InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike You ❯ Life was never easy! ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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I don’t own Inuyasha. People can dream!
-------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: Life was never easy!

Kagome sighed. She wasn’t sure what to pack, but she did know she already had her dress for the evening dance.. She smiled. Inuyasha had sent it to her, and it had arrived just a moment ago with a note.

Kagome. My love,
I cant wait to see you in this dress. If I was right this should fit you perfectly. And you're going to look divine. Remember Kagome I love you. Always have always will.

Kagome giggled. He could be so sweet sometimes, and others he was an ass. Kagome walked back to her closet.
'Okay so I’ve got 10 shirts 12 pants. 13 skirts, and 10 halter tops.. Now shoes.. 5 sandals. 2 dress shoes, and 10 pairs of regular shoes. Yep I’ve got everything'

Kagome walked over to her bag and closed it. She looked at her watch and sighed. The limo would be here in 10 minutes. She had this giddy feeling like something was going to go wrong tonight, and she always had a feeling like this right before something did go wrong.. So what was it now..

She sighed. How many girlfriends had he had? How many have touched his body. Kissed his soft sweet lips, how many has he told them he loved them. How many did he.

Kagome screamed in her head. She wanted to cry, because unlike him she had his smell all over her body. Even though she had not been with him for three years, it was still going strong. She smelt like him which kept most men away, and they wanted nothing to do with her. If it was humans they would take one look at the bit mark that was STILL visible and run with the head between there legs. It just wasn’t fair.

She wasn’t able to forget about him how she would have liked. Instead she lived in the house they had made love in, she smelt of him, she dreamt of him, she had markings from him, she had anything and every memory of her precious lover..
'My Inuyasha'

Kagome giggled.. She knew all along Inuyasha loved her. It had just hurt so bad that she didn’t want to be hurt again. Like the saying 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me' She flinched.. She remember 'her Inuyasha' with those Oh so precious tears he had shed when she said she hated him.. She had almost wanted to pull him in her arms and tell him everything was going to be alright.. But she knew it wouldn’t.. No matter how hard they tried. So she ran.. It was the only thing she could do.. Was Run!

Flash back
"So Kagome! How are things going with Inuyasha and ya’ll’s love life" Yura said, and wiggled her brows. Kagome blushed from head to toe. ' Should I tell her we made love last night' Kagome sighed. It was no use lying. Inuyasha would probably gloat.

" Well.. Uh.. Me.. and.. Inuyasha well sort of... Had a special moment." Kagome blushed again. She remembered like it only happened a moment ago. The way Inuyasha whispered in her ear over and over again when he thought she was asleep.

’ I love you Kagome. I love you so much.. Always believe me.. Always know and never have a doubt that I love you.' And then he whispered those two words that made Kagome cry as he feel asleep 'Marry me?'

Oh how she wanted to shake him awake and scream yes over and over again to let him know she loved him just as much, but thought better not to.. She figured he would ask again in the morning and if not she would ask him if he really meant it.. But instead he wasn’t there in her room A little note was placed were he once was.

' Kagome baby. I’m sorry I’m not here, but you know my dad. He called and he wanted me home for some stupid reason. Last night was beautiful and wonderful. I'll never forget how you said my name. Its definitely a turn on. I love you! God I’m missing you as I write this and I’m laying right beside you, crazy isn’t it? This wont be the last time we make love. Next time it'll be even better. Call me when you wake up! I love you Baby! I’m going to my rooftop to scream to the world 'I LOVE KAGOME' I left a special gift for you under your pillow.. Keep with you always my love.. God I cant stop writing I’m going to be missing you so much.. I guess I should go but first I’m going to kiss you one last time so that I know that last night wasn’t a dream I had.. -Sigh- Love you forever and always! My love.. Remember, call me'

Kagome giggled he could be such a pervert yet he knew all the right things to say. She smiled. I wonder what the gift is.. She reached under her pillow and pulled out and envelope. She opened it and smiled. It was his mothers class ring. She had given it to him to give to the woman he wanted to be with forever. It was a low-cut diamond in the middle with to of the same type of diamonds that were smaller on the both sides of the middle one. Kagome felt hot tears go down her eyes. He didn’t have to say it but she knew what he meant.. She wiped her tears away and smiled..

"Hello earth to Kagome" She saw Yura waving her hands up and down in front of her face. She shook her head and replied. "You were saying" Yura laughed..

"Having day dreams aren’t we.. But yeah. I asked if you and him made well you know.. MadeLove?"

Kagome sighed. " Yura you're my best friend and I’m trusting you not to tell anyone What I’m about to tell you. Or I swear I'll never speak to you again." Yura smiled

" Kagome not a thing goes out of me. It shall go to my grave!"

Kagome smiled. " Good. Alright yes me and Inuyasha had sex last night" Yura's smile widened

"Awesome! Go Kagome! I’m so proud of you.." Kagome giggled. "Yea well He said it was going to happen more than once so you know.." Kagome and Yura talked about how they should get a double wedding since She and Ryan were thinking about it. SO they chatted on. About what every other teenage girl would.

End flashback

"KAGOME!" She looked around ..' Was someone yelling my name' . She heard someone walking up the stairs and opening her bedroom door. She sat up and looked at the newcomer. She sighed of relief it was only Jaken..

" Oh Hey Jaken I’m sorry I guess I feel asleep" he smiled, "Yes I see that lady Kagome. Now where are your bags at."

Kagome giggled and pointed to the three in the corner. 1 was full of her makeup and hair products the other was full of her clothes the other her shoes. He looked over " DO you think you have enough"

She smiled. " A girl can never have to much stuff." She walked out after him and locked the house up. She didn’t get to finish her dream but she knew the rest. It just wasn’t a dream it was also what happened that horrible day. She sighed.. She turned around to see Miroku getting out of the car.

” Well Hey Mr. tall dark and handsome." Miroku smiled. He had known Kagome for like ever, and he was glad she didn’t remember him as part of the dare. She rarely saw him when they were young but he knew of her.

" Hey Lady Kagome." She giggled. " Why is everyone calling me lady. Makes me sound old."

He smirked. " I only say it because you are a lady. Hurry hurry now get in the limo."

Kagome looked past him and saw it for the first time. She knew that limo oh so well. Inuyasha had designed it for her. It was for her 16 birthday. It had Inuyasha and Kagome forever. the limo was black but the words were pink and on the front had the day they started going out. October 3 -a day to remember. She smiled. She hadn’t known he had kept it. Wait why was Miroku ridding in it.. She looked back and him and could tell he was finding this funny..

"Miroku.. Why are you in this limo of all the limos you could have got?"

(Oh and by the way. She found out that he was Inuyashas friend but she didn’t care So yea) He smiled. " I have a surprise for you now come here" Kagome walked to him with a quizzed look on her face.. " Okay now I’ve got to put a blind fold on you so you cant peek." He smirked, Kagome raised an eyebrow

" Okay what’s going on.. You're acting like were playing hide and go seek." He laughed.

"No seriously come on You cant have it unless you put the blind fold on. I’m telling you. You wont regret it."

She sighed. "Fine!" She threw her hands up in the air. She walked towards him and turned around so he could place it over her eyes.

" Alright" Walks this way." He led her towards the car. She giggled it was kind of cool. He opened the door and ducked her in. She sat on one side and him the other.. After about 10 minutes of sitting there and the car moving she sighed.. How much longer before she would be able to see. Miroku hadn’t said nothing. She had heard mumbling and he had suffered around little but other than that nothing toward her. She finally wasn’t able to stand the silence after 15 minutes.

” Miroku.. I’m bored as something else. Couldn’t you at least talk to me.. Or maybe tell me how much longer before I get my surprise.?" He chuckled.

"Kagome you are always soo impatience. You should have your prize in about 2 minutes. I'll be right back" She now noticed the car had stopped.

Where are we'

She heard someone yelling and wondered what the FUCK? was going on.!
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Inuyasha looked around, where was Miroku? Finally he finished his noodles and went to sit out on the patio. He couldn’t help but wonder what Kagome was doing. His sensitive ears picked up a car pulling in his drive way. '

Good Miroku is finally here'

He walked outside and what he saw made him want to scream. There was his and Kagomes limo the one they had took on there dates.
'WHAT THE FUCK? Why is that here'

He then saw Miroku step out of the limo and caught a faint whiff of a female. It was coming from the limo. 'What has he done now?' .. Inuyasha walked up to him and said "What the fuck are you doing here with that damn thing."

Miroku chuckled. " I have a surprise for you." Inuyasha raised an eyebrow..” What are you talking about?" Miroku shook his head

" Just get in the damn limo." Inuyasha just walked over to the limo and opened the door. He truly wanted to find out who was in here.

Kagome sighed.. How much longer.. She then heard the door open. She turned her head. She couldn’t see the person but instantly knew it was a guy. She could smell him, and boy did he smell good.

She finally replied. " Miroku.. What is going on.. Can I please take this blind fold off." When she got no answer she began to un tie it in the back she then felt a hand come over hers and take them into there’s. She wondered what they were going to do. She felt the guy from just a minute ago kiss her, she blushed. "Well you seem friendly." She heard a chuckle.

She couldn’t place it but it sounded familiar. She then felt him pull her to the other side. She heard the door shut, but they were the only ones in here. She found herself in his lap, and a certain member pressed against her lower leg. She blushed again. She didn’t know why but she felt she could trust this man. He then pulled her into a kiss. When his lips met hers she could have cried it felt so good. She pushed her hands to the blindfold while kissing him back. Maybe he wouldn’t notice.

She felt hands go around hers once then pushed hers hands above her head. She felt him kiss her lips and then her neck. She wanted to cry.. One for betraying Inuyasha and the other for it feeling so good. She was bound to Inuyasha but she couldn’t bring herself to tell this person no.

She sighed and leaned her head to the side. He let her arms go and they fell into his she felt something fuzzy against her hands. She pretended she didn’t notice and smirked. Well two can play this game. She then pushed herself up against him and began rubbing. She heard him moan and brought his lips back up to meet hers. He pushed her head into the seat and began kissing her forcefully. She moaned and he took the chance to plunge his tongue into her. He was growing hard and she could tell. She then found he was occupied with unbuttoning her shirt. She grinned perfect. She pushed her hands to the blindfold once again and began to untie it. But faster this time.

She finally got it untied and it fell off. She felt him stop moving. She still had her eyes closed. She grinned and slowly opened her eyes. But when she got her focuses back. No one was in there. She looked around but no one. What the hell? I know I was just making out with someone. I began to get aggravated.. Inuyasha I’m going to kill you.

I hoped out of the limo since I realized where we are, and ran up to his house. It was locked but I knew how to get in it. She walked around to the flower bed he had and pulled up a flower pot and got his spare key. He had always said he would leave it there in case she wanted to come over when he got his on apartment. She grinned and walked to his front door. She opened his door and walked in.

It was dark, but of coarse she had demon vision so she could see extremely well. The only problem was that Inuyasha had had more experience and knew all about the sneaking around. So he could naturally hide from her. 'I know he's in here.' She walked to the stair case, and saw a shadow go like lighting into the bedroom. That she knew must be Inuyasha's. It was kind of like playing hide and go seek.. Kagome then slapped her head with her hand.. DUH! Of coarse she was a Miko she could find his aura. She then closed her eyes. She put her hands in front of her, with both palm to palm. She focused on her then pushed her energy onward toward his room. She went over it once. Nothing.. She did it again.. Still nothing. She began to get aggravated.. 'Damn it. He's hiding it to fucking well.. We'll see Inuyasha'

She then pushed all her energy into that one room. It was kind of like she was in there, but yet she wasn’t. She searched and then.. 'Ah ha! I’ve found you.' She began walking up the stairs very slowly. She didn’t make a sound. She was at the top when she heard something go bump in the kitchen. She giggled to herself. Like she would fall for that. She began walking to the bedroom faster. It was getting a little annoying. Why did he half to run like that. She knew it was him, and he knew it too.

She opened the door, but this room even with demon vision she wasn’t able to see in it. She sighed.. Stupid room. She walked over and hit something hard. She sighed. It was just the bed and sat down.. She felt dizzy. She had used half her energy on just trying to find him. She then yelled " Inuyasha come one. I don’t have time for this. I still have to get to the mansion and take a bath.. The evening dance is tonight.. Please!" She heard someone chuckle from behind her. She turned a 90 degrees and peered on her shoulder.. She saw a dark figure laying in the bed. She turned completely around giggled. "Tired are we?"

The head of the body lifted up and only nodded. Kagome climbed on top of Inuyasha. He moved his hands around her pulled her closer. She pushed her hands towards his ears and began rubbing. She was granted with a purring sound. She laughed. "Are we happy my puppy."

Inuyasha chuckled once again. "Kagome you like to have nearly knocked me out with that wave." Kagome lifted her head up to his eyes. Which she could now see. "I did? I’m so sorry. I forgot it affected my prey."

Inuyasha smirked. "Prey. But baby it was I who was hunting." Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Hardy har. You were the one running. Not me. And Besides I found you on the bed. not the other way around. As you can tell I’m on top." Kagome replied with a smile. Inuyasha's smirk got wider. He then flipped them over so now he was on top. "Uh huh. Now whose on top?" Kagome wiggled. "Kagome stop wiggling or we might not make it to the dance." Kagome blushed. It had been only since this morning that they had made love.. Kagome could still remember how it felt to have him within her.

"Inuyasha no fair.. You cant win. I found you." She pushed her hands to his chest and began to push up. He didn’t budge one bit. Instead he laughed, "Kagome you might have demon traits but you sure are weak."

Kagome crossed her arms 'Ill show you weak' She then replied " You've had more experience than I have.." She put her hands to his chest once again, and with all her demon and miko powers she pushed him off went flying off the bed. She shot up thinking she hurt him.. And if she did she would get his punishment. She hopped out of the bed, and flew out of the bedroom. She jumped down the stairs, and almost made it to the front door when she felt strong hands come around her waist and pull her to the couch. She grunted as she was pushed back and a hard figure landed on top of her.

She felt lips touch hers, and moaned in pleasure. She pulled him to her, and gave him something to remember. After about 10 minutes Inuyasha pulled back. He was panting hard, and so was Kagome. "Damn Kagome. I thought I had the breath knocked out to me." Kagome crossed her arms. "Serves your right.." She then mumbled some cuss words. Inuyasha looked at his watch.

"Shit!" He yelled. Kagome plugged her ears, and looked at him. "Do you have to scream so loud. You are right next to my ear." Inuyasha rolled off of her feeling instantly cold. "Its 5 already and we have an hour to get ready for the dance." Kagome screeched. "O my god! Its going to take me longer than.. We got to hurry." Kagome ran out of the house.

Inuyasha thought 'I wonder when she'll realize I’m not there?’ He then heard a car door slam and footsteps, soon Kagome came flying in the room and grab his ear. She drug him out to the limo that was still there. Kagome screamed. "Inuyasha come ON!"

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Author’s Note: So tell me what you think. I didn’t change really anything. I just fixed up my grammar, which I realize was terrible when I was 13. So sad. REVIEW!
