InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike You ❯ Old memories, and tears ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author Note: Rewriting is fun.. Hope you enjoy.. R&R.

Disclaimer: Ok so we all obviously know that I do not own Inuyasha, nor will I ever.. But I do own this plot.. I made it up in my brain so there. I do at least own something..
--sticks tongue out-- SO THERE

“Unlike You”

Chapter 1: Old Memories, and tears

‘Another boring day to say the least.. I wonder if anything would ever change. Slowly I glanced out the window..’



‘What was it about rain that just made your day so much worse.. Made if feel as if nothing you could do would ever make you feel any better..’

‘Glancing around I noticed the teacher going on about our new assignment..
Life never changed. You always did what you thought you were suppose to. I go to school, do homework, cook, eat, and then bed.. Living sure if freaking fun.’


‘The only time I can remember life full of surprises was when I was with “him”.’

‘Looking back at the teacher I finally tuned in on what he was going on about.’

“Alright class, I want each and everyone of you to write a paper on Romeo and Juliet. I want to know what you think of Shakespeare’s interpretation on dying for love. Here are also some questions you may want to include in your paper.”

Mr. Flemings started handing our papers, with what I guessed had our question on.

“Follow me as I read them allowed, : Why do you think love is worth dying for? Do you think it was unselfish for Romeo to commit suicide to be with Juliet? Last but not least would you do the same?”

'Blah Blah Blah. Is that all anyone ever talked about any more. Damn.. Love this, love that, fuck love..'

'3.…….2.…………1.….. Finally.'

'3:30.. Time to get out.'

Quickly I jumped up grabbing my hand bag and books, thankful that I could leave.
“Ah, Kagome. Could I possibly see you for a minute?” Mr. Fleming suggested.

'Shit. Grumbling, I watched as the last student left the room leaving me completely alone with him. Must be my lucky day..'

“Kagome, I’ve noticed you’ve been a little off your game lately. It’s toward the end of the semester and I would hate to see you walk out of here with anything less that an A.”

Why do he have to be so fucking observant. I slowly shifted from side to side. Nervous of coarse..

“I’m not getting on to you or anything, I just want you to know that if there is anything I can do let me know.. Ok?”

Ok so I smiled politely and told him thank you very much but no nothing was wrong, just tired. And I left..


Walking down the halls I noticed that college was far from High school. Sure you didn’t know everyone exactly but they sure didn’t freaking grow up any.. Boys still were dips hits, Preppy girls were still bitches, and other people were undefined because the just fucking sucked and didn’t deserve a name..

“KAGOME!!” Sighing I looked back at Sango my one and only best friend since like the third grade.

“Sup hoe.” Nodding at her I grinned.

“Awe the usual.. Miroku groping my ass every 20 fucking seconds.. Damn did he not grow up from high school to college?”

Laughing, I agreed silently. Once a pervert always a pervert.

“So, I saw Kouga the other day.” Sango mentioned happily.

Looking at her I lifted one eyebrow. “Kouga? What about him.. Didn’t he like transfer schools when his mother died?”

“Yes, he did.. But that’s besides the point. He’s a complete hot-EY and guess what?”

I continued to look at her like she was retarded..

“He has the hott’s for you.” Sango said in a sing-ey song-ey voice.

“Sango, stop trying to set me up.. I don’t need a guy to run my life and tell me stupid shit, when in the end he’ll just end up breaking my heart and stomping on it like its fucking sushi.” I grumbled.

Sango shook her head, “Look Kagome, not everyone is like that arrogant asshole you called a boyfriend.. He was a self-centered JERK. Should have known Inuyasha had motives behind his bullshit niceness.”

Suddenly Sango gasped loudly and turned troubled eyes to Kagome.
“OH MY GOD. I am so sorry Kagome. Please forgive me I should have never said that.. Me and my big fucking stupid mouth.. GOD I’m worse than Miroku…..”

But Kagome didn’t hear her, she was in a trance She was remembering him, and how at 16 she was broken by him. And over and over in her mind she kept repeating his name like a broken record.

Inuyasha……The man who made me laugh

Inuyasha……The man who made me cry

Inuyasha…….The man who wiped my eyes

Inuyasha…….The man who broke my heart in to millions of pieces

Inuyasha……..The only man I could ever love.


It was October 3, Out in the long field full of daisies stood a fourteen year old boy and a thirteen year old girl, sitting underneath a tree talking.

“Kagome.. I…Would you……What I mean is….Dang…” A silver-haired, amber eyed boy stuttered as he looked at the girl with chocolate eyes and hair sitting beside him.

“What Inuyasha?” She looked worriedly back at him.

“It’s just.. I wanted to ask you something important.”

“Well don’t be shy silly, best friends can talk about anything.. You are my best friend, right Inuyasha?” She questioned with a look that said ‘Agree of Die’

“Ye-Y-Yes…. Kagome don’t worry, of coarse we are..” He shivered slightly at the dangerous look in her eyes.

“Well good. Then go ahead and ask me.. I promise I wont laugh. Are you trying to pull a prank on someone?” She smiled softly at him.

Inuyasha turned his head and sighed. ‘If only you knew…Ohhhh Kagome..’

He looked back at her, “It’s nobody. I was going to ask if you would like to go out with me.”

Kagome quickly glanced up from the daisy she was playing with, and held a shocked expression.

“REALLY? You really mean it?? I mean, what if we break up or don’t work out? What about our friendship, oh I don’t want to lose you as my friend you mean so much to me. What if….”

Kagome was cut of by Inuyasha kissing her senseless on the lips.. Staring wide eyed for several moments she finally melted into him letting he take her first kiss. And oh how she enjoyed it so very much.. Sighing contentedly she feel into his kiss till Inuyasha pulled back for air.

“So, what do you say? You know I never ask a question I don’t already think I know the answer to. I know its what you want, I can see it in your eyes.” He smiled.

Kagome could hardly contain her joy and lunging for him she hugged him tightly as she accepted.

“Oh Yes Inuyasha.. Nothing would make me happier.” Smiling hugely she continued to hug him..

When she pulled away she noticed a hint of weary in his beautiful eyes. Not wanting to see that look she asked him what was wrong.

“Nothing. Just thinking about how Kikyo is going to act.. You know how melodramic she can be.”

“We’re not going to have to keep this a secret are we? Because I don’t want to do that. You’re not embarrassed of us are you? Am I not pretty enough? Kagome cried out nearly in tears.

“Nooo Kagome… Don’t ever think that.. I’ll tell the whole world that I have the most perfect and beautiful girl. Every guy is going to be jealous of me. I care so deeply about you Kagome. Don’t ever doubt that. Even in bad times remember how much I care for you, ok? Promise me please you’ll remember that.” He said softly. Hoping she would hear the double meaning in his words.

Smiling Kagome said, “Inuyasha we wont have bad times because this day forward, I’m going to make you the happiest boy every.. Because I love you, and without you I’m absolutely nothing.”

Inuyasha leaned down and pecked Kagome on the lips. They both blushed not completely comfortable yet with the romance emotions. The began to walk out of the field and toward home holding hands.. Suddenly Inuyasha stops and pulls Kagome towards his chest holding onto her dearly.

“No Kagome, you are everything and I don’t deserve you.” He said softly with traces of worry and fear.

“I don’t ever want to lose you” He continued..

Kagome pulled back so she could look in his eyes, and said two words only he knew would eventually happen even though she denied it.

“You wont.”

----End Flashback---

“Kagome?” Sango snapped her fingers and waved her hand up and down in front of Kagome’s face.. When Kagome glanced at Sango, she began rambling again.

“Oh god.. I’m so so so so so so sorry.. I forgot.. Please don’t hate me.. You’re my best friend, I don’t know what I would do without you.”


“I’m going to hell for bad behavior god will not smile down on me..’


He’ll send me there laughing.. I’m such a bad friend.”


“WHAT. I’m trying to apologize here.. Damn wont even let me finish a freaking apology.. Some friend.”

Kagome glared at her.

“I was trying to tell you its ok.. I need to get over.. You’re right.. It was almost 2 years ago.. He’s gone.. I’m just hanging on for no reason..”

Sango paused looking at her friend, nodding she followed in step.
“Love is blind.” Sango let out a long breath.. “That’s why that lecher doesn’t realized that groping me isn’t going to get me in bed, but it will get his testacles burnt off if he continues.”

Laughing together they continued down the hall, one in misery, the other in remorse.

Why does he haunt me? Like a disease I cant get rid of.. Or as the song goes..

“It’s like I cant breathe, Like I cant see anything, nothing but you, I’m addicted to you…”

Only I don’t want to be addicted to him anymore.. Not after what he did to me.. I’ve loved him for so long I haven’t figured out how to stop. For twelve years I have loved him and expected nothing back but at least loyalty. But what man can so that? I tell you who.. Not one.. End the end they’ll all leave you. Because in the end you’ll never be enough..

Sighing(I seemed to be doing this a lot today) I walked quietly to my car waving goodbye to Sango as we went our separate ways. After she got into her car and started it, she began he trip home when a song on the radio started playing, and by the time the song was over she was crying her eyes out. And which song is this you may ask, well its none other than ‘From time to time’ by Rascal Flatts.

From time to time I have regrets

For all the things I didn't say

That were on my list

From time to time my memory slips

But you're the one thing in my life

I won't forget


There'll never be a minute of the day

I won't think of you
My feelings are so strong in me

I feel it through and through

There'll never be a night that's so dark that we won't shine

Or a dream that we've lost that we can't find
You'll always be, oh the one for me

I think of you from time to time

And in between


Repeat Chorus

You'll always be, oh the one for me

I think of you from time to time

And in betwee
oooo yeah
You'll always be, oh the one for me

From time to time

And in between yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah I do

I think of you from time to time

And in between, yeah

It sounded so much like “him” and her.. She thought about him. Why did it have to end the way it did. Why did it have to end period? Things were perfect, at least for her..

'Oh, Inuyasha.'

Where her last thoughts as she drifted off to sleep, only to dream of Inuyasha.


Authors note:

Ok so I know by now that everyone who read this story when I first started it hates my guts. But that’s ok I plan to make you all love me again.. So I’m rewriting, and I promise to stick with yall this time.. Everything is going cuckoo in my life but I really want to write this story so bear with me I’m going through all the chapters and completing one by one.. I hope you enjoy..
