InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed Desire (Love Over Time - I) ❯ Just Another Manic Monday! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unleashed Desire

(Love Over Time - I)

When it’s All Said & Done


First off… Kitty does not own Inuyasha or any related characters. No one pays me to corrupt my favorite inuhanyou. Kitty does it 4 her own twisted pleasure & yours of course.

Title: Unleashed Desire

Author: Smittin Kittin


Summary: Inuyasha, Kagome spend a day in bed 



Rating: NC -17 for language & adult content


Pairing(s): Inuyasha, Kagome, ^_^


Feedback: feel free 2 let me know what u think! All reviews are appreciated but not demanded! If u want to leave a review great if not I hope u enjoy the fic & appreciate u reading just the same!


Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome


Betas: I don't have one. This is just for fun. Please enjoy the story in all of its grammatically incorrect glory 😉




I was was going through old files and found unfinished flics from forever ago. I'm still flattered and humbled that so many people enjoyed my little stories. I realized that I am guilty of something that irritates me as a reader. In a fit of artist perfectionism I removed all the chapters in order to edit them and then never reloaded them leaving a void where favorite stories once were. I'm correcting that now, I can't promise updates or new stories, but I can repost what I have. Who knows inspiration might strike!





The last of the dwindling daylight filtered in through the half-closed drapes, casting the darkly furnished room in golden tones and stirring the raven-haired beauty that lay dozing lightly upon the oversized bed. Released from the paralysis of slumber, her eyes slowly blinked open. Slightly dilated pupils hid behind a flutter of lashes as a yawn distorted the smooth features of her angelic face. Now awakened from her light slumber and fully aware of the lingering stiffness in her limbs she squirmed, shifting the tense muscles in her hips and thighs. A soft sigh slipped from her slightly parted lips as she shifted in an attempt to dislodge the weight of a familiar pressure on her abdomen.


The young woman stared down at her lover and relaxed into the soft bedding wondering how she always ended up here, like this? Regarding the figure resting quietly on her stomach, she sighed. `Because of him,' she thought, a small smile illuminated her delicate features.


Never had she been able to deny him, not this man who possessed her so completely. He was a part of her and she allowed him inside of her in every way. Stricken by the vary thought of losing him and certain she would cease to exist without him. Her heart ached when he was away. His very presence caused her soul to rejoice. The slightest touch of his hand made her body ache with need, and she longed to feel him pressed against her in an intimate embrace. No, she could not deny him any more than she could her next breath.


Sighing wistfully, she idly ran her slender fingers through his silken silver tresses allowing the thick soft strands to slip over the backside of her hand while she marveled at his beauty, not that he was feminine in any way... No, he was positively a man, she giggled at that thought, he was so much more than that. Beyond handsome; he was a flawless specimen of the male form. "Humph, probably didn't even have awkward teen years," she grumbled to herself.


"Kagome," a husky voice whispered, pulling her from her thoughts, calling her.

"Hmm," she answered distractedly, blinking away the last tendrils of sleep.

"Where were you just now?" he questioned his voice low and gravelly.​


‘So, you nodded off as well.’ Kagome thought, gratified not to have been the only one in need of a catnap. "Where I always am silly, with you," The miko’s voice was a soft whisper and she smiled, her love for him clearly reflected in her golden-brown eyes.


Her lover grunted in reply before slowly crawling up her body. Every part of him grazed against her heated flesh, soliciting a moan from the back of the young priestess’s throat. God, she loved when he did that! The way he stalked along her body with predatory grace, it sent jolts of desire right to her very core.



His name left her lips in a breathy whisper and his mouth curved into a cocky grin. The self-assured inuhanyou took great satisfaction in the fact that Kagome’s body responded so readily to his. Inuyasha leaned in soft lips grazed the delicate cartilage of her ear, pausing for a moment, allowing his breath to waft over Kagome’s cheek and along her neck. His lover shivered, not just hearing his words, but feeling them as well. He spoke, the tone low and seductive, "Kagome, let me hear you."


The hanyou dragged his claws slowly up her abdomen, taunt muscles left quivering in their wake. He cupped her right breast lightly in his hand, balancing the weight of it before running the pad of his thumb over her darkened nipple. Kagome gasped as Inuyasha ran his tongue along the rim of her ear and along her neck. "I need to hear you Love," he repeated in a gruff voice.


The trembling miko slid her hand into his hair; her fingers tangled in the long silvery strands and she pulled him to her, yet said nothing. Kagome’s body was responding to him as it always did, but Inuyasha wanted more. He shifted his weight settling between her parted thighs. Kagome’s pulse quickened and she sucked in a breath as the demon above her pressed his body more firmly against her, allowing her to feel the urgency of his demand. "I need to hear you."


Again, Kagome said nothing.


Inuyasha chuckled lightly, the vibration in his chest causing the woman beneath him to quiver. The amused demi-demon responded to her silence by continuing. He kissed his way along her collarbone to the other side of her slender neck, giving the breast that he still held firmly in his hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it. Inuyasha trailed his newly freed hand over Kagome’s collarbone and along her throat. His hand stilled and he placed it on the side of her face, tenderly cupping her cheek in the warmth of his palm, his thumb absently stroking the underside of her chin. `God she’s beautiful,' he thought to himself, noticing her delicate features and smooth skin just before he leaned down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss.


Kagome loved Inuyasha’s kisses, she could loose herself in him when he kissed her. Listening only to the rhythm of his beating heart, focusing on the sensation of his tongue caressing her own, and the feel of his hand on the side of her face as he smoothly guided her movements in the way only someone seasoned in the art of kissing can


Kagome was inexperienced, a virgin when she met Inuyasha. She had been certain that he was not.


Not that she was troubled by that fact; on the contrary, Kagome was grateful for it. Her most recent boyfriend before Inuyasha entered her life was very sweet and obviously a sexual novice. It was evident in the way he kissed her. First, asking her permission. Then, when his lips fell upon hers, Hojo’s movements were hesitant and unsure. The young miko knew she would not lose herself to her high school crush. Hojo could never satisfy her; Kagome needed someone who would unleash the passion she kept hidden away, deep in her soul. She wanted a man who with the slightest touch of his lips would sweep her away in a current of desire.


Inuyasha tilted Kagome’s head slightly to deepen the kiss. How he loved the taste of her, a rare mix of purity and raw enthusiasm. He knew she'd be like this the day he met her, the first moment he looked into the feisty miko’s eyes, Inuyasha could see the fire burring in them. Hiding behind her innocence was a seductress waiting to be liberated. Inuyasha knew something else that day. He knew that he had to be the one to free her.


Inuyasha broke the kiss, both panting for air, his amber eyes aflame. The inuhanyou stared into the glimmering eyes of his lover. "Kagome..." he panted, his chest swiftly rising and falling with every breath. She shook her head. If he wanted to hear her, he was damned well going to have to work for it. Inuyasha chuckled. "You will say it Kagome…hell, you'll scream it so the whole fucking complex is gonna hear you!" he said just as he started to lick and nip his way down her body. Inuyasha took his time, making sure his tongue had caressed every inch of her, reveling in the taste of her. Kagome was intoxicating. Her body was like a potent drug, and he would willingly overdose.


Kagome moaned loudly as Inuyasha licked his way down her body. The swirling patterns he made along the way held a promise of things he would do when he reached his destination. She purred, her blood began to heat as a familiar sensation made its way along her flesh following the path her hanyou’s tongue fashioned.


The breathless miko was starting to wonder if challenging her demon lover had been such a good idea. Kagome knew Inuyasha could smell her heightened scent, taste it on her rapidly warming skin, yet he was making his descent along her body at an agonizingly slow pace. `No, I will not give in to him I will n…' her thought escaped her when he flicked her belly ring lightly with his tongue. "Mmm," she moaned when he gingerly tugged at it with his teeth before swirling his tongue into her sensitive navel.


Inuyasha grinned against the sensitive flesh of Kagome’s stomach. He still wasn't certain why his miko had wanted the damned piercing, though the demi-demon was glad he’d permitted her to get it. There was something sexy about seeing that metal ring dangling seductively over her navel. Sometimes, he could barely suppress the urge to drop to his knees and flick it with his tongue. That part of Kagome’s body had always been an erogenous zone, but since she had gotten the piercing, it was more responsive to his touch.


She gasped, taking in a shuddered breath when his tongue glided over her moist folds. Kagome immediately drew her knees up, granting Inuyasha more access to her heated center before fisting her hands in his thick hair and raising her back and shoulders up off the bed in a silent attempt to urge him on.


Inuyasha growled low in his throat. `Unfucking believable!' he grumbled to himself. `She’s trying to rush me, and she thinks she can do it without saying a goddamned word!'


The irritated demon withdrew his head from his miko’s parted thighs and crawled back up her body, straddling her full hips. Inuyasha grabbed each of Kagome’s delicate wrists in his hands and placed them forcefully on either side of her head. He leaned into her, his nose touching hers, Inuyasha’s normally golden eyes were now a shade of warm honey darkened with irritation. One word escaped his lips with a growl. "Down!"


At that command, all the muscles in Kagome’s body went slack and she sank back into the mattress beneath her. ‘Oh yeah challenging him was definitely not a good idea!’


Taking advantage of his position, Inuyasha slowly began to run his tongue across Kagome’s quivering lips. They quickly parted, granting him access to her waiting mouth, but this was no sweet romance novel kiss. This was a forceful demand for his miko’s complete submission to his will, Inuyasha’s tongue swept into Kagome’s mouth exploring the warm cavern.


Kagome could feel her heart pounding against her chest as Inuyasha ravaged her mouth with such enthusiasm, she felt as if he were sucking the air out of her lungs. "Mmm," she moaned as she felt herself melt into him.


Inuyasha drew Kagome’s tongue into his own warm depths, his eyes never leaving hers. His honey gold orbs bore into her, seemingly penetrating the young woman’s soul. The shrine priestess was overwhelmed, lost in a haze that the passion of his kiss was enveloping her in. Entranced by the swirl of gold and crimson in Inuyasha’s eyes her own slipped closed as she dissolved into him. Kagome tilted her head, allowing her demon lover to plunge deeper into the depth of her warm mouth.


Satisfied with her submission, his instincts appeased, the growl that had been reverberating through Inuyasha’s chest halted. He separated his lips from Kagome’s and she whined at the loss, her eyes fluttering open. The panting miko’s chest was rapidly rising and falling as she drew ragged breaths in an attempt to regain her senses.


Inuyasha stared into his lover’s sparkling cinnamon and honey orbs, now aflame with desire. He nuzzled her neck, dragging his fangs over Kagome’s pulse point, lapping at it at with his tongue. The enraptured inuhanyou inhaled deeply, taking in his beloved’s intoxicating fragrance before he pulled away from her throat. With his hands still wrapped firmly around her delicate wrists, Inuyasha settled more of his weight on top of Kagome as he spoke in a coarse, commanding voice.


"You will behave Kagome. Do I make myself clear?" Though posed as a question the tone of Inuyasha’s voice made it clear that he would only accept one answer. He was being forceful, his aura flared brushing against her own demanding her submission and Kagome could not help the liquid heat pooling between her legs as she attempted to answer. Unable to find her voice, she simply nodded her compliance.


"Good," Inuyasha grunted, releasing her wrists from his strong grasp. The last spike in Kagome’s scent had nearly driven him over the edge. Inuyasha was barely hanging on to his self-control. His instincts were telling him to flip her over and pound into her until she screamed his name, but he couldn’t do that just yet. There was a lesson his defiant little miko needed to learn and he was determined to teach it to her slowly. After taking a moment to get a grip on his control, Inuyasha loosened his thighs hold on Kagome’s hips before firmly wrapping his hands around her trim waist. He effortlessly drew her into a seated position, resting her back against the headboard. Placing his hands on her shoulders Inuyasha dragged his claws smoothly down Kagome’s arms. He traced over the back of her hands, turning them palm side up, drawing them close to his face and tracing her lifelines languidly with his tongue.


Kagome gasped, biting her lip when Inuyasha trailed his tongue leisurely over her palm before placing her hands over her head and wrapping her fingers around the thick railing.


"Stay," was all the hanyou said before removing his hands from hers to trace them along her sides. He lowered his head to her left breast, kissing the warm soft mound before his tongue traced the dusty rose of her areola licking her stiffened nipple, then blowing over it until it was a hardened nub. Kagome shuddered beneath him and Inuyasha growled taking the swollen tip hungrily into his mouth and tugging at it lightly.


Kagome moaned the guttural sound all she was capable of as her lover lavished his attention on her sensitive flesh. Once she was whimpering, and her nerve endings overly sensitized by his insistent sucking Inuyasha focused his attention elsewhere, kissing his way along her stomach at an agonizingly slow pace. Once he reached the location of the enticing fragrance that had been calling to him, the impatient demi-demon closed his eyes and allowed his miko’s stimulated scent to wash over him. Inuyasha could not contain the excited growl that escaped his throat at the feeling of being so near the core of his Kagome’s sexuality. He relaxed onto his knees drinking in the sight of the excited woman before him. The fullness of her mouth, the suppleness of her teardrop shaped breast, her soft smooth tummy, and curvaceous hips. His inner demon rose to the surface lending more bass to his voice making it gruffer. "Beautiful and all mine," he stated with a predatory smile.


After an exaggerated moment, Inuyasha placed his hands low on Kagome’s thighs as he expertly maneuvered his fingers to the underside of her knees drawing them up and firmly pressing the palms of his hands against her shins, forcing her thighs close to her body. His hands shifted to the inside of the juncture where her knees were tightly clasped together, slowly Inuyasha glided his agile fingers closer to his miko’s heated core while applying enough pressure to spread her thighs apart.


Kagome’s head lulled back. "Ahhh. Inu…" was all she could get out as his nimble fingers made their way to her moist center. She sucked in her next breath as he slid his index finger inside her wet entrance while the palm of his hand rested against her swollen clit.


Inuyasha could not stop the arrogant smirk making its way across his lips as Kagome squirmed and bucked in an attempt to inch more of his finger inside her.


"You like that Kagome?" he asked as he pushed a second finger inside of her and rubbed the palm of his hand roughly against her sensitive clit.


"Mmm... Hmm..." was her barely audible response.


"What was that love? I didn’t hear you" His voice was smug, taunting as he pushed his fingers deeper inside of her, at a faster pace eliciting another strangled moan from her throat.


"Please...ahhh...Yash..." Kagome pleaded, squirming as Inuyasha’s talented fingers brought her closer to her release. He lifted his palm away from her clit, but continued to pump his fingers into her at a slower pace. Kagome whimpered. Panting heavily, she spoke in a forced whisper "W Why... won't... Mmm.... Cum?" she pleaded in a voice so soft, he had to strain his ears to hear her.


"Is that what you want baby girl? Want me to let you cum?" he asked in a husky voice and she nodded her head vigorously. "What was that Kagome? I didn't hear you," he teased, stroking his thumb over her clit.


"Yes, Yash... pleease!" she begged, wriggling in an attempt to increase the sensation of his thumb pressed softly against her throbbing nub.


"Are you sure that's what you want Kagome?" he asked pulling his hand back when her hips bucked against his fingers.


The frustrated miko glared at her lover. "Damn it... Yesss!" she hissed, arching towards his fingers once more.


He leaned over her swirled his tongue in her navel. "Language Kagome” He chided, pausing in his ministrations until his young miko lowered her eyes worrying he lower lip between her teeth. “Now, say it again and let me hear you," he said before pressing his fingers deeper into her tight passage.


"I...Yash...yes, Pleeease!" She whimpered desperately.


Once the words left her mouth, he placed his palm back against her aching clit and curled his fingers deeper inside her, touching a spot that caused Kagome to arch off the bed, her mouth open in a near silent cry of pleasure. Resuming his earlier task at a pace no human could match, the demi-demon quickly brought his miko to her long-awaited climax.


Kagome’s hands slid down the bedpost and found their way to her pert nipples as Inuyasha brought her to the releases she desperately needed. She threw her head back, thrashing wildly and bucking her hips as waves of sensation robbed her of any coherent thought. "Inuyasha!" her lover’s name was ripped from her throat as he sent her tumbling over the edge into a familiar ecstasy. Kagome’s body trembled as he pulled his fingers out of her still clenching sheath, licking her warm cream from them.


"Fuck Kagome, you have any idea how good you taste?" Inuyasha questioned while sucking the last of her juices from his clawed fingers. He wrapped his strong hands around her waist and pulled her flat onto the bed before placing wet kisses along her shoulder and neck. Slowly working his way up to her ear to nip at the sensitive lobe, before whispering in a husky voice, "That was good baby, but you know what I want to hear Kagome. So, let's try again and see if you can't get it right."


"Get it right." Kagome stated no trace of her earlier passion evident in her irritated tone. "Yash that implies I did something wrong." Inuyasha arched an eyebrow and stared at her blankly. The surprised young priestess looked at the demon in front of her and giggled. "You've been spending too much time with your brother." She said poking a finger into his chest.


Inuyasha’s brow furrowed and his face took on a familiar scowl. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?' He snapped at her, none to pleased with having been compared to his half brother. ‘I ain’t anything like that bastard’ He grumbled to himself then turned to glare at the young woman who’d dare say such a thing.


"Nothing Inuyasha just forget I said anything." Kagome said waiving her hands in front of her face and flashing him a saccharin sweet smile.


"The hell I will. Listen wench, I'm nothing like my asshole brother got that!" He crossed his arms over his chest and began to pout like a small child. “How dare you compare me to that cold-hearted bastard?” He mumbled.


"Inuyasha that's not what I meant." Kagome stated in an exasperated tone. "It... It's just that..." Kagome began to fidget as she chewed nervously on her bottom lip.


"Well spit it out already!" He yelled at her, his figure looming over hers impatiently. Inuyasha began tapping the claw on his right index finger on Kagome’s belly ring.


She sighed. "The way you looked at me just…it seemed like something your brother would do. I expect you to yell at me…call me a stupid girl or something…not stare at me like the puppy that just piddled on the carpet." She said rolling her eyes in irritation.


"Keh, was that a dog joke?” Inuyasha feigned irritation. “Stupid girl." He mumbled with a grin. "You act like you want me to yell at you. I already did that remember and a shit load of good it did me. It's not like you listened to what I said or anything." He closed his eyes and grunted.


"You're not still mad about the other day?" Kagome inquired her eyes wide with shock as she turned to look at him.


Inuyasha’s eyes flew open and his molten honey orbs focused in on her, challenging her to look away. "No Kagome I'm not still mad. I was pissed, but I think you already know that." He was eerily calm as he spoke in a clear flat tone that Kagome found unnerving. Inuyasha's eyes were betraying him.


Kagome scrunched up her nose and furrowed her brow as she looked into his rapidly darkening amber depths. What she discovered there caused all the muscles in her face to go slack and her jaw to drop open. "You are still pissed!" She sighed, “It’s been three days, why can't you just let it go Inuyasha?"


His body tensed and the fingers on the hand that was still resting on her hip began to flex in irritation, his claws lightly tapping on her flesh. "Inu... Inuyasha I... I mean you... you didn't expect..." Kagome was flustered she had not expected him to still be angry. She knew what she'd done was dangerous, but figured after the angry tirade complete with foul language supplemented by growls and snarls that she'd been forced to endure on that night everything had blown over.


“Fuck Kagome, I don't want to hear anymore excuses from you!" He barked out in an agitated tone, any semblance of calm quickly fading. He glared at her and an angry growl erupting in his chest. After putting herself in danger, being dragged home and unceremoniously dropped at the front door by his asshole brother of all people. Kagome had the nerve to think he shouldn’t still be angry. Inuyasha had been worried sick about her. The nervous hanyou had scoured the city looking for a trace of his impulsive miko hell, he’d even gotten the fucking wolf out of bed to help search for her and now she had the nerve to act as if she hadn’t done a damn thing wrong! Did Kagome think she was going to get away with this shit? ‘No fucking way!’ the first voice in his head seethed. ‘Damn right she ain’t getting away with it!’ agreed the second.


Kagome started to squirm, Inuyasha’s grip on her tightened as he pulled her smaller form closer to him his eyes never leaving hers. The blazing orbs of amber and crimson bore into her demanding her attention. “I am not a patient individual Kagome..." He paused taking in a deep breath in an effort to calm his frayed nerves. "...but I have been more than patient with you."


She opened her mouth to protest, but the sound that came from the back of Inuyasha’s throat demanded her silence. She complied and instinctively lowered her eyes from his unrelenting gaze.


His grip on her hip loosened and he sighed. "Damn it woman! You're constantly defying me, even when what I say is for your own good. I can't trust you to do what you're supposed to do! Because I'm always worried about you doing whatever the hell it is you want to do without a thought to how dangerous it is! God damn it Bitch I have had enough of your shit!" He barked at her.


Her eyes squeezed shut and she shuttered from the volume and intensity of his words. Kagome went rigid. “I... I thought you liked my free spirit?" She squeaked out in a small voice, her cinnamon and gold dust eyes brimming with unshed tears.


Kagome’s lower lip began to tremble and all the anger faded out of Inuyasha's body. She was going to cry. He hated it when she cried, especially when it was his fault. He propped himself up sliding the hand that had been resting on Kagome's hip between her back and the mattress turning her body into his and placing her head on his chest, resting it over his heart in one fluid motion. He began delicately stroking his hand through her satiny sable tresses. He spoke to her in a gentle loving tone.


"Kagome, of course I love that about you, but I'm worried that your reckless abandonment is gonna get you hurt or…” He closed his eyes blocking out old memories. “I can't bear the thought of loosing you. Damn it Kagome don't you understand without you a part of me will die!"


She melted into him, her doubts assuaged by his loving actions and words. "I'm sorry Inuyasha I didn't mean to worry you."


He placed a kiss on the top of her head pulling her to him tightly. "I know mate."


Kagome took a deep breath allowing his scent and reassuring words to wash over her and then closed her eyes and nestled into him contentedly.


Inuyasha chuckled and placed another kiss atop her head.


“What’s so funny Yash?' She inquired confusion evident in her tone.


He shook his head and replied, "You are."


Kagome raised her head off his chest in an effort to see his face. He stared at her, his golden eyes filled with amusement "Do you really think that's it Kagome, You apologize and you're off the hook?" He chuckled.


She huffed as she rose off his chest and rolled onto her back, pulling the sheet up over her body and crossing her arms over her chest. "What else do you want from me?" She spat, her voice filled with irritation at his refusal to just except her apology and be done with it. "What do you expect Yash for me to grovel at your feet and beg forgiveness? Humph that’s never gonna happen." She proclaimed rolling her eyes in opposition to the very idea.


Every ounce of the irritation and tension returned to his body, her outburst serving to remind him why he was angry in the first place. Inuyasha snarled then stood up and walked to the foot of the bed. He began to pace back and forth like a caged animal clenching and unclenching his fists, anger an irritation rolling off him in waves.


The darker of the two voices in Inuyasha’s head growled. ‘Disobedient unruly Bitch’ His youkai blood demanded that he punish his mate for her impudence, but the hanyou had other ideas.


Kagome sat up clutching the sheet closely to her chest. Her heart was racing nervously Inuyasha’s aura was pulsating wildly, expanding pressing against her own. The miko could practically see the anger radiating off him. She swallowed thickly then asked in a soothing tone her voice full of concern. "Yash, baby what's wrong?"


He didn’t look at her. "I suppose this is my fault." He stated as he stopped pacing, bent over and placed both of his hands on the mattress. Smoldering amber eyes hid behind shaggy white bangs as his head shook from side to side, as the realization hit him. "I let you get away with too much for too long, letting things slide when you clearly should have been punished." Speaking more to himself than to the flustered woman whom sat clinging to a sheet in front of him.


Kagome bristled at the word punished. She did not know what he meant by that, but the way he said it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and she could hear her heart thundering in her ears as beads of sweat formed on her forehead.


He looked up capturing her in his piercing golden gaze. The glowing amber of his irises sparked with flecks of crimson as the next words left his lips. "Turn over!" He growled in a harsh voice.


She stared at him her eyes gone wide with shock and confusion. He leaned more of his weight on to the bed poised to pounce on her. His muscles tensed. His ears twitched and his eyes darted around the room before focusing back on her. "Turn. Over." His voice was low and demanding, the tone clearly stating that he would not tolerate noncompliance.


Kagome caught the look in Inuyasha’s eyes as he leaned more fully into the mattress she could not identify it and that scared the hell out of her. She was sure she had crossed some sort of line and pushed him too far this time. ‘Why can't I just keep my big mouth shut?’ The air grew thick with tension and her instincts were telling her to flee. She reconsidered when she saw Inuyasha’s ears twitch and his eyes dart around the room. An impatient growl erupted from the hanyou’s throat and he began to breathe heavily in anticipation. Kagome’s muscles tensed and she slowly began to draw her legs up. She was going to run. That is until the deep warning growl rumbling through Inuyasha’s chest increased in volume his aura flared and he placed one knee on the bed. Kagome knew there was no way she could out run him and everything about his demeanor was daring her to try. She thought better of it as she eased her bottom back down on to the mattress just long enough to roll over onto her tummy. She placed her hands flat on the bed on either side of her face and allowed her body to relax in gesture of her submission. She may not have been born a dog demon, but she certainly possessed enough of a self-preservation instinct to know when to obey and this was one of those times


The rumbling in his chest decreased in volume but did not stop as she complied with his demand. An eternity seemed to pass as she lay there waiting to see exactly what he planned to do to her. Kagome thought she would go crazy if he did not do or say something soon. She could sense his presence at the foot of the bed, but dare not turn around to look. She felt the mattress sink under his added weight moments before she could feel him stalking along her tingling flesh. He grazed along her body his skin barely touching hers, causing all of her nerves to twitch to life.


Kagome let out a strangled moan. He brought his moist lips up to her ear. She could feel warm puffs of air caressing her lobe. Inuyasha nibbled it lightly. He heard her suck in a breath and pressed his lips closer as he spoke in a hushed tone. "I will not tolerate a rebellious mate Kagome." He warned.


She attempted to raise her head as if to speak. Just as a choked noise began to escape her lips Kagome, felt a sting as Inuyasha emitted a sound between a bark and a yip from deep in his throat and swatted her on her bare bottom, hard. A mixture of shock, pain, and fear rushed through the startled miko as she realized she was in deep shit.


"Ah, ah, ah, you're not talking now Kagome you’re listening." Inuyasha chided in a condescending tone his hand coming down on her exposed bottom twice more stinging the tender flesh of her exposed backside. Kagome bit her lip to keep from crying out.


He could smell her panic when he reprimanded her. ‘Good she should be scared to defy us. We’re the alpha in this mating. Show her who’s boss’ The darker voice in his head encouraged. Inuyasha closed his eyes concentrating on maintaining control over his inner demon.


‘Kagome’s human and you’re scaring her. If she’s afraid she’ll just hide from us in order to stay out of trouble.’ reasoned the second calmer voice in his head.


The deeper of the two growled. ‘Shut up and let me handle things for once. You don’t know shit about disciplining a mate that’s why our Bitch does whatever the fuck she wants no matter what you say.’ Inuyasha took a deep breath in an attempt to calm the blood heating in his veins. Even when he was angry with her, Kagome's scent had a soothing effect on him. As he inhaled, he noticed something else spiking her scent. ‘What the hell?’


Inuyasha nuzzled his nose into her neck to confirm what he suspected. When he pulled back from her, a wicked grin made its way across his face. ‘Liked that did you Kagome?’ He mused to him self the darker voice in his head chuckled, entirely to pleased with his new discovery


Kagome was beside herself. ‘Oh my God what was that? More importantly, was I turned on by it?’ In the time they had been together, Inuyasha had pushed many of her boundaries and she began to take pleasure in things she never thought she would do, but being spanked?


Mortified, Kagome lay silent, praying that he had not taken note of her reaction. "Relax love, I have no intention on spanking you…not just yet anyway," he said, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice.


"Humph," Kagome snorted indignantly, trying not to sound too relieved.


"What's the matter Kagome, disappointed?" Inuyasha chortled when she gasped and her body tensed beneath him. Storing the information away in his memory for future reference, Inuyasha returned his attention to the task at hand. His hips still straddling hers, he leaned forward and pressed his well-defined chest flat against her silken back. His fingers played lightly over the back of her hands before tangling with hers. He used their intertwined digits to slide her arms up over her head, outstretched as if she were reaching for something.


Kagome sighed contentedly. Prior to meeting Inuyasha, she would not have considered the back of her hands an erogenous zone, but now there was no place on her body he could touch that did not make her shiver in anticipation. His every caress held a promise of pleasures she'd yet to experience.


He slowly moved his hands along the length of her arms, dragging his claws lightly over her trembling flesh. Her body quivered under his touch. She closed her eyes and a smile made its way across her full lips.


Inuyasha’s hands continued making their way across Kagome’s shoulders, along her sides, and down her spine. He effortlessly lifted his body from hers, shifting her thighs apart in order to kneel between her long legs. His hands never faltered as they torturously glided along her aroused flesh. Kagome's shapely form squirmed beneath him when his tongue licked along her spine, taking long deliberate strokes from the curve of her back to the nape of her neck.


Inuyasha began kissing his way along her back and sides in an alternating pattern. He placed open mouth kisses on her heated flesh, allowing his tongue to slip out of his mouth and make diminutive circular patterns in the area between his soft, moist lips. He then leisurely soothed his tongue over her creamy skin, gradually licking and savoring the sweet taste of her. Pleased with his ministrations, something akin to a soft growl was emanating from deep in Kagome's throat. His lips formed a gratified smile against her tingling flesh as the sound of her satisfied growls reached his ears. Encouraged by the soft noises Kagome was making, Inuyasha made his way to the firm, tender flesh of her posterior using the same alternating pattern of licks and kisses as his claws drew patterns on the abandoned flesh of her back and sides.


"Mmm... Yash," Kagome heard herself moan when his lips trailed over her bottom. Her whole body vibrated as he kissed, licked, and clawed along her backside. His delicate caresses were awakening every nerve in her body, her aura hummed with fevered anticipation. She was so relaxed, had it not been for the familiar tension slowly building in her belly, she might have fallen asleep. When his hands made their way to the dip of her waist, Kagome intuitively arched her back, raising her hips off the bed thrusting her bottom up suggestively.


She was offering herself to him. Inuyasha's resolve wavered momentarily when she lifted her hips from the bed and thrust herself towards him. `Damn it!' he thought to himself as the blood began to rush from his head and make its way to his growing erection.


Kagome brought her knees up, exposing the most intimate part of herself to Inuyasha's longing gaze. She would never tell anyone, but this was her favorite position. He could reach new depths in her when he took her this way. She could feel herself getting wet with anticipation. She began to squirm, her breath coming in shallow pants. Her whole body burned with desire. She wanted to feel him driving into her. The thought of it was making her dizzy with need. Desperate to relieve the ache that anticipation caused, Kagome slid her hand between her legs to her moist folds, eliciting a grunt from Inuyasha and a moan from herself.


Something in him snapped. She was twitching as her hand made its way to touch the core of her sexuality. His partial erection became engorged at the sight of her shamelessly attempting to please herself. He had to stop her and he needed to do it now.


Kagome audibly gasped when Inuyasha forcefully moved her hand aside, replacing it with his eager lips. She practically purred as he hungrily lapped at her entrance, his tongue making its way along her folds to her sensitive nub. She could feel the tension building in her tummy and making its way down between her thighs. Inuyasha pulled back just long enough to flip her over, she didn't have time to register the loss of contact before his lips were on her again. Kagome's head was spinning and she couldn't focus her eyes. Her lover was torturing her with his tongue and she was begging him to continue. "Shit ... you're... mmm... too...ahh... good at this!" she cried when Inuyasha took the bead of her desire into his mouth and began to suck on it.


He slid his tongue inside her entrance, tasting her. He could feel her muscles spasm as her climax approached. He laid his tongue flat against her sensitive clit and rubbed it back and forth in quick strokes. Her grip on his hair tightened when the first wave of her orgasm hit her. She threw her head back and arched her spine, feeling her release approaching. Something deep inside of her snapped and Kagome was sent spiraling over the edge into an abyss of pleasure. "Ooooh...Ahhh! Yash, I… I'm... Cumming!" her body began to tremble and a wave of pleasure swept over her. She struggled to catch her breath and pulled her fingers from Inuyasha's hair allowing him to pull his head up.


He licked his lips and smiled. "Now where was I before you decided to distract me?" he half laughed, cupping his hand under her behind and rolling her over.


Kagome was only vaguely aware of Inuyasha's movements as she recovered from her climax. She regained her senses only to find Inuyasha languidly tracing his finger over his mark at the small of her back. First, he ran his finger over the symbol that was her name, and then he traced it over his own name intertwined with it. The demon inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of his mate’s satisfaction as he moved to graze his lips over his mark and place a sweet kiss there before rolling Kagome over so she could once again lose herself in the warm amber pools of his eyes.


"You remember it, don't you Kagome? That night, how it felt," he inquired, searching her eyes for some sign of recognition.


She cupped his cheek in her delicate hand massaging it lightly with her thumb. "It was the most beautiful night of my life." She smiled at him when he turned his head and kissed the inside of her palm. When Inuyasha looked up, his eyes level with her own, Kagome saw a blazing heat burning within them. She didn’t have time to let out the breath she had held in her lungs before he captured her lips in a bruising kiss. His tongue ran along her lower lip between nips begging for entrance. Kagome released the breath she had been holding from the moment his lips crashed down on hers as she happily opened her mouth to him. He kissed her with an all-consuming desire, the need to reclaim every part of her rising to the surface as memories of that night flooded his brain. Kagome was reeling from the depth of need and the heat of desire Inuyasha put into the kiss.


His passion ignited a burning flame so deep in her soul, she was sure he would have to crawl inside of her to extinguish it. Kagome needed to feel him. Her craving for completion was becoming almost painful. Inuyasha broke the kiss both gasping for air. "It's gonna be a long night isn't it?" Kagome asked as she took note of the rumbling in his chest and the mischievous gleam in his eye.



"You bet your sweet little ass it is," he said before taking her mouth in a soul-searing kiss