InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike You ❯ My One and Only ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unlike you
Author Note: REVISED CHAPTER!! I am back! Happy to see me? Guess not. Anyways. Review and let me know what you think so far on my Revision.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha, if I did I would not have to write fan fiction.
Chapter 8: My one and Only

Kagome sat in front of Sesshomaru at the food court. They had just finished dress shopping and now were enjoying a dinner since she had arrived so late.

Kagome blushed thinking about the earlier events. Ashamed that she had given into Inuyasha so fast but thrilled that he was once again back into her life. It was like he never left in the first place.

I really hope we can work through this.

“So, You and my brother are back together now, I take it?” A curious youkia said.

“Well. I am not sure. He makes me feel wonderful when he holds me, and its still like I we’ve been together always. He makes me lose all my thoughts and doubts, but when he’s not around they come rushing back.” answered Kagome.

“So, he’s been keeping you from thinking straight, eh?” Sesshomaru’s brows rose with his question.

Blushing Kagome looked down at her plate, “Pretty much. But we kind of made a bet so he cant touch me till after Inu-Tashio’s wedding.” Kagome mentally flinched at the word ‘bet’. She really hated that word, because it brought back painful memories of many years ago.

But he loves my right? He fell in love with me and did not want to do the bet. He just made love to me because we both wanted it. Right?

Kagome was lost in her thoughts. Inuyasha was always something she had questioned in her life. Why her? Why did he show such devotion to her. She knew that if she really wanted should could have voided the mate mark. But somewhere deep inside she did not want to lose him for real. She knew that if they stayed mated he would never be able to have another. To love another, or be with another, the way they were. She was his and damn it! He was hers.

Kagome snapped out of her thoughts when she noticed a hand going up and down in front of her face. She shook her head and said.

“Did you something? I’m sorry! I kind of of zoned out.”

“Thinking about my brother, Kagome? Thinking about whether he loves you?” Sesshomaru questioned. She didn’t know how he did but he was always right on the mark of her thoughts. No matter where he mind was, Sesshomaru was there with her.

“I’m going to say this,” he continued, “I know he loves you. He doesn’t think he is worthy of your love, Kagome.” Sesshomaru grabbed her hands from across the table. “When he looks at you he smiles and his eyes light up. The love he has for you is beyond amazing. I have never seen someone so devoted to making another person happy. Your happiness always came before his. I remember when you first started dating. He drove me nuts talking about you all the time. Always telling my your favorite foods and hobbies. He is in love with you beyond a doubt.” Sesshomaru sighed before continuing. “ But he thinks he could never love you enough. He feels that he will never be able to give you the love you deserve. Kagome, never have a doubt that he loves. Don’t ever think for a second that he was happy when you left, because then you would not be honest with yourself.”

Do you mean…. That um.. He was miserable? I mean he really----really missed me?” Kagome asked timidly.

“Inuyasha went to therapy for two out of the three years. I hate to say it but he tried to kill himself because he thought living without you wasn’t worth living anyways. I think the only thing that keep him going was because you did not erase the mate mark. Being a miko, we both know you could have dissolved the bond if you had really wanted too.”

Kagome’s hand snuck to her mark, she was terrified to think she had actually thought about doing the night all the trouble when down. Feeling tears weld into her eyes Kagome put her hands into her face.

“I though he hated me! I missed him so much but I said such hateful words to him, and I thought he would never forgive me.” She began to cry harder.

“Shhh.. Kags. It’s alright. You have each other again, and don’t worry he’s never going to let you leave again. He loves you too much. I say Inuyasha the day he came back when he found you. His eyes were shinning and he was so happy. He even joked around with me and called me Sesshy, and told me he loved me. Which was kind of weird,” Sesshomaru chuckled when he heard Kagome’s giggle come out between sobs. “I thought he had gone crazy, but then I smelt your scent all over him. I was like ‘Inuyasha why is Kags smell on you?’ He said, ‘I saw her today and she LOVES ME!’ Needless to say he was jumping all around the house.” Sesshomaru leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

Smiling Kagome uncovered her eyes. Her face looked so frail. It clichéd his heart to see her so down.

“Sesshy, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you. Thank you so much! “She hugged him tightly. “I’ve got to go pick up Souta. I guess I’ll see you again soon, hmm?”

“Yeah, tomorrow is the wedding party. I guess I’ll send a limo to come pick you up. Make sure you pack tonight and get everything you are going to need. The wedding is in six days and after that we are going on a cruise with the family.

Kagome’s face lit up. She really really wanted to go on that cruise. She definitely needed sometime off. Things have been getting hectic lately.

“Wow!,” She beamed, “I will be ready, I can promise you that! We have spring break coming up too, so this will be a perfect opportunity to get some well deserved rest. See you tomorrow night.”

She smiled at before walking away. Kagome was determined to make this work between her and Inuyasha. Even if she had to break down the barriers around her heart, herself.


Kagome arrived at Souta’s school approximately twenty minutes later, only to see Souta talking to two of his guy friends. He was so innocent. She had tried so hard to keep her life from effecting him. Praying that he would never know the reason’s behind hers and Inuyasha separation. She had told him this morning when he had called for him to pick her up that she was back with Inuyasha, in a sense. His voice held so much excitement at seeing the hanyou again. Kagome herself was just as excited, and couldn’t remember a time when she had been so happy.

Souta isn’t like me, and he doesn’t have to go through anything like that as long as I am alive.

Kagome shook her head because she knew she could not keep that promise forever. One day a girl was going to break his heart. And when she did, Kagome would be there to break her face.

“Souta! Hurry up I got to pack!”

He smile, God! Did he love Kagome, she was everything a sister could be. He looked back at Jacob and Michael, his friends that he was currently talking to about double dating.

“So Betty Lee wants me to go to the movies, and well I do not want to go alone.”
Michael snorted and began chuckling, “Dude! She’s your girlfriend and like the single most hottest girl at our school.”

Souta sighed, “I know, but I don’t want to make a full out of myself. At least ya’ll can help.”

Jacob nodded as if he understood the problem, “Sure think man, anything for you!” Souta smiled, glad that he had someone so trustworthy as a friend.

Kagome sighed. She was getting really impatient. They just couldn’t wait this long and knowing Souta it would take him an hour to make his way to the car if she didn’t rush him along.

“SOUTA! Hurry up. You know I got to pack for Inu-Tashio’s wedding. Gees hurry up little bro. Don’t got all day!” Kagome shouted loud enough for it to reach his ears and those of his friends who was momentarily shocked to hear the billionaires name come out of her mouth.

Souta smiled because she was always in rush. Looking back at his friends he saw there jaws open a looked of confusion written across their faces.

“What? It isn’t like you haven’t seen my sister before.” Souta questioned. He knew his sister was pretty good looking but come on!

“Man, you know Inu-Tashio? As in the guy who owns half of Japan?” Jacob questioned.
Souta chuckled. He was surprised that Jacob knew about him, considering he wasn’t doing so hot in History. He knew Kagome would kill him if she heard him bragging but he just couldn’t resist.

“Yeah I do, actually my sister is dating his son, Inuyasha. Here look,” Souta pulled out an old photograph taking three years on from their trip to Ireland. All of the gasped. In the picture was, Kagome, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Kagome and Souta’s mom, and Inu-Tashio, all huddled together each giving a wide green. He remembered the trip like it was yesterday. Kagome went absolutely crazy and she had loved every minute of the trip. Even ended up crying on our way back home, considering green was her favorite color. Inuyasha had cried all the way up there, being his favorite color was always and foremost Red. Souta rolled his eyes mentally. He personally preferred, Blue.

Michael looked at Souta and said, “Dude! I cant believe you know him, that’s awesome!” Souta smiled, he silently wondered why Kagome hadn’t smiled in over three years.

“Souta, you know telling everybody that we know the Tashio’s is going to make the press start following us around. Now hurry up!”

He chuckled. Man did she have good hearing or what. But that was because our dad was a Demon and a dog demon to be exact. Our mother was a Miko, which is why Kagome is so special.

Mom made it so Kagome was a Miko, but had Demon traits. So you cant really tell we ever had a demon father. Mom made it so I was human, considering I didn’t really want to be a monk, but with Demon traits.
Our dad had loved us, and he didn’t care what we were he was just glad to have us. Yep. He Loved us.

He died. Souta sighed. He hated thinking about it, yet that was all he could seem to do. He still couldn’t believe Naraku had killed him. It was more of a hit and run. Naraku is still at large. But the last we hear about him was that he was in America. Dad had taking Kagome out for a picnic on her birthday. And Naraku had----
Souta frowned.. He didn’t like to think about it, and knew he would probably cry.

“Well, Souta. I guess we’ll see you later tonight.” Jacob commented.

Running towards the car Souta hollered back, “Yeah! Don’t forget to ask about the movies. See you around!”

Kagome smiled at him as he got into her car. Driving off she couldn’t help but be happy that he such great friends.

“So,” Souta broke the silence, “How long are you going to be gone?”

“I don’t really know,” Kagome sighed, momentarily taking her eyes off the road to look at him, “ The wedding is in six days and afterwards there is going to a week long cruise. It’s also where they will have there honeymoon, only we wont see them because they’ll be on the honeymoon side.”

Souta nodded. He completely understood, even if it was a little confusing. Kagome drove the rest of the way in silence she couldn’t stop thinking about whether her and Inuyasha were going to work.

Does he really love me the way every keeps telling me he does?


Inuyasha leaned up against the kitchen counter. Miroku was heading over to his house and they were going to drive to the mansion together since Sango and Kagome would be taking the limo. He sighed, ever since Kagome had came back into his life he had felt such happiness, yet sadness. Like something was going to go seriously wrong and he had no way to stop it. Inuyasha’s ear’s twitched, hearing the sound of a car door slamming shut.

Walking over to his window he peeked out and saw a purple convertible. Shaking his head he wondered if maybe Miroku had went off the deep end. He grabbed his jacket and keys, as he made a beeline for the door. But what he saw wasn’t Miroku at all but a very sad looking Kikyo.

What the fuck is she doing here? Didn’t she tell me a week ago that she wanted nothing to do with me?

Inuyasha’s frown increased. She was not suppose to be here.

“Hey Inuyasha,” Kikyo tried to hide her discomfort. Inuyasha inspected her from head to toe. He noticed that she had gained a little weight. Slightly irritated he counted the days she had been away and there was no way she could be pregnant unless she had been sleeping around on him.

“What do you want Kikyo?” Inuyasha grunted out. Not to pleased to see her.

“You remember when I said that I did not want to see you again?,” Kikyo frowned and Inuyasha nodded.

“Yes I remember, now would you tell me what you are at my doorsteps?” he growled out.

Kikyo cringed. She should have expected this from him. “I… Inuyasha…” She looked up at him frowning, “I don’t want to stop seeing you. I love you and I was just mad because I know Kagome means more to you than me, and I want to be your only one. I know…I.. I know now that I wont.. Be…” Her eyes began to fill with tears, “You made room for me in your heart, and I may not be the only person there. But I am just glad that I was allowed at all,” She smiled sadly, “ I do not want to lose you like she did. I just want to keep you.”

Inuyasha was completely shocked. He had finally got his love back and yet he didn’t want to hurt Kikyo. She had helped him throughout his break up… But that was his fault in the first place. He put Kagome beneath some stupid friends that he didn’t even like. Sighing he shuffled his feet impatiently. Where was Miroku when he needed him the most?

He had to let Kikyo go, because Kagome would never accept his friendship with her. Not saying that Kagome would keep him on a tight lease but she would definitely not want him hanging out with his ex… He knew he couldn’t lose Kagome again. He was not strong enough to go through with it again. Putting his fingers under Kikyo’s chin he lifted her so that her eyes met his. She needed someone who would love her back.

“I am glad that you do not hate me,” she cringed, she had always hated buts. “I cant be with you.” Kikyo took a step back in bewilderment. Why the hell not? Its not like he was going to get back with Kagome. He didn’t even know where she was.

“I am sorry. Kikyo, I am back with Kagome.” Her eyes widened, “When” she muttered, truly shocked that her worst nightmares where coming true.

“We reconciled yesterday.” A blush spreading across his face at the thought of what had really happened. “I know it hurts but I cannot give you the kind of love you need. You need someone who is going to love you back and my heart is already taken. Kikyo,” he sighed, “ I am so sorry but I just can let her go again. I let her go once and I have forever regretted it. I have found her again and I am not letting go this time. You have helped me and I’ve thanked your over a year now. But I just cant love you like I do her.”

She smiled a sad one. “She’s lucky to have you but I don’t see why you are going to go back to her after she caused you so much pain. All I ever wanted was to make the pain go away.” Tears where now falling from her eyes. Inuyasha smiled. He knew what she was getting at because he had never told her the full story.

“She didn’t leave me,” Kikyo’s mouth formed and ‘O’ and let out a meek what.

“She didn’t leave me like you think. She left because of something I did to her. I was stupid and immature and didn’t realize the consequences of my actions and she felt betrayed. She hasn’t fully forgiven me, but she’s willing to give it a try. Don’t blame it on her.”

Kikyo laughed, “I always knew she would take you from me. I suppose that’s why I tried so hard to please you. Inuyasha I tried so hard to dig myself into your heart. I wanted a place just for me, and I hoped that you wouldn’t go back to her. But I suppose I have always known that my chances were slim to none. She was after all your childhood sweetheart.” Inuyasha gave her a weary grin.

“I wont ever forget you Kikyo.” Shaking her head she knew that he would, it was only a matter of time.

“Can I have just one more kiss before I leave. A goodbye kiss if you will. Just to remember you by.” Inuyasha was slightly opposed to the idea but wanted to at least give her something. He nodded and she pulled his face down towards her. She pressed her lips tightly to his. Inuyasha tried so hard to make it look like he was enjoying it. Her kisses where nothing like Kagome’s. When Kagome kissed him it was like his world stopped and his heart started. Kikyo kissed like she was trying to eat his face. Inuyasha had to stop himself from grimacing. He finally pulled away and her eyes stayed closed.

“Go home, Kikyo.” Her eyes finally opened and looked into his un-expressional ones..
“Remember that I love you, Please?” Kikyo turned around and walked back to her car defeated. She glanced back on last time as she started her car.

Don’t worry Inuyasha, you’ll be mine sooner than you think.

Grinning evilly she drove away. Inuyasha sighed again, he was always glumly without Kagome around. He hadn’t smile for real ever since Kagome left. Now that he’s got her back his smile wasn’t going anywhere.

Its just like me to love her. My Kagome. My one and only.

He walked back towards his house when he heard his stomach growling, and decided to eat before Miroku showed up. He better hurry his ass up.


Authors Note: Wonderful! Another chapter revised. I hope whomever is reading this is enjoying. I know that a lot of things are different. But I have matured and my story must now mature with me. Going back and looking over it I realized it was a great story plot but I left a lot of holes and unknowns. So There will probably be more chapters added and I do plan on adding an epilogue when I get finished revising.

Tell me what you think!!!!
