InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unofficial ❯ You Can't Leave Without Them ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The faint sound of keys and a door opening could be heard in the background, but the girl in bed was too tired to care. The soft clicking of heels grew louder and then the sound of another door opening…..

"Oh my, I see you finally listened to mommy…"

Kagome jumped at the sound of her mother's voice, pulling the sheets up to her neck to cover her naked body. "MOM!"

"No need to cover up now dear, I changed your diapers I know just what you look like." Her mother said while walking to the other side of the bed to look at the young man who could hopefully be her son-in-law. "My, my, my aren't you a handsome one."

"Mom get out before he wakes up!" Kagome said as she eased out of bed and grabbed her robe, slipping it on. She grabbed her mother by the wrist and dragged her from the room, closing the door behind her. "Why are you here?"

"To see how your night went, obviously. Though I can see it went better than planned." Her mother smiled at her and walked into the kitchen. "I'll make breakfast for you two, heaven knows you can't cook. And don't worry I'll be gone before he wakes."

Kagome just rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom to shower. Fifteen minutes later she emerged from the bathroom feeling refreshed and hungry. She eased into her bedroom quickly grabbing a white tank top and a pair of light blue shorts. She slipped them on and headed towards the kitchen where her mother was just finishing the food.

"You did all that, that quick?" Kagome asked amazed at her mother. "What are you a ninja?" Her mother just laughed and waved her off.

In the time it had taken her to dress and shower, her mother made a complete meal of pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, sunny side up eggs, hash browns, grits and a pot of coffee.

Her mom was the shit.

"Alright dear I'm off now. Make sure you feed that fine specimen in your bedroom." Her mother gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek before walking to the door. "Oh and Kagome, make sure you tell him you made it."

Kagome nodded as her mother left. She went back to the kitchen and fished out two plates and two coffee mugs. She went about fixing her and Inuyasha's plates before sitting them on the table. She was about to go wake Inuyasha when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist.

"I was just about to wake you." Kagome said leaning back into him. She still hated his guts, but after last night…..she still hated him though….

"Who can sleep when there's food around that smells that good." He replied sniffing the air.

"I left you a spare tooth brush and towel on the bathroom sink. You can eat afterwards." Kagome told him, pushing away and making them coffee. "How do you take yours?"

"Sugar and cream, thanks." he answered over his shoulder as he entered the bathroom.

Ten minutes later found Kagome and Inuyasha at the kitchen table enjoying her mother's cooking. She felt bad taking credit for the meal, but there was no way in hell that she was telling him that her mother had walked in on them. She felt herself blush as she recalled the positions he had put her in while she was handcuffed.

Speaking of which….

"Where did you get the handcuffs from?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her.

"They were hanging on your bathroom door. I meant to ask you about that. Who the hell just hangs handcuffs on their bathroom door?"

'My mother.' Kagome answered his question mentally. 'I'll cut her into tiny little pieces and spread her remains in the sewer!'

"Uh, I must have sat them there and forgot about them." Kagome shrugged and continued eating, ignoring the look of suspicion he was giving her. He sighed and continued to eat in silence.

When they were finished Kagome grabbed their plates and began washing them and putting away the left over food. She had enough breakfast to last her a week! She was almost done with the dishes when there was a knock on her door.

"I'll get it." Inuyasha said as he made his way to the door. Kagome dried the last plate before putting it away and walking into the living room to see her mother drilling Inuyasha.

"Mom, why are you here?" Kagome asked, desperately trying to hang on to any shred of patience she had left where her mother was concerned.

"Well dear I thought I would come and spend the day with you, but then this gorgeous hunk of testosterone opened the door." Her mother lied right through her teeth.

'That little cretin just wanted to get the 411 on him. Lying little…'

"So, what did you say your name was young man?" Her mother asked, as if she didn't already know.

Inuyasha looked from Kagome's mother to Kagome, clearly confused. "Its Inuyasha Taisho."

"Taisho as in Taisho Industries?" Kagome's mother asked. Kagome could've dropped dead.

"Yes…" Inuyasha replied hesitantly. He was even more afraid by the look that appeared on her mother's face.

"Well what do you know? My daughter is porking the all famous Inuyasha Taisho!" she exclaimed happily. "My name is Kara by the way, but you can call me mom dear."

Inuyasha's eyes were wide as saucers and Kagome felt like her heart would stop at any moment.

"Mom! What is wrong with you? Did you finally jump off the deep end?" Kagome yelled at her still smiling mother, only to be ignored.

"I've been shopping for a man worthy enough to be my daughter's husband and I must say you most certainly fit the description. Are you up for marriage dear?" Kara Higurashi continued on as if her daughter wasn't even standing there.

"I - um - I haven't really thought of marriage ma'am." Inuyasha said scratching the back of his head. Did she do this to all her daughter's male callers? That would explain why she's single…

"I swear I am having you committed to the first asylum that will take you." Kagome said as she left the room out of embarrassment.

She could still hear her mother drilling Inuyasha as she slammed her bedroom door shut and proceeded to flop on her bed and scream into one of her fluffy pillows. Why did her mother insist on embarrassing her?

'There's goes my chances of having round 3.…' She thought sadly to herself. Inuyasha was certainly a God in the bedroom department. Her mind drifted off to the encounters they had the night before. The positions, the touches, the moans…

"Please tell me she does that to everyone and not just me."

Kagome sat up on her knees in the bed and turned to see Inuyasha standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face.

"She asked me if I had a healthy sperm count and then began to wonder out loud if our kids would take after my silver hair and gold eyes." Inuyasha flopped down on the bed next to Kagome.

"Oh my God Inuyasha I am so sorry!" Kagome said throwing her hands over her eyes. "She just has this thing about me getting married and - ugh!" Kagome threw her body backwards to lay on the bed. Her body was as stiff as a board as she lay there thinking of creative ways to end her mother.

"You seem a little tense there Kagome." Inuyasha said while rubbing a hand over her stomach, slowing traveling lower. Kagome let her hands slip from over her eyes as she watched Inuyasha's hand slowly travel lower on her body, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

His hand dipped into her shorts and into her panties, moving his fingers over her already slick folds. "Wet already Kagome?"

Kagome gave him a small glare before she closed her eyes and let out a moan. His finger was now drawing small circles over her clit. Kagome's body squirmed in pleasure from the feeling.

Inuyasha then dipped two of his fingers into her moist entrance, watching as her back arched from the unrepentant probe. Her eyes closed tight, face flushed, moans spilling from her mouth as he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of her.

"You like that?" Inuyasha huskily asked, all the while watching the emotions flash across her face. Her mouth was open in a silent scream and she was struggling to open her eyes. He was completely turned on.

"Y-yes." Was the only thing she could say. The pleasure he was giving her was too much. She couldn't speak - she was hardly breathing!

The pleasure intensified ten fold when she suddenly felt a third finger enter her. A moan to rival all moans spilled from her dry mouth as Inuyasha's fingers picked up their pace.

Kagome arched her back and let the moans flow freely from her. Inuyasha felt like he was in a trance watching her body wither and listening to the sweet music coming from her mouth. "Say my name." It wasn't a question.

Kagome tried to look at him, but her eyes just refused to open. How could she say his name, the pleasure was too intense.

Inuyasha raised her brow at her ignoring his demand. He moved his fingers faster, going deeper into her, brushing past her spot of pleasure. Her moans increased in value and he felt the first telltale signs of her impending orgasm.

"Not until you say my name Kagome." He told her, slowing his thrusts and denying her the pleasure she so desired.

Kagome tried to move her hips against his fingers, but that just caused him to slow down further. Kagome whimpered in need, finally opening her eyes. "Please…"

Inuyasha looked up into her face. "Say it." Kagome looked deep into his eyes, trying to calm her racing heart enough to give him what he wanted.

"I-Inu-Inuyasha." Kagome breathed out. Inuyasha's fingers instantly started thrusting back into her. Kagome let out a moan of pleasure as he probed her insides, working her back towards her release.

"Again." He demanded, moving his fingers harder inside her, reaching new depths. Kagome's moans increased as she said his name again.

"Again." Inuyasha commanded once more, loving the way his name fell from her lips. She said his name again and again, each time his fingers would thrust harder and faster, until she let out the sweetest sound. Kagome let out a loud moan, half his name half jibberish as her orgasm rocked her entire body. Her sex tightened against Inuyasha's fingers and he hissed at the pleasure it brought him. He was as hard as a rock now, and dying to get inside her.

He continued probing her while she came off her high. He then slid his fingers from her and proceeded taking his pants off. He looked at her form laying on the bed.

Eyes closed, mouth parted slightly, chest rising and falling desperately trying to catch her breath, body glistening underneath her tank top. Her shorts were removed during his ministrations so he got a full view of her snatch that he planned to divide and conquer in the very near future.

Inuyasha settled himself between her legs and thrust into her entrance, eliciting a sweet moan from her lips. He covered her mouth with his and proceeded to fuck her brains out for the remainder of the day.