InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Violation of Honor ❯ Chapter 38 – Hope ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Violation of Honor

By Rinseternalsoul

**Disclaimer: I can only dream of having the money that Rumiko Takahashi makes off of her anime, Inuyasha. Me? I’m just a non-profit fanfiction author who adores the show and loves to write smut.


Chapter 38 – Hope

A/N: I hope that you continue to enjoy this double chapter posting!  


Iku shifted and the slight motion made him groan with pain. His body was still weakened from the cursed poison in his system. He suspected it was responsible for the decrease in his healing capabilities—though they had not quit on him completely. Even now he could feel the itchiness of his gums as his teeth fought to reform. He wished to gnaw on something to ease the irritation, but there was nothing available except his tongue.

How long had he been here? The hours had begun bleeding into one long horror-filled nightmare. The guards that had first used his body so brutally had not returned. He was grateful for that at least. Unfortunately, the blood that was drawn during the violent encounter had captured the attention of various rodents and foraging insects. It was highly disturbing to find himself strapped down with no way to defend himself against a mere bug.

Although small and inconsequential in the entirety of all things youkai, a bug can be a pest of mass proportions when strapped helplessly to a table—especially when said insect is rather sizable and hungry. Not only is the occasional stinging little bites irritating, but the additional temptation is just too much to resist for the big hairy rats scurrying in the darkness looking for food.

Iku grunted and squirmed when another searing chunk was taken from his side. The disgusting rat responsible sat up on its haunches and stared thoughtfully as it chewed. Iku was tempted to shout at the beast in attempts to drive it away, but that tactic had long since ceased to work. Once they had figured out that he was helpless, they moved in like a pack of wolves eager to feast. At first they went for his extremities, the ones farthest away from his growling, snapping mouth. One squeeze from his hand and the dead rodent fell with a limp plop to the cold stone floor. After that, they scrambled back for a while until hunger drove them to try again.

Iku groaned and let his head fall heavily to the side. He was too weak to buck and shake anymore. His attempts had been less than successful in running them off. Now they ate at their leisure, avoiding the deadly grip of his fingers and ignoring his cries. He could only be thankful there was not more of them. The wretched vermin would most likely devour him alive. As it stood, the five remaining were enough to torture him constantly with burning, stinging bites.

A sound outside the dungeon door captured his attention. A horn was blaring loudly and the residents of the citadel were shouting. He wondered what was happening as this was the first time that he had heard such an uproar since his arrival. He would have shouted for a guard and inquired but his throat was dry and raw from his previous attempts to keep the vermin away. Besides, it was probably best not to attract their attention anymore than necessary. He would regret another such encounter as he had experienced before.

"Lord Sesshomaru has returned!"

The muffled cry of a guardsman came to Iku loud and clear. So that was it then. The master had returned to his lair. Iku closed his eyes and sighed. The return of Sesshomaru meant one thing.

Iku's time on this earth would soon be at an end.


Kagome tried not to gape as they passed through the massive gates of Sesshomaru's home. There was an eerie horn bellowing its lone call and it echoed through her very being. Around them, youkai were gathering in masses to welcome their lord. Guards bowed stiffly, with fist over hearts and eyes downcast. Some of the citizens kneeled while some stood proudly erect meeting their master’s eyes. These males looked dangerous, carrying themselves as royalty, unafraid and unyielding.

Kagome was astonished at the variety of youkai present within the Citadel. She had, for some reason, thought most of them would be inu. That was clearly not the case here. Youkai from every walk of life appeared to have taken up residence under Sesshomaru's protection—Kagome looked back to Rin and smiled—as had a human or two.

The Citadel itself was nothing less than an ancient marvel. It looked like something from the History channel, only this place was not in ruin, but polished to a shine. The rock was dark like the mountain it was carved from. It held an air of pre-historic charm, yet fourteenth century Asian architecture was boldly sprinkled about, giving the overall civilization a timeless feel.

Colorful flags waved high up on towers, displaying Sesshomaru's white and red emblem of rule. The castle loomed overhead, a forbidding central fortress of power designed to house centuries of taiyoukai warlords. It was impressive and absolutely amazing to see in real life. Nothing Kagome had ever viewed on television or in a book could have prepared her for the experience.

Sesshomaru made his greetings as was necessary for his station, all the while secretly watching the expression on Kagome's face. He hid a smile at her innocent fascination and wondered if there existed such palaces in the time that she called home. He gazed around his citadel and tried to compare it to a towering structure of steel and glass. Unfortunately, it was impossible to conjure such a foreign image in his mind. This was what he knew: stone, bamboo, and clay tiled roofs—familiar building materials of this age.

How could a human bend metal to such extents as to touch the clouds? How would mortals one day develop towering walls of sparkling glass? Fantasy. It was nothing more. Kagome's world was so far beyond his grasp that it could only be held as fantasy.

Was she happy here? Could this time be accepted as her own? Did she long for modern conveniences? Her family? 'Hn. Of course she does.' Knowing that his little miko was trapped in this time made him feel even more protective than he had before. Since discovering her true origins, Sesshomaru had felt torn between pain for her loss and possessive satisfaction that she would never be able leave him. It was a petty emotion, but one that he felt none-the-less.

"Lord Sesshomaru! Lady Rin!" The voice drew his attention, and Sesshomaru turned to greet the captain of his guards. "Katsutoshi, I trust all is well."

"Hai, my lord! Welcome home. General Hiromasa sends his regards. He is out of the Citadel with a small group of new warriors, training for the Citadel's better protection."

"Hn. When he returns, send him to the meeting room. There is much to discuss." He glanced to Kagome in meaning, and the look on Katsutoshi's face turned intensely curious. He began a systematic appraisal of the unfamiliar human female, inadvertently raising the hackles of his lord. Sesshomaru growled, reached out and grasped Kagome's slender arm, then pulled her close. He ignored her feminine squeak of surprise and leveled Katsutoshi with a deadly glare. Words were unnecessary in this instance. Katsutoshi understood Sesshomaru's meaning perfectly. The human woman belonged to him and he would kill anyone that threatened her.

Katsutoshi's eyes grew wide with understanding, then worriedly scoured the crowd. There were some that had observed Sesshomaru's behavior with calculating interest, while others were busily inspecting the arrival of the other newcomers in the group. Quickly he turned back to Sesshomaru and gave a curt nod of understanding. Obviously, Lord Sesshomaru had taken a mate—a human mate. There would be trouble. There was little doubt.

Katsutoshi motioned to his men and in seconds six uniformed guards gathered around Sesshomaru and his woman. The procession was hurried along toward the castle, including Lady Rin, who followed close behind.

Shippo walked alongside Ah-Un's right flank while Shin covered the left. Between them Rin sat astride the monstrous two-headed dragon, smiling and waving to the crowd as if she were a regal princess returning home after a long sojourn. Shippo glanced back to the crowd of youkai excitedly greeting Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken, while surreptitiously inspecting the newcomers in the group with open curiosity. All around them he could hear whispers of males and females wondering who they were and for what purpose they were here.

Not all of the eyes staring at them were cheerful and happy. Some were studying them with an intensity that was unnerving. They watched Kagome in a way that made Shippo want to go up there and stand beside her, offering just a bit more in the way of protection. The thing that held him back was Rin, for there were some who stared at her in the same way. Not as many, as they were obviously familiar with her presence—as unwelcome as it seemed.

He was nervous with so many youkai near. It was even worse than being surrounded by Kouga's pack. There were many more bodies within the citadel and all were just as dangerous as any wolf. Now was one of those times when he wished Inuyasha were here. Not that he doubted Sesshomaru's ability to protect Kagome, but with this many lethal youkai in one place, it would be nice to have an extra sword.

Shippo glanced to Shin, finding him nervously peering around as well. The demi-dragon met his eyes and nodded. Shippo stepped closer to Au-Un even as Shin reached out to grasp the reins in order to urge the lumbering beast along.

"What are you doing?" Rin asked, feeling a little perturbed that they would attempt to take control when she was perfectly capable of directing Ah-Un to the stable yard.

"Don't you see?" Shippo whispered fiercely before giving a hard look toward the crowd.

Rin had been through the gates of the Western Citadel hundreds of times in her young life. Lord Sesshomaru liked to make an impressive entrance and the residents, in turn, enjoyed gathering to welcome him home. When she was a young girl, she used to pretend that the crowd was gathered to welcome her. She would pretend she was the princess returning to her castle with her fearless father after a long hard battle. The memory almost made her smile.

Shippo's strained voice made her take a second look at the familiar ritual. He sensed something dangerous. She could tell. At his insistence she overlooked the smiling faces and happy shouts, and sought out the reason for his unease. Now she saw it and was shocked that she had not noticed it before. While most of the gathered youkai sported friendly welcoming faces, there were some that reflected a much deeper emotion.


Had they always looked at her that way? In her child's mind she had turned away from scornful looks and sought out acceptance. Seeing only what she wanted to see.

Rin was not stupid. She knew that there were youkai that did not like humans. She had ran across them often enough, but the seething hatred in the cold eyes staring back at her now made her wonder if she had only dreamed of welcoming smiles and open acceptance.

"Hello Rin-chan! Welcome home!"

Rin's sour thoughts were distracted by the cheerful voice. She turned with a smile, recognizing at once the sweet voice belonging to the citadel's healer, Nana-sama. "Nana! It is great to be back. Thank you!"

The feminine voice calling Rin's name held an unidentifiable note that sent a pleasurable ripple through Shin's frame. He turned his head, ignoring the curious looks of those nearby, and searched for the one responsible. He spotted her immediately, pushing her way through the throngs of youkai as she waved happily to Rin.

His heart slammed in his chest and his breath seemed to suddenly evade him. 'By the Gods, she is beautiful!' With long hair, straight, shining and fine, the color of ripe plums in the sunlight, the female was obviously youkai. Even knowing her true nature did little to dull his interest when she smiled so brilliantly, showing pearl-white fangs and full inviting lips. Her eyes, an unusual shade of green, sparkled with true happiness in their depths. Shin knew with just one look that the female's joy was sincere.

'So, there are some here in the Western Citadel that love and accept the humans in their midst.' Shin tore his eyes away from the lovely youkai woman and looked back to the ones displaying coldly resigned fury. 'While clearly, others do not feel the same way.'

Shin pulled himself together and focused on the task at hand. It was obvious that a faction—no matter how small—of Sesshomaru's followers were not eager to share their space with mortals. One look at Sesshomaru and he knew the taiyoukai was well aware of the situation. He had pulled Kagome close, walking through the crowd with purpose, while a small number of guardsmen had fallen in around them. The lord knew there would be danger here. He knew, and he was prepared to face it.

Shin resigned himself to the inevitable. There would be trouble sooner or later. An uprising was unavoidable. Those youkai with hatred of humans ingrained in their hearts had grudgingly overlooked Rin's presence in the Citadel as an eccentric whim of their lord.

They would be hard pressed to ignore their master taking a human as his mate. Yes, an uprising was imminent.

With one last appreciative look at the pretty female waving at Rin, Shin put such frivolous thoughts behind him. Now was not the time to become addled by a lovely face. Especially not one belonging to a youkai. Not that he owned the right to be picky. As it stood now, he had little chance of attracting a wife—no matter the species, not when he was neither human nor youkai. Half-breeds were frowned upon. Very few young women would risk shaming their families by marrying a hanyou. That sweet little piece of youkai back there wouldn't look at him twice.

It was his fate to live out his life forever alone.

With an angry twist of his features, Shin put the pathetic subject of his hopes for a love life from his mind. He would focus on one day at a time, learning his new body and its limits. He would become a fighter and earn a place in this youkai city. It might not have been the life he always thought he would have, but it would be a life. Had he remained as a Pixie Dragon even this would have been beyond his reach.

Shin nearly stumbled as the realization occurred to him. Until now, he had been so consumed by regret that it was impossible to see past the gloom of it. The thick soup of despair had been drowning him, making it impossible to feel any hope. Shin looked down at his wrapped hand, knowing that beneath the strips of cloth there was a scaly dragon claw—his dragon claw. It could have been worse; he was slowly beginning to see that. Perhaps one day he would be satisfied with his new body, or at least accepting. Until then, he would focus his life on keeping Rin safe.

Sesshomaru pushed through the crowd, clearing a path with nothing more than his dominating presence. The streets were packed today as the time of their arrival was just before noon. Most of the merchants and workers would be milling the streets, hocking their wares and buying food. He should have delayed their departure from Edo, allowing their arrival to fall at night when everything was less lively. As it was, he hoped to make it to his castle doors without incident.

Already two of his council advisors—decidedly human haters—were glaring at Kagome with obvious disdain. Yuudai and Gokomatsu had previously made their positions clear on the subject of humans inside the walls of the Western Citadel. Both expressed their objections to Rin's presence when he first brought her here.

Fortunately, most advanced youkai thought themselves far above humanity; the majority of his council did not care that he brought a human girl within the citadel. They brushed her aside as insignificant—as if she were nothing more than a pet.

It mattered not to him what any of them thought. His reasons for keeping Rin were his own. That the counsel majority agreed that she could stay was inconsequential at any rate. Sesshomaru had already made up his mind. She would stay, or he would kill them all.

Unfortunately, Yuudai and Gokomatsu were not going to fade into the background. They would be furious with his choice of mate, especially Yuudai, since he had been haggling Sesshomaru for decades to take his daughter as a mate. Amarante was named aptly, as a flower that never fades, but beyond her beauty, Amarante was...dull. Her beauty is merely skin deep. Her power...adequate, but her personality is akin to an aging land turtle, slow and dry. He imagined making love to her would prove quite an uneventful process.

Sesshomaru looked down. Kagome was smiling and waving happily, oblivious to the danger lurking in the crowd. Or was she? He leaned closer and sniffed. Hn. Interesting. He reached and took her hand. Her palms were moist. She was not as calm as she appeared. In fact, he was impressed that she covered her emotions so well. Kagome was nervous. He watched her more closely. Her eyes darted once, no, twice, in the direction of Yuudai and Gokomatsu. Sesshomaru hid a smirk of pride. For all that his miko appeared unconcerned for her safety; she had already located her potential enemies in the crowd.

Just as he began to think things in the bailey were contained, the castle doors within reach, and the danger of attack behind them—at least for the moment—Sesshomaru heard a sound that turned his blood cold.

The metallic scrape of a sword being drawn. The sound was almost impossible to be heard over the noise around him, but he was positive of the source. He looked over his shoulder and spotted Yuudai making his move. "Father!" Sesshomaru spotted Amarante pushing after Yuudai, calling in earnest to abandon his course. Yuudai ignored her pleas and just then met Sesshomaru's eyes.

"Hold there, my lord!" The last slurred with disgust. "The people would know what you mean by bringing that...mortal wench into to our home!"

Sesshomaru tamped down the urge to melt the fool in his tracks. How dare he point that useless sword his way?! "Remember your place, Yuudai, for this Sesshomaru is intolerant of imbeciles too ignorant to see death standing in their way."

Yuudai seemed to think the crowd would follow his lead. He raised his sword and shouted, "There was a time when you bowed to no one! There was a time when mortals were useless worms meant for destruction! Now you flood our home with the plague of mankind! Who is this wench, Lord Sesshomaru? Who is she that you pull her so close? Is it true then, that you have taken up your father's distasteful affection for human women? Is that human bitch your mate?"

Sesshomaru was furious. It took great control to withhold his wrath.

Jaken had heard enough! From the time they entered the gates he had expected confrontation, but Yuudai had gone too far! "You impertinent fool! You dare talk to Lord Sesshomaru like that?! Why, you are fortunate to still be breathing! Lord Sesshomaru will...."

"Jaken! That is enough."

The crowd went silent. Sesshomaru looked them over, gauging the faces staring back at him—faces that looked to him for leadership and protection. Faces that trusted him to do the right thing. He met Yuudai's eyes, dark and angry, so full of hatred that his aura swirled with malcontent. Yuudai had purposely started this now, when Sesshomaru would be most vulnerable, before he had an opportunity to prepare for attack.

Very well then. If Yuudai wished to battle this out, then his wish would be granted. Sesshomaru drew his sword and pointed it at his recently labeled enemy. He might as well get this over with now. "The human woman is this Sesshomaru's mate. I have chosen her. Kagome will stand by my side. Be warned, for I will protect her with my life. Are you so eager to die?"

Yuudai spat on the ground in disgust. "Then it is true! You take a filthy human as mate just as your father before you! You would foul your taiyoukai blood with the weak blood of a mortal, throwing half-breed pups that cannot even protect themselves!"

"Hey! Who are you calling filthy and weak?!" Kagome was livid. She had been enjoying her first glimpse of the Western Citadel and its people, but the amazing architecture and the beautiful youkai could not fully distract her from the feelings of hatred scattered about. It wasn't every youkai that felt that way. But it would only take a few to cause trouble.


At Sesshomaru's tense utterance of her name, Kagome looked up and saw how worried he was for her safety. She smiled. "If I am going to be by your side, Sesshomaru, then your people should know that I am not an ordinary human female." He offered her a slight nod. She took that as his sign of approval to proceed.

She turned her full attention to the one called Yuudai. Kagome smiled and reached up to pluck the delicately embossed jade chopsticks from her hair. The heavy mass of dark waves fell about her shoulders and over her lovely kimono—she had worn Sesshomaru's gift because she wanted to look nice when she met his people.

The chopsticks were a gift from Shippo when he learned that she had taken a mate. They were the only weapon that she had on her at the time. Kagome held one in each hand. She focused her power and welcomed the familiar surge of energy as it rapidly built in strength. It grew until she was nearly overwhelmed—it had never been so strong! Even Sesshomaru stepped away from her. The crowd began pushing back in fear.

Kagome laughed and held Yuudai's cold, hate-filled eyes. He hid it well, but there was fear in him. She could tell.

"I am the Shikon Miko, Kagome! Mate to Sesshomaru! I am not a weak mortal and I am not defenseless without my mate! I will fight with him to protect you all and I will strive to make your home a better place! Attack me if you will, but I warn you now...I will not die so easily!"

Purification poured into the jade sticks and she held them high above her head. The strength of her power had become exponentially stronger since her encounter with the red dust. It was so much that she could hardly contain it anymore. Kagome shouted with the surge and released the torrent of god-like power, sending magnificent shafts of blinding light blasting harmlessly into the sky.

It was sucking her strength! She recognized the same overload of energy that she had experienced when healing Saya. If she didn't stop it now, she would collapse helplessly at Sesshomaru's feet. That was unacceptable! She could not let them see her weakness! Not now! Kagome clenched her teeth and focused on her center. She called forth every ounce of control that she had learned since discovering her miko powers. It was an extremely difficult task, but she was determined to do it.

At last, she found the inner lock and swiftly turned the key. At once her power returned to her, flooding her body with strength before settling into repose once more.

Kagome took a deep breath and looked around her. The area was completely silent. Every youkai had pushed far away in fear of being purified. Even Yuudai.

"Well done, my sweet."

Kagome looked up to the smiling face of her taiyoukai. Sesshomaru was obviously pleased with her display. She, however, was not. The demonstration was made to declare that she was fit to be by Sesshomaru's side. It was not made to make their people fear her.

Kagome turned to the crowd and shrugged with a smile. "I am here because I love Sesshomaru. I hope that one day we can all be friends. I vow to you, as a miko and the mate of your lord, that I will never raise my power against you unless it is needed to defend myself. I vow to use my power to protect our home—this citadel—from attack. You have my word as the Shikon Miko. I know that it will take time for you to trust me, but if we work together, and put prejudice behind us, we can make the Western Citadel a wonderful and safe place to live!"


Then there was a clap. Kagome smiled at the one responsible. Shippo smiled back. Rin joined in, clapping joyfully. Then came another set of hands, and another. Even Jaken clapped. Nana smiled at Rin, then raised her hands and clapped as well. One by one youkai claws came together to welcome the miko Kagome into their midst.

Nothing could impress a youkai more than a brilliant show of power.

Yuudai grudgingly admitted to himself that the human woman was no ordinary wench. Her power was incredible. His mind began to churn, working through the benefits of having such a strong miko as an ally. With her at Sesshomaru's side, the West would be invincible.

At last, Yuudai met Sesshomaru's eyes. He bowed his head respectfully and slid his sword back into its sheath. "I stand corrected, my lord. I hope that you can forgive me. It appears that you have chosen well." For a moment Sesshomaru only stared at him with those steely narrowed eyes. Enough time passed to make Yuudai regret his hasty public confrontation. Sesshomaru was not a taiyoukai to cross without the support of a crowd behind him.

One second Sesshomaru was standing by his miko and the next, Yuudai was slammed into a building beyond. The walls splintered and clay tiles crashed to the ground. Dust clogged what little breath he could draw. Yuudai reached up to pry the steel grip of his lord from around his throat, but the effort was useless. His claws sliced into Sesshomaru's arm while he struggled to breathe. His silk clad legs kicked helplessly against air. Sesshomaru held him pinned up against the ruined wall, glaring at him with menace on his face.

"Hear me now! The miko, Kagome, and those in this entourage are under my protection. Kagome is my chosen mate and if you challenge my decision, then you will die. He gave a fresh squeeze to the soft tissue, enjoying the increased rhythm of the frantically beating pulse beneath his thumb. Sesshomaru pressed his claws lightly against the flesh and smiled when blood was drawn.

"Sesshomaru! Please..."

Kagome sounded distressed by his actions, but Sesshomaru had no other choice. Yuudai had recklessly postured in front of his subjects, in effect challenging his status as alpha. Sesshomaru was forced to defend his station, thus deterring any more of his underlings from attempting to do the same. He ignored Kagome's plea and growled menacingly in Yuudai's face. The male, three hundred years his senior, began to grow limp from lack of oxygen. Yuudai's attempts to free himself grew weak. The staccato pulse began to slow. Only then, did Sesshomaru release him.

Kagome breathed a sigh of relief when Sesshomaru ultimately spared the male's life. For a minute there, she hadn't been so sure and she was pretty sure that Yuudai felt the same way. The youkai collapsed at Sesshomaru's feet. He clutched his throat and gasped harshly for air. A pretty youkai female, obviously his daughter, hurried to his side. She was crying and clutching at his robes. Sesshomaru turned, but the female called out to him. "Domo arigato gozaimasu, Sesshomaru-sama, for sparing my father's life!"

Sesshomaru paused briefly in his step, but made no other indication that he heard her. Kagome watched him proudly, understanding now his reasons for such a show of violence. He spared the guy though, and that spoke volumes for how far her taiyoukai had come since the day she met him so long ago.

Kagome then realized that Sesshomaru was headed toward her with purpose in his eyes. Her breath hitched in her chest. At first she took a step back, unsure if he was angry for her attempted interference on Yuudai's behalf, but one look into those darkening golden eyes revealed his true intent.

Kagome gasped when Sesshomaru reached her, not stopping until she was flush against him. He had barely ceased moving when he reached out and slipped one strong arm around her waist. Kagome's feet left the ground as Sesshomaru forcefully pulled her up against him. His eyes held hers for a moment then lowered lustfully to her lips. She could have burned alive from the look on his face alone and the heat from his body pressed so familiarly against her curves only fueled the flame.

Sesshomaru glanced once more to her eyes before tangling his claws in her hair and pulling her forcefully into a mind-melting kiss. Kagome lost all sense of place and time. Her body burned and her thoughts scattered. He invaded her mouth with all of the passion and possessiveness of a conquering warrior, taking what belonged to him and searing his ownership into her soft flesh.

Nothing mattered anymore except the hazy bliss of his kiss. Without awareness her hands slipped up to skim over the smooth warm skin of his neck only to thread them into his thick luxurious mane. The reckless abandon of his blissful assault thoroughly crushed her reality, leaving her a panting wanton, unaware of anything except the pleasure being wrought on her senses.

And then he withdrew.

Kagome stumbled drunkenly as her delightful journey was suddenly and abruptly cut off. Sesshomaru chuckled softly, careful to steady her lest she fall. She blinked, the world spinning slower, until her vision returned and with it her good sense.

She had just been kissed silly in front of a huge crowd.

Kagome blinked once more and slowly looked around. Dozens of faces stared back at her and her face turned beet red. She saw amusement, surprise, even respect. Some looked away, embarrassed yet smiling, while others stared back with complete understanding. Their lord had taken a mate—a human mate, miko or not—and they would simply have to live with it.

Kagome cleared her throat and looked for her friends. Shippo's emerald green eyes were wide with shock. Apparently her young kitsune had not before considered Sesshomaru—or maybe it was her— as passionate. The surprise on his face made her smile. Seeing her reaction, Shippo's stunned expression quickly turned to humor. He grinned from ear to ear and shook his head, looking briefly away and then back. Kagome felt the approval shining in his eyes and knew that no matter how worried Shippo had previously been over her choice in a mate, he couldn't have been happier now.

Kagome turned her shimmering eyes up to Sesshomaru. Her smile shone brilliantly and her heart brimmed with joy. Sesshomaru had successfully put to rest any thoughts of rebellion from his subjects by attacking Yuudai. Then he brazenly declared his feelings for her in such a way as to put any question of his loyalty to rest. With that kiss, he told them all how he felt.

This woman was his and he would allow nothing to keep them apart.


Sesshomaru swept past his guards, who in turn bowed to his presence. He did not see the adherence to protocol, as he was intent on his task. The lord took each stone step with the ease of familiarity, descending into his dungeon just as he had thousands of times before. Thoughts of his new mate and all the pleasures associated with her were left temporarily behind as he faced the unpalatable task of dealing with Iku.

The scent came to him first. Not an unfamiliar scent at all. Blood, sweat, fear and pain. The sickly sweet scent of lingering—but unattainable—death. Before he turned the corner another smell assaulted him that should not have been there.


Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed angrily. The cause was all too easily guessed and verified once he actually laid eyes on the bird. Iku had been accosted.

The knowing of it did nothing to appease his need for blood. Instead, he was furious with his guard as it was well known that he did not tolerate such debased actions in the Western Citadel. Whoever wrought this insubordination would soon be exposed, as he fully intended to punish the ones responsible.

"Come to gloat?"

Sesshomaru chose not to answer the pathetically dry rasping voice of his most hated enemy. The satisfaction that he expected to feel simply was not there. Seeing Iku strapped helplessly to the X-frame table did little to lighten the burden of his memories. He had expected more, a sense of atonement at the very least. It was highly disappointing.

"You think you have won. Probably think yourself a king. I remember, though." Iku's voice grated through the still, dank air. He shifted his head, turning empty, torpid eyes on Sesshomaru. The taiyoukai had to steel himself to keep from looking away. Even here, it seemed Iku held some sort of unspoken control of his mind and soul. A chill snaked up his spine.

"I remember well...the way you moaned beneath me."

Sesshomaru was hard pressed to contain the growl threatening to rip from his throat. Even in this helpless state, Iku still mastered him in a most disgusting way. To hide the emotional turmoil thrashing inside of him, Sesshomaru looked away before taking several steps around the spread figure of his enemy. There were so many things that he wanted to say. Things he wanted to threaten and things he wanted to shout.

Sesshomaru remained silent.

Iku painfully, yet with the determination of a man condemned, turned his head and again captured Sesshomaru's eye. He wanted death. It was so close now that he could practically taste it. Sweet oblivion. An escape from pain. For days he had lain here, rotting, suffering, while awaiting his fate. At last his judge had arrived and Iku could finally seek his peace.

"You remember, do you not? The great Lord Sesshomaru on his knees. Me fucking you from behind." Iku then released a moan that sadly enough, sounded more like a groan of pain. He ignored it. This was his chance. "You have the sweetest ass. So tight."

Iku awaited the blow. The final act of vengeance upon his person. Sesshomaru would end it now. The powerful lord would have it no other way.

The blow never came. Iku opened his eyes again. Sesshomaru was still there, as still as a statue, staring at him a most unusual way. Why didn't he act? Why had he not killed him already? What was going through his mind?

Frustration, fear and fury overwhelmed Iku. With the last vestiges of strength, he shook his head from side to side, snarling and snapping his half-formed fangs. "What are you waiting for?! By the Gods, just kill me!"

Sesshomaru was not sure what he had hoped to gain by this confrontation, but whatever it was, it had eluded him on this day. So many emotions were tearing him apart inside. He wanted to kill Iku now, yet he felt cheated. He had been sure that this moment would clear his mind of doubt, yet the doubt was still there. If he killed Iku now, would this feeling remain?

Without a word, threat, or violent slash of claws, Sesshomaru turned and left the dungeon behind.

He had entered the place with the expectation of reaching an emotional catharsis of the soul. He thought that a few sharp, gloating words—Iku was right on that first count—and a smug expression would miraculously make all of his black thoughts fade away. Well, it had not gone as planned. The black thoughts were still there.

He felt many things at seeing his most hated debaucher strapped, wounded, and helpless. But none of them helped to extinguish the inner turmoil that he still felt. Kagome had done much in healing his spirit, but it seemed that his mind was still in need of help. Seeing Iku like that only intensified his distress. He was not walking away from this experience a whole male.

There was still a part of him missing. Perhaps it would forever leave a hole where once he had been filled with arrogant pride. That portion of him might possibly be lost forever, as innocent and irretrievable as the lost memories of childhood. Would time heal all, as Kagome often told him? Sesshomaru could only hope so.

Until then, he could always try spilling some blood.

He was convinced that bloodshed held therapeutic properties conducive to positive mental health.

A smile curved Sesshomaru's lip and a dark look overcame his eyes. So his first plan had failed. Fine then. He was a strategist and a good leader in battle; he always had an alternate plan.

His secondary plan leaned mostly toward violence and intimidation. It usually got the job done.

After tomorrow, he expected to be feeling much more like the demon lord he used to be.

He would purge his disgrace through blood.  


"I see it!" Sumiho cried happily. "Just ahead, over those low-lying clouds! Isn't it beautiful?"

Sumiho gave a romantic sigh against Uchuu's ear, sending a shiver of warmth straight to his groin. He suppressed a tortured groan and tried to ignore the throbbing of his cock. This trip had been hell. Now he understood the reason Hyuuga thought it best that Sumiho travel by carriage. Whether their wives rode against their front or against their back, the sexual discomfort was not worth the quick flight.

He should have realized, especially since his brother had winked at him while saying it. At the time, he thought Hyuuga was treating him like a child again, slowly explaining the etiquette and protocol used by the aristocratic leaders of youkai society. Hyuuga's wives, after all, always traveled by coach or palanquin. Yes, he should have known.

Damn that fucking message! He had no choice but to arrive at, or close to, the time he had given Sesshomaru. His friend was not the type to appreciate tardiness.

He was a fucking idiot not to realize that Hyuuga had not been trying to teach him proper protocol, but had instead been giving him good sound male advice. Taking the horses was a bad, bad, idea.

Uchuu looked over his shoulder. Saburo gave him a look that matched his own. Obviously, he too had not thought of this problem before hand. No wonder Hyuuga was king. The guy was wise in all things.

The next time they travel, Hyuuga would not have to offer the use of his coach because Uchuu would have his own. Though the trip by coach had been long and dull, it was relatively painless, and he wasn't worried that one wrong move could end their life. It was a long fucking way down.

With a twitch of the reins, Koorisuji broke into a magnificent air-gallop. Sumiho laughed gaily and Uchuu's heart swelled with love and pride. His life was looking up. Things had come full circle at last. After he and Sesshomaru dealt with Iku, Uchuu would fully begin his new life. He had everything a male could ask for, a beautiful wife, loving brothers, good friends, and a bright future waiting to be explored. There was nothing holding him back.

"Do you hear that? I remember the first time that I heard it!" Sumiho smiled, but gave a tiny shiver. "It was haunting. I remember wondering if it would herald our deaths." She laughed. "It was a bit frightening entering those gates not knowing if we would be welcomed or attacked.

Uchuu smiled and turned his head a bit, so that he could see her. Long strands of her soft hair snapped over his face, tickling his skin and causing him to laugh for no reason at all. 'She is so lovely and she is all mine.' "That sound you hear is the bellow of Lord Sesshomaru's Citadel. It welcomes visitors with two long baritone calls and then one short. For enemies attacking it calls five short and one long. As for the arrival of the lord himself, that eerie sound will echo against the mountains three long calls one short, and three again. I'm sure there are others, but Sesshomaru only told me of the three. He isn't a very talkative fellow, in case you haven't noticed." Sumiho giggled and agreed.

"Hold tight, my lady wife. We are going in to land!"


Kagome rushed out of the sitting room where she had been interviewing all of the castle servants. Sesshomaru thought she was being ridiculous. According to him, she should meet the head house maid, refer to her when needed, and leave it at that. Since he 'handles affairs of that nature' it wasn't necessary for her to trouble herself.

Well, pooh on him. She was bored silly in this place, and since she couldn't spend every single minute of her time in bed with her mate, then she had to find something to do with her time. She decided that a good place to start would be meeting the staff of her new home. She was not like Sesshomaru. She liked to be on a one to one basis with people that she practically lived with.

The horn began blaring its greeting just as she was discussing the finer points of Buta no Kakuni on a cold night with Lin-san, the castle cook. Kagome had always loved that pork stew! At first Kagome couldn't remember the code used by the horn masters, but Lin cheerfully announced that visitors had arrived.

Kagome quickly instructed Lin-san to cook the Buta no Kakuni, since she was sure it would warm up the weary travelers.

This was so exciting! Her first visitors since she had taken over—whether Sesshomaru liked it or not—the duties of overseeing the castle needs. The rooms were cleaned and the meals planned. She had even arranged for some musical entertainment for this evening in the hall. She hoped that she made Sesshomaru proud.

The guard—she thought his name was Hiro—pushed the massive doors open and Kagome rushed outside. She nearly collided with Sesshomaru, who was obviously on his way to get her.

"They have arrived."

Kagome smiled brightly and leaned forward to kiss him. He met her lips with affection but pulled away much too quickly for her taste. She loved kissing her man. She could do it for hours.

With a sigh of understanding, Kagome vowed to kiss him silly in their bed tonight, then turned to hurry down the steps toward their waiting guests.

She was just about to shout a happy and rather loud and unruly call of greeting to Uchuu when Sesshomaru squeezed her hand lightly. She looked up in confusion and he leaned close. "Have a care, my giddy little mate, for our subjects are watching us. You are Lady of this Citadel. It is important that in public we show our strength."

Kagome considered his words carefully. On one hand she didn't really like being told how to act, but on the other, Sesshomaru was right. The people were looking at them, watching how they acted together and more. It would take time to gain their trust. Until then, she needed to give the impression that she was a respectable, fair, and kind lady. That wasn't really so hard.

So Kagome tampered the urge to squeal her excitement and turned to greet her guests with a proper face.

The horses paraded through the gates with Uchuu looking all the world like a devilish young prince. A smile lit his face when he spotted her, and Kagome couldn't resist the urge to hold up her hand and wave. Surely that wasn't too outlandish? She glanced at Sesshomaru and he gave a slight nod.

She had no idea how to act around here. Becoming Sesshomaru's lady held a lot of responsibility. It was harder than she expected, but she was getting the hang of it. He was always willing to help. He especially enjoyed evening instructions, which were most often conducted in the privacy of their bedchambers while completely naked. He was an excellent lover. She supposed centuries of practice were paying off—for her anyway. Her lover knew how to play her body like a fine tuned instrument. It was magical, how easily he could send her over the edge. Kagome sighed happily. Yes, she was a lucky girl.

"Sesshomaru! Lady Kagome! It is wonderful to see you both again!"

Kagome greeted Uchuu properly, saving the big hug that she wanted to give him for later. Sesshomaru liked to keep up appearances, so she would humor him. "I've missed you, Uchuu, Sumiho!" She then met Saburo and Yumiko. "It seems like forever since I saw you last! Come inside, we have your rooms ready and after you've settled, we can talk!"

Rin was running down the stairs when they entered the doors. She squealed with delight and rushed forward to grab Sumiho in a hug. Kagome frowned and turned to look up at Sesshomaru. "Hey, why is it okay for Rin and not me?"

Sesshomaru gave her and amused look then bent down to whisper into her ear. "Because, miko, you are my lady. Rin is just a child."

As Kagome watched the happy reunion, she glanced at the guards stationed around. It seemed from the looks on their faces that they didn't consider Rin a child anymore. Men did not look at children with such appreciation in their eyes. Even Shippo had fallen head over heals for the lovely young Rin. Kagome rolled her eyes and swallowed a snicker. Sesshomaru would always think of Rin as a child. After all, he is her father, youkai or not.


Sesshomaru and Uchuu left the females to themselves after enjoying a fine evening meal in the dining hall. The ladies were busy gossiping and other such feminine pursuits, safely within a sitting room, while Jaken was posted just outside. Sesshomaru had instructed his grumbling servant to inform him at once if Sumiho or Kagome were to leave the room for any reason.

He and Uchuu had some unfinished business to attend.

"Where is your guard?'

Uchuu grunted, unusually reluctant to talk. He was focusing on the task ahead. For the last hour or so he had grown continually quieter as the time approached. He kept turning over the painfully long memories of his brutal torture by the order of Iku. It was because of the bird that he lost his tail and had to go home in disgrace. His family had been good to him, accepting him no matter the loss of his royal tail. That, unfortunately, did not dull the humility he still felt from his mind. He was angry and he wanted his revenge.

"Saburo has gone with Shippo on a tour of the dojo. Shippo said something about a late night match being held there." Uchuu shrugged. "I believe they were posting bets."

"Hn." Sesshomaru said no more. As long as the two of them were out of the way, and Kagome was busily attending her friends, then the path was clear for him and Uchuu to end this nightmare once and for all.

They took the stairs and entered the main chamber of his dungeon. Uchuu turned up his nose at the smell. His tail automatically wrapped around to slither up and muffle the odor of blood and fear.

"Who are those two?" Uchuu asked.

Sesshomaru glanced to the prince and followed the direction of his gaze. Takashigi and Hidemichi hung from strong chains attached to the ceiling. Their upper bodies were bare revealing the evidence of Sesshomaru's whip. With disgust in his voice, the taiyoukai said, "Those two defied my rules and they have paid the price."

"Will you release them before know...begin?" Uchuu seemed a little nervous to perform in front of witnesses. Sesshomaru considered the request silently. He had thought to leave the two disobedient guards hanging for one more day. As it were, they were weak and suffering from the lash of his power whip. He was positive they would think twice for breaking his rules again.

"Very well." Sesshomaru pulled forth a key that clinked into an iron lock around Hidemichi's thick wrist. The big youkai hit the floor with a sloppy thud, groaning painfully. The much smaller, Takashigi, was thereafter released and unceremoniously joined his accomplice at their lord's feet. Sesshomaru snarled with warning. "You two should be thankful to still draw breath. You will not be so fortunate should you cross me again." He waited for their proper response. It took them longer than usual to bow in a prone state.

"Hai! Lord Sesshomaru. A thousand apologies, my lord!"

Sesshomaru grunted and said at last, "Go now from my sight. Seek Nana-sama to cleanse and treat your wounds. Captain Katsutoshi expects you on the field at daybreak for training."

"Hai, my lord!"

Once they were gone, Sesshomaru turned to the odious task at hand. He found Uchuu prowling around Iku's helplessly outstretched body like a viper waiting to strike. The monkey snarled but so far had remained silent. It was Iku himself that fractured the quiet.

"Look who has come back for a visit—the adorable monkey prince." Iku's voice was strained and choked from lack of use and minimum water. "Come to get your little slice of vengeance?"

Uchuu was not nearly as reserved with his speech as Sesshomaru. Iku asked a question and Uchuu was more than happy to answer. "You could say that." He reached out and slid his claw slowly down Iku's leg, slicing open a gash deep enough to reveal bone. Iku clenched his teeth against the pain, but it was a useless attempt. He was too weak and too tired to hide it from his tormentor.

"I've spent quite a bit of time today forcing myself to relive the horror of your torture in order to prepare myself for this."

"Ah, but it was not I that tortured you, prince."

"No, that is true, but it was you that gave the order. You were ultimately responsible for what happened. It was you that had my fucking tail mounted like a plaque upon your wall!" As if his speech urged him on, Uchuu snarled and slashed his claws across the other leg.

Iku cried out. There was no hope in keeping the pain locked in. His entire body burned from injury and all he wanted now was to die. Uchuu, however, had not had his fill.

"You made a mistake in taking me and Sesshomaru as your prisoners. You might have actually stayed alive had you not made enemies of us. You are a fool. Asuza would have been better off without you."

That cut through him like a jagged knife. Iku felt responsible for Asuza's demise. He should have been there to aid her in the fight. At least then he might have flown her away to safety when the danger became too much.

Sesshomaru had been watching the scene unfold before him with acute interest. He expected to feel a lessening of his burden even at the first strike. Unfortunately, that was not the case. He stepped forward, no longer satisfied as an onlooker. He needed to do this in order to put it behind him. He had to take his retribution. It was the only way.

In a threatening manner, Sesshomaru began his interrogation. "You were seen at Nobunaga's castle. What was your business there? Were you attempting to gain his backing for another coup?"

Iku laughed. It was the sound of a dead man echoing in the chamber. A croaked burst of delirious hilarity that made the hair on Sesshomaru's neck stand on end.

Iku could have told him that it was nothing. He could have told the truth—that he was there because of that cursed miko. Instead he spat in disgust. It was a waste of breath. Besides, the way Sesshomaru doted on the bitch, the truth might only bring more pain. Wisely, Iku held his tongue.

While Sesshomaru seemed to be suffering from reservations about administering pain for the sake of vengeance, he had no such qualms of doing so in relation to the safety of his lands. His claws began to tingle as he considered the fate that would have befallen his subjects had Asuza conquered his stronghold, and before he realized his intentions, he had dripped two drops of acid—one upon each of Iku's wrinkled balls.

Iku screamed. It could not have been described any other way. The piercing wail could not be considered as shouting, yelling or crying with agony. The sound that escaped Iku was inhuman and consumed with indescribable pain. The shrill sound brought Sesshomaru back to himself, while dazedly watching Iku bucking uselessly against his restraints.

The scream continued and he was tempted to cover his ears.

"Gods..." Uchuu grunted in awe-inspired horror. "I've never seen anything like that!"

Iku continued to thrash, humping his hips helplessly against the searing burn of Sesshomaru's poison. Even such a small amount had the ability to induce blinding pain when administered to such a sensitive spot. Uchuu was mesmerized by the sickly sight, as the two tiny spots of green against Iku's testes sizzled and pulsed, burning deep into his flesh, worming a torturous path deep inside each egg-shaped ball.

Even Sesshomaru felt squeamish from the sight. He had never used his poison in such a manner. The thought had not occurred to him at all. Seeing the result gave him a sick feeling deep inside. It was disturbing and felt...wrong.

Was he, Sesshomaru of the Western Lands, gaining a conscience? Even here, in his dungeon, where atrocities abound? It was a sobering thought.

Forcefully, Sesshomaru put such pondering aside as weak and unproductive. This was an interview by torture and he would remain focused on that fact. "Speak, bird! Are you plotting another coup?!"


The one answer ripped through the huge empty stone chamber buried deep underground. It echoed in Sesshomaru's ears over and over until he snarled with the desire to have it gone.

The truth. There was no doubt. Iku was not planning anything against the West.

"I...I can't watch this," Uchuu muttered. "'s...For the love of the Gods, Sesshomaru, end it!"

The acid that had been sizzling against his claws began to drip, then pour. Sesshomaru looked up to Uchuu and issued the only warning the monkey would receive. "Flee."

Before Uchuu even made it out of the dungeon doors, Sesshomaru released the spray. Thick streams of Dakkasou spewed from his claws, coating his most hated enemy beneath the deadly draught. The decibel of the screams, at first, increased maddeningly in tenor, but quickly abated to a gurgling distasteful sound.

Sesshomaru stood for only a moment longer, while coming to terms with Iku's violent end. Melting flesh and dissolving bone were all that remained of his rapist. The hawk known as Iku was gone.

Why then was the ache still evident in his chest? How was it that his pain remained even after the bird's screaming was gone? Should it not have dissolved with the source?

Why was it still with him?

Sesshomaru turned and left the smoldering puddle of his late enemy behind. As he ascended the stairway, he began to understand. The pain would stay with him no matter what vengeance he sought. It would not leave him. Nothing, save taking his own life, would stop his mind from recalling those horrible days.

There was nothing that could save him from himself.

Nothing except Kagome.

Now, more than ever, he thanked his ancestors for his little human mate. Kagome was his treasure, his healer, his love. Only through her would he find his way back from the nightmare that had turned his world upside down. It was becoming clear to him now. There was no easy answer—no sudden end. The memories would always be there and the pain of remembrance would possibly always bring shame. His actions this evening had alleviated nothing. Seeing Iku's blood and suffering had not healed him.

Only Kagome had provided true solace. Only through his mate had he discovered the cure.

Because Kagome gave him hope.  


A/N: Next chapter we will discover the outcome of Inuyasha's big question to Saya and then a special event is planned for our family of characters...A wedding! Yes, the next chapter will reunite all of the characters from throughout Violation of Honor—all the good ones at least – lol! Sesshomaru is determined to give Kagome the human ceremony that she longs for and deserves. This will be the final chapter of VoH –besides the planned epilogue, so don't miss it!

I hope that you enjoyed this double chapter! Please don't forget to review.