InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unworthy One ❯ Chapter 6 - Because it Pleases Me... ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
**Not for Kikyou Lovers! This story contains violence, sexual content and rape! You are WARNED**

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor any of the associated characters. But it ain't because I don't want or wish to do so.

Chapter 6 - Because it Pleases Me...

Her words had left him speechless. A state of mind that the Taiyoukai was totally unfamiliar with and didn't like. But it was not as if she could have done anything about it. She was a mystery. An intriguing mystery that begged to be solved. The only way to do that was to keep her until he was satisfied with the knowledge gained, and his curiosity satisfied.

He still had more questions, and still wanted more answers. She was such an enigma, and the curiosity of his nature would not allow him to leave her alone until his curiosity was satisfied. But his Youkai still screamed to have her, and the mixed scent of what he now realized was her purity, power, and blood, was rapidly pulling his beast to the onna, and he was losing his battle for control.

The fact of the matter was, that he was not sure he wanted to win that battle. Even with death trying to knock on the door to her life, she had an allure that he was finding more than attractive. He could remember the luster of her raven locks, and the fiery spirit that lit up her eyes, from the many times she had defiantly stood up to him. Something no ningen, let alone an onna, had ever done to him before. Perhaps it was this that had caused his Youkai to want her so. No youkai bitch he had ever known had defied him so. None would dare.

But then, she was no ordinary ningen or even for that matter Miko. She was so much more and his brother had thrown the most powerful being he knew, away like so much trash. No, not thrown away. He had emotionally tormented her until she no longer held any self worth in herself.

She lay still in his arms, exhaustion evident in her every limb. Her feet must have been in horrible pain, as even now, the slightest contact with anything seemed to cause them to convulse in pain. She still bled, and her older injuries were beginning to show early signs of infection. She needed treatment and soon, or she would not last another day.

She shivered in the earlier morning chill, common for the early spring. But she voiced no complaint or even moaned with the pain and discomfort that he knew she was in. Carefully, he took the time to layout what remained of his inner haori. He then lay her upon the cloth careful to not injure her further. He took the first package the he had gotten from the old miko, and opened it to reveal some healing salve, herbs for pain that would required heated water, and soft cloth for bandaging wounds.

He left her to lie where he placed her, knowing she would not move even to roll over. He went into the nearby forest and gathered some wood to make a fire. The girl needed to be warmed, and he needed to heat water for the tea to ease her pain. He lucked out when he found the shards of some old broken pottery in the rubble of an old hut long gone for many years. As chance would have it, there was half of a broken pot and the remains of a cup that could easily be used to heat the water, and to provide her a receptacle to drink from. Flint was easily available near the old remains of the kiln, showing that the hut had once provided a home to a potter.

With these things in hand, he returned to the girl's side, and quickly made a fire to warm the immediate area, and put water on to heat for the tea. He hated to do it, but her wounds needed to be cleaned of dirt and muck before he could treat them properly, so he divested himself of his own clothing, carefully setting it aside to keep it dry, and lifted her once again in his arms.

He carried her out into the mountain fed lake, wishing that the water were not so cold. But for now it would have to do, until he could take the time to seek better provisions. Once he was about waist deep in the water, he carefully lower her until she was covered to her chest with the cold liquid. As quickly has he could, he washed away all of the dirt and filth. Some of it he was disgusted to find was some of the remains of her battle with Naraku. The guts and gore must have been flying thick that day, for there was still bits and pieces clinging to her skin and hair, dried and clinging tenaciously.

He didn't want to keep her in the chill water any longer than necessary, she was already more than chilled enough. When he was finished, he took her back and lay her on the discarded haori, once more. The fire blazed cheerful in sharp contrast to the sad despair of the girl lying before him. But it did much to warm the area, with the further aid of the warming spring sun.

With quick efficiency he carefully removed the scraps of cloth from her feet, hissing at ever twitch that the least motion caused to the poor abused remains of her flesh. Thankfully the cloth had kept the dirt from them, but he was not sure that they would heal properly in their current condition. Already the infection was bad, and getting worse, and the healing salve he was given would not be enough to ward back the spread of the infection, let alone heal what damage was already done.

He sat her up and leaned her, stomach first against his leg, and tended to the injuries on her back. She had many cuts and scratches here, and the exit wound on her left shoulder, from the area on her chest where Naraku's tentacle must have punctured her body. This must have been the wound caused when the neko came to her rescue. It must have bitten into the tentacle to stop its attack and died from the poison miasma that Sesshomaru knew the wound would have bled, when the neko bit into it.

Still the injuries on her back were in the best shape, even the exit wound from the shoulder puncture, despite it being ragged around the edges. They would heal without too much trouble or time. But the wounds on her chest were a greater concern. He had to admit to himself that he regretted the pain he had inflicted on the girl. She certainly didn't deserve more pain, than she had already suffered. And at that she didn't deserve that pain either.

The entry wound on her left shoulder where the tentacle had entered before exiting the back of her shoulder, was actually looking better than he had hoped. Then he remembered having ran his tongue across it earlier in the night. That little bit of attention must have aided in the injury being able to begin the healing process more quickly that it otherwise would have.

This urged him to give into the desires of his Youkai, and he found himself leaning towards the wound once more. Carefully, and slowly both to save her from as much pain as he could and to savor the flavor of her sweet life's fluid, he stroked his tongue over her injury allowing his healing saliva to thickly coat the injury.

His Youkai relished every taste, every stroke and demanded more. He was going to lose total control soon, but he had to finish the important things before that happened. He paused in his ministration to her injuries, remembering that she needed to drink the soothing tea he had the herbs for. Not letting her go, and just reaching over to where he had everything within easy reach, he noticed that the water was hot enough to suit his needs, and poured it carefully into the cup holding the herbs. He left it to cool and steep, while he went back to treating her cuts and wounds.

He was pleased to see that the puncture wound had finally stopped bleeding, and even now with the aid of his attention was trying to close over in the process of healing. With the aid of his ample tail, he lent her his body heat, while he moved onto her other injuries. He easily found and ran his tongue over all the smaller cuts, and scrapes. Many of the smaller ones healed even as he watched, and soon only the more serious wounds remained. There were two remaining large ones left by this time, the cut he had inflicted from her shoulder to her hip, and a large and ugly gash that ran the outside of her right knee to her upper inner thigh. To better reach and treat the last two wounds he lay her on her back on the tattered remains of his inner haori that he had spread out earlier.

He knelt over her to more easily access the last of her cuts, disgusted with himself for having inflicted the wound on her chest, in her current condition. He was a Great Taiyoukai, and he was above such petty behavior as inflicting pain on the weak and helpless. Yet that is just what he had done here. Inflicted more pain on one who was already at death's door because of injuries she had already suffered. That he had given in to such lowly behavior shamed him, though he didn't show it outwardly.

But he did swear that he would not harm her again, and low to anyone who tried to inflict more harm on her while he breathed. At this, his Youkai growled in triumph and satisfaction, knowing that he had won his own victory in convincing his more civil side to take the onna for their own. For once, in many, many years, both sides of himself finally agreed on the same thing. They both wanted her, and they both would have her. She would stay with them, and they would protect her from all harm.

Running his tongue over the cut, he began at her shoulder where the cut was the deepest. The place where he had started his downward path with his claw. Her breathing was erratic already. It had been long before he had finished tending to the puncture wound on her left shoulder. He had noticed the spicy scent of her body, as it responded to the sensual strokes of his tongue on her wounds. That scent of arousal, along with her normal heady scent, and the intoxicating scent of her sweet blood, finally began ripping the last shreds of his control away, as he had known it would, and he found his tongue stroking more sensually than before, along the cut.

The end of the cut was on her left hip, mere inches from the source of her obviously aroused state leaving his head swimming dizzyingly with desire, and the need to sate the whims of his beast. Despite the lack of expression on her face, her eyes were rapidly clouding over in what appeared to be a mix of wonder and passion. It was more expression that she had shown all night, even over the small frowns she had shown earlier.

He took the time, while she was lying flat, to tend to the injuries on her legs, doing his best to be careful of her feet. Most were just cuts and scrapes that were not uncommon to have received as a person with little adequate protection was scraped by passing branches through the thick of a forest's undergrowth. These, as on her back were easily treated. She did have, however, a deep and unsightly gash that ran from the outside of her right leg, near the knee to the inside of her upper thigh.

His last tattered remains of control were rapidly failing him, as he began to attend the leg wound. The taste and smell of her blood, and now the more than obvious heady scent of her arousal, as her body responded to his attentions, were quickly becoming intoxicating and his Youkai roared with desire and fought tooth and nail to be released and to have his desire fed. But he persisted, knowing that she needed the aid that he was providing.

Carefully, he ran his tongue over the gash, starting at her knee and spreading her legs, he worked his way up. He both feared, and was excited by the thought of reaching the end of this particular wound. He knew there would be nothing to stop him, his blood beast would be in almost full control. Her own arousal was spiking in waves that was drawing him deeper and deeper into a heated state of mind where nothing would exist except the passion of the moment, and the lust his beast so craved.

The end of the gash left no distance between him and her most treasured jewel. With thought all but gone, he parted her easily and began to appease his Youkai's desire by feasting upon her rapidly heating flesh.

Her dizzying scent filled his head, pulling him in more and more to a world of lustful pleasure. He had to have her, and nothing would stop him, could stop him at this stage. No one would keep him from what was his. His blood beast roared in approval and tried to lunge forward and take total control. A growl of heated passion rose from his chest as his Youkai prepared to pounce, but by almost herculean effort, he reined himself in, and prevented his beast from harming the girl carelessly.

His Youkai seemed to understand, and although it was reluctant to listen, he did calm enough that Sesshomaru had the confidence that he could take her without harm. The taste of her was heaven, and his beast totally agreed. He stroked her pearl with his tongue for a few minutes, earning a startled gasp from the little Miko, letting his fangs gently graze the sensitive and now swollen bud. He spread her wider, and sought the entrance to her most private and treasured place, the place that her scent was the strongest..

The scent of her arousal spiked so high that he momentarily lost himself in the heady scent. When he came to himself, his beast was eagerly driving his tongue deeper and deeper into her hot, moist depths. He relaxed then, knowing that his beast didn't wish to harm the girl, only to take her as his mate. Giving his Youkai free rein to what pleasure he desired, he was surprised that the beast wanted to pleasure her, as much as himself.

He continued to taste of her essence, driving his tongue deeper and faster into her hot and writhing core. A soft groan escaped her as her body convulsed in the first release of his actions. He lapped up every drop that poured from her heated core, and savored every drop that her body offered. His Youkai growled softly and happily, sounding almost like a purr, as he was happy that his bitch pleased him so.

He shifted just enough to lay a trail of kisses back up her abdomen until he reached her breasts. At her hot, tight, wet core, he inserted a clawed finger, pushing into her tight and writhing passage, seeking to ease her tightness in preparation for a much larger invasion. After pumping a few times, he inserted a second finger and continue to thrust deeply into her, feeling her body respond readily to his attentions. He stroked her sensitive pearl, with a calloused thumb, as he increased the pace of his thrusts.

His mouth found and paid homage to one of her luscious mounds. The other he cupped in his newly returned hand, relishing the feel of the swelling and hardening nipple in his claws. Another moan escaped her, softened because of her badly injured vocal cords, but nonetheless it was there. It gave him satisfaction to know that he was able to reach her, even in something as simple as a passionate touch.

Soon, three fingers thrust where two had dared before, further easing her tightness. Her relaxed state made his actions all the easier, and silently he was grateful for that one savings grace. He felt her body begin to convulse as she reached another body racking release. The rush of fluid that coated his hand, caused a groan of pleasure of his own, as he brought that hand up and eagerly licked it clean of her very essence. Oh, kami, how sweet she tasted, her heady scent only making him want her all the more.

Even in her current condition, she didn't smell like other ningen. She had a fresh smell, that reminded him of a warm summer evening filled with the heady scent of moonflowers just opening their blossoms, deep in the forest, not unlike the flowers that had marked the path of her blood. It was such a wondrous fragrance that he could not get enough.

Growling in delight, he shifted until he was kneeling between her legs, and carefully positioned himself at her inviting hot, moist, tight entrance. She was panting for air, her previous releases still reflected in the responses of her body, enhanced further by its anticipation of his further advances. He leaned down until his mouth was beside her ear, and whispered softly into the shell like appendage.

"Gomen Kagome," he spoke softly. "This will hurt, but only for a moment. Then the pain will ease."

He didn't give her a chance to reply, knowing what her response would be and not wanting to here the plea for more suffering and pain. He captured her mouth with his own, and quickly drove deeply into her quivering hot depths with his rock hard arousal.

He felt her body stiffen with the shock of the sudden invasion, and although none of the pain reflected on her listless face, he knew that she must hurt from the sudden shock of her innocence being taken, and the size of him penetrating her hot, tight sheath. He had not been sure until he had broken it with his intrusion, but he thrilled to know he had been her first, and cursed that baka hanyou half brother of his for not having seen the jewel that followed him in ways that Kikyou would never have done.

He held still, giving her time to adjust to the intrusion. He kissed her, pulling on her lower lip, encouraging her to respond to him.

Patience that he never knew he possessed kept him from feeling frustration at her lack of response. He knew she needed time to heal, she had been through so much. Still he persisted, and eventually was rewarded by her gently returning his kiss. When she sighed in pleasure, as her muscles relaxed, and he began to thrust slowly and deeply into her, he took advantage of her now open mouth, to plunge his tongue deep inside and savor the sweet taste of her mouth.

He kept his pace controlled as long as he could, one hand massaging her breast, the other lifting one leg until her knee was resting over his shoulder, allowing him to plunge deeper and harder into her hot, wet passage. The feel of her writhing passage on his hard and hot arousal causing groans, and growls of pleasure to emanate from him and he thrilled to the feel of her surrounding him. He could hear her heart race, and her breath came in short and broken pants, as he used ever sense he had to feel her respond to him.

It was a challenge he had never felt before, as instead of seeing her passion in her face, or hearing in from her lips, he instead had to smell it in her scent, feel it in her touch, and hear it from the way her body responded to his advances. Though she was not as expressive as he knew she could be, he could sense deep within himself, that he gave her a pleasure that she had never known possible.

He kissed along her jaw, and trailed towards her neck and ear. He paused there for a moment, running his tongue around the shell-like appendage, feeling her body shiver at the action. He nibbled on the lobe and let his breath caress the sensitive flesh.

"You feel so good, Kagome," he told her. She needed to hear kindness, words of encouragement, words of comfort, words of gratitude. Something she had not had nearly enough of over the last five years from the sounds of things. She was special, as everyone in life was special, each to their own particulars in life. No one had the right to tell her she was inadequate, and be damned if he would let another call her that again. Not within his hearing, and not if they wanted to live long.

"You are beautiful, both inside and out," he said to her, his own breathing erratic as he panted into her ear. "You feel to tight, and so good. No one I have ever known has ever felt this good."

He nipped and licked his way down until he found her pulse point where her shoulder and neck joined. His senses told him she was about to release yet again, and he gave himself to the beast within, to thrust deeper, faster, and harder into her vibrating womb. His own release was rapidly approaching, as he felt her muscles clench him like a vice. She let out a soft groan that he knew if her voice had been there would have been a scream of pleasure loud enough to fill the entire clearing, as his name whispered past her swollen lips.

He thrust once more as deep, and hard as he could, and his own release finally came. As he felt it begin to take over his senses, he buried his fangs deeply into her neck, marking her as the mate, his Youkai so badly wanted. As the shudders from his own release eased, he lapped up the blood from his mark, and soothed the wound so it stopped bleeding. She was his mate now, and he would protect her like his brother had never had the faith to do. He would take care of her, and give her the home she had never had.

He shifted, so that his weight was no longer on top of her, and lifted her so that he could give her the now cooled tea. She drank it at his request, as he held the cup to her lips. He sat the cup down, and lay her back on the torn haori. He slipped his hakama back on, and covered her with his outer haori, keeping what little body heat she had as close to her as possible. The warm sun, and the heat of the fire helped to further warm her cold flesh.

He hated to leave her side again, but he had to get a few more things before he could take his own rest. Using his fastest possible mode of travel, a sudden glowing sphere of incandescent light appeared around the Youkai Lord, and he flashed his way back to the village he had visited the during the night. There he obtained more salve for the little Miko's wounds, some sleeping furs to keep her warm, and more herbs for both her pain, and for fever.

The miko advised him what to expected, and provided him with poultices for the girl's feet. She also, gave him a kettle filled with a restorative broth, that she advised him to feed the girl for the next few of days. Her condition would not allow for anything heavier for a while.

"My Lord, anything I have that will help the Chosen One, you have but to ask," she said.

"How do you know who it is that I have in my care and protection?" he asked surprised by her statement.

"About two weeks ago, a small group passed through here. Among them was a hanyou, kitsune pup, a Taijiya, a houshi, a neko youkai, and a very special and most powerful Miko. She was like none I have ever known or heard of before. She may resemble the accursed priestess Kikyou, but the truth is, she is the descendant of the great Midoriko of legend." said the old baa-ba.

"She has suffered far more than anyone should, yet she held true to her heart despite the abuse. Her confidence in herself was already almost non-existent when she passed through here. If she was in that battle with the vile hanyou, Naraku, then it is she that you now protect. She is the Guardian of the Shikon no Tama, and she was never meant to have the skills that the prior miko had. That is and was the singular choice of the Jewel of Four Souls, no one else's. It thought it best to have a mistress who was not skilled in conscious use of her powers, because the fierce spirit of her pure passion would be a more effective weapon to make use of those powers, and she would not be coloured or tainted by the prejudices of these times." she spoke.

"Then you know of her claim of being from the future?" he asked puzzled.

"Among my many skills as a healer, and a miko, I have the power of foreseeing," she said. "I was born with this gift, and have known of the Chosen One since I was barely able to walk. It was left to me, to speak to you and let you know of the treasure now under your capable protection, my Lord," she spoke. "My task is done, but know that as long as I live, anything that you need for her, I will give freely. My door will always be open to both you and her."

"Arigato, baa-ba," he said. "I am grateful for your aid. Her feet are pretty bad, and I may have need to bring her here, if I can't get them to start healing."

"Some say that the power of youkai blood is strong, my Lord. Especially the blood of the Great Inuyoukai of the Western Lands. Use what means you have at hand, and you will not only heal her body, you will heal her mind, and save her soul," said the old woman.

A somewhat confused Taiyoukai then returned to the onna, who awaited him in a clearing beside a small lake, the sun now beginning it rapid decline as the day was coming to a close. A quick trip into the nearby forest provided plenty of wood to build the fire back up, and plenty of extra to have at hand for the night.

He put more water on to boil for the tea and for moistening the poultices for her feet and set the broth next to the fire to warm, as well. He checked Kagome to see how she was doing, and found that she still slept, something that she needed the most at the moment. He found that she had developed a fever, but that was to be expected, especially under the circumstances. That she had not done so sooner, was something of a miracle in and of itself.

He used the time to dress the wounds on her chest, back, and legs with the bandages and salve that the old miko had given him. Once finished he clothed her in the set of clothing he had gotten earlier, and spread out the sleeping furs that the old miko had given him, and bundled her up in those to keep away the night chill that was rapidly approaching, and quite common for this time of year.

He put his haori back on, his armor and swords near at hand. He hated to awaken the girl, but she needed the broth and tea almost as much as she needed the rest. He set the tea to cool, and turned back to Kagome.

He chose to tend her feet before she awoke. As painful as they had to be, he figured she would suffer less if she were not conscious while he removed the bandages, and applied the poultices. He soaked the poultices is some of the hot water that he had boiled for the tea. While it cooled, he removed the bandages from her feet and took a moment to carefully clean away the layer of infected material that had oozed from the abused flesh. The smell on his sensitive nose was difficult to deal with, but if her feet were to be healed at all, he had to put up with it and so pushed the need to gag back.

He set aside the dirty bandages, for later disposal, and carefully placed the poultices on her feet and rebandaged them in the clean ones he had brought back from the old miko's. Once he had them cleaned off, he could catch in the scent that they had stopped getting worse. That at least was a step in the right direction. Now if he could just get them to heal, then everything would go more smoothly for the poor girl.

That done, he tucked her feet back under the sleeping furs to keep her warm. He took a moment to take the now useless inner haori, and the old bandages, and properly disposed of them. Best not to keep such signs of illness nearby.

He then turned to check on the tea, and poured some of the rich broth into another cup, the old miko had given him. Once he had them prepared for her, he eased back the warm furs, and settle next to her, and lifted her weakened body into his lap, letting her head rest against his chest.

Tucking the furs around them both, to keep out the cold, he lifted her face to his, and gently kissed her forehead and then her lips. Nuzzling his mark, he whispered in her ear.

"Kagome," he called her. "Kagome, you need to wake up. You need to eat and drink."

It took a few tries, but she finally opened her eyes. They were still as listless as they had been before, but she responded a bit more than she had. She stayed snugged up against him, soaking up the warmth that he offered, but turned her head to meet his and look at him now, where before she had just looked as though there was nothing to see.

"You need to drink this, and then some broth." he told her as he brought the tea to her mouth. She didn't argue, or fight him. She just complied with his request. It short order, she had downed the healing tea, and soon was working on the broth. He was grateful for the obedience, not because he wanted her to be subservient, but because he knew it was important for her to consume the liquid for her health, and he had thought she might refuse.

"Doshite?" she whispered, when she had sipped some of cup of broth he had prepared for her.

"Because," he spoke pausing for a moment, considering his words, " it pleases me." After all, her last desire seemed to be an overwhelming need to make him feel happy. If he could convince her that seeing her in good health would please him, maybe she would work just as hard to get better, as she seemed to work to accept her pain and punishment.

She finished the broth, and was rapidly losing the fight to stay conscious. The tea was taking effect and he set the cup aside, and slid her back down into the warmth of the furs. He settled himself along side of her, lying her on her back, and resting her sensitive feet so that her legs draped over his own, leaving her feet suspended off of the ground and giving her some ease from the pain that he knew she must feel. He tucked his arm around her waist, and rested her head on his shoulder and after checked the area with his acute senses for any sign of danger, he allowed himself to fall into a light slumber.