InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Desire ❯ Unknown Desire ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Unknown Desire
Disclaimer: I am simply borrowing characters of Inuyasha for a while. (Although I would gladly give an arm and leg to own Sesshoumaru-sama)
Full summary: Lady Kagome of the Higurashi House has become the mate of Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands. She hated the arranged marriage but could not understand why she was attracted to the youkai who has become her mate. Sesshoumaru's heart beats for beauty whom he lusts for but she had denied him her bed and heart. What will Sesshoumaru do to tame his lovely mate?
A/N: Both Kagome and Sesshoumaru may seem OOC. Sesshoumaru has both his arms and Kagome is a lady. Inuyasha and the gang will not be appearing in this fic. This is basically a LEMON so don't say I didn't warn you. This is my first fic so don't show any mercy when reviewing.
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Chapter 1: The Start Of The Taming
For a moment, Sesshoumaru sat in the steam, thinking of nothing but the tensions the water eased away. But he could not quell either his irritation or restlessness, and he found his eyes turning towards his mate -- silent and still, but not sleeping, he was sure -- in the bed.
Damn her and her feigned, mocking obedience. He smiled suddenly. “Kagome,” he commanded, his eyes lazily half closed, “I wish you to scrub my back.”
She made no reply. Just as she feigned servitude, she feigned sleep.
He spoke again, very quietly. “I know you do not sleep, mate, and I have had a long, tiring day, made more so, I might add, by your demands. I command you to come and scrub my back.”
“My lord Sesshoumaru,” she said coolly, her back still toward him. “ I will obey you in all matters of household, but as to my person, I owe you nothing. I shall bother you no longer since your affairs shall not affect me, but neither shall I expect to be affronted by you. That shall keep the peace. I will keep my distance from you and not anger you. Then you will have no reason to approach me.”
He rose dripping and walked to the bed so quietly she didn't hear him until he picked her up so bodily in one smooth fluid motion. He was rewarded for his efforts by a quick look of stunned surprise in her eyes. Her fingers dug into his chest in her efforts to free herself.
“Mate,” he said cuttingly, “you call me a barbaric inu, yet you continually feel safe to taunt me. I suppose I must prove to you that I am not an inu, but a civil youkai wishing nothing other than your pleasurable existence. You do not care to scrub my back, therefore I will humble myself and scrub yours.”
Kagome could not dislodge herself from him and one glance into the amber fire of his eyes started her shivering in dismay. She had come to know both his rages and sword-edged pleasantry, and the latter was the far more dangerous of the two. But there was little time for her to do more than issue the single protest “No!” before finding herself dropped into the tub.
She grabbed desperately at the edges to balance herself but the dripping naked and powerful force of her mate halted her. “How remiss of me,” he muttered, catching her wrists with his hand as he hunched down beside the tub, “ I can't scrub your back when there is silk upon it, can I?”
“Damn you, youkai! I don't wan my back scrubbed!” Kagome cried desperately as he held her with one hand while he slid the other down her body to find the hem of her yukata and ease the soaking silk up and over her head. He released her wrists only to pull the yukata over them, and then clutched them once more. “Sit still, mate,” he said softly, his eyes bright and sardonically guileless. “I wish to perform a service to you.”
She struggled briefly with him, attempting to stand. But that only brought her nude and wet body colliding with his, and she shuddered as if touched by fire as her nipples brushed against his chest and her thighs were met with his vital, pulsing masculinity.
She sank back into the tub. He reached between her upthrust knees to burrow for the soap and cloth and she jumped with a gasp.
“Relax, mate,” he murmured, his voice a low whisper with that ever underlying taunt, “Now that I have ignored you for so long, I must make atonement as a good barbaric mate.”
She felt him move behind her, sweep her hair into one hand as he soaped her shoulders with the other. But more than his touch on her, she felt his presence, the tension radiating from his body. She could sense each flicker of movement within him, each nuance of muscle play.
She wound her fingers over the rim of the tub, holding on as if she stood at the brink of a great crevice, and should she let go, she would fall.
What is happening? She wondered desperately. He had taunted her many times before, but this was different. She was finding it impossible to fight, to retaliate, to move. She couldn't think; it was as if her mind were being lulled as well as her senses with the motion and touch and scent of the youkai she was sworn to despise. Different, but not so different, she struggled to clarify with dismay. She had always been far more terrified of his gentle touch than his anger. The tension had always been between them, lurking, promising an explosion, causing he to lose more and more coherent though by the second, making her a prisoner of dangerously erotic sensations.