InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 9 - A Sense of Danger ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do this for free. I'm not affiliated with Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha, and only write free fanfiction for my love of twisting her character's to my dark, demented will. May the smut live on.


Chapter 9 - A Sense of Danger

A/N: I would like to send my sincere gratitude to LazyJenny on DeviantArt - or Brainshake on - for the awesome picture of Lord Anubis from my story 'As Death Gives Life'. I would have thanked her sooner, but I had no idea she had done me such an honor. Thank you so much! I love it. To see her pic for yourself go to

I would like to think everyone who has nominated 'Violation of Honor' for the Fourth Qtr. 2006 IYFG awards. It is an honor and I greatly appreciate it. I've had some amazing ideas for this fic recently and I think that it is going to be the best that I've written yet. Your support means very much to me and I look forward to sharing the coming chapters with you all.


Best Original Character: Iku

Nominated by: Nami Hamasaki

Best Lemon

Nominated by: sesshys_jaded_samuri


Best Dark Fic/Horror

Nominated by: miss_marilyn69


Best Characterization: Kagome

Nominated by: sesshys_jaded_samuri


** Also, thanks to Risa, the sweetest Beta ever!



Shippo had waited as long as he could stand it. There was no way of knowing when Inuyasha would return, and he simply had to go after Kouga. It was the only thing that he could think of to save Kagome. As much as he hated to ask for the wolf's help, he had no other choice, not for lack of trying to think of one. He even, very briefly, considered trying to track down Lord Sesshomaru, since Rin was his ward, with hopes that Rin could convince Sesshomaru to demand Kagome's release. That plan was quickly discarded, because Sesshomaru would never go out of his way to save Kagome. The daiyoukai barely tolerated any of them, and Shippo was pretty sure that even Rin didn't have the power to change his mind in that regard - at least not enough to go out of his way to save Kagome.

A momentary thought passed to seek out Jeninji, but the half demon was not exactly the brave warrior type. He was more like the skittish peace-loving type. There were a few others that crossed his mind, but none who were bold enough to risk danger to rescue a mortal female. Only Kouga and possibly Ayame would consider going after Kagome. He really didn't trust those wolves, but it looked like he didn't have any other choice.

Just as he said goodbye to Oichi-chan, who waved from the doorway of her hut, Shippo stopped cold in his tracks as the aura of a demon began to come closer. Instinctively he backed up and blended with the trunk of a nearby tree. His camouflage technique in the forest was getting pretty good. He still could not completely hide his presence, mainly his jaki, but it was a huge advantage to concealing his exact location.

He watched the forest around him, carefully scanning for movement amongst the bushes and trees, but saw nothing. It was then that he realized his mistake. The youkai was not coming at him from the ground, or even from the limbs of the trees, it was coming from the air above.

"Rin-chan!" Shippo swiftly dropped his illusion, and ran toward the two-headed dragon that carried the young human ward of Inuyasha's brother, Lord Sesshomaru. The girl spotted him immediately and waved with a big smile. Shippo wondered if something was wrong because Rin was rarely seen without Sesshomaru or his retainer Jaken. He grew anxious until she landed, worrying about why she had come and was alone.

Shippo couldn't help but notice how much Rin had grown, and how pretty she had become since the last time he saw her. She slipped from the dragon's back and ran to his side stopping short to give him a slight bow of greeting. "Shippo-chan! It is wonderful to see you again."

Shippo gave an answering bow and then smiled brightly. "You as well, Rin-chan, but I must apologize, because I don't have much time to visit. I'm on a very important mission."

"Really?" Rin asked with obvious admiration and wonder. "Is it a dangerous mission, Shippo-chan?"

Shippo's chest puffed out, his eyes narrowed, and he answered with grave seriousness in his voice. "Very dangerous, Rin-chan. I've got to save Kagome. She's been captured, and Inuyasha is away. I must to go to our allies for help." He then looked behind her and asked, "So, umm, is Sesshomaru-sama with you?" If he was, Shippo didn't see any harm in asking for his help. All he could do was say no - or lop off his head, right?

Rin shook her head sadly and replied, "That is the reason why I am here, Shippo-chan. Lord Sesshomaru has been missing for weeks and Master Jaken is facing an uprising in the West. A massive army of human and youkai soldiers are setting up camp near our castle and the castle defenses are already weak because of the disappearance of our lord. Master Jaken fears that the castle will fall to the enemy if we do not find him soon. Begrudgingly, he sent me here, to Inuyasha and Kagome for safety until things are back under control, but I'm scared Shippo! Lord Sesshomaru has never stayed away for so long, and no one knows where he is.

"Master Jaken will not leave the castle, because someone has to stay and give orders - and you know how well Master Jaken gives orders. I'm afraid that if the enemy soldiers don't kill him, that our own will!

"I didn't want to leave them; I told them to let me fight, too. I can help! I know I can, but they wouldn't let me. Stupid men," she made a little snarl of disgust then realized that she may have offended her friend. "Oops, I'm sorry Shippo. I certainly didn't mean you. Why, I happen to think that you are very...." Rin trailed off with a blush and silently kicked herself. What are you doing, silly? You sound like a ninny! Kami, I can't believe that I almost told him that I think he's brilliant... and smart... and incredibly cute.

"Very what?" Shippo asked. He held his breath, waiting to see what she would say. One minute her huge expressive eyes looked suddenly surprised then a little panicked. He wondered what could have crossed her mind to change her emotions that quickly? What was it that she had been going to say?

"Umm... practical." Rin stuttered and nervously looked away.

"Practical?" Shippo murmured in confusion. That wasn't at all flattering. It left a small twang of disappointment in his stomach, but then he shook his head. What was he thinking anyway? It wasn't like he wanted Rin to compliment him? Did he?

He stole a hidden glance, really looking at Rin for the first time. She was showing signs of becoming a woman. Her hair was longer and kept in a twist that left a good portion trailing down her back. The carefree style was typical of Rin, but left her long slender neck bared, and as weird as it was, Shippo found the delicate length of it captivating. It took some effort to look upward only to find that her round little face had grown more slender hinting at high cheekbones

Shippo suddenly felt very nervous. She was the prettiest girl that he had ever seen, and not only that, he knew her to be brave, caring, and loyal. Her beauty was not merely skin deep. Maybe he did want her to compliment him? Maybe he would like to impress this new Rin? Maybe being considered 'practical' just wouldn't do?

"Come with me," Shippo blurted, then proceeded to mentally bash himself over his thick skull. Why had he asked her that?! He was supposed to be in a hurry! Idiot! Idiot! But it was too late, it was already out.

"Come with you where?" Rin asked a little surprised.

He should lie and say something else. He should not ask her to come with him to find Kouga. He should leave her here with Oichi until he returned with Kagome in tow. He should, but the thought of traveling with her, of having someone to talk to - her to talk to - well, it was just too much of a lure. "To find our allies. It won't take too long. A day if we fly. Two and a half if we walk." He looked over her shoulder toward the dragon grazing on the berries of a late blooming bush. "Is your dragon up to flying for awhile?"

Rin's heart sped up to the point of erratic fluttering, but she managed to answer Shippo's question without sounding like a fool. "I think that Ah-Un can fly for an hour or two, but then I would have to stop and let him rest for a bit. He has traveled hard to get to your village and he will need some time to regain his strength."

Damn it! He knew it. She will slow him down. It was clear, and obvious, and as plain as day, but still he found himself saying, "That will be okay. Let's go then."

Rin could barely contain her glee. She wanted to grin from ear to ear, but didn't want it to be too obvious that she was thrilled to be accompanying Shippo on his mission. She instead managed a grateful smile and nodded, ignoring the annoying voice in the back of her mind that said Master Jaken would not be pleased. She then turned to gather Ah-Un and quickly climbed into the shiny leather saddle. Once she was mounted Shippo popped into a huge ball with tiny arms and legs that rose into the sky. Ah-Un made a groaning call before rising from the ground to join him.

Together, the young fox boy and the young human girl set out on an adventure that might possibly prove to weave a closer bond than either could have ever expected.


Inuyasha took pleasure in slicing and dicing the last ugly bastard that crawled through the hole to Hell. "Damn! Let's plug this stink hole up quick. I can't take much more of this smell!"

"Right!" Sango shouted from atop Kirara floating above. She swooped down and headed toward Miroku, who prepared himself to leap aboard the firecat.

Once Miroku was on board and Kirara was in the clear Inuyasha positioned himself, then called forth the wind scar. It hit the mountainside with incredible power sending massive boulders, rocks and dirt tumbling down. The sound of it was ear shattering, but he managed not to look like a wimp by grabbing his ears like he wanted to. He couldn't help a wince through, as tons of earth and debris descended downward crashing at the bottom and piling high.

It took some time for everything to settle and the dust hung thick in the air, but he was impatient to finish it, so he held his sleeve up to cover his nose and mouth before entering the suffocating cloud to inspect the damage. After insuring that there was no possible way for the ogre's to escape again, he quickly leap clear of the settling dust and finally took a deep breath of fresh air.

Inuyasha shook himself, sending another cloud of dust flying in every direction, before repeating the process once again. Satisfied that he was relatively clean, he looked around for his friends. He spotted them standing on the edge of an outcropping rock and it slightly pissed him off that they found his sudden need for a bath funny. "Shut up! If it weren't for me all three of you would have been ogre stew tonight! Useless humans," he grumbled, then straightened his haori before flipping his mass of silver hair back over his shoulders. It wasn't even Saturday and already he needed a bath. It figures.

As he walked over to join the others Inuyasha suddenly got the oddest feeling in his chest. It felt heavy and tight almost clenching, but not really painful. It felt... wrong. He stopped and his eyes narrowed with concern. It felt strange. Absently he rubbed his clawed hand over the area while considering what it meant. It felt... "Something's wrong," he murmured. "I can feel it."

Miroku was watching his dog eared friend with curiosity, because, one minute he had been walking toward them with his usual look of carefree grumpiness and the next, he looked as if he had swallowed a bad mushroom. "What are you saying, Inuyasha? Is there something wrong?"

Sango noticed it too, and felt a cold uneasy shiver run up her spine. Inuyasha had a knack for sensing the approach of trouble, but she had been sure that all of the ogres were either dead or driven back into the opening to Hell. Miroku's question didn't leave her feeling any better about it either, it only confirmed that he, too, had noticed Inuyasha's suddenly strange behavior.

When he reached their side, Inuyasha stopped and tried to shake off the sensation, but it refused to leave. There was definitely something wrong, but the feeling was weakened... like maybe... far away. "Kagome!"

"Nani?" The chorus of two questioning voices and one small 'meow' proved neither Miroku, Sango nor Kirara had any idea why Inuyasha would suddenly think something was wrong with Kagome.

"Inuyasha, Miroku began, you can't seriously think that you can sense danger to Kagome over such a vast distance?"

"I damn sure do, monk!" Inuyasha looked toward the west, and the direction home. Unconsciously he sniffed the air, but discarded the wealth of information gained as useless. In a low growling voice he told them why. "I can't explain it, but I have this feeling. Kagome's in trouble, I tell ya', and we need to get home!"

They had traveled together - lived together - way too long for any one of them to doubt their hanyou friend. His senses were far superior to theirs and he and Kagome had a connection that couldn't be denied. Too many times a gut feeling had saved them from certain death, and none of them were willing to risk the outcome by ignoring it this time.

"Let's go then!" Miroku shouted and Sango nodded curtly in agreement. In seconds they were flying through the sky atop Kirara while a red, speeding dot zipped through the trees below.

Inuyasha gritted his teeth as his worry for Kagome began to knot his stomach. He just hoped that they made it in time.


"Sire, forgive me for intruding, but there is a woman here to see you, one that is quite insistent, if I might add."

Lord Sasaki Hyuuga, King of the Snow Monkey Clan considered his vassal for the one brief moment that it took for him to come to a decision. With a heavy sigh, he pulled Benika, his fourth wife, and Beniko, his fifth, from their zealous worship of his cock and balls. As much as he wanted to continue their two on one time, he had a realm to maintain. Unfortunately, that sometimes interrupted the more pleasurable moments in life. "Forgive me, my darlings. As well you know, Takenobu would never barge in here unless it was of the utmost importance."

Dutifully, his sweet, sensuous, lovelies pouted with petulant little whines that made their bottom lips pucker with the most magnetic allure. With a growl of frustration, he leaned forward and sucked the full inviting flesh of Beniko's lip... or was that Benika? He was always getting them confused. He loved them both the same so it never really mattered that much when he occasionally confused them. In the end it was a tiny brown mole on the inside-right thigh of Benika, that saved his ass most of the time. That little mole was the only discernable difference between them. They even sucked dick exactly the same. He liked that a lot.

With one more taste of sweet lips he promised to pick up where they left off as soon as he could arrange it. He then motioned to Taikimaru, one of his personal bodyguards, and said, "Take the ladies out for some sunshine. I also wish them to have jewels today." He made a considering face for a moment, and then added, "Something.... in blue. Blue is a stunning color on them both."

Hyuuga allowed his manservant to assist in his dressing. It wasn't normally something that he indulged in, but he was feeling a speck rushed. After slipping on an emerald and violet obi, then tying it in a dutiful bow, the male bowed low then stepped back. Now ready for the confrontation ahead, Hyuuga sauntered from the room, but Takenobu stopped his exit cold when he uttered three final words.

"Sire... she is human."

Hyuuga immediately had a good suspicion just who it was that had come calling to his den. The only human woman who would have any connection to him at all was the current infatuation of his wayward younger brother, Uchuu. He sighed heavily and for one brief moment his great shoulders slumped. Then, without fail, they squared up once more presenting the Monkey Lord as the formidable warrior king that he was.

Sumiho was shaking in her geta, and feared that her slightly knobby knees were knocking together making a racket. It was unfortunate that her heart was beating so loudly, otherwise she might have been able to tell. As it was, she was doing everything in her power to look as respectful and unafraid as possible. She was almost positive that the respect would be noticed, and she prayed that the fear would not.

Youkai had such strange and magical senses. They could smell things and hear things that she, as a human, could not. Uchuu-sama often startled her with unusual abilities, reminding her with unavoidable clarity of his inhuman nature. It was disturbing, because sometimes she forgot that he was youkai. Oddly enough, he was more often than not, simply Uchuu to her.

Her father, however, never, ever, forgot that Uchuu-sama was youkai. It did not matter that he was a prince. It mattered not that he was handsome, kind, and brave. Her father did not care that she loved him.

Sumiho hated her father for what he had done. She would never forgive him. It was an underhanded and vile thing that he did to free her of Uchuu. A thing she did not want anyway. She cared for him, and it mattered not to her heart that he was youkai.

When the monkey king made his entrance, followed by an entourage of lessors, Sumiho felt a wave a panic-driven blackness wash over her that literally made her sway on her feet. Fortunately, falling to her knees in a reverent bow was useful in hiding the close call with a faint, thus giving her time to take a deep, settling breath.

"State your business here in my demon realm, mortal."

His voice was booming in the vast chamber, a deep timber that was riddled with untold power. Sumiho shivered and glanced up quickly for a peek, then down, not wishing to provoke him to anger by meeting his eyes. She was stricken by how handsome he was, even more so than any other youkai she had encountered so far. He stood tall, lean and muscled, with a sleek fall of mottled silver and white hair. It was the same color as Uchuu's unruly mane, but lay smooth and tame against his shoulders and back.

This youkai's blue eyes were cold and calculating, startling in their intensity and mirroring ancient, unfathomable wisdom to one such as her. His cheeks held the same dark stripes that Uchuu had, but on this youkai's forehead there was a delicate green snowflake. Uchuu had once explained the snowflake as a status symbol inherited from the king's mother, the first wife of the previous monkey king.

His frigid demand made her gulp, as her voice suddenly eluded her. Sumiho had to fight the urge to shriek and run for her life. With effort she reigned in the urge to flee, and stayed her ground. Instead of running, she poured the strength of emotion that she was feeling into her plea. "Your Highness, I come to you on a matter of grave importance concerning your brother, Uchuu-sama."

The note in her voice when she uttered his brother's name did not go unnoticed by Hyuuga. The silly mortal thought herself in love with his brother, did she? Then she was as much a fool as he. To her revelation, he shrugged, as if the escapades of his brother were growing tedious - which they were. Hyuuga then snapped a harsh, "You may proceed."

Sumiho caught the spark of concern that was there so very briefly before being concealed behind a wall of sky blue ice. It gave her the courage to continue. "I fear for his life, my lord. He was attacked, just five nights past, by a swarm of soldiers. I was hiding in the wood and was witness to the whole thing. He fought valiantly, but there were so many.

"He... he ran... toward me. We were going to flee." Sumiho's voice broke, as she fought against the nightmarish memory. Uchuu had been consumed with worry that they would find her hiding spot. She had seen the desperation to keep her safe blazing within his eyes but then it came. "It was a great bird that came down from the sky. As big as a mountain! It swept down with monstrous talons that captured Uchuu unaware. The demon bird stole him from right before my eyes, then rose, soaring high toward the Lake of Promise!

With tears flowing and a look of desperation she added, "There was nothing that I could do." She was flooded with the horrible memory of that moment. Even in the bird's clutches, Uchuu's only concern had been for her. He had shouted for her to run, afraid that the men would take her captive as well. She had not been their target, however, he was.

After her love had been stolen away, the men silently faded into the forest, leaving her to stare in disbelieving agony toward the distant horizon. Her dear Uchuu was gone.

Sumiho reached up to swipe at the stray tears coursing down her pale cheek. Her insides shook with the emotion of her testimony to the frightening king. She feared his wrath, for it was the prince, his own brother, that had been taken, and it was entirely her fault. Had Uchuu not been there, visiting her, this would not have happened.

Uchuu spoke proudly of his brother, and from what she gathered, the king held affection for his errant younger sibling. Although he often chastised Uchuu for his misguided deeds, the punishments were not severe and only given out of concern.

Sumiho had made her confession to the king to save her lover, but the truth of their relationship was now aired to the youkai ruler. It was frowned upon to mix relations between human and youkai... on both sides. Uchuu had been warned several times to stay away from her, just as her own father had ordered her to avoid him. Neither of them chose to oblige and now something dreadful had happened.

She fully expected the youkai king to slay her where she stood, and Kami save her, she was willing to die if it would give Uchuu a chance to be saved. She breathed in a confidence building breath and explained her delay in bringing the message. "Please, honorable lord, forgive me for my delay in reporting this to you. I feared that I was in somewhat of a daze for quite some time after the attack. Then, my father discovered my rumpled state and forced my tongue. Once he learned that I had been with his highness, Uchuu-sama, he locked me in my bedchamber." It had also taken some time to gather the courage to sneak away from the security of her home to seek out the terrifying king of the monkey clan, but Sumiho decided to keep that to herself.

Hyuuga studied the prostrate woman for a moment while he considered not only her actions, but the predicament that Uchuu had managed to get himself into. So the female was once more the cause of some troublesome woe of his younger brother? Not surprising. They had been somewhat numerous as of late, but not too dire as the one presented to him today. Uchuu, the fool, had, indeed gotten himself into serious trouble. This was no silly accident with a sleeping beehive while stealing honey for his human lover. This was grave business, especially considering the enemies sniffing around their threshold, waiting for an opportunity to break in and steal everything that he had worked for away.

He had it on good authority that a youkai female - with a considerable following of youkai soldiers and an alliance with a mortal daimyo - was seeking to expand her holdings. In fact, a message had arrived only the previous day announcing the fall of the Eastern Lord to those in question.

A rumor had also been circulating that the western youkai lord, Sesshomaru, was missing and reported to be a captive of the enemy, but Hyuuga had to admit that he doubted that rumor's solidity. Of the four lords, Sesshomaru was without a doubt the most deadly. It would take a source of tremendous skill and cunning to defeat him, and unimaginable magic to hold him.

Could the new enemy be behind Uchuu's capture? It was entirely possible, and he needed to find out expediently - for now his brother's life was at stake.

"Rise mortal," Hyuuga ordered.

Sumiho grimaced to herself, unsure if her nerves would permit such a thing as standing. Unfortunately, she could not ignore the command, so she carefully pulled herself up, risking a quick glance at the king. He was watching her with an intense gaze and she couldn't tell if he was going to release her now, or kill her.

When he finally spoke, his words were not only unexpected, but shocking as well.

"You have shown considerable courage, for a human, in coming to me with this news. As much as I frown upon prince Uchuu's personal interest toward you, I can somewhat see why he finds you amusing. It is also noted that you have risked the wrath of your father in doing so. Am I to assume this leaves you without home and security?"

Even though it really irritated her that he thought Uchuu-sama's interest in her so shallow that she was merely amusing, Sumiho managed to bite back the angry words that surged in her throat. She had to remember that she was an outsider here and that these youkai would as soon kill her than look at her. Instead of lashing out in defense of their love, Sumiho simply dropped her head and spoke the truth. "Hai, my lord. It is true. My father will surely turn his back on me now."

With a heavy sigh, Sasaki Hyuuga turned to his trusted retainer and began giving orders. "Takenobu, take the human female to Aiko-chan. She is to keep her housed until further word from me." He then met Takenobu's green eyes with serious intent. "In three hours we will meet. I want all of my generals in attendance, as well as Prince Umito. It would also be prudent to have Uncle Hashimaru present." Takenobu acknowledged the commands with a reverent bow and quickly lead the mortal away.

The king then made his way to his private chambers. Regrettably, it appeared that his pleasant activities with Beniko and Benika would have to be put off for quite some time. At least until this mess with his brother was straightened out. Damn Uchuu and his ridiculous follies.


Uchuu rolled onto his back and stared at the raggedly carved rock ceiling of his cell. The day had dragged on, but despite the circumstances - and smell - it had not been as completely wretched as it very well could have been. He contributed the reprieve from madness to the pleasant feminine presence of their newly acquired miko. She was, surprisingly, not at all what he expected from a miko, especially her unwavering kindness toward himself and his strangely silent partner. Not once had she recoiled in loathing at being housed with youkai, and she seemed to truly harbor no ill will toward youkai in general.

Of course he attributed most of her acceptance to traveling with the one she called Inuyasha, as well as the demon cat and the fox kit, but where had it begun? How had a miko grown to accept and even love members of the enemy species? How had her heart looked beyond the prejudices of mankind to see the individual spirit beneath? What made some humans scream in terror at the sight of a youkai, while some would call them friend?

Like Sumiho.

Kami, he hoped that she was well and safe. The last image he had of her was one of fear. Her big brown eyes were full of tears as she screamed his name.

Uchuu forcefully shook his head, sending his mane of wintry hair tossing about. He sneezed when he inhaled the dirt that stirred up, and carelessly swiped the back of his wrist over his itchy nose. The sound echoed in the empty stone caverns, and for a moment he tensed, hoping that he hadn't awakened the sleeping miko.

Fortunately, her soft puffs of breath confirmed that she still napped and he sighed in relief. She had not slept much the previous night, keeping him and the silent inuyoukai sharing her cell awake much of the night while she tossed with restlessness. Not that it was important. After all, day or night, it didn't really matter when they slept. They were not likely to miss much down in the dungeon.

Keeping his voice soft so the miko would not awaken Uchuu asked the other youkai, "Why will you not speak in her presence?"

Sesshomaru considered the question and whether or not he wanted to waste the effort to answer. He was not normally inclined to speak to strangers of personal matters, but admittedly the silence was beginning to stretch his nerves. The silence left too much time for thought, and thinking stirred disturbing memories that he truly wished to avoid.

He listened to the soft, even breaths of the sleeping miko and determined her rest was indeed deep enough that she would not happen awake during his answer. Once he was assured that she would not hear, he replied. "The miko would, perhaps, recognize my voice."

Uchuu found the answer intriguing and turned his head toward at the pale youkai in curiosity. "She knows you then?"

"She does," Sesshomaru confirmed. It struck him as odd that he would tell the monkey such a thing. He was not prone to revealing secrets about himself and briefly entertained that his mind may have been damaged beyond all repair.

"Are the two of you close?" Uchuu asked while placing emphasis on the word 'close'. He could not help but wonder. Although he was surprised, the inuyoukai had offered even that small amount of information concerning himself. Uchuu was, by nature, a most inquisitive creature. He liked to know the hows and the whys of everything. It was a troublesome quality that often leads him into deep shit.

Sesshomaru scoffed, but failed to produce the normally disdainful tone that would have once accompanied that answer. Not so long ago he would have been mortally offended had anyone suggested that he, a full youkai of noble blood, would be deeply involved with a mortal woman. As circumstances had greatly changed, leaving him to reconsider his former contemptuousness, Sesshomaru found his acquaintance with the miko almost acceptable. It was by far a more pleasant acquaintance than that he shared with Asuza leaving him to wonder if he would forever judge those around him on the basis of her particular foul character.

With a heavy sigh, Sesshomaru reluctantly answered the monkey. "Tempestuous allies at best."

The answer only left Uchuu craving to know more but he seriously doubted that the inu would offer up much more than that. "Who are you, really?"

For one small moment, Sesshomaru actually considered telling him. He considered speaking his name. He considered letting the strength of it roll over his tongue once more. It was a powerful name. A proud name - one, that once suited him well and one that once served to strike fear in the hearts of his enemies.

"No one," he answered instead. "No one at all." The whispered words seemed much more appropriate for the damp stale silence of the dungeon. To speak his true name felt just a little too much like sacrilege. He was no longer the Killing Perfection. Now, he was called Slave.

A noise from beyond the door brought both youkai to full alertness. Sesshomaru's heart took an unhealthy plunge, leaving him somewhat winded and sadly more than a little afraid. The time was not right for water or food. Were they coming for him again? Was he to suffer more pain and humiliation so soon after the first? Nervously he shifted his feet against the floor, unconsciously drawing his knees close, preparing for the worst.

Kagome was awakened by the rattling of keys and the creaking of the dungeon's heavy wooden door. Alarm and curiosity roused her to sit up, and she dragged her palms over her eyes before bending her neck to loosen the stiffness that had settled there. Immediately she noticed that the pain in her head was gone. The constant pounding that had been present since the accident that rendered her blind was finally gone. Carefully she rubbed her hand over the lump and determined that the swelling had gone down considerably, though it remained somewhat tender to the touch. She wasn't really surprised that it was much better. She had fully expected the wound to begin healing as soon as she used her powers again.

It was strange that they worked that way. She could not heal herself, but if she used her powers while injured her wounds would begin to heal rapidly on their own. She suspected with given time, and a lot of practice, she would one day be able to harness the power to heal her own wounds without having to use them on someone, or something else, first. Unfortunately, that time was not now, which sucked because she was still very blind. Obviously the healing had not been complete.

Kagome blinked once, and then again. Was she imagining it, or was the darkness just a fraction less dense than before?

There was little time to consider it further, because the dungeon door was suddenly thrust open and the sounds of many stomping, scuffling feet entered. She could hear the excitement in their breaths and smell the stink of their unclean bodies. Self-consciously, she pulled her arms closer around herself, embarrassed to think that perhaps she smelled as rank. It had been awhile since she had the luxury of a bath.

"Wh... What's happening?" she whispered to her silent cellmate, not expecting an answer, and not disappointed when she didn't get one.

Sesshomaru looked away from the sleepy, blue eyes of the miko and watched as a dozen soldiers spilled into the room. It was immediately apparent that they had not come for him or even the woman. They had come for Uchuu.

"Pull 'em tight boys," the jailer called with a hearty laugh. The men accompanying him proceeded to tighten a device that rolled Uchuu's chains taught, pulling him - kicking and growling - hard against the wall.

"Release me you fools! My brother is the king of the snow monkey clan! An army of youkai will soon arrive to aid me and they will savor the thrill of gutting you like the pigs you are!" Uchuu struggled to pull away from the cold stone at his back, but it was useless. The drugged water and the witch's magic cast upon the irons had weakened him to the point of futility. The humans made short work of him, splaying him against the wall like a pelt on a hunter's wall.

"Watch his mouth! Those fangs are deadly!"

"The tail! The tail!" The shout came too late, and Uchuu took full advantage of the mortal's mistake. He wrapped his long slender tail around the man's stinking neck and squeezed until his beady eyes began to bulge and his skin turned blue.

Half of the men attacked him at once, kicking, punching and slamming him in the gut with heavy wooden clubs. Uchuu could do nothing to defend against the attacks, but he still refused to release the unfortunate bastard that had not seen his limber tail as the weapon that it could be. Instead he focused the pain he received, used it to strengthen the hold and ultimately breaking the man's neck.

Only when his heart stopped completely did Uchuu release the human's heavy bulk, which crumpled lifelessly to the stone floor at his feet.

"He's killed him! The filthy youkai killed him!" The shout proceeded one split moment before the jailer reared back with all his might and slammed a huge club upside Uchuu's head.

Kagome couldn't see it, but she heard the sickening thump and cried out when the blow was struck. She could no longer hear Uchuu's struggles. His growling snarls had completely ceased. She grabbed the cell bars, afraid that they had killed him. She cursed her blindness. It was impossible to see what was happing in front of her very eyes. "What have you done?! Uchuu! Uchuu! Answer me!"

"Shut up bitch!" The voice of the jailer snapped. "The filthy beast if still alive... for now," he chuckled and the men around him joined in.

Kagome swallowed the knot in her throat, and fought against the urge to cry. She felt so helpless and that made her angry. "You'll regret this! When Inuyasha comes for me you will all regret this! He'll save us," she added before softly ending her tirade with a whimper. As she released the bars and slid back into a vulnerable heap she whispered, "He has to."

Sesshomaru doubted that his half brother would be playing hero any time soon, and even if Inuyasha did eventually show up, he seriously doubted that it would be in time to save the monkey. Pity. He was just beginning to get used to the pest.

Kagome collapsed into a heap of despair as she was forced to listen to the sounds of retreating feet and the ominous noise of bodies being dragged across the floor. They had taken the only friend she had in this dark and horrible place, leaving her alone with the infinitely silent youkai by her side. She felt very afraid and very alone, and she could not help but fear for what Uchuu would be put through at the hands of such awful people.

Silently Kagome sent out a plea, I need you, Inuyasha! Please hurry, before it's too late!


A/N: Guess what?! From the time that I wrote the thanks for the nominations to the time I posted this chapter, the actual IYFG awards were presented for 4th Qtr. 2006. 'Violation of Honor' was awarded 2nd place for Best Darkfic/Horror! Wow! That is so awesome! Thank you guys so much! And a big thanks to Risa my new Beta! I would aslo like to send my congratulations to all the other authors who were recognized by the Guild for outstanding work! I would be so bored without you all to fill my days with wonderful stories from my favorite anime series. Hooray for Inuyasha!