InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed Desires ❯ Meetings part three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters; I'm simply borrowing them for my own wicked entertainment.
AN: Finally!
Meetings part three.
“Will you spit out what was on your mind as you chased Shippou or will you let it drop?” Sango asked impatiently as ever. She was not the one known for forbearance like many others. She admired Kagome for her tenacity at dealing with never-ending irate tirades of the group.
„Well, this is a story I'll tell you if you promise not to say it to anybody, not Miroku, Kouga, Inuyasha or Shippou. You have to promise this to me or I will not explain a word to you.” Both of Kagomes friends inclined their heads in a visible nod.
“Go ahead, I'm dying here!” It was Ayame this time, who whined to get over to the story they both were interested in since afternoon.
“It starts when I was a little child so about seven years old.” Kagome began her tale as her memories had been brought to her earlier that day, remembering her childhood oblivious to her fate and worries she would be put through at the expense of saving the future, basically her own, from the danger Naraku presented should he be able to collect all the shards and reunite the Jewel of Four Souls. “
“Some boys teased me because I was fatherless. They blamed my mother for it and told me that it was she, who chased my father away. However, my father had died years ago and it made me furious that they dared to speak about him in such a manner. I knew that he was honourable and would have never abandoned his family. He died under unknown circumstances; his demise struck us hard and unprepared. All happened so suddenly, nobody could properly react. I went ballistic for making fun of such a tragic personal situation and chased them down. When I was finished with them, I think they needed a great amount of ointment and bandages to treat their injuries. They never dared to mention the subject again and when they spotted me, they were off quicker as you would imagine. This was the first and the last time I used my hands to cause somebody pain on purpose. This hunt went through my mind as I explained Shippou that I had had practice when I was younger. You see, it's not something I am proud of.” She finished, her huge eyes hidden under her bangs as she cast them down to the ground they were walking on just at that moment.
Her companions were rendered silent for the moment, but then it was Sango who first broke in giggles trying her best to keep walking as tears run down her cheeks from laughing. Ayame was amused in the same way. By holding onto her dignity, she was not rolling in the aisles like the slayer, her shoulders rocking with her chocking breathe at the attempt to quiet down the sounds, thus making her snort.
“Very funny indeed!” Kagome drawled, as they didn't stop laughing. She put on her best chastising voice she could muster, glaring at them in mock anger.
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“Rin is hungry Jaken-sama.” The little girl squealed in her high pitched voice as her stomach rumbled in protest at its emptiness.
“Shut up Rin, you annoying little brat. I have no time to find food for you, so stop bothering me with your troublesome blabbing and let me to my own thoughts.” The little toad shot Rin a glare, which went unnoticed by Rin, his remark letting her unimpressed as she was used to his stuck-up behaviour and wasn't intimidated by the iky demon.
“Jaken-sama,” Rin started again, only to be cut off by the little mean toad, doing his best to be let in peace and not be annoyed by the little one, who was entrusted in his care.
“For the last time, shut up or I will give you the spanking you deserve.” With a dangerous swing of his twin headed stuff, Jaken silenced Rin for good and stared into the fire as he pondered about his master's punishment, because dealing with Rin was nothing else.
Rin got bored by being ignored as she looked into the fire and felt her belly grumble. She shot the toad a last glance before she stood up and headed to the brook nearby. She was unaware of the danger looming there. Jaken, too deep in his own musings, didn't notice her departure, letting her go where his master told him not to let her, so she wouldn't fall into the small river.
Rin made it to the banks of the stream without causing herself any troubles. The water, she was about to get into, was rather wild, with a strong current and many slippery stones, some great ones peeking out to the surface, some small hidden from the sight. She entered it carefully, weighing every step she made. It didn't take long until the turbulent stream caught Rin, causing her to loose balance as her foot slipped on the wet stone and her ankle twisted painfully. She let out an ear-piercing scream as the water swallowed her petit form, letting her disappear into it, only to resurface some foot further away. She did her best to take a breath and call for help.
“Jaken-sama, help m',” was all she managed to get out before she disappeared from sight once more.
Jaken was startled out of his stupor as he heard the heart-wrenching scream from the one he was supposed to take care of.
“My lord is going to kill me if he finds out! He told me not to let her near this river. Stupid girl, can she not do as she is told? Why can't she simple listen to orders given to her?” Jaken cursed under his breath, hurrying to Rin's side as fast as his short legs would carry him. By the time he reached the brook, he saw the white foam by the rocks. First, he could not spot her, but suddenly his heart nearly stopped. She was there, in the middle of the inferno, holding onto a big boulder with all her might she was able to gather in her small body. She looked very frightened.
“Jaken-sama, please help me, help, help!” She kept on calling for him, for anybody who could hear her and would come to rescue her.
The kappa youkai was inapt to save her but his blind courage dulled his logical mind not to do so. The water took him into its depths and refused to let go of him as he was not the best swimmer under the sun and the stream was too strong for him to fight with. He could only watch in horror as he passed Rin and then realized that now he was the one in desperate need of help. Rins chocolate brown sparkling eyes widened at the sight of Jaken being carried away from her.
„Sesshoumaru-sama, Sesshoumaru-sama!!!!!” She started to scream, seeing her last chance in the protector who never failed her since she followed him.
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„Let me help you wash your hair, Sango-chan.” Kagome chirped as she scooted nearer to her friend, the bottle of shampoo already in her hand. Sango liked it when Kagome did this to her, it felt so good as her tiny hands massaged her scalp. The demon exterminator turned the back to the young miko to give her better access to her thick black mane. Ayame watched this with overt interest. By the look of things, it was obvious to her that this often ritual must be very relaxing. She spoke up to bring some attention to her as well and not to stay forgotten somewhere aside while the girls were too deep in their cleansing passion, oblivious to their surroundings.
“Would you do me the favour and wash my hair too, Kagome?” The red-haired wolf asked, pleading with her emerald eyes not to be rejected.
“Of course, I just finish Sangos, ok?”
“Hn, I will wait for my turn then.”
It didn't take Kagome long to wash Sango's hair. The wolf was very found of the hair-treatment and Kagome was sure by now that she would have to take care for two heads instead of one. After finishing their bath, the girls dressed quickly and were on their way back to the campsite, joking about the males and how easy it was to subdue them, careful not to be overheard by the ones they slandered about.
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Rin was sitting by the fire Jaken had made before and was shivering. She managed to get out of the water, limped back where she had been sitting before and was waiting for somebody to return. It was already dark and she was frightened.
“I hope Jaken-sama or Sesshoumaru-sama will return soon. Rin is not happy to be alone. Rin is scared.” The small girl whispered as she was staring into the red flames of the fire, hugging herself to keep warm. Though neither the fire nor her actions were providing her with any comfort. She was cold and her ankle hurt so bad that she was not far from crying. The first sob escaped her lips as she heard the grass rustle behind her. She turned around with wide eyes, abhorrence spreading in waves from her. It was then when she recognized the in white silk clad demon lord, her caretaker.
“Sesshoumaru-sama, Rin was so scared!” She cried out, relief washing over her.
“Rin, where is Jaken.” Came his cold reply, his features betraying nothing of his rage as he saw the state Rin was in. He needed not explanations to figure out what had happened. He would punish Jaken severely for this. He disobeyed him and his failure could have cost his charge her young life.
“Jaken went swimming as he tried to help Rin.” His ward answered him with her cheerful voice like nothing had happed at all, the more amusing thoughts from the struggling Jaken invading her mind. In that moment Rin's stomach decided to make itself known with a loud roar, as she didn't succeed in catching her dinner, being interrupted by the little incident. She shot to her feet and made an effort to reach him, to face him, be close to him, feeling the safety he provided her with every time he was there. What she had forgotten about in her excitement was her twisted ankle. In the second she placed weight on her injured appendage, she swayed a little, her mouth opening in a silent yelp of pain. She, doing her best to hide it from her lord, swallowed the sound. She was unable to do so. She was not used to his reaction because the last time she had ailed she had been unaware of the care he handled her with, neither how he had held her during the nights to keep her warm. The most he had done in the past was to tell her not to scream when she had been aghast of something, his voice deeper then usual, always appeasing the turmoil inside her. His sudden question snatched her out of her wandering thoughts.
“What is wrong with your leg, Rin?” He didn't avert his piercing amber gaze from her, knowing the effect it had on his ward, forcing her silently to answer.
The girl squirmed, but didn't reply. Her eyes were trained upon the ground.
“Rin!” Was all her lord said, remaining her that he wanted his answers and wouldn't repeat the question once more. He knew she heard him perfectly and his habit was never to restate himself.
“Rin hurt her leg as she had skid on the slippery rocks.” If she had only remained where she was, her lord would have never seen her limp. She couldn't hide her malady from his observant eyes.
“Show me!” With this words passing his chiselled lips, he pressed tenderly on her shoulder, implying her to sit down. She obeyed, following his silent request. Sesshoumaru, with unseen gentleness, picked up her leg, easing it a bit from the underlying grass. One look at it told him exactly what was wrong. She sustained a sprain. He carefully touched the swollen appendage, looking for broken bones. As he found none, he got to his feet in one swift movement.
“Rin!” He paused, waiting for her eyes to meet his before he continued, to make sure she paid attention to what he demanded from her. “Remain by the fire.” His look told her that she should stay where she was and not move even an inch. His tone was firm, not letting any space for suppositions if he meant it literally or not.
The little one was startled, but knew better than to question her lord, so she simply nodded in acceptance at his bidding. The moment he turned, the smell of her fear reached his sensitive nostrils. Her heartbeat accelerated from the relaxed pace the moment he announced his departure. His recollection allowed him to remember her ragged body after the wolves had attacked her. It was the day he used Tenseiga and revived her. She never got over the events, plagued by nightmares ever then and there.
Sniffling around, he tried to lessen her anxiety, letting her know she was safe and no harm would come to her while he would be out of reach. His superior senses flew in an endeavour to forecast any danger. Recognizing nothing threatening in the vicinity, he reassured Rin of her safety for the time he would be away.
“You'll be safe until my reappearance.”
With this said, he took into the air in his energy-sphere, evaporating to nothingness in the blink of an eye. Why he had done it, he would never understand. The anxiety of the defenceless child was affecting him more than he cared to admit. He convinced himself over and over again that he had done only his duty and that she meant nothing to him.
His frozen heart thawed long ago as the high and mighty lord had to take care of the ailing child, the fate showing him just how vulnerable she was. He would have never stooped so low as to lie to himself, so the only option left for him was to push his feelings aside and lock them away. He would do such a thing only for Rin. She had been the first human in ages he cared enough about to go so far as to provide her with contentment in times of need by stepping out of his repulsing attitude.
„Rin is so co-o-old. If only Jaken or AhUn were here.” Her teeth were chattering as spasms wracked through her wee frame.
The fire was too small to offer any warmth in the frosty night, letting her shiver in her drenched kimono. She sneezed and scooped nearer to the dancing red flames. She was oblivious to the figure standing on a branch in the trees and watching her attentively with narrowed amber eyes turning to molten gold at the sight before him. He noticed her shuddering, his thin brows twisting to a scowl. She had seemed to be in better condition as he had left to retrieve some food and remedy for her. Forgetting that humans were more susceptible to the elements than dog demons, he had been heedless to the matter that she wouldn't be able to warm herself up. He proceeded to bare his presence to her, intending not to take Rin by surprise. His pristine attire glittered in the darkness; he would be visible for the human sight even in the blackness of the night. As Rin caught his appearance, she was immediately relieved of the burden she felt during the time of loneliness. A butterfly soft breeze passed through the meadow they were in and made the girl shiver in her damp clothes. It went not unnoticed by the watchful eyes of her protector, alighted by the fire reflected in their depths.
`I have to do something or she will get ill like the last time and I am not willing to put up with the insufferable wench of my half-brother once more. This annoying woman would dare to blame this Sesshoumaru for Rin's depletion in health. Her edifications would be unbearable. Her clamorous mouth is giving me a headache every time I am forced to put up with her.' Sesshoumaru had to step out of his cold, disinterested demeanour towards his ward, going so far as to offer some solace for the little one, actually trembling in front of the fire. He convinced himself it would be better to deal with this humiliation than with the loud-mouthed wench.
“Change!” Rin turned and was flabbergasted by seeing her lord handing her his haori, clad only in his undershirt. His old bone armour was still on as she never saw him without it. His beautiful yellow obi was tied on his lean waist adorned by his precious sword Tenseiga, his long tail wound around his shoulder. His regal appearance did not change by the fact he was not in his usual garb.
Rin continued to gape at him, not making a move, so he eased himself to his knees, every movement fluid and graceful, reflecting the perfection in personality. The taiyoukai reached for Rins obi, which held her kimono in place, to unbind it. He didn't think that she would clasp her tiny hands about his large one in a vain attempt to stop him. He looked up and met her eyes shining with regret and abashment. Even though she was not used to be disrobed by anybody, she let the Taiyoukai help her, because she felt unsteady on her feet.
Her pluvious clothes were replaced by his haori, too big for her small body, accordingly letting her look quite lost in it. Handing her the food he had fetched for her in a near village he hoped this would distract her enough for the time he nursed her leg, knowing it could hurt a little during the time he would be putting on the bandages. The old healer of the village had told him that by doing so the leg should heal faster. The splint was meant to prevent it from movement by holding the joint captive. He hoped the pain would lessen quickly . Seeing her suffer was something he didn't like to witness.
The second she saw the food in his hand she grabbed it and started to throw the meal down her throat. Starved as she was, she forgot all about the manners Sesshoumaru had taught her and he made no move to admonish her, only followed her more then healthy appetite with amusement. His cold features enlightened and softened his face to celestial fraits. However, he had a mission to accomplish in the time she had been dispersed. Averting his gaze to her ankle he studied it intently. It was swollen more than before, blue and black suggilations were now prominent on some parts. The proud demon lord reached for the herbs he had received from the old healer. They were supposed to ease the pain as well as to heal the bruises. He applied the poultice and used bandages to fix it. Rin winced a little, her breathe hitched in her throat but otherwise remained silent.
“Rest now.” Sesshoumaru pointed with his finger to the spot she had occupied before his arrival. He turned on his heel and walked to a tree.
Rin lied down and closed her eyes, praying that sleep would take her soon. She felt still too cold for comfort and wished that the chill would be taken away by the delusions of her fantasy. In her dreams, she could seek out a warm place, where flowers grew, birds sung and butterflies danced in the sun-warmed air.
Her breathing evened out, heartbeat slowed down as she waned towards unconsciousness; to the place she wished to be. Sesshoumaru was sitting there for a while before he advanced the slumbering child. He bent down, his elegant clawed hand reaching for the child's cheek, curious why the tremors hadn't ceased by the time she had drifted off to sleep. It felt so cold and looked unusually pale and unhealthy. This made him frown, worry floating through his body in tidal waves; something he was not used to. For years he closed emotions like he felt now away locking them in a place well hidden within him; the level at which he felt them now made it extremely onerous to deal with. It looked like her body couldn't produce enough energy to warm itself up, causing her to drive towards hypothermia the longer she remained in this state. With a malcontent exhalation, he picked Rin up, hoisting her on his arm as he proceeded to the spot he had occupied before. The diminutive girl scooped nearer to his chest, diving in the heat radiating from him. Sesshoumaru unwound his tail from his shoulder and coiled it around Rin's body, the silky appendage providing her with additional warmth.
Why he had been doing all of this, he had been unable to discover. He simply could not stand by and watch his wards suffer.
At the arrival to my castle, the dojo had to be my first destination. A hard workout is needed to steel my body and mind. I won't follow in my father's footsteps turning week like he did, starting to feel for humans.'
He tried to conceal all the feelings ripping through his body by the proximity of his charge pressed against his sculptured chest, warm tingles spreading from his skin straight to the frozen organ in his chest, increasing the previously relaxed beat. The protective nature telling him to hold her near so no harm could come to her. His inuyoukai was immensely protective towards pups as he had found out not long ago.
`That has to be the reason for my peculiar abearance.' Satisfied that he had figured out the cause of his acting, he closed his lids, drifting to a light drowsing. His senses were on high alert so nothing could catch him unprepared, because he would smell any adversary within a one-mile radius. He didn't bother himself to erect a protecting barrier, finding it a waste of time and energy. His smell should hold the enemy far away as he was known for his fighting skills, the formidable warrior who never spared the lives of his foes.
As the sun touched the horizon, a small figure emerged from the line of trees, its short form hidden by the morning mist. Jaken made it to camp at first light of the brightening day. Seeing his beloved lord and master sitting there with a human child cradled against his broad chest was nearly more than his old self could bear. Gripping his heart, he staggered forward. The amber eyes of his master flattered open the moment the iky demon could see his murderous glare. Jaken froze as he caught the sight of his master's glower. This was not good. His master was beyond pissed, red seeping into the golden gaze as his anger flared, followed by his yaki. The green demon kowtowed, blabbing his useless excuses. Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru placed Rin on the grass, carefully not to jostle her awake.
“Enough!” His icy tone effectively squelched his retainer. “Elucidate the fact that you abandoned your duty when I instructed you otherwise!”
“Milord, the girl needs to be taught respect and tameness. I will punish her for her defiance as I…” His words were cut short as Sesshoumaru interrupted him once more this morning. Something his lord did when his patience was wearing thin.
“Jaken,” the toad was pulled up from the spot he was kneeling on only to be hiked up into the air, flying where he came from. Apparently, his lord moved from stepping into his face to throw him away when he was displeased with him. Why? He couldn't understand because he blamed Rin for all and her disobeying his commands. However, Sesshoumaru didn't share this opinion. The vision of the flying Jaken brought a ghost a smile onto his chiselled lips. The toad deserved the punishment for what he'd done or better to say, hadn't done. Not that it was a suitable punishment at all. Oh, how he missed his torture chamber and all the bars, the famous cucking-stool, the feared rack and other items he had used many times to punish those who dared to defy, not following his orders once given directly. This had to suffice for the time being.
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In another clearing, the group of Inuyasha awoke to the misty morning surrounded by clouds of spray. Kagome just rouse from the sleep. Rubbing the haziness from her still drowsy eyes.
The sunrays made their way through the fog around them and the air warmed under the ministrations of the golden orb. The day neared noon, that was how long they needed to get ready for their long lasting journey.
They had stayed up long after midnight the last eve. They had to take their au-revoirs from Kouga and Ayame. For Kouga, there were matters, which needed his attendance and couldn't be delayed any further. But he promised to return as soon as possible. He wanted to hold back the true nature of his absence and hoped that the support of the wolf tribe would be a nice surprise for the group. However, his soldiers were in desperate need of hard training to be of any help and not only a hindrance to the others. He hoped by keeping it a secret, Naraku would not catch a hint of what was going on. Nonetheless, Kagome wasn't very fond of Ayames soon departure. The mission was important for the wolf mates and came first, so they had to leave.
The matutinal awakening wasn't pleasant for Kagome at all. She didn't knowing how her friends were doing and if they were alright. They were gone and the single thing she could do for them was to pray to Kami for her unscathed return.
“Keh, I ain't waiting for you the whole day! I won't let Naraku have the jewel!” Inuyashas cantankerous grumble destroyed the relaxed feeling they all shared.
“My, do you have to be this obnoxious? We are doing our best as you know, so please stop your complaining about `how sluggish we are'. And besides, some of us are taking more care of our body-hygiene so we don't offend your sensitive nose.” Kagome scolded him, her hands balled into fists placed on her slender hips, the glare she shot him promised imposition if he didn't stay quiet.
“But…” Inuyasha tried to insist and make his point clear as she silenced him with an angered huff and another glower, this one more forceful than the first.
“Oh, just shut up. Let us continue in our quest then.” The last was said to the haphazard group standing behind them, her back turned to the hanyou, letting him know the argument was over and she was not interested on his comments anymore.
The hike began. It didn't last long until Kagome asked Inuyasha if she may ride on his back, so they could leave a greater distance behind them before they would settle for the night.
“Keh,” was all he replied to her. His mood was down in the dumps. He turned his back to her, walking with a dandified gait. “I ain't taking you bitch, you have to walk. By the way, some exercise will be good for you. Your condition is worse than the one from the old hag.”
Had he to cavil at her? It made her so mad. Her power rose, giving a hard glint to her eyes. Her body stiffened the second she took breath to her lungs, preparing herself to sit him straight to the netherworld. He had overdone it this time. He went too far with his frivolous grievance. She did her best in practicing during her free time, travelled between ages only to keep her promise, had to catch up in school and deal with the after-effects of her grandfather's excuses for her long-term absences. The burden she had taken upon her slim shoulders at the age of fifteen, when the other girls at her age dreamed about movie stars, her daydreams were lost forever as duty pushed her to adulthood sooner, forcing her to loose her childish innocence. She had to pass school and collect the Shikon no Kakera, sitting on Inuyashas back and flying atop the trees as he jumped from branch to branch, amazingly never missing one.
His puppy ears flattened to his skull as he realized he had just angered her what meant he was about to eat dirt. It looked like this time he would probably need more time to recover from his corporal punishment. Being a hanyou didn't mean he could not hurt. His back would give him hell after he would manage to ease himself from the whole he was about to create.
Then the shouting began. The words of the curse were aimed at him and only him as his head bounced up and down like a yo-yo.
“Osuwari, never dare to call me a bitch. This was the last time (osuwari), you insulted me (osuwari) like this (osuwari, osuwari, osuwari). I'm fed up of you calling me names (osuwari), the umbrages you are throwing at me (osuwari) every time something goes wrong (osuwari, osuwari). And only you remember: osuwari.”
Leaving the now buried hanyou to his own devices Kagome turned on her heel, proceeding to Sango and Miroku who where regarding her warily as they witnessed her temper-flare.
“My, Kagome, I'm glad it was not me you were mad at.” Miroku remarked by seeing Inuyasha pulling himself out of the crater he had duged with his own body, a pained wince evident on his handsome face as he brushed himself of.
Kagome faced the both of them. Sango could clearly see the sadness written in her features. She was not that mad at Inuyasha, she was hurt because of his words. This was not easy for the miko. Since the well had been sealed, the hanyou was the only one she loved dearly. All was turned upside down now. Though everybody knew he loved her, the hanyou never showed it to her in any way.
“Kagome-chan, would you care to ride on Kirara with me? Instead of you, Inuyasha could carry Miroku.” Sango said as she embraced Kagome. The young girl hugged her back and nodded in agreement. The girls mounted Kirara.
As they were prepared to leave, Inuyasha didn't seem to be about to make any move. Miroku, addressing the hanyou, acknowledged that they should follow the girls.
“Inuyasha, have you grown roots?” Miroku's teasing voice brought the hanyou back to reality. The monk got onto his back and they were off as well.
Inuyashas mood had dropped to zero during the last days. It seemed that the “permission” to seek out Kikyou caused him even more troubles to deal with the situation than ever before, resulting in his fussy attitude. His frame of mind was unbearable. The petulant temper tantrums he threw were wearing on the other members of the group. Kagome was known for her unceasing forbearance; however, this was too much even for her, her last outburst proving it. Once she had been unconditionally in love with the hanyou. Those times, though not irrecoverably lost, were not the same anymore. Her feelings remained deep but the romantic quality of them suffered a glaring decrease as he refused to move on with own live, his mind remaining with his first and probably only true love.
The group flew through the air, their bodies bathed in the yellow rays of the vernal sun, the days becoming longer and warmer with each night passing by.
The flight was pleasant. With Kagome sitting behind Sango, the women were able to make small talk while they were flying to the horizon. Kagome was more than content with the arrangement. Sango was happy with the fact she was not forced to watch her rear because of the lecherous monk's cacoethes. This was much more comfortable than to be all the time on hood, your weapon prepared to render him insentient. With Kagome, she could presently enjoy the surroundings they were travelling through instead of sternly watching the monk out of the corner of her eye, awaiting the moment his hands would connect with her bottom and her hand would make a nice handprint on his face, twisted into the stupid grin, rubbing his cheek with an `it was worth it' expression adorning his well-favoured features.
Kagome pondered about her musings from the past. She called back to memory of those times when she had been sitting with Inuyasha in the Goshinboku, such times though rare, had been present in the past, were now nothing more than a whisper in the wind. The last time they went into near physical contact had happened long ago. The emotional was missing it more and more since she could not return home, acquiring comfort from her mother. Presently, her mother was not there to hold her in her arms and she felt the lack of such propinquity like an embrace was. The feeling to be pressed against a firm sculptured chest, encircled by strong arms, which gave you the feeling of being safe because they would shield you from whatever could molest you, was all that mattered to Kagome at tender age of fifteen. Inuyasha had been her hero even though the whole world had turned its back on him. For her he had been the strongest person she came across in her whole lifetime. He had been her protector, her friend, her first love that had never wavered. That all turned into nuisance. She hoped she would see him happy one day. She understood it would never be with her because of her countenance, which was too alike Kikyou's. How could he find serenity with somebody who would constantly remind him of what he had lost at Naraku's guile so long ago? She couldn't bear the thought of him suffering while she would drown in happiness by being with him. A loud sigh left her, what caught Sango's attention, returning the slayer to reality as well.
“What's wrong Kagome-chan?” The taijiya asked, compassion seething out of her as she regarded the girl behind her with suspicious eyes. She had a good idea where her thoughts were prowling.
“Nothing, Sango-chan. This day was so fatiguing. I can't feel my butt.” Kagome lied to the older girl she considered as her older sister. She hated to do it, but there were times it was wiser to behold the truth hidden. This was such a case.
Shrugging her shoulders, Sango turned to the horizon, neither satisfied nor convinced with her reply.
“The twilight is near; it won't take long till we settle down for rest. My butt is numb as well.” She paid attention to the front, so she could see where they were headed to. She scowled a little but the frown was hidden due to the fact that her profile was averted from the miko. The single thing Kagome could muster in the subsiding light were the contours of her head and the wavy hair pulled into a high ponytail. The hair revealed its master's temper. Sango was beautiful yet fiery and vigorous. The tinge of wilderness and liberty was hidden in her nature as well. Something you can never tame, dangerous when cornered, gentle when left in peace.
Suddenly, Inuyasha changed the direction, Kirara, following him, was forced to fly higher over the treetops as he abandoned the path they were following earlier.
“Inuyasha, what are you looking for? Where are we going?” Kagome asked, hoping that he would answer her. Nothing came from him; he seemed to ignore her entirely. Miroku was the one who overtook the conversation. He knew this part of Japan, he had travelled here years before he met Inuyasha and Kagome.
“Not far from here is a clearing and an onsen only several feet away from it. We should arrive there soon. I think we are going to settle down for the night. I doubt you thought we would travel the whole night, Kagome-sama,” Miroku said. “Besides, Kirara needs to rest. She must be exhausted from the day-travel. We laid a great distance back today.”
“Of course I didn't. However, I wondered how long it would take until we would retire for the night.” With this said, the miko nodded in understanding, cheered up by the thought she could take a bath later.
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AhUn stopped as Rin pulled his reins. Sesshoumaru noticed that AhUn stopped and knew what Rin's intentions were.
“Rin, where are you going?” The Taiyoukai questioned. It was more the “why” that mattered to him as the fact that she was about to dismount the beast.
“Rin was going to look after some food, Sesshoumaru-sama.” The girl replied to her lord obediently. Her voice was innocent, like the one of an angel. Her guiltlessness was so evident in every move and sentence she made. Her tender age had not allowed her to use treachery; she was inapt of such machinations. She simply said what she thought and how she meant it.
“You are not allowed to walk on that sprained leg.” With that said, he walked over to AhUn. Reaching out, he hooked Rin up on his arm and settled her down to a fireplace. Rin was pouting. Her stomach rumbled and she was dissatisfied with the fact she was not allowed to retrieve food.
In the darkness stood an awe-struck short figure, watching the whole display with shock-widened frog's eyes. The green toad demon was rendered speechless, gaping at his master in disbelief, rubbing his eyes with his fists. He pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming or hallucinating from the all-day chase after his master as the lord was not bothering himself to wait for his retainer, knowing he would find him and if not, it would not be a tragedy. The toad was most of the time nothing more than a nuisance, sticking to his heels like seaweed.
“Stop gawking at us like a mooncalf dunce, Jaken. Start a fire and retrieve food for Rin, Jaken! Fail your duty this time and your punishment will be severe.” Sesshoumaru's commanding tone broke the silence, bringing Jaken out of the initial shock at seeing his master handle the child with such fondness.
“Oh master, I, your faithful servant, am so glad to see you again. I thought I would never find you. This Jaken is so pleased to be…” His words trailed of as Sesshoumaru shot him one of his icy hard glares.
“Jaken, I won't repeat myself!” The baritone of his voice was so smooth and silky yet dangerous. Cracking his knuckles, he regarded his retainer with his amber orbs. His gaze was meanwhile burning a hole into the toad's very soul.
“But milord, Rin can retrieve her food…” For the second time Jaken couldn't end a started sentence. Another glower reminded him of his place and better not to question the orders given directly from his master.
This was suitable punishment for Jaken, playing handmaid for Rin until her ankle was mended, starting fire, retrieving food and making sure she would not be forced to walk on the sore leg.
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The night took a good turn for the shard hunters. The fire was set soon after they landed on the clearing. At this late hour, as most of them were soundly asleep, two amber eyes were watching the group from the limb where their owner was seated. He was blind to the fact that another member was thoroughly by her senses, waiting for the perfect time to speak to the one above her. Love was shining steady in the inky blue orbs, the ingles of the fire tingeing them red; they were glinting in the light that provided a comforting warmth in the cold night. After she had convinced herself that this was the right time, she prepared to rise from the fleecy fabric of her sleeping bag.
“Inuyasha, could we talk, please? It's important for me.” So heartily and gentle were the words leaving her lips, which seemed to be like petals of roses, soft beyond imagination. He couldn't resist the pleading look in her eyes and say no, so he leaped forward forsaking his current place. He landed gracefully in front of the tiny girl, the one, by who he felt more subdued than by an ever so more powerful demon in his world. She held a secret power over his body. She was the only person he had shed tears for in many years, the only one who he cared enough about to sacrifice his life for her. She was the first who gave him quiet acceptance without awaiting anything from him, letting him take the chance to give credence to himself for who he was and not what he was.
“Shouldn't you be sleeping? You'll be groggy tomorrow. I ain't slowing down for you!”
“Must you complain incessantly? Could you listen to me for a moment? There is something bothering me and I wish to speak with you about it.” Kagome started carefully.
All she received from her bad-tempered companion and…….friend was a simple incline of his silver-haired head as he picked her up gently in his arms and leaped into a nearby tree.
“Could you stop being so sulky the whole time, bickering about unimportant matters, snapping at us? I understand you are confused what to do, I mean with Kikyou. I am concerned for her safety a well. Though we never got along with each other, her stubbornness can cost her so much, her live to ne exact and that is something I don't like even a bit. There is no way how she could defeat the perfidious hanyou, Naraku. He killed her, what I know twice, the third time it was only for her good fortune that she lived. I know you tried your best to persuade her to come with us. I really hoped she would be here.” Seeing, that Inuyasha was not about to say a thing, Kagome went on.
“It is about time we put this hunt to an end; before Naraku is too strong to be taken down. What I fear is, that without her help and she without ours, we won't find a way to stop him. He is a threat and has to be removed from this realm. However, neither Kikyou nor your brother won't see the consequences of their actions. Their pride and ego is standing in the way of logical thinking. Kikyou is so strong; with her help I am sure, the victory would be ours. I don't her to die. She had suffered enough in her life, loosing it at so an early age only to be resurrected as a walking corpse. I would wish a true life for her, the genuine chance to be happy.” Kagome finished, her voice breaking as the tears of frustrations leaked down her cheeks, falling freely from her chin.
“Ka-Kagome.” Inuyasha whispered. That was all he managed to say before the immenseness of her loving heart overrode him. She reminded him of new fallen snow, thus not tainted with dirt.
Kikyou was standing on a branch so Inuyasha could not scent her and was listening to their conversation. Her eyes widened in shock at the words she heard from her reincarnation.
`So the girl is concerned for my safety. How…ridiculous. I should join them probably.' She left the tree she was standing in and disappeared into the night. What made her change her mind was what Kagome had said. The girl was possibly right. Lastly, it was she, who saved her after Narakus attack, doing so without a second thought. It would be interesting to work with her and be her teacher. This way she could find out how much power she possessed. It seemed that fate had woven its webs as well. The more she thought about it, the more apparent it became. Kagome had been brought back to the past for a reason. Perhaps it had been predicted that the both of them had to work together to bring Naraku down. Why else should the well have opened for her?
“I think we'll need your brother as well.” Kagome threw her hands in front of her to prevent him from yelling. “He is tough. And he is after Naraku as well. Look, every support we can get is profitable for us. You are strong and became even stronger during our travels. You were the one who avenged your father's death. It was you and not your elder brother. But it doesn't mean we don't need his help in the assignation of Naraku.”
“Keh! Like that bastard is interested in what you want. He would rather loose his second arm then travel with us. The asshole would never stoop so low as to fight with us. Mr. `I'm-above-your-petty-problems' is not going to admit that he needs our help. The haughty bastard half-brother of mine thinks he can do it alone. His pride is as great as his mouth and in reality there is nothing behind it.”
“Yeah, his ego is standing in his way. His pride means more for him than the benefit of the whole world that's depending on our success. You hate him and you have all the reason to do so, but would you put this aside if I could convince him?”
“It won't happen. He'll kill you before you manage to end the first sentence.” This was said with a grin on his lips. Yes, he knew him well or so he thought. He forgot his brother had indeed changed in the last three years; the icicle around the Taiyoukai's heart was cracked a little bit because of Rin's incessant caring. Maybe he would not give in to her request, neither deem her points as possibly correct; this it didn't mean he would end her life. What was more a problem was her mouth, telling what she had on her heart. By dealing with such pompous light libellous youkai like his brother was, Kagome would be dead in seconds, that he was sure about, after all the years he knew her well enough to know she wouldn't be able to hold her temper with the arrogant jackass.
“The risk is worth it. Please, don't let us argue now, we'll wake the others.”
“Just swear you won't seek him out Kagome.”
Reaching out she laid her hand on his shoulder. He was leaning against the bark of a thick trunk. She then laid her head on his shoulder and snuggled into his warmth, reaching around his waist with her free arm. In this position, her back was pressed against his chest. Her feet dangled free from the branch but Kagome felt safe. She knew he would not let her fall. Her scent was comforting to his nose, calming his uncouth nature. Her softly spoken words were like songs of angels to his ears.
“I promise I won't seek him out.” Kagome replied. `This doesn't mean I can't speak to him if we should meet somehow. I only gave my oath I won't trace him. Yep, this will work and I don't have to break my word.'
The couple sat there in complete silence till sleep engirdled the exhausted girl. Her breathing was steady and slow as was her heartbeat. The vivid being behind of the hanyou was providing him with waves of heart-content. He was thankful she was alive and not only a crest of his fantasy.
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Singing birds were intruding the minds of the sleeping comrades as the damp air remained brisk in the early morning hours upon their awakening. The slayer looked around only to find the young miko gone. Panic clouded her mind as the realization of the possibility of her friend being taken hit her like a ton of bricks.
“Kagome-chan! Kagome-chan, where are you? Please answer me if you hear me!” Sango screamed at the top of her lungs. Alarm streamed in waves of her, causing her adrenalin level to rise. Her blood pressure elevated and her heart beat quickened.
Kagome nearly slumped from the tree. Inuyasha saw it coming and grasped her in his strong arms, preventing such from happening. He descended to the ground with his usual ease, Kagome wrapped in his arms.
“Oi, wench! Do I have to always save your fat, falling ass or will you ever learn how to remain unmowing once you are seated in a tree?” The peevish outburst of Inuyasha definitely destroyed his romantic deed, the knight saving his beloved from a nasty crash. The harsh words directed at Kagome made her angry and in the same time had hurt her deeply; all the butterflies in her stomach diminished as tears formed behind her long black lashes. Her eyes closed, trying to stop the drops of salty water from falling. She was unsure which one of her feelings was more accentuated at the moment and the desire to sit him rose with every second she looked at him.
`Maybe this would make Kikyou happy, so she wouldn't be forced to drag him there when I sit him to hell. I can't stay. I am not sure if I can hold back, neither do I wish him to witness my tears. I have to leave.'
Turning on her heel, Kagome ran where her feet took her, letting a stunned hanyou standing behind.
The monk broke the silence with a sigh. “Well done Inuyasha! You made it once again.” To make a point the houshi planted his staff upon Inuyasha's thick skull.
“Keh, that's not your businesses, monk! Better you keep your shit to yourself.” Inuyasha stated, turning to the tree he had been located at during the night. He pondered why he was in one piece. After what he had said to her he was sure he would need hours to put his back back into normal shape. He was about to follow her, but smelling her tears he took a hint this wouldn't be right. It was the best to give her some time to calm down.
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Running, her sight blurred by the torrents of tears, which continued they journey down her cheeks. Not looking where she was headed to, she made contact with something hard and solid thus causing her to land gracelessly on her bum. A single yelp of surprise escaped her parted lips. She was rubbing her red watery eyes with her fists to clear her bleary sight. What she saw in front of her made her breath catch in her throat. There, before her stood the proud Lord of the Western Lands in all his regal beauty, his pristine attire shining in the sun. He looked everything but pleased. He didn't like individuals bumping into him and if the one was a human woman, even worse his half-brothers wench, the more displeasing the situation was for him.
“Watch where you're running, you insolent wench! This Sesshoumaru will not tolerate such manners towards his person.” His chilling voice let a shudder run over her body. The emotionless mask was firm on place. His face was devoid of any emotions except for his eyes, which glared at her with a hint of anger giving them a dangerous glint.
“I am sorry. I didn't mean to.” Kagome stuttered.
The demon lord turned without giving any suggestion if he had accepted the apology or not.
“Wait a moment!” `Now how to ask him about joining forces with us to defeat Naraku. This is going to be though.' Kagome boosted her ego to announce what plagued her mind. Biting her lower lip, she decided against reprehending him for his inappropriate words directed towards her as well as his ignorance towards her apology. Her pride was not the most important thing now. The matters, which needed to be handled stood in the first place.
“How dare you, you filthy human to address my master. Fall to your knees and beg that the Lord of the Western Lands will let you live despite your impudence.” Jaken waved with his two head staff wildly in the air, yelling at the young lass standing in front of him.
Kagome, not feeling intimidated by the mean toad, turned around. Jaken seemed to be an expert at saying something stupid when it would be wiser to stay silent. Kagome, though really a peaceful person, didn't feel akin at the moment. First Inuyasha, now Jaken. Why is it that nobody felt like accepting her for once? She shot Jaken a glower that would make even Sesshoumaru proud and approached the toad. He was now trembling in fear as the onna towered over him. He gulped and called and called for his master's assistance.
“Lord Sesshoumaru help ...” In that moment, Kagome let a small amount of her power flare to life and burned the toads slimy hide a little, not harming him only terrifying him more.
“Was I addressing you? I think not! I was speaking to Lord Sesshoumaru. I, miko Higurashi Kagome, am an honourable priestess and who I am speaking to is my decision and not yours. Do I make myself clear?” `I won't take abuse from everybody only because they think they can get away with it.' Kagome had enough of the ever-present humiliation that day.
Her assumptions were correct. Her show of courage attracted the attention of Sesshoumaru. He would have never thought she would do what she did, reminding his retainer of his place. As he turned his head she was positive he would listen, so she continued to tell him what she had on her heart.
“Lord Sesshoumaru, as you know, we are after Naraku. In addition, rumour says you're hunting him as well. Would you unite forces with the group I'm travelling with to defeat the vile hanyou?” Her midnight blue eyes were begging him to agree with what she asked of him in hope he would see the benefit.
“This Sesshoumaru does not need any help to discombobulate the perfidious weakling which is Naraku.” Sesshoumaru turned his head haughtily to the heavens, ignoring the girl behind him as he regarded the sky above him, cloudless this day, catching more of his interest then the fuming miko behind him.
“I will tell him, just you wait! The last time Inuyasha and Kikyou saved him. He was definitely the one loosing, not Mouryoumaru.'
Foaming, Kagome forgot who she was speaking with. The possibility of his demise made her somehow sad. Furthermore, there was the little girl Rin travelling with him. She seemed to be attached pretty strongly to him. What would she do if he died in a tough, futile encounter, which could be easily averted in a group? Rin's world would be not the same without him. The regal lord gone, even the annoying toad would surely miss him, or his protection at least. Was he so ignorant towards all of this or so arrogant to think he was invincible? This made her anger rise even more. Not able to hold back any longer, she spoke to him, her temper giving the best of her.
“The last time I saw you in battle it didn't seem so you were the one winning the fight. When I remember correctly, it was because of Kikyou and your brother that you managed to survive it. Not your power helped you out of the misery you had put yourself in. Besides, you were hurt badly there….” She was about to continue her rant, but was silenced by his red eyes only inches from her own and her body pressed firmly against a tree-trunk with his hand wrapped around her neck. His magenta stripped cheeks were only mere centimetres from hers. This, he thought, would be the most intimidating position. The feeling of his hard body pressed against hers would silence any female and in addition, this would effectively deter her movements. This made her gasp, but she refused to give into her anxiety. No matter how mad he was, he would never harm her in front of Rin.
“Why is Sesshoumaru-sama pressed against the beautiful lady, Jaken-sama? Is he in love with her, will Rin get a new mommy and maybe a brother or a sister?” Rin squealed in delight at the thought and started to jump in circles.
“Rin, shut up! Don't stick your nose in things you don't understand!” Jaken tried to silence the little one, her high-pitched tone was giving him a headache.
Sesshoumaru had to use all his self-restraint by holding his mouth shut. This was rather unanticipated. Rin clearly missed a woman, which would be present and give her advice when he was not able to do so. Obviously, she was fond of the miko. If he killed her, she would be sad. Growling at his own thoughts, he had to do something about the current situation. Sure, he would not kill her yet, but to be able to threaten her, he needed to be left alone. A little delusion would serve his plans perfectly.
“Rin, go and pick some flowers for the miko, so you can give it to her later.” The baritone of the inuyoukai filled the air. He hated such tricks; however, the child should not witness what was about to happen next.
Kagome gulped. With Rin out of the way, there were no boundaries to hold him back. He was so pissed off and so close. His hard body was pressed against hers with so much force. Swallowing, she tried to speak, but his following action caused her to falter on her own words, those dying in her throat before escaping her mouth. The Taiyoukai bent down, sniffing at her neck, his piercing emotionless eyes were shut as he concentrated on her scent, searching for fear with his olfactory. Finding none, his lids snapped open, his eyes widening in surprise just for a fraction.
“You should fear me and cover, fall to your knees, like other humans do, knowing I am sup…”
This was too much for her to bear. Ignoring the fact it was rude to interrupt someone in mid-sentence, she didn't care at the moment.
“How dare you to think you are more then humans? May be your power can't be surpassed by any living ningen, but tell me Lord of the Western Lands, can your great power save you from loneliness and solitude? I don't think so. Being only human, I refuse to fear you and kneel only because you think I have to do so. Back to what I was about to explain. Let's say you don't need our help, but what if we are the ones that need your assistance? Besides, Rin would have somebody to play with. There is the little cub, Shippou. I think she would be rather fond of him. The safety of her would increase. It would be more difficult for Naraku or his minions to get to her. How can you disregard the fact she could be used to get you into a trap again? She, of that I'm sure, would be scared to the end of her days. Furthermore, Naraku is pretty strong now and if we loose…” Once more her voice left her as tears appeared in her eyes. The lump that formed in her throat was becoming tighter and tighter. The image of her friends dying made the pain in her chest, cold tentacles surrounding her heart, unbearable. “I would hate to see them all die.” Her voice was barely a whisper in the breeze as the shining drops rolled down her cheeks. She was still held by her neck and the bark pressed against the back of the young, recently crying miko.
Sesshoumaru was confused at what to do. He was so rabid. He could slaughter her then and there, but the second his sensitive ears caught her softly whispered words and his nose picked up the scent of salt, he was at a loss. She was only concerned, but not for herself, it were the others and the world she was solicitous about. Never had he met anyone like her. Most of the humans he had met were selfish, seeking only their own desires. This miko, however, put the happiness of others before her own, no matter at what a price it came. This new information was wellaway not enough to convince the lord to be their ally.
“I will not be part of your group. Putting up with such garbage is under this Sesshoumaru, miko.” With this said, he released her from his capture, turned around and was on his way. Before he made it out of earshot, her sad words reached his ears, causing him to stop.
“Kami, help us. I don't know what to do, but if we loose this war, whole Japan will be in danger, and therefore his lands too. This is a responsibility I'm not ready to bear.” With this spoken, Kagome was walking the path, which led her to this place, rubbing her sore neck from the abuse it received at the hand of the Western Lord.
Sesshoumaru spun to face the miko after the softly uttered worries only to find her gone. The meaning of her last words was not lost on him. The anguish and despair lacing her voice proved the truth he felt beneath them. She was really considerate of the mund in the future and came to him.
He had no time to muse any further, his wandering mind was interrupted by Rin, who was running back with flowers held in her tiny arms, a bright smile adoring her joyful face. This rapidly changed as she saw the miko was gone.
“Where is the pretty lady?” Pursing her lips, she added, her dark brown eyes watering suddenly. “Didn't she want the flowers? Was she angry with Rin? Had Rin said something wrong?” Confusion was clearly written in her chocolate orbs, Sesshoumaru couldn't resist the urge to say something, easing the sadness he heard in her usually happy voice. She should not blame herself, because it was not her fault the miko was gone.
“No Rin, you said nothing wrong. I am sure she would be pleased by the flowers. There were matters which needed her attendance, so she had to leave.” His baritone soothed the little girl, for her lord never lied to her. He wasn't lying now as well. He didn't tell her the full truth, deliberate of her young age.
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Kagome, stalking through the thick trees, was heading back to her group, dissatisfied with the fact, that yet another powerful warrior had refused to unite with them. What was it that made potential allies back away, was it a curse or what?
`This way it is more then possible that we won't win this battle. The dreariest part is that with Naraku alive, Miroku will one day decease due to his Kazaana. With Sesshoumaru on our side, there would be hope if nothing more. His fighting skills are legendary as are his powers and tenacity. If he's refusing to help, there is nothing I can do about it.'
Sighing, Kagome neared the camp they had settled the last evening. The second she emerged from the trees, she was greeted with a sight that made her heart bloom with hope. There, in front of her stood no one else then the proud priestess Kikyou. Her long black hair gleamed in the early sun. Her brown, cold eyes regarded Kagome. She may be cold and dead, her only emotion hatred, as long as it was aimed to the right person, which was Naraku, the true source of the first deceit, she was more then welcomed.