InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Warning - Hanyou's and Caffeine Do Not Mix! ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 8 of Warning: Hanyous and Caffeine Do Not Mix.

Disclaimer: I do not own- and will never own, not even in the event of a world-wide catastrophe that left Rumiko Takahashi deaf and blind- Inuyasha and any other assorted characters. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.

Excuse: (a.k.a. Authors Note) My life is hectic right now, so I have not updated in ages. I am most sorry, and I hope I have not lost too many reviewers for my indiscretion. You see, school has started once again, and I have been soooo stressed out that I could not write. So here is my most recent attempt, third try.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Last Time

Inuyasha! Look! In the center of the clearing. Theres a can on that stump over there! Kagome shouted, bringing everyones attention to the clearing.

It was dark, the sky giving no light, as it was still covered in clouds that threatened rain in any moment. There were little purple flowers scattered though out the dank grass, but in the twilight they looked grey. There were chunks of old wood; pieces of a tree long dead. And in the very center, sitting like a grand centerpiece to crown the gloomy atmosphere of the dark grove was a rotting stump, looking like a festering wound. And on the top of said stump; true to Kagomes words; was an empty can of Coca Cola. As one the group walked up to the stump. A bad smell seemed to emit from it-the smell of death. And underneath there was a folded piece of thick paper. It was a note.

Above them, the clouds opened up, and a torrential downpour empty on our heros heads.


Quick Inuyasha! Grab it before it gets wet! Kagome shouted over the sound of the rain, sheltering her head with her hands. Inuyasha leapt forward and snatched up the can and the note in a flash of red cloth and white hair. With note in hand the Inu-tachi dashed towards the cover of the forest and out of the rain.

Once under the spreading bows of an ancient oak, the group huddled around Kagome, who had retrieved the note from Inuyasha once they were safe from the rain. Breathes bated, everyone watched in anticipation as Kagome slowly unfolded the note. Sango drew in a loud gasp of surprise at the contents. The note said

Nothing, as it was completely blank. The group stared down in dumbfound horror at the piece of paper; mouths gaping like land bound fish. Inuyasha glared down, trying to bore holes into the wretched thing, and moved as if to speak, probably to swear. Mocking laughed floated down from the general direction of the sky, effectively cutting him off. Hee hee! Oh what a gift you have given me! I really must thank you Inuyasha. This coca-cola I stole from you is quite powerful a dark voice filtered down from the clouds.

Naraku! Inuyasha snarled in the usual manner, only to be cut off by Kagome Hey! she shouted, stamping her foot in vexation. Its MY Coca Cola, not Inuyashas! Shippou rolled his eyes. Uh, Kagome. If I may, I believe you are getting off the topic at hand here. Miroku counselled. What do you mean? It is my Coco Cola, not Inuyashas! Kagome shouted in retaliation. Im the one who had to lug it here in the first place! Mine!

So what if you brought it? I liked it the most, so that makes it mine! Inuyasha interjected.

Does not! Im the one who paid for it, so that makes it mine! Besides, Shippou and the others liked it just as much as you did, they have a fair claim too! Shippou nodded vigorously in agreement, his little face screwed up in a scowl.

Feh! Its mine and thats final!

Inuyashadont make me sit you

A Naraku puppet peered out from behind the tree they were sheltered under. It swept regally towards the group, but stopped as it noticed that nobody even noticed it was there. The caffeine-rich blood coursing through the veins of the real Naraku far away boiled in rage. How dare they forget me, the most insidious Naraku. I am their doom . The puppet stamped its baboon-clad feet angrily, tossing its heading and shouting Hey! Stop ignoring me! Im the evil villain here! Im over here ! Look at me!

The Inu-tachi turned in surprise. They had, as Naraku guessed, completely forgot about him in their argument. Inuyasha drew his sword hurriedly. Naraku! Im going to kill you for drinking the coca cola!

Tsk Tsk Inuyasha! Dont let your anger get away with you now! Im here to make you a proposition. If youre willing to here it. Naraku taunted.

No Inuyasha! It must be a trap! Dont listen to anything he says. Miroku hollered in warning. Inuyasha hefted his sword as if to strike.

Not so fast Inuyasha. Its about your precious Coca Cola

Inuyasha faltered, then lowered his sword. What is it that you want Naraku? He said cautiously.

Thats better. Naraku giggled. Now listen carefully, as I am only going to offer this once. As much as I am loath to part with it, I am willing to give you half of my coca cola supply.

In exchange for what exactly? Sango inquired suspiciously.

Why your shards of course! Naraku cooed. Everyone tried, but couldnt manage to look surprised. Naraku is always after the shards after all.

Kagome stood rigid in righteous anger. Now listen here! I will not trade the shards for some measly caffeine! I can always go get more! No! You listen Kagome! Its not about the Coca Cola anymore! Its about the fact that it was stolen, and stealing is wrong. Inuyasha stated, standing tall, with a ray of sunlight that had broken through the rain clouds giving him a proud golden glow. No. Its beyond Naraku now. This wrong must be righted, this injustice avenged. Stealing is wrong, remember that Shippou, and all you other kids out there too. Dont do drugs either. Sango shifted towards Kagome. Whos he talking too anyway? I dont see any other kids. Kagome just shrugged in confusion.

Naraku, ignored once again, ruffled his furs in a huff. Well the I guess its agreed. We will make the exchange next week. You know where to find me. With that he sailed off into the sky in a cloud of darkness. Inuyasha attempted to jump after him, but failed. Wait dammit! We dont know where to go! Inuyasha snarled in anger.

Kagome, Miroku, and Sango all huddled up. Kagome-sama, I dont understand what is happening here. Why did Naraku leave the note if he was just going to tell us himself? Miroku questioned. I agree. San go agreed. He was acting most strange also. Almost like we wereOh No! Naraku drank the caffeine! He is completely hyper. And completely insane. There is no predicting his next movement now. Miroku added.
Inuyasha joined them in the huddle, along with Shippou and Kirara, who hopped up on the shoulders of the assembled. Miroku gradually tuned out as the discussion on what should be done next. His hand twitched, then slowly slid down to the right to where luscious curves awaited. His gloved appendage touched fabric, and with his goal now insight- or touch- he squeezed, then braced for impact at the fist he new was coming. All he heard was Inuyashas fist connecting with his jaw before sliding into the darkness.

Inuyasha had joined the conversation, arguing to go after Naraku now before we lost the trail, when he felt something touch his hip. The thing travelled downwards at a slow pace, as if enjoying its journey to Inuyashas posterior. No. He though, as the colour drained from his face in horror. It cannot be. The thing on his backside twitched, then squeezed. Inuyashas horrified suspicion was confirmed. With an outraged howl he turned and nailed Miroku right on the jaw with a deadly right hook, sending him sailing into a nearby tree. He was unconscious before he even hit the ground. Inuyasha then turned to his confused companions, who demanded an explanation. Inuyasha was so un-nerved he could hardly get the words out. HeIMy assgroped The last terrified word completed, the Hanyou who would face any foe fell away in a dead faint, leaving behind too insanely giggling girls in the world of the waking.

A/N: Wellthats it! Now before you get any creepy ideas about an Inuyasha/Miroku romance hear this: It was an honest mistake of our favourite monks. No *real* harm done. (Inuyasha might have a few nightmares from this) I dont know how I liked that chapter, so I will leave it up to my beta to encourage me. Thanks for reading!

Oh! On a last note here, if you have any suggestions for funny things to happen in the coming chapters, please notify me. I will use any good suggestions that I get, with credit to the suggested of course. Hey! Ill even through in a cookie for you! Or some cyber pocky!

Thanks for your help, Sarin of the Night