InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3
Ayumi was silent the whole trip back, which Inuyasha could understand. When they finally reached camp, the others were still asleep. Everyone but Kagome. She sat quietly by the fire, her arms around her knees, simply staring.
“Why are you awake?” Inuyasha asked her.
“Why are you?” She shot back at him. Ayumi never ever heard Kagome speak in such cold and distant tone before. Ayumi guessed she didn't see her, so she took that advantage and blended into the shadow, and stood still.
“I had to do something.” Inuyasha defended, with his arms crossed.
“Did you go and see her?” Kagome asked, saying the last word in a sneer. Her sable eyes flashed angrily. Ayumi raised a brow. This was getting more interesting.
“Who?” He asked totally bewildered. Kagome got to her feet quickly.
“You know who! Kikyo that's who!” She spat at him. At first, Ayumi thought she was angry, but she heard that underlying tone of hurt and heartbreak. Who was Kikyo? Wasn't she the one who sealed Inuyasha to the tree? Kagome didn't go into much detail when she spoke of the woman, and Ayumi didn't really care. That was, until now. Did Inuyasha have something going on with the woman?
“What?” He asked in a harsh whisper. “Humph, even if I did, I don't need to run it past you!” He told her. Ayumi stiffened in shock. Why didn't he just tell her the truth? That they had a run in with Kagura? Why did he have to say those stupid things?
Kagome seethed and jerked her gaze from him. From her place in the shadows, Ayumi saw tears sparkling in her friends eyes.
“You right.” Kagome said and stalked off. Inuyasha's fur was still ruffled as he angrily sat against a tree. Ayumi moved from her place and stood directly in front of the brooding half demon.
“Thanks for coming to my rescue.” He bit out at her. “You could have told her…” She cut him off.
“No, Inuyasha, you could have told her the truth.” She hissed at him. “I don't understand why you said what you did. She would have understood if you told her what had happened. But you got all defensive about something. It was almost like you were deliberately trying to get her angry at you.” She huffed, pointing an accusing finger at him. Inuyasha's golden eyes glittered with anger and guilt. But he said nothing and made it a point to turn from her, closing their conversation. Ayumi hesitated before spinning on her heel to track Kagome down. Dry leaves crunched under her shoes as she followed Kagome's footprints clearly engraved in the damp forest floor. She found her by the hot springs, she and Sango used earlier. Silently, she took a seat next to her friend on the bank. Kagome was sniffing and she wiped her cheeks with the sleeves of her uniform.
“Are you alright?” She asked her softly. Kagome shrugged, unwilling to make eye contact.
“I guess.” She said in a void voice. Ayumi sighed and pulled Kagome into her arms. Her friend rested her head on her shoulder and Ayumi stroked her soft hair soothingly.
“Earlier, we sensed something. Inuyasha went to check it out, but I stopped him and told him to take me with him.” She explained and sighed. “We met some woman there, I think he called her Kagura. I guess she was looking for a jewel shard nearby. And sure enough there was this big ugly spider demon that came charging out of the woods. He destroyed at, and Kagura got the jewel shard.” Kagome sniffed.
“Then why didn't he just tell me that?” She asked mournfully, wiping a stray tear from her eye.
“You got me. You know him better that I do.” She said with light humor, wanting to cheer her up. She didn't want to see Kagome so sad. “But what I want to know is why did you ask if he was with Kikyo?” Kagome lifted her head from her shoulder.
“He was in love with her. He's still in love with her.” She said. “I'm just her copy, her reincarnation.” She said bitterly, but then her face softened. “I tried to accept that she would always hold a place in his heart. I try…but…” Her face fell again. “Am I not good enough?” She asked sadly looking up into the sky, like it would give her the answer.
“You love him?” Ayumi asked her. Kagome was silent, but her head slowly nodded yes. “Does he know?” She asked. Despite the hurt Kagome was feeling, she snorted.
“Like I would tell him. It's foolish to tell him something like that. It's a one-sided love after all.” She hugged herself. “I don't think he has enough room in his heart to love me back. Not when Kikyo still roams the world. Reminding him about their past together.” She sighed again. “Besides, when we find all the jewel shards, I have no reason left to come back.”
“Cautious are we?” Ayumi asked Kagome with a twinkle in her eye. Kagome smiled.
“Realistic.” She corrected. They sat in silence.
“I never thought you could be so cynical Kagome.” Ayumi finally commented. Kagome stiffened in surprise.
“Cynical?” She asked her bluntly and Ayumi shrugged and grinned.
“You may think it's the right thing to keep your feelings from him. But what if he feels the same way?”
“But Kikyo…”She stuttered in protest.
“He may still love her Kagome, but he knows they could never be together. She's dead! A clay shell that holds a small part of your soul. What kind of life can he want with someone like that? Can you really blame him for wanting to keep a part of his past in his life? Can you forget your first love so easily?” She asked her. Kagome opened her mouth to respond, but didn't have anything to say. Surprisingly, she smiled, brightly.
“I could never forget. It would be hard to let him go.” She said and stood up. “Man Ayumi, when did you become an expert in love?” She asked slyly, holding out a helpful hand.
“Expert? It doesn't take an expert to see the way he looks at you.” She said happily, taking her hand and clambering up. Kagome's smile faded into confusion.
“What do you mean?” They started back to camp, but Ayumi was keen to keep her voice down. Inuyasha had sonar hearing.
“He looks at you the way Miroku looks at Sango. Softly, secretly. There is longing in his gaze.” Kagome blushed.
“Yeah right. You read too many romance novels. You've always been a hopeless romantic.” She replied with a nervous flutter of her hand. Ayumi smiled at her attempts not to look embarrassed.
“Believe what you will. Kikyo maybe his past, but you're his future. Whether you two believe me or not. So if he ever goes off to see her again, don't get upset. You're still in the running.” She whispered mischievously. Kagome flushed some more.
“Really?” She asked. Ayumi heard the desperate note in her question.
“Really. Now come on, it's almost morning and I'm hungry.” She said and pulled her friend back to the camp.
He didn't know what had transpired between Kagome and Ayumi, but when they came back, Kagome was smiling and laughing. He felt relived. He didn't know why those words came from his mouth. It hurt to know that she mistrusted him like that. Of course there were times when he would catch Kikyo's scent here and there. And, yes, he would go and see her. But only because wherever she was, trouble wasn't far behind her. He had to be prepared for whatever she brought with her. Demons seemed to seek her out.
He sighed. He knew how Kagome felt about their interactions. He reveled in the fact that he could make her jealous of them. It wasn't intentional. He was willing to give up everything to be human and live with her. He loved her after all, but when he was released from the tree by Kagome, it was like his love for Kikyo kinda faded. It was his fault she was hurt in the first place, he promised to protect her. And he failed. But he was given a second chance at it again. When Kagome waltzed into his life, he felt an overwhelming urge to do right by her. To protect her no matter what. To have Kikyo in his life was a constant reminder of his failure, but it made him more determined to protect Kagome. To protect all his friends. Kikyo was like his resolve. He still cared for her, true, but not as much as he cared for Kagome. There were plenty of times he chose Kagome over Kikyo. And, he added grudgingly, plenty of times he chose Kikyo over Kagome. But there could be no life with Kikyo. Her time was short on this plane. It was only a matter of time before she would pass back into death. He always thought of it as fate giving him time to heal. Making him stronger, so when she did leave, he could muster his own resolve to keep Kagome safe.
He sighed, but it was sure a bitch to have all these complicated feelings whirling inside of him. As morning came, the others awoke and Kagome and Sango started breakfast. As Sango crouched by the fire, Miroku's hand inched closer to her bottom. And right before he reached his destination, Sango hand reached back and smacked him soundly across the face. Ayumi let out a squeak at the red welt that emerged on his check, but Miroku put a hand to his face, and rubbed it fondly. Inuyasha smirked. Served him right. He would never tire of the monks antics where the demon slayer was concerned. The whole group moved like usual, and Inuyasha rolled his eyes when Ayumi was left pondering what just happened. It was probably her first time seeing the perverted monk in action. After breakfast, the group started off again. They made good timing and in mid afternoon, they reached a small village with vast farms of rice and vegetables. The people paid them no heed, like they were use to weird things coming to see them.
“Finally! I was getting hungry!” Ayumi exclaimed and dropped her bag pack to the ground. Shippo jumped hastily out of the way before it crushed him.
“There's an inn over there!” She cried, pointing to a small hut with smoke billowing softly from the roof. The savory aromas of roasted meat and hot soups wafted through the air. Inuyasha looked annoyingly to her. She ate almost three dishes of breakfast this morning and went through two huge `energy' bars on their way here. Her appetite rivaled that of his and Shippo's!
“Do we have any money Miroku?” Sango asked, petting Kirara who was in her small form. Miroku's hand disappeared in the fold of his robes and pulled out a small leather pouch. They all leaned in closer to look inside.
“Just enough.” He said shaking the bag and making the coins jingle. Kagome and Ayumi shared an excited glance among each other.
“Well lets go!” Kagome said and grabbed Inuyasha's arm. With a jerk she pulled him to the hut. He grunted in protest, losing his balance for a moment. His heart sped up, being so close to her. Just what did she and Ayumi talk about? Well whatever it was, he was glad Kagome had forgiven him. He didn't like it when she was mad. But whenever she was, it always amazed him how easily she forgave. It was late in the afternoon when they set off again. By nightfall they were close to the beach. Waves washed across the sand, and sprayed nearby rocks.
“This will do tonight.” Inuyasha said and the group all settled down for the night.
Ayumi left the camp and walked silently to the rocks. They were damp against her bare feet. The wind tore at her uniform. She inhaled deeply. Salty air filled her lungs, almost making them tingle. She was happy to be with Kagome and her friends, but traveling them was taking her somewhere from where she needed to be. She flexed her hand, and felt the familiar tingle of power inch her finger tips. That strange power started from her chest and ran down her arm, making her blood warm. She lifted her hand and aimed her powers at a rock in the distance, with water lapping at its bottom. A ribbon of air whipped from her palm and hit the rock with a soft thud sending small pebbles flying off. Encouraged, she shot another attack and it hit with a louder crack. Damn, she wished she knew how to use them! The wind picked up and she spread her arms, pulling the wind all around her, like a warm bubble. And then she let it go. But when she did, she teetered off the rock. Gasping she caught herself. Water surrounded her and she frowned, looking beyond her. The beach she was once was on loomed in front of her. Somehow, she had transported herself to the rock in the water. Impressed, she did the same thing she did and then she was back on the beach. It was a short distance, but she felt the wind rush past her as she made the trip. She let the bubble fade.
“Kagura can't do that.” She felt him before he spoke. It didn't surprise her that he was still awake. He was a pretty light sleeper. Kagome had told her that as they walked.
“Inuyasha, I can't stay with you guys.” She said without turning around.
“I know.” He said. Surprised, she turned to him. The moonlight bathed him in a silver glow. His snow white air blew in the sea air. His eyes were serious and dark. She forced a glare away. Just something about those eyes made her want to scream in rage. And it wasn't his fault. The eyes she loathed didn't look like Inuyasha's. “You should go to the mountains just north of here.” She looked to the north.
“You'll see when you get there.” He said. Ayumi stared at him for a long time. Was there something he knew? Did she want to know? She broke her gaze from him and turned to the camp.
“You'll tell Kagome right?” she said quietly. The half-demon nodded. She wished she could tell her herself, but if she wanted to make it to the mountains, she had to go herself. But still, she hated to go alone. She didn't know who was out there, who she had to face…
“You're a demon.” He said as if reading her thoughts. “Demons are hard to kill.” And with that, he turned from her and headed back to camp. She smiled at his retreating figure.
“Thank you…Inuyasha.” She said quietly. She knew he could hear it. She formed a bubble. But first, she needed to repack. She ended up at the well. Sighing, she leaned against it. Traveling that way was a life saver, but it gave her a throbbing headache. When she returned to her home, it was dark and quiet. Stealthily, she opened her window with a soft breeze and entered. She tumbled in the dark before she found the light switch and flipped it on.
Her room was just the way she left it, neat and tidy. But on top of her bed was one thing she didn't have there earlier. Frowning a little, she picked it up and opened the black, jewelry box. It was a necklace. A strange necklace. A gold chain with a large glass pendent. It fit perfectly in her palm. A small, pink and yellow flower was encased in the glass. It wasn't like any flower she ever saw. It looked like a star. She ran her thumb over the surface of the glass, imagining herself stroking the flower. A memory crowded their way to her mind. She was sitting in a meadow of such flowers, caressing the gentle petals. She wasn't alone, someone stood by her. They were patiently waiting for her to finish her foolishness. That's what they thought she was doing, being foolish. But they waited for her, and when she was done, they escorted her back to her home. A brief village flashed before she could remember what it looked like it. Then it was gone. Frustrated she clipped the necklace around her neck, letting it fall heavily to her chest. She walked calmly to her bathroom, and took a quick shower. The warm water seeped through her skin. Ahh, such comforts, she thought with a contented sigh. When she was done, she flopped onto her bed. It was too late to go back now, and besides, she couldn't move from her bed even if she tried…
“Gone?” Kagome asked. She had woken up early the next morning. Right when she was going to get Ayumi up, Inuyasha had informed her that she was gone.
“That's right.” Kagome waited for him to say more, but he didn't.
“Where?” She demanded eagerly. Ayumi didn't know what was in this world! How could he just let her go that way?! Her thoughts turned dark. Ayumi might be in the claws of some bear demon, or fighting for her life against some kind of rabid rat demon!
“Don't look at me that way.” He growled. “She had to do something. Alone.” He added when he saw her protest.
“But, she can't be out there by herself!” She said and began packing her things. With an annoyed rumbled, he put his hands on hers to stop her. A small sizzle of electricity sparked at the touch. He pulled his hand back, and Kagome stilled. He smelled her shock, and…excitement? His own blood quickened at the scent. There was a long silence that passed between them. They just stared at one another, not to sure what to do.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome said and licked her lips. She stood up and started walking slowly to him. His feet were rooted to the spot as she approached closer, and closer, her sweet smell invaded his nose. His breath hitched in his throat. She was so close he could see the sparkling opal specks in her beautiful auburn eyes.
SMACK! A loud sound echoed through the forest, ripping them apart.
“Miroku you pervert!” Sango stormed back onto the camp with Shippo and Kirara hot on her heels. Miroku was not far behind, nursing his red cheek where Sango's hand was clearly imprinted. He was smiling, swinging his jingling staff merrily. With the moment gone, Kagome retuned to her bag pack.
“What are you doing Kagome?” Sango asked her, kneeling beside her.
“I have to find Ayumi.” Kagome said hurriedly, pulling her socks and shoes on. The others looked around the camp, just noticing her missing.
“Where did she go?” Shippo asked.
“I told you she needed to be alone.” Inuyasha interrupted her from packing her sleeping bag. “She'll be fine by herself.” He told her in an infuriated voice. Why wasn't she listening to him?
“Inuyasha…” Kagome began in an impatient voice, zipping her bag angrily. “She's my friend. I told her I would help her find what she was looking for here. And you're not letting me fulfill my promise.” She put her bag on her shoulders. “I can't believe she just left without telling me.” She said, in a distracted tone. Inuyasha let out an exasperated sigh, tapping his foot to calm down.
“Inuyasha, where did she go?” Sango asked gently. He glared at her and sniffed the air. Her scent was faint, but he caught it. She must have gone back to the well, because she sure didn't go north like he told her. He knew what he was doing when he told her to go to the mountain. He planned it really, knowing Kagome would want to follow her. She seemed to think that only she could protect her friend, like it was her duty or something. But, he could understand Kagome's loyalty. It was her best trait. He needed her out of the way, to pursue his quest to get one on his brother. It was a driving force in him no matter how petty. It would take her time to get to the mountains, no matter how fast she was. Two, three days tops.
“I think she went back to the well.” He finally said in a defeated tone.
“I'm going back there.” She said defiantly.
“What?! It'll take you forever to get there. We've be traveling for two days only to go back?” He thundered. Kagome didn't so much a flinch at his tone.
“Please Inuyasha?” She said, her eyes softened, pleading for him to agree. He bit the inside of his cheek and turned from her.
“No way.” He said stubbornly his nose in the air, hands lost in the big sleeves of his red fire rat robe.
“But Inuyasha…”She began to whine.
“I'll take you.” Sango interjected, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“But Sango…” Miroku protested. He quieted when she pierced him with a dark look.
“Fine, take her.” Inuyasha said with a flick of his wrist. “It's better than hearing her useless bitching.” He expected her to `sit' him for that comment, but instead she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him as hard as her little body could muster. He humped and pulled her away from him before he decided to do something more than hug her.
“Thank you!” She said excitedly. Sango gave him a wary look. She knew that he gave up to easily.
“Well, I guess we'll see you three later.” She said slowly, turning to Kirara. The little demon transformed in a roar of flames. Kagome and Sango climbed aboard.
“Shippo, do what Inuyasha and Miroku say.” Kagome called out to the little fox demon. He looked from her to the two guys and slumped his shoulders.
“Okay.” He said, his face, very depressed. Inuyasha smirked. Ha ha! Now he was at his mercy, he thought and flexed his claws.
“And Inuyasha, if you're mean to him, I'll hear all about it.” Kagome called out, looking over her shoulder. Shippo's depressed expression changed and he smiled gleefully at Inuyasha.
Kagome and Sango were almost at the well in half a day. It seemed Kirara was in an exceptionally good mood and only had to stop two times. They spotted Ayumi at the edge of the Kaede's village. She was stooped down on her knees. Kirara landed softly and Kagome and Sango dismounted quickly. Ayumi was retching in the bushes.
Worriedly Kagome touched the back of her head. “What's wrong?” Ayumi shook her head.
“I don't know.” She replied in a sick voice and retched again and touched her mouth with shaking hands
“Perhaps it's the flu?” Sango offered. She leaned her weapon against a nearby tree and joined the two. Ayumi stood up, wobbling. Kagome and Sango supported her and helped her sit down. She moaned and put a hand to her stomach.
“Maybe. Oh, I've never felt so horrible before. I felt fine this morning, and then when I went back through the well, I stopped to see Kaede and she gave something to eat, and then the next thing I knew, I was throwing up.” She said. Sango reached to her pack, still on Kirara and grabbed a skin of water. Ayumi chugged it down and breathed better. Kagome, looked anxiously at Sango, but the demon slayer just shrugged. They both helped her to her feet and Ayumi gave them a small smile of thanks. They waited a good fifteen minutes before deciding to move.
“Why are you here?” Ayumi asked them, shifting her bag to the other shoulder. Kagome smiled.
“I told you that I would help you no matter what. I made you a promise.” She said.
“Inuyasha let you go?” she asked raising a skeptical brow. Sango giggled.
“Practically pushed us on Kirara.” She said with a smile. Ayumi frowned a little. Kagome noticed that too. He let them go so easily! Why? Did he need them out of the way for some reason. Come to think of it, he was the one who told her to go to the mountains in the north. He knew where she had to go…
“Where are we going?” Kagome interrupted her thoughts with her bright, upbeat voice. Ayumi told them.
“That's very far away. It would take us two and a half weeks just to get to the base of it.” Sango told her calmly.
Ayumi was just about to respond when she felt like something was watching them. They were a ways from the village, just entering the thick part of the forest. Kirara must have felt it to, because she growled, her hackles rising. Calmly, Ayumi walked in front of Kagome and Sango. She stilled, letting the wind flow over her, caressing her skin, running through her hair. Straining her hearing, she clenched her hands. The demon was stalking them, teasing their fears, their uncertainties. A smile twitched and she turned to the left, just as Kirara leaped from Sango's side. The young demon slayer was quick to react, shoving Kagome behind her. She quickly caught up with Kirara, and she and Kagome lost sight of them.
“Come on.” Ayumi said hurriedly, grabbing Kagome's hand and taking off quickly. A loud roar shattered the serene forest music and Ayumi accelerated her pace. They were led into a secluded part of the forest, surrounded by thick trees and wet bushes. Sango had her weapon behind her as she dodged the attack of the boar demon. It was huge and brown, and stank like rotten vegetation and moldy dirt. Bile quickly rose to her throat and she forced it down with a big gulp of air.
“Hiraikotsu!” Sango yelled and swung her massive bone weapon. It sped through the air, cutting it way to her target. The boar was slow to dodge the attack and the weapon hit with a loud crunch. Sango raced to the other side of her stunned target and caught her boomerang. The attack was swift so the demon didn't know what had happened before it started. The boar demon fell to the ground with a grunt. Ayumi smelled its blood right away. It stung her nose, made her heart hammer with excitement. Her powers sparked to life and snapped at the ground. The wind ribbons floated away from her. It was like a trance, really. She knew it was still alive, still willing to fight.
“Sango!” Kagome said urgently. Sango raised her boomerang. But Ayumi didn't give her the chance to do anything. As soon as the boar climbed back onto its feet, Ayumi let loose her magic. The ribbons wrapped thickly around its fat body, and like a boa constrictor, squeezed what life it had left. Every time it wheezed out a breath, she tightened her hold on it. Keeping an unyielding hold on it, she walked slowly to the struggling demon. She ignored the horrible stench coming from it, and it wheezed out again and she tightened. What a pitiful creature, she thought, almost in awe. It wasn't worth her time to see it killed. It was a lesser demon, with no intelligence like that of an animal. Such creatures didn't deserve the title demon. She thought wickedly, as its eyes rolled up into its head and is heartbeat became slower and slower. Disgusted by it mere presence, she threw the dead thing as hard as she could against a tree. It hit hard, so hard that blood from it body splattered on she and her party.
“Pathetic.” She hissed, her blood calming, and her dark thoughts scattering from her head. She was met with silence and she tensed. Kagome and Sango were looking at her like she was some alien dancing the electric slide. She wiped the small drops of blood from her face.
“Ayumi…what did you just do?” Kagome asked in a whisper…