InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike You ❯ Long Time no see ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Note: Rewriting is“Unlike You”

Chapter 3: Long Time no see


Stupid fucking alarm clock…. WAIT… WHAT THE FUCK.. Its…. SATURDAY.!

Kagome threw her alarm clock at her wall and it broken to pieces.


“KAGOME.. WHAT have I told you about cussing when we have company in this house young lady.. YOU march yourself down here right now.” Kagomes mother shouted from down stairs.

“BUT Mom! I didn’t know we had company. And SOUTA!”

“NOW!!” She yelled back at Kagome.

“Fine! But who is it?” Kagome yelled back downstairs as she got dressed for their unexpected visitor.

“It’s Kouga, dear.. That nice young boy, excuse me who is now an Adult, from your fourth grade class…”

“SHIT!.. Oops Sorry Mom.” Kagome apologized hoping to not get scolded once again.. She sooo did not want to eat soap. AGAIN.

She ran to her closet and got out a yellow shirt that said ‘Stop staring. They don’t do tricks.’ and put on her bellbottoms, that were tight enough to show her figure. She put her hair up in a messy bun.

She slowly marched downstairs hoping Kouga hadn’t turned into a couple doofus since she last saw him..

Ugh! The last thing she needed was for an ugly guy to show up expecting to take her out on a date.. Gross!

When Kagome finally reached the bottom set she had to look up from where her eyes had been purposefully looking away praying that the God’s would smile on her.

She was ….. Surprised…

He was HOT! Wow..

Kouga looked at Kagome and smiled…

He’s even got an award winning smile.. Holy hell.
“Long time, no talk, eh?” Kouga asked.

“Yeah Kouga, you moved.” She laughed, and he grinned from ear to ear.

“Soo, Kagome.. You want to go out and catch up? That is unless you’re still hung up on dog turd?” He joked.

Only Kagome didn’t find it to funny and mental stiffened.. Hoping he wouldn’t notice… But of course he did..

“Umm.. I’m sorry.. Did I say something wrong?” He asked nervously..

Kagome painted a bright cheery smile, that was fake, and plastered across her face..

“No,, Kouga you did not.. Please I would love to get out of the house.” She grinded out. Only this time he didn’t notice.

“Is that ok mom?” Kagome glanced over her shoulder.

Kagome’s mother smiled, “Sure honey.. I just need you at six because I’ve got to work and I’ll need you to watch Souta.”

“I DON’T NEED ANYONE TO WATCH ME IM ABOUT TO BE FIFTHTEEN!!” Souta yelled from the living room..

“YOU’RE STILL IMMATURE BRAT.” Kagome yelled back..


Kagome blushed deeply and dragged a laughing Kouga out of the house before she killed Souta. And if Kouga kept laughing she might just add him to the list to.


So, Kagome, Tell me how’s life” Kouga asked, as they sat at a table in the mall..

“Well, me and Sango are still best of friends.. She now goes out with Miroku, who we all knows has a lecherous hand. Ummm. Mom’s great. My…. Uh…dad.. He past away” Kagome stopped for a second as she sighed from disappointment.

“My brother is turning fifth teen but thinks he’s going on thirty. He has a girlfriend, her name is Betta Lee.. And my love life is non-existent because my boring life revolves around nacho cheese Doritos while I study for my finals..”

Kouga chuckled

It’s to bad me and Ayame are together, I wouldn’t mind having Kagome as my girlfriend. Well.. We’re together for now.. If she throws one more pot at me.. I swear I’m leaving.

“So Kouga,” Kagome began, “What about you? How are you oh mysterious one?” Kagome smiled.

“Hmm.. Me and Ayame are together, for now anyways. I’ve kept up with Miroku as well as Inuyasha.”

He didn’t her stiffen this time either at the mention of Inuyasha. So he continued.

“Shippo is turning 8, my mom died which you knew.. But my dad died not to long ago.. About two years. So now its just me and Shippo.. We’re living with Ayame.. It’s going pretty good.”

“I’m sorry Kouga about your dad.. How is Shippo?” Kagome asked?

“He’s great. Talkative little booger.” Kouga chuckled again, and Kagome smiled. Soon they were into what college they were going to and other stuff you would talk about to catch up.


“Kouga thanks so much. I really needed a good time. Right at that moment actually. You couldn’t have made any more perfect timing. See yah”

Kouga gave Kagome a quick peck on the cheek and left. Kagome walked into her house and was greeted by silence. She walked into the kitchen and on the fridge there was a note.

Sorry we are not here. Hope you had fun with Kouga. Nice Boy! I decided to go into work tomorrow. Souta and I are having a little mother and son day. Do whatever you want. Pizza’s in the oven in case you get hungry.

Love Mom.

Kagome couldn’t believe it. That little runt had gotten out of her beating the living you know what.. Dammit cure mom for falling for those puppy dogs eyes and saving the little weasel.

He was going to get it one way or the other.. Kagome opened the oven to retrieve the yummy pizza and she was about to pig out on her favorite food. She went into the living room with her pizza and turned on the TV. She finally decided to watch ‘A Walk To Remember’ one of her all time favorites, and by the end she was a bailing mess. Whom just happen to pass out from crying so much about her sucky life.
(that I made that way.. Yay me)

Meanwhile with Kouga

“Yeah. She’s doing great.”

“Are you sure? She didn’t look like she was going to combust?”

“No she was happy.. Maybe a little down but happy none the less.. No suicide comments were made.”

“DON’T EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT. I would kill myself..”

“Yeah I know.. You’ve been weird lately is anything up?”

“No. Not really just being thinking.. Oh and Kouga.”


“Thank you.”

“You’re Welcome. Inuyasha.”

Dun dun dunnnnnnnn

Back with Kagome.


“AHH! Whose there? I’ll gut you like a fish!” Kagome screamed very confusedly.

Who could be calling?“Hello, this is the pool hall eight ball speaking how may I direct your pants?” Kagome spoke when she answered the phone.

“Kagome. I know its you, its Sango dork face”
“Oh Sango… What do you want.”
“Miroku and me are going to Sally’s Legs and want you to come!”
“What the fuck is a Sally’s Legs. In case you have noticed I’m not bi dear.”
“It’s a bar dummy. It’s a really good place. And lots of cute guys.”
“Sango you no I could never do it with any other guy.”
“-sigh- I know but looking want hurt.”
“Haven’t you ever heard that looking makes you want and candy makes your teeth raw.”
“Uh.. Whatever just come out with us ok, I’ll come pick you up a seven”
“Fine but don’t expect me to like it. See yah”

Kagome clicked off the phone. Then she went into her room to pick out some sexy clubs that a woman would go bar hoping(AN: Use your imagination.. Mine is doing to much work right now.)

Sango picks her up, and onward they go to a bar.

What a sex deprived man that person was… Who would make up a name like that for a bar.. Stupid pervs.

When they got there they were greeted by Miroku.

“Hey Miroku, So good to see you.” Hugging him tightly.

“You to Kagome.. Missed you bunches..” I hope Inuyasha never finds out I still have a strong relationship with her. Oh I’m dead.

“Missed you too.”

Miroku glanced back at Sango who wasn’t paying them any attention because she was looking at the candy bar snack room.

“Soo.. Kagome. I got a question.”

Kagome raised a brow. “Huh?”

Smiling he grabbed her hand, “Will you bear…”


“Wow Sango, that was fucking awesome.”

Sango grinned sheepishly.. “Sorry, I have him in tune.. I just can feel when one of his perverted moods is coming.”

Laughing they left an unconscious Monk outside.. (of coarse he soon woke up and went to enjoy the party with the two ladies)
Kagome looked around and noticed there were some REALLY hot guys walking around, and even some of them were staring at her. Then one got brave and came over.

“I notice you didn’t have an escort? How is that when you’re so lovely? My name is Hojo?” He said as he put out his hand.

Kagome thought he sounded corny but nice, so she shook his hand and asked him to dance. They danced for ten songs and by then Kagome was ready to go home.. But didn’t want to disappoint Sango or Miroku so she sat in a quiet corner and listened to the music. Soon they came to sit with her and they chatted for a while. Then you heard


As Kagome pulled a tennis racket out of no where and began beating Miroku to a pulp. Sango slapped him for extra pain, and then pulled him back onto the dance for so he would leave Kagome alone.

Soon a slow song came on.. It was Have you ever, by Brandy.

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever been in love
Been in love so badY
ou'd do anything to make them understand
Have you ever had someone steal your heart away
You'd give anything to make them feel the same
Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart
But you don't know what to say
And you don't know where to start
Have you ever found the one
You've dreamed of all of your life
You'd do just about anything to look into their eyes
Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to
Only to find that one won't give their heart to you
Have you ever closed your eyes and
Dreamed that they were there
And all you can do is wait for the day when they will care


What do I got to do to get you in my arms baby
What do I got to say to get to your heart
To make you understand how I need you next to me
Got to get you into my world'because baby I can't sleep

Kagome began to cry.. Why did everything remind her of him??

It’s been three years, dammit.. I just cant put him out of my mind.

Kagome looked to see Sango and Miroku locked into a embrace tightly and were making out quite loudly and nasty looking..

Dear Sango,

Sorry I left, just don’t feel good. Well call me, and next time keep yalls tongue’s to yourselves.


Kagome drove toward home.. She had had enough excitement for you day.

Kagome walked into her house only to see her brother talking to someone. This some had his back toward her since he was facing her brother. This someone also had very long silver hair.

No WAY! It couldn’t be, could it?


Author Note:

Oh no.. A cliff hanger. Who is the mysterious guy behind door number 1? Well find out in my next chapter.. Ahhahaha..
