InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled ❯ The Begining ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN… I don't own InuYasha… Grr Arg Woof!

"InuYasha! Wait!" Kagome called after him. InuYasha stood and turned slightly. "Why? What's the point?"

"We were just talking! I swear!" Kagome had really screwed up this time. Not long after InuYasha finally told her he loved her, she'd gone home to grab some more supplies. Hojo had come to her house to see if she was all right. They stood in the doorway, talking. Kagome trying to skirt around the topic of her latest "illness", when the jerk tried to kiss her. He was much stronger than Kagome had expected and she couldn't break the kiss. Oh, great, she thought. Now I have to dump one of the most popular guys in school! She started to push away again when he broke the kiss. He held her to his chest and Kagome stood there… completely stunned. She looked over Hojo's shoulder and saw InuYasha sitting outside the temple, staring at her. He was holding her maths textbook. She let out a cry and a gasp and Hojo stepped away.

Kagome ran past Hojo straight to InuYasha, who had gotten up and was now walking back into the temple. "Wait!"

InuYasha threw down the textbook and turned to look at the women he loved with hurt in his eyes and the breaking of pain in his voice. "Why, Kagome? So you can tell me it's not what I think? That you weren't just kissing that moron over there?" InuYahsa looked up at her. "Gods, Kagome… if you didn't want to be with me, you should have just said so. I'm going home. Have fun with your human mate."

"InuYasha! Just wait!" She was crying now and he could see that she was in as much pain as he was. What was going on? "He's not my mate! I don't want to be with him… I want to be with you!" Kagome ran up to him and tugged his arm until he stopped.

"Kagome…" InuYasha trailed off, looking hurt.

"That moron was kissing me. I'd already told him I wasn't interested! His was just being pushy."

"Why did you let him kiss you?"

"I tried to push away. He held me against him. So tight it hurt," Kagome added rubbing her arm. "I love you InuYasha. I told you that. It's true. You're the only one I care for. If you're not with me… I won't be alive. Hojo can rot."

InuYasha looked uncertain. "Inu, you need proof? Fine." Kagome drew his head down and kissed him with such intense love that he had no doubts in her loyalty.

He looked at her with fire in his eyes. "He hurt you?" He didn't wait for her reluctant nod. "Hey, baka!" He stalked toward Hojo with a menacing look on his face.

Hojo looked dazed and confused. I've been rejected?

InuYasha strode up and got really close to Hojo's face. "Don't you ever, ever even think about touching Kagome again. Ever."

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do with my woman?" Hojo shot back.

InuYasha laughed. "Your woman. Bah. You're unworthy of her. You aren't good enough to kiss the dirt she walks on, as far as I'm concerned." He looked back to Kagome who had tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. He blushed furiously. "As for who I am, I'm hers," he finished softly, and Kagome nodded.

"Yeah? Things change." Hojo was uncertain despite his words. Where did he come from?

"Not this," Inu said and picked Hojo up by the front of his shirt and hurdled him a few feet away. "Go home. Before I get upset."

Hojo got up and ran past them. Shouting at InuYasha "Freak!" and at Kagome, "Freak lover!"

"Well, if you're a freak, I'm certainly what he says," Kagome told InuYasha as he walked towards her. He pulled her close for a tight embrace. She laid her head against his chest and breathed in the smell of the forest on his clothes. "Aishiteru, InuYasha. Always."

" Aishiteru, Kagome. I'm sorry for not believing you. I guess I just thought your loving me was too good to be true and it was just unraveling. I'm so sorry."

InuYasha's APPOLOGIZING? Wow, he's changed. "S'ok. I can understand how you were feeling. The same way I felt when I saw you kiss Kikyou."

"Yeah, but I DID kiss her. You didn't kiss him. I was just being paranoid."

They jumped down into the well and started walking towards the village.

"No," Kagome said. "You were being the best boyfriend a girl could want."

InuYasha looked around and ducked… "Shuddyup will ya? Bloody wench! What if someone heard ya? If Miroku heard I'll never live it down! And what about Shippou; that stupid kitsune is always…"

Kagome just shook her head and grabbed his hand while he ranted. Well, maybe he hasn't changed THAT much.

~End Chap One

Please Email me and tell me what you think!