InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowingly Controlled ❯ The End ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome sat there, starring at Inu Yasha. It had been two hours now, and the sun was starting to rise. Inu Yasha still hadn't wakened up yet, and the pain that flowed off him didn't seem to dissipate at all. It was as if a part of him died with Kikyo, and he had no will to live, but she knew that wasn't true. He's just going threw the heart break of loosing the one he loved for a second time. He just needs time to heal, just like last time, but this time he knows she's resting in peace. Just then she watched as Inu Yasha opened his eyes and starred directly at her.
Opening his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the loving look kagome was giving him. It was amusing how much she and Kikyo looked alike, yet they looked nothing like each other either. He smiled at the thought. His head hurt, he wasn't sure why but it did. However, the pain of his head was nothing compared to the pain of his heart. He had lost her again. He lost the one girl he loved. In all seriousness he knew that she was dead from the start of this whole thing, but now he KNEW that she was indeed resting in peace. She was now happy, and could find a place for her soul to remain until its time to be reincarnated, but by time that happened it would be too late for them.
He looked up at kagome, who stared at him peacefully. He knew she knew what he was thinking, and waiting for him to say something first. Her purity once again radiated off of her and surrounded all that is his being. His head immediately stopped hurting and the pain in his head dissipated ever so slightly. She was pure, never been touched by a man, except for what he's done. He could now tell the difference between her now and here when Kikyo had control. He may have liked the `playful' kagome, but he liked the idea of to earn what she had.
Looking down at his lap he frowned. This was really it. He would never see Kikyo again. He would never see her smile or watch her sleep. He would never again get to rough up the guys that dared to look at his Kikyo. He remembered when he buried Kikyo. He had dressed her body in his mother's dress and built the best coffin he could have at the time. He remembered how gorgeous she looked in it. He remembered her face when he touched her just right. Every morning he used to follow her to where she picked her herbs. The children would meat her there not long after and beg her to play, and of course she would. He always imagined her having his pups and her playing with them like that.
Then he remembered the years of depression and chaotic actions that followed her death. He wanted to kill himself, but the thought of his mothers tear stained face kept him from it. As time went by he drowned himself in whatever drug would take the pain away, for even an instant. He did them everyday. There was a good 50 years when he didn't remember anything.
When his mother was drugged and raped by the son of his father's greatest enemy, his father had gone into a killing rampage. Everybody that was involved with that mafia didn't last the night. However, no mater how painful it was for mother and father, they kept it. Nine months later, Sango was born. She didn't know why she wasn't demon, and didn't care. To this day he wouldn't be surprised if she didn't know anything about her real father or how she was conceived. She had a loving mother and father; it was good enough. She brought him out of his depression. The first time he saw her, she was a month old. He was somewhere in France trying a new drug he heard about, while being introduced to sleeping around. He walked in the door to see his mother holding a bundle. He wasn't able to see her at first, until he got closer. Inu Yasha stopped when they made eye contact. She looked just like his mother. It was hard to tell when a child is that young, but it was obvious. She even sparkled with the same light. He may not have given up his ways, but he calmed down. He didn't want to be a bad role model for the new addition to the family.
Now here he was, all those years later, sitting in some girl's bed after inadvertently, but glad to have, saving her from the heartbroken deceased love of his. How did that happen?
Looking up once again into the eyes of the girl who still stared at him, he smiled. There was something about her that drew his toward her. He didn't know what it was, but it was similar to the way Kikyo drew him in, only his attraction towards kagome was stronger. Was it possible that Kikyo was to prepare him for the girl he was meant to be with? Maybe, but he will always love Kikyo, and will never forget her. Besides, Kikyo will always be reincarnated sometime; he could always find her again.
Still starring at kagome, she smiled. This smile may not have been her best, but it certainly said the most. He smiled to himself as he looked down. `Good bye Kikyo, my love. You will always be in my heart' he thought to himself.
Yes, it will be too late when Kikyo is reincarnated, he would have found the mate he was meant to be with by then. He looked up at kagome once again. Actually, he already found her.
Yes, I am going to do a sequel!