InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4
“Inuyasha, just where are we going?” Miroku asked him as they put out the fire the next morning. Shippo was moping because Kagome wasn't there, and the Monk was doing the same. Bunch of babies Inuyasha thought moodily as he kicked sand over the smoldering wood.
“We have to go see someone.” He said mysteriously and stretched. It was a lot easier to travel without the girls. Miroku and Shippo could easily take care of themselves. Well, he thought as he looked at the sulking little fox demon. Shippo needed extra watching, but he was a demon. He wasn't easy to kill. He remembered saying those words to Ayumi before she left the group.
“Who?” Shippo asked and hopped quickly to his feet as they set off.
“Myoga that's who.” He said. Miroku and Shippo shared a look.
“Why?” Miroku asked. Damn, all these annoying questions.
“You'll see when we get there.” He snapped a little. Miroku and Shippo were used to his drastic mood swings so they weren't offended by the tone.
“Does it have to do with Kagome's friend?” Miroku was sharp. Inuyasha though, if only he used that mind on more noble aspects of life than his lecherous ways…
“She's strange. The more I'm around her the more I think she's a demon. She smells like a human, but a demon at the same time.” Shippo commented from Miroku's shoulder. “And not just any demon either.” He said. Inuyasha nodded. Shippo was a sharp little pup as well. He was more worldly than all the other children he'd met. But he knew what a hard life Shippo had to face alone. So he had to grow up faster. But with Kagome in the picture, he saw Shippo turn back into a child. She gave him back his childhood. He smiled softly, he missed her already.
“What demon?” Miroku asked, bring Inuyasha back from his thoughts. Shippo looked to Inuyasha.
“I can't be too sure, but she smells like…”
“Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha finished his sentence. Miroku's steps faltered at that name.
“Yes, him.” Shippo said with a frown. “But why would she? Unless…” He didn't have to finish, they all knew what that `unless' was. He looked at his companions, waiting for them to comment.
“I see.” Miroku said after a while and they proceeded down a small hill, and into a shallow valley. It was a small meadow not far from the camp site. The little flea had been following them from the moment Inuyasha came to him. No sooner did he step foot into the meadow when Myoga latch onto his face. Cross-eyed, he smacked the flea off.
“Found me did you?” Myoga groaned out.
“I have more questions for you.” Inuyasha said lazily, watching him puff back from his flattened state.
“I suspected you did. After our last meeting, I got to thinking more about it.” He said. Three pairs of huge curious eyes watched him.
“Did you remember more?” Inuyasha asked him. Myoga nodded.
“Her name was Sai. Before the Demon Lord of the Winds came to your father and offered his daughter, another woman, Sai, was in the running to be your brothers mate. She was very powerful indeed, very beautiful, and very cruel. She was the daughter of an infamous dog demon, who held high position among the dog clans. It was always assumed that she and Sesshomaru would be married. You see, your father held the largest portion of the Western Lands, and Sai's father held the second largest portion. So to unite the lands, there hade to be a marriage between the two. It was always the plan, until the Lord of the Wind Demons came into the picture. His daughter was more powerful than any other demon in the land. Her powers were even beyond that of her fathers.”
“So when something better comes along…” Miroku commented.
“Yes. Besides that, the Great Dog Demon didn't care for Sai's father, or creating an alliance between them. He was a War Lord after all, so with her added power and Sesshomaru's power combined, it didn't take long for Sai's father to fall in defeat. Your father took over the land and united two powerful Dog Clans under his rule.”
“So, how long after the mating did they raise up against Sai's clan?” Inuyasha asked in confusion. Myoga had said, at first, that she had gone missing a couple of days after the mating. And a war wasn't over in such a short time.
“It was before they were mated. Actually, neither of them knew about the agreement between their fathers. I was there when they first met.” He said with a small smile in his little face. “I've never seen such an unlikely pair to be mated. The first words out of their mouths ignited a battle.”
“They fought?” Shippo asked wide-eyed. Myoga nodded.
“And after they were finished, they didn't speak to one another for a while. Your father took Sesshomaru to see her almost every day, but they hardly paid one another much heed. They were curt and civil, and often got into other fights.”
“With such animosity, how in the world did they ever mate?” Miroku asked, rubbing his chin. Inuyasha hit the perverted monk on the head.
“You're such an ass.” He muttered darkly.
“Hey, you were thinking it too.” He said lightly, rubbing his bump.
“Ahem…” Myoga cut the two friends off from their feuding. “Anyways, of course word got around that Sesshomaru was to be mated to someone other that Sai. Her father was in a rage, and demanded to see your father. But the Great Dog Demon told him that there was no binding agreement between the two, and the clan lord left in a huff. Five days later, war raged between the two and in the end your father was victorious. Your brother was mated and then she was gone.” Myoga finished, talking a breath.
“So, they fought against their own kind?” Shippo asked. Myoga snorted.
“Humans do the same thing. Besides, that's how war is. You win some and lose some. War is a bloody business kid.”
“So what happened to Sai and her family?” Inuyasha asked.
“Her father died and her two brothers now live in peace with families of their own. As for Sai herself, I heard that she lives in another rival dog clan, not far from your brother's land.” He said with a thoughtful finger to his head.
“So she's still alive?” Inuyasha asked. Myoga nodded, and then frowned.
“Forgive me for asking, but why all the questions?” Inuyasha was silent, digesting the new information. Something had to have happened to Ayumi to make her transport to Kagome's time, as a child, an infant. And she still kept her demonic powers on top of that; she still kept some of her memories. She wasn't any kind of reincarnation the way Kagome was, because if she was, she would have no memories of her past life.
“What was her name?” He asked the flea.
“Akina.” Inuyasha nodded. So now he knew her real name. He knew where he had to go from here. As much as he hated the idea, he had to know what happened to her. Forget his plan on making his brother look foolish. She was Kagome's friend, and she was taking the girls on a mission to find herself. This woman, Sai, she sounded dangerous. Another thought popped into his head. Was she the one behind this? Did she do something to Ayumi all those many years ago? What kind of magic did she use to do such a great thing? What did she use to make Ayumi go into the present? If she did it. He knew better than anyone what kind of wrath a woman possesses when she's scorned. He glowered at no one in particular.
“Let's go.” He said and left Myoga behind. Miroku and Shippo followed closely behind.
“Where are we going now?” Shippo asked and Inuyasha broke out in a run. Miroku sped up, to stay close to the half demon.
“Where else? The Western Lands.” He said in an irritated voice. It was the last place he wanted to go, but he had to stay one step in front of the girls. He had to make sure they were safe. He had to keep Sesshomaru away from them, until Ayumi could face him and know who he was.
“A demon?” Kagome asked her for the tenth time. Sango and Kagome stated at her crazily when she told them. A blush stained her cheeks as she finished what she had to say. They took it better than she had expected.
“How did you find out?” Sango asked her. Ayumi stared at her finger that had healed as soon as she touched the sword.
“Inuyasha's sword.” She said softly. Kagome's moth dropped open in shock.
“He knew this whole time? He knew and didn't tell us?” She bellowed, shaking a fist in the air. “That stupid idiot, how could he not tell me something that important?” She ranted, Ayumi held out defensive hands, trying to calm her friend down.
“I told him not to say anything.” She said in his defense. Kagome stopped all of the sudden, her eyes flashing with hurt and anger.
“But why? Why would you keep something like that from me?” She asked, her eyes dark and sparking. Guilt swamped her and she looked away from Kagome's pleading eyes.
“I didn't want to you to think any differently of me. I thought that if you knew, you would be scared of me or something.” She said quietly. Sango remained quiet during the whole exchange. Kagome's eyes softened even more and she hugged her. Ayumi stiffened in surprise.
“I could never be scared of you Ayumi. You're one of my best friends.” She said, stroking her hair. She pulled away and smiled. “I travel with Inuyasha for goodness sakes! No one can be as scary as him.” She said cheekily. Ayumi burst into laughter. She was right, oh Kagome, I could never ask for a better friend. With Sango and Kagome now knowing her powers, they traveled quickly through the forest, over the rivers and shallow mountains and rocky terrain of the old world. With only Sango to carry now, Kirara kept up with her wind bubble. Kagome looked wide-eyed over the land rolling before them. Finally, when evening fell, they decided to set up camp.
A huge fire crackled to life when she threw a lit match into it. Sango blinked in surprise and Ayumi shook a small plastic canister of lighter fluid.
“I don't think we'll make it back in time for our presentation, so while I was in our time I secured us a deadline. The teacher gave us three extra days, so…” She paused and pulled out two huge books, markers, colored paper, glue ect., and placed them on the ground. “We have to work on it tonight.” She uncapped a marker and held out the pack to Kagome and Sango. With a sigh, Kagome took one out, and hesitantly, so did Sango.
“Okay girls, our theme is…” They worked well into the night, and finally, after Ayumi was satisfied with their work, she let them sleep. The silver camping pot swung in the flames, the smell of boiled beef stew wafted through the air. She turned her head and gagged. Uh, even after she ate, she felt like she was going to throw up. It was like every offending smell the world had to offer, sought her out. She put a hand to her stomach, and rubbed it gently. When they were finished with their mission, she was going to gulp down a whole bottle of pepto bismo. Fishing around in her bag, she found an old tee shirt and wrapped it around the handle of the pot and lifted it from the fire. It was a nice night for a walk, the wind was soft and the cool air swam with little fireflies. It was a pretty sight, even magical, she thought whimsically.
She heard the small little creek not to far off and found it ten minutes later. The water tinkled softly as it ran over pebbles and through the plants that grew in its bed. Crouching down, she dipped the pot into the water and began washing out its contents. The water was cold, almost numbing her fingers. The beef stew floated down the creek in a rush of water. She hummed to herself, unaware that she was being watched. But that moment wasn't long, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on it ends. She stood up, wiping her hands on the hem of her skirt. The wind shifted and she smiled, and spun quickly, letting her ribbons of wind slam into the nearby brush. She jumped quickly back as her target walked calmly into her view.
“May I help you, Kagura?” She asked the young woman. Kagura simply smiled.
“I see your powers are progressing. Impressive.” She said in a silky voice. Ayumi shrugged, and lowered her defenses. Kagura's eyes shifted to the right, and then focused back to her. “Are you not scared of me?” She asked quietly.
Ayumi shook her head. “Do I need to be?” She asked her. Kagura stared steadily at her.
“I suppose not. I have no reason to kill you.” She said finally. Ayumi raised a brow.
“What reason do you have to come see me then?” She asked her. She felt a certain kinship with this demon. From what she was told, Kagura was one of the bad guys. She worked for this…Naraku that everyone despised. Yet as she stood, mere feet from her, she felt no danger. Kagura's red eyes were still, steady with confidence, but for some reason, she felt as if Kagura was trapped. Like a little butterfly in a glass bubble.
“You are not like the others.” She said in confusion. “You are a demon.”
Ayumi snorted. “Yeah, I've been told.” Kagura simply stared, as if searching for something on Ayumi's face to tell her otherwise.
“As far as I know, I'm the only one with powers of the wind.” She said and flipped her fan open, flapping it a couple of times.
“You, are a half demon Kagura.” Ayumi told her bluntly. “I am full demon, my powers are far superior than yours.”
“But you don't know how to use them.” Kagura shot back hotly. Ayumi studied her, and then nodded.
“I'm learning. Tell me, are there others like you? With wind powers?”
“So you don't know.” It wasn't a question. Ayumi frowned at her. “You don't know how I was made do you? Why I have powers similar to you.” She shook her head, almost sadly. “Until you know, I have nothing to share with you.” She said and plucked a little white feather from her hair. Ayumi watched in confusion as she floated away. Strange girl, she thought as she gathered the washed pot and headed back to camp. After a quick breakfast that she had to force down, and spending a little more time on their project, they began their journey to the mountain. It was late in the evening when they reached the base of the said mountain. It swam in a thick fog. Sango and Kagome coughed. Sango snapped on her mask and Ayumi formed a bubble around Kagome. This place was scary. The ragged terrain was jagged and black.
“Let's go.” She said and transported Kagome up the mountain. Sango and Kirara were right behind her. They traveled across the sharp edges of the mountain. There nestled beyond the fog was a skeleton of a village. Very, slowly, cautiously, she lowered them down. With a wave of her hand, the fog was pushed aside by her wind. A grey shack loomed in front of her. It still smelled of smoke, and stale dirt.
“What is this place?” Kagome asked her, looking around. Ayumi didn't answer instead, she walked slowly forward and tentatively touched the grey wood. Nothing happened. Ayumi let out a shaky sigh. Well, she didn't think it would be that easy.
“Look, over there.” Sango pointed and Ayumi followed her finger. “It looks like the palace.” Ayumi nodded in agreement and she and the others proceeded that way. The huge shell of the building was still singed, and the heavy smell of rotting, burnt wood still lingered in the air. She stepped up the spongy stairs, running her fingers along the wall of the palace. A warm feeling passed over her, the closer she got to the entrance. Yes, this place was familiar. Before her the ruined village sparked backwards in time. The palace was bright and polished. People were in the village square, children running and laughing. She was honored by them, worshiped even. A tall, kind looking man was beside her, she could hear his robes rustling as he walked purposely among the people. That image shattered as she walked into the palace. The paper walls were torn, and tables were overturned. Spiders made the once vibrant greeting room, their home.
“This place makes me sad.” Kagome said softy, keeping close to Sango and Kirara. She was right.
“What is this place to you?” Sango asked. Ayumi fingered the tattered painting scrolls that hung from the old walls. Beautiful ink panting still hung on the walls, covered in spider webs.
“It used to be my home. Before…” She paused and slid a door open. A soggy mat was the only thing in this room. It was bare from furniture and other things. This was once her room, long ago before…She searched her memories.
“So, you lived here?” Kagome asked her. Ayumi nodded.
“My father was the Lord of this place.”
“So… that makes you a Princess?” Kagome asked her excitedly. Kagome's smile lifted her mood and she smiled back with a nod.
“Wow, I've never met a real princess before.” Kagome said in an awed voice and made Ayumi blush.
“You said this was your room before…” Sango looked at her strangely. “Before what?” Ayumi shrugged her shoulders with a troubled look. The more she wandered the palace, the more she was remembering. She walked through another broken paper door and stepped in to a bigger room. It looked remarkably intact. It was a scroll room. There was a lone table and two chairs. The shelves in the corner held the aging scrolls. Dark spots on the ground told her that there was blood spilt in this room. She rounded the table and glanced at the papers. They were smeared with blood, now brown. Who ever wrote it penned down a few words before the script stopped. She blew the dust from the paper and read. The others read as well, and tears of anger stung her eyes.
“That bastard.” She hissed as finished it. She turned abruptly and pulled two more scrolls from the shelved and unrolled them. Nothing useful here.
“Here, try this one.” Sango told her and placed a large scroll in front of her. Ayumi unrolled it gently and scanned it. It was a family tree. A name written on it stopped her abruptly and she peered closer at the name, a sneer pulling her lip.
“Sesshomaru.” She hissed and placed the scroll down with care. Her hands shook with anger. Yes, she remembered him.
“What did you just say?” Kagome asked her. Those eyes, she remembered them well. He was such a jerk, her thoughts turned light in an unexpected way. He never had anything nice to say to her. And every word he did say only made her mad. How many fights had she been in with him? Too many to count, she thoughts with a fond shake of her head.
“Sesshomaru. He's...well, was, I mean, I don't even know if he's still alive.” She said. Sango and Kagome exchanged surprised looks.
“You said Sesshomaru right?” Sango asked again. Ayumi let out an annoyed sigh.
“Yes. Do you know of him?”
“Well, yeah.” Kagome burst out. “He's Inuyasha's half brother.” Sango nodded in agreement.
“You saw him that day you first came here didn't you?” Sango asked her. Ayumi thought back. There was that little girl and then that toad creature. And then she saw Kagome. Humm…was he there? She didn't notice him if he was there.
“So, he's still alive?” She asked. They both nodded in unison. Well, she would deal with him later. There were still some missing pieces still to find. Like, who sent her to the future and how they did it. Oh my goodness, so much was learned today, she was dizzy from excitement. Things were finally settling into place. Well, she thought with a wince, almost.
“Sesshomaru is a very powerful demon. He and Inuyasha have crossed swords several times. He's not going to die anytime soon.” Sango told her, petting Kirara on her head as she spoke.
“Why? Why do they fight?” She asked. There was always a reason Sesshomaru fought. He killed anything that got in his way, or looked at him wrong.
“He hates the fact that Inuyasha is a half demon. That they share the same blood.” Kagome told her dryly.
“And, their father passed the Tessaiga to Inuyasha instead of giving it to Sesshomaru. He left the Tensaiga to Sesshomaru.” Sango supplied. Ayumi smiled at that. Served him right for acting all high and mighty. He must have been so insulted by that. But, the Great Dog Demon must have had a reason to do something like that. By the time she came into the picture, Inuyasha's mother had barely become the Lord's lover and Sesshomaru resented that fact. He couldn't believe that his father could care for such a lowly creature. Sesshomaru always had a thing for disliking humans. And yet, he was traveling with a human child, what was her name? Rin, yes. What could have changed in him to allow a human child to travel with him? Protect her, provide for her?
“But he has another sword, and evil one that was made from a demon Naraku made. It was a strange one. It broke the Tessaiga and could read your minds.” Kagome said quickly, reminiscing the moment. A shadow fell over her face as she thought back. Must have been scary, Ayumi thought. And fell into a depression as she thought of Naraku. Bastard. She thought with utter despise. He killed my people, assimilated them into his grotesque demon body. Tears threatened again and she forced them away. My father, my cousins…everyone in my village that didn't integrate with the Dog clans. Now, they were all gone and only she was left.
“Ayumi? Exactly who is Sesshomaru to you?” Sango's question broke through her internal battle. She humphed.
“He's my husband.” She simply said. Kagome choked on the answer and Sango was frozen in place. Concerned, Ayumi patted Kagome on the back to save her from her coughing. Her face was twisted in utter astonishment as she recovered.
“Serious?” She wheezed out, clearing her throat. Ayumi grimaced.
“Serious.” Kagome's mouth stayed open like a limp fish.
“Did you mate?” She blurted out and then turned red in the next minute, slapping her hand over her mouth like she just said a dirty word. It was Ayumi's turn to blush and Sango giggled at the both of them.
“Well of course we did! We were married and you have to consummate a marriage!” She protested, and put her hands to her hot cheeks. Steamy pictures arose in her mind and she violently pushed them back.
“He didn't….like…” Kagome stuttered, her face still flushed.
“Sesshomaru doesn't force anyone.” She muttered wanting to end this conversation. She didn't want to think about him right now, if she was lucky, she wouldn't have to see him for a while. “We should leave. I've learned all I can from here.” She said and stepped from the room, tucking the family tree scroll under her arm. She wanted to escape this place, this village of death as soon as possible. She knew Sango and Kagome wanted to ask her more questions about her and her husband, but right now, she wasn't up to giving them answers. They left the same way they came, and made it back to their camp just as night fell on them.
It was late when Inuyasha and the boys reached the outskirts of the Western Lands. Miroku collapsed on his knees when they stopped, thanking the heavens for his good luck. Inuyasha ignored him, feeling a little guilty that he pushed Miroku to his limits. But they had made it finally. Again, this was the last place he wanted to be. Every since he was on his own, he made it a point to avoid this part of the island. It brought back to many bad memories, made him think about his mother and her horrible family. After she had died, they kept him from the outside world, wanting to keep him a secret, making it seem like he died with her. But when he was old enough, he made his escape from them, tearing half the roof off in the process. He didn't look back, he never looked back.
Myoga told them that the Wind Demons lived in the north, but not to far from Sesshomaru's land, so they must be close, because he spotted the mountains close by. He really didn't know where to go from here. It was too late to travel, and he doubted that Shippo and Miroku would want to travel. He was a little tired himself. They rested where they stopped. Tomorrow, Inuyasha thought with a yawn and settled against a tree. I'll know what to do tomorrow.
It was really a pain, Ayumi thought as Kagome and Sango drifted into sleep. Having to travel to one place and then travel back to the well the next day. It almost seemed that they weren't making any progress at all. Only a couple of days here and already she knew the way back to the well by heart. But in the end, she knew what she was doing was worth it. She would finally know what had happened to her and know why she was sent to the future.
Sleepily, she snuggled into her sleeping bag. Tomorrow, they would be back at the well and it would be time for her and Kagome to go back to school. Maybe her parents would be home. That was a nice thought, she wanted to see her mother and father again. She missed them, and she needed to say she was sorry. So the next day, they made it back to the well. Even after stopping four times, they were all tired.
“I'll be here, staying with Kaede.” Sango said wearily, rubbing her eyes. Even Kirara was shaking with weariness. Ayumi gave Sango a warm hug, which surprised the demon slayer.
“Thank you, for everything.” She said pulling back. Sango blushed and smiled.
“We're friends aren't we?” Ayumi smiled back.
“Of course.” She murmured. It was Kagome's turn to hug her.
“We'll be back in two days.” She said and they waved and jumped down the well. When they reached the other side, Ayumi gasped and startled Kagome.
“What?” She asked anxiously. Ayumi slapped her head.
“I forgot my bag pack. I'll be right back.” And then she was gone. Kagome waited patiently until she came back. A few seconds later, she appeared and she held out a helping hand. With a grunt, she pulled Ayumi up. They parted ways and when Ayumi was out of sight, Kagome entered her house with a yawn. Sota greeted her and yelled to the rest of the family that she was home. Her mother relived her of her heavy bag pack and shoved her upstairs to take a shower and relax. She had such a great family, an understanding family. She loved them to no end.
Stripping off her dirty clothes, she slid into the hot water, groaning in delight. Such comforts, she could never give them up. She would travel a hundred miles, endure scorching weather, freeze her booty off and put up with Inuyasha's naughty mouth just to make it back to the well and into a hot bath. She sunk deeper into the water, letting her hair float around her. Her skin itched from the heat of the water, but she ignored it and dipped her head back. If she didn't get out soon, she would probably fall asleep. Grudgingly, she washed her hair and body and wrapped her pink body in a enormous, fluffy beach towel. She let out a huge yawn and dressed in her night clothes of grey sweat pants and an old yellow tank top. Her bed welcomed her like a yearning lover and in no time, she was out like a light.
She dreamed that night of Inuyasha. He was sitting next to her in a field of wild flowers. He had rocks in his hand and would throw them at the flowers below him, making the petals fly off the stem. She would yell at him every time he destroyed a flower. But he ignored her and threw another rock. She growled and threw herself at him, trying to wrestle the rocks from him, but he fended her off easily. They were face to face. She felt no embarrassment as she stared into his amber eyes.
“Inuyasha?” She asked him softly.
“Yeah?” His reply was thick and husky.
“Could you ever love me more than her?” She asked. Kagome awoke with a start, and ran a sleepy hand down her face. What in the world could make her ask that kind of question? She groaned. She didn't fool herself. She knew that question nagged at the back of her brain.
“Inuyasha, could you?” She mumbled and fell back in a dead sleep. No more dreams, no more questions.
The next day, at school, Kagome met up with her friends. Eri and Yuka gushed about what had happened to them during the week, sympathizing with Kagome's sudden sickness that kept her from school the whole week. She and Ayumi shared guilty smiles. Their project was presented and given an A+, much to Ayumi's pleasure. When lunch came Kagome managed to get Ayumi alone without Yuka and Eri there. She sat quietly at their table, picking at her rice with her chop sticks.
“Hey, why so down?” Kagome asked brightly, plopping on the chair next to her. Ayumi glanced at her, and then glanced around.
“Come with me. I want to show you something.” She said urgently. Together they hurried to the rooftop of the school. What was up with her? They were alone and Ayumi took in a deep breath.
“Look at this.” She said hotly and lifted her shirt. Kagome wasn't sure what she was looking at. Her belly button?
“What?” Ayumi turned to the side and Kagome shrugged, still not getting what she was showing her. She looked a little bigger that before, gained some weight maybe. Ayumi's pale tummy had a little bump to it like she was…She gasped and put hand to her mouth. “Ayumi…don't tell me you're…”
“Darn right!” Ayumi exploded. The wind picked up and blew her wavy black hair across her livid face. Ayumi looked pretty scary. “That stupid dog demon knocked me up!” She hissed. Flabbergasted, Kagome shook her head in confusion.
“But how?” She managed to stammer out.
“Do I need to explain the birds and bees to you?” Ayumi demanded. Kagome shrunk back, a little stung at her tone. Ayumi must have seen that because her expression became softer. “I'm sorry Kagome, I'm just, so…” Tears gathered in her eyes and she wiped them away. “A week ago I was just a normal girl, and now all of this is happening to me, and I'm getting so overwhelmed!” Her voice shook and Kagome swiftly pulled her into a hug.
“But how?” Kagome prodded again, stroking her ink black hair.
“It must have happened before I was sent here to the future. Who ever sent me here must have put my body in some kind of…like motionless incubation. And when I started going back in time, something about that well must have triggered something inside of me.” She sniffed. “Every time I passed from one time to another, it progressed this pregnancy. I went through the well seven times Kagome, so I'm seven weeks along.” She sniffed again and let out a dry laugh. “We'll that's what I think happened.”
“Then that's probably what's going on. I'm sure Sesshomaru didn't know he was going to impregnate you.” Ayumi let out a humorless laugh and pulled out of Kagome's embrace.
“Yes he did. Male demons can impregnate their mate at anytime they please. He knew what he was doing!” Ayumi's rage began to build and the wind picked up.
“Really?” Kagome asked in wonder. “They can really do that?” Ayumi nodded. Silence fell on them. “Well, let's look on the bright side! You still have eight months to go.” Ayumi shook her head.
“Think again. Demon pregnancies are a lot shorter than human pregnancies. And considering that the child is part dog demon, I can only pass through the well four more times before I have the baby.”
“Four more times?” Kagome asked astounded by the fact. She glanced down at Ayumi's stomach. After knowing she was pregnant, she could see the bulge a little more clearly now. A baby, at such a young age, how was she going to explain this to everyone? Or worse, the father himself? “So what are you going to do?” Kagome asked slowly. Ayumi looked resigned and she walked to the edge of the roof and leaned against the chain link fence that enclosed it.
“What can I do? I need to go back and kill Naraku, and I need to fill in the rest of my sadly departed memories. Whether I like it or not I'm having this baby. It's just a matter of when. When I pass through the well again, I'll be eight weeks and bigger.” Her expression turned serious, and a bit sad. “I'll have to tell my lovely husband anyways.”
Kagome joined her by the fence. “Is there any bright side to this?” She asked. Ayumi shrugged.
“We'll see when we get there.” A protective hand cradled her belly and the wind blew softly around them as they stared at the students file back into class after the lunch bell rang.
AN: Just a big, gigantic, THANK YOU to Iya Kigurashi, inusrosebudforlife, Crystal Gazer95, and Miss Mischief for reviewing me and giving this story a chance. Kisses and hugs to all four of you! Muh!