InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unplanned ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



The skies over head were a clear blue. The wedding was coming to a close and a
golden eyed lord stood far above the festivities with a lip curled in distaste it seemed. But his
thoughts would reflect his heart. :Why should I, the Lord of the Western Lands care for the
fate of petty mortals? Especially hers? Why does the ache within me force me to watch this...
travesty of human affairs? Ridiculous.: Sesshomaru jumped from the tree to land next to his
young ward. :I should...: A strange scent wafted over the air.

It called to him as no other scent could. The one female in this world who could
make him forget his control was in heat. A thought began to form in his mind. He would lure
her away. Then take her as his mate.

Before he let his mind take over again he spoke, "Jaken, remain here and see to Rin's needs. Fail me and I will pinish you."

The green imp, already in awe of his Lord's power backed away in fear. :Master
Sesshomaru is smiling. Oh, dear. This never turns out well.: "Yes, my lord. I, Jaken, shall
not fail you." :At least,: Gulp. :I hope not.:

Rin eyed her lord with growing concern. Since he had learned of the slayer's coming
marriage he had been in a most foul mood. But now.... He Seemed almost.... Happy.
:What ever is wrong Lord Sesshomaru, I will be here for you. As you have been there for me.:

Sesshomaru left his two vassals where they were and moved to a southeasterly direction. Straight for a small village of humans. Whatever he was planning, Rin and Jaken
would share no part of it.
Sango was just changing into her new kimono when screams echoed across the
villiage square. She slipped her head out the door to see what could cause such a rukus. There
in all his glory was Sesshomaru. As Miroku and InuYasha were passed out drunk along with
a snoring Kagome, it seemed to her that something wasn't right. There was no time to change.

The slayer grabbed for her Harikotsu and stepped out into the fleeing crowd.
Sesshomaru's eyes were a bloody red and his claws dripped poison. In his other hand was
his unsheathed blade. When his eyes alighted on the slayer an evil smile appeared.
Slayer. You have hunted demons all across these lands. Now, I wish to test your
skills. Meet me, there, on that mountain. Fail to do so, and all these humans shall die." His
silver hair lifted about him as a fine mist arose around his body. Speeding him to a western moutain.

Sango's jaw dropped. :He's not serious. Is he?: Confusion focused in her eyes. Her
demon cat Kilala mewed up at her. :This is bad timing on his part. Damn. Why couldn't he
pick any other day? He had to pick this one.:

"Come on, Kilala. I don't want to spend the rest of my wedding day burying dead bodies." Kilala's foul look didn't escape Sango. "I know my friend. You wanted to find
yourself a mate too. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. Just get me to the mountain."
Kilala transformed herself and growled a friendly goodbye to the now frightened kitsune.
Shippo waved goodbye, already wondering how he would explain this even as Sango and Kilala
disappeared into the afternoon.
Disclaimer: For say can we see, This world was created by Rumiko Takahashi. Not by Us. Thank you.
Chapter 1: Sweet Loosing
As Sango and Kilala neared the mountain appointed by Sesshomaru for their duel, a feeling of unease grew ever stronger in the air. It was almost as if the mountain itself was holding its breath in anticipation for what was to happen. Kilala let out a low growl as she spotted where Sesshomaru stood waiting.
“Go ahead and take us down,” Sango said as Kilala showed her reluctance in taking her friend anywhere the merciless killer.
Kilala growled once more, frustrated that it seemed nothing would shake her friend's determination. As the fire cat drifted down from the sky, Sango surveyed the setting for her battle with the great dog demon.
Sesshomaru stood in the center of a clearing that was bordered by woods. Along a section of river was an adjoining waterfall. A soft breeze blew across the clearing, making the demon lord's long hair drift about him like a silver storm cloud.
“I see you have come,” he said, his cold eyes piercing into Sango's as she leapt from Kilala's back.
"I will not run from a battle if fighting it means I am protecting my friends and family," she answered, dark eyes glaring back into his amber ones.
"Then let's see what you have, Slayer." he spat out. :By all the fates of hell this woman is worthy. For her to show such passion for a fight that she will most definitely lose.: Sesshomaru sent Sango a sly smile, completely catching her off guard.
:What the hell is he up to?: She swept back her arm prepared to launch her weapon at her demonic foe. Sesshomaru drew his Tokijin, fully intending on giving her a challenge.
His demon blood roared to life. No, he would play with her first. Then, when she had no more fight... Sesshomaru threw back his head and laughed. There was no mirth in it. Shivers chased themselves up Sango's spine.
:Has he gone mad?: There was no time left for thought. The demon lord launched himself at her. Speed was his primary weapon. Sango was prepared for that. Just as she launched her poison powder into the air, Kilala sprang between her and Sesshomaru taking the brunt of the attack. The Tokijin was knocked from it's wielder's grasp to fly through the air and sink into the rushing river nearby. Sango cried out as her feline friend went down wheezing from the sting of the poison. The flare of fire seized the cat and reduced her to a less harmful stage. Kilala was down for the count.
"Kilala." she cried out. Sesshomaru's next attack drove her into the river next. His whip came down towards Sango's unprotected side. Sango whipped her Harikotsu into a blocking position. The golden whip wrapped around the weapon, and with a jerk from Sesshomaru, the demon bone was wrenched from its mistress's grasp. That, too, fell away from the fighters, landing some distance off into the woods.
Sango spun on the lord, pulling from a hidden sheathe a small dagger. Sesshomaru had leapt into the air and come down near the startled woman. The demon slayer sought to plunge the blade into his chest. The yellow eyed demon moved to the left, but not quick enough to avoid her stroke. The blade barely nicked his flesh, but tore through his shirt and broke in half when it struck his armor. Sesshomaru glared at his prey. Then with a sudden twist, he jerked the armor over his head and let it fall into the glistening blue river.
Sesshomaru glared at the astonished slayer. He was thoroughly soaked. Something he had not wanted to be. Water dripped from his hair to fall on to his now bare chest. Slender though he was, Sango wasn't immune to his half naked state. A deep scarlet blush spread across her face.
:Wow. Miroku's not built like this.: Sesshomaru smiled a savage grin. His chest was rather impressive with tightened pecs and a washboard six-pack set of abs. His shoulders and arms were well proportioned to his face and torso. :No, not even InuYasha has this build.: Sango tried to swallow past the sudden lump in her throat. :He's your foe, Sango. What the hell do you think your looking at?:
:The woman is mine.: His mind shouted beneath his blood-rage. The demon within him drove him to herd its wanted mate into the cave he had found earlier behind the waterfall. Sesshomaru launched himself directly at the distracted woman, causing them both to crash rather forcefully through the falling wall of water and onto the mossy cave floor. Sango rolled them towards a cave wall, where it appeared that Sesshomaru would emerge on top. Sango struggled to her feet as her foe pulled her up and pressed her into the cave wall. There he leaned his own weight into her and sniffed her ebony waves. Adrenaline shot through him. :Oh, yes. She will be mine.:
~ ~ ~
Sango looked back into the pools of dark gold that were Sesshomaru's eyes. A shimmer of blood red lurked just beneath the surface, his demon side yearning to be released. She summoned a burst of strength and, though she wasn't nearly as strong as the demon lord, was still able to shake the hold he had on her. She wrenched an arm free and twisted her position, kicking him in the stomach to force him back a few paces while managing to pull her other wrist free. She dropped to the floor as he came to close the distance between and halted his plans by kicking his legs out from under him. He hit the floor with a grunt, snarling as he leapt back to his feet, the red in his eyes telling of the demon side she was coming ever closer to fully provoking.
She rolled away from his striking range and quickly got back to her feet, relying on the cave's low ceiling to keep him from being away to leap above her and cut her off. Sango jumped to the side just in time to miss Sesshomaru as he pounced towards her, though his claws still managed to catch on her armor and drag her down with him. She landed on top of him with an `oomph', her cheek pressed against his bare chest. She tried to get away from him but he was faster, grabbing her around the waist before she could go anywhere. Dark brown eyes met blood red ones.
Their lips met in a fierce kiss as he began to pull at her clothing, simply slicing through it with his claws when he could find no way to quickly remove it. He rolled them over so that he was on top before taking off the rest of his clothing and adding it to the pile with the remains of her shredded clothing and armor.
Sango moaned as their lips came together again, his tongue battling hers as he brought a hand up to massage her breast, his thumb circling around her nipple. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around his erection, sliding her fingers up and down as he groaned darkly and pinched her nipple, causing her to groan in return. He broke from the kiss, nibbling along her jaw line as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the cave wall near where she'd been pinned previously.
Sesshomaru leaned her against the wall, his arms wrapped around her thighs, as he captured her lips for a third time. Sango bit her lip as he drove himself into her, her virgin body not yet used to his size, though the proof of her virginity had long since been lost due to the rough life a demon slayer lead. She back arched as he began to move, gasping as he hit something within her that cause the sparks of pain to faded into intense waves of pleasure. He grunted as he began to push into her tight passage, going further after each time he withdrew until she sheathed him to the hilt with each deep, languid thrust. She wrapped her legs around his waist to draw him closer as her nails began to dig into his back, leaving little marks like crescent moons resembling the one on his forehead. Something within the slick heat of her body began to wind tighter and tighter, begging for release every time he ground against that sensitive spot within her. She started gasping for breath as his pace quickened, as he began to slam into her, moaning when her bodied tightened around his building rhythm. He slid a hand down between their sweat slicked bodies and found her pearl, rubbing it furiously as he watched her eyes widen and she screamed his name, her body clenching down around him like a vice. He thrust one last time, his groan a hoarse rasp, before releasing himself into his her.
He lifted her away from the way and lay down with her on the mossy cave floor, her drowsy eyes looking to him with a strange sort of trust. He kissed her forehead and pulled her closed, knowing she would be asleep soon after her many strenuous exertions from the day. He ran his claws through her hair, watching as the raven locks parted like waves of silk around his sharp claws. He could feel a cold tingling feeling in his right hand and let the last strands of her hair fall from his fingers before forming a circling with his fingertips around her naval. As the tips of the claws came in contact with her skin, instead of releasing poison, as they otherwise would have, something else began to flow from them. Something like liquid silver that traced a delicate, winding pattern around her naval, marking her as his mate. All traces of the red faded from his eyes, leaving them a hazy gold, as he looked upon his new mate. “To tie my soul to such a creature as this? I must be mad. To her, I am a monster; to me, she would be a weakness. Why must I do that which would only destroy us?” he whispered as he wrapped his arm around her, closing his eyes to join her in sleep.
Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi created InuYasha, we just own the original characters featured in this fic. So, out of common courtesy please ask before using them. Other than that, well, enjoy reading this. And don't forget, we like to see what you guys think of this fic.