InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ United Sisters and the Love of a Lord ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own anything inuyasha other then my own char Rina, who is rins sister. Rina is my own char that i made shortly after watching just a few episodes of inuyasha and seeing how Sesshoumaru hated humans but yet was so kind to Rin. So i thought since not much of rin is known why not let my char be her older sister who was out of the village at the time.

Chapter 1
Rina's meeting with Inuyasha and the others

Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo, Kilala, Miroku and Sango were all staying at Lady Kaede's and her village when a girl who looked like an older version of Rin, who was with Sesshoumaru, walked into the village and collapsed into Kagome mumbling as she passed out "I'll find you sister, please wait just a bit longer Rin."

This caused Kagome to shout for only one person to get everyone to her "INUYASHAAAA!" her voice almost like that of Kikyo as she held this girl about her age and who had called Rin 'sister'.

Kaede was the first to reach her and get the girl into Kaede's hut to rest while they waited for Inuyasha and the others to arrive to see what was wrong from how Kagome had yelled.

"Kagome what the hell is wrong?" Inuyasha said bursting in and then stopped when he saw the girl "Who is the girl?"

"I dont know but she mentioned Rin and said 'sister'." Kagome explained once everyone was together and could all talk.

Kaede said softly "Kagome do ye know where Rin is now?" the pristess seamed troubled about something

"She is with Inuyasha's brother Sesshoumaru." Kagome said softly

Sango gasped as the girl sat up suddenly "Woah take it easy ok."

"Where is she? What direction is this man Sesshoumaru? I have to get Rin and...ehn." the girl put her hand on her side just under her right breast in pain.

Kagome explained how Lord Sesshoumaru had saved Rin from being killed and that she was traveling with him now somewhere to the north "Why is Rin important to you?" she asked kindly

"Whats your name anyway girl?" inuyasha said rudely to the girl.

Rina glared at him "My name is Rina and i have been searching this whole time for Rin cause she is my baby sister Dog ears!"

Kagome tried to calm them down "Inuyasha come on be nicer she just woke fro..." she stopped as Inuyasha rose.

He stood and said "What is the bastard doing here?" he said rushing out to see Sesshoumaru on the edge of the village. He growled "Sesshoumaru why you here?"

Sesshoumaru put Rin down and said "I came because Rin wished to see Kagome and play with Shippo." he turned to leave when he smelled blood and turned around to face his brother again.

Rina had gotten up and had run outside only to fall just in front of Inuyasha "Please tell me are you Lord Sesshoumaru?"

Sesshoumaru went to grab Tokejin and said crudely "Depends on who the girl is asking." as he drew his blade.

She knelt holding her side as the sent of her blood filled the air from the cut "Please my name is Rina and Rin is ..." she got cut off as Rin ran and hugged her.

Rin began crying "Sister Rina your alive!" she had tears pouring down her face as she held tight to Rina.

Rina stood slowly with Rin helping her up as she held her side and looked at Sesshoumaru. "Domo Arigato Lord Sesshoumaru-sama." she said formally and bowing to him. She straightened and said letting go of her side "Thank so much...for sister sa..." she passed out again and was caught by Sesshoumaru.