InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unintended Intentions ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Unintended Intentions


Summary: Kouga and Kagome have been in a serious relationship for the past 2 years. They unofficially break up. Kagome gets drunk and meets someone new. When Kouga and Kagome repair there relationship what happens to the someone new.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters they belong to RumikoTakahashi

::::cough::: rich bastard::::

Please read and review I love constructive criticism. I will try to update as often as possible.

Chapter 1

"Kagome wake up, Kagome wake up." Sango repeatedly called as she gently shook her shoulders. Kagome slowly opened he eyes to see Sango standing over her.

"Hey how did you get in."

"I used the spear key you gave me. Are you okay it's not like you to sleep this late?"

"What time is it."

"It's after 11:00"

"I guess my alarm clock didn't work." Kagome swung he legs ove the side of the bed to get up when she felt her foot step on something, she looked down and saw he alarm clock smashed on the floor. `I guess it did work after all.' "I'm going to set a pot of coffee want some."

"No thank you Miroku made me a cup this morning." Sango said as she sat down on the white couch in front of the TV.

"So are you and Miroku a couple yet."

"Kagome!" Sango stated as if she was shocked at he question.

"Don't act like your not crazy about him and he feels the same way about you." Kagome waited for a response as she watched Sango's face redden.

"I guess were unofficial. What's going on with you and kouga you guys have been going out for almost 2 years now."

"You'll never guess what happened."


"He proposed to me."

"Did you say yes" Sango shrieked


"You told him no what the hell is wrong with you."

"I didn't say yes or no."

"So you didn't answer him."

"I told him I'd think about it."

"What's there to think about? Do you love him?"

"Yes." Kagome responded with slight hesitation.

"Kagome what's wrong."

"Well lately he's been really busy and always working since he was promoted to Vice President of the company."

"It'll pass don't worry. Let's go out and celebrate later on tonight."

"Can we celebrate when I decide to say yes?"

"We could do that too."

"How about we have one of those girls nights like we did back in high school?"

"That sound so fun it's been a while we can rent a bunch of movies and get some junk from the store."

"So it's planned I'll meet you around 6:00 at your place."

"Okay I just came to check up on you. So I'll see you later."

"Ya bye" Kagome decided to take a long relaxing bubble bath to settle on on what to do. After an hour of soaking she came out of the steaming bathroom refreshed and relaxed. Her long raven black hair dripping down her back leaving a trail of water on the cold black tiles. She entered her bedroom the bright light enveloped her from the skylights and windows. A smile inched onto her face as she looked at the view from her open window. She had everything she wanted. She was only 24 and her life was perfect; she had a penthouse apartment, friends who care about her, the perfect boyfriend who wants to spend the rest of his life with her, she also owned her own club and drove a BMW but for some reason it still felt like something wasn't right it was too perfect. For the remainder of the day Kagome went about running errands some for the club, some personal until 5:30. She came back to her apartment to get ready to go by Sango's. She put on a pair of comfortable navy blue sweat pants that she's had since college with a plain white tank top. She packed a bag with clothes just incase they went out and left for Sango's. Kagome took the elevator down to the level of the parking lot she started up her car and drove to Sango's she's been there so many times she could have driven blindfolded if it weren't for other cars and traffic lights. When she reached Sango met her in the lobby they went to the video store and rented a few movies mostly chick flicks. They stopped by a store were they bought all sorts of junk, candy and chips. They headed back to Sango's place with arms filled with bags of mostly food. Sango laid across the beige couch on her side and Kagome laid below her.

"Kagome what do you want to watch first." Sango asked indecisively.

"Lets watch one of the ones we never saw before." They watched movie after movie for hours until they fell asleep around 11:30. The bowls that were once filled with candies, cookies, and chips were more than half empty. Around quarter to one Kagome woke up she powered off the TV and cleaned up the mess they had made. After cleaning Kagome woke Sango to let her know she was leaving.

"Kagome what time is it?"

"It's 1:00."

"Do you want to go out to get a cup of coffee or a drink."

"Sure let me change my clothes first." Kagome walked into the dark bathroom and flipped on the light revealing the pink carpet, tiles, sink, and tub. Kagome replaced her blue seat pants with tight black leather pants and her white tank top with a red halter top with a red dragon on the side and her white flip flops with black boots with 3 inch heels. As Kagome left the bathroom returning it to it's dark form Sango had changed into a black leather mini skirt with a white tube top and white boots with black laces.

"Kagome you look great and thanks for cleaning up."

"Thank you, you too, and cleaning up was no problem."

"You ready to go."

"Ya. Who's car are we taking yours or mine."

"We should take yours so when we come back you can drop me off and leave."

"Ya so you want to get a cup of coffee then what club do you want to go to."

"Lets go to yours."

"Okay then I can put on a pot of coffee in the back when we get there." During the walk to her car all that could be herd was the clicking of heels. The drive was shrot but they managed to put and hours worth of conversation in it. Kagome pulled up in front of the club valley took her car and they went in the back set a pot of coffee then took Sango to the VIP room. "I'm going to say yes."

"What are you talking about."

"To Kouga I'm going to say yes to Kouga."

"Oh my god Kagome congratulations."

"Thank you." Sango quickly hugged Kagome.

"I think that might be the change I need."

"I'm so happy for you."

"I am too, we can probably go by my parents house tomorrow and tell them." After disusing plans for Kagome's wedding and honey moon while drinking coffee they decided to half celebrate.