InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed Desires ❯ Meetings part one ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters; I'm simply borrowing them for my own wicked entertainment.
AN: This is the revised first chapter. I decided to take it down and correct the mistakes and divide the chapter into three separate ones. The chapter that should be posted as the second will be posted as the fourth later. Thanks for visiting and pleasant reading.
AN 2: I am sure you have noticed that I am not a native speaker, so give me time to develop my skills as writer.
AN 3: TO ALL!!!!!! SORRY FOR THE GRAMMAR ERRORS. I know about them, or better to say that there are some I am sure I made, but I am not able to correct them. I have done what I could. Should one of you be interested in BETA READING I would more than gladly accept any help. The problem is I need somebody who has time, so she (or he) would be able correct 10-20 sites in a week or so.
Thanks for the understanding and enjoy the story below.
Meetings part 1
The snow was all but gone. The sunny rays had thawed the remains of the frozen water, though the evenings and early morning hours remained chilly. The spring was there and couldn't be haltered by winter any longer.
The Inu-Tachi was seated in a meadow where they were making a break for lunch. The girls were chattering about unimportant things as they gathered firewood, while Inuyasha and Kouga were hunting somewhere outside.
Kouga took Ayame as his mate, giving finally up the chase after Kagome, knowing that her feelings for him as a friend would never change. He had moved on.
Inuyasha still didn't trust him to be near his Kagome. The two wolf demons joined the little group to help to destroy Naraku and Kouga had no confidence in Inuyasha's guarding abilities. He could not allow Kagome to get hurt no matter if she was his to protect or not.
The final battle was quickly approaching with every day spent. Naraku had collected nearly the whole jewel and it was only a matter of time before he would make himself known and would try to get the rest of it. The pieces that Kagome held were the key to complete the whole jewel. Naraku would need to come out of his hiding and fight for them.
`Naraku is evil. He likes to plant hatred between friends and allies.' Kagome thought. `He turned against Inuyasha and Kikyou because of his jealousy which was too much for him to bear. That made him to a monster and he will not stop until he has his vengeance and then he will wreak havoc upon the world. He must be stopped.'
She was right, and the group discussed the matter on a daily basis, but came up with nothing. Even Sesshoumaru, the cold demon lord, known as the royal assassin, was not able to defeat Naraku in the last encounter they had. Kagome hoped he would help in the final battle. He being so powerful would proof himself to be of great support, but she knew nearly for sure that he would decline his assistance in taking down Naraku. She knew Inuyasha would never go to him and ask for help. He was too proud to admit any weakness, especially to his older half-brother. No, this was up to her, she was the one who would have to go and seek him out. She shivered at that thought. To face this deadly and human-hating dog-demon was not high on her wish-list.
The group seated by the little campfire made small-talk while they were eating they meals. The lunch ended soon but everybody remained deep in thought.
„Hi mom, I'm home“, Kagome yelled from the well house. Much time had passed, since she had come home the last time. One month to be exact. Her mother had been worried beyond all reason for sure. Every day and night Mrs. Higurashi hoped that her daughter was safe. Now Kagome stood there with a bright smile on her full lips and open arms, waiting for her mother to hug her.
`I am so happy to see my mother again. I missed her very much, but the path I am taking is my fate and my destiny. It's my duty to stop Naraku, even if it means to never see her again. I will always love her and never forget what she thought me. I will remember her wise words in times of need. Well, for now I will not worry her and enjoy the probably last days I can share with her. This is supposed to be a happy time and I'm not going to spoil it with pathetic behaviour.' Kagome thought as she tried to bite back the tears which had formed in her huge and warm dark-blue orbs.
Kagome's mother, brother and grandfather came out of the house to help her and welcome her home.
`If they squeeze me to death with their hugs, Naraku won't have to murder me with his own hands.' Kagome thought as her grandfather finally released her from his death-grip.
Her mother shot one question after another. „Were have you been for so long? Why did you not return and what have you been doing?”
„Mom,” Kagome started a little shocked, “everybody is fine. We were hunting shards and were further away from the well this time, so I couldn't return so often. But now I am here and will stay with you a little longer than other times.”
“And how long precisely, my dear?”
“One week or so. I will go to school to see what new is there and how my friends are doing.” `Truthfully, I will see them before I have to go back to the era of the warring states. I will say goodbye to them, but only Yumi will know what's going on. I will miss her the most of my school comrades, she can make me laugh even if I feel like crying.' Kagome pondered as she entered the house.
Kagome stayed as she had promised for several days. She was preparing herself for her departure and bought some supplies like ramen and gifts for her friends. She restocked the first aid kit with a large amount of bandages and ointments.
„What do you need so many bandages for? “ Mrs. Higurashi asked.
„Mom, like I already told you, we are hunting now in areas, which are further away and I can't return so often. It's much easier for me to take as much as I can and then leave the rest at the village.” Kagome answered, but it was far from the truth. She knew that she would not ever return home and she didn't want to tell her mother yet. She didn't want to spent the last days with her mother in grief.
`She is hiding something, I know it,' Mrs. Higurashi thought, `and I have a pretty good idea what it is. She will stay this time. I understand, that she has to do this, but I will pray to Kami that she arrives to me one day safe and unharmed.'
The day when it was time to say goodbye came earlier than she had expected. Kagome knew for sure that she could never say sayonara without tears. After she would passed through the well Inuyasha was supposed to destroy it. If Naraku couldn't be defeated and would succeed in his task to complete the Shikon no Tama, the well could be a gate to the future. There would be no stopping him should he find a way how to get through. Kagome turned to face her mother and tried her best to conceal the tears, which had formed in her sad eyes.
“Kagome, I know you're leaving and I know the truth. You will not be coming back this time. I understand, that you have to go and save your friends and purify the jewel, but…”
Kagome interrupted Mrs. Higurashi in the middle of her speech.
“Mom, when I pass through the well, Inuyasha will seal it, so the future is protected from Naraku and his spawns of hell. “
The other words Kagome had prepared never came. Her voice broke and she tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but her attempts were in vain. Her mother told her something she had not expected to hear.
“I feel that you won't lose the battle, just trust your own powers and don't let anyone tell you that you're weak, because that is not true. You have a power that you're not yet aware of, but this power is a weapon not to be underestimated. Even the strongest youkai will not be able to defeat you after it surfaces from the depths of your soul. “
Mrs. Higurashi said this with a concerned look and calm face, never showing her true pain constricting her tender loving heart. She would not make things harder then they already were. She could at least try to make it easier for Kagome to face her responsibilities.
Kagome looked like she had seen a ghost. “What do you mean? I can't understand which power you are talking about. I'm barely able to handle my current miko abilities, how can I master a power I don't even know I possess. ” Kagome asked a little bit frantic.
“Kagome, you have a great warm heart and a pure soul.” Was the answer of Mrs. Higurashi. “You are like sunshine that dispels the darkness at dawn. Just trust in the power of love, which is living inside of you, still hidden to the world. Let your heart guide you in your decisions and you won't fail. I love you and hope, that you will be happy. I won't forget you my dear and I am very proud of you. You are everything a mother can wish for. You're strong, gentle, loving and caring, a woman with honour and sense for duty. “
Kagome couldn't stop the sobs, launched herself onto her mother, and cried in the crook of her neck.
Mrs. Higurashi took a necklace out of the pocket of her apron and handed it to Kagome.
“This pendant gave your father to me long ago. It was meant to protect me and I will pass it to you. Just remember my words in difficult times when you have no one to ask for advice. And now go. It's time for you to head out. “
And with that her mother locked the trinket around Kagome's neck, placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, hugged her a last time and stepped back to take a final look. She just wanted to remember the girl standing in front of her. She was no longer the little one from four years ago; now she was a beautiful grown woman ready to fight for the peace in the world. She tried to place a happy smile on her face to let her daughter know, that she did trust her to make the best of her life.
Kagome just stood there and stared with teary eyes at her mother, one hand closed over the pendant, the last act of protection that her mother and also her deceased father could give her. No longer could she hold back her tears and so she ran to the well-house only to turn suddenly on the steps, her tear streaked face determined and hard, ready for her probably last journey. She didn't know how her mother exactly knew about the turmoil that raged in her heart, mother instinct she guessed, but at least she didn't have to hide her anguish about the farewell and the uncertain outcome of her quest.
With a last sad smile, she faced the well-house once more, ran down the steps to the rim of the well, swung her legs over the old wood and jumped inside. Surrounded by the warm blue light, she was brought back to the Era of the warring states, to hopefully conquer the vile being Naraku.
End of flashback.
She hadn't even noticed, that her memories triggered tears from her eyes as she was brought back from her thoughts by two arguing males at the camp. Kouga had noticed the moisture on her cheeks and blamed Inuyasha for it. He still felt as if it was his duty to protect her not only from physical but also emotional harm.
“What have you done to her to make cry, dogface?'' came Kougas demanding voice.
“Nothing,” Inuyasha replied in a dangerously low tone. “Why do you blame me? I didn't do anything.”
“Yeah, mutt, and I should believe that now? Your behaviour towards her is unacceptable for the most part of the journey, so I think I have the right to believe you have told her something that might have hurt her, dog-boy.” Kouga replied, satisfied with the accusation he had made. The face of the hanyou was priceless. He looked like somebody has stolen his ramen.
Anger flashed in his golden eyes, emotions he could never hide. It amused Kouga to make him uneasy and enraged. It was only a matter of time before he would loose his restraint and would attack him, but Kouga was not afraid of a half-breed.
“I told you, you wimpy wolf, that it wasn't me. Mind your own business before I teach you to do so. This time I won't be holding back, you bag of fleas.” Inuyasha threatened. This time he would finish the wolf off and he would be ridden of that annoying creature for good.
“Would you cease this patty spats,” Kagome yelled at the both of them, but neither seemed to listen to her demanding request.
`Oh, why have they to fight every time I am concerned, as if they think I'm a little child that can't look for itself. I have to stop them, or they will kill each other. Would they only listen to me, but no, they are too deep in fighting mode.' Decision made, Kagome prepared herself for the unavoidable.
Kouga and Inuyasha were now sparring with fists flying wildly around. Kouga was just punched in his cheek and Inuyasha prepared himself to lunge at the laying wolf to slice his throat with his claws, but was stopped by Kagome.
Kagome saw Inuyasha jumping forward and did not think twice before screaming: „Osuwari!”
Inuyasha made a face-first dive to the ground. Muffled curses were coming from the crater as the hanyou tried to get up. Finally, he managed to get his head from the earth and began to complain.
„Oi, wench! What do you think you are doing?” Inuyasha bit out under his breath, his stilled form buried in the dust.
„I can't let you to kill him, Inuyasha. You don't have the right to behave in such a manner.” Kagome answered her patience wearing thin. She was tired of both of them.
„Yeah doggy, hold your temper in check.” Kouga didn't let the subject drop and teased Inuyasha with his best mocking voice.
„Wait until I get up! You will see, even Kagome cannot save your pitiful life baka then, baka.” Inuyasha screamed out his frustrations.
“Stop that, both of you! I have no energy to deal with your yelling and screaming and fighting any longer. It is enough. This time Inuyasha was not the reason for my tears and please quit arguing because me. It's nothing I appreciate. It makes me sad to worry every time I am not near you that you will kill each other.” Kagome said and looked to the other girls. They were eyeing the whole situation with curiosity and were waiting for the outcome. They would ask Kagome what made her so sad, but they would have to wait until they were alone with the young miko.
The group left for their expedition. It was much better to walk the stoned ground with full bellies and look for shards. As they were on their way, Inuyasha approached Kagome silently and hoped to ask her, what had made her so sorrowful in the first place. However, she looked to be too deep in thoughts to listen to him now and he did not have the guts to disturb her. He was not sure if he really was not the true reason for her misery.
Kagome was aware of Inuyashas intense starring and she tried to figure out what he was trying to say to her. Nevertheless, no noise came from the normally irate hanyou. “What's wrong Inuyasha? Why are you so quiet? Is there something that bothers you?” Kagome finally asked.
“No, everything is fine, wench.” He mumbled, “It is nothing. Is it true what Kouga said?” He growled deep in his chest and continued his tirade. “What is wrong with you?”
“I was just reminiscing,” Kagome began but was betrayed by her own voice, which seemed to be stuck in her vocal cords and couldn't pass the lump in her throat.
“What was the memory about?” Inuyasha asked in a gentle tone. In a seldom moment of sensitivity, he was trying his best to help the girl. He hoped he could do something for her.
In the years they had travelled together, he became more sensitive and started to like her more than a friend. He was still unsure about his feelings towards her. He had been in love with Kikyou but that was a long time ago. However when he had met her he found that he had still feelings for the undead miko. He could not recognize if it was only guilt, responsibility or deeper feelings indeed. He was sure, until he did not exactly know what he felt for Kikyou. He could not allow himself to show Kagome how he was attracted to her. He was sure, were Kikyou still alive and not filled with hatred, there would be no decision to make.
“I remembered the farewells to my family and my mother's words. You are aware of the fact how much I loved them and I will probably never see them again. It is something that hurts me and will last for a long time. I am not that sure it will past one day, but if it would, it would have to start healing from the inside out. I must come to terms with the fact that I will not see my mother, brother and grandfather ever again.” Kagome replied softly.
Inuyasha was silent for a moment. He could not figure out what to say to her to lighten her mood. He knew perfectly well that there was no way he could take this pain from her and make her feel better. He was disturbed by Kagomes soft utterance.
“Inuyasha, there is something else what troubles me. I know you don't like it, but it's a matter which should be discussed.” Kagome threw a glance to Inuyasha that told him not to interrupt her until she was done with her speech. “I think you should find Kikyou and ask her to join our group. I also know, you still love her and I will not be in way of your happiness. I understood long ago, that there is no way you will see me like you see her. She was your first love and I am her reincarnation. We look so similar and I know you often see her when you look at me. It is ok, even if it hurts. I came to terms with it. So do not worry about that. We need her. She can help us to destroy Naraku and I think she should have the chance to pay him back for everything he has done to her in the past. She can be my teacher as well. I need some practice in my miko abilities. Kikyou is a powerful priestess and she could help me to master my powers. I know it will take years to become a trained miko, but the slightest progress should be a benefit.” Kagome finished in a whisper.
“Keh, that's bullshit, you know. I don't know what you are talking about.” `I will not admit it. I can pretend that she is not right.' Ah, the next problem made itself known. Inuyasha would not give in and admit his feelings about the woman he once loved so much that he would have given up his true self to become a human for her.
Kagome was sick of it, he lived in self-denial and they all knew it. She turned on her heel and headed for the woods. She was too angry to argue with Inuyasha. He was such a baka.
Kagome needed time to calm down and order her thoughts. She could not believe she just spilled her heart out in front of him and he turned her down. Didn't he understand how much it had cost her to tell him this? It had cost her many sleepless nights to come to the decision of letting Kikyou join the group. Even if it meant to shatter her heart. It was hard for her to see Inuyasha with the death priestess, but if this was the price for a safe future, she would gladly pay it. Kagome could not be so selfish as to put her own well-being before the benefit of the whole world. She knew she wouldn't be able to defeat him alone and Inuyasha was not strong enough to kill him definitely. A shiver crept along her spine at the thought of Naraku.
As she walked, the young miko came to a nice hot spring with large mossy rocks and mellow green grass. She sat down on an old fallen tree and sighed. She needed time for herself and here was the perfect place. `
“When I return, I will take Sango and Ayame back here. I think they would enjoy this quiet place as well.” she murmured to herself.
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“Why in the hell do you have to be such a mule, Inuyasha! Can you tell me that?” Sango was beyond pissed. “Kagome was ready to sacrifice her own happiness to give you the chance to be with your love and don't dare to deny it. There is no way I will believe your tales anymore.”
“I am not in love with Kikyou,” came Inuyashas' angry growl. “Why would you think so?”
“Well, than I will tell you, Inuyasha, how we all come to this conclusion. Kagome saw you and Kikyou on more then one occasion. Even if she did not show it, it broke her heart. She knew you would never be free from the woman. Do not look so surprised, you know she was there, when Kikyou tried to drag you to hell. She was trapped to a tree by her soul stealers and watched the whole scene unflod before her very eyes. And that was not the last time you went out to find the dead priestess. And what about the time you have been recovering from the wind scar you unlashed at Kana and she turned the attack back at you? It was as Kagome treated your injuries and you wandered off to find the miko by the first chance you got. What was then?” Sangos' patience was wearing thinner with every second. She knew how much Kagome had hurt over this matter in the past.
“Don't speak about things you can't understand. It's not your business demon slayer! I doubt you could understand. And besides what's going on between me and Kagome is nothing of your concern.” Inuyasha was now enraged. He couldn't understand why they had to stick they noses in things, which hadn't to do anything with them.
“And what exactly is going on between you and Kagome?” Asked Miroku slyly. Inuyasha turned several shades of red. He knew he let something slip he was not prepared to think about. Fortunately, Kouga stepped in.
“Shut up you selfish bastard! Kagome would give anything up for you and now you are thinking only about your discomfort. Have you ever taken into consideration that she could be in danger? I believe not. Be reasonable, dog boy. Should a fight with Naraku be unavoidable, there is no way Kagome will stay out of it. If she is unprepared, she'll be in danger.” He stated his case.
“I will protect her. She'll never be forced to have to defend herself.” Inuyasha insisted.
“Oh, like you didn't fail her in the past. I know about more then one lack in your protection, puppy. You will not be capable of keeping her safe. Shell we be involved in a war, where it can lightly happen that we are separated and then nobody of us can really protect her.” Kouga said matter-of-factly. His features turned hard at the possibility of Kagome in harms way in the near future, his eyes sparkling menacingly. The softness of his handsome face was gone to be replaced with resolute determination. He would not allow this half-breed to put his beloved woman in such danger.
“Kouga is right somehow, Inuyasha. I know you tried your best to keep Kagome safe. You failed more than once. If it was not for Kouga or other lucky circumstances, she would be dead. It is thanks to her good fortune that she is still with us and by good health.” Sango said in her best sharp voice.
“Sango my love, you look so beautiful, when you are enraged.” Miroku said with his lecherous voice. But Sango didn't have the patience to deal with him at this moment and shot him only a death glare, promising pain if he didn't shut up immediately. Miroku swallowed hard and paled considerably. He would not push her further today, for he didn't wish to spend the rest of the day as an unconscious heap.
Kagome decided to go back to the group. She had calmed enough to return to where she had left her friends not so long ago. As she neared the very spot, she heard their voices. She overheard a part of their conversation and was satisfied how the monk, wolf youkai and demon exterminator understood her. Ayame was quiet, listening to what have been said. She did not want to get involved, because she didn't understand the whole thing about Naraku. She knew he was dangerous and a threat to the world, but she never had the honour to fight with his minions or with him self. Therefore, she remained wordless.
Kagome decided to join her friends and to provide her reaction to this issue. She emerged from the forest and gave everybody a warm smile. They all responded with one of their own.
“Inuyasha,” she began softly, “it is not that I don't trust you, but there is the possibility taht I have to defend myself, and that is the reason for me to become a skilled warrior. I will not be depending on the guardianship of anybody. I don't feel safe like that. There are times, when I'm alone and have to see after myself. I only wish that you accept it.” Kagome finished with a pleading look in her puppy eyes.
“Well, then tell me why it has to be me to find her?” Inuyasha asked, his white canine ears flattening to his skull, his gesture of defeat. He was obviously uncomfortable with the new situation. He did not want Kikyou to be near him. He was afraid of Kagome's reaction to his former love. He felt something towards her, but did not discover what the feeling meant yet. It was somehow familiar, but still unrecognizable. He didn't want to be near her until he understood his dishevelled emotions better.
“You are the only one who can find her.” Kagome explained, her pretty features devote of any emotion at that moment. She would not destroy the progress she had made by behaving like a little child.
“Fine, I'll look for her then.” Inuyasha answered with lowered eyes. He didn't want the miko there but the group overpowered him and he had to accept their decision. In his heart, he knew it would be the best for all if Kikyou joined them. There were subjects, which needed to be solved before the battle and it was better they could survey the dead woman, so she would not help Naraku this time.
“Thank you Inuyasha, I know it costs you much to go after her and I appreciate it more then you can imagine.” Kagome told him with huge eyes mirroring her gratefulness.
“But I am not going now and it could take some time to track her. I don't know where she is, but when I smell her I'll approach her. Then I'll ask her if she'll travel with our group.”
Kagome nodded, she knew Inuyasha to well to argue with him. This was all she could get at the moment and she was happy about the progress she had done.
Then she turned to the other two girls and told them about the hot spring she had found not far away. The miko asked if they would join her. The young women agreed and were excited about the possibility to relax in the steaming water. It was always the time, when they could relax, not thinking about the future and the battle, which stood clearly before. Nevertheless, at the time they bathed, they never discussed such unpleasant subjects like Naraku. They made small talk between women. This evening should prove to be the same as the previous.
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“This is a beautiful place. How good that you found it Kagome” Ayame complimented Kagomes' discovery from her earlier walk in the woods.
The hot spring was positioned at the most alluring place imaginable. The clearing where it was, was surrounded by high trees, which where probably older then all the members of her group together. They had a thick layer of leaves in the crowns and the full moon made them look like they were covered in silver. In the thick grass under them grew many flowers of different colours and shapes. But the most breathtaking of them was dark blue, like Kagomes eyes. It was a small one, so vulnerable in the cold world, writhed by the blowing winds, yet living and refusing to give up the fight and simply die. It mirrored Kagome perfectly, even as she did not know anything about that. Moss covered stones surrounded the hot spring, some were huge, the other small, but every one looked so iviting. The girls couldn't resist any longer and took the opportunity to jump in the hot water. In one second, all the little aches they had gathered during the journey were washed away. The relaxing sound of the bubbling water made them fuzzy and sleepy.
Sango broke the silence first. “Kagome, why have you asked Inuyasha to approach Kikyou? I know how much you hurt by seeing them together, yet ask for her to come. By doing so you opened her the door to his heart. Tell me, why are you so ready to suffer this much without any hesitation.” Her voice held a hint of worry and ave for Kagomes' demeanour.
“I don't know much about the relationship between you and the hanyou Kagome, but I see that you really care for him and from what Kouga told me, he thinks you are in love with Inuyasha. So it would be natural if you would try to hold him far away from the other woman.” Ayame joined the conversation. She knew Kagome only briefly, but obtained deep feelings for her. She didn't want to see her hurt by the half demon.
“You are right, but it is something else what made me come to my decision. Just let me explain please.” Both her friend nodded and so she continued. “Yes I love him and there is nothing I can do about it. But my feelings changed in the last time. I do not see him in the romantic way anymore. I know he will never feel the same for me and so it is not good to feed these feelings and let it go any further. I decided to let them have a second chance, even if that means that my heart will be broken. I can't do it anymore. When he looks at me with his molten-gold eyes, I know he thinks about her. He is still in love with her and there will never be a place for me. I decided long ago to find a way out of this mess and the one thing I can do is to confront Inuyasha with Kikyou. Don't try to change my mind. There is nothing you can do to alter my resolution. You can support me and bring me some comfort.” Kagome barely whispered in the end of her speech.
Her friends listened silently until she was done wit her explanation. Sangos eyes were filled with sorrow for her little sister. She understood her pain and confusion. In the last three years they travelled together the two girls became very closely and the understanding between them was strong. Either of them could feel the emotions of the other one. This was why Sango called Kagome her little sister.
“You have my understanding and my support, I never saw the matter from this point of view and because of that I was surprised by your offer to Inuyasha. Now I know how much misery the last years brought to you and therefore I'm fully aware of the legitimacy of your decision.” Sango said with a firm voice.
“And me to,” Ayame participated in their conversation, “I don't know you so good like Sango does,” she continued, „but I hope I can have a chance to come to know you better. I won't be only an ally and would be happy to be your friend. I am aware that it will take some time to become adjusted to each other and hope you will take some sort of comfort in me as well.”
Kagome was so touched by their words. She was sure she wouldn't be alone anymore. She had friends who would stand to her and support her and so the empty place in her heart would not be as big as she had feared. Maybe one day she would be able to get over the love she had felt towards the hanyou and could find a place, where happiness would cross her path. Until this time should come, she would take all her courage and walk with a raised head. She would not show her sorrow to the world and let the people look at her as a weak human female, who is fretting about matters, which cannot be changed.
No, she would fight the terrifying feelings and never let them surface. Only Sango and Ayame were to witness her true sorrow, but she knew, they would never tell anybody. Ah, she should let them swear by their honour.
“Girls,” Kagome begun little bit unsure. “I must ask you to promise you won't tell anybody what we discussed here. Pormise that you won't let anybody know.” She finished, her eyes pleading.
The girls were startled by her sudden request, but nodded in agreement.
With this said, the trio relaxed in the hot water and no more words were spoken. They spent the rest of the time in silence, buried in their own thoughts, enjoying the silent company and the beautiful scenery surrounding them.
After they were done they walked together to the camp and prepared dinner for the group. The meal was eaten in complete silence and after it everyone made his way to take the well-needed rest. Kagome shared her warm, soft sleeping bag with the little kitsune, Shippou. He was an orphan since the thunder-brothers killed his father almost three years ago. Kagome managed to persuade the irate Inuyasha to let him stay with the group. It took her some time to reassure him that she could indeed take care of the cub.
Shippou became attached rather quickly to his surrogate mother and never left her side afraid she would leave him alone as his parents did. It was hard for him to accept her journeys to her own time and he always troubled Inuyasha with plenty of questions and made him insane by pacing the rim of the old well. After her announcement that this would be the last time she had returned home, Shippou was extraordinary pleased with the idea that she would never abandon him, innocent to the loss and pain she felt at the moment. Now he lied there, in her sleeping bag, protected from the chill temperatures outside and with the comforting feeling of a warm body behind him, he drifted slowly to the world of dreams, to never experience loneliness again.
Kagome watched his relaxed features from the corner of her eye. She thought of him as of her own child and was happy to see he felt protected by her proximity. She was a miko, he was a demon child but he never feared her and that made her delighted.
She looked around and saw Sango lying on the opposite side of the campfire with Kirara curled at the side of her mistress, keeping Sango warm during the night.
Miroku was not at her side this night. As they arrived from the hot spring, he couldn't keep his hands from Sango's butt which got him a red handprint on his handsome face. Sango told him to stand away from her if he doesn't wish for death. Sango was beyond pissed at his behaviour. She hoped he would stop this stupid habit grabbing women's bottoms, but he didn't and she was not interested to have another night interrupted by his wandering hands. Sango was tired and wanted nothing more then to sleep in peace this night.
Kagome swung her eyes to the rest of her group. Ayame sat in Kouga's lap and they talked together and looked really sweet at the moment. Kagome thought how well they fit together. She dreamed to be held by Inuyasha in the same way so many times but the dream would never come true.
She sighed and looked for the silver-haired hanyou as well. She could not see him, but she assumed him to sit somewhere on a tree branch above them. Another sad sigh left her lungs and with that she closed her fire-illuminated eyes to let the sleep claim her exhausted mind.
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In another part of the same forest, Sesshoumaru and his companions took a brake as well. Rin was asleep, curled up at the side of AhUn. It was amazing how the dragon-mononoke looked after the little ningen girl. He protected her from the cold nights in the woods and any danger that could lurk for her. Lord Sesshoumaru was seated by the base of an old tree and watched his ward intently. He remembered the day when she first stumbled upon him and pondered over the reason why he had allowed her to follow him the day he revived her.
She didn't fear him, saw him with eyes than no other human did. He could not understand what drew her to him but in time he learned that her greatest fear, beside wolfs, was the loneliness that he now held at bay. He had to admit that he was surprised by her open way of handling things that came her way.
He would never confess it to the world that he liked the little one and was afraid harm could come to her. It was somewhat strange for the cold and normally stoic demon lord to feel this way. The child had found a way to his frozen heart and he had to wonder when and how it happened. She never asked him for anything and he never showed his emotions towards her. There were some occasions, when she needed to be comforted, but he had never done it. He only told her to be silent or not to cry, not asking for the reason or showing any semblance of compassion by taking her into a warm embrace.
There had been a day, when the taiyoukai had been frightened. Though he cursed himself for the emotion, he had felt an all-consuming fear mixed with a great amount of worry. It had cost him all of his self-control to remain as his stoic self and not to show the true turmoil storming inside.
It had been the day as Rin had become ill and her little body had been wracked with a high fever when he had nearly lost his composure. They had been on their quest, when a sudden downpour had caught them, of course unprepared. Unfortunately, until they had found a shelter, they had been soaked to the bone. Sesshoumaru hadn't paid any attention to Rin and had left her to her own device. It had been a horrible mistake, as he had discovered the next morning.
Jaken was about to wake Rin, when the mighty lord noticed there was something wrong with his charge. She was always cheerful and talk-active, but this morning however, she seemed to be tired and her eyes were glazed, not the sparkling dark-brown as usual. It was then when he became aware of her unhealthy appearance. He touched her for the first time and immediately felt the heat radiating from her small body. She was hot, too hot for his liking and very pale.
“Is something wrong, Rin?” He asked her in his smooth tone, but gentler than before.
The girl only shook her head no. She didn't want to bother her Seeshoumaru-sama with such unimportant matters.
“Don`t lie to me Rin! What is wrong with you?” He demanded the truth and would not let the matter drop.
“Rins throat hurts, Seeshoumaru-sama.” Rin answered, her gaze averted to the ground. She felt ashamed and feared to be scolded for her sickness but the reprove never came.
“I see.” Was his only response.
They travelled the whole day. As the day progressed, Rin became weaker and her breathing came in laboured pants. Sesshoumaru could clearly hear the unhealthy wheezing sound wiht every inhale. He traveled on until she lost consciousness and fell from the dragon. Jaken couldn't get her to open her eyes again. Even Sesshoumaru's calls were met with silence. He shook her violently but she didn't even flinch by his harsh treatment. They then travelled quickly back to his palace to ask a healer for help.\
As the healer told him that Rin was suffering from a lung inflammation and that there was no medicine for her ailment they would know of, he nearly panicked. He, the great lord and her protector, had failed her. Would he had only taken more than the most necessary care of her. But now was not the right time for trepidations, he would not let her die this easily. He remembered the strange miko who travelled with his baka half-brother. Maybe she would have a medicine that could help his ward. He decided to take the girl to the wench and hope for the best. He could still use Tenseiga would all his attempts fail, but he didn't want to see her dead again in the first place.
End of flashback
Suddenly Rin stirred in her sleep and he looked at her, immersing in his memory anew. He had felt relief as the girl had given him some strange medication and it had finally helped. As Rin had been recovering he had often held her in his arm, using his tail as well to keep her warm. The strange girl had told him to do so and he had followed her instructions. If he hadn't done as he had been told, Rin's death would weight on his shoulders.
“This concoction's disgusting stench causes this Sesshoumaru not to trust that it won't poison Rin.” He got into a fight with the strange onna.
At that very moment Kagome saw red. “Do you really think I would harm her? Why would I do that? Besides you came to me for help and I offered it to you!” She nearly screamed in frustration. `How dare he say such a thing about me, like I am a heartless monster.' Kagome thought as she watched him closely.
“I tried to kill you on more then one occasion and this could be a good opportunity for you to repay my attempts upon your live.” The stoic lord replied in his usual icy tones. His face, emotionless as ever, betrayed nothing of the true feelings deep inside.
“Look, you don't have to trust me, but then there will be no help for Rin. The medicine I gave you is called antibiotics and even if it does not smell nice, it really helps. You should make sure that she takes it regularly or it won't work.” Kagome tried to remain calm under his piercing stare. Kagome was always nervous when she was around him and the reason for her uneasness was his ever present scrutiny.
“Don't you dare to command this Sesshoumaru around human, or I will make you pay for your insolence.” Sesshoumaru said in a deadpan drawl, causing Kagome to shiver as a chill run up her spine.
She gathered all her courage and replied in a soft tone, trying to calm him down so he wouldn't kill her then and there. “I didn't mean to offend you, Lord Sesshoumaru. I just try to make sure the little girl will be all right. This should occur in few days and besides even though you tried to murder me more then once, I would never take my revenge on a helpless girl,” she added barely whispering more to herself than to her companion, “I am no monster.”
His superior youkai hearing picked up the words without any problems, his eyes widening slightly at her words. She had never noticed the mildly surprised look in his orbs, because she had held her head down, masking the hurt in her own.
End flashback
`I know, I had acted out of character, but I was forced to do so. Rin is my ward and my responsibility. If I would be unable to take care of a little child, how could I be considered capable of ruling my lands. My enemies would try to win the Western territories, what would end in a fierce battle.' Sesshoumaru was scowling in the darkness of the night, his lips tightened to a thin line, his eyebrows narrowed at his thoughts.
Many of the youkai lords looked at Rin as his weakness but if he failed her as her guardian he would be considered incompetent to be the leader of the precious territory.
`I am only glad that nobody witnessed the humiliating situation, no one knows I was warming a human child during the night. That would be the last I would wish for. Not that anybody would dare to mention it in an attempt to humiliate me. But still, it was only my responsibility and I didn't enjoy it. This Sesshoumaru will not follow in his fathers' weaknesses to like humans; I'm doing only my duty and nothing more.' He was completely resolute in his confused mind.
His sub-consciousness told him different, however, he would not listen to his inner voice, which said him he could not let her die because he liked the fragile little girl who followed him since the day he revived her with his healing sword. He didn't want to admit his feelings, afraid of the harm that could lie behind it.
Sesshoumaru closed his emotionless golden eyes and drifted of to sleep.