InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Again… I don't own InuYasha. I wish I did, but I seriously wish I did. Chapter one sucked… I'm trying to redeem myself with this one.


Chapter Two

"Oh, dammit!" Kagome exclaimed. "I left my back pack at my house!" She and InuYasha had just gotten back to the Feudal Era and now she was going to have to turn around.

"S'ok. We'll go get it," InuYasha said calmly.

"No, you can go on without me. I'm a big girl, you know." Kagome gave him a defensive look.

"Well, I don't know how big, but I'm willing to find out…" the hanyou trailed off, smiling wickedly.

"Ha ha. Doan push it, Dog Breath."

"Well, next time. Anyway, I'm coming with you."

"No, you're not. I'll be back in ten minutes. You can time me."

"Fine. Ten minutes, then I'm jumping in after you!"

"Fine," she said handing him her watch. "I'll be back." She jumped back down.


"Kagome! I didn't see you leave… why are you back so soon?" Kagome's okaasan greeted her warmly with a hug.

"I need my pack, Mamma," she said and grabbed it from the dining room table. "Oh, Mamma. I need those Ramen packages and those sodas…"

"Okay… they're on the table! Are you staying for dinner?"

"Can't Mamma. Unless you want a very angry InuYasha showing up…" She smiled. "He's timing me."

"Possessive little hanyou, huh?" Higarashi-san said with a giggle.

Kagome blushed. "Guess so! Gotta go Mamma!"

"Koishii… wait."

"But Mamma! He's waiting." Kagome's voice took on a whining sound.

"But, nothing. I've been meaning to talk to you about this for a while… maybe now's the best time. It's okay if Inu-kun walks in on us as he's involved here too."


Where is she? How do I read this stupid thing again? InuYasha wondered. Oh, hell. Nevermind. I'll just go get her anyway. He jumped down the well after his woman.


"Oh, no Mamma. Is this "the talk"? If so, you're a little too late," Kagome said with a hurried expression.

"Really? Just how late am I, young lady?" Kagome's okaasan tapped her foot and narrowed her eyes. Kagome caught the meaning.


InuYasha stopped on Kagome's front step. Listening to the odd conversation within.


"Not that late, Mamma. I promise. What's all this about and why does it involve InuYasha?"

Why does what involve me? InuYasha thought perplexedly.

"So you and InuYasha haven't…anno…er…uh…mated? yet?" Higarashi-san asked hopefully.

"Okaasan, er…uh…"

"Kagome?" Her mother's eyes got wide.

Now's the time to prove what a good mate I could make. InuYasha thought, opening the door.

"Excuse me? Higarashi-san? May I come in?"

"Please do, Inu-kun," she answered him. He walked into the dining room and sat down next to Kagome and took her hand.

"I couldn't held but overhearing your conversation. You know my ears are sensitive," Inu started to explain.

"Well, that's alright, Inu-kun. I was hoping you'd join us."

"Mamma…" Kagome started, but InuYasha interrupted his future mate.

"Kagome, maybe I should explain?" he said softly. Squeezing her hand comfortingly. She nodded, as she didn't have the audacity to say what they've wanted to tell her mother for days.

"Explain what?" Higarashi-san demanded.

"Higarashi-samma, I think by now it is evident that I love your daughter very much. And, anno… She's made it pretty clear that she loves me too," the hanyou said.

"Hai," Higarashi-san replied suspiciously.

"I know that in this time, Kagome is still very young, but in my time, she is just the right age," InuYasha continued, struggling to find his words.

"Right age for what, exactly, InuYasha?" she asked, dropping the "-kun".

"Um, the right age for, anno becoming my wife."


"Higarashi-samma, please calm down," InuYasha said.

"Gomen, InuYasha, but this is quite a… shock."

"I understand. Kagome and I have already talked about this, but I wouldn't feel right claiming her for me, uh, anno, mate without you knowledge and, hopefully, consent."

"I'm glad you took my feelings into consideration…"

~End of Chapter Two

Well, did I redeem myself? Please read and review!