InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Tenshi o Namidashimasu ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I'm back again! Geeze….I just don't quite, huh? lol. Anyway…thanks for being patient for this chapter…I appreciate it! Here's the start of Kagome shaky relationship with Yukio-sama. And her training…and much, much more! *evil laugh* And it IS Yukio…I have to go back to the last chapter and correct that misspelling along with haori. : p.Hehehe. If anyone is interested in being a Beta for me id be VERYYYYY appreciative! ^.^
Disclaimer: fiddle Dee, fiddle Dee Inuyasha doesn't belong to me, fiddle do fiddle do, but neither does he belong to you. (so ha! Can you tell I like gay rhymes? Haha!)
Sweat trickled down her face, dripping to the ground silently to be soaked up by the earth. Harsh, ragged breaths scraped in and out of her burning lungs and her eyes were closed in silent pain.
`Good god, this man is a slave driver!' Kagome thought.
She wriggled on the ground in discomfort, sharp, angry steel resting against her slender throat. Cold, narrowed aqua eyes gazed at her with contempt.
“Get up woman, I told you this would be no easy task from day one. Get up or I will refuse to assist you in the ways of combat.”
Kagome groaned in long suffering and dragged herself from the ground, once again assuming her newest battle stance. She watched as Yukio's jaw clenched and he walked briskly towards her.
“How many times must I correct your stance?”
He placed his warm clawed hand on her leg and moved it slightly forward and brought his other hand to her shoulder and pushed down to make her bend her knees more.
“At least one more time.” Kagome grumbled under her breath. `And many more times you grumpy jerk.' She thought. Her instructor showed his displeasure in the hard, bruising squeeze of her shoulder and calf along with an icy glare.
Kagome had been dealing with this horrid treatment for a week already, a *week*! Yukio had the worst attitude of any of the youkai she'd met…but, thankfully, he didn't top Sesshoumaru. She saw it though she was sure he thought she didn't. When no one looked or when he was with this daughter Bastet a warmness would grace his eyes and the hard line of his mouth would ease into a soft, welcoming almost smile. Kagome intended to, sooner or later, be one of the rare people he enjoyed spending his time with.
`I don't care how long it takes! This guy will like me whether he wants to or not!'
Determined to do everything she could during her training to appeal to his better nature Kagome readied herself for another attack.
“We will practice something different Kagome, you must use your ability to sense aura's and power for this next move. You must concentrate…all you must do is use the miko powers I know you have, direct them at the one you think is me, and release. Do you understand?”
Kagome gave a small nod of understanding and watched in awe as Yukios began to surround her. There were so many duplicates surrounding her with the same fierce eyes and the same hard line of a mouth, the same angry blade and the same inconceivable amount of arrogance. There was no way she'd get a break and happen to guess luckily.
Taking a deep breath into her lungs Kagome closed her eyes and concentrated. She felt the rise of her miko powers as it swarmed around her fingertips and danced excitedly through her thick strands of onyx hair, making it whip wildly around her face. All of their auras seemed to be the same…there wasn't a difference in any of them. How was she supposed to tell which was which?
`Come on Kagome, you can do this!'
There! Something was different about this aura! It seemed more alive…more vibrant almost. Taking another deep breath Kagome shot her glowing pale emerald energy from her fingertips, feeling it hit nothing but air and hearing a small “pop!” as she destroyed one of the many false Yukios. A snort of displeasure and disgust met her ears.
“You fell for that trap just as I thought you would. You are not trusting in your powers and are making the wrong choices. For you to succeed in battle you *must* trust yourself, no one will always be there to protect you!”
She watched as he gave her one more displeased glance and then turned away, his coal hair dancing around his form like black fire, before he waved his hand in dismissal.
“You may leave.”
A small, angry sigh passed Kagome's lips as she turned away from the displeased lord and stomped from the field.
`Every time I mess up he hates me even more! I can't keep messing up!' Kagome thought bitterly. Wiping sweat from her brow Kagome walked slowly and sulkily to the bathhouse to rinse away her troubles.
Toweling herself dry Kagome glanced at the steam rising from the spring, her mind empty and yet her face seemed to show a deep concentration and thought. She had thought long and hard about how to make Yukio like her and had come up with the idea of being extremely stubborn and persistent. If he was around her when she wasn't making a fool of herself on the training field he would get a glimpse of the warm, kindhearted person she was. No one could just *not* like her. She would show him how wonderful of a person she was and what good advice she gave and he would have no choice but to accept and like her.
A small smile graced her lips as she slipped into her kimono. It had to work! With her spirits high along with her hopes, Kagome skipped out of the bathing house and into the gardens to watch the sunset.
Standing next to Sugimi's large koi fish fountain Kagome watched the sun begin its descent. The sky was painted with bright flaming reds, orange, sunflower yellows, and lilac purples. Sunsets so far back in time took her breath away. The sky was so much clearer and the air so much cleaner…it was truly amazing! Soft footsteps coming from behind her made her turn around with a start.
“Good evening Lady Kagome.” Came a deep, sultry baritone.
“Good evening Youko-sama.” Kagome replied with a small bow of her head. She watched as Youko frowned in displeasure and ticked his pointer finger back and forth.
“I told you Kagome, I do not wish for such formalities between us. We are not pleasant to each other because we are forced to be so do not speak as if it so.”
Kagome gave a small blush and a nod answering with
“Of course…I just didn't know if you meant what you said at breakfast a few days ago.”
Youko gave a low, inviting laugh, his eyes narrowed and glowing and his lips upturned and full…they were almost too inviting.
“I mean everything I say Kagome.”
Kagome shook her head and gave a small, nervous laugh. She didn't think like that! When did his lips become inviting?
`Goodness Kagome, get a hold of yourself!'
Looking her over Youko had to approve the taste of Sugimi. She was dressed in a bright white kimono, glowing like fresh, virginal snow. Gracing the sleeves and abdomen of the kimono were black stemmed flowers with cornflower blue petals. The obi was dark, midnight blue and slicing it in half was a bright flaming line of angry red. She was stunning. He glanced at her face, his gaze lingering on her lips, before he once again spoke.
“You look stunning this evening, if I do say so myself.” His lips were turned upward in a soft, warm smile and he seemed to be just being kind if not a bit flirty.
Kagome blushed prettily and caressed a few strands of her hair in her hands.
`Thank you Youko, that is very kind of you to say.”
He just chuckled and nodded. Walking up beside her Youko carefully wove the next move into his web of sweet seduction. Gliding in front of her he placed his large, warm hand on her cheek and spoke softly.
“ You are quite a mystery my Kagome, and I do so hope that you will allow me the honor of unraveling all that you are.”
He watched as a small spark of fear lit her eyes as she took a small step away from his liquid eyes and inviting lips. His silver tail swished in agitation at her fear and he placed his free hand on the small of her back, dragging her into his body.
Kagome's breathing was ragged and short. What was going on? One moment Youko was being so kind and then the next minute he switched into frightening seduction mode. And he was seriously scaring her. His body was solid and chiseled, almost unbearably hard against her more soft, delicate skin. The heat from his body leaked into her own and his silken tail wove between the layers of her silk kimono to wrap around her satin leg. She tensed as his thumb caressed her cheek and she looked hesitantly into his eyes.
“Please Kagome, do not fear me. I am not trying to hurt you, you have piqued my interest and I'm afraid I don't let things that interest me slip away from my grasp. Consider my interest in you a compliment.”
He watched as her eyes danced with flames of anger and saw her lips begin to form words. He didn't wait to hear what it was she was going to say. He bent his head slowly to hers, his warm lips landing possessively upon her own. Her lips were even softer than he'd imagined they would be and he moved his lips slowly, inviting her to respond.
Without realizing what she was doing Kagome began to kiss him back. Everything in her was fighting the kiss and yet something in his eyes was stopping her from pulling away. His lips moved slowly and skillfully over hers, her world was becoming hazy with the pleasure of the kiss and yet her mind was furious. One of Youko's hands traveled slowly up her back to tangle itself in her thick black mane of silken hair and his tongue slowly slid over her full lower lip.
And that was the straw the broke the camels back.
Pulling furiously away from Youko's embrace, her hands glowing an angry pale green, Kagome pulled back and slapped him with enough force to make his head snap to the side.
“How *dare* you kiss me! Just because you have looks doesn't mean every woman on this planet is dying to have a quick romp in the hay with you. Kami, get over yourself you arrogant, pompous, ass!”
With that said she spun quickly on her heels and stomped into the surrounding forest for some much needed solitude.
Youko watched her walk away with a mix of anger, lust, and confusion. She had resisted him yet again! What in the world was this woman? No one had *ever* refused him once and she had. No one had ever refused him twice and yet she had done just that. No matter what she said to him there was no way he was giving up because a small slap on the face. He'd dealt with worse.
Reaching up to feel his sore cheek he felt the burnt flesh quickly healing. His golden eyes widened. He'd forgotten she was a miko. He chuckled and watched her until she disappeared and then slowly walked back into the Inu-no-Taisho's estate. Things just kept getting more and more interesting with this woman named Kagome.
Sitting against the rough bark of a tree in the quickly darkening forest Kagome fumed. How *dare* that overly arrogant kitsune steal her first kiss!? Her first kiss! Tears of anger and humiliation stung at her eyes and her fists clenched furiously. The worst part was that no matter how much she tried to talk herself out of it she had enjoyed the feelings that kiss had invoked in her. She's never had someone so interested in her before, besides Kouga, and it made her feel like she was special. Shaking her head Kagome enveloped her face wit her hands and let a few stray tears leak from her eyes.
“Why would a woman as beautiful as you be alone and crying in this dangerous forest?” came a rough yet strangely alluring, sweet baritone. The voice reminded her of a rich, full-bodied wine or a rare, melancholy bird's call. Looking up at this strange newcomer her azure eyes were met by glowing emerald gems full of wonder and compassion, along with a deep worry for her well being.
“It's nothing.” Kagome replied, though not unkindly.
The man moved swiftly towards her, his thick, knee length braid of raven hair swaying behind him as he settled himself down beside her.
“I hardly believe that nothing could make a strong woman like yourself cry.” Was his soft whisper of a reply.
She realized then that his voice was extremely soft as well, almost delicate in its tone and its sweet pitch. She looked up into his eyes once again and even though it probably wasn't smart, threw herself into his inviting embrace. Tears leaked from her eyes and her body shook with rough, violent sobs but he did nothing but put his arms around her in a comforting embrace. Through her tears he could make out the words “I'm sorry” and gave a soft, kind chuckle.
“Think nothing of it my dear woman, I would rather comfort you than do anything else at this moment.”
Kagome mumbled a small “thank you…” into his black haori, waiting to hear his name, and snuggled closer. Resting his head on her small shoulder, his emerald eyes dancing with malice, he did nothing but pet her soft hair and say
“My name is not important my dear….not important at all.”
Kk! I'm done for tonight!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time…JA! -sesshysgirl08-