InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowingly Controlled ❯ Kikyo's Tears ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Ok so now what?” it's been about 10 minutes since the bead broke. They had torn apart Miroku's book collection looking for something that could help. There was nothing. The only way to get Kikyo out of kagome was to have her leave of her own freewill. Yeah, that's happen. Kagome was now pale and hardly breathing. Her heart beat had slowed to a dangerous rhythm. Kagome would be dead within the next hour or two.
Inu Yasha stormed into kagome's room, still holding a book, angry beyond belief. Kikyo, his Kikyo, is hurting an innocent. She was no longer the Kikyo he loved. Hatred for him turned her heart into something unrecognizable. Was their anyway to turn her back? Of course there was. Kikyo once told him that a heart could be turned in any which way, it was just harder to turn ones heart from the side of evil. Well, he would have been able to keep trying till he got her to change back, but he didn't have the time. It could take him years to bring her heart back to normal. Kagome had a matter of hours.
Turning around, he threw the book at the dresser, knocking over her jewelry box. One of the draws fell from it, spilling earrings all around the floor. One earing, the one that pierced kagome ears, managed to get itself to where Inu Yasha was going step, lodging itself into his skin. Yelping, Inu Yasha fell backwards, holding his foot, hitting his head on her night stand.
Laying there on the floor, he grabbed his head. That hurt more than it should have for a hanyou. Opening his eyes slightly, he was noticed that there were two of everything, giving him a headache. He found it hard to keep one thought going; great he had a concussion.
“Inu Yasha” a faint voice sounded in his head.
Inu Yasha opened his eyes. He watched as his focus started to come back; YAY for demon healing.
“Under my bed Inu Yasha” the voiced sounded again.
“Ka-kagome?” he moaned. It took him another 30 second or so for his senses to come back to normal. Sitting up immediately he blinked. Under the bed? Under her bed? Kagome?
Moved to his knees he flipped the fabric back, revealing a wooden box sitting under the bed. Grabbing the box, he pulled it out. “MIROKU” Inu Yasha screamed as loud as he felt he could.
Miroku came running in the room frantically. “What is it Inu Yasha, did something happen to kagome?” he stopped when he saw Inu Yasha kneeling by kagome's bed holding an old wooden box.
“No, I fell and hit my head. When I was still dazed I heard kagome's voice, she told me to look under her bed. When I did, I found this.”
“What's inside?” Miroku moved to kneel next to Inu Yasha.
Inu Yasha opened the box, to reveal a book that fit the exact size of the box. It looked to be made out of an old leather and decorated in gold and blood. The patterns may have intricate, but what puzzled them about it was the fact that seal for an ancient demon was in the middle of it.
“Inu Yasha” Miroku began. “Do you recognize this seal?”
Inu Yasha nodded. “Yes, it's the seal of Naraku's clan”
“That would make this book a good 200 years old. It's the book of all his secrets, of his spells and anything else he felt was worthy to write in it. How did she get this?” the young monk looked up at kagome.
“I don't know” Inu Yasha kept his eyes on the book.
“I remember my father telling me that the book was lost when a hanyou killed the evil demon. He said that it was rumored to have been given to the headman at a nearby village and sealed away from the world. It was said that he used his blood to do so.”
“She must be a descendant of the village” Inu Yasha said to himself. Taking in a deep breath, Inu Yasha held it. That smell. The blood on the book was kagome's, but how? The blood smelled to be hundreds of years old. “Miroku, this blood, its kagome's, no doubt”
Miroku reached for the book, Inu Yasha handed it to him. As soon as Miroku touched the book, a small bolt of electricity flooded threw his body. Miroku dropped the book.
“What happened?” Inu Yasha asked.
“I'm not sure” cautiously, Miroku reached his hand out and touch the book. Nothing happened. He opened it, only to be confused. There was no writing. He flipped threw the pages, nothing was there.
“What happened to all of it” Inu Yasha leaned over the book and watched as Miroku flipped threw the pages. Inu Yasha started to growl. “Give it to me” he grabbed the book, closing it as he grabbed it. “There has to be something in here, kagome wouldn't have told me to find it if there wasn't anything in it” he opened the book. They both stopped. The book was filled with writing and drawing, most of it written in blood.
“How did you do that? There was nothing in it a moment ago?”
“I don't know” Inu Yasha continued to flip threw the book while Miroku tried to think.
“Inu Yasha, did you say that kagome told you to look for the book?” Inu Yasha nodded. “That explains it. She gave you permission to read the book, so you are able to see what it holds.”
Flipping another page Inu Yasha stopped. He read the title of the page out loud. “To Talk To Captured Souls” He looked up at Miroku. Miroku could see the understanding and utter sadness in his friend's eyes. Inu Yasha looked down. His voice cracked when he spoke. “I want to talk to her. Besides, she had me find the book. I'm sure she wanted me to visit her.”
“Inu Yasha?” Miroku looked at his friend sadly. `He knows kagome is going to die' he thought to himself. `He understands that we can't do anything else; Kikyo won'.
Inu Yasha looked down at the book and started to read. “It says here is that all I need to do is touch kagome while somebody with spiritual powers chants these words. Get a pencil and paper Miroku. You won't be able to read this once I let it go.”
Miroku did as he was told.
Inu Yasha was now laying next to kagome on his back. He grabbed her hands and squeezed tightly. Her hands were cold. “Ok Miroku”
Miroku nodded. “Stare la fesa mila gulu, Para lace pay kaya fulu” He repeated this over and over.
Inu Yasha closed his eyes as he felt his body tingle.
Miroku watched as the two bodies began to glow. Suddenly, directly over where their hand met, a small orb of pink light began to form. It grew until it was about two feet in diameter. Miroku stopped chanted as he moved his way to look at the orb. He was amazed to find Inu Yasha and kagome sitting inside of it. They started talking, and he could hear every word.
“Inu Yasha?” kagome looked up at him.
“Kagome are you alright?” he hugged her. “I'm sorry that Kikyo is doing this to you, I don't know what to do”
Kagome pulled away and smiled. Taking his hand she sat and motioned for him to follow. He did. She moved his to lay his head on her lap. “I know Inu Yasha, don't worry, I know that I am going to die, I had some time to think about it and it's alright” she smiled once again.
Inu Yasha looked up at her in amazement. He barely knew this girl, and yet he respected her courage. She knew she was done for and yet she kept a smile on her face, she was the good that could come out of this. Wait what good? Oh yeah, that's right, Kikyo will finally be at rest.
Kagome leaned down “Inu Yasha, could you tell me the truth about what happened the day Kikyo died? I have been seeing different visions coming from you and Kikyo, I don't know what's true anymore.” She watched as Inu Yasha nod. “Oh and Inu Yasha, you must be completely honest, don't forget that lying to me now wont solve anything.”
Inu Yasha looked somewhere else other that in the eyes of kagome. “I had left early that morning. Kikyo had gone out to help some villagers with their illnesses. I went to my mothers. Dog demons and human bond differently. Dog demons mate while human go threw a ceremony for marriage. I had not yet marked Kikyo as my life mate. She was not ready for it. Once I did she would have lost a great deal of her powers. She had been training a replacement miko so she could leave her post and spend her life with me. I wanted her to do things the way her people do them, so I went to my mother. I wanted Kikyo to wear the dress my mother wore on her wedding day. When I got back I found Kikyo lying dead on the floor. I later found out that it was a shape shifter named Naraku. I ended up killing him in the end.” He paused. Tears threatened to form in his eyes. “The villagers thought that I devoured her body because they couldn't find it. I took it and buried her next to a tree that we both held in our hearts. The tree and her body are still there.” He looked up at kagome. “I loved her more than anything and would do anything to have her back”
“What if it meant killing somebody” Kagome asked.
He looked up at her. He looked down. “I want the Kikyo that lived before. She isn't the same person anymore. She turned into something that I don't know. She would have never hurt somebody.”
Kagome smiled sadly as she leaned over and kissed Inu Yasha on the forehead. “Thank you for telling me the truth Inu Yasha. I can now die knowing why. Don't let anybody know about the book” She had Inu Yasha move his head as she stood up.
“Kagome” he pleaded form the ground.
“Come out Kikyo, I know you are there” kagome said calmly.
Kikyo emerged. Her hatred looked to have dissipated. All that was left of her now was sadness and love. Her eyes were filled with tears while some already fell down her cheeks. She fell to her knees. Her body shook. Her emotional pain started causing her body physical pain. Memories flooded her head; memories of her life with Inu Yasha. He was so kind to her, even though they didn't have much money, he treated her like a princess. He sacrificed everything for her. He even went to work for a human who had him do physical labor, just to afford to give her the luxuries of that age. Even the intimate memories start to come threw. He was a gently lover, who cared for only her pleasure. How would somebody who worships her in the way he did kill her.
“I'm sorry” Kikyo cried.
“Kikyo” Inu Yasha stood and ran to her side. He wrapped his arms around her. “Its ok, you didn't know” he held her tightly.
Kikyo looked over Inu Yasha's should to kagome, who was smiling at the two embracing on the ground. “You are a better person than I could have ever been. You were willing to die to put me to rest.”
Kagome only nodded while smiling bigger.
Kikyo looked up at Inu Yasha. She placed her hand on his cheek. Leaning up she whispered right before their lips touched. “I didn't need a wedding. I just wanted to be with you” she kissed him lightly. Inu Yasha immediately kissed back. Pulling away she looked him in the eye.
Inu Yasha felt his heart want to explode. This was her, his love Kikyo, and he couldn't help her. She felt so real, so warm.
“I love you Inu Yasha, I can now rest knowing you return my feelings.” Kikyo whispered.
Suddenly her body no longer had a material form. His hands went right threw her. All that was left was a warm, soft, glowing shape of a girl he loved. He wanted her to stay with him but he knew she couldn't. She was dead. He had already spent the time coming to that truth, and now he was back where he started, he had to live with her death for a second time.
The last thing he saw was Kikyo smile one of the most gorgeous smiled he had ever seen. It was full of adoration towards him. She loved him. She no longer thought he killed her. She was happy.
She disappeared.
Miroku watched as kagome opened her eyes, and sat up. The orb had dissipated and Inu Yasha was still unconscious, however, they could see the sorrow flowing off him.