InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Value Of A Woman ❯ Wednesday - I Don’t Know What To Do ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author’s notes: just to say that:

Miroku’s Ego and Sensitivity – will always be referred to as SD Miroku Ego/Sensitivity

Inuyasha’s Ego and Sensitivity - will always be referred to as simple, plain old Ego and Sensitivity (sorry boys!)


Inu-Channie :P

Disclaimer: no own Inu-tachi


Wednesday - I Don’t Know What To Do


There are two sides to a man – his ego and his sensitivity…


Inuyasha left his house, after being given the cold shoulder again…or the cold kiss for the third time that week. Unlocking the door to the car he sat inside and banged his head against the steering wheel repeatedly.

“Kagome…” For the past two days she hadn’t been talking to him. He could handle Monday. Even if she was shouting at him, at least he could see that she seemed to be stable. But yesterday…his wife became all sullen and always looked as if she was ready to cry. She never shouted at him, never spoke to him unless necessary. He felt like if he made the slightest noise or said the wrong thing (again) it would set her off, so he stayed just as sullen and silent as her. Monday and Tuesday night he had heard her cry softly, what with his acute hearing. This was going a lot deeper than a raunchy picture. This was affecting her feelings.

<<Well duh-uh!>> A little figure clad in a white tuxedo appeared on Inuyasha’s right shoulder, his features the exact same as his owner. He was twirling a rose between his nimble fingers, a look of disgust on his face.

<<Boy, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work that out! You moronic cave man!>> By the powers of Conscience, the little hanyou changed into a hanyou who had a loincloth for clothing, black shaggy hair and a beard which framed his once beautiful Inuyasha face. His rose turned into a club and he was bashing it against Inuyasha’s jaw.

<<Ugga-ugga-me-thick-cave-man-only-just-stepped-out-of- prehistoric-age-where-man-doesn’t-realise-he-has-hurt-woman-ugga-ook- ook>> The conscience Inuyasha reverted back to his normal stature, the rose returning as well. He hit the rose violently on Inuyasha’s ear (and he had a way to go since the offended object was way up there on Inuyasha’s head and he was way down there on Inuyasha’s shoulder).

<<This is the 21st Century you know! What’s wrong with you?>> He sat back down frustrated, thinking the club would have made a better impact.

<<Girly-boy stop being so fucking high strung>> A replica of the first figure appeared clad in a black tuxedo next to Inuyasha's left ear. He was holding a small book on the male brain, holding it like it was the knowledge to all life, as if everything inside it was always right (as some men are wont to think ;D). <<So what, the woman’s upset…big fucking whoop. We could do without a female messing up our libido, ay buddy boy?>> Inuyasha groaned slightly as he thought back to when he and Kagome used to share the same bed.

<<Ego! I’m warning you!>> the figure in white stepped forward, brandishing his rose like a sword. Inuyasha instantly forgot his momentary happiness, remembering Kagome’s condition. Ego snarled.

<<Oh please Sensitivity, what you going to do? Tickle me with that pathetic plant? Back off girly-boy>> Ego leaned closer to Inuyasha’s ear with his eyes fixed on his twin brother.

<<Listen my friend; nothing’s worse than bending to what a woman wants you to do. Plus she’s not being straightforward. If you want to help her she has to help you right?>> He winked at his brother, and smiled crudely. Almost to the point of blowing his lid, Sensitivity stepped up to try and reason with Inuyasha.

<<Inuyasha, Kagome thought you knew her better than anyone else. You know all the feelings she’s gone through before. We’re all frustrated because this is a new one…something that’s going to put us all out. Try and think…she said you have to work out her feelings. If you want her back you’re going to have to think outside of the norm>> He saw Inuyasha screw up his eyes in concentration, and Sensitivity felt a sweep of joy…which was instantly quashed if it wasn’t for the fact that he saw those gold eyes come out of focus and heard a groan. Ego was whispering in Inuyasha’s ear, no doubt reminding the hanyou of what he was missing physically from his wife.

<<Ego!>> Sensitivity shouted angrily. <<You’re not helping! Women are more than just playthings!>> Ego stopped and glared at his brother before straightening.

<<Not my fault he’s fucking deprived>> And Ego disappeared in a black tornado. Sensitivity sighed. Well at least Inuyasha was his now.

<<Look, just…try and think. You want to make this up don’t you?>> Sensitivity watched as Inuyasha made a desperate face. He has it bad, Sensitivity mused. <<Just try and think of something logical to do. I’m sure your answer is on the same wavelength as you, you just gotta find it. It’s a shame that your ego is so fucking bigheaded though!>> Sensitivity straightened the bow on his tux, not used to the bout of cursing as Inuyasha and his Ego were so eager to do. White petals fell around him, thankfully not tainted after his anger burst, and he disappeared.

‘But that’s just it,’ Inuyasha thought.

“I don’t know what to do.”

******************************************************* ***

Inuyasha put on his business blazer and looked at himself in the wall length mirror. He rushed a hand through his all ready messed up hair and then rubbed his eyes tiredly. The couch was not one of the most comfortable of places to sleep…

“Wow, Inu you look like crap,” Miroku, Inuyasha’s ‘best friend’ commented. He stepped into the staff room, his black tattered briefcase in his hand. He walked over to his locker, coincidentally next to Inuyasha’s and opened it. He immediately started fixing his raven hair, trying to put down that little annoying tuft that liked to…well annoy him. Obviously he had a mirror in there. The vain, pompous, son of a-

Inuyasha then realised that his anger at his domestic predicament was seeking ways to lash out and cool off.

“Thanks man. You’re such a great friend,” the hanyou replied sarcastically, his gold eyes narrowing icily. Miroku’s head peeked out from behind the locker door.

“Just doing my job!” he replied cheerfully – too cheerfully. It made Inuyasha’s head hurt and his ears flatten against his head.

“Could you try not to be too happy please?” Inuyasha asked, moving over to his locker and closing it forcefully, instantly regretting his action as the noise echoed throughout his head.

“So,” Miroku started with a confused expression. “You want me to be miserable just because you are?” Inuyasha looked at him hopefully. Miroku looked as if he was seriously considering it. After all they were best friends and meant to humble and console each other right? Then it clicked:

“You’re not getting any are ya?!” the dark headed man had a huge grin across his features – partly at the thought of the vigorous Inuyasha not getting laid and partly at the expression on Inuyasha’s face.

<<Are you that easy to read Inuyasha, you fucking whelp!? A man is supposed to be stoic, devoid of emotions, strong, a good example, complex…and yet Miroku is reading you as easy as Goldilocks and the Three fuckin’ Bears!>> The pint sized Inuyasha conscience known as Ego was practically ripping his hair out, his skin beginning to glow an ominous red. <<You’re not supposed to show the whole world your weakness!>>

<<Ego, take a chill pill>> Sensitivity interrupted. It was strange to see Inuyasha’s features sit placid and peaceful on this mini form. The hanyou Inuyasha always had a stern look. <<In this case I can’t agree with this show of emotions to the public but you have to admit, the hanyou is under a lot of pressure…what with the missus and work and all>> Ego relaxed considerably, not glowing bright red anymore. He immediately replaced his angry countenance with a smile. Sensitivity was shocked at the sudden change in emotion.

<<You know what’s going on here right bro?>> Ego started out. Sensitivity opened his mouth to answer “no” but Ego interrupted. <<That witch is trying to break us down in public. Me and Inu boy! Keh! Break down me? The ruler of Inuyasha’s body and everything remotely physical – Ego? She should know males and their Egos make a formidable team. Together we can never be broken!>> Ego laughed maniacally as Sensitivity cringed and Inuyasha’s face looked angry…

“That’s not true!” Inuyasha retorted angrily, snarling slightly. Miroku blinked in disbelief. The two men continued to stare each other down…

<<I will not lose!>> Ego said through gritted teeth, smashing buttons on a joystick that had appeared in his tiny hands. Sensitivity sighed as he saw Miroku’s Ego fighting against Inuyasha’s. The SD Miroku Ego suddenly let out a cry of triumph and jammed his thumb down on a button.

<<Miroku Eyebrow Raise, Attack!>>

<<No!>> Inuyasha’s Ego shouted but it was too late. The SD Miroku Ego’s expert game play caused Miroku’s right eyebrow to rise slowly and sceptically at the hanyou. Inuyasha was fighting a losing battle, as was his Ego. Suddenly the hanyou turned away. “It’s just the indirect consequence of a certain situation.” He whispered quietly. Miroku closed his locker and walked over to his friend and clapped him hard on the back.

”All those times you laughed at me…boy how the tables have turned!” The man was thoroughly enjoying himself. “Can I laugh at you?” Inuyasha gave him a look that said ‘are you stupid?’


“Aww come on why not?”

“Because I have murderous claws on my fingertips, so carry on mocking me…”

“Meow babe,” Miroku said in mock gayness. He grinned sheepishly and muttered something about how he had picked it up from Sango one night when they were…at this point Inuyasha asked his friend to spare him the details of their sex life. Miroku became serious and sat Inuyasha down on a chair while sitting opposite.

“What happened?” Inuyasha proceeded to tell Miroku about the past three days.

<<Er, Ego>> Sensitivity started. Ego was lying down on a hospital bed, with SD Miroku Ego taking his blood pressure. <<Isn’t this a show of emotion?>> The SD Egos of Inuyasha and Miroku immediately turned on Sensitivity.

<<NO!>> They simultaneously shouted. The SD Miroku Ego was in a black tuxedo as well, his human features the main difference between him and the wounded Ego on the bed. Weakly yet theatrically Ego raised his head to look at his twin brother. <<One healthy Ego is allowed to look after another battered Ego>> he explained. <<This is not a display of emotion, only understanding between males>>

<<Right…how could I forget?>> Sensitivity whispered to himself, bewildered. SD Miroku Sensitivity, dressed in a white tuxedo, appeared next to him.

<<I don’t get it either>> he whispered while Ego feigned injuries and SD Miroku Ego continued to treat him, nodding his head all the while…

“Man, that’s rough. I never knew Kagome to be like that.” Miroku leaned back in the soft leather chair and whistled quietly.

“Yeah me either. Personally I believe she’s being too insecure.” There was silence for a few seconds before Miroku spoke.

“You know what you got to do right?”


“Heh, of course not. Man, you’re the man! You take control of the situation! You make her sit down and listen because she hasn’t done that yet,” Miroku offered. Inuyasha sighed.

“I wish I could but you didn’t see the way she was chopping – more like killing – those carrots the other day.” Both men shivered involuntarily.

“Not even I’ve had this trouble before, but the technique I suggested works every time for me.”

“But you and Sango are totally different to Kagome and me. You have more arguments in married life than when you were boyfriend and girlfriend.” Inuyasha laughed sheepishly.

“Well-” he was cut off by announcement from the loudspeaker:

“Can Inuyasha and Miroku…GET THEIR BONY ASSES UP HERE NOW FOR THIS MEETING?!?!” The two men looked at each other and said one word:

“Ayumi.” They scrambled out of the door, each man trying to get ahead of the other.


They got to room 2B in record flat time: considering all the drooling workwomen, little obstacles belonging to those women, (what are they called? Oh yeah…kids. Never have them buddy, never have them…it makes ‘Bring Your Child To Work Day’ fucking hell Ego had said once) and haywire mail trolleys. They stood in the doorway gasping for air, faces red and flushed from the running.

“Been busy boys?” Ayumi asked, a slightly angry look on her face. The room chuckled quietly as Inuyasha and Miroku made to sit down at the back of the room.

“Now as you all know, half of the investor department, which means you twenty, will be having a field test. Important for those promotions people. We will be going across country for one day, leaving tonight at PRECISELY,” she turned to look at the latecomers. “11:15 pm. We should then arrive at Shiro Business Centre by early morning. From there we will head to The Shiro Hotel for our sleep and stay…” Inuyasha was half listening, half thinking about Kagome.

‘Will she mind that I’m gone without trying to patch things up? Does Ayumi even know my situation? Of course she does…Kagome’s best friend duh! Well she’ll just have to deal with it…but then will she think me a-“

“Stay focused Inuyasha,” Ayumi said, hitting him on the head with her pointer. Inuyasha growled at her but intimidated she wasn’t and she continued walking around the group. Inuyasha’s anger boiled for a little while longer but he saw that it was pointless to stay angry, much to Ego’s disappointment, so the ire went down to a simmer.

‘Well she is my boss, but where does she get off hitting me like that? Maybe she’s taking advantage of me, knowing that she can hurt me but I can’t do fuck all to her. Keh. we’ll see about-‘

“INUYASHA!” Said hanyou’s ears flattened against his head, the young woman’s lungs threatening to burst his sensitive eardrums. It reminded of him of how Kagome used to call him when she was angry. Only it sounded like a voice of an angel from Kagome’s lips. From Ayumi it sounded like a huge, mechanical beast that he wanted to run away from. “What did I just say?!” she asked irritably. He looked down at his notes he had been unconsciously taking (thanks to Sensitivity) reading it out, slowly.

“Thursday, 8:00 am, Shiro Business Centre. Trials carried out there. Tested on skill, speed, accuracy and evaluation of situation. 8:00 pm day ends. Go back to hotel. Friday taking over from Shiro Royale Investors’ “Haute” unit. Won’t be returning home until early Saturday afternoon.” Inuyasha cringed to see a sad smiley next to where he had written home on Saturday. He scribbled it out viciously as Ayumi stared at him, almost incredulously.

“Dismissed.” The men and women of the Kiba-Tai Firm began to file out of the room.

“Inuyasha,” Ayumi called. He reluctantly walked over to her, head downcast. “Don’t be late to my meetings again and try to stay focused ok?” She brushed past him, leaving him to think about hitting Ayumi violently over the head with the pointer she left on the desk…lets see how she likes it, eh? Inuyasha grinned evilly as he stalked from the room.

Only he never got round to his revenge. He smelt curry wafting up to his nose from the kitchens downstairs and decided today wasn’t the right day. Curry was a bad omen for him…