Sesshomaru… Jinx, Inuyasha… Kagome. She just wished she could tell them all it would be alright, but she couldn't make that promise.
She couldn't tell the future, no elf could, Jinx tried it once only resulting in the bathroom toilet to be blown out of the wall and into the forest about a hundred feet behind them.
She laughed at the remembrance of that day. Jinx was such a curious youngling.
She went back to eating her food, the silence about to ripe her insides out and onto the table for everyone to gaze at with disgust or amusement. Knowing Jinx she'd probably poke at them with her fork seeing if they'd twitch.
She looked over to Sesshomaru, it wasn't like him to poke at his food like a five year old, she knew what was bothering him, she now wishes that she hadn't of told him of it.
She then looked to Inuyasha; he too was poking at his food, one hand underneath the girl beside him. She knew of the girl, her secret not a secret not any longer amongst the demons and the elves. She once had a child.
Inuyasha though, he looked tired.
Then she got an idea!
“Why don't you all stay for the night?” Cindy asked, taking another bite of her food.
Next to her she heard a gasp and a fork clatter to a plate.
She turned amused to the baffled look of her sister score one for her.
“Jinx and I have plenty of room and we'd love it if you'd stay with us.” Cindy said this time glaring at Jinx to agree.
“Yeah, it'll be great just like old times.” Jinx spoke referring to the time when they all lived in the estate. “Plus we could catch up; just please no more boring stories.” She said looking directly at Sesshoumaru as she did, biting her lip in a seductive manner.
Cindy took note of this.
“Well seeing as no ones really that hungry.” She laughed, waving off the guilty faces. “Let us move to the living room.” She stood up, grabbing her glass of wine and walked into the living room followed by her sister and Sesshomaru.
Inuyasha and Kagome stayed behind for a little while, a little talk was in order between the two of them.
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Cindy had long ago fallen asleep in the recliner in front of the fire, and Kagome and Inuyasha went to bed, in separate rooms.
Now only Jinx and Sesshomaru were left.
The two had been very quite towards each other, only speaking a couple of words here and there, but not a conversation.
Jinx was lying on the floor in front of the fire, her face in a book. Now in a pair of very comfortable light blue tank top and long pants pajamas with daisies all over them. Her feet in a pair of rubber ducky slippers and her hair in a mess having just taken a hot shower.
Sesshomaru on the other hand was in what he came over in, his shoes still on his feet, only his tie loosened from its hold around his neck. A glass of wine resting on his knee as he pretend to look at the fire with Jinx laying in front of it.
He couldn't help but stare, she was entrancing. Her long legs that he discovered had a couple of tattoos on them, where bent slightly in front of her to hold her book in place as it rose up and down with her calm breaths, her head resting lightly on a pillow.
His mind was beginning to become perverted.
He wanted to ask her so many questions, just like she had done when she was a little one. He even thought about crawling down to her and tugging on her shirt. But he was Sesshomaru, and that was beneth him.
He sighed a little, something he hadn't done in a long, long time.
“You ok?” Jinx asked looking up from her book to Sesshomaru. She smile at him, he was gorgeous.
He nodded his head, taking a drink form his glass that was now empty.
Just like his life.