InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Tenshi o Namidashimasu ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorry this chapter took so long!! I've been so busy it's just crazy. I couldn't make this chapter very but it is important. :/ Anyway, I'm introducing another character in this chapter….I think you might just get a bit more interested. Hehehe. Anyway, I wont hold you any longer. ENJOY! And thank you sooo much to all my reviewers! What would I do without you?!?
Disclaimer: nope, not mine…..yet. hehehe!
His emerald eyes glistened in the metallic glow of his all seeing mirror. His supple lips were twisted in a cocky smirk as he listened to the conversation being held by this new priestess and the lord of the west. Everything was going as planned. The Lords' of the east, west, and north all thought that the one to be taken care of was the lord of the south. Ohh, how wrong they were. And how glorious it was for him. A wicked laugh fluttered passed his lips like a black butterfly, tainted like his soul, and echoed through the empty corridors. These demons claimed to be the strongest and smartest this world had to offer?! HA! They were in for a very unwelcome surprise when he made himself known. Of course he wouldn't do that all too soon…no.
“I'll enjoy ruining the lord of the south's life first.”
His voice was low and rumbling, smooth like black silk and as full and luscious as a rich wine. It was one to be savored, one to drink in slowly enjoying the full-bodied texture of it along with the sweet warmth it left behind. But his voice was one of many deceivers. Another twisted laugh passed his lips as the beautiful miko walked from the Inu-no-Taisho's study, Sugimi next to her. He would enjoy taking her from him…along with everything else.
His jeweled eyes shimmered in the darkness of the room, the only things visible in the complete and utter darkness of his chambers as his mind began to add the miko to his plans, his cold calculating mind working her in without a hitch and adding much more pleasure to his task. He would enjoy this oh so much more now that there was a beautiful, not to mention powerful woman involved. He licked his lips as his eyes followed her form and his eyes narrowed in thought, yes…he would enjoy every sweet second that much more now.
(Some minutes earlier in Sugimi's study)
A small grin upturned Sugimi's lips as he watched the woman squirm nervously in front of him. She really was quite funny, all things considered. He hadn't shown any ill feelings toward her and yet she thought herself in trouble. What a strange woman. Chuckling softly, the sound soothing the woman's nerves slightly, he spoke.
“Relax Lady Kagome; you are not in any trouble with myself or anyone else for that matter. I found it necessary that I warn you of Lord Youko early on.”
Her inquisitive cobalt eyes landed on his face and he felt the urge to chuckle again but refrained from doing so, instead he continued on.
“You see, Youko is a very sexual being and when he sets his sights on something he wants it is extremely hard to remove his attentions from the object. I am sorry to say that he has set his sights on you and you have become somewhat of an obsession to him.”
It took a moment for realization to creep into her eyes but laughter quickly followed. Her full lips upturned to flash white teeth and a relieved, boisterous laugh flew from her mouth.
“Is that all? You just wanted to warn me that Youko-sama has some interest in me?” Kagome asked, wiping a stray tear from her eyes.
“I don't think you quite understand how serious this really is Lady Kagome. This isn't a simple interest that will fade away with time and rejection. Youko will not give up on anything that piques his interest, he always get what it is that he wants. It doesn't matter to him if he plays unfairly…the fox has many tricks up his sleeve that you aren't prepared for.”
Kagome's eyes sobered for an instant at hearing the word tricks, so he didn't play fair, huh? Psshh, not that it changed anything much…sure he was good looking but if he tried anything she wouldn't allow it. If just saying no wasn't enough she'd give him a nice little jolt of `reality'. She wasn't one to be messed with anymore.
“Thank you Sugimi-sama for this warning. I'll be sure to be cautious around him and, if I have the permission from you of course, if I have any questions or problems I'll come to you.”
His golden eyes warmed at her request. So, she was beginning to trust him enough to ask for his help. She hadn't even been here a few days and yet she placed trust in him. She was either an extremely good judge of character or entirely too trusting. He would put all his belongings on the latter of course, but that wasn't the point. She was trusting him and that was, by all means, a good sign. He smiled warmly at her and said
“Of course you have the permission to come to me for help or questions of any kind. I am here to help you as much as I possibly can. But know that my duties as Lord of the Western lands come first, my people come first.”
Kagome smiled in respect and understanding as she heard his reply. He was a good lord and she could tell he was an honest, trustworthy youkai. The fact that he put his people first was touching and showed what a great person he was whether he knew it or not.
“Of course your people come first, I would worry if they didn't Sugimi-sama.”
He nodded approvingly at her response and then moved to his next topic. Whether or not he should tell her this was after all his choice and for some odd reason he didn't feel he had any reason not to trust this woman. Looking down at the fiery woman he began.
“I know you have noticed the many Daiyoukai in my palace as of late. There is, of course a reason as to why they are all here.”
He began to speak and even though she was already told this Kagome listened intently.
“The lord of the South has become corrupt and has been committing horrendous crimes in his lands and to his own people. It is sickening and it must be stopped. We are finding out all that we can about the attacks and trying to figure out possible motives but none make any sense. Either way we will put an end to this.”
He took a small breath and then continued.
“The lords of the East, North, and of course myself have been contemplating a way to stop his terrible acts without making much of an up rise so I have invited the lords themselves and their families. You should be expecting the lord of the North to be here either later this evening or early tomorrow.”
“I warn you now, the Lord of the North is a very cold man. He is extremely untrusting ever since the murder if his beloved wife Koi. He can be harsh and often times cruel but he is a warrior and an extremely important ally. Earn his trust Kagome for in the times to come you will need to have the trust of all of my allies, but his in particular is most important.”
He stopped speaking for a moment to let Kagome digest all the information she was just fed and then continued.
“If Yukio-sama does not want to speak to you do not speak with him, if he does not want your company do not grace him with it. He will take his time in trusting you miko but in the end all that you do will pay off.”
Kagome blinked a bit and digested the new information she was given about the northern lord Yukio. He wasn't trusting but she had to earn his trust and she had to give into his every demand. She could earn his trust but giving into his every demand just wouldn't happen. Not in her life time at least. Either way she would reassure Sugimi with a smile and words of understanding.
“I will do all that I can to earn his trust and I will do my best to please him, Sugimi-sama. Thank you for all of your warnings today, I really appreciate this.” After saying her last words a bright smile blossomed on her face and a little giggle danced from her mouth.
Sugimi gave a small smile and a nod then rose smoothly from his mat.
“Come, let us go to breakfast. I am quite hungry and by the noises your stomach is making I am sure you feel the same.”
Kagome blushed prettily and held a hand over her stomach as she rose from her mat.
“I didn't think you could hear it, sorry.” But even as she apologized a small giggle passed her lips. Sugimi chuckled at her apology and walked forward to slide the shoji door open, stepping out of his study with Kagome in tow.
“There is no need to apologize Kagome; hunger is natural…though I must admit those grumbles were almost offensive. Had you been a youkai I could have easily mistaken them for growls of displeasure and that wouldn't have been very pleasing for either of us.” Though he sounded utterly serious the glitter in his eyes and the upward twitch of his lips gave everything away.
Kagome let out a loud, melodious tinkle of laughter as his joke and said
“I'm glad I'm not a youkai as well then because If you're implying what I think you are I really cant help but think that my head belongs on my shoulders. It may be cliché but I really do like being alive!”
He chuckled at her silly antics and led the way to the dining area. Corridors flew by as they talked and joked together and Kagome couldn't help but feel a bit downtrodden when they finally got there.
“Here we are.”
Kagome smiled brightly and said
“Great, I'm starving!” her small hand flying over to her stomach, rubbing it in anticipation.
Her childlike enthusiasm got her another smile from the Lord and they both slid into the dining area together finding both Lord Youko and Lady Bastet eating their breakfast in silence.
Youko's eyes traveled to the door as it slid open and he immediately perked up at seeing Kagome walk through the door, a large smile lighting her face and her entire being radiating laughter.
“Lady Kagome, it is wonderful to see you. I was beginning to wonder if Sugimi-sama kidnapped you.” Youko said with a small smile but his eyes had strayed to Sugimi and they hardened for the briefest of seconds.
“Of course he didn't Youko-sama, he's too kind…you on the other hand I'm not so sure about.” Kagome said with a giggle as she sat herself next to the beautiful fox.
“Oh my, I do so hope you don't mean that Kagome-sama.” Youko said with a playful expression on his handsome face.
Kagome swiveled her ocean eyes up to meet his honey-hued depths and laughed.
“Of course not Youko-sama.” She said, still giggling.
Youko reached his elegant clawed hands down to hold Kagome's soft ones and spoke softly
“If you are going to call me anything let it be Youko, I do not care for such formalities from you Kagome.”
A bright blush spilled across Kagome's cheeks like a rosy stain and she mumbled a small “ok” before slipping her hands from his to grasp her chopsticks. What in the world had she gotten herself into? In the study she was so sure she could handle anything this sly fox threw at her and here she was blushing like a thirteen year-old school girl just by being asked to call him Youko. Maybe Sugimi was right and maybe she wouldn't be able to dig herself out of the ditch she was so quickly making. Then again, she didn't have any feelings for the fox so what was the worst possible thing that could happen? Boy would she regret that thought.
SORRY!! This is where I have to leave you guys. I have to get to bed….working is calling. Until next time, JA! -sesshysgirl08-