InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike You ❯ Just One More Mistake I'll Have To Make ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha. Probably never will, how sad.



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Chapter 12: Just one more mistake I'll have to make

So, I bought an apartment two weeks ago.

I kind of went out on a limb to get it but buy it I did. It was mainly to get away from seeing "him" every time I walked down the halls at school, due to the fact that our dorms were EXREMELY CLOSE.

Luckily for me Sango had promised to move in with me so I wouldn't feel left out or alone. The only problem was Miroku also wanted to move in??

Yeah kind of weird.

For some odd reason after that 'night' they started going out and ever since they have been inseparable. Lucky for them.

Well its been four weeks since I finally admitted to the pain that was bearing down on me. Its been four weeks from the day I was set free from that awful feeling.

Oh hell who am I kidding? Its been four weeks and I still cry myself to sleep, I still tear up when I see his picture, and I STILL run away crying when I see him. Regardless of where I am, I just run away crying.

Feeling this much has driven me on several dates. First was with Kouga.. Who I repeat is on my HATE list. I mean damn he didn’t have to cheat on Ayame to date me. Our first date was great, really. Then our second he tried to kiss me. I attempted to put him down lightly, but who am I kidding. I was really blunt. The fourth date he tried to get me to 'give myself up' to him as he said. Kicked his ass to the curb.

Of coarse you remember Hojo? Yep dated him too. I mean he is really sweet and all but why give me medicine, when I want CHOCOLATE??

Something sweet and creamy, that I cry when its in my mouth, and still have room to eat more. Okay, bad pun.

I have also gained 20 pounds from the eating I do., silently I am praying that I am not pregnant. I don’t remember if we used a condom. But knowing Inuyasha, we didn’t.

Sango and Miroku are worried but its okay. Id rather be fat and eat good food then be skinny and eat shit for breakfast. They do not know of my suspicions.

Oh, my attitude has also changed. I don’t like to admit it but I can be a pain every now and then. I just cant admit that I miss him so much. I feel that my insides will burst if I don’t talk to him when I see him. I walk pass his picture and I nearly break it from the embrace I give. I cant even walk anywhere with out seeing him, or hearing his voice. I seriously need some help..

So I have decided to see a therapist. You know one that ask "And how does that make you feel?" I might blow my brains out for the lack of intelligence that they seem to not have, but it might actually help me a little.

Well, at least I’m hoping it does.

Kagome sat on her couch in her glorious apartment. She was watching "Love, Romance, and a taste of Bitch Slap" Some new television show that had just come out.

So far so good. I mean although Jessica hasn’t whopped Monica’s ass because that skank hoe has been trying to still her boyfriend. Its all good, really.

"Marcus, please don’t tell me you have finally come to me and left Jessica in the dirt. Tell me you love me."

"No Monica. I have to come to tell you our affair is Over! I no longer can do this when my heart lies with my love Jessica."

"But Marcus, I love you--Yo"

"I don’t care anymore. I can no longer betray her."

"I swear if you do I will tell her and everybody that you were having an affair with me"

"Well if you do, who is going to believe a whore like you. Now, get out of my face."

"You haven’t seen the last of me Marcus. You haven---"

--Screech- --BAM-- You see Monica lying in a pool of blood.

"Good riddance, its about time they killed her off!" Kagome shouted loudly, doing a victory dance.

"Kagome you seriously need to get out more. I mean come on its obvious that she isn’t dead. They'll just bring her back and Marcus will fall for her, and some other shit like that. It's soup opera.. Its meant to be dramatic." Sango sighed out. "Now get up WE are going to a club tonight, and guess who is going to be there?"

Kagome lifted a brow. " Look I know you don’t agree with what is going on with us but I really think Inuyasha gets what’s going on between us. Which would be NOTHING!!" Kagome strolled out of the living room and down the hall to her greenish room. Pulling out her jogging clothes.

Sango rushed into the room. "Hey, you remember how he sings right? Yeah well that's what he's doing tonight singing a song.. Come on Kagome ya’ll have to start at least being friends. I mean he hasn’t been on a date with ANYBODY since you said it was over, he was here last night trying to come and see you, but he was so drunk. We just had to tell him no, so Miroku drove him home. At least come and listen to the poor boy sing Please, for me?" Sango stuck out her lower lip, and whined like a little puppy.

"Alright I'll go but if I bust out crying you are responsible for what I might do."

Sango laughed clearly not impressed with my subtle hint, " Come on lets get you dressed."


Tonight would have been her biggest mistake ever, because who would have known(but Sango) that she would fall helplessly back in love with Inuyasha and his new look, and self.


They walked up to the club to see a humongous line

Come on lets hurry, they'll let us in cause Inuyasha put us on the VIP list." She looked back at Kagome.

"You know, he owns this place, and he told all the bouncers that Kagome Hiragashi was always allowed in here."

Kagome turned her face slightly so Sango couldn’t see the slight smile and the tearing up eyes.

" Well" Kagome trying to brighten the mood said, " Inuyasha was always a sweet heart."

Dragging Kagome up to the front of the line Sango told the bouncer who they were.

" If that’s the case ya’ll get special seating’s. Miroku has already been placed inside, but I think he's talking to Boss man."

Kagome giggled. "Boss man? Wow!"

Walking in she could see a humongous bar on the left side, a huge stage in the middle, rooms for 'lovers' on the right, and a picture of her on the far end of the wall.

“Well, well well, look whose here!“

Kagome turned around to see Sesshy. " Hey!!" jumping onto him and squeezing the life out of him.

" Its about time you got out and came to see this place. Man, I really can say he did an amazing job. I mean seriously, its wonderful. Couldn’t be more proud of him." Kagome sighed, he just got better and better every time she saw him again.

Kagome looked around the room. Her miko powers couldn’t detect where he was, making her slyly asked.

" So, uh, where is Inuyasha? I mean I don’t see him anywhere."

`Sango going for a kick, "Why don’t you just use your Miko powers to find him?"

"I cant detect hi--.. Hey." Sango grinned to herself and everybody else let our a huge sigh on the inside and all thought ' good she still has feelings for him'

"Well the last time I seen him he was in the back room. Why don’t you go see." Sesshy indicated to Kagome.

"OH, no I couldn’t I haven’t ever been here before. I mean I wouldn’t be able to find him." She stepped back and bit her names as she spoke.

"Look all you got to do is go into that door," he pointed towards the right where the lovers rooms were, " and walked all the way back till you reach a door that leads to the stairs. Walk all the way up and you'll come to a door, and in there he should be." Sesshy nodded proud of his good direction.

"What if he isn’t in there, I mean what if he's with like somebody else or somewhere else?"

Sango laughed. "Inuyasha, be with someone else. Doubt it. All he does is study and do some crap with percentages." Sesshy looked around him and then looked at the one way window. "Oh, he's up there. My spider sense's are tingling."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Yea and my x-ray vision can see your puppy underpants." She turned to walk away but not before she caught the slight blush on Sessy's face.

" Okay. You are just going to go up there and say 'Hey you have friends down here that would like to see you..' no that sounds stupid okay 'hey, you know the gang is downstairs they want you to come down.' Yea that sounds about right."

She keep mumbling to herself all the way up the stairs, and then slightly knocking hoping he wouldn’t hear the tap on the door.

"Come in" was heard from the other side.

"Okay Kagome remember your lines." She slowly pushed the door open.

"Uh Inuyasha, well I was pushed up here by the gang to come and get you... You see they have all arrived and want to see you. An--" She stopped dead in her tracks, this was not Inuyasha this was a Flipping hunk.

In front of her was a black haired man, that was cut to his shoulders. He had on a tight shirt that said 'Idiots love me, smart people hate me for my intelligence' and had on some tight Kakis that made his butt look WAYYY bigger than she truly ever remembered and his little doggy ears stood out giving him that demon look.

In front of her was Inuyasha but damned if she wasn’t having a hard time believing it. With her mouth wide open she stared at this person standing in front of her. He didn’t wear smirk, he didn’t have a smug look, hell he didn’t even have emotion in his wonderful amber orbs.

But he did have his arms crossed as if expecting why he was disturbed. Just looking at him made her want to jump him right now and rape him.

"Kagome. Its a surprise to see you." He finally stated after she sat there and stared for 10 minutes.

"Uh, yea.. You to Inuyasha. I didn’t know you cut you hair."

Sighing he walked toward a chair and plopped down. "Yeah, I’ve made a lot of changes. Not just to myself but to my life as well." Kagome nodded.

She wasn’t sure what to say.

Its been four weeks but he still makes me week in the knees, even now more than ever.

She wasn’t real sure how to start this conversation, but she had to at least try.

" Oh, so I heard you were singing tonight. Sango kind of dragged me down." Kagome caught his slight flinch.

" So that’s why you came. With Sango, or well because she put her puppy dog face up."

Inuyasha laughed trying to lighten the mood and try to make it not so obvious that he was not over her.

She added anyways " Yea that and I remembered how good a singer you were and I wanted to see you sing. You know like you used to.. I mean its been along time since I seen you sing, and I thought hey what a great idea lets see him sing, and-- I’m rambling aren’t I. Gosh some things never change."

Inuyasha stood up quickly and started to stride towards her as she also took steps back. " That was always one of your main problems. Talking to much." Inuyasha had corned her.

"God I missed you" and with that he smashed his mouth down on hers, and with all the passion he could muster he pushed his into her and he shoved his tongue in and out creating friction.

What had started as a passionate kiss had soon maifested into a furious need to overcome one another, once Kagome had finally giving in.. They pulled away, and Kagome tried to breath out.

" Inuyasha us, we are over, I mean--."

He put his finger on her mouth, "No Kagome not when we make each other feel like this" I

nuyasha once again claimed her mouth, and pushed it pushed her over her sexual frustration limit. He slammed her on the near by couch and lowered himself on top of her.

Quickly ripping her shirt apart so she wouldn’t have time to change, "Inuyasha" was murmured every time she came for breath, as a plea to hurry, or a plea to stop him he did not know and did not care.

He wanted her so bad he ached all over. He wanted to thrust inside her and hear her scream so loud his fucking ear drums blew out. Out of all the changes he had made in last couple of weeks, she was one the one old habit he couldn’t get out of her system.

He wanted her so much the last four weeks he nearly tore down his own dorm, when he smelt her in heat.

He needed her and this fulfillment that only she could bring him..

This sensation and need had overcome him. The demon had finally put his foot down, he was ready to seduce her if he had to. But from the looks of it she had been missing him too.

Slowly unbuttoning her pants so he wouldn’t rip them he pulled them down her hips.

"Wow... I can see that your busy.. Uh maybe I should come back later." Inuyasha stopped the ambush on Kagome to see Mariea ..The girl that has been trying to get with him for the last week.

"Umm. Mariea.. This is Kagome." Kagome nodded to the girl as she pulled her clothes back on, and what was left of her shirt.

"Hi." Mariea said. She looked back and forth between them. "So, this is the famous Kagome. The one from that picture, uh its really nice to meet you."

Kagome smiled slightly unsure of what this girl was to Inuyasha..

" Yea that’s me. Kagome. I think I should leave ya’ll two alone. I mean I was only suppose to be up there for like a minute to tell you that they were here, Ill go."

Inuyasha put his hand out in front of her stopping her leave, "No, its okay.. I'll go with you. Mariea uh, I guess I'll see you later."

She slowly nodded understanding her place. "No, I couldn’t possibly let you leave, I haven’t had the chance to meet you. I mean I’m sure some of our friends would like to meet her.. Right Inuyasha."

He slowly smiled and nodded.

"Yes I do believe they would, come along." He grabbed Kagome’s hand and pulled her from the room with Mariea behind.

" Its very nice to finally meet the women that has forever stolen my loves heart" she whispered as she shut the door behind her.


AUTHORS NOTE: Another chapter revised. Not long but hey, I’m working on it! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!