InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ways To Torture, Annoy And Generally Scare The Inuyasha Characters ❯ Maiming Miroku ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Maiming Miroku

1. Introduce him to Playboy. Then tell Sango.

2. Tell Inuyasha he was looking at his ass.

3. Get him drunk, then convince him to dance the funky chicken.

4. Teach him the Macarena Dance and insist that it would make him a chick magnet.

5. Convince him to tell Kagome that he wis a porn star - Laugh hysterically when he does.

6. Get cought trying on his robes.

7. Tell Shippo that turning into Kaede and hitting on Miroku would make a great prank.

8. Get him to play spin the bottle with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru

9. Get the song “I’m Not Wearing Underwear Today” stuck in his head.

10. Tell him that Naraku want’s his baby.