InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Fear and Humiliation ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do this for free. I'm not affiliated with Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha, and only write free fanfiction for my love of twisting her character's to my dark, demented will. May the smut live on.


Chapter 7 - Fear and Humiliation

A/N: For my reviewer on, Tana-san: I'm happy that my love for Inuyasha (and Sesshomaru!) can be an outlet for you to escape the realities of life and give you an opportunity to envelope yourself in a world of danger, excitement and love. You are not alone out there, because there are thousands of us who escape through reading. Thank you for your heartfelt review. Hearing how much you enjoy dipping into my tales of Kagome and Sesshomaru gives my hobby purpose. I hope that I can continue to brighten your days. Rin. To all who reviewed, thank you so much. You've given me hours of fun checking and reading your comments.

  I will warn you all now. There is nonconsensual Yaoi (male/male sex) in this chapter. If you aren't into that sort of thing, well, when you get to it, I suggest you skip it. I promise to work the scene so that you haven't missed anything detrimental to the plot, and if you do miss anything, I'll try to make a note of it at the end of the chapter.   My New Years gift to the Yaoi fangirls out there. Enjoy.



On the journey, Kagome had a lot of time to think, mostly because she couldn't see the countryside, or anything else for that matter. The soldiers occasionally made a comment about things that they passed, and joked a little about their lives in the village before they ever entered the war. Kagome half listened, but her mind was stuck on the mess that she was in.

How was she going to get back to her village without her eyesight? Even if she managed to escape, she wouldn't get far while bind. She felt terribly helpless and very frightened for her future. A tear slipped from her eye. She wasn't sure what the place was like where she was going, and she was worried about getting away before Nobunaga came for her.

Would she ever see again?

Shippo was on her mind too. She feared for her little friend. He had been hit pretty hard, and anything could have happened to him after they left him abandoned in the forest. Another tear.

She tried to ignore the occasional brush of the lieutenant's hand against her thigh. She was sure that it was accidental, because he had been a perfect gentleman since she had first woken up. Instead, she tried to focus on coming up with a plan. Unfortunately, it was hard to plan when things looked so bleak, but she refused to give up.

If all else failed, Inuyasha would come for her.

When he got back from Shodo-Shima.

Oh great Kami, what was she going to do? She was beginning to feel the tell-tell signs of nausea rising up again, when the bellow of a horn in the distance echoed over the land. She felt Kouchi shift in the saddle as if he were waving something - probably a flag - to announce their allegiance to the Oda clan. Kagome held on tight when he nudged the horse into a canter.

They arrived at the castle gates and Kagome listened intently as her escort spoke with the guardsman, explaining their arrival and orders. They were lead through and into an area that was filled with noise. The sounds of animals and people were everywhere, and it was overwhelming to try and take it all in at once. She tried to focus on Kouchi's voice and the sounds of their horses' hooves as they made their way further into the castle grounds.

The sound of a deep, sharply tuned male voice, had the lieutenant sitting up straight at attention. The new voice dismissed the ones who brought them in, then turned his questions on the lieutenant, who explained his orders to deliver her as a prisoner into their care by the personal command of Nobunaga-sama himself. They then dismounted, pulling her down, and she felt Kouchi move back to the saddle. She heard the sound of dry parchment being unrolled, but couldn't see it. She heard the man that greeted them grunt and give a low curse.

"I will see to the prisoner, men, you are dismissed to return to your Infantry unit."

Kouchi saluted his superior, and glanced down to the miko, who suddenly looked like she was going to cry. "Be brave miko," he whispered with a pat on her slender arm, while thinking what a pity it was that he couldn't kiss her pink lips at least once. With a sigh of regret, he explained about her blindness and the accident to the Colonel in charge, then handed her over.

She seemed like a nice gal. It was strange that Nobunaga-sama would take a miko prisoner. He could have sworn she was harmless, but she could be a spy or something. It never paid to trust outsiders. Still, she was nice enough, and he hoped that everything worked out for her somehow.

Kagome gathered herself, and managed to say, "Arigato, lieutenant." Her voice betrayed her, sounding small and frightened, cracking with the force of holding back tears of distress, while trying to appear somewhat calm. She couldn't see the regret in Lieutenant Kouchi's eyes before he turned away to mount his horse. She heard them trotting away, and at that moment, she had never felt so alone in her entire life.


Shippo groaned miserably and rolled onto his back. He attempted to pry his eyelids open, but the sunlight was blinding and made his eyes water and run. He reached to the source of pain coming from the back of his head, and winced when he touched the swollen knot there, feeling the sticky, drying, blood. What had he been hit with? Even Inuyasha had never hit him that hard.

It felt like a boulder was sitting on his head and someone was pounding against it with a big hammer.

Slowly he pushed himself up to one elbow and tried to blink away the tears to look around. Then he remembered. "Kagome!" Shippo jumped up, but the quick motion only served to send him staggering sideways into a tree trunk. He hit it with an 'oomph', then grabbed on to steady himself. His head really, really, hurt.


He forced his eyes open completely and swiped at them to clear his vision, before frantically looking around. Kagome had been right there. He was sure of it, because he spotted the root that she had tripped over. He could even make out the spot where her knees hit the soft dirt and moss, leaving an impression.

Shippo grew frantic and searched around. In the same spot that she had fallen, he smelled traces of the human soldier that had been keeping Kagome tied up. That must have been who sneaked up and clobbered him while he had been distracted with Kagome. Dirty rotten jerk, Shippo growled.

He looked to the sky and gauged the time by the position of the sun. It looked like he had been out cold for several hours. He began to get scared, but talked himself quickly back under control. Kagome was depending on him, and he had to keep it together.

As fast as his young legs would take him, Shippo retraced the path that the man took back to the horses. He ignored the massive pounding in his head and searched for signs that would tell him that Kagome was not hurt, and found a place by the horse where both of her feet were on the ground. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she wouldn't have been standing if she were hurt by the fall or the soldier who chased her down.

After scurrying around the area and confirming the path that they took, Shippo took off to follow the clomps of dirt left behind by the horses hooves. Whenever he lost sight of the tracks, he easily relied on his sense of smell to lead him.

It was nearly dark when he came across a horrifying discovery.

The dead body of the soldier who had been with Kagome.

His heart nearly stopped altogether when he smelled the blood soaked into the ground. Frantically he raced around, trying to stay calm, while looking for clues as to what happened. There had been many human's involved and it was hard to make out the tracks when so many had trampled over the same spot. When he found the leather ties that had been wrapped around Kagome's wrists, he wasn't sure what to make of it. It was obvious that they had been cut off with a knife, but had they done that for a good reason, or bad?

Searching closer to the forest's edge produced more evidence to Kagome's safety. Someone had given her water. He could make out her footprints, and dried spots of sand that clumped together when the water ran down her chin. It wasn't much to go on, and he wasn't one hundred percent sure that he was right in his assessment, but he was betting that whoever killed the Oda soldier had freed Kagome.

He followed their scent, and discovered that Kagome walked with them. They didn't follow the main roadway, and instead took an almost unnoticeable path through the forest, which eventually opened into a one-horse trail. His nose was the only thing keeping him going, because the sun had set and darkness had moved in.

He was so tired, and he was feeling nauseated, but he pushed himself to his limit. Only when he simply couldn't walk another step, did Shippo find a spot in the crook of a tree trunk where he curled up for the night to get some sleep. His head was killing him, and he felt dizzy. He needed to rest, and let his youkai body finish healing.

The dawn brought Shippo awake with a yawn and a growling stomach. His head felt much better now, and for that he was thankful. Now he needed to find something to eat quick and then continue his search. It was with luck that he discovered a persimmon tree nearby. The pulpy fruit made his mouth pucker, but he ignored it and gulped it down just to quiet his rumbling stomach.

Once he was full of the reddish orange fruit, Shippo continued on the path that Kagome had taken with the group of men. It was nearly noon when he came across the abandoned village. There were several dead soldiers lying around wearing strange armor that didn't match the ones that had originally taken Kagome.

Around him were the remnants of a battle. There was debris from an explosion of some sort, and two dead men, who were obviously killed from the impact. It took him three hours of searching before he found Kagome's blood on the ground. The scent caused him to freeze in fear for her, nearly knocking the breath out of him, because it was obvious that she had been hurt pretty bad. He could just make out the impression of her elbows and knees where she'd fallen.

Despite a racing heart, another hour put him at the spot where she had lain near a fire. He could clearly smell her unique scent covering the grass there, but strangely enough he couldn't figure out what happened after that. Her scent was barely discernable anywhere else. She didn't walk away from the spot, she was carried.

Once he separated the different scents, Shippo was pretty sure that he had locked on to the one who carried her. One of the soldiers footsteps made a deeper impression in some places than others, signaling that he had been carrying a heavier load. He knew that he was taking a chance by following that soldier's scent, but it was his only choice. He knew that he was grasping at straws, but he had to do something, so Shippo took off, following a set of horse tracks that led in a separate direction than the rest.

He ran for nearly two hours before he drew up to a stop gasping for breath. On the ground was where someone had vomited, and that was where he finally caught Kagome's scent again. He could have cheered to finally know that he had taken the right path, if only the situation had not been so dire. They had obviously taken a break in that spot, but he didn't waste time to check it out. The tracks led on and so he followed.

When he broke through the cover of forest and spotted the castle nestled on a hill between dozens of old magnolia and Sakura trees, Shippo quickly skidded to a stop. There was no way to get closer to the wall around the castle without crossing a long patch of empty space. The vast meadow was cut low from grazing animals, leaving anyone crossing it very exposed.

Shippo stepped back, blending into the thick forest, and circled around to look for a way in.

His search turned up disturbing news. There was no way in other than over the wall, and the wall was carefully guarded on all sides. Soldiers with horns announced the arrival of anyone approaching the gate, and thoroughly searched the wagons before allowing them to pass through.

He had to decide if he should risk capture and try using his fox magic to get in, or return to the village to try and send word to Inuyasha.

Where could she be in there? How could he find her? If he were caught, then they would both be trapped and no one would know what had happened to them.

No. He couldn't let that happen. He was sure that Kagome was in there and he had to get help to get her out. He made the decision to go back. It was the hardest decision that he had ever made. The thought of leaving Kagome alone in that place chilled him to the bone, but he was only a kid. He couldn't risk messing it up. He was the only one that knew where she was being held.

"I'll get you out of there, Kagome. Just stay safe until I get back," Shippo whispered toward the castle beyond, then with a breath of resignation, he turned, running back toward their village.

With any luck, Inuyasha would return early. And if he couldn't get to Inuyasha, then he would have to go find Kouga.


Sesshomaru was dragged from his cell as usual, but today he felt much better. His wounds were greatly improved. Obviously the blood from the meat had done more to heal his flesh than he had hoped. Truly his youkai bloodline was strong.

The revelation of his improving health left him at odds. On one hand he felt cheated. He had been so close to escaping the nightmare of Asuza's compulsion and now death would be that much harder to obtain. It was the side of him that remembered who he was and where he came from, the tiny piece of him that warred against the indignities committed against him that thrilled at the revival of his strength.

Down deep inside, a demon lord still moved, and he wanted vengeance.

As he entered Asuza's chambers, Sesshomaru immediately scented Iku's presence, and the stench of his twisted lust was nearly unbearable. The demon witch lay on her extravagant bed watching him like a slithering snake staring down its prey. Immediately he fell to his knees, spread them according to her wishes and stared down, trying to ignore the evidence of her warped compulsion sitting large, swollen, and eager, against his hip.

"Have you missed me, my beautiful one?" Asuza purred. She could feel the hatred radiating from him in waves so powerful that it was nearly suffocating. She did not expect an answer from him, and true to form, he gave none. She decided to play naughty and push him to respond.

"Yes, Mistress."

Sesshomaru felt the growl rising from deep within his soul at the degradation that she forced upon him. Was it not terrible enough that he was made to perform for her upon command like a common pet?

No. Of course not. A woman with such a callous mind had no concern for the lost honor of others.

One must never expect to be treated honorably by one who has no honor themselves.

The growl of indignation died in his throat, as her hold became stronger. His mind blurred and an unwelcome warmth spread throughout his belly.

Asuza crawled off the bed in a stream of sheer silks that flowed around her perfect body like colorful wisps of fog. Sesshomaru felt her approach and stand over him. He watched her small, bare feet, and her carmine painted toes. She circled him, until she stood at his back and then, almost thoughtfully, she moved his heavy hair aside and traced her fingertip over one of the long scars healing there.

He ignored the sting of her touch against his freshly mended wound, and remained silent as she studied her fill.

"You have healed remarkably well from your ordeal with the whip, my slave. I wonder how that could be?" Asuza turned to glance at her retainer, who shrugged as if he didn't know. She turned her attention back to her slave and continued to look him over. "I must admit, it is an improvement from the ragged condition you were in before, however, it seems that you are adjusting to my elixir, and we may have to make some modifications. It would be unsavory if you were to regain your strength."

Yes it would. For her. Sesshomaru enjoyed a brief fantasy of stripping her skin from her bones.

Asuza stroked her hand sensually over the slaves' shoulder, and up to thread her fingers in his glorious mane of hair. She had thought to cut it off, as it was not in keeping with a slave to have such luxurious locks, but she decidedly put the thought from her mind. She secretly adored the feel of it as it feathered her skin while he pleasured her.

She had missed her slave. Well, missed the things that he could do to her body, at any rate. She would never speak of it, however. It was her secret to have. She tangled her fingers in the silken mass, twisting, until she gripped a handful in her fist, then snatched his head back, and for a moment, she stared into his magnificent golden eyes.

Eyes that were dulled from the drug as well as her control.

But not dulled enough to hide the hatred smoldering there. It touched something inside of her that burned and called up an unexplainable anger. She lowered her mouth and crushed his lips against her own with a kiss that was punishing and hungry as she took from him with greed. He returned her passion with fierce possession, but she knew the truth of it.

He would never kiss her of his own free will.

He was just like the rest of the demon lords. Powerful and arrogant. His class thought themselves above her own, and it infuriated her that much more.

Her fangs scraped against his as she plundered his mouth with her warm, seeking tongue. She moaned as she forced him to open wider. Asuza knelt on the furs in front of him, running her hands over his hard muscles, marveling at the softness of male skin stretched tight on solid lean muscle. He was a powerful male, and it excited her to control him. It was a rush of feeling like no other, and it sent her blood thundering through her veins.

She pulled away and they both gasped for air. His breathing was coming harder, faster, matching her own. Her desire for his touch grew strong when she thought about him caressing her body with his big strong hands.

All it ever took was a thought.

He cupped her breasts, still covered by the thin barrier of silk, and brushed his thumb against her nipples, causing them to harden and grow. Asuza watched him lower his mouth to suck and nip at the tawny tip, causing heat to flood her core. When he pulled away, the moist fabric grew cool when he blew softly against it, and it sent a fire spiraling out of control straight through her wanton flesh.

She snatched away her covering, leaving herself bare for his exploration. He moved against her, pressing his warm, hard chest flush to her softness, while devouring her slender neck with hot, hungry kisses. His hands moved to palm her breasts, before he took the swollen, sensitive nipples in between his thumb and forefinger to twist and tug in a maddening rhythm.

Her head fell back as she gave herself up to the sensations that he evoked. One hand moved slowly, sensually, downward, tracing the indention of her waist and down, around her back, to cup her buttock and pull her roughly against his swollen cock. She groaned at the sensation, and ground her needy womanhood against his impressive shaft.

Lower, he moved, firmly caressing her smooth thigh with his hand before sliding it up to the valley between the apex of her legs. Her breath drew in sharply when he traced her moist cleft, before slipping between the slick folds to tease her aching nub.

"Mmm...." she breathed, arching her hips and grinding her pelvis into his hand. He certainly knew how to please a girl.

Mind control was an amazing thing, and unquestionably she could force his movements, if she so wished, but in this, she allowed him sway. He did not need her to refine his technique. He was a master in this domain. She merely pushed him to do the act, forcing him to comply with her wishes. The skill with which he performed was all his own.

It will be a shame to kill him, but he would have to die, and soon.

Two long, thick, masculine fingers suddenly pushed deep inside of her, causing her to explode. She cried out from the force of it as her body was swept away in the waves of her first release. Panting, she moved back to sit upon the fur lined steps leading up to her bed. He stayed where he was, still swollen and panting with unfulfilled need. Perhaps tonight she would let him have his release?


She spread her legs wide and commanded him forward. He crawled to her, with his eyes focused on her tiny patch of auburn fur. When he finally took her in his mouth, she arched her back and tossed her head with a lusty groan. Kami. The dog certainly knew how to move his tongue.

She opened her eyes to find her anxious retainer lurking near. He watched their display with hungry violet eyes, darkened with a wicked heat. He had pulled his robes open revealing his chiseled body, completely nude and wanting. Watching her tall, strong, Iku stalking behind her slave, devouring him with lust filled eyes, sent her spiraling over the edge. She gripped the furs tightly in her claws as her body shook once more with the exploding rhyme.

Iku was panting and growing impatient. His big muscular body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, and Asuza took a moment to admire the detailed lines and feather-like markings that adorned his hips. She narrowed her eyes with a knowing grin as he moved his hand inside the robe to trace over his sculpted chest and stomach, downward, until he finally grasped his swollen cock in hand.

Her Iku was a magnificent male. The most handsome she had ever known. His features were dark against pale skin that complimented the physique of an ancient warrior. Long, straight, soft, hair of the deepest blue, fell over his shoulders and back, ending just above his tight backside. He habitually allowed the veil of it to cover his left eye, but she knew why. It was what lay beneath.

Iku was of the Falcon clan, thought extinct long ago. He was the last of his kind and hidden beneath his hair was the symbol of his superior breeding. There was a slash of gold, that swept the surface of his eyelid, over the left brow, and up the left side of his forehead, disappearing into his dark hairline. He never revealed it to anyone else. She was the only one that he was loyal to, and for that she trusted him completely. Their partnership was forged long ago, by common enemies out to destroy them both. In the end, they would prevail and their enemies would all pay for their ill-gotten gains.

Sesshomaru suckled her clit, now swollen into a hard little nub, while she traced Iku's spectacular body with half closed eyes. Her trusted companion captured her gaze and held it, and she knew from experience what he wanted. Needed. He never asked much of her, and for that she would give him the world. She nodded, granting permission for him to take his reward.

Asuza had not grown careless or stupid in the days since she last enjoyed her inu slave. She well remembered the last time a male tried to nudge his staff between those pale, glorious cheeks. It was quite obvious that her new slave was innocent of a man's touch. Virgin flesh, if you will. And he obviously had no wish to change that. However, his wishes meant nothing, and never would, for she had the Amulet of Coactum in her possession. It took only a thought to completely control him, and she felt the amulets warmth pulsing against her chest.


A/N: N/C Yaoi starts here!! - You've been warned!

Her hips danced against Sesshomaru's plundering mouth, while she lay back watching Iku take control. Her friend, her cohort, and love, was a thrilling sight to behold as he took a man from behind. She had been witness to it countless times over the centuries and the act of it never grew boring to see.

First he rubbed the glistening oil over the purple head of his big, straining, erection, and then lavishly over his hanging sac. His lip curled ever so slightly, as he shifted to trace that same hand over Sesshomaru's back. Asuza felt her slave stiffen, but her control was too great. The amulet was all-powerful and he never had a chance against it.

Iku moved both hands to Sesshomaru's back, massaging his shoulders, then downward, tracing his perfect spine. He then cupped his muscular buttocks before kneading the flesh roughly with both hands. Asuza could see the eagerness on Iku's ruggedly handsome features, and knew that he wanted badly to just plunge inside, but she also knew him well enough to know that he enjoyed the preparation nearly as much as the act.

She watched the face of her slave, as Iku traced his long, thick finger down Sesshomaru's cleft, before slipping it deep into his puckered hole. She could feel the dog's sharp intake of breath against her sensitive nether lips while he licked, and spread her legs even wider. Watching Iku work his way into an obviously tight passage always succeeded in stirring her lust to new heights.

She knew that Sesshomaru was screaming inside of his head. The amulet gave her some power to sense the emotions of the ones that she compelled. The once proud demon lord was roaring with rage and humiliation beneath the surface of his drugged, unfocused facade. His panting breaths and the sudden glint of fear deep within those golden eyes were the only things that gave away his feigned indifference to Iku's touch.

A second finger joined the first, stretching him for Iku's invasion, sliding deep and circling around. Sesshomaru grunted and looked down with a frown, grinding his perfect white fangs together viciously. It drew her attention, and she decided to watch her slaves' aristocratic face as Iku took him. She touched his chin, forcing him to look at her. His cold eyes focused on her with such deep hatred that the intensity nearly scalded her. She smiled, ran her claws through his silky hair with admiration, and purred, "Relax, Sesshomaru. It will hurt much less if you do."

Iku looked up from the lean male body and nodded at his Mistress. It was time. His hands were literally shaking with expectation as he guided the purple mushroomed head of his cock into the dark entrance of Sesshomaru. He had longed for this moment. Dreamed of the chance to deflower this particular demon lord. The thrill of it flooded him with emotion, and left him with a hard aching throb that begged to be sated.

He arched his powerful hips forward, pressing against the puckered hole. It was tight, and resisted him, but another nudge successfully breached the outer ring. He stilled for a moment, to bask in the sensation of the inu's tight heat clenching around him, then he pushed again, sliding in just a bit deeper. God, it felt so damn good. Just as he imagined. He pushed again, and again the slick clenching heat quivered against his intrusion.

Iku's hands clenched the inu's hips tightly, he grit his teeth, and thrust once more, this time holding nothing back, and filling the dogs' tight ass to the hilt. "Ahhh.... yessss," he moaned.

Asuza felt a fresh flood of juices pouring into her slaves' mouth from her quim. A mouth that continued to move against her, though the look on his face was growing empty and distant. When Iku had seated himself completely, Sesshomaru's face clenched in pain. It stirred her lust into a whirlwind of flaming desire.

Iku held still, giving him time to adjust, and obviously basking in the sensation of being sheathed inside of a tight male. It gave Sesshomaru time to recover, and his face went slack again. When Iku began to pull out slowly, she watched Sesshomaru's eyes clench shut, giving her a spectacular view of the crimson slashes of color adorning each of his eyelids. But when Iku pushed back in, Sesshomaru's brows came together in a telling mixture of pain and disgust. His deep, guttural grunts came in response to each of Iku's thrusts, and Asuza determined that viewing her retainer fucking her beautiful slave was the most erotic thing that she had ever seen.

Their panting breaths and deep, inhuman, grunting echoed in her chamber. Her body was hot and she slid her hand over her breast to squeeze the nipple while she enjoyed the show. Asuza moaned as another orgasm approached. Kami, she positively loved the way Sesshomaru's face repetitively bumped against her core with every thrust from Iku's powerful hips slapping against his body.

She came. The climax hit her hard and she splintered into a million sparkling pieces. Her body convulsed with the strength of it, until she was weak, and sated. She pulled away, and Sesshomaru gasped deeply, as if he had been deprived of breath for an eternity. Behind him, Iku released a deep, low, keening that sent a thrill down her spine. Sesshomaru answered with a baritone growl that sounded like a death sentence. Iku only chuckled, then used his thigh to shove Sesshomaru's leg farther apart, before angling himself to get deeper.

The filthy vermin was ripping him apart. He was so deep inside of him that it was hard to breathe. Sesshomaru tried to escape the whole thing by finding shelter in his mind. He tried to block out the horror of what was happening to him, but it was impossible. The bastard raping him was taking great pleasure in doing so, and with each thrust of his hips he filled his backside, stretching him completely with his obscene cock.

The anger, the humiliation, the rage and disgust was intense, but nothing could take away the feeling of Iku's hard member moving inside of him. At first the pain had been wrenching, nearly causing his stomach to roll, but now it was beginning to ease, becoming less like pain, and more like... pleasure.

Kami help him.

Something traitorous was receiving a jolt of pleasure with each and every thrust. He could feel the sensitive spot just inside of him that was reacting, and being coaxed time and again to respond. He fought it, the building fullness and heat, but with Asuza's compulsion it was useless, and finally he gave up. Through to drug and compulsion, Sesshomaru let Iku take him, and that was the worst part of all.

When Asuza slipped her hand around Sesshomaru's hard cock, now slick with oil, and began pumping her hand over the smooth flesh and sensitive flared tip, he nearly lost his mind. Then She went lower, teasing the slapping sac hanging low between his thick thighs, and he groaned like a whore. He was helpless against so much stimulation. His body was acting on its own, and when he felt his end drawing near, it became his only thought, his only focus at all.

Asuza watched hungrily as her two ethereal men panted, grunted and groaned. Iku's strong hips shifted and he began to drive his cock into Sesshomaru's tight heat with increasing speed. She stroked Sesshomaru's stiff erection, which was full, swollen, and about to explode. She watched Iku's intent face, as he focused on reaching his goal. His magnificent hips slammed forward, burying himself deep in the inu's ass with inhuman speed, until Sesshomaru suddenly arched back with a deep guttural snarl that ripped from his throat. His seed, thick and creamy, shot from the slit at the tip, soiling the furs, and coating her hand. Only then did Iku join him in nirvana with a great roar.

Iku tried to catch his breath. By the Ancient Ones, it felt as his he poured a small piece of his soul into the dog. Truly, in all his centuries, he had never experienced such a powerful release. His body shivered with one last expulsion of fluids, and he drew in a deep, shaky, breath, before releasing it slowly, satisfied. When he felt his phallus growing limp in the wet tunnel that it was imbedded in, he pulled back, regrettably extracting it from the slick heat.

Iku laughed out with the sheer joy he felt, then slapped the inu on his fine ass. "Thank you, Sesshomaru. My Father thanks you as well for your 'gift'. After all, it is only fitting that you experience what he went through at the hands of your oh-so-noble grandfather after losing a battle. I will admit, though. I'll wager that my father's ass wasn't quite that tight."

Asuza threw back her head releasing a song of loud, maniacal, feminine laughter.

A/N: Yaoi ends here.


A/N: Male rape is a real problem of society, and has been for thousands of years. For a better understanding, please visit: The National Center For Victims of Crime. Article: Male Rape. entID=32361

For those of you that skipped the Yaoi, I will tell you one thing that was in there that's important to the plot. Iku revealed that, in centuries past, his own father had been 'conquered' by Sesshomaru's grandfather after losing a battle to the dog.