InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Tenshi o Namidashimasu ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi all! Thanks so much for all your support and thank you soo much for all the reviews!! You guys rock!! :D I hope you like this new chapter and thanks again!
Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue, Inuyasha's not mine, but he sure as hell doesn't belong to you. >:p! lol
The warm breeze tousled her ebony hair gently, her cobalt depths unfocused as memories flashed through her mind. She had come out into the gardens to think about everything happening in her life at the moment and she realized that the pain of losing Inuyasha and her friends was lessening. It was still fresh in her mind and still stung her heart like an angry wound slathered with salt but slowly that pain was fading. She brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, her back resting against the rough bark of a large fragrant sakura tree. The white-pink petals floated to the ground, their lives as short as milky snowflakes touching the ground in July. But, they made their short lives beautiful and fragrant, so much so that some people would envy the joy in which they lived.
A small sigh worked its way out of Kagome as her mind wandered to silver hair and a red hiori. Golden eyes so full of emotion and a tongue so fierce, spitting out insults before thinking about the consequences. She missed her hanyou friend dearly. He brought much joy into her life, even when they fought. It had brought them closer because eventually they had to make up, had to apologize and admit how childish they were being. She missed those pointless fights and she missed those flaming depths of amber-gold. Tears began to well up in her eyes but she wouldn't let them fall, not yet at least.
The sweet breath of the wind ruffled her clothes and hair and she took in a large breath of it, filling her lungs and then letting it go. She had so many sweet memories sitting under trees. The thought of the Goshinboku brought a bittersweet smile to her lips as she remembered the sulking hanyou grumbling above her as she smoothed Shippou's flaming red strands of hair. More tears welled up at the thought of her adopted son. She missed his enthusiastic greetings when she came back from her time bearing candy and affection. She missed how his emerald eyes used to sparkle with joy as he munched on chocolate pocky and cuddled into her arms as they warmed themselves around the crackling fire.
She remembered the loud resounding clap of flesh hitting flesh when Miroku's hand wandered where it shouldn't have. The thought brought a twinkle of laughter to her eyes and a small giggle escaped her lips. He was such a hentai. She longed to soak in the bubbling waters of the hot springs with Sango and talk about all her problems or comfort the taijiya when the knowledge of Kohaku being in Naraku's grasp became too much to bear or the memories of her clan being killed haunted her weary eyes. She missed comforting Miroku when no one else was around to see his darkening mood and serious disposition. Everyone had needed her somehow or another. She missed being needed, she missed being loved and cared for. Gods, she missed her friends.
Salty tears poured down her cheeks and she hunched over and covered her face in her hands. How had this happened? Small sobs floated from her throat as she shook with the force of her emotions. What was her purpose here anyway…she wasn't loved here, she wasn't cared for here, and most of all she wasn't needed here. Why had the gods taken her from her friends? Somewhere deep down she heard the small whisper of a feminine voice `Soon child, soon you will know.' And then she was once again left alone to grieve for her losses.
His silver hair danced in the wind and his golden eyes watched her with sympathy. She still had much grieving to do before she would become completely happy again. He just hoped that she didn't linger in sadness too long, she deserved to be happy not sad and alone. He sighed as he watched her cry, knowing there was nothing he could do to help her out of her sadness. She had to overcome her grief of her own and until then he would throw challenges at her, she needed distractions and she needed to know that she was accepted here in his home. He would wait until she was done crying and then approach her with her first task.
Youko paced back and forth in his room, trying to persuade his doubtful mind into believing what he'd done wasn't in the least bit wrong. He had done something good for her, she didn't need to know that he tried to seduce her, it would only trouble her. He clenched his strong jaw and narrowed his eyes, his tail whipping back and forth in agitation. He was not one to doubt anything that he did so why did he feel so awful about taking those memories from Kagome? And why did he feel that it would come back to bite him in the ass?
She was still weeping. He had to draw the line somewhere and this was it. It had been nearly an hour since she'd first started crying and he couldn't stand it anymore. He knew that being supportive would help her out of her slump but he only knew one way of doing that, staying away and letting her grieve. But, he knew quite a bit about human females, considering they found him irresistible, and he knew some of them had to be shown affection in times like this. He got the feeling she was one of those types. He took a large breath and then let it out slowly and began to walk over to her trembling form. Within minutes he reached her and knelt down in front of her.
“Come now Kagome, you have shed enough tears this night…I dislike seeing you cry so please save some tears for tomorrow.”
Kagome looked up with a start, another tear leaking from her eyes and sliding down her cheek. She watched as Sugimi brought a clawed thumb to her cheek and caught the traitorous drop. He cupped her cheek gently and wiped away the last of her tears, his golden eyes warm with sympathy and understanding. She stared into his eyes for quite some time, blue clashing with gold, until finally her tears stopped flowing. Sugimi gave her a small approving smile and moved to sit beside her.
“You see, that wasn't so difficult was it Kagome?” he said with a warmth in his tone that made Kagome long for Inuyasha once again. She remembered the times that she and him were alone and he would admit to being worried about her and the same sweet warmth would fill his voice. She looked down into her hands and said
“No, I suppose it wasn't Sugimi-sama.”
She looked up at him to see him staring out across the gardens, the wind playing with his ponytail of liquid silver hair. He was being so kind to her at this moment and she knew he didn't have to be, he deserved her thanks.
“Thank you Sugimi-sama. This means a lot to me.”
He looked down at her and smiled, his eyes warm aurulent pools of understanding and said
“It was nothing Kagome, you needed someone to be here for you and my schedule wasn't very busy so this was no trouble.”
Kagome smiled and let out a small laugh. He had such a great personality, he always made jokes about the most serious situations and right now she appreciated it. She watched as he melted out of his sitting position like liquid and rose, extending his hand to help her up.
“Come, it is getting dark and I must speak with you.”
Kagome nodded in understanding and took his hand, pushing off the ground and dusting off her bottom as they began to walk back to the castle.
“Lord Yukoi should be here shortly and I have arranged for you to take self defense lessons from him. He is a hard teacher when it comes to the arts of sword play and self defense but I know that you both will benefit from this. You will begin to understand him and he will become accepting of you more quickly.”
It took Kagome a moment to understand that she would be fighting with a ruthless killer who disliked almost everyone he met everyday for the next few months. She blinked her eyes slowly a few times before her mind screamed “OH MY GOD!” and she turned to Sugimi with a flare of temper in her eyes.

“WHAT?! I cant do that! I don't even know how to hold a sword let alone fight a trained warrior with one. Plus, he doesn't like anybody except for you for all I know so I'll be beaten to a pulp every single day.”
Sugimi just chuckled at her outburst and said
“Do not worry so much miko, he knows that you have never been trained and I have told him not to harm you, seriously at least, in your training and sparing.”
Kagome's eyes widened and she sputtered
“Not to harm me seriously, good god, you mean you're giving him permission to harm me?!”
Sugimi glanced in her direction to find her wide blue eyes dancing with flames of temper and worry, she was poised like a frightened cat, hunched over and her fists clenched, and her breathing was erratic, flowing in and out of a mouth hanging open like a fish gasping for breath out of water. He couldn't help himself. A loud, hearty laugh escaped his mouth as he hunched over, holding his stomach as he was rocked with tremors of humor. Kagome clenched her jaw and ground out
“Ya know, I don't find this funny in the least bit. Here I am, my life on the line, and you're laughing like this is some sort of joke. Gods, and I thought you were actually nice for a minute back there.”
Chuckling a few more times he wiped a stray tear from his eye and spoke, his voice still holding tremors of laughter
“You have to get a few bumps and bruises during training Kagome. I did and so will you. I am not doing this to be cruel and your life is not in danger.”
Kagome just crossed her hands over her chest and began to walk back to the castle again, throwing over her shoulder
“I don't really have any say in this anyway so I'm not gonna freak anymore than I already have. But, just so you know, you can be a real jerk sometimes.”
Sugimi chuckled a little more at being called a jerk but caught up to her and said
“That's the spirit Kagome.”
Oh, be quiet.” Kagome grumbled as she stomped the rest of the way inside, growing angrier by the second as the laughing dog-lord followed her inside.
Sinking into the steaming water of her bath Kagome scrubbed at her hair with the rose scented shampoo she was given and sulked. She couldn't believe that she was being forced into being trained by a ruthless killer. Gods, he'd seemed so kind too. She thought back to the way his voice had warmed when he told her not to cry, remembered they way his thumb brushed away her tears. His eyes were so full of understanding and acceptance when he'd gazed into her eyes, he'd seemed so….human. Kagome let out a soft sigh and groaned, realizing she had to get out and rinse the suds from her hair. Dragging her body out of the hot water she shivered at the bite of the air and quickly poured the water over her head to rinse out the white sudsy soap. She repeated the action a few more times before she grabbed her body wash and rubbed it into her skin. Once again she rinsed her body and then padded back over to the water, slipping into the bath and sinking until nothing was above the water accept for her nose. How could he have been so kind to her one minute and then tell her she was going to be beaten everyday for the next few months the next. She snorted, he made no sense, honestly. Clearing her mind of everything she enjoyed the warm, soothing water until it began to cool and then she pulled herself out and toweled herself off. Glancing at the kimono she was given she sighed and admitted that, mean though he seemed right now, he had great taste.
The kimono was a deep midnight black, the sleeves long and flowing and the material was the softest of silk. She slipped into the first of three layers, it was sapphire blue and felt like butter. The next layer was a dark navy blue with flecks of the sapphire blue of her first layer. It was darker and a bit heavier than the first but that was quite normal. And lastly she slipped into the outside layer of her kimono, the black one. It was the color of pure ink and had large light pink flowers dotted here and there. Some of the graceful blossoms were falling apart and their soft petals floated across her chest and abdomen, some falling down her legs while others had already landed at her feet. She tied the large white and pink obi around her waist and fingered the small amount of gold laced around the edges. She slipped on her black slippers and left the bathing area, a servant scurrying in to clean up the clothes and empty the water she'd left behind.
Yukoi was going to be here any minute.
The sound of heavy running footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as a young male servant raced down the corridors to his master's study. His mud brown hiori sleeves were flapping behind him from his speed and his short golden hair fluttered in the breeze he was creating. Reaching his lord's study he knocked and waited for the soft “enter” to kneel and slide the shoji door open. His breath rattled in his chest and he pulled himself into Sugimi's study, bowing low to the floor while gasping out the words
“My lord, Yukio-sama has arrived!”
Sugimi rose quickly from his cushion on the polished wood of the floor and walked at a brisk pace down the many corridors to the front gate of his home. As he approached he found lord Youko, lady Bastet, and lady Kagome already waiting as Yukio's carriage pulled toward the front of his home. He stood beside Kagome and told her not to be so nervous at noticing the fact that she was wringing her hands incessantly. The carriage stopped directly in front of them all and a servant scurried to open the door to allow the cold lord to step out. Kagome's breath caught in her throat as the newest demon lord slid from his carriage.
His hair was shoulder length and dark onyx, it shimmered in the yellow glow of the white and black bamboo lights. He had intense, deep set cobalt eyes that reminded Kagome of freezing bocks of ice. His skin was flawless and creamy, barley tanned from the many hours that he spent in the sun. It was amazing. His lips were full, capable of a wonderful smile but frozen in a grim straight line. He had one golden stripe on each cheek and a sliver teardrop on his brow. He wore a shining black hiori decorated with silver symbols Kagome couldn't read. His hakama were the same dark ebony and around his waist was a silver and red sash laced in the same blue as his frosty eyes. Hanging from that sash was a deadly sword, the sheath was silver in the glow of the lights but in the sunlight it would shine the same color as his intense, emotionless eyes. Down the sheath of the sword was a white and black tiger, roaring in rage and bloodlust. His shoulders were set high with pride and courage and his face was tilted high in that same pride and knowledge of his own strength. He was absolutely gorgeous and amazingly intimidating. And she had to train with him for the next few months.
`God help me.' Kagome thought as the months to come raced into her mind.
That's all for now. lol. Sorry to leave you here but you know how I am. Hahaha. Til next time! JA! -sesshysgirl08-