InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike You ❯ Forget Me Not ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s note: I hope you enjoy..

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha… But I’m working on it..


“Unlike you”

Chapter 2: Forget Me Not

Inuyasha sat down, today would be the day he would perform for the club, “Sally’s Legs”. They(as in his friends) were all going to be there to support and cheer him on. Hopefully none of them would embarrass him. Over the last couple of years he had been singing to fill his sorrow. And mostly his songs consisted “her” in almost all of them.

Why Kagome… Why did I have to be so fucking stupid to where you would leave me..

He sighed.

He would always live his life wishing he could change his shitty future. Out of nowhere Miroku pushed Inuyasha’s head so hard it popped his neck and left in his wake a steaming and pissed off Hanyou.

“What’s up head?”

Inuyasha growled. “You’re head on a fucking platter if you call me that one more time lecher.”

“Oh I’m sorry Inuyasha.. I forgot.. You don’t like to admit out loud that you suck dick for a living.” Miroku said bravely, but then took off running..

Inuyasha had murder in his eyes..

“Oi! Get back here you bastard.. I’m going to fucking cut your shit off and feed it to the alligators.” He shouted at the fleeing Miroku.

Unfortunately Miroku wasn’t watching where he was going and ended up in the girls shower room.

Looking confused at all the females gawking at him, he slowly began to back up until he bumped into something hard, and he gulped.

Screaming naked girls, or Inuyasha pissed off enough to cut my nuts off.. Choices, choices.

He really didn’t have time to decide because Inuyasha forcefully pushed him back into the shower room, with the not wanting to be seen naked by a man, girls..




A conscious but confused Miroku was thrown out of the shower room with a red hand print on his cheek.. Inuyasha just chuckled and decided to taunt him.

“Miroku, you finally get a freaking date with Sango and noooww look you’re in the girls bathroom. I wonder what she would say or do if she found out that you’ve been at your perverted ways again.”

Miroku coming out of his shocked stage began to grovel.

“Inuyasha. PLEASE don’t tell.. I BEG thee.. She’ll me.. You know how Sango can go fun Lovely Sango to Vicious Sango.. And I’m usually the only one who feels her WRATH… SHE HAS A LOT OF PENT UP EMOTIONS. My arm gets sore.” He said as he subconsciously rubbed his arm just from the thought of being hit.

Inuyasha made no promise but turned and walked away.. Oh he knew Sango could bring a grown man to his knee’s with one look.. Or send chills down your spine that would make you want to confess all your bad deeds to your mother.. But KEH! He was Inuyasha he would never admit that out loud.

He hadn’t really seen her since the incident but Miroku kept in touch with both of them.. Unbeknownst to Sango, that Miroku had kept in touch with him. I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy if she ever found out considering she nearly beat the snot out of him the last time he saw her.

Miroku said Kagome was doing fine.. Living her life, but she hadn’t went on any dates. Which made him smile. He loved her so much and wanted her to be happy but he would rather her be happy with him..

Inuyasha frowned.. He had screwed everything up and she would never be with him again.

Inuyasha left the college quietly, with a not so quiet Miroku.. Who only shut up when Inuyasha insisted he would make him walk if he said one more word.


Inuyasha was pulling up to his house when he saw Kikyo coming out the front door.

“Hey Inu-babe.” She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek.. Missing the fact that Inuyasha grimaced at the nick-name.

God he hated that nick name.

“Hey Kikyo.. How’s my baby today?”

“Same old, same old. Kouga and Ayame are having a fight AGAIN. He’s crashing at my place.. So I was wondering if I could stay with you.. Please?” She tried to put on her best puppy dog face..

“Sure but you have to sleep in the bed and I’ll sleep on the couch..”

“Sure… Why not..” We’ve been going out for a year now you think he would be interested in sleeping with me.. Mother Fucker what do I got to do..

She continued outside her head, “So, are we going to do anything fun?”

“Yeah, we could go down to the club Miroku is meeting long lost Sango..”

“Sango? That is? Ohh you mean the one who use to beat up on him when we were in grade school? Wasn’t she best friends with Kagome.?”

This time when Inuyasha stiffened she noticed.. That’s right he’s still in love with that fucking bitch. Ugh..

“Well I’m glad he found someone that can actually put up with his lecherous hands.”

Inuyasha relaxed a little, grateful she didn’t continue on with the Kagome thing.

“Yeah. It’s amazing. I just wonder how he can take her hitting him so hard. He always has red hand prints all over him.. I bet it hurts like hell.. In his case the saying is literal, ‘Love Hurts.’ “

Kikyo giggled(Yes she’s nice in front of Inuyasha muHAHAHA)

Well I got to go to my house and get some party clothes.” She kissed him passionately on her part and half assed on his.

He never could understand why he had stayed with her all the this time, she was so unlike anything he had ever wanted. But she was sweet to him, and she was somewhat pretty and she cared about him and loved him. But if He had to guess He would say it was because she look so much like Kagome.. Only a lot more colder and not as pretty.

Finally breaking apart she waved goodbye and left.

Turning back to the house he began walking towards it.

Kikyo was not Kagome though. And no matter how hard he tried to substitute her for Kagome it just wasn’t ever the same. It never felt right.

I remember the first time I told Kagome I loved her and how to me she was the most beautiful person in the world.. We had been going out a year.


What I would give to have her back with me again.


On October 3, One Kagome Hiragashi age 14 and Inuyasha Tashio age 15, sat in Kagome’s front yard playing catch.(No not baseball)

“Kagome. COME HERE! I just wanna hold your hand.. Is that so bad?? WAIT! STOP RUNNING! Kagome. I’m going to get you for that.” Inuyasha cried out with an evil smirk.

Kagome had poured water all over him and was now running like her life depended on it. He was going to punish her the way only Inuyasha could. And even though she like his WAY she still like to make it interesting.. Giving in would be too easy. They had been going out a year now.. Nothing to regret.

“Oh Inuyasha.” Kagome sang as she twisted away from him again..

“Come get me--Yelp.” Kagome yelled as she was pulled down and then pinned by a very cute dog-eared boy.

Looking down at her Inuyasha could read her eyes, and all he saw was love. It made his heart swell to know she could love him so recklessly.

“Kagome.. Do you think we’ll always be so in love.. Even when we’re fifty? Old and wrinkly?” Inuyasha asked somewhat worried about never seeing that wonderful look in her eyes again. He had never really accomplished the bet all though he had till she was 17.. He still had friends..

“Inuyasha,” Kagome pulled him closer, “You care for me right?”

“Yes, I do Kagome. Very much.” ‘Almost too much’-thought-

“And you wouldn’t leave me for anybody in the world?”

“No Kagome.. You are my world.” He said as he kissed her lips lightly. She blushed..

“And you would ever lie to me no matter what, even if you knew it would make me cry?”

Inuyasha shifted.. He would never be able to do that to Kagome now.. He hoped everything worked out.

“Never will I keep a secret from you.” He smiled, sadly.

“Good. Then I think we’ll be together for ever and ever.” Kagome smiled at that. Being with Inuyasha was the best thing ever.

Inuyasha loved how she only truly smiled for him.. It was the smile she gave other guys when they tried to flirt with her, that was he phony smile… She gave him her true smile.. She gave herself to him so completely.

“Well what about you? Do you care for me?” Inuyasha mocked Kagome.

“Of course.. How could I not. You are everything to me, especially those cute puppy dog ears.”

“And you wouldn’t leave me for anybody?” He said in a kiddy voice, making Kagome laugh.

“Nobody could compare to my Yasha.” She said as a matter of factly.

“You wouldn’t ever lie to me even if they told you they would be me up if you didn’t?”

Kagome raised a brow but replied none the less, “I would cut my tongue out, so I wouldn’t be able to lie.”

“Geez Kagome, Thanks! I know now that I’ll die because of you.” He teased her.

“INUYASHA. You know what I meant.” She punched his arm and pushed him up so she could sit up straight.

She looked around her yard and her gaze wondered toward the meadow.. I was beautiful. Inuyasha looked at Kagome thought the same thing only not about the view.

Remembering they hadn’t done the tradition they had agreed to do every year they were together, Inuyasha pulled Kagome along..

“Lets do our tradition before I have to go home.” Kagome smiled at him a nodded.

Standing in the middle of the meadow Inuyasha pulled Kagome towards him and gazed into her chocolate eyes.

“Kagome, You are the more beautiful person in the world.. I would never leave you no matter what.. And though I’ve never said it, it’s always been an unspoken understanding between us.. I..I-…..Loo…….Y-oo…I Love you.” Kagome gasped out loud surprised to hear Inuyasha say those three wonderful words..

Kagome pulled Inuyasha down to her lips and kissed him. Inuyasha licked her bottom lip letting her know he wanted entrance, Kagome complied.

Never before had they French kissed, just mostly pecks.. When Inuyasha felt her relax he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss bring Kagome’s body flush against his. Kissing her passionately and lovingly.

Finally after what seemed like hours they parted for air.. Kagome was so happy she had tears of joy rolling down her face..

“Kagome do cry.. I’m sorry that I push..”

“NO! Inuyasha.” Kagome cut in, “It was wonderful. Thank you.. I just love you so much, please never leave me..” She whispered as she buried her head into his torso.

“Never.” He vowed, hoping in the end everything would turn out right.

“Never” He whispered one more time for encouragement.

“Never” He sighed one last time knowing now nothing would turn out right.

End Flashback

Inuyasha looked around. He noticed he was still standing in his yard staring into space like a fool.. Cursing he ran into his out and went to take a shower for tonight.. He took off his clothes(MMM Sexy Inuyasha) and stared in the mirror. He had got taller over the years, wiser, better looking… But still lonely…

He took off the rosary beads, and his transformation back to Hanyou and soon his ears popped up on top of his head.

He smiled, when ever he went to her house Kagome would sit there for hours playing with his hair and ears.. Never letting him put on the necklace. He one time asked her why she insisted he keep it off..

--I want to see the real you and not the one that shows when you put on that stupid necklace.. If only you knew how special you were to me. Unlike most boys you have the cutest ears and your the sweetest person I know. Inuyasha I chose you over others because you make me feel like I could do anything with you by my side.. I just… Its because I love you..---

Inuyasha smiled as the memory faded. He had loved that girl so much. She had loved him with every fiber of her being.. And all he had done was tear down her walls, made her fall in love with him, and left her broken in her wall less castle. He had tore her heart out and ripped it to pieces..

Inuyasha felt something warm on his knuckles. Looking down he noticed his fingers were battered and bruised and bleeding. When he looked up would could see that he had punched his mirror and shattered it.

Sighing he put his hand under the faucet to try and get the blood stains off.

I broke that promise to her didn’t I. I betrayed he in the worst way possible. How could I have been so stupid. She loved me. She wouldn’t have ever left me.

Inuyasha hoped into the shower, feeling the warm water hit his body. He hurt in one ways than one. He couldn’t stop thinking about her and he wasn’t sure why. Usually he could go a month or two without her crossing his mind but for the past week she was all he thought about.

Inuyasha finished his shower and climbed out going to his bedroom to put some clothes on. Plopping down on his bed Inuyasha layed back with his hands folded behind his head..

Kagome had said she didn’t love him anymore. Rather the opposite: Hated him with a passion.

Slowly Inuyasha fell asleep dreaming about the one girl who had captured his heart at 3..


Inuyasha woke up when there was suddenly a pounding going on in his head.. Or. Was that someone knocking on the door. Shaking his head in confusion he, Inuyasha went to the door. When he opened it a VERY pissed off Kikyo barged through the door.

“Oh.” he said.. He had forgotten Kikyo was coming back over.. In all his jumbling thoughts of Kagome, it’s a wonder he could remember his name.

“Come on in.” Inuyasha looked over at her standing in the living room looking angry.

“I would have been over here earlier but for some reason my piece of shit car wanted to screw with me today.”

“It’s okay. I had fallen asleep so you didn’t really miss anything.”

“I Know. I was only banging on the door for fucking 20 minutes..” Kikyo replied.

“Sorry,” Inuyasha mumbled looking sheepish.

Sighing Kikyo spun around a sat herself on the couch.

“Yeah. No big deal.. So are we still going to that club?”

“Sure. Let me call Miroku so I can tell him we’ll pick him up in like 30 minutes.. Be right back.” Inuyasha called as he jogged toward the phone. Dialing Miroku’s number.

Kikyo just looked at her surroundings.. She had only been over he once since they had been dating.. Most of the time he would come chill at her house, that was unless Kouga and Ayame went at it. Turning toward where Inuyasha had ran off to she could hear his half of the conversation to Miroku.

“Yes man.. I am bringing Kikyo.. Don’t worry she’s not going to be a bitch.. Look she’s my girlfriend…… Well I’m sorry get over it…. I seem to remember a certain someone going into the ladies bathrooms..-Laugh- Just this once Miroku. Okay, see you in thirty minutes. Bye.”

Inuyasha hung up the phone and headed to his bed room to get ready. Kikyo almost thought he forgot about her AGAIN until he walked back and said

“Go ahead and get ready, the bathroom is in the third hall second door on the right.” He pointed.

Damn this house is huge.. Third hall.. How many can there be?

She began walking around until she finally found it.. The mirror was shattered to pieces. Frowning she figured he must have been thinking about her again. He had been doing that a lot lately. Kikyo pushed the thought from her mind so she could get ready.. She put on a mini skirt that revealed her tan legs, and it was black with pink ripples around the bottom.. Her shirt was pink and in white colors said. ‘Come on I don’t bite.. Hard..’ With a little bunny showing it’s big O’ teeth.

Inuyasha was wearing baggy pants that were red(of coarse) His shirt was red and it said ‘I’m as sweet on the inside as I am on the outside.’ and below in small print it read ‘wanna taste?”

Inuyasha glanced at Kikyo.. He had to admit she was HOT in that outfit.

Kikyo was just thanking she had a hot guy that liked her. Especially one that looked as good as he did.

“Kikyo you ready to go?”

“Yep, let’s go show the world the best looking couple ever.” She laughed as she pulled him outside to his convertible(its red hehe) and sped off into the night and later on made mad passionate love with Kikyo because he was so intoxicated he couldn’t remember two plus two..

Naww.. Kidding…

But Kikyo was holding his hand as they left for the bar.. Only he last thought before they left was

I wonder what Kagome’s doing at this moment?


Author’s Note: I totally finished another story in one night.. Ok tomorrow I’m attempting to do two more.. So stay with me.. I know I’m changing a lot of things in the story but I think its for the better… Some of the stuff I wrote before did not make any sense so that’s why I’m changing it.. They say as you get older you mature…. But who knows… R&R.
