InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Love ❯ The Comfort of a Stranger ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unlikely Love

The Comfort of a Stranger


Waking up, going to school, coming home from school, going to bed. It was a routine that she had let herself fall into, her life never straying from its destined course. Little excitement filled her life, even though she prayed for something that would shock her out of her socks.


Kagome Higurashi, only seventeen years of age, about 63 years younger than her beloved grandfather-the only family she had left. She was much like any ordinary girl you saw on the streets, but first glance never let you inside her world. Her amazing cerulean eyes were the key to the extravagant and alluring world that she kept locked inside. Her eyes were a portal into her world, vying for a chance at really living life. She dreamed of far away places, dangerous adventures, and a chance at true love being found in the most unlikely places.


Never had she tried to separate herself from the crowd, to take on a look that would be all her own. The world she had created was a keepsake that only those who weren't so judgmental and who didn't lack in the area of individualism. But those were so hard to find at this age in time, where you were based on how you looked. And with that, Kagome knew that her dream world wasn't meant to be seen by anyone but herself.




It was dark, after seven on a Thursday night. Usually she would be home a little after school was out, but she had an unfortunate encounter with her oh-so-admirable neighbor-Inuyasha Seoki. A little misunderstanding-or more like a fight-had jolted right in front of the principal's eyes and a detention was awarded to both of them. She hadn't been able to get a hold of her grandfather when she had rung him up, and she wasn't sure if he was already out looking for her or not.


She could hear his shoes scraping the pavement behind her, the rhythm of his breath that almost came out in pants. Ever since she had started living with her grandfather, she had been graced with his presence only a door over. Constantly she heard his loud music that shook her household from its bass. Over the years she had gotten used to it all, and even though she'd never admit it, she had a slight liking for the music he divulged in.


But everything else that included the jerk was completely out of question. She was too intertwined with her thoughts to notice the ambulance pulling up outside of her house. When she heard the voices shouting to one another, she looked up with wide eyes. It took her a moment to realize that they were rushing into her house. She stood there with wide eyes, rooted to the spot where she had looked up. She couldn't move an inch, afraid that it would be her grandfather's life in return.


The sirens were loud and ringing through her ears like wedding bells. Her heart was racing faster than it ever had, and she could feel her throat closing up when the paramedics came out of her door with her grandpa on the stretcher. She barely took two steps towards them when the man with harsh brown eyes looked up from his partner who was pushing the old man into the back of the truck.


"Please stay back ma'am. There's nothing to see here." He said roughly before going around the back and closing the white and red doors behind the two men. She felt her eyes brim with tears and her eyeballs burn from the lack of moisture. She was about to launch herself forward, but two hands held her back.


"What's going on here? What happened?" She screeched into the air, her voice cracking from the emotion. "Is he going to die?" She barely choked out as the man continued to ignore her as he went into the driver's seat and drove off, leaving a distressed woman behind. Tears were running wildly down her cheeks as she turned around in the strangers hold and began to beat them weakly with her fists. She didn't bother to see who it was, only frustrated that they had kept her from reaching her only family. Her continuous actions began to weaken even more, and soon she just stopped altogether. She broke down, and began to sob loudly. Her forehead rested against the man's collarbone and her tiny hands gripped the front of his shirt.


She didn't know why she was taking comfort to this stranger-if he even was-but he was the only one there, and she felt more vulnerable then ever before. His arms carefully and slightly awkwardly placed themselves around her shaking form as he tried to help her. She just cried, and she wouldn't stop until she was out of tears.




A/U: Short, yes I am very aware of it. Apologies though, I just like cliffhangers and felt the need to leave everyone hanging by a thread. I'll try to update soon, and things will get twisted in ways that only very creative minds can-like myself. Ha ha.




Melody Unwinding