InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed Desires ❯ Meetings part two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters; I'm simply borrowing them for my own wicked entertainment.
AN: This is the revised first chapter. I decided to take it down and correct the mistakes and divide the chapter into three separate ones. The chapter that should be posted as the second will be posted as the fourth later. Thanks for visiting and pleasant reading.
AN 2: I am sure you have noticed that I am not a native speaker, so give me time to develop my skills as writer.
AN 3: TO ALL!!!!!! SORRY FOR THE GRAMMAR ERRORS. I know about them, or better to say that there are some I am sure I made, but I am not able to correct them. I have done what I could. Should one of you be interested in BETA READING I would more than gladly accept any help. The problem is I need somebody who has time, so she (or he) would be able correct 10-20 sites in a week or so.
Thanks for the understanding and enjoy the story below. AND THANKS FOR THE REVIEWS.
Meetings part two.
Dawn came earlier then everybody wished and the occupants of the little camp were still a bit tired from the previous day. All were wakened by Inuyashas unpleasant outburst of temper as he yelled in his hurry at the others.
“Time to get up you lazybones!” He shouted out, never be the one for polite conversation and patience.
Kagome sat up, rubbing her eyes as she looked around in confusion if they had been attacked in their sleep and were now in danger. As she saw nothing she blinked a few times before realizing that, there was nothing and then Inuyashas words fall on her suddenly.
“Inuyasha,” she screeched right into his ear, which was the nearest thing she could grab, “you scared me nearly to death, you insensible baka, can you be once normal and not yell in the morning like there is a regiment of youkai trying to attack us. I told you to be more considerate in the morning.” Kagome fumed like a tee pot, she was so furious. He just made a terrible mistake knowing that Kagome was not a morning person.
“Ah, wench, that hurt, you know,” he rubbed his ear with his hands. Damn it, he made a good job in angering her. However, he was such a harsh person, talking before thinking, what brought him in trouble so often. Being stubborn as he was, he never learned his lessons.
“I don't like to cause you pain, you know, but to be yanked out of sleep like this is unbearable.” `I had such a nice dream and will not know the end of it because this baka had to put me out of it. And now I can't remember what the dream was about.' Kagome was pouting like a little child at her thoughts.
“Are you all right?” Sangos gentle spoken question came.
“Yes, it's nothing important, only a dream that I know was nice but I can't recall it. It's always the same. I never keep in mind what my dreams were about.” Kagome gave her sister a huge smile that reached her eyes and turned around to look in her bag for fresh clothes.
The group prepared for the decampment and so everybody was busy with something.
It was amazing how the members' feelings grew stronger with each day they spent together. Kagome, Sango and Ayame could be seen talking often during the day when they travelled and were not in hurry so they would be separated. Sango was glad to have the girls at her side and not Miroku. Not that she minded his presence, but his wandering hands made her crazy and she was weary of slapping him. The stinging in his cheek didn't teach him to keep his hands at bay and let her derrière in peace. The most time, he was walking beside Kouga and they were talking to each other.
Inuyasha was the most time in the front of the group, leading them and buried in his own thoughts.
This day was not other then the previous. They had a quickly breakfast, eaten in silence and then prepared for the heading out, packing the camp. Suddenly, Inuyasha, Kouga, Miroku and Kagome stiffened, straightening there backs.
“Is there something wrong?” Sango asked with anticipation in her trembling voice.
“A youkai is coming. Prepare your weapons!” Inuyasha stated, Tesseiga already in his arms, waiting for the demon to show up.
The friends didn't have to wait for long until the spider demon came to view, emerging from the line of trees. He turned his head to scan the area and then hissed, his eyes set on Kagome, “Give me the shards or I will kill you all. You don't have a chance against me.”
“Keh, only you think. Hey I am here you bastard and the shards will stay where they are. If you want them you have to pass through me.” Inuyasha snorted.
Without a second thought the spider demon attacked the group. Now body of them was prepared for what came as next. They had seen only one spider, but it was not alone. The companions of the one were hiding behind the bushes and waited for the fight. As it started the others emerged from the forest and encircled the group.
Kagome knew that they were in deep shit. They were helplessly outnumbered by the spider youkais and it didn't look well. The fight was ferocious. Every single one of them had all hands full with the enemy.
Sango was fighting side by side with Miroku and Kirara. The cute little fire cat had transformed at the time Inuyasha stiffened, letting everybody know something was coming in their direction. She and Sango were a good team, working together for years. Kirara was a great help to them.
Kouga fought in front of Ayame and Kagome, trying to protect the girls but also standing in way, so Kagome couldn't use her sacred arrows. Shippou shivered in fear while he was crouched at her feet. He was still a little child, yet he was sometimes so brave. When Kagome was poisoned by the Men of Seven and was in the shrine, where the fire started, he protected her and the others as best as he could, but was still not ready for such battles.
“Kagome, I am scared”, he screeched, curling up to a ball at her feet.
“Don't be afraid, Shippou! I am here and I will protect you. Just stay with me and don't let us be separated by anything.” She tried to reassure him, but was not at ease with the whole situation by herself. `Maybe we are fighting a lost battle,' she thought, `we are in of need help, not only now, but also to defeat Naraku. The help Kouga and his pack offered, may not be enough to destroy him. But who else could I ask for assistance? Who is that powerful to be of any help?'
The image of Inuyashas brother hit her suddenly. The regal lord seemed to creep in her mind like a serpent and it wouldn't go away. `This is not the right time nor the place.' She said firmly to herself, but in the same time was brought back to the reality by a scream of pure agony.
Looking around she saw Inuyasha. Bitten by the poisonous fang in his shoulder he couldn't hold back the pained scream. The spider tossed him to a tree trunk, which he hit hard wit his back and felt unconscious to the earth.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled in panic. She saw him fly through the air and hit the trunk. He was so pale and she knew the poison was dangerous. It was supposed to stop his healing abilities, letting him bleed out if she would not help him soon.
She begun to run towards him with a start, but was abruptly brought to a stop by a second spider youkai, smaller that the one which challenged Inuyasha. She aimed her holly arrow at the offending animal and shot it with all her might. The power surrounding the secret arrow was immense. Only few times before had she shot with such force of energy. The youkai vanished into dust of ashes in front of her eyes and some of the others, which were near him, followed. As she notched a second arrow in her bow and it begun to radiate with the pink energy, the youkais run for they lives, evaporating in the dark forest.
After they were left alone, Kagome run to her injured friend. Inuyasha lied perfectly still by the tree he had hit only minutes before. He didn't gain back his consciousness. His bleeding didn't slow down and the wounds were not closing like they usually did. She was so worried about him. What if she could not help him? What if he died? This questions run in her head as she begun to peal the haori out of the way. He was in need of medical treatment and she had to clean the lacerations on his shoulder. He didn't seem to be in pain and that made her a little at ease with her task. She took some water and rinsed the injury to wash the remaining poison out. After a while, Inuyasha opened his eyes and hissed a little.
“What do you think you are doing wench?” He never liked it when she tended his wounds. He had always to complain about it.
“Your wounds were injected with some sort of poison and are not healing like they should. I have to clean them and use some of the herbs from Jinenji. Maybe they can help to drain the venom out of the gashes and help you to recover.” She replayed patiently towards the irritated hanyou as he started to move forward to regain a sitting position.
“And what do you think you are doing?” Kagome asked, while trying to push Inuyasha back to the ground, her small hands placed on his shoulders. She didn't notice her hands were placed directly over his injuries, giving them some pressure with the weight she just used to push him back.
“Careful girl.” Inuyasha grunted under his breath as he took place back at the earth. “I am fine, let me alone! I don't need anything. Do you listen to me?” He continued his tirade of complaints.
“Inuyasha stop behaving like a little child! Your wounds are in need of treatment right now and I won't let it be. If you lay still, I'll be done in a minute and the pain should subside in a short time as well.” Kagome looked at him with resolution shining in he eyes and Inuyasha stopped the struggle since he knew she would not give up until she was satisfied with her work. So he lied back and let her do whatever she thought as necessary.
“We should make campsite here. We all need rest and some time to recover from the injuries.” Miroku stated and walked towards Kagome with her pack placed over his arms. He too had received some slashes, but looked fine.
Sango, Kouga and Ayame stayed uninjured during the battle.
“That is a good idea Miroku. Besides, how are you?” Kagome scolded herself for not checking on the others as she ever did after fights like this one was.
“Don't worry about me Kagome-sama, I'll be fine. Just few scratches, nothing to be concerned about.” Miroku said with a slight smile upon his lips.
Kagome only nodded in replay.
“Let me see your injuries, Houshi-sama.” Came Sangos gentle request.
Miroku made his way to Sango and took place in the spot she had pointed at. Miroku had said the truth, his wounds were shallow and needed only to be cleaned and bandaged. Sango was done in no time. Inuyasha was injured much worse then Miroku and it took longer then expected to take care for his gashes. Shippou was a great help to Kagome, he handed her everything she needed as she told him. Inuyasha ceased his movements letting her help him by holding perfectly still. He had to admit that he felt week and drown out.
`Damn it, the bastard got me good,' he thought, as he lied there, resting. `It actually hurt and now I can wait the whole day before we can move to find Naraku. Grrr, that makes me insane.' He was so infuriated with the situation.
Kagome was in thoughts as well. Her mind wandered to Sesshoumaru, the powerful inu youkai, known as the royal assassin. She was convinced, that they would need his help in the task of destroying Naraku. But how to get trough Inuyashas stubbornness and bring him to agree with his half-brother joining the group as well. It was difficult enough to bring him over Kikyou becoming an associate of them.
It was not the right time whether the right place. The hanyou needed rest and it was obvious that he was hurt pretty badly. In the years they travelled together she became acquainted to him well enough to know he would never show his true suffering. The most time he told he was all right and didn't need any help, but once convinced, he gave in and let Kagome treat his injuries with some kind of contentment of the attention he received from the girl he became so accustomed to. Inuyasha was nearly asleep, his breathing evened out and got slow, his eyes like the sun were shut from the world by his lids. He looked so peaceful in his recovering slumber. His features gentled somehow, like he was completely relaxed.
Kagome never knew how her scent was calming the beast inside him. And not only him. The most youkai with a superior sense of scent had reacted similarly. Inuyasha, once in his weakened state of the night of the new moon and badly poisoned, said to her that her scent was pleasant to him. That was the last time he mentioned it. Kagome let him sleep in her lap. He never asked her to do him this favour, but every time she let him, he slept deeply and this was what he needed at that very moment. His blood could heel him quickly and it should not last for longer then until sunset.
Kagome once more circled the clearing with her huge ocean blue eyes. Miroku was resting with Sango and Kirara at an ancestral looking tree.
`If this will go good, I doubt it,' Kagome mused in her mind. `I will bet it will not be for long until his hands loose their freedom and start to wander. I think he will take an unwanted sleep when Sango smacks him. I hope she won't use her giant boomerang. That could kill Miroku. Aah, why has he to be such a hentai?'
Her eyes shifted to Kouga and Ayame. The both of them were seated on the beautiful smelling fresh grass, near a stream and Kouga just looked at her. She gave him a weak smile, which reached her eyes. His were blue like the sky, but didn't seem to be cold. Kouga stood up and proceeded to her side.
“I and Ayame are going to take a walk and I will catch something for lunch.” He said with a smile upon his soft lips.
“Thank you. You are a great help Kouga you know. I am so glad that you and Ayame united with us. It means so much to me. I know you will be always my friend as well as Ayame. Something that makes me more comfortable with the whole situation.” The expression of her face was proof enough that she meant what she said. Kouga was really sweet. He let her feel important to him and never ceased to prove it in the past what brought much fighting between him and Inuyasha.
“Ah, that's nothing you know. You're embarrassing me.” Kougas face turned several shades of red. He turned his head slightly to hide this sign of his uneasiness, but was too late. Kagome saw it and it was cute. The grin on her face told him she was aware of his shamefacedness. “I have to go, Ayame is waiting for me, so until later.”
Kagome nodded and let him go. Then she looked for Shippou. She didn't see him since the battle and was now worried. How could she have forgotten about him? It happened so much. At the first look she had done looking for her friends she didn't see him. She hoped he was ok. It was then when she noticed him. He was curled to a ball at Kiraras side, but seemed to be uninjured, just asleep. He was so cute, and she was aware of his love to her. She was something like a mother to him. He was all the time at her side and never left her, only exception was they were in battle. He crouched the most time behind a tree like she thought him. It was the safest he could do. Shippou was too small to fight and she didn't want to have him in harms way.
Sango was still sitting beside the monk, who had protected her fiercely during the battle. The injuries didn't look very bad. The bleeding had stopped long ago and Sango was now waiting for Kagome and her first aid kit to bandage the cuts Miroku had received from the monster. Kagome headed to them, a smile plastered on her sensuous lips. It was one of her sheepish ones.
“Gomen. I was pretty scared this time. The demon was a tough enemy.” A submissive whisper escaped her mouth. She felt guilty for not checking on the others.
“Don't worry about us, nothing I couldn't fix, right Miroku?” Sango stated with a pad on Mirokus wounded leg, where she one minute before applied the bandages. A slight yelp of pain escaped the lips of the man lying at her feet.
Miroku rose his head from the ground with a mischievous expression on his features, having the usual glint in his eyes as he shot a hot glance towards Sango. “For that you will have to indemnify me, dear Sango.” His smile upon his lips spread to a grin at the thought of the repayment. Sango was ready to smack him across his temple, when his face became serious once more. He looked at Kagome, worry laced in his so deep orbs, his features going motionless as he looked to the deep oceans of Kagome. His arms were put in front of him in a calming gesture, trying to avoid the punishment for his previous words. “How is Inuyasha?” He asked, visible concerned for their friend.
“He tells he is fine, but I know he is in tremendous pain. His wounds are pretty serious, not to mention the torrent of blood he lost before they stopped bleeding. I was forced to put some herbs to his gashes and you can guess how he had taken it.” It was more a statement then a question from the miko.
Both her friends nodded in understanding. Inuyasha was never one of them who took help of others easy, though he was accustomed to the antics of the girl in front of them. She was the only one he would let tend his wounds. It was due to the act she would not back down and would take care of him, whether he liked it or not. As they were just sitting there, Inuyasha was waking slowly, regaining consciousness. With this the pain returned and he moaned softly.
`Damn, my gut hurts like hell and my head feels as a ton of bricks had hit it.' Inuyasha growled in frustration, unable to move his upper body to a sitting position. Every breath he took caused fire searing through his chest and guts. He stopped his attempts immediately. This didn't go unnoticed by Kagome. She was on her way to him.
“Inuyasha, you can't move now. You need to rest.” Kagome spoke softly to him, trying to calm him down.
“I am fine wench, let me be in peace.” He growled back.
“Oh, cease that or I will go and take some rolled up papers to hit you like a disobedient dog.” She mocked him in her best teasing voice.
“I am not a dog you now.” He spat back at her, defamation clearly written in his smooth face, his white tresses spilled on the grassy ground as he lied there, motionless as a stone figure.
“Want you to put your head in my lap to be more comfortable?” The young miko asked the hanyou, trying to lighten his mood. He didn't answer her. She seated herself behind him and forced her bent up legs under his head to let him use them as a cushion. Inuyasha took a deep breath and relaxed immediately. His lids became heavier and covered his beautiful golden orbs, sometimes as bright as the midday sun. Now they seemed to be darkened by the pain he had to endure.
As he drifted back to sleep it was a welcomed numbness that surrounded him, his nose filled with the smell of an early spring when the first beams of sun touch the damp grounds, filling the air with the smell of cleanness and freshness. He felt so peaceful at that moment, knowing he was not alone, not anymore.
Even if not sure about his feelings to the tiny woman placed behind him, he was sure about one thing. She was his first friend he learned to trust and his best one. He would not lose her at any price. She was his most precious treasure, his eternal adoration, and the purest heart he met in his long life. Her aura was as white and warm as the brightest summer days, providing comfort and love at every single stance.
Kagome leaned her head back and savoured the feel of the sun on her alabaster cheeks, the long black tresses swaying around her face in the faint breeze that flew through the clearing, carrying some sakura blossoms within it. It felt like the whisper of a soul calling to her very essence, giving her strength after this nerve-frying day. Suddenly a person, no, a soul emerged in front of her, looking down to her stunned features. It was no one else then Kagura. Before she realized what it was, it was gone.
`Was I dreaming or am I going insane?' Kagome asked herself. Then her eyes went to the earth and she saw a little white feather where the ghost stood.
`This is Kaguras feather when I remember correctly. But what has this to mean? Kagura used to be our enemy, yet didn't told Naraku Inuyashas secret. Who knows what this signifies.' She was unaware of the wind witch's death. She didn't witness her last breathes as her eternal body faded and the useless effort of the mighty demon lord of the West to resurrect her with his sword of life, an inheritance from his father. Tenseiga didn't answer his call and let Kagura pass over with the words: “I am the wind, the free wind.” And then, her body was gone, sending free the captured soul, flying away on the wings of the zephyr, surrounded with the blossoms of the cherry tree.
Her demise was observed only by a regal figure clothed in white silken robes with sakura blossoms embroidered on the hem of his sleeves and shoulder part of his haori. Cold golden orbs focused on her diminishing body immediately softening with the picture revealed to his sight. He never admitted how much her death bothered and saddened him. He, the most powerful youkai in Japan had failed her plea of help to destroy that evil hanyou Naraku and at this time the future of all of them was as uncertain as a walk on a realm of a high building. Would it be won or would all of them fall in a fierce battle? Nobody knew the answer, not even he.
The young miko closed her sapphire orbs and rested her head on the rough bark of the great oak tree standing as a silent protector behind her slender form. She resembled an angel fallen from heaven, her raven black hair cascading down her tiny back like a waterfall dancing on the rocks, contrasting to her alabaster skin as smooth as the finest silk. She was a beautiful creature indeed.
At that very moment Sesshoumaru walked by their camp hiding his presence. He was in no mood to put up with the irritating half-breed right now. He slowed his pace and locked his eyes at the scene in front of him. His golden, cold and emotionless orbs widened in shock and awe as he saw the miko and the worthless hanyou in such a close pose, but remaining as innocent and pure as the fallen snow. She was obviously offering comfort to his injured half-brother. He could smell the hanyous blood. It was hard for him to force his sight away from the girl; angered at himself he had to bite back the growl, which formed in his throat.
`She is a nuisance to me, I have to expel her completely from my mind. She is just a lowly ningen after all.' Were his inner thoughts as he fought with him self to go away. He could not explain why, but was not able to do so at that moment, the serene look on her face causing him to stop his intended actions. With a sharp turn on his heel he proceeded away from the group settled at that beautiful dell.
The gathering was unaware of their secret visitor. The sky started to darken, proclaiming the approach of the night.
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The stars were already in the sky, shining brightly on the inky blanket, when dinner was served in the little group.
Inuyasha slowly awoke from his healing sleep and smelled the pleasant odour of the roasting meet. His eyes were opened by his hunger and he immediately asked for a helping of the tasty meal. Everyone knew he was better now as his appetite came back full force followed by his rude request for his share. Kagome ignored his grumpy behaviour, happy that he recovered sooner than expected. The most part of the dinner they ate in silence broken only by Inuyashas loudly chewing.
“My, Inuyasha, we thank you that you share your enjoyment with us. We are all aware it is delicious.” Miroku teased.
The only response he got was Inuyashas typical “keh” after he had dug in again.
After the gruelling day, all of them got early to sleep, resting they exhausted bones on the not all too comfortable ground, the most of them trying to make it as restful as possible. Kouga took his beloved into his strong embrace, keeping to woman of his life warm during the chilling night.
They looked so content together as Sango looked at them. She stole a glance at Miroku, separated from her by the giant boomerang and Kiraras large warm body curled above their heads, providing them with a small shelter against the wind. How nice would it be to be held by a certain monk. Sadly, his wandering hands prevented such thinks to happen.
Inuyasha was perched on a branch high in a tree, his sword cradled in his arms as he watched over the camp, his ears twitching in an attempt to catch every noise coming from the surrounding forest. He looked over to Kagome cuddled with Shippou in her sleeping bag, providing her with his warmth and his childlike love. Kagome was about to fall asleep, her last thoughts were at the soft and cozy bed in her own time, while the stones were poking her into her rear.
Inuyasha watched Kagome and Shippou intently as he was sitting there and was remembering about his own childhood, as he had been this small and vulnerable; nobody protected him as his mother had left this realm. He wished he would have somebody like her to take care of a lonely hanyou child tossed away and shunned by all. How different his live would have become. He was on his own, to take care of himself in such a tender age, scared often to death by the sounds from the animals of night, no one to soothe his fried mind. He remembered the people shouting after him as he tried to approach a village in an attempt to gather some food or go near a fire, giving him some protection from the dangerous creatures out there in the woods. They always only yelled at him to go away and don't return, calling him all possible harassing names given to his kind. He was nothing, hated by humans, seen as not worthy of any attention by the demons. The first one who accepted him as he was was the girl lying not too far away only few feet under his chosen tree. She didn't want to change anything about him, yet he repelled her on several occasions, not able to take her unconditional love towards him. His feelings for her he considered as brotherly. Alone the though of her as his mate made his stomach turn. Don't get him wrong! He thought her to be pretty, beautiful to his eyes, but he loved her dearly in a sibling-like way. He looked to the all-knowing stars asking for instructions how to resolve this dilemma. He should love her with all his heart, because she was the only one who didn't want to change anything about him in the slightest way. She tried to teach him to accept himself as person even if he was only a hanyou seen by the rest of the world as paltry half-breed. Nothing more then a failure of two fully different worlds connected in one person.
Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a lonely soul stealer flying across the inky sky and towards an another clearing he had known from his previous travels across the country as young boy, looking for a shelter for his forlorn existence. Immediately he took to the tops of the trees and evaporated from the group, which held his only friends.
The soul stealer youkai meant Kikyou was somewhere near and he was about to find her and talk to her. After he thought through what Kagome had told him, he decided to let the other miko come to them and be their ally. Naraku was an insidious enemy, sneaky, unpredictable and tricky, doing his best to collect the shards and unite the jewel to his former shape. It was his duty to cross his plans and do his best to conceal Narakus task.
As he flew through the cool night air, it gave him the feeling of freedom, moving with incredulously high speed, every motion fluid and elegant, like dance of petals in the morning breeze. The fresh air washed his heated face as he leapt from tree to tree, jumping on brunches and taking to the ceiling of the earth, his white hair twirling behind him with every powerful jump he made. The place he was heading to come nearer and nearer every second of his frenzy run. As he passed the threshold of the glade, he saw her standing there surrounded by the light of the stolen souls. Her tresses loose, not bound as usually, giving her an ethereal countenance. Inuyasha decided to approach her slowly, anxious of her reaction and afraid she would feel disturbed, turning her back to him. Her empty brown eyes, earlier filled with love and warmth, connected with his golden ones. Under the scrutiny of her gaze he shivered somewhat, but didn't stop his advance to his first and only true love.
“Inuyasha, why did you seek me out?” Came Kikyous cold voice.
“I was looking for you, because I have a suggestion for you. Please hear me out and don't walk away until I am done.” He added quickly to his plea.
“Then speak and don't waste my time.” She was regarding him with coldness and calmness, trying to read him and his tangled mind.
“Listen Kikyou,” he just managed to murmur,” I think we should join our strength to defeat Naraku. It is time to bring this canning bastard down and let him rot in hell, where he belongs.”
“It will be me, who takes him down and I don't need any help from you or the pathetic reincarnation of mine.” She narrowed her brows in anger at his request.
“Don't be stupid Kikyou. Naraku killed you once and failed the second time thanks to Kagome. If you won't do this for me do it for her, you owe her this much. I love you and only you, I won't loose you this time.” His voice increased in volume with every word he spat out, irritated with her stubbornness and misplaced pride.
Kikyou just looked at him, her expression blank as she uttered her parting words: “I will take my leave now, don't search for me again Inuyasha!” Her soul stealers encircled her and carried her over the treetops.
“Kikyou! Kikyou wait… don't do this alone.” He shouted after the disappearing shadow. As he totally lost sight of her he hung his head in desperation. `Shit, I fucked up again. Kagome will sit me for this for sure.' With this he took the slowly walk back to the camp, preparing himself for the onslaught of Kagomes wrath. The march took him so long that it was nearly dawn, when he finally arrived at the still sleeping camp. He silently jumped to his previous spot and pondered about the encounter with the undead miko. Remembering the morning before, he didn't dare to wake them. When she awakes, he'll have enough bad news for her and so he could use the remaining time to think about a way how to tell her. As he sat there the first rays of sun crept over the horizon and the first birds started their blessings to the new day with their happy chirping. Inuyasha sneezed as a butterfly tickled his nose.
“Achoo…, stupid animal, do I look like a flower or what?” He cursed under his breath, lowering his voice for the sake of his sleeping companions.
Only minutes later, a loud yawn could be heard in the dell the group of shard hunters occupied. It was Kagome who awoke and stretched her stiff bones from the night spend on the rocky ground.
“Damn after this is over I'll have calluses all over my body. This is just nothing for me to lie the whole night on the hard ground and be in the morning in good mood and polite.” Kagome whispered to herself as she pried the slumber away from her eyes rubbing them with the back of her hand as she did every morning in the past.
Inuyasha with his superior hearing overheard every single word she uttered. `That is not good for me. If she is in fool mood I am pretty sure I'll kiss the dirt after I tell her the news about Kikyou. She'll surely blame me for the stupid woman and her `I am better then everyone from you'. Thank you I'm happy she's not with us. I could not stand her either. She smells awful, like death, dust and ashes she is made from. But on the contrary she is still Kikyou.' “Grrrrrr”...... `why can't I get her out of my head.'
The guttural growling from Inuyasha snapped Kagome from her dozed state of the early morning and made her uncomfortable in no time. “Is something wrong Inuyasha?” She asked keeping her gentle voice down as far as possible, not to disturb the others still sleeping and not aware of their already roused companions.
Inuyasha then first realized he was making sounds of displeasure and averted his gaze away from her, hiding his embarrassment of his lack of control over his own reactions. “Keh, everything's all right, mind your own business.” He replied in his usual `don't fret about me' tone.
“Then why for heaven sake are you growling mister `I don't need your concern', huh?” Kagome refused to give up so lightly. She would not beck down and let him have the victory. It was time for him to learn to speak about his feelings though he was not used to trust the others, getting taught the lesson by the life personally as he paced the earth alone, left to his own advices.
“Why do you don't speak to me like to a friend you need? Why can't you trust me, in the time we spent together you should know I would never betray you, still, you refuse to listen to me and give me the chance to show you your trust is not wasted on me?” This was all she managed to say before her tears, which formed behind her black long eyelashes, begun to pool in the corners of her eyes and felt freely down her cheeks. It hurt so much to see the man she loved so dearly to be in this mental condition, caused by the years of soul torment placed upon his kind by her own race. She was well aware of the fact that it was not his fault that he became this reserved. It was enough to see him fight his elder brother and the hatred Sesshoumaru held for his younger sibling. She could only imagine how his childhood must had been, to take care of himself, be eventually hunted by the villagers or youkais. One tried to take him down because of dismay, the others only for diversion.
Inuyasha squatted in front of her, attempting to look into her pretty features and to show his sadness about upsetting her. He hated it when he did this to her and so was confused about how to soothe the pain he had obviously caused to subside and make her laugh for him once more. He was never the one to comfort another person when upset. He was a mongrel in this thinks, unskilled in this task. He never received such a treatment and so was unaware of how to proceed when gentleness instead of power was asked.
`What have I told to cause this reaction from her? Humans are so difficult to handle. I will never learn how their brains are working. Their minds are so fragile. Argh, stupid wench, to put up with her is rather difficult. She can be cheerful and happy in one minute and turn to a pile of sobbing flesh in the next.'
“What's wrong now wench? Have you to cry every time I say something or are you this useless, doing it just because you are this pathetic?” The words spoken in the harshest manner from the hanyou did what she was unable to do by herself, to stop her tears and replace them with anger gleaming in her normally calm blue eyes.
“Tell me Inuyasha, are you so cruel because you don't know what to say or because you are too dull-witted to say something what is well fitting with the situation? I had to put up with your idiotic behaviour for nearly for years and to be honest I am weary of trying to convince myself you will change one day and will left your grouchy behaviour behind to let the other approach you without hesitation. But nothing changed with the only exception I am not any longer interested in this stuff `I don't need anybody I am fine alone' you try to show to everybody who tries to be polite and accept you like you are. When will you learn to live with that what was given to you and not to mourn about things you lost?”
“You know nothing about my loss!” the screech from Inuyasha woke every single being in the circle of thirty feet, “you can't even imagine what I was put through!
“Yes, probably not. You never told me anything from your past, but don't think I can't imagine. It hurts me to know how lonely you must had been in that time.
“Spare your pity for those who need it, I was fine and I am fine, I don't need this.” With this said he pointed his clawed finger towards the group and leapt up to the trees, disappearing in the forest, letting behind a sorrowful miko, looking after him with apprehension filled eyes, dark as the deepest ocean, but still warm like the sun. Her tresses of raven black hair playing in the wind, letting her look like the ethereal beings from many tales written for the children ears. A goddess descended to earth to give the world a new gleam, as the old world lost the glint by the severe wars not that far ago. She was the hope of freedom, bringing unexpected wisdom within her unaging countenance.
The rest of the group was awoken by their little spat and everyone had one eye cracked open to peer at the young girl stomping her foot in frustration after the hanyous departure and sauntering into the forest by herself. They knew better as to disturb her in her thoughts. She needed time to calm down after the altercation she had with her miffy protector. Sango and Miroku shared an all-knowing glance, as they were accustomed to this ritual.
However, Ayame had another opinion, worried about Kagomes safety out in the forest, so she spoke out her mind: “Should we not follow her and make sure she'll be fine?” The anxiety clearly laced in her voice and demeanour.
“To follow her would be useless, until you wish to be purified. She'll be fine and just need some time for herself.” Miroku stated as he approached Ayame to offer her some comfort and not wanting to miss the opportunity to give her butt a tender squeeze.
Ayame, unaware of his wandering hands was surprised by Sangos quick actions as the youkai exterminator hit the hentai monk on his head as his hands moved slowly down the ookamis back to the longed flesh. Immediately Sango saw it coming and took action before Miroku signed his death wish, she was sure would follow by the hands of Kouga, if he saw Miroku grab Ayames butt. Therefore, a medium sized boomerang-bump on his head was the less life-threatening alternative. In addition, it made her feel so much better. Miroku on the other hand, was sitting on the ground and rubbing his head while sporting his most innocent façade, as he sighed: “I'm sorely misunderstood.”
“Yes of course you are.” She said offhandedly and turned to Ayame, to reassure her that Kagome would be fine on her own.
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The forest around her started to buzz with bugs making their way out of their sleepy state, coming out into the warming morning sun. Her frayed nerves were being soothed by this peaceful noise. She came to a secluded place, where many wildflowers grew, colouring the short grass. She dropped to her knees and begun picking them as she inhaled their fresh fragrance. Golden eyes watched her regarding her from the trees, white puppy ears quivered listening to her sighs, a lazy smile crept over his face as he was watching her from afar.
“Inuyasha no baka, will you ever understand and move on.” Was the only whisper he caught, his features shrunk back to a scowl as he recalled that he actually had to be mad at her. With this he turned and run as fast as he could, by humans eyes seen only as a red blur.
Kagome sensed a familiar presence and heard the soft rustle of the leaves as his aura disappeared. She recognized him the moment he was gone.
The occupants of the camp made fire and breakfast as Kougas azure eyes surveyed the others eating in silence and couldn't refrain the urge to make a comment to the cause of the absence of the miko.
“Inucuro fucked up once again. I don't know what she sees in him, he is an unmatured pup in desperate need to be put in his place.”
“To show your feelings is a difficult art.” Miroku said matter of factly and stole a glance toward Sango. “Wouldn't you agree my dear Sango?” Sango blushed several shades of red in the end making an admirable impression of a tomato. At this sight Miroku snickered. Miroku loved to tease her only to see her in the not so usually collected demeanour. His beloved woman turned her back to him to hide her face from him and let him know the conversation was over now.
“Should you need any advice about satisfying your woman Kouga be sure to ask.” Miroku grinned and winked at the wolf youkai.
Snorting the ookami puffed up his chest, “Ha! I don't need your poor tips. I have Ayame screaming my name all night.”
Neither of them saw the two women scoot closer towards each other, watching them intently. But after Kougas loud remark, Ayame stood up in a huff, adorning Kougas cheek with a bright red handprint, with a death and celibate promising glare she stomped into the forest. Sango followed her example and smacked Miroku as hard as she could, giving him a matching handprint. Turning swiftly she took after Ayame, into the woods.
“Was it something I said?” He asked Kouga totally befuddled.
In that very moment a red clad figure jumped into the dell. Inuyasha just stared at the two forlorn looking males with bright red cheeks.
“And what the fuck did the both of you do?”
“We just made little small-talk between males and the girls miraculously got mad.” Was Mirokus innocent reply but a nice hand-shaped bruise nullified his act.
“Grrrrrrrrr… shut up monk!” A deep malcontented growl escaped Kougas chest. “You just got me a mate free week.”
Inuyasha burst into peals of laughter, blithesome about his hard predicament.
“It's not like you get any, mutt-face.” He spat, effectively silencing him.
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The demon slayer and the red haired female reached a nearby stream and discovered their friend sitting there in deep thought. The decision the two women made was to approach her and enjoy the surroundings, giving her the taste of what happened at the camp.
“No, he really told that to Kouga?” Disbelief clearly written all ever her delicate features as she was told what happened between the wolf and the lecherous monk.
“And that was not all. As if it was not enough, Kouga made his proclamation he needed no advices in pleasure his mate, and that Ayame is screaming the whole night for him.” Sango added, face red with embarrassment as she explained what made them leave the camp and take a walk, ok, rather run in the woods.
“I never felt so ashamed as in the moment he spoke this stupid words. Unfortunately, his ego is from time to time too big to let work his brain first. Sometimes I have the feeling he'll never grow up to let such a stupid teasing go by without making a replay.” Ayame was beyond pissed at the childish behaviour of her mate.
Looking at each other they burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter, tears streaming down their faces from the abuse of their lungs and muscles caused by the action. It took quite a time until they were able to speak once again.
Ayame was the first to break the silence. “I promise I won't let him have his fun for one week.” Ayame stopped after receiving curious looks from her companions. “What? Do you think our walks are only for stretching our legs?”
The two inexperienced women couldn't keep their blushes hidden, Ayame just sniggered. It was cute to see the purity of their innocence.
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It was nearly noon, as the man left alone at the camp began to contemplate, where the women might have been gone. As they were getting ready to start searching for them, Inuyasha and Kouga caught their scents. Fortunately, the girls were in a good mood, as they came back and so more confrontations could be avoided. It was just the look Ayame was shooting at Kouga, which reminded him that it was not forgiven him yet.
After a hearty meal and a little playtime with Shippou the group packed their belongings and headed out again. After a while Inuyasha began whining about how long it was taking them and how the weak humans were slowing them down. And so, after a deserved `sit', Kagome got onto Inuyashas back, the slayer and the monk mounted Kirara and the both wolfs broke into a sprint alongside Inuyasha.
As the sun settled beyond the horizon for the night, Kagome reminded Inuyasha that they all deserved a rest, especially Kirara, who carried two of them the whole day. Even a mononoke could get weary.
“Keh, with this speed we'll never track Naraku down.” was his usual grumpy reply. Though he complied, the camp was set. The girls took the pots and went searching for a water source and for a hot spring as well, to take later advantage of it. They all looked forward to a nice relaxing bath, to wash away the grime, which had settled on them during the long half-day hike. Besides, the boys started to smell as well.
Ayames nose was a great help at this task and soon they heard the gurgling of a small stream. Alas, they had no luck with the onsen, but as they came back to the camp, the fire already lighten by the boys, they were told that a hot spring was not far away in the opposite side they had walked to. Kagome poked Ayame and Sango with her elbows in the ribs and whispered low enough just for them to understand. “They are trying to make it up to us.” They giggled slightly and broke into full laughter, as they saw the males' perplexed expressions.
What the fuck is so funny hear?” Inuyasha snarled his displeasure with the reaction to the endeavour the males had.
The girls only shared an all knowing look, amusement clearly written in their eyes as chocolate brown met dark blue ones a silent eloquent massaged passed by. Neither did they notice the stare Kouga gave Ayame in hope he has been forgiven for his loud mouth, but his puppy cerulean orbs met by emerald green got a clearly `no' as the ultimate answer. With a loud sigh the proud ookami slouched his shoulders in defeat and joined Miroku on the other side of the fire, undoubtedly dismissed by his mate. Miroku kept his mouth shut for once, not knowing what to say and not to be beheaded in the same second.
Kagome looked at Shippou, who felt a little bit left behind since he tried his best to avoid the spats the adults had and didn't want to go on his own to the forest and search for Kagome, his surrogate mother.
“Shippou I am sorry that I left you alone, but I was so angry at that moment I couldn't have thought straight. I only needed time to come to my senses.” Feeling incredibly guilty Kagome took the little fox in her arms and hugged him firmly to her warm chest, showing him all the affection she has been holding towards him in one single squeeze. She was so tender with him and her body felt so good, warm and soft, providing him with comfort in all the times he yearned for. No words must have been spoken to let her understand. One look was enough for her to now he was upset, frightened or felt simply lonely. It was then she was there for him, distracting him from whatever plagued his tiny head. Shippou became quite attached in no time as they hiked together the country, guarded by Inuyasha and later by Sango and Miroku. The group found allies on their journeys, most for Kagomes open nature and kind heart, willing to help everybody in need. So it was her who convinced Inuyasha to let them all take a place upon the alliance the hanyou and the girl from the future had made and became a part of it. They were a pack now and he was the unelected leader, what caused many verbal rows between him and the wolf demon, due to the fact Kagome would not allow them to fight truly. When necessary she had to sat Inuyasha and then soothe Kouga wit her pleading eyes and sweet words to let him drop the banter.
For all this Shippou admired her. She was the only one who had the power to sit Inuyasha straight to hell, yet held the patience to put up with his foul mouth and coarse behaviour only reminding him of the rosary when pushed to hard. Her smiles always reaching her eyes made him feel loved, a familiar feeling spreading through his small body.
As the miko was playing with the cub, Ayame watched her intently. `She'll make a good mother to her own pups one day.' She mused as she saw her run after the kit, play catch with him. This was a sight of peace, a rare one it the times of wars and battles, a mother playing with her youth oblivious to the danger, which could loom at her and that one she protected at every corner she passed. However, this was Kagome and acted like she felt, without thinking about her actions too much.
“Got you!” The loud happy scream could be heard through the clearing as she sweeped Shippou from the grass directly into her awaiting arms. At his disappointed expression she only giggled and punched him slightly in the nose before releasing the hold placed upon his form.
The little one was pouting at her as he whined softly. “This is not fair, how is it that you ever catch me?” His dismay was pouring in waves out of him.
“Hey, don't be so touchy. You made it just fine. Don't forget, I have had practise in this.”
“When did you have to run after anybody?” Shippous curiosity was unbearable by the time he uttered his question.
Kagomes face blushed vaguely as she sunk in her memory of her early childhood. “Well, you know I used to be a child as you are now, so I played with the others and this was one of the favourite games we had. And besides my brother needed some lessons in not running away from his older sister as well, so I chased him down and held him in place until he stopped to wriggle and listened to me.” The times when she trailed after boys who upset her with bad behaviour she held to herself. She could clearly remember as if it were yesterday. One of the boys from the neighbourhood made fun of her and her family, taking aim at the dismissal of her father who died several years ago under unknown circumstances, leaving her mother, her and the baby, her brother, to their own devices. After some cruel words, she took at them with vengeance unbeknownst to her until this day and never resurfacing again. A small smile crept on her fully rosy lips as she recalled their faces after she took care of them. Yep, the bruises she had managed to put on them were a painful reminder to not anger a girl by dishonouring her family.
Sango kept the gaze on her `sister' as she observed the emotions flying through her face. The soft evil smile upon her sensual lips was something she never saw there before. “What were you thinking about, Kagome-chan?”
“Ah, nothing important, Sango-chan.” The younger girl replied, her blush darkening what made her explanation unfaithful to everyone who had eyes and had not forget how to use them properly.
“This I will not believe you. Comm on, spit it out, your secrets are good hidden by me.” Said the demon-exterminator, curiosity was giving the best of her. Her firm body relaxed not betraying the foreboding she held by the wish to hear what made Kagome blush and grin like that.
So Kagome told Sango to let it slip for the moment and that she would tell her later what was crossing her mind during the time she spoke to Shippou. This was a part nobody knew about her and they really don't have to. She was a child and not in control over her emotions, well, not that she were now. The difference was that she would be able to handle such harassment with her tongue and not her fists today. `For sure, Sango will be cheered up by this story. Ok, if I can make her laugh, then it will be worth it.'
With a reassuring smile upon her velvety lips, Kagome made her way to her bag and begun rummaging about it, looking for ramen she had packed for situations like this were, when the men were to distraught to hunt and they would have nothing to eat. A warm tee would make a good addition to their meal, letting her submerged in its taste, forgetting her problems for a moment and relaxing with the warm cup in her hands. Her eyes were trained on the fire, thoughts far away, beyond the reach of the others. The only place that would remain forever hers.
The water was boiling and Sango asked her for the ramen she had brought with in her large yellow bag back, interrupting her musings. She swiftly stood up and reached her the food from the moderns times. As was everybody provided with his portion and neatly settled around the fire, she took her place as well and lifted Shippou to her lap to prevent a fight with Inuyasha by trying to steel food from Shippou or the other way around. The young miko first fed the little cub before turning to her own bowl and finishing her meal, what caused her adoring glances from Kouga, Miroku and even Inuyasha, how beautiful she looked by taking care of a young.
`She will be a perfect mother to her pups. What a pity that it won't be me to impregnate her. Inuyasha no baka for choosing the undead woman instead of her.' Kougas eyes glazed over with a faraway look as he watched Kagomes display with the small fox demon and hold a glint of longing for what nobody knew or understood.
Inuyasha on the other side averted his gaze quickly, not wanting to be discovered by the way he was staring at her, let the other know what he desired and never showed it.
It was bedtime as the sun had settled behind the horizon for the night, the crescent moon taking its precious place over the group.
“Are we going to take the announced bath, girls? I'm sure we would need it after the whole day walking through the dusty roads. I feel like I'm covered with it and my sweat I sported earlier by the sun in zenith.” Kagome cheered up by the pleasant thought of bubbling water, mossy rocks and some privacy from the boys. For that, she was sure, they would not follow her or the other two girls. After what happened earlier this day, they have had enough trouble for the day she assumed.
“I'll accompany you. I too need some time for myself.” Ayame gave in as she looked for something she could use as towel later, but was disappointed to find nothing suitable for it.
“Here you are.” Kagome reached the read haired wolf one of her owns, giving it to her as a present.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Ayame chanted in a high-pitched voice as she jumped around like a little happy girl, which received a candy. Kagome shot the wolf a wide smile and nodded her acceptance.
“And what about you, Sango-chan?” Kagome turned her attention to the demon slayer who sat still at the spot she ate earlier.
“I'll stay and make sure the lecher is not peeking while you bath.” The taijiya stated not taking her glare from the houshi who shrugged his shoulders and shot her an innocent look.
“I would never dare to look at you in an undressed state my dear Sango. That will be reserved for our private bedchambers when I'll have the honour to make sure you carry my child.” Mirokus face turned to a mischievous smile, watching the nice rosy spots on the exterminators' cheekbones.
Sango was rendered silent. This was too much embarrassment for her to dare to let out one word and not to sound desperate as how to get out of this situation.
“I have to tell you about the thing you asked before.” Kagome whispered in her ear and shot her a glance, which spoke volumes.
With last glare, promising death should she spot him somewhere near the hot spring, Sango decided to go with them. Kagome, in the meantime, was trying to convince Shippou to take a bath with them. He was not so fond of the idea to do so.
“I'm too big to take a bath with you, girls.” He proclaimed, blushing furiously.
“Ok! Then you will take one when the men have they turn.” His mother-to-be answered matter of factly.
“Oi! I won't take a bath I don't need it.” Kouga, made up his mind.
“Well, but then you sleep away from me!!!” Ayame turned away, by what Kouga, with his tail between his legs, scurried after her, with an apology and a promise to bath on his lips.
“Keh, you're such a whipped bag of fleas!” Inuyasha laughed at the wolfs plight. “I will sit here, by the nice dry fire and wait for you till you return smelling like flowers.” he taunted him further, but as he was to took a new breath for more insults, Kagome stepped in.
“Inuyasha!! You are going too!!” she said with a scary look on her face. He new this look just all to well and so, with dropped ears he muttered, “Keh, but I ain't taking the runt.”
“Don't worry, Kagome-sama, I will be happy to take him.” volunteered Miroku, a plan to approach the bathing beauties already forming in his corrupted mind and a lecherous smile instantly spreading on his mouth.
With this settled, the girls turned around and headed to their goal.
With the girls out of earshot, Kouga menacingly growled at the monk. “Don't dare to spy on my women.”
`A traitor in my own rows.' thought Miroku sadly and sighed.
That's all for today. I've planned the update for the next week, but should I get too busy with the learning for my exams, please be patient. After the fifth may the chapter three and four should be out.