InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5
Inuyasha, Miroku and Shippo ended up in a large village three hours into their trip. From thirty feet away, he could smell that it was a demon village. Most importantly, a dog demon village. As they entered the hulking gates, they were greeted by four guards. Their hair was dark, and their armor was fine, and their weapons were threatening. Well at least to Shippo and Miroku. Inuyasha glared steadily at them.
“What is your business here half demon?” They sneered at him. Inuyasha humphed and pulled out his sword. The Tessaiga blazed to life and the guards looked wide-eyes at the sword.
“Don't make me kill you.” Inuyasha snickered at them. “I came to speak with your Lord. Where can I find him?” He demanded. The commotion by the gates made curious bystanders stop to see what was happening. Inuyasha's ears twitched as whispers floated around him.
“Stand aside fools.” Boomed a commanding voice. It startled Miroku and Shippo and they moved in closer to Inuyasha for defense. Inuyasha's sword stood in place as the guard moved away, bowing at the newcomer. He was an older man, his once black hair was streaked with silver, his face, withered. He must be really old. Inuyasha thought to himself considering Sesshomaru was way older than him and he still looked young. The old demon's light brown eyes were sharp as ever. They stared at one another, and then the old man bowed. Startled, Inuyasha lowered his sword.
“You honor our clan with your presence, Master Inuyasha.” He said. The other dog demons murmured to one another, but then bowed as well. Embarrassed by the attention, he cleared his throat, backing into Miroku.
“Stop that.” He snapped with a growl. “I'm not staying long.” He humphed and buried his hands in his robes. “I just need to get some information from you.” The old demon stood up, his shoulders straightened.
“Anything Master Inuyasha.” He murmured and beckoned them to follow. He went, cautiously, trying to shake the blush on his cheeks. Every time he passed the demons, they bowed in respect. They couldn't make it to the palace in time. He slid the doors shut himself. Breathing better, Inuyasha turned to the older man.
“Tell me, do you know of any demon by the name of Sai?” He asked. The older demon showed no emotion, as he nodded in response.
“She lived here long ago.”
“You mean she's not here anymore?” He growled in annoyance. Damn it, all this way for nothing!
“She lived at another village, boarding you brother's land. A rival dog demon clan that holds a major part in the south.” He told the group sagely and waved his servants away. They all filed out and the demon lord leaned in ever so slightly. “She was a strange one. Very beautiful, but very cold. Even for a demon. She dealt with dark magic.” He told them. Inuyasha's annoyance soon faded and he listened more closely to the Lord.
“What kind of magic?” Miroku asked. The Lord ignored him, keeping his attention focused on Inuyasha.
“What kind of magic.” Inuyasha repeated sternly.
“She kept a glass ball with her that swirled with unnatural magic. If anyone bothered her, or offended her or got in her way, she cursed them, and turn them to dust.” His back was ramrod straight, his eyes dark as he explained. “One morning, she was gone and we never saw her since.” He shrugged elegantly. “We only know what we hear on the wind.” He said. Inuyasha snorted. So much for this trip. How disappointing. He gathered Miroku and Shippo and they left, out of the Western Lands faster than they came in. Well, it wasn't totally disappointing. He suspected Sai since he heard about her. As day faded into night, Inuyasha pondered over everything he knew, trying to peace together Ayumi's last moments before she was sent to Kagome's time. By morning, Inuyasha decide it was time to find Kagome. She had been away from his far to long, his heart was beginning to bleed. He had been nervous from the first day she was out of his sight, thinking that if anything should happen to her…he didn't want to think about such things. He knew she was safe, with Sango and Ayumi. He jumped to the trees and swung to the highest branch. The wind blasted him full in the face, whipping his hair off of his shoulders. But a scent caught him amidst his pleasure and he stilled. His whole body twitching, his ears rotating to catch the sound. Sesshomaru was close by, and so was Kagome, which only meant one thing. His brother had finally came to his senses and found out about his wife. A small smile came to life, and he hopped down. Miroku and Shippo looked at him with curiosity and his smile widened.
“Let's go.”
Ayumi rubbed her belly as it tightened. She was really considering just jumping in and out of the well to get the pregnancy done and over with. But, something happened last night that startled her. Before she went to bed, she heard the infuriating chirping of a cricket. She didn't care what it was, if it made noise when she was trying to sleep, she would hunt the noise down and destroy it. And it was no different with a cricket. In a thunderous rage, she whipped her dresser aside with a ribbon of wind, sending it crashing against her thick, bedroom door. Narrowing her eyes, she zeroed in and found the little bug trying to make its escape. She lifted her finger and instead of her magic, a string of green shot out and skewered the bug. With a gasp, she stated at her finger as the green string retracted back. That was in no way, her power. Only one person had that kind of magic. She let a smirk seep onto her face, and rubbed her belly fondly.
This child would be a powerful demon indeed. It was already lending her its powers! Sango and Kagome walked side by side in a slow steady place. They were in no hurry at the moment. Kagome had told her that she wanted to find Inuyasha, and that they should stay in this area. She had no problem with that plan. Inuyasha would find them quickly, and he would probably help with the rest of her mission, as long as it led to Naraku.
It was almost two and a half hours into their hike when Ayumi felt the ominous presence of someone she knew all to well. She quickened her steps, startling Kagome and Sango into keeping up with her. The closer she got, the more her skin tingled. Now, in an all out run, winds rushed over her, cradling her in a protective bubble. Her heart sped up and she leapt into the air, colliding with another demon bubble. Beyond the wind ribbons swirling around her she was eye to eye with Sesshomaru. His golden eyes locked onto hers and with a cry, she blasted them both back, away from each other. Their bubbles floated away and then she hers disperse so he could see her fully.
“So, it is you.” He finally said in a jaded tone, so dark and calm. She remembered how annoying that was. He still looks the same, as her eyes greedily took him in. No matter how she felt about him, she had to admit that he was so beautiful. He almost looked to good to be worthy of this world. Like an angel, she thought and tossed her black wavy hair behind her shoulders. She stared defiantly at him, telling him she wasn't intimidated by him in the least. She never would be she promised herself.
“Surprised?” She asked him with a gentle arch of her brow. The wind blew gently across the two of them as they suspended time around them. It was strange, really, because she felt, sort of…relieved that she could see him and be near him. It brought back happier times when she had her father and had her people around her. Sesshomaru was like a symbol of her past. A past she didn't wasn't to forget. Her father always told her that the person she was today was made from the person she was long ago. Everything you experienced, everything you lived for was a part of you. But she was cautious to let that feeling be shown.
“I thought you were dead.” He murmured looking just as bored as his tone. Impassive as he was, she knew him well enough to know that he was waiting for an explanation. But, unfortunately she had none to give him, she thought rather happily.
“You don't seem pleased by that fact.” She observed softly. She lowered her gaze and stared at him through her lashes, a small smile on her mouth. The air around them thickened. They were in their own world, so they didn't notice the others gathered below them to watch the show.
Kagome's neck strained upwards as she held her breath and watched the two demons converse. Sango and Kirara stood closed by her.
“Kagome!” A little boy's voice made her look to the trees and Shippo leapt from the leaves, into her arms. Inuyasha and Miroku weren't far behind. Kagome's heart sped up and she smiled brightly at the half demon. Oh, she missed him so much, and they weren't even away from each other that long!
“Seems to me that you've become quite strong since we were together last time. Impressive.” Ayumi's voice carried to them and their reunion turned back to the face off. Her hands flexed. “But so did I!” She let lose a green string of poison and Sesshomaru dodged it, just barely. His eyes narrowed at her, but he stayed in place. “Granted there're borrowed.” She said simply and studied her nails. “But, I'm sure you know why.” She hissed and her air ribbons surrounded her instantly. Kagome gasped as once again the two started after one another.
“Bitch is pregnant.” Inuyasha realized in a raspy voice. So that's what I smelled that time she came back here the first time. She smelled softer than before. Her human smell was thinning and he could smell her demon scent becoming stronger. Like crisp fresh air in spring, he thought a little whimsically. There was a blinding clash and Kagome held a shaking had to her mouth to cover her gasp. She didn't realize that Inuyasha was holding her until she felt the course fabric of his fire rat robes under her fingers.
“Shouldn't we be doing something?” She cried out as Ayumi and Sesshomaru broke apart and then collided again. Inuyasha's arms tightened around her, holding her in place. He couldn't let her get close, and he couldn't let her interfere. When someone was in a fight, especially demons, it was best to keep far away, because demons didn't pay attention to anything other than their opponent. Still, it was quite a show. He never knew how skilled Kagome's friend was. Myoga had told them that her powers were greater than her fathers, and that, with her help, his father managed to take over a major dog clan. But it was different experience to see it rather than hear it. However, she was out of practice, and Sesshomaru wasn't. He managed to pin her to a tree, his sword under her chin. Kagome let out a moan and buried her face in his robe. And Ayumi did something that surprised them all. She started laughing.
“Are you going to kill me?” Sesshomaru shoved his sword deeper in her throat, but she had no fear. Silence fell over the scene as he simply held her there. No one dared to move. Sesshomaru was so still…
“Inuyasha!” Miroku's voice rang with alarm and he pulled his attention away from the couple.
“Damn it!” H cursed. Big, yellow wasps buzzed toward them. All their fighting must have alerted Naraku towards them. They moved quickly to destroy them.
Ayumi heard the buzzing and the battle cry from Inuyasha. It made both she and Sesshomaru look down to see what was going on. There were big yellow wasps flying in like a storm cloud.
“What a nuisance.” Sesshomaru muttered and removed his sword from her throat. It was a good thing to, because she could feel its evil powers pulse rapidly, begging for her blood. The wasps broke away from one another and swarmed around them. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru hacked away with their swords.
“Ewww, bugs!” She scoffed and shuddered. She hated bugs.
“Dance of blades.” She attacked the three getting close to her with a wrinkled nose. But when she did so, it was like they all turned on her. The cloud of wasps divided into three and flew rapidly around her. She put up a bubble just in time for the first wave of attacks. The humming nose of their wings made her dizzy and she put a hand up to her head. The bubble around her pulsed when she lost her concentration. A sharp poke in the side made her cry out and she skewered the bug and it fluttered to the ground. She put a hand to her side wincing at the sting. The buzz grew louder and she gulped back a wave of nausea at the sound. With a scream, she let lose a blast of wind and the wasps flew backwards. Her head pulsed and she dropped to her knees, holding her belly. No matter what, she thought hazily, she had to keep the bubble up. She had to protect her self, her baby…and with a moan, she blacked out.
“Ayumi!” Kagome screamed as the air bubble floated gently down to the ground. She tossed aside her bow and arrows and ran as fast as she could to her friend. She dropped to her knees and with shaky hands, focused her energy into her hand so she could pierce the wind bubble. The wind ribbons faded away and Ayumi was breathing raggedly. She felt cold and clammy to the touch. She shook her shoulders, urging her to open her eyes. Ayumi's breath hitched and she struggled to open her eyes.
“Kagome…I don't feel so well.” She whispered so softly it was difficult to hear her. “Take me back to the well. I don't want to die here.”
Kagome blinked back tears and shook her head. “Don't say that, you won't die!” Her voice wavered. Ayumi forced her eyes open and she grabbed Kagome's hand. Wind rushed around them and lifted them into the air. “Ayumi…” She was cut short as the bubble rushed into the air and sailed them back to the well. Kagome struggled in the bubble. No, they couldn't' go back into the well just yet, not yet! “Ayumi wake up! We can't Ayumi, not yet, we can't!” She shook her friend roughly. But she was unresponsive. It wasn't Ayumi controlling the bubble, or the wind. Shakily, she moved her hand over the little bump and felt the child kick hard. Shocked, she jerked her hand back. The baby was taking them to the well? “But why?” She whispered and the bubble dropped into the well, past the time barrier. Once the light show was over, the bubble shot out and broke through the well door. She closed her eyes as the bubble picked up speed. Lights from the streets and buildings zoomed past her and she moved her body, over Ayumi's, as if trying to protect her. And then, it stopped, cautiously, she opened one eye. The bubble placed them on a soft bed. After collecting herself, Kagome climbed off the bed and looked at her surroundings. They were back in the present, back in Ayumi's room.
Inuyasha had barley finished with the last of the wasps when he was jerked back and slammed to the ground. Groaning, he blinked away his daze and stared at the tip of Sesshomaru's sword. How the hell did this happen?
“Where did the priestess take her?” He demanded without raising his voice. Confused, Inuyasha looked around him from his place on the ground. Where did Kagome go? He was so wrapped up in killing the wasps that he didn't see what had happened to her. Sesshomaru must have seen his confusion because he sheathed his sword. Inuyasha rolled to his feet, brushing the dirt from his robe, all the while, glaring at his brother. He muttered a few mean things he was sure Sesshomaru heard.
“Sango, Miroku! Where are Kagome and Ayumi?” He bellowed. Kirara landed beside him ad the couple jumped off of her. Sango was breathing hard.
“I saw one of the wasp sting Ayumi. She fell to the ground and Kagome went to see what had happened. The next thing I knew, they were floating through the air toward the well.” Miroku explained. Inuyasha sniffed the air. Well, he thought in a huff, that was just freaking great!
“Where is this well?” Sesshomaru commanded. Inuyasha smirked.
“You can't go through!” He said in a snide tone. “You need something that connects you to that world.” Sesshomaru simply lifted a brow.
“She is carrying something that connects me to that world. Have you forgotten?” He didn't really ask. More like gloated at Inuyasha's attempts to keep him here. Inuyasha folded his arms, and regarded the back of his brother as Sesshomaru began the trip to the well. Arrogant punk.
“Are you going with him?” Sango asked him after a while. Keh, he had no choice did he? Sulking, he told the gang to wait for him and reluctantly went to the well. Sesshomaru hadn't gone through yet, he was waiting. Cautiously, he landed in the lush grass by the well and regarded his brother through lowered, studying eyes.
“Just jump in.” He said finally. Sesshomaru didn't look at his as he spoke, merely stared into the depths. He was unsure Inuyasha realized with a smirk. It was the first time he actually seen Sesshomaru stumped as to what to do. So, like any annoying little brother would do, he jumped in to show off. He passed through the barrier and out of the well. Sesshomaru wasn't far behind. Slowly, with care, he stepped beside Inuyasha and looked around the dark well shed. Kagome's grandfather kept old knick knacks on the old, shelves, `claming' them to be family heirlooms and such. Jerking the sliding door open, Inuyasha stepped outside. Sesshomaru followed and reared back his head at the scents that assaulted him. Grudgingly, Inuyasha felt of him because when he first came here, the air smelled dirty and thick with what Kagome called `pollution'. It wasn't as bad here, at Kagome's family shrine because they were close to the forest. But when you got further into the huge metal village, the smell grew stronger, and made his head pulse with a headache.
“This is the future? Filth and humans in the air?” Sesshomaru commented in an offhanded tone. The two brothers began out of the shed when a flash of red and black came out of nowhere
“Inuyasha!” A small little boy sailed onto his legs. “Did you come to visit me? Where is Kagome? Who is this?” The questions shot out of his mouth in two seconds flat and Inuyasha let a rare warm smile show. Soon, he was all over Sesshomaru, staring wide eyes at his clothed and his little poofy tail thing. (Inuyasha had no idea what they were, and hoped that he didn't grow one) “What is this? You have two swords? And that kimono is really cool. Hey, you look like Inuyasha! But you don't have ears? Why don't you have ears like Inuyasha? Are you a demon to?” Inuyasha was surprised that Sesshomaru let him touch him. He was watching the boy in mild interest as he bombarded him with excided questions.
“Did you see Kagome?” Inuyasha asked him. Sota dragged his attention from Sesshomaru to Inuyasha.
“No. Is she okay? Should I tell Mom and Grandpa to help look for her?” Inuyasha patted him on the head in assurance. He had caught their smell as the wind changed.
“I'll find her. Just don't tell you mom and grandpa that we were here okay kid?” Sota studied him a little, but then nodded and smiled at him and then gave Sesshomaru a smile.
“Okay. I trust you Inuyasha.” Uncomfortable at the look Sesshomaru gave him, he left in a swirl of red. Together, they followed the girls' scent. Secretly, Inuyasha was a little surprised that Sesshomaru was actually following him without saying a word. The hopped and jumped and sailed through the air. Finally, they arrived on the far side of town. Huge hulking houses gleamed in the moonlight of the night. Inuyasha sniffed the air to make sure they were in the right place, and the brothers stopped. Lights from the lawn and lamps from the streets were the only thing on. Inuyasha jumped to a balcony and then three more that poked from the huge white house until he could smell Kagome's scent strongly. There were two doors that flapped in the gentle breeze and he jerked one open. The room was decorated in peach and off white. Kagome was sitting on the edge of the bed, next to Ayumi.
“Inuyasha!” She cried out and jumped from the bed to hug him. He grunted and pulled her from him, a blush gracing his face.
“Damn girl! Why did you come back here?” He demanded, shaking her gently by the shoulders. Kagome's delighted expression turned dark and she pulled from his hands.
“I didn't! The baby brought us here!” She protested in a huff, and then her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “And I can't wake her up.” She turned from him and then halted in her steps when she saw Sesshomaru leaning over the bed and peering at Ayumi.
“How did he get here?” She asked him. Sesshomaru didn't pay them much heed. Instead he lifted her shirt up and studied the festering wasp sting. Kagome swallowed hard and kept her distance as he did so, giving Inuyasha a questioningly look. And then Sesshomaru did something that caused both of them to gawk. He began sucking her wound. Inuyasha pulled Kagome back when she went to stop him. She struggled in his arms and he dragged her out of the window and jumped them to the roof of Ayumi's house.
“What do you think you're doing?!” Kagome yelled at him as soon as he let her go.
“I know she's your friend Kagome. Sesshomaru is helping her believe it our not.” Hell, even he didn't completely believe it. Must be because she was carrying his kid. He plopped his self down. I suppose I can't be completely surprised he amended his thoughts, demons were possessive about their offspring, and even death was something they would fight. Despite their differences, he understood what Sesshomaru was doing, or going to do, even now, he could smell the air blow him start to change. Growling he jumped to his feet. Bastard, he knew he and Kagome were still around and he didn't even care! He didn't want to be here when they began…
“Inuyasha! Are you even listing to me?” Kagome's sharp voice snapped him out of his fuming.
“We have to go.” He told her quickly and she squealed in outrage when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her along.
“What?! I can't just leave! Inuyasha! Don't make me say it!” She warned and that stopped him cold in his tracks. She couldn't `sit' him, he thought in growing panic. He would crash though the roof and land right in the middle of Sesshomaru's…shudder…mating.
The horrible haze Ayumi was in was turning into white and she arched her back at the sudden shot of pain. Her side burned like a lit fire, and she couldn't really move. The pulsing in her head dulled and she managed to open her eyes in a flutter of lashes. Another sharp pain and she jerked away, but something, or rather, someone kept her in place. She groaned in protest and her powers snapped awake and tried to blast the offending person away. But her power, along with her body was weak and did nothing in her defense. And then another feeling shocked her into a shudder. The person stroked her wrist and a wave of forgotten pleasure coursed though her body. The pain was gone and she forced her head to turn and see the person that coached such a response from her. His white head was bent over her side and he pulled his mouth from her wound. His golden eyes bore into hers and he stroked her wrist again and she hissed at him and parted her lips in invitation. He stared, and at first, she thought he would just stay there, but he moved slowly and pressed his lips over hers ever so slightly. She bit him and lapped the blood that flowed. His blood had always been a source of raw power for her, and as soon as the red liquid ran down her throat her body sparked to life and she grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled him closer to her. He pulled his head back and regarded her impassively. His lips were still bleeding, and his hair was mussed by her fingers.
He waited for her to move. Some things never change…she thought and bent her head and kissed him softly, letting her fingers drop from his hair. Finally, he responded to her and kissed her back. The air grew warm, and the pulsing between her thighs intensified. Her fingers moved on their own accord, unbuckling his armor from his shoulders and tossing it aside. It clanked to the floors and she began pulling at his belts and pushing his robes from his shoulders. He, on the other hand, didn't even bother with her clothes, with one swipe of his claws, her uniform was shredded to pieces. Once, all their clothes were taken care of, he flipped her to her hands and knees and settled behind her. She braced herself, wrapping her hands around the iron poles of her headboard. The bed shifted and when he penetrated her, she lifted her hips away, and he pulled them back down. Roughly, they collided together and she moaned low in her throat and moved with him. The rhythm was rushed and hard. Ayumi's breathing came out in rasping gasps as they hit together in a slap of skin. The headboard hit the wall with resounding bangs
“Take me back into the room.” Kagome demanded, tapping her foot on the roof tiles. She didn't care if Sesshomaru was helping her or not. Ayumi was one of her best friends and she had to see that she was going to be okay. And stupid Inuyasha was keeping her out here in the cold, mere feet from her friend.
“We'll stay up here.” He argued, avoiding eye contact. Kagome knew something was up, because he was sure acting strange. His cheeks were pink and it wasn't because of the cold either. He was pacing the roof too, and Inuyasha never paced. She sighed and sat back down in a pout. Jerk, what was going on with him? They sat in silence, with her shivering. But soon, the peaceful quit night was pierced with a scream and Kagome leapt to her feet.
“That was Ayumi! He's hurting her! Inuyasha, we have to go help!” She cried in concern and ran to the edge of the roof, deciding to climb down the thick drain pipe. But once again Inuyasha pulled her back up. He looked angry and she felt tension sizzle throughout him. “But…”
“She's not screaming from pain!” He snapped at her, his face turning red and he humphed and turned away. Kagome blinked. What was he talking about? Someone screams when something is a matter with them! “We're staying up here!” And he began pacing again, but with more determined strides. Kagome was left standing speechless. Well, if he wasn't going to tell her then she would have to find out herself! She closed her eyes and concentrated her own priestess powers. She moved them over Ayumi and they trembled before she let the emotions float over her. And Inuyasha was right! She wasn't in any kind of pain, it was far different than pain. With a strangled cry, she let her powers fade quickly and put a hand to her hammering heart.
“How, could, I mean…she's pregnant!” She managed to stammer and pressed her hand to her burning cheeks.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Inuyasha inquired, stopping his pacing. Kagome gulped and shook her head, not sure what to say. Those feeling were still running rampant though her blood. No matter how she tried to shake them, they still pulsed rapidly through her. “Kagome!” Inuyasha barked and shook her by the shoulders. “How did you know…what they were doing?” He shuddered.
“I-I mean, I used my powers!” She cried stuffing a cork in her sizzling body.
“What powers?” He asked her, studying her intently.
“I can feel what people are feeling. Like now, you're embarrassed and frustrated and…cautious.” She frowned. She could understand embarrassed and frustrated, but cautious? Why was he cautious? Was it because of her?
“And when did you get these powers?” He demanded and released her, taking a step back. Kagome shrugged and sat back down on the roof tiles.
“I guess I've always had them. They're still kinda new to me still, and I don't use them often. It's the first time I read you, so don't look at me that way!” Inuyasha folded his arms and regarded her mutely.
“So, now you know what they're doing. Can we go now?” He finally said and held out a hand. Kagome regarded him in surprise, but took his hand with a smile.
Ayumi didn't know when she fell asleep last night. All she knew was that when she woke up, her side still stung, and her mouth was dry, but she never felt any better. She groaned and put a hand to her head and yawned.
What time was it? That thought made her bolt up and she hissed when her wound bit her. The numbers 7:27 blared accusingly at her and she jumped from her bed and ran into the bathroom. She flipped the water on, and stripped from her soiled school uniform. Five minutes later, she wrapped a big, fluffy white towel around her body and hurried into her room. She gasped and skidded to a halt when she saw him sitting elegantly on her bedroom couch. He only had his robes on and his head was buried in a book.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” He asked her, not looking from his book as he spoke. His question brought her out of her brief stupor.
“School.” She answered and stepped into her walk in closet to her left and flipped on the light. She hesitated for a moment, before shutting the door to get dressed. When that was done, and she managed to pull a brush though her hair, she opened her door and ran smack into Sesshomaru's chest. Blinking, she reared back, but he only pulled her back to him.
“What are you doing…ahh!” He backed her into a wall and slid a knee between her legs. No, no time! She tried to blast him back, but was like an unmovable marble statue. With his one arm, he pinned her right hand to the wall. Ayumi resisted bucking against him.
“What exactly is school?” He asked her. She gritted her teeth and stilled her breath, summoning another attack, and right when she was about to let it loose, he stroked her wrist and a startled moan escaped her. How was he doing that? He leaned in and placed his moist lips next to her ear. She shuddered, and let out a squeak of protest. “Tell me.”
“It's a place to learn!” She cried out. “And I'm late!” She yelled and finally managed to move him away from her. She grabbed her sensitive wrist, grabbed her school bag from the floor and formed a bubble around her. The jerk! She fumed and flew out the window, leaving him staring at her with a smirk on his face. Ayumi found a place to land that wasn't far from her school. Matter of fact, she wasn't far from Kagome's route. She looked around for her. Where did she go last night? She knew Kagome came back with her. And she knew Inuyasha was the one who brought Sesshomaru though the well to her home. With a groan, a new problem rapidly developed. Sesshomaru was at her house, in her home! Her parents were going to come home today, and Tanaka…Aw, man, Tanaka! What would happen if he saw him? Would he call the police? Would Sesshomaru kill him? He better not!
“Ayumi!” Her rampant thoughts halted at that voice and Kagome approached her in a run. She didn't know why, but she was blushing. Definitly not something a demon was supposed to do. But from the look on Kagome's face, the way she was kinda avoiding eye contact, was enough to tell her that Kagome know what had happened last night.
“Hey.” She forced herself a smile, knowing it look sheepish and embarrassed. Kagome exchanged the same kind of smile.
“The bell is going to ring in two minute. We should hurry.” Kagome said after a long, awkward silence. Ayumi's mood changed and she let out a sigh of relief. Thank you Kagome, for not saying anything…
AN: Thank you inusrosebudforlife and princessAly2006 for your reviews. Kisses and hugs to both of you!