InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unofficial ❯ The Problem with Men ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Here we go a-fucking-gain," Kagome mumbled as her mother bragged about yet another possible suitor for her daughter. This time, it was a thirty-nine-year-old divorcee with two kids and a five bedroom home outside of Tokyo.

"And he makes over two hundred thousand a year, Kagome! He's perfect for you," her mother gushed as she went around touching everything in Kagome's apartment.

"No, he's perfect for you," Kagome coolly replied as she snatched a magazine out of her mother's hand and placed it back on her coffee table. "Would you stop moving my things? I have them where I want them."

Kagome stomped into her kitchen to grab a bag of chips. She was starving, but she didn't want to eat anything heavy since she was meeting Sango and Miroku for dinner in three hours. Miroku's boss was treating him to dinner in celebration of his recent promotion, and they had invited Kagome along.

She didn't really want to go, but felt like she owed Sango. Kagome had been avoiding her since they went to the club last week. Sango apparently noticed her sudden disappearance and adamantly questioned her about it, but Kagome denied anything happened. She made up a story about feeling lightheaded and calling a cab home so as not to disturb her friend's "make out" session.

Sango had given up her line of questioning the last few days, but that could also be because Kagome was ignoring most of her calls.

"Kagome, aren't you listening to me?" her mother asked, walking into the kitchen and starting to rearrange a spice rack. Kagome rolled her eyes.

"I was attempting to ignore you," she said in a dull voice. Her mother sighed and continued on, ignoring the tone her daughter used.

"He has two sons—thirteen and ten years old—and he has full custody of them. I took the liberty of telling him just how much you adore children and—"

"That makes you a liar then, because I hate kids," Kagome interrupted.

"Nonsense. How can you hate kids? You don't have any," her mother pointed out as she switched to rearranging Kagome's dishes. "Where's your good china, Kagome? I know I bought you some…"

"I gave it to Sango; it was ugly," Kagome responded with a shrug. Her mother narrowed her eyes at her, but didn't say a word. She was used to her daughter's indifference to most things. A trait she blamed solely on Kagome's father.

"How do you expect to find a good man and have children if you don't have good china?"

Kagome threw her hand across her forehead, and the other held her heart as if she was in pain.

"Oh no! Now I'll be alone forever all because I don't give a shit about stupid plates with paint on them! The horror!"

"Very cute, Kagome," her mother said as she finished the dishes and moved on to rearranging the food cabinets. "One day, you'll thank me for everything that I do."

"You know you've said that since I was five, and I have yet to thank you. Are you sure that day is actually going to come?" Kagome asked her mother with a small playful smirk. She loved her mother; she just loved screwing with her more.

"Of course it will. If it's the last thing I do, I will find a man to marry you and knock you up," her mother said with finality in her tone. She went back to rearranging Kagome's things—signaling the conversation was over.

Kagome shook her head and walked out of her kitchen to her bedroom. She glanced at her alarm clock and noted that she had two hours to dress and head to the restaurant. She began rummaging through her closet for something to wear, but was interrupted when something was flung in her face.

"I already picked out the perfect dress for you, dear," her mother said, holding up the offensive material that hit her.

'Crazy as she may be, the woman has taste,' Kagome thought to herself as she checked out the dress. It was a beautiful shade of gray and stopped at the knees. Kagome quirked a brow when she saw the plunging neckline.

"There's no way you'll come home alone tonight," her mother said, noticing what she was looking at. Kagome rolled her eyes and gathered her toiletries for her shower. She left the room, hearing her mother's giggles.

After showering and washing her hair, Kagome reentered her room to find a curious puppy on her bed and her mother standing in front of a chair with a blow dryer and curlers in her hand.

"Crazy lady, what are you doing?" Kagome asked, looking at her suspiciously. Her mother pointed the curlers at the chair.

"Sit." Kagome rolled her eyes and stomped over to the chair, flopping down. "I'm going to get you a husband even if it kills you, dear."

"There wouldn't be a point since I'd be dead," Kagome responded.

"Yes, dear, but at least I'd have a son-in-law." Her mother ended the conversation by turning on the blow dryer and drying her daughters hair.

Once she had Kagome's hair dry, she began putting in loose curls and fixing them to fall freely around her face. When that was finished, she applied eyeliner, lip liner, and lip gloss to her daughter, ignoring Kagome's protests.

"I can put on my own makeup, Mom! Damn!" Kagome said once her lips were free from her mother. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and had to admit her mom had skills.

"Stop ogling yourself and get dressed. You only have around an hour to get there, and it's halfway across town," her mother told her, ushering her towards the bed with her dress on it.

Kagome slipped into her dress while her mother fetched her some shoes. The dress fit her perfectly and hugged her curves.

'So, sexy sexy, oh oh,' Kagome sung in her head. Her mother handed her a pair of heels that matched her dress perfectly in color. After slipping them on, she grabbed her purse and keys, gave her nameless pup a pat on the head, and let her mother drag her to the front door.

"I'll feed the dog and lock up here; you just make sure you find me a son-in-law tonight," her mother said as she all but pushed Kagome out the door without so much as a goodbye.

'Crazy ass woman,' Kagome grumbled to herself as she made her way to the elevator and into the garage. She hopped into her car and headed towards the restaurant. It took her almost thirty minutes to get there and another five to spot Miroku and Sango waiting for her outside the door.

Nevaeh was an American-inspired restaurant, owned by an American woman who wedded a Japanese man. The place was so popular that you had to make a reservation anywhere from a week to a month ahead—if you were one of the "common folk". If you had the money to burn, you could get a reservation the same day.

"Kagome, you look exquisite," Miroku said as he kissed her hand and smiled at her. Kagome nodded her thanks.

"You don't look half-bad Miroku. Who's the babe?" Kagome asked, pointing to the woman standing next to him.

"I'll take that as a compliment, Mrs. Hot Stuff," Sango replied. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant black dress that hugged her body and ended at her ankles. Her hair was swept up into a neat bun, and her bangs lay straight, hovering above her eyes.

"Why are you guys standing out here?" Kagome asked.

"We were waiting on you and Yash," Miroku told her, his brown eyes scanning the people walking up and around the restaurant. A grin spread on his face as a red Ducati pulled up in the valet station. "Ah, here he is now."

Kagome turned to see who he was referring to when her world stopped. Her eyes widened as the last person on Earth she wanted to see tipped the valet and began towards them. His eyes fell upon her, and his step faltered slightly, nothing noticeable unless you were staring—like she was.

She didn't remember him looking so…sexy. His silver hair hung down his back in a single braid, his bangs hung over his golden eyes. He was dressed in black slacks and a red button-down, the first three buttons undone. His shirt hung unstuck, and he had one hand tucked into his front pocket. Triangular ears stood alert on top of his head.

'Now that's a nice slice of Beef Cake,' Kagome mentally drooled. The two kept eye contact as he joined the group, only breaking once Miroku began the introductions.

"Yash, you remember my beloved Sango?" Yash smiled and nodded, taking Sango's hand and kissing it. "And this lovely doll is her best friend Kagome."

Yash looked at Kagome and grabbed her hand, lightly brushing his lips over while looking her dead in the eye. Kagome felt a shiver go up her spine and prayed no one else noticed. The smirk on Yash's face killed that thought.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kagome," he said, her name rolled smoothly off his lips.

"Same here" was Kagome's simple response. She was too busy trying to rebury the images of their naked bodies together to give a better response. He only smirked and turned towards Miroku, stating they should head inside.

The four were shown quickly to their table towards the back of the restaurant. Miroku and Sango sat across from Kagome and Inuyasha. Sango was silently sizing the two up and Kagome know what was going through her mind.

A setup.

No, Kagome mouthed to Sango once she had made eye contact. Sango only gave her a cunning smile before striking up a conversation with the silver-haired god sitting beside her.

'You will not strangle your best friend and bury her under your mother's house. You will not strangle your best friend…' Kagome kept the chant going in her head while the other three held a conversation. The moment was short-lived…

"What?" Kagome asked. Sango playfully rolled her eyes.

"I said, weren't you the one who headed the Hibushi software?" Sango asked. Kagome looked at her suspiciously. Sango knew damn well…

"Yes, I headed the software," Kagome replied, wanting to see just what her sneaky friend was up to.

"Well, you do know that Inuyasha is the owner of the company you sold it to, right?" Sango asked, eyes sparkling with pure mischief.

"How would I know that, Sango?" Kagome asked, even though she already knew Inuyasha owned the company.

Inuyasha must have sensed her tension because he came to her rescue. "It was in the papers."

"Oh, yeah; Kagome doesn't read newspapers. Sorry, Kags," Sango apologized sincerely enough. Kagome nodded her head in forgiveness.

"You don't read the paper?" Inuyasha questioned Kagome with an eyebrow raised.

"No, I don't. Is that a sin?" Kagome shot back. Inuyasha just smirked.

"So, you work for a big business, yet you don't read the news. Interesting," he said before turning towards Miroku and switching the topic.

Kagome was about to give him her two cents when the waiter came over to take their orders. Sango had noticed Kagome's building anger and kept her engaged in conversation until their food arrived.

The night passed rather quickly, even with Inuyasha picking off Kagome's plate and "accidentally" elbowing her in her side multiple times.

"This was fun; we should definitely do it again," Miroku said as he and Sango were heading off to their car.

"I'll call you later, Kagome," Sango called over her shoulder. Kagome waved at the departing couple and smiled. The smile quickly vanished once she realized they left her alone with Inuyasha. She turned slowly to find him looking at her expectantly.

The two were silent for a moment, just staring at one another as the world carried on around them.

"You're a jackass," Kagome blurted out. 'A complete and utterly sexy jackass.' In truth, he wasn't that bad, but she had a very low tolerance for bullshit on any level. As hot and sexy and completely irresistible as he looked, Kagome still wasn't tolerating any bull.

"And you're a bitch. So, how do you suppose we solve this problem?"

Kagome wasn't exactly sure how they ended up in her apartment, scaring the hell out of her little, nameless puppy.

Nor was she entirely sure how his tongue ended up in her mouth, his hands running along her body as they fumbled into her bedroom.

Once they were in her room, he kicked her door closed and began walking her towards her bed, never breaking their intense kiss. Kagome somehow managed to slip out of her heels before she felt the back of her legs come into contact with her bed.

Inuyasha broke the kiss and shoved Kagome none too gently on her bed. Her body bounced slightly off the bed before landing back softly.

Inuyasha had in that small amount of time removed his shirt and unbuckled his pants. He crawled on top of her and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

He began placing open-mouth kisses on her jaw, working his way down to her neck where he began lightly nipping and sucking.

Kagome ran her hands up and down his back, eyes closed, basking in the pleasure he was bestowing upon her.

Inuyasha leaned up onto his knees, pulling her with him. He pulled her dress up over her head and threw it over his head. He made quick work of her bra with his claws and laid her back on the bed, going back to his ministrations on her neck.

He began traveling down to her chest, kissing and licking. He licked a trail over to her right breast, circling his tongue around the nipple before enclosing his lips around it.

His right hand began to massage her left breast as he gently sucked and nibbled and her right. He then switched over to her left breast, continuing his ministrations.

Kagome arched her back and moaned, enjoying the way Inuyasha was handling her body. She reached out to gently massage his ears while he continued working his magic on her breasts.

Inuyasha licked a trail down her flat tummy, circling around her belly button and to the top of her underwear. He moved his hands from her breasts and ran his hands down her sides, lightly running his claws over her skin.

He then looped a claw under each side of her underwear and pulled, tearing them. He discarded of the ripped garment and went back to licking his way down.

Kagome's back arched off the bed as she felt his hot, wet tongue slide over her core. She opened her mouth in a silent scream and squeezed her eyes shut.

Inuyasha ran his tongue up and down her slick flower, savoring the sweet flavor of it. He dipped his tongue into her entrance, moving it in and out, listening to her moans. He could live off of her juice alone for the rest of his life and be the happiest man on Earth.

He slowly licked up to her clit and circled around it before sucking it into his mouth and sucking it gently yet firmly. Kagome was moaning uncontrollably at this point. She could feel the coil in her stomach getting tighter and tighter each time he sucked on her clit. Her hands gripped the sheets, and she let out a half-moan, half-scream as a fierce tremor took over her body and her juices flowed.

Inuyasha lapped her sweet nectar up hungrily and placed a soft kiss on her core before standing and removing his pants. He placed a condom over his hardened length and readied himself between her still trembling thighs.

Kagome was still trying to recover from her orgasm when she felt his thick shaft entering her body. She let out a soft moan and tightly gripped his shoulders.

Inuyasha let out a shaky breath as he pushed his shaft deep into her body. She was tight, gripping him like a vice. Once he was completely buried inside of her, he began moving in and out at a slow pace.

Kagome ran her nails down his bare back, urging him to go faster, to dominate her. Inuyasha complied, driving himself into with deep, strong thrusts.

Their hands wondered everywhere, their husky breaths intermingling as they took pleasure from each other's bodies. They were both covered with a light sheen of sweat. Bodies rocking against each other with abandon.

Inuyasha felt her body tense around his, and he knew she was close. His own release was impending. He began thrusting harder, wilder into her. Kagome's screams reached a new high as they both came to their sweet releases.

When he felt the last of his release seep into the condom, Inuyasha removed himself from her body, earning a soft moan from Kagome. He stood and walked out of her bedroom in search of the bathroom to dispose of the now soiled condom.

Kagome used the last of her strength to move up further onto her bed, resting her head on her pillow. She turned her body on her side and began to let herself drift off, somewhat aware of the body that slid into bed behind her.

She came to her senses as she felt something cool against her wrists and a snapping noise. She opened her eyes and lifted her head to find both her wrists handcuffed to her headboard.

"What the—" Her sentence never got finished as she felt Inuyasha enter her from behind. She let out a soft moan.

Inuyasha licked her neck up to her ear as he thrust painfully slow inside of her. He nibbled on her earlobe and whispered, "Ready for round two, baby?"