InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watching From A Distance ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome sat on the sofa staring blankly out of the window, watching the snowflakes fall gently from the sky. To her they seemed like frozen tears falling from the tears of an angel. Kagome rose from the couch, stretching her legs lazily. She walked slowly up the stairs, sighing in disgust along the way. It was Christmas and she was alone. She wanted so much to be with Inuyasha, but her mother wouldn't allow her to return to the feudal era, nor see Inuyasha. Her mother felt that she missed too much school, and that being surrounded by demons all the time would take an effect on her mental health.

But the reality of it all was that being away from Inuyasha was affecting her mentally and emotionally. Kagome walked into the bathroom, the smell of strawberries and peaches lingered from when she'd taken a bath only moments ago. She looked into the mirror, watching as the fog faded. She stared at her reflection, her eyes were filled with tears, and a hate for her mother that ran through her veins. Kagome clenched her eyes closed trying to force the tears back, but they seeped out against her will.

Kagome hadn't seen Inuyasha in months and it was killing her inside. Kagome sat stiffly on the edge of the bathtub sighing to herself loudly. Why hadn't Inuyasha came to see her? Had he forgotten about her, about them? Kagome reached into the pocket of her bathrobe removing a shard of the Shikon Jewel. She'd taken it after her last visit to the feudal era in hopes of Inuyasha coming to retrieve it. But he hadn't. Kagome clenched her fists in anger, and hung her head. Why Inuyasha? Why haven't you come to see me? Are you with Kikyo the one keeping you from me? or are you dead?


"Inuyasha, are you ever going to see Kagome?" Shippo quizzed.

"No, now go away!" Inuyasha yelled, slapping Shippo away with his hand.

"But she does have a piece of the jewel shard, and I know you miss her." Sango inquired.

Inuyasha sighed, walking past Shippo, and Sango ignoring their comments.

Inuyasha walked to the Bone Eater's well sitting on the edge slowly. He gazed up into the sky losing himself in the clouds. Everything reminded him of Kagome. It was getting harder and harder to keep from going to her time. He wanted to see her. He desperately needed to see her, but it was difficult. Inuyasha sighed and jumped into the well, landing on the bottom with a sharp thud.


Kagome leaned on the doorframe of her bedroom letting it support her weight as her legs nearly buckled underneath her. It was scary how much Inuyasha affected her. She'd never truly felt this way about him, this was all REALLY new to her. She sulked over to her bed sluggishly and fell heavy onto the soft bed. Oh, Inuyasha, why haven't you come to visit me? Are you truly spending your time with Kikyo, or am I just being childish? Please Inuyasha..I need to know!


Inuyasha climbed from the well slowly, still contemplating if he would go see Kagome. It would be extremely weird to see her after all this time..What would she think of him abandoning her for all that time? Inuyasha sat in the bench across from the Sacred tree, his thoughts forcing themselves out orally.

"I wonder what Kagome's' doing..I wonder if she's thinking about me, or even wondering where I am or if I'm dead." Inuyasha said aloud to himself. He stood, walking towards the well slowly. He couldn't see Kagome like this, he had to get his thoughts together. But before he could get close to the well he turned, the smell of blood filling his nostrils. "Kagome?"


Kagome sat stiffly on her bed, holding a small razor blade tightly. The thoughts that were running through her head no longer held any doubt. Inuyasha obviously didn't want to deal with her any longer. She felt as though she had nothing left to live for. Inuyasha and the others were all she had over the last few years. She'd only been around her family momentarily during her and Inuyasha's minor squabbles. Closing her eyes tightly, Kagome bought the blade down, missing her vein by an inch. She winced slightly in pain, but upon opening her eyes she was met with a satisfactory cut. The way her blood ran down her arm was beautiful to her senses. Kagome lied back down in bed, blood still running from her cut. She had no desire to stop it, either. She just wanted to go to sleep so she could move on peacefully. Before Kagome could fall asleep and old too familiar voice rang out.

"Kagome. What are you doing?!" Inuyasha yelled, picking her up quickly. "Wh-Why are you bleeding like this?"

"I did this for you, Inuyasha. I was just going to disappear so you could live your life without me around to hold you back." She smiled weakly, rubbing a blood stained hand over Inuyasha's cheek before her body went limp.