InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
Ayumi sat in between Sango and Kagome in the old lady's hut. She looked around the humble dwelling. This was defiantly not what she was used to. The place was so small, no rooms. She could hear the wind whistle through the front entrance and through the crack of the ceiling. The fire the Monk made crackled in the middle of the room casting an orange glow across the faces of those who occupied the space. Inuyasha sat apart from them, on guard, his hand not far from the hilt of his sword that he placed on his lap of his crossed legs.
So this was Kagome's secret boyfriend. Suffice to say, when she had first saw him, she was taken back by the little white doggy ears on top of his snow white head. They were just so cute! You don't know how much willpower she could muster not to pin him to the ground and see if they were real.
It was his eyes that really caught her attention. Something about them pulled at a nagging memory. Of what she had no idea. As soon as she stepped into this strange time, she felt like she had been here before. And something in her mind, her heart, even her body pulled at her. Feelings that she never knew existed. And it baffled her, and frustrated her because it was like she knew this place, this time. She knew, but…she didn't know. Like a childhood memory you've forgotten until something from the present triggered it, and you look back and say…oh yeah. But she couldn't see that memory. She only felt it. When Inuyasha stared at her with his golden eyes, there was a strange feeling of anger, bitterness, and longing that assaulted her out of no where. She wanted to bite out a curse, hit him in the face. But then it was gone in an instant and left her wondering if it wasn't a fragment of her imagination. She sighed. It was all so damn… confusing.
“So tell me child. What is your name?” Ayumi didn't even know the lady had spoken until Kagome nudged her with her elbow.
“Ayumi.” She answered. The lady studied her, her eyes, her clothes.
“You are from Kagome's time?” She asked. Ayumi nodded, looking to Kagome for comfort.
“We already know that.” Inuyasha snapped from his place by the door. “We want to know how you got through the well.” He said in almost a scoff. Ayumi connected gazes with him, holding his in steady silence.
“I just jumped in. How am I to know the answer to your question?” She asked calmly, finding it easy to do so, even though she was still a little scared to be here in the first place.
“What he means is, only he and I were able to go through the well.” Kagome told her softly. “No one else could.” Ayumi frowned.
“How come only the two of you?” She asked.
“They are connected by the Shikon jewel. Kagome can only come through if she had some of the jewel shards in her time and some of the jewel shards are still in this time.” Sango tried to explain. Ayumi shook her head in confusion.
“Jewel shards?” She asked. There were collective groans from everyone in the group, and Kagome blushed.
“Well you see…” She began taking a huge breath.
It took almost two hours to explain the whole story, and Ayumi sat still, riveted by the chance encounter her friend and the half demon Inuyasha shared. All the stories, the battles, their journeys with everyone imputing something into the story. And when all was said and done, Ayumi looked at Kagome with a new found respect. She was a lot braver than anyone ever thought. A lot more powerful, and mature.
“So, that's where we are right now.” Kagome said with a flutter of her hand.
“I see.” Ayumi said quietly, staring into the dying fire. The old priestess had fallen asleep halfway into the story and the little fox demon too. “So something from our time and this time is connecting me. That's why I can go through the well?” She asked. Kagome nodded. “But I don't know what it is.” She confessed, a little ashamed that she didn't know.
“Ayumi, tell me about your parents. Maybe it's something about them that lets you cross. Are they demons, half demons?” Kagome asked, leaning in close. Ayumi blinked back the sudden attack of tears and folded her hand in her lap.
“I don't think so.” She said quietly. Kagome backed off a little, and invoked her power no matter how much she wanted not to use it. But it was the only way to understand her.
“Dose it have something to do with how you felt this morning?” She asked quietly. Ayumi stiffened and Kagome knew she hit the mark. There was a long silence, but she spoke.
“Adopted.” She said mournfully, looking at her friend with tears in her eyes. “Over the summer I found out I was adopted.” She said, and sniffed. Kagome stared openmouthed at her friend. “They told me that hunters found my parent's bodies floating on the bank of an icy river. I was in a blanket, beside my mother.” She said in a hush and closed her eyes. “When they had told me this, all of the sudden I felt like the life I knew was over.” She let out a dry, humorless laugh and gave Kagome a wince. “Stupid huh? After everything my parents did for me, the love they shared, all I could think was that they lied to me all my life. Shows how much I deserve them.” She said, gazing blankly into the fire. “I left the house that morning after getting into a fight with my mother. That's why I was so depressed today because I felt ashamed of how I acted.”
Kagome pulled Ayumi into a warm hug, just holding her, trying to comfort her the best she could. Silence filled the little hut as the rest of the party let them have their moment. Even Inuyasha stayed silent, his eyes burning with a million and one questions he wanted to ask her.
“No matter what you said to them, or how you acted, I know that your parents love you.” Kagome told her friend sternly, backing away and squeezing her hands. She felt Ayumi hesitate at her words, but she felt her tension ease up. “Do you want to go home and apologize?” Ayumi smiled and nodded, her wavy black hair catching the glow of the fire and making it shine like starlight. “Inuyasha, could you take us back?” Kagome asked the half demon. Ayumi turned her attention to him. He gave her a pointed look. Kagome lowered her head and looked at him through her lashes. “Please?” Inuyasha muttered an oath under his breath and lazily stumbled to his feet.
“Fine, but lets hurry. I want to get some sleep before the night is gone.” He bit out and stomped moodily out of the tent. Kagome smiled secretly to herself and hugged Sango and Miroku. Ayumi gave them a smile before they left.
Inuyasha was already way ahead of them, so the girls had to jog to keep up with him. The path they followed was a well worn path and had Ayumi wondering how many times Kagome walked this path.
“He doesn't like it when I go home. He says we're wasting time between our breaks.” Kagome whispered to her and Ayumi nodded with a small smile. The well stood among the forest with her bag pack still leaning against the stone wall of it.
“How long will you be this time?” Inuyasha asked in an irritated tone. Kagome shrugged serenely, ignoring his tone. She took a lot from him, and yet, she was still by his side. Every since Kagome accidentally told them about her new boyfriend, Ayumi was excided for her. Kagome never showed any real interest in the boys from school, and Yuka and Eri would always force Hojo into her life. She stayed out of that part. She saw how uncomfortable Kagome was when she was with Hojo. And then when Inuyasha came into her life, Ayumi was glad that she was following a different path other than what Eri and Yuka tried to plan for her.
“Not very long. I'll be back tomorrow maybe.” She said. He grunted and waited for them to enter the well. Kagome took Ayumi's hand and together they jumped in.
Inuyasha peered into the well and saw the flash of light before Kagome and her friend's scent was gone from the air. He scratched his head at the turn of events. Some day it had been. Kagome returned, only to have to leave so soon. Damn, it while they were sorting out this whole mess with her mysterious friend, Naraku was out there, trying to get more jewel shards. Growing stronger. With a growl, he leapt to the trees, letting the wind whip around him, as he made his way to a nearby meadow. Sango and Miroku would be alright for the night. And he wouldn't be gone that long. But he needed to talk to someone.
The smell of fresh grass and wild flowers became stronger as he made his way to the meadow. His feet scraped from the bark of one tree and he sailed into the air, landing in a crouch in the tall grass.
“Where are you, you little bug?” He asked quietly. Myoga had to be here somewhere. Just when he was about to bellow the flea demon's name, something latched on his nose. Inuyasha reflectively slapped his nose and Myoga groaned.
“Haven't had a good meal in a long time.” Myoga told him. “What brings you here Master Inuyasha?” He asked, climbing back up and settling in Inuyasha's hand.
“Tell me, does Sesshomaru have a mate?” He asked cautiously. Myoga blinked in confusion.
“As a matter of fact, he did.” He said and settled cross-legged on the hand. Inuyasha settled on the grass as well and placed the little flea demon on his knee.
“Did?” He asked raising a brow.
“Yes, she disappeared five years before you were born. I forget her name. From what I remember, your father had chosen her from countless demon women. She was from a rare tribe in the north. She was the only girl in the royal family. You father was impressed with her strength, and thought she would make a good match for your brother. They had only met a couple of times before they were mated and most of her clan integrated with the dog clan. But a few days after she came to live in the palace of the Western Lands, she disappeared. Your father and brother sent various search parties, but after a year, they gave up.”
“So they never found her huh?” Inuyasha put a thoughtful fist under his chin. “Did they think she was dead?”
Myoga shrugged. “I suppose so. No one could retrace where she had went. But I don't think she left. I always suspected something bad happened. Why are you so curious?” Inuyasha ignored him and stood up, letting the flea demon tumble from his knee.
“What kind of demon was she?” He asked before he left. Myoga sat in the middle of a huge flower.
“Wind I believe. Her clan lived in the mountains, just beyond the Western Land boarders. But her palace and village are no longer there. They were destroyed long ago, by the demon you seek.” Inuyasha turned abruptly and squatted dawn, narrowing his eyes on the flea demon.
“Naraku?” He demanded. Myoga nodded sagely. If what he was thinking was true, only more questions popped into his mind. He leapt from the ground, onto the highest branch he could reach. He needed more information. A lot more.
Back in present time, Ayumi settled onto the old comfortable couch in Kagome's living room. It was late, and Kagome told her that her family was asleep. She was usually gone for weeks at a time, so her family probably wouldn't notice her return. It didn't really surprise her that Kagome's family knew of her secret life. The types of illnesses that her grandpa told the school were almost impossible for her to have. She always thought that Kagome had a more serious condition, and that her family didn't want anyone to know about it.
“Tea?” Kagome asked her softy, setting a delicately painted wooden tray on the living room table. Ayumi smiled gratefully and took the delicate tea cup and blew on the brown liquid. Kagome settled next to her and gave her a strange smile.
“What?” Ayumi asked her sipping her sweet tea. Kagome smiled bigger and shook her head, making her ebony hair shake wistfully.
“I'm just glad you know about this part of my life now. I hated having to keep such a big secret from the three of you. I figured you wouldn't believe me. Which is understandable. Sometimes when I think about it, I can hardly believe it myself.” Her hand went to the chain around her neck. She pulled a small bottle with purple jewels in it. Ayumi felt power pulse from the tiny fragments, but she dare not touch them. After hearing the story behind all the demons that coveted the shards, she grew cautious when it came to them. Sure they had power, but it wasn't you own power. It wasn't real power.
“Eri and Yuka probably wouldn't believe you. Heck, I wouldn't have believed you until I made the trip through time myself. Magic is a hard thing to understand. It's only in fairy tales.” She said and finished her tea, setting the cup back into the saucer.
“Are your parents coming for you?” Kagome asked. Ayumi shook her head.
“I called, but our butler said that they had urgent business and left after I left for school.” She sighed. “I don't know when they'll come back. Sometimes they're gone for a day, sometimes a week. I'm sure they'll call. Anyways, Tanaka is coming to pick me up.”
“He's your butler?” Kagome asked placing her tea cup in the remaining empty saucer and gathered the tray. Ayumi nodded and followed Kagome into the kitchen.
“So when are you going back?” She asked her. Kagome rinsed the cups in the sink and wiped down the tray as she answered.
“Tomorrow. Inuyasha can get pretty impatient if I'm gone too long. Besides, I like going there. Its so different.” She said with a faraway look in her sable eyes. Ayumi nodded.
“For some reason, it feels really familiar to me. And not just because it's this place in the past. The air sizzles with unspoken memories. Like a dream I'm just remembering.” She paused and took Kagome by the hands. Kagome looked down in surprise. Ayumi's eyes grew serious. “I have to go back to that time soon as well. There is something there I have to find out.”
“Like what?” Kagome asked her. Ayumi dropped her hands and turned away, staring into the night sky through the kitchen window.
“I'm not sure. I think, if I follow my instincts, I'll find what I'm looking for. I'll find a reason why I'm connected to that world.” She said eerily. Kagome stared at her friend's profile. It was like she changed right before her eyes. She felt a special kinship now with Ayumi because now, she wasn't so alone in her endeavors. Ayumi had a past in the feudal era that was shrouded in darkness. She wanted to help. She was sure Inuyasha and the other would help as well.
“Will you come back later, after school then?” She asked, touching Ayumi's shoulder. Ayumi nodded.
“Tanaka is here.” She turned to Kagome and gave her a hug. “I'll be there.” She said. Kagome hugged her back.
“I'll help you however I can. Promise.” She said with a determined little smile. Unknowingly, her priestess power expanded and she felt Ayumi's gratefulness and nervousness. She pulled her power back when Ayumi stiffened. Did she feel that somehow? “See you.” She said and a little while later, she heard the car pull out onto the road.
The next afternoon, Ayumi hurried home and began rummaging through her house. She needed to pack, like she was going on a camping trip. Flashlight, sleeping bag, water canteen ect. Her stomach growled menacingly at her and she rushed down stairs and into the kitchen. The cook had left some food in the refrigerator and she rummaged through the various dished, pulling out leftover meatloaf and macaroni and cheese. She popped it into the microwave and waited impatiently for it to ding. She didn't know when she was so hungry in her life! She gobbled down the food and drank a huge glass of milk before she was satisfied.
“Miss?” A hesitant male's voice startled her and she jumped. The empty container the meatloaf was in went sailing across the counter, like it had been roughly pushed across the slick surface by an invisible hand. Ayumi stared wide-eyed at the door and Tanaka looked at her earnestly.
“My goodness Tanaka! You startled me.” She said in a breathless tone, forcing her heart back down her throat. His face was expressionless as he bent to pick up the plastic container from the floor.
“I noticed.” He said in his dry void voice and placed the container in the sink. “Your parent just called to check up on you.”
Hurt vibrated through her chest and she turned from the elder man. “They didn't want to talk to me?” she asked, keeping her voice calm, despite her heart squeezing in her chest.
“They were in a hurry Miss. I'm sure if they had more time they would have…” She cut him off with her hand. He didn't have to make excuses for them. She knew very well why they didn't want to talk to her. But, she supposed it what she deserved. Tossing those hurtful words at her mother yesterday, she lowered her eyes to the floor. It's what she deserved.
“Thank you for telling me.” She said quietly and placed her glass in the sink.
“Are you leaving?” Tanaka asked her all of the sudden, noticing her green bag on the floor next to the back door.
“Just for a little bit. There is something I have to do.” She told him elusively, not wanting to tell him. She smothered a snort, not like he would believe her anyways.
“As your part time guardian, I think I should know where you are headed.” He told her sternly. Ayumi looked at the butler. He was like a third parent to her. Their relationship was distant, like that of a paid nanny. But she held a great fondness for the older gentlemen. He had been employed in their house when she had turned three. With no children of his own, he latched onto her quickly. But he never got seriously involved with her life. He trusted her enough not to know where she was at every second.
“To see a friend.” She said, keeping a defensive tone from her voice. “She's expecting me soon.” She said and went around the island to grab her bag.
“Staying long?” He asked, eyeing her huge bag.
“I don't know how long I'll be, but I'll have my phone with me.” She said, looking over her shoulder. “Can you take me to Kagome's?” She asked. Tanaka looked resigned at her answer and took her to the shrine without any further questions.
Inuyasha sat carelessly on a tree branch next to the well. Kagome dragged him here to wait for her friend. Just what he needed, another person to look after. He thought, swinging his leg impatiently. Kagome was practically prancing around the well, and Shippo was copying her.
“Where is she?” She asked for the tenth time since they arrived. He tuned his head away, sniffing a breeze that passed across his face. It was a habit, sorta like patrolling without moving from his spot.
“Patience Kagome. I'm sure she'll be here.” Sango told her. Miroku nodded. He caught the girls scent, and his ears perked at the new smell. It was different this time. Softer for some reason.
“Ayumi! Grab my hand!” Kagome squealed in delight and extended to help her out of the well. Inuyasha sniffed, catching the scent of his brother once again. He had thought about it for a long time since leaving Myoga yesterday night. His senses weren't playing tricks on him. He knew Sesshomaru's scent well and even though it was faint, and damn well invisible, he knew she carried it. And she could only carry it if she was marked. But he couldn't very well ask her to strip naked so he could search and confirm his suspicions. Kagome would sit him into a deep, deep, deep crater. So he would have to follow whatever leads came to him. He smiled secretly to himself. He liked this detective work. And when he knew the whole truth, he would rub his brother's face in it. Ha, that would show that arrogant prick. And with Ayumi with them, maybe Sesshomaru would back off and give him a break before he came up with another plan to steal Tessaiga from him.
In the demon world, one protected ones mate. Owned them really. And his brother was quite possessive about things. Inuyasha suspected that Sesshomaru was no different that any other male demon. If he had a mate he would act the same way. As he thought this, his eyes traveled to Kagome who was talking to Miroku. His eyes studied the priestess under the dimming afternoon. The light was making her hair gleam gold and red. Her cheeks were flushed from excitement, her lips pink as she smiled. Longing slammed into him and he forced himself to turn away. That annoying feeling came to him more often than he'd like to admit. It was steadily growing stronger and stronger with each passing day. Moodily, he leapt from the branch.
“Enough chatting.” He snapped at the group, avoiding Kagome's gaze. “We're wasting time doddling. We have to make it to the east river before nightfall. That's where we left off the last time.” He told them, spinning on his heel and started stomping off. They traveled at a good speed, much to Inuyasha's surprise. Even the new girl made good time. He listened to the chatting between the rest of his friends, with Ayumi making new friends with Sango, Miroku and Shippo. She seemed nice enough. Defiantly not someone he could imagine Sesshomaru with. But then again, she didn't know who she really was. She was lost, and never found, but how the hell did she end up in Kagome's time. Reborn as a human? She must have died to be reincarnated, but he didn't smell the strong smell of human on her like he did with Kagome, Sango and Miroku. Suddenly a thought came to his mind and he smiled mischievously.
“Let's camp here tonight.” He said stopping short.
“But we can still go on Inuyasha. We're not tired.” Miroku told him with a curious note in his voice. Inuyasha ignored that.
“Its getting to dark and demons are more active at night.” He told him gruffly and turned to face the party. The girls exchanged looks then Kagome shrugged.
“Fine with me.” She said and let her bag drop with a heavy thud on the dry ground.
“I was getting hungry anyways.” Ayumi said shyly and let her bag slide from her shoulders. She rolled her neck and kneeled to unpack things.
“You should have said something.” Kagome told her sternly and pulled out six cups of ramen noodles. Ayumi shrugged. Keh, she could have gone on a lot longer if she knew she was a demon. Alleged demon he corrected glancing to his sword.
“I'll gather wood. Sango, would you care to accompany me?” Miroku asked sweetly. Inuyasha smirked at her wary look.
“I suppose.” She said after a little pause. She stood. “After you.” She said. Kagome smiled, knowing why Sango wanted Miroku to go first. The monk's hands were quite grabby. He looked a little defeated, but preceded.
“I'll go get some water.” Kagome said and took out a large pot from Sango's sack.
“I'll go with you.” Ayumi said, but was quickly sat back down by Kagome.
“It's okay. You need to rest. There's a stream nearby, and Shippo is coming with me.” She said. Ayumi opened her mouth to protest, but Kagome left before she could say anything. It was a good thing for Inuyasha, because he wanted her alone. When Kagome and the others were out of sight, he leaned forward in the darkness.
“What?” Ayumi asked in a calm voice.
“Touch my sword.” He told her and Ayumi gasped.
“Excuse me?” She asked in a huff and it took a second for Inuyasha to realize what she had meant. He smirked.
“Please girl.” He scoffed and held out Tessaiga out, the hilt close to her. “I meant this one.” He told her. Ayumi eyed the sword.
“Why?” She asked suspiciously. Annoyed, he shoved it closer to her.
“Just do it. I want to see something.” He told her. Ayumi eyed the sword once again and then eyed him. But with a sigh, she hesitantly reached out and touched it with one of her fingers. There was a sizzling snap and she jerked her hand back quickly.
“Oww, what the…” She looked at her burned finger with a frown. “Did you know it was going to do that to me?” She demanded, sticking her hurt finger in her mouth. Inuyasha smirked and withdrew his sword.
“No.” He paused, feeling her disbelief at his words. “Well, I wasn't sure.” He amended.
“Why did it burn me?” She asked, peering through the darkness at the half demon.
“It has a barrier on it. It rejects a demon's touch.” He told her. He felt her stiffen.
“A demon?” She asked after a long pause, looking at her, now, healed hand. “Does that mean I'm a demon then?” She asked him quietly. He smelled her confusion; it was almost sickly sweet and thick.
“Yes.” He told her, not willing to giver her all that he knew.
“I see.” She said. He knew the truth was just hitting her on the surface. She didn't believe him fully. Not yet at least. Maybe it was a mistake for her to find out just yet. He did feel a little guilty for what he did. It was only her second day here and she was already, being labeled a demon. He decided to back off for now, let her digest what he told her. “Inuyasha?” Her voice was back to normal. Calm and firm. “Don't tell Kagome and the others just yet.”
He frowned. “Why?” He asked, hearing footsteps from the others growing closer.
“I don't want them to look at me any differently.” She said and he grew silent. He didn't have to answer her, he knew she sensed it in him.
“We're back!” Kagome said cheerfully and she and Shippo placed the pot of water next to the fire pit Sango dug. Miroku stacked the wood neatly and soon, a fire crackled to life. Kagome gave each person their own cup of dried ramen and they chatted as they waited for the water to boil.
“After dinner, Shippo and I found a hot spring close by. I don't know about you, but after all the traveling we did today, I feel pretty dirty.” Kagome tittered. Inuyasha rolled his eyes. Girls and their baths. Loud slurping made him look to his side and Ayumi had tilted the cup of ramen up and drank the broth greedily. Damn, she must have been hungry. She finished before he did! Ayumi must have felt their stunned eyes on her because she slowly lowered the cup and grinned sheepishly.
“Hungry?” He asked her sarcastically, shoving more soft, warm noodle in his mouth. She wiped the corner of her mouth with her fingers and tossed her cup into the fire. She then dug into her own bag and pulled out a plastic sack of more food. She shrugged at his question.
“I've been really hungry lately.” She admitted and opened the bag, pulling out an apple and an orange. “Care for one?” She asked them.
“Maybe after I finish.” Kagome said with a smile. They ate the rest of their dinner and afterwards, the girls headed to the hot spring with Shippo bouncing after them. They returned an hour later. Shippo was already asleep in Kagome's arms. Inuyasha settled himself away from the camp to keep watch. The night was quiet and he looked up in the night sky. Million stars twinkled brightly. No matter how much he saw them, they always amazed him. The wind changed and Inuyasha caught a disgusting scent in the air. He jumped to his feet.
“Wait!” Someone whispered urgently to him and he paused, looking back to see Ayumi behind him.
“Go back to bed! This is too dangerous for you!” He told her and went to move again, but her hands caught his robe and pulled him back with surprising strength.
“Let me come. I sense it too!” She told him and ran ahead of him. With a muttered oath and growl, they both shot off together. Impressed by her speed, Inuyasha decided that it would be alright for her to come. They came to an opening in the forest, and Inuyasha placed himself in front of her. Wind whipped around them and soon the object of their alarm showed up, landing lightly on her feet.
“Kagura!” He growled. The female demon folded her arms in front of her carelessly, her red eyes cold and expressionless. “What the hell are you doing here?” He demanded and pulled Tessaiga from its sheath. The sword flashed ominously in the night.
“I have nothing to say to you. I've not come to fight.” She said and flipped her fan open.
“What do you want?” He asked her again. She shot him a glare.
“I'm on a scouting mission if you must know.” She said smoothly. Inuyasha was caught a bit off guard at her answer. She looked past him to Ayumi who had stood silently behind him. He felt no fear from her.
“Scouting for what?” He sneered back. No sooner did he ask when a spider demon emerged from the forest. It was twice as big as a normal spider demon.
“What is that?” Ayumi asked him, shoving past him. “He has an aura about him. Like when Kagome showed me the jewel shards.” She looked at him questioningly, but he ignored her. So Kagura was after a jewel shard. Figures. He lifted his sword.
“Wind Scar!” He called out and the attack split the spider in two. Damn, where was the jewel shard? Where was Kagome when he needed her? Kagura descended swiftly and shoved her hand into a writhing piece of the spider, yanking out the shard. He growled. Like he would give Naraku another advantage!
Wind Scar!” He called out only to be countered.
“Dance of Blades!” Their attacks clashed in a blinding light and Inuyasha grabbed Ayumi and jumped out of the way. The light faded and Kagura simply smirked at the two. Ayumi frowned.
“Dance…of…Blades?” She asked and all at once, the wind picked up around her and white crescent beams shot out and she gasped. Kagura looked wide-eyed at the attack and had barley managed to escape before the attack slammed into the trees, sending huge splinters careening toward them. Ayumi held out her hands, and a shield of wind raced around she and Inuyasha, blocking the deadly splinters. Inuyasha blinked once, and then rested his huge sword on his shoulders. Ayumi's eyes were closed tightly, and when she didn't feel any pain, she opened one eye cautiously. The shield dropped in a whoosh of wind.
“Good job. I never knew you had that in you.” He told her in a smug voice. Ayumi looked at her hands, and then at the destruction she unwittingly caused.
“Did I do that?” She asked in an awed voice. He just nodded and Tessaiga changed back and he sheathed it.
“She got away with the jewel shard. Let's go back to camp.” He said, looking at the white feather getting smaller and smaller as Kagura made her escape.