InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ The Vicissitude of Being King ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I do this for free. I'm not affiliated with Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha, and only write free fanfiction for my love of twisting her character's to my dark, demented will. May the smut live on.


Chapter 25 - The Vicissitude of Being King

A/N: I hope that each of you had a wonderful holiday season and welcomed in the New Year with happiness! Here is the next chapter and it is full of lemony goodness with which to herald in the year 2008. I hope that you all enjoy!

A HUGE thanks everyone for the wonderful reviews and tremendous support of 'Violation of Honor'! The story is shaping up nicely and I am busily working away on the upcoming chapters. My cherished beta, Risa, is hard at work making them legible too, and I send my utmost gratitude to her for her effort.

I would also like to thank my friend Kat for her ever-inspirational and completely hentai mind. She suggested that writing a lemon with the sixteen wives would be an interesting challenge for me to tackle and one that she would enjoy reading. So, here it is Kat. I actually pulled it off. I give you... Chapter 25 - The Vicissitude of Being King.  


Uchuu looked away from Sumiho to greet his elder brother, Hyuuga. Hyuuga nodded and to Uchuu's surprise acknowledged Sumiho as well. His brother had never been one to take any notice of humans one way or the other, and the simple fact that he greeted Sumiho could only mean that she had made quite an impression on the monkey king.

He made a mental note to later ask Sumiho about her visit with Hyuuga. He was curious about what had happened in his absence. During their time together, she had avoided speaking of her father and their obvious disagreement, opting instead to dote on him like he was an invalid. Uchuu didn't want to tell her just yet, but he was healing very fast. His royal blood was strong and the wound Iku made was mending well. He enjoyed her attentions and didn't think that it would hurt to indulge in her tender ministrations for a while longer. He just hoped that no one gave him away.

Hyuuga settled into a cushion near Uchuu's sickbed and stared at him until the prince began to squirm. Finally, the king leaned forward, sniffed once and said, "You are practically healed. Why do insist on continuing to lie here?"

'Damn.' Uchuu quickly glanced over to Sumiho and found her glaring at him strangely. She seemed unsure whether to fully believe he was capable of such a miraculous recovery, yet hesitant to discount anything that the macaque king said. "Uh..." Uchuu began, then coughed to add effect. "I'm still feeling a little out of sorts, brother. Surely you can understand." He added the last part with a look toward his brother that should have made it clear to mind his own business.

Unfortunately, Hyuuga did not know how to stay out of Uchuu’s personal affairs.

Against Uchuu's wishes, Hyuuga leaned forward and pushed the fur covering aside. Uchuu protested openly, but Hyuuga was determined. "Be still, little brother. A prince does not whine."

"I'm not whining! I just want you to leave me the hell alone!"

With quick precision, Hyuuga made short work of the bandages covering Uchuu's wound, revealing only smooth pink skin beneath. Uchuu looked guiltily to Sumiho when she gasped in shock. She then leaned over to touch the newly healed flesh, running her delicate fingers over the super sensitive skin in wonder. Uchuu was forced to grit his teeth in reaction to her touch.

Hyuuga sat back with a satisfied smirk. Uchuu growled at him, but couldn't say much since he would give himself away. In order to save face he said, "It still pains me on the inside."

Hyuuga snorted at that, but did not pursue it further. Instead, he turned to the reason for his visit. With respect to his brother's woman, Hyuuga said, "Sumiho, please leave us. There is something of importance that we need to discuss." Obediently Sumiho bowed and kissed Uchuu on the cheek before slipping out of the shoji door.

"Uchuu, I have a task of great importance that I am going to entrust to you." He paused to make sure that he had his brother's undivided attention. "The demoness Asuza and her followers need to be stopped. It is only a matter of time before she gathers more troops and once again attacks our realm. With the power of the amulet around her neck, she is nearly unstoppable, but as we have seen, she can be defeated. It is my belief that we should not wait for her to attack us again. We will take the fight to her. We will attack her when she is weak and destroy her once and for all.

"To do this, it is imperative that the mission be kept secret. Only those directly involved should be privy to our plans. I also feel that it would be beneficial to keep the number involved to a minimum. I do not want to send all of our warriors to this fight. Giving much thought, I have determined that with the right group of powerful adversaries, Asuza will not stand a chance. This of course, will require the aid of allies."

Uchuu forgot about his supposed injury and bolted straight up in the bed. "Allies? We've never required aid from outside the clan before!"

Hyuuga sighed and leaned back, settling more comfortably against the wall. "True, however, we have never faced such a powerful force as this amulet in the hands of a demented demoness before. I am loath to pull our most powerful warriors and send them all to this fight." He shook his head and looked away from his young brother. "There is always a chance that she will win."

"Never!" Uchuu fervently declared.

Hyuuga remembered a time when he was so young and sure of the future. Unfortunately, Asuza's ability to overpower his mind had shaken him into realizing what was truly at stake. He could not risk the welfare of his clan. "Face it, my brother. The bitch has a god-like power and if she were to conquer during this battle, it could strip us of our most powerful warriors. The clan would be easy picking for her after that. No, I can not risk it. We must seek out allies."

Hyuuga grunted disdainfully and continued. "As much as it pains me, it would be in our best interest to garner the aid of Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands. Asuza's vendetta is against him as much as me. It is my understanding that he recently defeated her army at the Western Citadel and still holds claim to his lands. I have fought him before. He is a worthy opponent." Hyuuga chuckled and slapped his knee before adding, "In fact, I barely escaped with my life."

Uchuu could not imagine a taiyoukai that was equal in power to his brother, so it surprised him to hear Hyuuga admit such. It would be interesting to meet the Lord of the Western Lands. His thoughts were interrupted when Hyuuga continued.

"Sesshomaru may not have much to offer besides himself after the battle that just took place. I was told that he lost many of his best warriors. I was hoping that he could bring two or three more fighters to add with our own."

Uchuu listened intently and thought of possible allies that could be called upon to come to their aid. The list was slim, very slim. In fact, he could not think of any youkai that would be willing to face Asuza and her amulet. Suddenly an idea popped in his head. "What about sending the hanyou girl, Yumiko, with us? You said that she has a resistance to the amulet's power."

"I have considered it, and remain undecided. Although her gift is most valuable, she is completely untrained in the art of battle. You have seen what Asuza done to her out there. The only reason the girl did as well as she did was sheer surprise on Asuza's behalf. I am not sure if I want Yumiko-san's death on my shoulders. The girl is very young and gentle, despite her fierce determination and outward facade."

Uchuu laughed and pointed his finger. "You are a sick fuck, you know that? You think she's hot don't you? Are you thinking of making her your seventeenth wife?"

Hyuuga straightened with indignation and sniffed haughtily. "Do not be ridiculous, baka. The girl is a mere hanyou. I could never make her a queen consort."

Uchuu continued to laugh. "Maybe not, but you could make her your mistress and I'll bet you would love to wrap your hands in all that blond hair."

Hyuuga let the faintest of grins slip then replaced it with a mask of stoicism. "Can we not stay on task, Uchuu?"

Uchuu gave one last chuckle and leaned back. "Fine. Back to the plans to kick Asuza's ass. So what do you want from me?"

"I have a very special duty for you, young prince."

Uchuu groaned because Hyuuga never called him that unless he wanted something that he was totally not going to like. "Go ahead. Spill it."

"You are the new Ambassador of the Clan Macaque."


Hyuuga gave a regal roll of his eyes and shook his head. "Ambassador, Uchuu. A minister of sorts, sent to a foreign court to represent your clan and their interests. In this particular case, you’re seeking a possible alliance between our clan and the Western Citadel in the task of exterminating the Lady Asuza."

"Nice breakdown, brother, but I've got a feeling it won't be as easy as just walking in and saying 'hey, let's join up to kick some ass'."

"Your sarcasm is refreshing. I have missed it so," Hyuuga responded drolly. "You are correct; however, in thinking that the task will not be an easy one. Lord Sesshomaru is an arrogant dog with no personality and a penchant for melting anything that gets on his nerves." He cleared his throat and then added, "He also hates me."

Uchuu blubbered for a second, before shaking his head in disbelief. "You mean that you are sending me to meet with your enemy—one that is likely to melt me on sight?" His voice was rising with each word. "How can I possibly thank you for this honor?"

Hyuuga scowled at his younger brother for a moment. He could certainly be an obstinate little shit. Finally he decided to add the cincher that he knew would lure his brother into taking the position. "Calm yourself, brother. There is a bright side to this."

"Really?" Uchuu exclaimed. "Please, let's hear it."

"Lord Sesshomaru is known to keep a mortal girl as his ward. She has been with him for several years, and it is rumored that he has fought many enemies that threatened her safety, so obviously she is important to him. I would have you make your visit to the Western Citadel accompanied by your wife. A wife, who happens to also be human."

"Hell no!" Uchuu growled. "I'll not put Sumiho at risk."

Hyuuga had expected his reaction and was prepared to argue. "She will be perfectly safe. Lord Sesshomaru is powerful, lethal in battle, arrogant and possessing a superiority complex, but he is honorable above all things. He would not strike down your woman unless she attacked him first."

Uchuu considered Hyuuga's words and thought that Lord Sesshomaru sounded very much like his brother. He wondered if Hyuuga thought of himself in those terms. Probably not. Hyuuga probably thought that he was a warm cuddly monkey. Finally he looked up and met his brother's eyes. "I will speak to Sumiho and give you my answer in the morning."

Hyuuga stood up and nodded. "Fair enough. I shall expect you in my study first thing tomorrow."  


They had finally gotten Inuyasha settled into bed, and Kagome was able to tend to his wounds with Oichi's help. They first washed it thoroughly, and then Oichi stepped back to let Kagome work her magic. Kagome settled close to Inuyasha and leaned down to whisper into his ear. "I'm going to try and heal you now. Just rest and leave everything to me."

She placed her hands, one atop the other, over the hole in his stomach and then closed her eyes and began to chant. Kagome concentrated on calling forth her healing powers and smiled slightly when she felt them beginning to warm her hands. With delicate care, she began sending the pulses of soothing energy into the gaping wound, while envisioning the mending of tiny veins, muscles, and sinew. She was unsure how long she sat there, but the flow began to weaken until she had no more to give. Kagome opened her eyes and gasped.

She could see the newly healed flesh. It was as clear to her as if she had never been blinded. "Wow!"

Thinking that Kagome was remarking on the power of her healing capabilities, Oichi leaned forward to inspect Inuyasha's wound. "My goodness, Lady Kagome. You are very good at this."

Kagome turned away from Inuyasha and looked at Oichi. Her young apprentice was crystal clear. "Oichi! I can see you!"

"What?" Oichi asked. She was a little confused.

"I can see you! My eyesight has healed. When I used my power to heal Inuyasha, it also healed me." Kagome explained excitedly.

"Oh, Kagome-sama! That is wonderful!" Oichi cried before jumping up to hug her beloved mentor.

Kagome jumped up. "I've got to tell the others!"

"Yes, yes! Go. I shall stay and watch after Inuyasha."

Kagome rushed out of her home in search of someone with which to share her good news. She first found Miroku who was returning from gathering water at the creek. "Miroku! I can see again!"

Miroku was so happy that he dropped the bucket, spilling the water everywhere before running to grab her up and spin her around joyfully. "Buddha be praised!"

"What's going on?" Sango asked from behind them. Miroku set Kagome down with a smile. "Kagome has regained her eyesight."

"Oh Kagome!" Sango squealed and ran to gather her in a warm embrace. They were laughing and crying, both relieved and overjoyed that Kagome could see again.

"Where's Shippo?" Kagome asked.

Miroku turned to her with a saddened expression. He motioned toward the distant trees. "He is sitting up there by himself. I fear that he is feeling much guilt for his earlier actions. I bandaged his wounds, but the claw marks were already healing by themselves. I doubt there will be any trace of the wounds by sundown."

Kagome sighed heavily. She hated that Shippo felt so bad. "I'll go talk to him." Miroku and Sango nodded and the both of them headed back toward the creek to refill Miroku's empty bucket. Kagome passed between two small huts and walked across the main dirt road before scaling the slight hill leading up to where Shippo sat reclined beneath the shade of a tree.

"Brrr," Kagome shivered rubbing her arms. It's chilly up here, Shippo. You should move to a sunnier spot where it's warm." He didn't move and he didn't say anything either, so Kagome sat down next to him and pulled her knees up wrapping her arms around them. "Shippo, I thought that you would like to know that my eyesight has returned to normal."

Shippo looked away from the distance and gave her a half-hearted smile. "That's great, Kagome. I'm glad to hear it."

"Thanks. I was healing Inuyasha and I guess the power decided to heal me as well." They sat there in companionable silence for some time as Shippo resumed his intense study of the far away distance. Kagome finally leaned over a little and nudged his arm. "Do you miss Rin?"

He didn't say anything. Shippo simply bowed his head down until his forehead rested against his bent knee. His silence was worrisome for Kagome. Her fox kit was rarely ever silent. She hated to see him this way. "I wish you wouldn't be so hard on yourself."

Shippo snorted with regret. "How can I not be? This whole fiasco was my fault. Rin deserves better than how I treated her. She is a proper young lady, and I should never have acted the way that I did. No wonder Sesshomaru wanted to kill me."

Kagome began to see the root of his despair. Shippo had been dishonorable and he wanted to make amends. She was probably going to regret this, but... "Tell you what. If it is so important to you to make this up to Rin, then I think that you should start by apologizing to Sesshomaru. I will try to help you, if you want me to."

Shippo turned to Kagome in surprise. "Seriously?"

"I think that would be a start. By apologizing to Sesshomaru you will show him that you accept that you were wrong and want to make amends. You might also get a few points for bravery," she added with a laugh.

Shippo groaned and rubbed his jaw. "It will take all the bravery that I have to face him again. Man, he was pissed. Did you see his eyes?" Immediately, Shippo realized his mistake. 'Of course she didn't see them dummy!' "Oh, sorry, Kagome. I completely forgot."

"That's okay Shippo. I didn't see them today, but I've seen them before. It is pretty scary when he goes all beasty on you." They both laughed a little nervously.

"Do you think that he will ever let me talk to Rin again?"

"Hmm... I don't know. All you can do is try. If you show that you are honest in your intentions and really regret what happened then there is a chance that he will eventually let you talk to her—with a chaperone present. At least until she is older."

"I don't think Lord Sesshomaru will ever think Rin is old enough," Shippo complained, then added with a pained moan, "Why did I have to fall for a girl with an ex-assassin for a father?"

Kagome giggled at that. "Really, Shippo. You could have found someone a little easier to date." Her demeanor then turned serious, and she looked to the fox youkai that she thought of as a son. "All jokes aside, Shippo. Whatever you decide, I will stand by you. Just promise me that you will be more careful in the future, okay?"

Shippo returned Kagome's smile. "I promise."

Together they stood and headed back to check on Inuyasha's progress. As they walked passed the storage hut behind their minka, a tapping noise caught Shippo's attention. "Hold on Kagome. I hear something. I think that mouse might be back."

"Oh no! I hope it hasn't gotten into my summer dress." Together they went into the hut to ferret out the pesky mouse. The sound was coming from a storage box in the corner. Kagome stood back and let Shippo handle it since mice were sneaky things that liked to dart at her feet just to make her scream. Shippo approached the box with a curious look on his face because the closer he got, the more he noticed that the knocking was accompanied by muffled shouting.

He popped the lid off of the wooden box, and Shin flew madly out cursing all the way.

"I'll get that mutt for this! How dare he treat me like a bug! Damn that ignorant dog!"

"Shin?" Shippo questioned. "What were you doing in there?"

Shin hovered in front of Shippo with smoke boiling from his little nostrils. "Inuyasha locked me in there! He accused me of...something that I didn't do, and stuffed me in that gods-forsaken box! I could have suffocated to death in there! Just wait until I tell Rin about this."

Kagome shook her head and Shippo did the same. Shin had been locked in the box before the excitement and had no idea that he had been left behind. Kagome silently waved a good-bye to Shippo and darted out of the door. Shippo tried to stop her but it was too late. Damn. Now he was going to have to break it to the little bastard.

Kagome laughed when she heard Shin's roar of outrage as she headed into her home. Even if Shippo never got up his nerve to apologize, she was going to have to deliver the dragon to Sesshomaru's ward before he drove everyone here crazy.  


Taikimaru of the Kings Personal Guard stood his usual position just inside of the massive entryway into the great chamber where his lord had retired for the evening with his wives. Lord Hyuuga entered the vast chamber to be greeted with delight by sixteen of the most beautiful macaque females in all of Japan. Though he often times felt a little envious of his lord and all his blessings, Taikimaru was quickly reminded of the tremendous responsibility a harem of such proportions required to maintain.

It took a great and powerful macaque to keep that many women happy all at once.

"My darlings," Hyuuga greeted with a smile reserved only for the females that called him husband. He opened his arms and the mass of soft feminine flesh pressed against him, seeking his comfort and warmth.

Normally, Taikimaru paid little attention to the affair; it was something he had witnessed hundreds of times — though it never failed to make him stand in awe at the prowess of his leader. Lady Arisu pressed through the giggling, cooing bodies, and out of respect for the first wife, the others stepped aside. Arisu greeted her lord with a sensuous kiss before reaching up to begin removing the complicated trappings of armor strapped to his shoulders and waist. One wife took his weapons while one began removing his kimono. Two held his arms while two more knelt before him to remove his boots from his feet.

It was only a matter of minutes before each piece of armor and clothing were removed from Hyuuga, and the taiyoukai stood naked amongst his throng of adoring wives. Obviously, his lordship's current state of undress was enough to rouse the supple and studious Ayako from her current engrossment in a scroll. Taikimaru noticed as the delicate creature lay down her reading in order to approach her husband. She greeted him with a slight bow before slipping her long fingers over the chiseled muscles of his chest.

Hyuuga smiled down upon her, enjoying her pleasure of his form. Ayako studied every dip, every hard line, with the same intensity that she devoted to her scrolls. Finally, she looked up and met the cool blue eyes of her husband before whispering, "Truly, my lord, your body is a work of art."

To this Hyuuga grunted then swept the sixth queen up into a powerful embrace, burying his face into her delicate neck, and causing her to gasp with pleasure. Taikimaru watched as Lord Hyuuga released Ayako-sama in order for Lady Kayo to approach. Lady Kayo had produced seven strong youkai babies, more than any of his other wives including Lady Arisu or even Lady Eiko, the eldest of the sixteen wives. Hyuuga greeted her with warmth, taking a moment to rub the large mound of her belly, yet again destined to birth another young prince or princess.

Aoi-sama approached and took Hyuuga's hand with a shy smile. Taikimaru thought that Aoi was one of the loveliest of the wives due to her mass of powder-blue hair offset by brilliant magenta eyes. Hyuuga took his wife's slender hand and allowed her to lead him to the sunken bath full of steaming water ready and awaiting his arrival. Hyuuga looked around him with an arrogant, lascivious smile as many of his wives released the clasp holding their wispy garments in place, allowing the silks, and chiffons to slip onto the floor.

He held out his hands and was accompanied into the awaiting pool by eight out of the sixteen wives. One of these was Hitomi, who often caused trouble for Taikimaru and his fellow guardsmen by flirting outrageously at any given opportunity. It was well known to all that the lovely-eyed beauty—possessing iris's the color of pale lilacs speckled with gold; a unique color matched by none in all of the land—was completely loyal to her husband and merely utilizing her prolific womanly wiles for her ultimate amusement. Unfortunately, knowing the truth of Hitomi's actions was hardly a shield against the rush of heat in a man's loins when she was inches away and smiling such a beautiful smile.

The twins, Benika and Beniko, also joined their lord husband in his bath. One of the lovelies took up a sponge to scrub Hyuuga's back, while the other straddled his lap seductively in order to better cleanse his face with a soft cloth. Their exquisite features often entranced Taikimaru, especially the long emerald hair that fell down their slender backs so straight and smooth. It was hard to believe that one such beauty existed in the world, but here were two—each the mirror image of the other.

Lady Fumiko joined the three, as well as Lady Cho. Both of the dark haired beauties began washing Hyuuga's feet. The studious Ayako pressed forward to begin scrubbing her husband's mass of long hair. First, she slowly poured water over his head, which caused the darkest silver of his multi-colored tresses to appear nearly black. It was a stark difference to the streaks of white mingled within and most noticeable when the king's mane was wet.

Aoi-sama poured some of the lightly scented soap onto her cloth and lifted Hyuuga's royal tail. The appendage wrapped around her waist, playfully jerking her forward so that Hyuuga could steal a passionate kiss from Aoi's tender mouth. She moaned as his tongue swirled against her own. Taikimaru was unsure if it was the kiss that brought the sound out, or the fact that the twin sitting in Hyuuga's lap had leaned forward to rub her breasts against Aoi's back.

Taikimaru glanced away from the heated scene unfolding inside of the sunken bath when the lithe form of the mysterious Mai-sama began her dance. Beside Mai, the youngest wife, Yukiko, played the sho while Momoko played the biwa. Aki-sama, the most athletic of the sixteen, stood behind them with the kakko drum. The three combined to perform a simplified version of Gagaku. The elegant weightlessness of the music gave Mai-sama the perfect foundation with which to build a magically serene performance. Her limber body moved with regal flowing balance as the peaceful chords were played.

With a glance, Taikimaru saw that his king was now enjoying the favors of a feisty twin kneeling in the water between his spread legs and savoring his rapidly swelling cock. He had to hand it to the monkey king, his stamina was incredible. While the sparkling green-haired vixen sucked voraciously, the second twin sidled up behind Hyuuga, spreading his muscular cheeks and diving in between to lick his ass. Hyuuga grunted with pleasure, causing a need for Taikimaru to reach down and adjust his growing cock. The scene was becoming more erotic by the minute and destined to turn more boisterous as the evening wore on.

Suffering through the near nightly performance was a hazard of the job. A devout respect and reverence came to all who advanced to the exalted position of King's Personal Guard. It was an honor for the King to consider one of his warriors supreme amongst the troops and trustworthy enough to become his constant companion. There were ten Guardsmen in all, and each was required to spend two nights in the King's chamber before the rotation went to the next. It was all that a macaque could stand before his male instincts drove him mad. Tomorrow, Taikimaru's shift was over and Norio would take over. For Taikimaru, relief could not come soon enough. One more night of watching the erotic orgy of the sixteen and Taikimaru would gladly drive his own sword through his chest.

Hyuuga watched the lovely twin devouring his sturdy cock, her head bobbing frantically amidst heated moans. Fumiko and Cho were now busily running their hands up and down Hyuuga's rigid legs while the enchanting Hitomi lightly traced her claws over his chest and neck. Ayako stood upon one of the stone steps; her small, nude body gracefully posed as she continued to scrape and tease her lovers scalp. The blue-haired Aoi began to slide her full breasts against the king's thick, muscular tail. The sinuous appendage appeared to have a mind of its own as it slipped downward to stroke the soft, tender flesh between her legs. Aoi tossed her head back before arching her pelvis wantonly against the caress. Small hands and slender fingers touched and teased every inch of Hyuuga's toned form.

In Taikimaru's imaginings, it would be the ultimate bliss.

Soon Lord Hyuuga was panting from the suckling administrations of the delightful twins. The one with her face buried deep in his rump pulled back to slip a slender finger through the tight anal ring. Hyuuga groaned and glanced over his shoulder, but Lady Ayako was quick to devour his lips before he could protest. Hyuuga poured his increasing frustration into the embrace, slipping his hand up to force Ayako's mouth even closer. When Hyuuga finally released Ayako, he immediately pulled Hitomi against his side. Taikimaru watched as the demoness's unusual eyes slid closed with exhilaration.

Without warning, Hyuuga pushed Hitomi away as well as the twin that had been greedily savoring his engorged staff. With impatient demanding, Hyuuga bent the green-haired nymph over the edge of the bath, and then stepped up close behind her before plunging his stiff length deep inside her tight confines. She cried out from the sudden intrusion while Hyuuga followed with a deep grunt. Amazingly, the twin at his backside continued her quest to prod his rectum with her finger and tongue. Taikimaru was unsure how she was managing the task, but Hyuuga didn't seem to mind at all.

Taikimaru had also come to the conclusion that the king was highly efficient at multi-tasking. Even as Hyuuga was positioning to fuck the twin, he slipped the thick, blunt, end of his long serpentine tail into Lady Aoi's ready niche. As soon as she was filled, the blue-haired minx started grinding and bucking while clutching desperately to the edges of the deep tub.

With the jarring thrusts of the king's hips, the twin at his back was finally forced to give up her backdoor treat. She did not, however, remove her finger. Taikimaru noticed that, instead, the bitch inserted another and began pumping them both while fondling Hyuuga's flapping scrotum. Hyuuga suddenly barked a deep, rough sound that spoke vastly of his raging desire.

As Taikimaru suspected, the king was now beginning to transform.

Hyuuga's inner beast clawed forth while he took his pleasure. Claws lengthened and massive canines began to grow to terrifying lengths. As the jyaki became thick, the females began to writhe more wildly. Hyuuga slipped his right hand between the thighs of Hitomi and began stroking her jewel, causing the demoness to keen with delight. On his left, Hyuuga leaned forward and sucked Ayako's nipple into his hot mouth, before reaching between her sweet legs to pinch her little clit causing her to release a throaty groan.

Without missing a beat, the leader of all macaques continued to slam his hard length deep into the bent twin's core. Involuntary, Taikimaru began to grow agitated watching the scene as he could tell that several of the females were teetering on the verge of release. Absently he reached down and grasped his own solid cock, stroking the aching member while watching the exhibition unfold.

Nirvana arrived in a sudden onset, sending the bent twin into a riot of near crippling spasms. As she unfurled, she praised Hyuuga's name while gouging permanent scars into the stone floor. Hyuuga grunted as the female shook and clenched, but as soon as she fell limp, he removed his turgid, dripping length, and reached back to snatch the second twin forward to replace her.

The sudden move caused Taikimaru to wince as slender fingers were plucked, rather unceremoniously, from Hyuuga's rectum, but to his credit, the king did not make a sound of discord. Hyuuga shoved the wench over, swiftly spreading her thighs, and propelled his cock inside her moist warmth. It appeared effortless, and Taikimaru was impressed when Hyuuga gracefully returned his fingers to their previous occupation. Hitomi and Ayako both moaned as soon as Hyuuga slipped back between their fleshy, slick netherlips.

The haunting music played on, but the strains were swelling as if seeking a crescendo of their own. With one glance, Taikimaru could tell that the lovely musicians were finding it hard to maintain their chore.

It was clear that the blue-haired Aoi was beginning to grow weak in her knees, and Taikimaru was not surprised when she finally bent over to grasp the edge of the bath. The king's tail was thrusting wildly between her spread legs while she aided the approaching zenith by stroking her plump jewel in perfect rhythm. Taikimaru shifted uncomfortably as he watched the thick appendage plunging hungrily into the woman's tight core. Taikimaru's eyes roamed Aoi's heavily bouncing breasts while the sounds of wet suction teased his ears with each plunge.

Suddenly, behind Aoi, Ayako cried out as her body shook with ecstasy; Hitomi soon followed and Taikimaru knew that Aoi was next. The thick mane of pale blue hair was suddenly tossed turbulently back, and he smirked when her body began to shake. She painted a beautiful portrait in the throws of rapture. Aoi's lean body—full of womanly curves—rocked against the continuously stroking tail of her lord. She finally cried out to the gods as her orgasmic bliss delivered her to new heights.

The music could now hardly be called Gogaku; the melancholy tune having turned quick and obscure. Mai's dance had evolved into something erotic with the increased pace. When Aoi-sama released her last quivering convulsion, Hyuuga tightened his grip on the green-hair wrapped firmly around his wrist. Taikimaru gritted his teeth as he watched Hyuuga ram his cock into the female one more time before his bellowing roar echoed through the chamber as he finally reached climax.

That still left two—the music slowed, but did not stop. Cho and Fumiko lounged nearby petting and stroking each other as they enjoyed their husband's performance. Turning to them, Hyuuga chuckled deeply and then slipped his softening cock from the satiated twin's dripping core. The big male stalked over to the two then pushed Cho back and buried his face between her spread legs to begin a nibbling, sucking torment that soon had her begging for release. The king's tail, so recently removed from the hot, moist, center of Aoi, now snaked up to stroke over the pulsing pearl of Fumiko before forcing its way inside.

Hyuuga feasted on one wife and fucked the second with his tail. He reached out to stroke the pad of his thumb over Cho's swollen nub while pushing his long tongue inside of her channel to lap her cream. His left hand sought out the center of Fumiko's pleasure and the taiyoukai began adding titillating pressure as he massaged the hard little piece of flesh. His thick tail was stretching her core and invading her depths, and Taikimaru looked on in fascination as his lord brought two more females to their climax.

Their combined screams nearly drowned out the final strain of the musical notes, and at last Hyuuga withdrew with a cocky, well-pleased smile. Taikimaru breathed a sigh of relief that it was over...for now. His poor member was presently throbbing torturously between his legs and there would be no sweet release for him on this night. Such was the fate of a King's Personal Guard.

Hyuuga moved out of the bath followed by his dripping, satiated, wives. He was quickly attended by the first wife, Queen Arisu, who motioned for Lady Kayo to assist. Kayo made her way swiftly to Hyuuga's side despite the considerable bulk of her middle. Together the two of them began drying the water from Hyuuga's body as Eiko, the eldest, took up a thick cloth to attend to the king's sopping length of hair. Within minutes their task was done, and Hyuuga was escorted forth to dine.

Lady Kameko was the first to greet him, as Hyuuga lowered himself to rest upon a large, soft pillow of azure blue. Kameko was the king's most rubenesque wife, standing just a bit shorter than the rest with a fuller figure. The pretty demoness possessed a magical smile and a laugh that would draw the birds to sing. Her eyes were large and dark with a shining light of happiness that often made Taikimaru nostalgic for home. She leaned over Hyuuga, gifting him with a kiss of welcome, as well as a splendid view of her ample bosom. The sheer fabric of the light shift, wrapped seductively around her body, only made a man want to peel it off in order to be closer to the softness beneath.

Taikimaru had often found Kameko to be the most realistic of Hyuuga's harem. She was a pleasant, non-threatening woman that found happiness in the simple things. Kameko was possessed by a beauty that not only touched her soft features but it also went straight to her very soul. There was more than superficial loveliness where Kameko was concerned. A man could easily imagine coming home to her loving arms every single night of his life. Taikimaru was sure that was the reason for Hyuuga's choice in making her his wife. Once the king had spent a few hours in her company, he refused to ever part from her again. Thus Kameko became wife number eight.

While most demons and mortals dined fully clothed, Hyuuga rarely did so. Taikimaru had learned long ago why his king enjoyed being naked for his meals. There were certain perks to be obtained from dining without the hindrance of clothing, and Hyuuga was a genius at exploiting any possible method that might garner pleasure for himself or one of his wives. One such intriguing boon was the stimulating application of warm feminine tongues as each one took turns licking dribbles of sauces from their master's chest.

Hyuuga was hardly a careless eater, and far from rude. Any such dripping was always intentional. At times, Hyuuga would turn an entire saucer over his body, allowing them all to feast on him at once. It was these moments—watching so many magnificent backsides bent and wiggling while moans of pleasure filled his ears; the scent of arousal swarming in his nose—that

Taikimaru was nearly brought to his knees with the force of his own errant lust.

Did Hyuuga realize the damning effects that such displays caused his guardsmen? Absolutely. The monkey king was the worst sort of exhibitionist, often looking up from his pleasure to capture the watching eye of his guard. Hyuuga knew they each envied him, and he knew well the torment they suffered during his sexual forays. It only excited the alpha male further when he smelled the lesser male's lust, knowing it would remain unfulfilled while in his presence.

It was a game the lord loved to play, a bedroom game; in truth, the only enjoyable game that Hyuuga was allowed. Being the ruler of a kingdom was a daunting endeavor rife with unending stress. His most loyal guards understood and accepted the role that they would take. The dangers, as well as the oddities, of a personal guardsman were explained in detail before given the option of accepting or rejecting the position. It was a small price to pay and quite often enhanced their personal relationships. How many times, after two nights of watching Hyuuga and his wives having sex, had Taikimaru sought out a willing female for a fiery rendezvous to sate the residual flames? With a grunt, he knew. 'Too many times to count'.

Taikimaru gave a lascivious lop-sided grin as he noticed what the sexy Kameko was doing. She had drizzled fat little puddles of honey over each of her large, tawny nipples. Hyuuga enjoyed every given opportunity to suckle the sweet treat offered on such an appetizing platter. Juicy berries were nipped out of the inviting tunnel of her belly-button, while strips of tender, savory meats were nibbled from each curvy hip. Hyuuga added a long, thorough lick, cleaning the remaining juices from smooth, creamy skin while causing soft gasps and longing pants of breath.

Hyuuga paused at the apex of her thighs in order to slip his tongue into the little plump slit that often drove Taikimaru mad. Kameko tossed her head back from the first touch of Hyuuga's tongue against her sensitive flesh. Long dark hair full of vibrant shine fell from her shoulders, baring her heavy breasts temptingly to Taikimaru's gaze. Brazenly, the vixen then captured the guard's eyes and held them, gifting the Taikimaru with a brilliant smile, while her husband continued to devour her sweet pussy.

Taikimaru wanted to look away, but Gods-be-damned she was a heartbreaker when she moved her hips that way. Hyuuga was stroking the surface of Kameko's thighs with his hands and devouring his meal. All the while, the elder Eiko-sama lay between Hyuuga's legs, popping the nearly purple head of his inflamed staff into her mouth repeatedly.

Queen Arisu kneeled by his side; dutifully offering her husband a drink of wine whenever he chose to come up for a breath. Hyuuga made the effort as much as could be expected, and each time that he swallowed the tangy liquid, Hyuuga would focus his eyes on Arisu's breast with a nod. She would lean forward with a gasp, and Hyuuga would then sucked one of her pert tits into his mouth, before giving the hard caramel button at the tip a sharp bite. Arisu's elegant body never failed to tense and she often cried out, then Hyuuga proceeded to turn away from her in order to taste another bite of food from his breathing buffet.

It wasn't long before Eiko climbed up onto the thick bone of Hyuuga's swollen rod. The elder demoness moaned and reached back to clench Hyuuga's thighs. Her long, lithe body moved with a snake-like grace over the engorged staff, causing Hyuuga to grow agitated, bucking his hips as the pleasure began to consume him. It was not long before he had pulled the full figured Kameko over, forcing her to straddle his upper body in order for him to fully feast on her juicy cleft. Behind him, the lord's long mane twitched in flowing waves with each jerk of his jaw and flick of his agile tongue.

Taikimaru looked down, realizing that his hand had made its way into his hakama to grasp a hold of his throbbing dick. When had that happened? He wasn't sure, but he shrugged and gave the aching member a long, hard stroke that forced a grunt of relief. Much to his horror, Hyuuga noticed the sound and suddenly stopped teasing Kameko's clit in order to turn his head and look at his guardsman. Taikimaru grimaced inwardly as his king and eight of his wives, including Kameko, turned to stare. The only sound now was the music of the players drifting erotically in the background.

Taikimaru could only assume the image that he made—A King's Personal Guard with hips leaned back against the ornate outer door, hunched over, and with his hand down his pants. Gods, the bulge alone was quite obvious, but the fact that he had been panting without so much as noticing, was most embarrassing.

As Taikimaru's cheeks turned red he released himself in order to regain his proper stance, but Lord Hyuuga shook his head, 'no'. Taikimaru gave him a questioning look and Hyuuga looked down to his crotch giving a descriptive nod and toss of his head. He wants me to take them off? Oh Gods, Hyuuga had never done this before. Taikimaru wasn't sure what to expect.

When Hyuuga grunted once with displeasure for his hesitation, Taikimaru inhaled deeply and slipped the knot loose that held his hakama in place. He first dropped his sword, and obi, then leaned against the door and held Kameko's eyes. She watched him with open admiration as he peeled the front away to reveal the beefy erection now lying heavily against his hard stomach.

Another nod and purposeful glance and Taikimaru realized that Hyuuga wanted him to stroke it while they watched. Good Gods, this was insane. He knew that he was sweating bullets beneath their burning gaze but there was no way out. At the order, he reached down and wrapped his fingers tightly around his exposed member, squeezing it once, then giving it a stroke.

The females of the harem eyed him hungrily, but one bark from their master and each one of them fell back under Hyuuga's spell. All sets of eyes, except one, returned to their lord and Taikimaru's loins burned as Kameko continued to focus in his direction. Taikimaru stroked himself for Kameko's eyes, while Hyuuga licked and sucked her nether lips.

The lady Eiko began to shake spastically and soon cried out in climax. Hyuuga growled as the bitch sitting atop his member clenched her inner muscles nearly bringing him over as well. When Eiko was sufficiently recovered and removed, Hyuuga flipped, turned, and brought Kameko down on her hands and knees. Hyuuga openly smirked at Taikimaru and then pushed Kameko's head down. She was facing Taikimaru, still watching, but now Hyuuga was watching as well. It was nerve rattling and uncommonly erotic.

Hyuuga reached over the lady's back to grasp her shoulders before slamming his hips forward and thoroughly burying his slick length. Kameko threw back her head and shrieked with painful pleasure. Taikimaru's breath hitched in his throat and from that moment on he wasn't sure if he breathed again at all.

Hyuuga's icy blue gaze locked on his guard and never wavered, while the prone Kameko was forced to clench her eyes with pleasure. Taikimaru's cock was swelled now to the point of splitting. He stroked faster and Hyuuga matched his speed with every thrust. The king was positively wicked in this game that he played. Taikimaru was not sure whether he liked it or not.

As his strokes became frantic and his breathing matched, Taikimaru watched Kameko's climax blossom into magnificent fruition. She tensed and shook. Meanwhile, his own loins began to burn with his approaching crest. Taikimaru collapsed against the door at his back, seeking some form of support. He looked up from Kameko's orgasmic features to meet the sparkling silver gaze of his master.

Lord Hyuuga's long fangs hung down over his chin, and his claws were hooked and sharpened. The mass of straight mottled hair now seemed alive with waves of power rolling off the monkey king. Vacantly, Taikimaru noticed that he was clenching his cock to the point of pain, enough to make him wince and loosen his death-grip. He continued to stroke his shaft while Hyuuga continued to fuck and soon the burn could not be contained. Taikimaru shouted as his seed erupted from his cock, spurting the thick cream over his hand and onto the palace floor. His breath left him in a rush and he buckled over, almost crumbling to his knees.

Only then did Hyuuga plunge his slick finger between Kameko plump ass and deep into her tight puckered entrance. She cried out with surprise and pleasure, resulting in another especially forceful thrust from Hyuuga. In minutes she was rocking through yet another orgasm to which Hyuuga, this time, chose to join her. Kameko's cries of ecstasy were abruptly drowned out by a violently possessive bark that was issued toward Taikimaru with unmistakable intention.

The message was clear. You can look, but you cannot touch. Touch and you will die.

Taikimaru bowed low to his sovereign, and quickly slipped his flaccid cock back into his pants. He wished that he had something to clean up with, but there was nothing, so he would be forced to endure the discomfort until Lord Hyuuga granted him leave to do otherwise.

After his feast, the monkey king retired to his monstrous bed located in the rear of the spacious chamber. There, with the remainder of his wives, Hyuuga began a lavish dance of naked, writhing bodies. Taikimaru was both fascinated and in awe of the fortitude held by his master. Hyuuga had just expelled his seed twice and seemed eagerly ready for more.

The females swarmed his body, rubbing and licking every dip and crevice, while the virile ruler stroked and tested their wetness. He had them all moaning in pleasure and soon the rapture of their climaxes flooded Taikimaru's eyes, ears and nose. He could feel his manhood rising once more with the overload of his sexual senses, and was forced to close his eyes and concentrate on something else in hopes to stay sane. He tried picturing his roommate, Norio-san, in the nude and was thankful when the swelling began to recede.

Unfortunately, Taikimaru's favored trick of control did not last long when he was startled by the sound of a leather whip. The struggling guard opened his eyes upon instinct, but wished to the gods that he hadn't. The final show of the evening was centered on the dutiful first wife, Queen Arisu. She was a magnificent female, built long and lean with breasts that a male could cup and suckle and hips that swelled to a nicely rounded behind. Her naked legs, spread wide and tethered with silk, seemed to go on forever. Her arms were stretched up high and tethered much the same as her ankles leaving her lithe body exposed and vulnerable.

The other wives lay around the chamber in varying positions of relaxation while they paid witness to this last mind-numbing scene. Hyuuga stood behind his most beloved wife whispering devilish words into her lovely pointed ears. He then stepped back and let loose a second stinging lash upon her flesh with such force that the woman cried out. Taikimaru watched her eyes clench shut as she gripped the silk bindings until her knuckles were strained and white.

Hyuuga paced around Lady Arisu's exhibited body while lightly trailing the tips of his claws over her skin. The female moaned with pleasure until Hyuuga stepped back and once again popped her with the whip. Taikimaru never really understood Lady Arisu's odd obsession with pain-mingled-pleasure, but it was obvious that Hyuuga was comfortable administering to his first wife's unusual needs. The monkey king slipped a finger between Arisu's splayed thighs and grinned at the proof of her arousal.

The snap of the whip burned her thighs and Taikimaru watched as the pink slashes of color faded from her pale skin only to be replaced with another somewhere else. Hyuuga seemed to enjoy the game of pain as he delivered punishing strikes, which were quickly soothed by his open mouth. He stroked her stinging flesh with tender care, using fingers, palms and his long seeking tongue. Her dark, pert nipples were pinched and pulled, twisted and tasted, until Arisu was begging for relief. Hyuuga callously ignored her pleas while chuckled against the smooth curve of her neck.

Taikimaru's inner beast was raging with desire to soothe her cries, but instinct would only get him killed. Hyuuga would hardly appreciate his intervention in the macabre event. Besides, it was not as if this was the first exhibition of its kind that Taikimaru had witnessed. Lady Arisu had always had an affinity for pain, and she was wedded to Hyuuga nearly four centuries ago.

At her back, Hyuuga suddenly went to his knees, spreading them wide beneath her. His staff had risen to full hardness once again as he nipped playfully at Arisu's fleshy backside. The youngest queen, Lady Yukiko—so recently satisfied by her husband, but obviously still full of playful energy— slipped to the floor and slid beneath Arisu in order to administer to Hyuuga's engorged staff. Her tiny hand wrapped around the thick appendage and Hyuuga grunted as she began to stroke in rhythm.

Lord Hyuuga shifted and reached up to further spread the inner folds of Lady Arisu before slipping his mouth over her dripping sex. His moan of pleasure gave Taikimaru a jolt of awareness in his own swollen cock as he imagined the delightful taste of Hyuuga's most prized wife. Hyuuga continued to lave his tongue over the sensitive flesh and Arisu writhed and moaned. The sinuate length of Hyuuga's royal tail soon slithered upward to twine around her slender leg until it was pressing against her moist opening. The monkey king moved back, to observe the press of it as he maneuvered the appendage little by little up inside of her. Arisu was groaning and bucking against the thick intrusion while the 'snow child'—Lady Yukiko—continued to pump Hyuuga's cock enthusiastically in her slender hands.

At last, Hyuuga grew tired of his latest game, gently removing Yukiko from his slick staff and stood up. He stepped up behind Arisu and whispered something softly in her ear, then Taikimaru heard her beg. Hyuuga laughed wickedly then reached down to grasp her hips firmly with his claws. With one thrust he entered the queen completely before shifting his hips and grinding his impressive length even deeper still. Arisu cried out and praised her master with every breath while Hyuuga fulfilled her final pleasure. Arisu's slender body was shaken with the hard thrusting force of her king. Taikimaru watched in fascination as her firm breasts bounced with each demanding impalement of Hyuuga's thrusting staff.

It didn't take long before Arisu was crying out in blissful release, but Hyuuga never stopped his torrential barrage of sensual friction. He clamped his hands over her breasts, pinching her nipples and arching into the thrust with renewed vigor until, once more, Lady Arisu trembled with ecstasy, and only then did Lord Hyuuga finally grunt with his own.

Taikimaru sighed with relief when his lord and master at last spilled the final store of his seed before collapsing bonelessly onto the lush bed. While the king settled, Lady Yukiko did the honors of releasing Lady Arisu while stealing a tender kiss from her lips. Together the three of them joined Lady Aoi and Lady Kayo on the massive bed. Hyuuga then leaned forward and met Taikimaru's eyes. The look was one of respect, but Taikimaru did not miss the warning gleam deep within. Hyuuga would not share his bounty. The sixteen wives were his and his alone.

With a nod of his regal head, Lord Hyuuga gave the order for Taikimaru to douse the candle flames within the chamber, casting the vast room into darkness where the lord and his ladies would sleep.  


Sesshomaru reached his home with a gladdened heart. The journey had been a morbid, stress-filled affair. Rin had not spoken one word to him since the incident with Inuyasha while Jaken remained unusually quiet as well. He assumed that Jaken was afraid to mention the earlier fight, which was the only intelligent thing for the toad to do. Sesshomaru had little doubt that curiosity over his reasoning behind the attack were driving his vassal into a state of inner chaos, but he really had no urge to indulge the imp's prying.

It was Rin's silence that pained him, for it was not normal for her to be so. Before arriving at Inuyasha's Forest, Sesshomaru had fondly expected an incessant barrage of questions and stories after being separated from her for so long. He had resigned himself to the inane chatter of his ward, strangely anticipating the happy, youthful sound, yet that was not to be. Instead, he was barraged with silence.

He could feel her despair and deeply regretted the fact that he was the cause of it, but how could he possibly explain himself? Should he even try? His normal propensity to shut everyone out was not working in his favor because now there was no one with which to discuss his troubles. The closest thing that he had to a confidant was his childhood nurse, and that one passed on to the netherworld over three hundred years ago.

It was useless, really. Sesshomaru could not fully understand the volatile emotions that were raging within him, and he was unused to explaining his actions. He could only hope that Rin would forgive him for the tears that he had wrung from her big brown eyes because the words to express the uneasiness that he felt for causing them would not ever pass his lips.

They arrived at the Western Citadel and despite the downtrodden emotions possessed of his group; the sight moved them all to feel a glimmer of elation. The fortress was a sprawling masterpiece of stone and wood built solidly onto the face of the mountain. The great wall meandered from the jagged cliffside all along the edges of the village below and already Sesshomaru could hear the sounds of welcoming horns announcing his arrival.

Sesshomaru landed just outside of the gates and waited until they were drawn wide. He led the way through the portal as all nearby cheered his return. Normally he would not have bothered, but his curiosity had recently been peaked, so he took a moment to glance around. He was surprised to discover that the cheers were not only offered for him, but many shouts of welcome were for Rin and even Jaken.

He watched as Rin demurely raised her hand and waved to the crowd while offering a warm smile. Sesshomaru wondered how many times his young human ward had been praised by his youkai subjects while he had simply never noticed. How arrogant and full of himself he must have been to have ignored this unusual acceptance in his followers. Humans were once considered pests—a plague upon the earth—yet somehow things had begun to change in rather drastic measures. How had this come to pass? Could Rin alone have made such a difference?

As he passed by the young and old, the powerful and weak, Sesshomaru's thoughts were drawn back to the village of YoKaishi. There, too, the humans were mingled with youkai seemingly without strife. Were times changing thus? Could it be that the two species were coming together in peace all over the land?


At the close of this journey Sesshomaru did not miss the cheers, but he also noticed that a few still sneered at the mortal girl busily offering her gratitude with a smile. Some youkai would never change their opinion of humans and he was positive that the same could be said for many youkai-hating mortals. Prejudice would forever exist.

But what change he had could be the prelude to a new world.  


A/N: Could Kagome's wish on the Shikon no Tama—for the survival of youkai in the future—be the cause for these changes in Youkai-Human relations? heh... Maybe.

I hope that you all enjoyed the long lemon. It took more to write it than I imagined, but considering my tendency to go on and on, I should have guessed as much. The next chapter will herald the arrival of Uchuu at the Western Citadel. Imagine the monkey prince's surprise when he discovers that Lord Sesshomaru is the dog that shared the dungeon with him! Will Uchuu be able to convince Sesshomaru to join his brother in the battle against Asuza? Just read the next chapter, which should be up in a few days to find out!

To annie: Thank you for your review and I am really happy that you are enjoying 'Violation'. Concerning your mention of my mistake in misspelling 'Doomo Arigato', you might be correct, but upon looking it up in numerous places, I have found that it is spelled a multitude of ways. My information came from different sources, some of which are: , , . The majority of sites point to 'Domo Arigato' but there is also 'Doomo Arigatou', and 'Doomo Arigatoo'. Obviously this is all a little confusing to a small town southern girl, so I'm going to leave it as is. I hope that you can overlook the possible error and I thank-you for bringing it to my attention. -Rin