InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ United Sisters and the Love of a Lord ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2
The pet name

Rina had gotten up and runned out and fell just in front of Inuyasha "Please tell me are you Lord Sesshoumaru"

Sesshoumaru went to grab Tokejin and said crudely "Depends on who the girl is asking." as he drew his blade.

She knelt holding her side as the sent of her blood filled the air from the cut "Please my name is Rina and Rin is ..." she got cut off as Rin ran and hugged her.

Rin began crying "Sister Rina your alive!" she had tears pouring down her face as she held tight to Rina.

Rina stood slowly with Rin helping her up as she held her side and looked at Sesshoumaru. "Domo Arigato Lord Sesshoumaru-sama." she said formally and bowing to him. She straightened and said letting go of her side "Thank so much...for sister sa.." she passed out again and was caught by Sesshoumaru.
=end flashback=

That was the night before and now Rina was slowly waking up to find her self in Sesshoumaru's lap and her side wound bandaged. She looked around noticing they were outside the village a little but still within sight of it and crawled over to where her sister Rin layed next to an imp "Rin i'm happy to have found you finally."

"Feeling better now are we girl?" Sesshoumaru had not moved but was watching her. Somehow, someway he knew this girl was Rin's family.

Rina spun around and fell as she turned hitting her wond "S-s-sesshy did i wake you when i got up" she had not caught her self saying a pet name to him.

He looked at her and said as he got up "Sesshy? What makes you think..." he stopped when he saw Rin get up.

Rin walked over to him and said yawning "Morning my lord. Are you mad about something?"

Sesshoumaru looked at Rin "It is nothing to concern yourself with Rin." his voice was suprisingly calm and almost kind.

Rina was taken by suprise at how kind he was to her "Rin its ok." She pulled her sister down into her lap "I made a bad move by calling the Lord of the western lands by a pet name and Lord Sesshoumaru has every right to be upset"

Rin sighed and wanted to cry but held it in "Sorry Rina i guess its cause we are back together and you do not know each other." she frowned "Sister, i want to still travel with him."

Kagome walked up from the village and said "Inuyasha heard you get mad and sent me Sesshoumaru, is everything ok?" she turned to see Rina up and holding Rin "Hey how you feeling Rina?"

Rina smiled "Much better now since you tended to my wound. And yes its ok i slipped and used a pet name i shouldn't have."

Kagome stood and said "How about i watch Rin so you two can talk calmly about it." she had wanted to let them be alone anyway and this gave a reason.

Rina smiled "Thanks alot Kags. Riri go play with Kagome ok." she smiled and helped her sister up happy to be with her again after so long

Rin giggled "Hehe sister Rina still uses nick names like she used to back at home." she smiled and ran to Kagome and the two left.

Sesshoumaru smiled at Rin and then sent Jaken to watch them mainly Rin. He then said "So you are Rin's older sister then?" he somehow trusted her right away.

Rina sat with her bck on a tree and said "Yeah i wish i had been in the village when it was attacked. She went through so much hell cause i was not there to get her out." she closed her eyes as tears started to run down her cheeks.

Sesshoumaru saw the hurt and the self blame and scooted next to her "Do not blame your self for what happened. You didn't know and most of all you have her back now and..." He stopped as he suddenly felt her lips on his.

Rina had her eyes shut and leaned against him after breaking the kiss "Lord Sesshoumaru sorry about the kiss i'm just happy that you kept my sister safe and..." she met his eyes with hers "And i want to join you so we both can travel with you if thats ok."

He smiled and said "You may stay for Rin to still see me and you may use the pet name for me if you want." he smiled and kissed her forehead and then stood "We must head in for food after we shall leave for the day and make camp away from here. As you know i do not always get along with Inuyasha."

She smiled "I know, Kagome told me about it when she treated my wound last night. I hope your ok with the pet name Sesshy."

Inuyasha laughed "Ha! Him have a pet name and like it, Bullshit!"

Sesshoumaru growled low "Watch your self little brother." and he knowingly let his voice show a protectiveness of Rin's sister

Kagome screamed "Inuyasha, SIT BOY!"


He hit the ground and got mad "What the hell Kagome!"

She looked at him and said even angrier "Dont even go there Inuyasha, i think its cute anyway its time for breakfast!" she left and had Inuyasha right behind her.

Sesshoumaru leaned down and whispered in Rina's ear "I dont mind it and Rin needs to see i'm kind to her family as well." he then got up and walked with her to eat.

Once inside everyone was silent from how Sesshoumaru had entered with his arm gently escourting Rina in so she wound not aggrevate her wound. He looked around the room "What, would you rather see me be mean to Rin's only living family?"

Rina looked at him "Its ok you dont have to be so kind, save the super kind for Rin." she smiled and then moved to where her sister sat letting her hand brush his arm.

Rin smiled up at her sister and said "I'm really glad that you and Lord Sesshoumaru are getting along and i hope we can stay with him sister."

Rina smiled "Of course we are staying with him Rin, i would never want to take you from him after all he has done for you since that scary day."

Everyone but Inuyasha smiled seeing Rin happy to have both her sister and to get to stay with Seesoumaru.