InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike You ❯ Kikyo always ruined the best of moments ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha, Not stop rubbing it in.

Chapter 10: Kikyo always ruined the best of moments


Sitting in front of the mirror she smiled at her reflection. How beautiful she looked upon the night. The feeling of pain surrounded her. The feeling of despair filled her emptiness. Joy wasn’t overwhelming her anymore. To know she was destined to die tonight. To leave her son. All she could feel was pain for her little man, that he would grow up without her. But he would be great, as great as his father is now. He would rule, and all the lands would rejoice in his praise. Turing to face the door she saw her beloved son.

"Sesshy, would you please be a dear and come closer to me. I'm afraid I have something to tell you." The shy young boy walked slowly up to the queen or what he preferred her as, his mother.

"Y-yes Mommy?" The Lady smiled at her son. He would make them all happy. No matter how much those other kids now didn’t like him, they would all walk under him. For he was going to be the ruler of the North.

"I want you to go out there an make sure you are polite. This shall be my last night with my family. For the gods in the heavens are calling to me. I must go to their request." Sesshoumaru flung to his mother.

“I don’t want you to go. Ill miss you so much. Father doesn’t understand me. He doesn’t care. He wont even look at me. He hates me.. My own daddy hates." I grabbed him and pulled him to my lap whispering silent words only he could hear to soothe his soul for now.

" When the time comes you'll have all you want. Don’t let them stop you. And if
new tidings brings you a brother. Be kind to him for he will help along your path to success." Silently crying he ran away from his mother. He ran to the only place that would comfort him. He ran to the all the skies and heaven would be able to hear him mock them. For he was sick of having them run everybody over.

‘Screw higher power.. I will over rule them the heavens and all the gods.. Why do they have to take my mother. The only person who cares for me.. Why such grief.?'

Looking at the skies he swore on his mothers death that they would pay. "Do you hear me. You'll pay for everything you ever did to me.. All of this.. Why do you hate me when you can make me into something you can use for fighting evil? Why sentence me to a life without a mother.. I'll hate you all. I hate all of you. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goals. Not you or anyone.. I’m sick of all these games"

He screamed over and over again, trying to make the whole world hear. He cried his eyes out, and as midnight rolled around he slowly crept into his mothers room. He saw her still alive but her breathing was decreasing ever moment. He walked closer. Whispering silently "Why do they have to take you I'll never survive without you.

I’ll’ never be as great if you aren’t there.. I'll make them pay." Grabbing her hand he fell asleep. only to wake up with the sun slowly rising of the horizon. He didn’t
have to look, he knew she was dead. He pulled the covers over her head. "May you find all that you need. I love you mommy." And that’s when his
silent prayer became an action. He lifted his face up as he walked out of the room only to have a cold stare on his face. Joy was no longer present.

--End Flashback--

Sesshoumaru slowly walked up to the mirror his mother was sitting at. He could feel the emptiness and pain that flooded the room. Even hate was present. But when you walked to her beautiful bed you could feel the instant you got near, all the happiness, the pureness, the love, surrounding the bed his mother had died on.

"Mother if only it was easy to forget how I was punished as a child. How they took you away from me. I know its almost been a hundred years but I miss you soo much. And you were right.."

"Who was right?" Quickly turning around he saw Kagome, and how divine did she look tonight. She was wearing a low-cut dress with a slit that had diamonds following the path. It was red, Inuyasha's favorite color, of coarse. Smiling upon her entrance.” My mother.. This was her room, where she woke up every morning and feel asleep every night."

Kagome smiled at his honesty, he didn’t have to tell her anything about it, but he trusted her. "Wow. Its Amazing. She must have been a wonderful person.. To have made such a beautiful son like you." Sesshomaru turned toward Kagome, and noticed how she meant everything she said. Just the one twinkle in her eye told everybody when she was being sincere.

"Kagome, Inuyasha doesn’t deserve you.. You're so much better than him Not saying he's low life or anything.. It's just you'll give him everything he wants but what can he give
you? Money? Cars, a house, kids.. What about love?"

Slowly walking toward Sesshy, her best-guy-friend in the whole wide world, she said, “He'll give me hope, forgiveness, he'll cherish me, give me beautiful children, an extraordinary life, love? Yes he'll give me all of him. Though he may be stubborn he'll love me like no other. His love shows when he's possessive, when he says he's sorry, or when he is unthankful -because we know he really is, when he smiles at me, when he yells at me for doing something on my own, Yes he'll show me love his way. And not the way every other guy does. That’s what makes me love him so much. He my Inuyasha. Just me and him. Nobody else. But he'll also give me the best brother-in-law any girl could ask for.." Kagome wrapped her arms tightly around Sesshomaru.

Falling helplessly into her arms, Sesshomaru pulled her closer and buried his nose into her hair. 'She is so wonderful no wonder Inuyasha loves her. How amazing can one girl get?' Listening carefully he could hear the music starting downstairs.. Pulling back he wiped her tears as she wiped his away also.

"I do believe its time for your appearance as well as mine." He walked toward the door. "Ladies first." Smiling back she walked past him and towards the ball.


Inuyasha sighed. 'Where the hell is she. I hope she didn’t back out.'

Looking around he saw two people at the top of the stairs. A man and a woman.
The woman was absolutely divine, beautiful. And then he noticed the man was Sesshomaru, and he let the lady walk down by herself, everybody stopped and starred.
Especially his father. As she walked down the stairs with such grace my father walked to her with a smile, leaving his fiancé behind.

"Extraordinary, you look beautiful tonight my dear." The girl blushed. Inuyasha studied her some more. Finally noticing the red ensemble she wore, and the beautiful scarlet orbs that clashed with her dress. Kagome? That was her. She look absolutely breath taking.. Inuyasha walked toward her as wellm and he saw her take acknowledge him and her face lit up upon seeing him.

"Inuyasha, How do I look." Kagome twirled and he smiled .

"You look like a million bucks, Beautiful. The best I've seen all night." My father smiled at my compliment.

"Yes you do, Kagome. My son is right. But I'm afraid I'm having the first dance with this lovely young lady. For we have millions of left behind time to catch." Pulling her hand slightly, Inuyasha walked her toward him. "You may get the first dance, but I want the first kiss." His hand wove around her neck and ushered her lips towards his. Closing his eyes he felt her lips gasp at the feel of his. It had only been nine hours since Inuyasha had taken Kagome three times, but still, electricity shot between both of them making all coherent thought fade away. It was innocent to the whole crowd and they clapped, but between Inuyasha and Kagome it could not have got more heated. Even
Kagura the fiancé, was smiling at the exchange. Pulling back Kagome smiled sincerely. "Wow, did you miss me?" Sighing Inuyasha took a back step.

"More than you‘ll know. Save me a dance or two." Inuyasha winked making Kagome laugh. She nodded her head as she headed toward the dance floor with Inu-Tashio and shot back over her shoulder, "Every last one."

The music began and Inuyasha watched as his father, and his Kagome swung around the dance floor, talking animatedly. He couldn’t believe it, he really had her back in his life again. She was here dancing with his father. Laughing at all his corny jokes. Inu-Tashio would eye him every time they would dance his way. It was like a dream come true. And most importantly he was never letting her go. Not this time. With a final twist in their dance, Kagome pulled him onto the dance floor and they danced with each other like it was the first time. Both clinging to the other neither wanting to ever let go. A slow dance sounded from the band and both slowed their paces. Kagome buried her face in his shoulder, making him smile and pull her closer.

Whispering so only she could hear. "Tell me its not a dream. That you're really here to stay. That I finally have you after all these years.. You're finally mine. And I’m yours?"

Kagome giggled.. "Its all true. I’m here we are finally together. But I have one question." Kagome leaned forward so she could whisper even more, "Will you still love me in the morning?"

Inuyasha grinned, he too then leaned down to her ear and from a distance it looked like he was whispering sweet nothings to her. Replying "Forever and ever babe." Kagome felt tears fall out of her eyes. She the smiled and nodded her acknowledgement. Finally the song came to an end. Turing around they found everybody was silent once again for another arrival.

She was wearing a midnight blue dress that flipped out at the bottom it had ruby’s down the side where a split had been made. It was like Kagomes exact twin.. Only she had cold distant yes. Inuyasha slowly let go of Kagome, wondering why Kikyo was here and stepped toward her. She stood there incomplete utter amazement, that Inuyasha knew this person. He whispered her name "Kikyo." The girls eyes caught his as she walked toward him.

"Always still the beauty of the ball, aren’t we Kikyo." She bowed slightly to him "I would only hope so. I hope you don’t mind that I am here. I still had my invitation from you before we, well you know." Frowning she saw Kagome standing behind him. She looked between Inuyasha and Kagome. "Am I intruding.. I didn’t know you were
here with someone else.." Inuyasha shook his head.

"No you are not intruding." Taking her hand he walked her to Kagome. "This is Kikyo, Kagome. and Kikyo this is Kagome." Inuyasha introduced. Kagome feeling like the third party here smiled, and shook her free hand. Putting on a weary face she realized who this was.. His ex-girlfriend.. "I have to go to the bathroom would you excuse me." Walking away she felt her hand being lifted and Sesshomaru walked up beside her.

"Let me escort you. No lady should have to walk alone when she looks this amazing." Turing around he could see Inuyasha with a confused look on his face, and Kikyo grinning too and he couldn’t believe it.. So he had chosen her or was Inuyasha just that stupid to think Kagome would be okay with Kikyo showing up.. It was just like how he had chosen his friends not so long/ Kagome held her head up high as she began to walk out. She wouldn’t cry. Not now. Hearing Inuyasha yelling after them she turned to look back at him.

“Kagome is with me and as am I with her. I should do the escorting." Taking her hand Sesshomaru kissed it. He pulled her close a mumbled a few words to her, low enough to were Inuyasha could not hear. Her face lit up and she nodded, taking this as a good sign, Sesshomaru moved out of the way, and Inuyasha took his place only this time Kagome did not except his hand, she simply walked on ahead. Sesshomaru looked back at Kikyo, noticing she no longer had the smug look plastered on her face, but one of anger.

Good! Let the bitch stew in her own misery.


AuthorR 17;s Note: Revising is not really all that hard. Actually I am having fun, considering my story REALLY needed it. I hope you all enjoyed. Let me know what you think.