InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes ❯ Karma is a Bitch ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
We Will Become Silhouettes

Chapter 5 Karma is a Bitch

Inuyasha tip toed through the palace with a smile on his face. He took back everything he had said about life hating him…Life loved him, and for that matter he loved life. Or at least one aspect of it. The day after they had first kissed, Sesshomaru had been as distant and cold as he ever was…at least around other people. Take for instance when they were eating breakfast with their parents he hadn’t said two words to him, but as soon as they excused themselves for a strategy meeting, Inuyasha’s arm was grabbed and he pulled into his lap for a long heated session where Sesshomaru proceeded to pretty much eat his face off.

It was always like that. For the last few weeks Sesshomaru would grab him at random intervals, and then when they were done with their little make-out sessions he would leave without saying a word. As a matter of fact he never said anything. He knew that he should probably be worried over this weird behavior, but truthfully that thought never entered his head. He would think of asking Sesshomaru where they stood when he was slammed to the ground out in the middle of the garden, but then that question would leave his head as soon as his lips were devoured by his stepbrother’s.

The only drawback over these little meetings of theirs, was the fact that whenever they actually got somewhere, Sesshomaru would pull away and give him that same disgusted look he had given him the night of the bonfire, before leaving him high and dry. There was only so much of that treatment a confused hanyou can talk before having to take matters into his own hands, and that’s exactly what he was doing now.

His soft padded footsteps led him to the entrance of his old bedroom, the room Sesshomaru currently resided in, once there though he stopped short. This was a bold move, a move that might just get him his head ripped off. There was also the good chance that he could be caught, but he had snuck out of his bed early enough to assure that he wasn’t. The sun hadn’t even risen yet, and he knew no one would be awake…Or at least he hoped they wouldn’t be.

Taking a deep breath, Inuyasha slid the door open as quietly as he could. Doing well to practice stealth the entire time, he made his way over to the futon where he could see his stepbrother’s chest rising up and down heavily in deep slumber. His eyes traveled to where Sesshomaru’s face was snuggled up against his pillow, and to just how different he looked as he slept.

He really did look like a angel. His snow white hair was strewn about haphazardly around his face, and for the first time since he had seen him didn’t look perfect. But then again that made it look all the better. Sesshomaru’s cheeks were tinted a little from the heat the fur blankets caused him, and with his eyes closed you could never tell just how cruel they could be most the time. Just seeing him lying there you could never tell just how cold he was. As a matter of fact he looked quite warm.

As he was examining the object of his affections, his knees hit the edge of the bed, and with a deep breath he lifted his legs so that he could crawl on top of it. The futon dipped with is weight, and he tried to be as nonexistent as he could as he crawled forward on the lumpy bed. He took great care in not touching the sleeping youkai, but it was becoming increasingly difficult the further he got up the bed.

Soon the whole no touching thing didn’t really matter, because he fully intended on doing just that. Swinging his leg over his hip, Inuyasha straddled his sleeping brother, settling his weight on his stomach. This of course caused quite a reaction out of the awakened demon, and Inuyasha quickly had a hand wrapped around his throat and claws digging rather painfully into his neck.

His eyes had widened in surprise at the whole exchange as a growl ripped through Sesshomaru’s throat. The youkai was fully awakened now, and staring up at him with malcontent. “I could have killed you half-breed.” He growled out. “What the hell are you doing in here?”

Inuyasha would have answered, really he would have. He knew why he was here, and he had fully planned on telling Sesshomaru it, but now he was trembling too bad for him to even speak. The wound in his neck was burning as a small trace of poison slipped into the wound, making him tremble even harder.

“Sesshomaru your claws…it hurts.” He whimpered out, and felt pathetic as he did, but he couldn’t help it. It was like everything was intensified when Sesshomaru did it, even when he hurt him.

His stepbrother stared up at him blankly, before finally realizing what it was he was talking about. Thick claws withdrew from his neck, and when they did tiny rivulets of crimson blood rolled down his neck, dripping down onto his bed clothes, and staining the white cotton material red.

While watching his blood fall, he hardly noticed when Sesshomaru sat up, pulling his neck to his mouth. He did have his full attention however when a hot tongue snaked out lapping at the wound. His tongue felt like silk against his punctured skin, and a sigh of contentment escaped his throat as the pain began to leave him. Inuyasha’s hand reached out, gripping into the youkai’s hair as he continued to clean him and mend the wound he himself had inflicted. He could already feel the healing powers from his saliva seeping into his wound, and closing it off with little trouble.

When the injury was completely mended, Sesshomaru pulled away, though not very far. They were soon staring at each other in a very small radius, and Inuyasha eyes couldn’t help but travel to his stepbrother’s ruby red lips that were still stained with his life force. His tongue unconsciously shot out, licking his own lips as if that would be enough to clean Sesshomaru’s.

Though the small action didn’t go unnoticed, because soon his head was pulled forward and those ruby red lips were on his in an instant. His mind clouded over with want as Sesshomaru’s tongue was pushed into his mouth, and he moaned as his taste was mixed with that of his own blood.

Inuyasha pushed forward, causing one of the hands that was entwined in his hair to fall backwards onto the bed to support them with. Sesshomaru’s other hand was making fast work of his bed clothes, and soon it was only wrapped around his slim waist. The hanyou grinded their bodies together, all the time making it harder and harder for Sesshomaru to support them both. When Inuyasha threw his entire weight upon the youkai, it became damn near impossible, and they both ended up falling backwards onto the bed.

This didn’t really matter though, seeing as how it never even broke their kiss. All it accomplished was to give Inuyasha better access to the silk yukata Sesshomaru slept in. His hands shakily undid the tie, and pushed it apart. Giving him for the first time a good view of the youkai’s body. Of course this did actually get the kiss to break, because Inuyasha had to pull away to fully admire his catch.

Sesshomaru’s entire body seemed to sparkle with that same ethereal glow he had first noticed when he had met both him and his mother. His porcelain skin was perfect in every way, as was the body it was attached too. He had seen it the time they had trained, but it was nothing like this. For one thing he had only seen his top half, and now he had quite a good view of his nether regions…and fucking hell Sesshomaru was big. Another thing is the glowing effect seemed to intensify in his aroused state, and as he was staring he could definitely tell that he was aroused.

“Sessh you’re gorgeous…You’re so beautiful.” He leaned forward to connect their mouths again, but the youkai’s head fell to the side. Dammit! No…this could not be happening! Why the hell did he have to open his mouth anyways?…Things were going fine before then. Why the hell was he so temperamental anyways? “Please Sesshomaru don’t…It was a compliment…Please don’t do what you usually do.”

Well at least that got him to look at him again. Though when he did his cat like eyes were narrowed to slits. “And what pray tell do I usually do?” His voice was cold and gruff, and Inuyasha knew that he was about two seconds away from being thrown out of the room on his ass.

Pushing himself up, Inuyasha situated himself so that he was sitting on top of Sesshomaru’s stomach, and used his other hand to push the youkai’s chest down, prevented him from moving. “This…Do you know how fucking confusing it is to have you kissing me one moment, and saying you hate me the next?” His eyebrows knitted together in frustration. “How the hell would you feel if I just sexually assaulted you, and then left without a word just as it was getting good?”

The coldness in his golden depths didn’t retreat, as a matter of fact, if possible, they got even colder. “Well mutt you won’t have to worry about that, because this is my room, and I don’t intend on leaving it.” A smile started to spread across Inuyasha’s face at that, and relief flooded through him by the bucket full. That is until Sesshomaru pointed to a spot just behind him. “The doors right there. I’m sure you can find your own way out.”

Inuyasha’s lip raised in a snarl. He didn’t know what made him do it. He didn’t know why. But he couldn’t keep his anger in check any longer, and at that statement he hauled off a slapped Sesshomaru as hard as he could across the cheek.

A red welt in the shape of a handprint had appeared on the youkai’s perfect features, and for a moment he seemed too stunned to react. This didn’t last long though when he seemed to realize what happened. When he did though he reacted just as violently. Sesshomaru backhanded the hanyou as hard as he had been slapped, if not harder, and grabbed onto his shoulders, squeezing them hard enough to make him cry out and flipping them over so that he was the one on top.

“How dare you hit me.” He snarled. Sesshomaru’s face was contorted in furry as he growled down at him. “I’ve killed people for a lot less.”

Now under normal circumstances he would have been scared out of his wits to see the angry face a top him, but his blood was boiling just as hot, and so he didn’t even become intimidated. As a matter of fact he did a good deal of snarling himself.

“Then kill me!” He struggled under his stepbrother’s strong arms, but it seemed Sesshomaru didn’t want to let him up yet, and so it was futile. “Kill me! Fuck me! Do something other then send these damned mixed signals!”

“You want me to fuck you!? Is that what you want you mongrel? To be fucked by your stepbrother?” Inuyasha lay there growling as Sesshomaru snarled into his face. Unfortunately he wasn’t allowed to remain silent for long, because the youkai grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled it hard enough to make him hiss out in pain. “Answer me mutt! Is that what you want me to do?”

Kicking out, Inuyasha managed to connect a well aimed knee with Sesshomaru’s kidney, and once the demon was distracted, pushed him off and went into the top position. Once on top though he grabbed onto Sesshomaru’s chin and tilted his face so they were both staring into matching blazing eyes. “Yes alright! That’s what I want…It’s what I wanted from the moment I saw you! I hate you so bad it hurts, and yet I can’t even imagine being with anybody else. I know I’m just a mutt to you, but you’re all I can ever think about.” He growled. “You could’ve had me anytime you wanted…You still can!” He slammed his arms on both sides of Sesshomaru’s head and leaned forward, so that both their faces were covered in a curtain of white. “I’m yours Sesshomaru. All you have to do is take me.”

Sesshomaru stared up in him in furry for only a moment, before reaching up and pulling their mouths together for a kiss that was long overdue. Though the harshness of their fight was still in it, and their teeth scraped together as they both struggled to project through such an act all the anger and hurt they were feeling.

Inuyasha whined in both need and pleasure as their tongues met, and Sesshomaru’s hands traveled to the tie on his waist. He couldn’t get the tie undone, and so he ended up just ripping it to shreds in his urgency to get to the creamy white flesh that was underneath it.

Once it had reached its destination, Inuyasha couldn’t help but cry out in both pain and pleasure as Sesshomaru gripped him rather harshly. His claws dug into the demon’s shoulder, drawing blood as the scratches sunk deep into the skin and down his chest. He could feel Sesshomaru’s own need pressing against him, and as he rose his hips to match the strokes the youkai was giving him, he made sure to rub against it.

Though apparently the little bit of friction he was causing wasn’t near enough for Sesshomaru, because soon he had once again flipped them both over so that he was the one once again on top, and pulled the blankets over both of them as his hands and lips began to explore the body underneath him.

Kisses fell to his neck, and Inuyasha arched into the never stopping hand and the mouth he adored so much. “You said you hated me Dagger, well I want you to know that I despise you.” He kissed him once again, and Inuyasha was much too into the whole experience to really listen to everything his stepbrother was saying to him. “There are times I wish you dead,” He said between kisses. “And other times where all I want to do is claim you as my own.” Inuyasha wrapped his legs around the waist atop him, and started rocking their bodies together. “You’re infuriating, and yet I can’t stop myself from touching you.” Inuyasha’s eyes were clenched shut, but they opened once again when his head was lifted to get his attention. Golden eyes stared into golden eyes for a moment. “You say that you’re mine, well believe me when I tell you that I’d never let anyone else have you.” He kissed him again, hand movement speeding up.

Inuyasha could feel himself getting closer and closer, and he knew that if Sesshomaru continued at this pace he wouldn’t last much longer. He could already feel the heat pooling in his groins, and yet he yearned for more. His breath was coming out in sharp hisses and pants, and he probably would have cum right there, that is if something most unfortunate hadn’t happened.

The door slid open. “Sesshomaru you need to get up. We have some very important guests and I don’t want you sleeping all…” The silky high voice of Amarante filled the room. Once inside though she seemed to stop moving, and talking for that matter. That is until it obviously hit her what she was seeing. “What are you boys doing!?” She shrieked. Rustling of fabric could be heard as she rushed over to them both, but Inuyasha had yet to see her face due to the fact that he was hidden underneath Sesshomaru’s hair. “Get away from each other. What is wrong with you both!?”

Sesshomaru hadn’t made an attempt to move, but he had stiffened considerably on top of him as he seemed frozen after being caught in such a situation. Knowing that he couldn’t just lie like this, Inuyasha reached out and parted the curtain of hair that was obscuring his vision, and was met with a pair of light blue eyes that seemed to be flickering to red sporadically. “This is none of your concern mother, now get out of my room.” The youkai growled out, still not moving from his spot.

It was only then that he realized the reason Sesshomaru hadn’t moved so far was to preserve his dignity…whatever shred of that he might have left. But apparently Amarante didn’t sense that, or else she was just too pissed to care, because she pulled on his elbow, flipping him over by force.

As soon as Sesshomaru was off of him, Inuyasha made a scramble for the sheets, covering his painfully nude body. His cheeks were flaming with embarrassment as he looked from one furious face to the next. “Explain to me, dear son of mine, why I walked in to find you molesting your little brother?” She said as calmly as she could through clenched teeth, but you could tell she was about a hair away from losing her cool entirely.

In an attempt to try to calm the situation, Inuyasha blurted out. “He wasn’t molesting me. I-I wanted him to do it.” Two pairs of eyes turned to him. One staring at him in amusement, the other in anger.

Sitting up, Sesshomaru wrapped the fur around his waist, giving his mother a triumphant smirk. “You hear that mother, he wanted me to…Practically begged me to as a matter of fact.” Inuyasha frowned as he looked over at his almost lover. He seemed to be really enjoying this.

Though by the sharp inhale Amarante gave through her nostrils, you could tell that she definitely did not. “Yes, well one wouldn’t expect more of him considering his upbringing, but I was counting on you to practice a little more self control.”

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? What does my upbringing have anything to do with…” His mouth dropped open in an ‘O’ as he realized just what she was implying, and then his eyes narrowed even further. “Oh I get it, you mean because I’m a hanyou I don’t know any better. Because I’m just a worthless half-breed I don’t know that it’s wrong to wanna screw my own brother?” He bit out, wrapping the silk sheet more securely around his waist as he got out of the bed.

He was switching between giving both of them death glares. “God you can tell that you conceited bastards are related. You’re both as stuck up as each other!” He was turning more red in the face, and this time it had nothing to do with embarrassment. “It always have to come back to my breeding doesn’t it?” He pointed accusingly at both of them. “Well let me tell you that I’d rather be the hanyou that I am then ever be as fucking miserable as the both of you.” There was only so many times someone could call you worthless before you finally lost it, and Inuyasha had reached that point. With one last stone faced look at the both of him, he muttered, “Fuck you both.” Before turning to walk away.

This didn’t work near as well as he had hoped however, because his arm was harshly grabbed and he was spun back around. He had expected to see Sesshomaru glaring at him, but it was Amarante who had prevented him from leaving.

“You’re not going anywhere Inuyasha. Putting this incident aside, you have another matter entirely that requires your attention…” Her eyes traveled to her son. “Both of your attention actually.” Her lips pursed together. “I was going to wake the both of you up, but lucky me I only had to stop at one room.”

Still not at all happy with his stepmother, he didn’t even begin to be considerate. “Well I’m glad we could be such a convenience.” He sarcastically replied, watching as Sesshomaru gracefully rose from the bed, going to stand over by where the other two are.

“What is it you wanted Mother?” He asked as courteously as ever, and if you had just walked into the room you could never tell of what had just taken place a few moments ago. Well of course except for the fact that they were both still naked and only clad in blankets and sheets wrapping around their waist, and Inuyasha and Amarante were staring at each other with looks that could kill. Okay, so you could tell something was out of whack, but Sesshomaru was still being really calm about it.

Amarante turned to him, and some of the anger left her eyes, but by no means dissipated entirely. “There’s a great demon lord downstairs who wishes to have the both of yours company.” He voice turned from an angry snarl, to a steely businesslike one almost instantaneously. “It has to do with the two demons the both of you slew.”

Inuyasha’s eyes knitted in confusion. “Demons?” He really had no idea what the hag was talking about, and by the looks of it he was the only one that didn’t. A stony expression had appeared on Sesshomaru’s face, and it looked like he had every idea in the world what this was about.

Sky blue eyes turned on him, and gave him an annoyed look. “Yes Inuyasha. There names were Juuroumaru and Kageroumaru I believe.” At the very mention of the two demons his leg twitched in pain where they had injured him. “The demon is brother of the two, and is now requesting council to find out what is best to do about the situation.”

His eyes knitted together in confusion. Who cares that their brother was downstairs. Why not just kill him to? It seemed easiest to him at any rate. It’s not like he could do anything about it, and what they hell were they talking about anyways? “So what? Why would I want to take council with him, and for the matter what about?”

Amarante’s eyes darkened in annoyance, and she was about to answer, but Sesshomaru beat her to the punch. “Don’t be an idiot Inuyasha. He obviously wants retribution, and we’re to go down and negotiate just what exactly that will be.”

He frowned at being called an idiot, but there was still something he didn’t understand. “Who cares what he wants? Why don’t we just kill him as well and finished with it all?” Why bend to someone else’s will when you could easily slay them and not have to worry about it?

At the question Sesshomaru turned his attentions to his mother. “How many?” Inuyasha was confused by the question, but it seemed that they were going to leave him out of the conversation entirely.

“10,000 and they’re all ready to move at his command.” Sesshomaru’s face tightened as he obviously calculated this information in his head. As for Inuyasha, he still had no clue what they were talking about.

“We could take them.” Amarante sighed, running a hand through her hair.

“Yes, but at what a price? If we go out the Western Lands will be left defenseless, and even if we win we’ll take a great hit. It would leave us open to another attack if they only wished it, and it’s a good chance they could win.”

Inuyasha’s eyes soon widened when he caught onto the conversation. Who the hell was this demon that he could round up a army of 10,000? But more importantly… “What does he want to retreat?”

“That’s what we’re going to find out isn’t it?” Amarante said, looking more forlorn then he had ever seen her. “Now get dressed. He’s already waiting.” With a nod Inuyasha went to go to his own room to do just that, but an arm on his shoulder prevented him from leaving. He turned questioning eyes on his stepmother, but she simply nodded towards Sesshomaru’s wardrobe. “Just get dressed here. We’re pressed for time, and he has nicer clothes than you anyways.” He scowled into her back as she turned around and moved to leave the room. Right before she was out of the doorway she managed to call over her shoulder. “And boys do try to keep your hands off each other while doing so.” His scowl turned into a glare as she slid the door shut and left…He really hated woman.

As soon as the evil whore was out of the door, the implications of that conversation hit him, and his knees practically gave way under him. He managed to keep himself up by supporting himself on the armoire by the wall, but that didn’t stop the sick feeling in his stomach. There was to be a battle over this! There was to be a battle of his stupidity.

Sesshomaru either didn’t notice his inner turmoil, or didn’t really care, because he never once said a thing. The youkai walked over to his wardrobe, grabbing a black and silver kimono and a dark green one. They were both made of the finest silk, and when he tossed the green one to him it practically slid through his fingers like water.

He couldn’t be concerned with the fancy clothing though. No, he was much more concerned with what could very well happen. Inuyasha covered his mouth to stop the bile from coming up, but that didn’t stop his stomach from turning into knots. “This is all my fault.”

Without even looking up at him, Sesshomaru began to slip the kimono onto his shoulders. “Yes it is.” He said nonchalantly as he grabbed a comb from his dresser to swipe through his hair. “Now get dressed. We shouldn’t keep him waiting.”

With a growl Inuyasha slipped the green silk over his shoulders and tied the sash, glaring daggers into Sesshomaru’s back. “You’re not supposed to say that. You’re supposed to tell me that it’s not my fault and that everything will be okay.”

“Yeah well get used to disappointment, because it is your fault, and I don’t plan on comforting you over it.” He turned to him. “You need to know that there are consequences to your actions.”

Inuyasha had to bite his lip to stop all the obscenities from flying out of his mouth. Consequences for his actions…If that wasn’t the biggest load of crap. He only fought those loser demons because they were going to kill an entire village full of innocent people. Why should he be held responsible for saving them? And anyways…

“You were there too! Yeh big hypocrite, how can you chastise me for doing something you took every bit as big a part in.” Sesshomaru was in the middle of fastening a ceremonial sword to his belt, but upon hearing that he stopped.

“Don’t be an idiot, I was only there because you went.” A warm feeling spread through him at hearing that, but it was soon masked as he understood the full meaning of that statement.

“Are you telling me that had I not went that you would have just condemned that village to death?” He couldn’t have. No one is that cold hearted.

“Of course.” Well apparently somebody is that cold hearted. “Why bother in some useless human squabble if you don’t have to?” Was he serious? How could he say such a thing?

“Oh come on Sesshomaru not even you could be that frigid.” He walked over, going to stand in front of his stepbrother. “For one thing father had a pact with the demon slayers, and for another…so many people would have been killed. You can’t honestly look me in the eye and say that that doesn’t bother you?”

Sesshomaru stared him in the eye, and Inuyasha bit his lip in worry that he might actually say that it didn’t. Though he did begin to relax a little when a hand reached out and slid through his hair. “Of course I didn’t care about those humans.” He gave his stepbrother a look of complete and utter repulsed shock, but the youkai didn’t even stop there. “And as to Inutaishou’s pact, you can’t very well have a pact if the other side is dead now can you?”

At that his hand flew out, fully intent on slapping the piss out of his bastard of a brother. Unfortunately though it was caught mid air, and painfully squeezed as Sesshomaru forced it back down to his side. “You hit me once today mutt, don’t think I’ll let you do it again.”

Growls were coming from Inuyasha’s chest as he stared hatefully at the youkai. “Let go of my hand yeh cold hearted bastard!” He tried to rip his hand away, but Sesshomaru’s grip was painfully tight.

“Or what…you’ll fight me? I think we’ve already determined just who’s superior in battle.” Inuyasha continued to glare at Sesshomaru, but his looks didn’t seem to faze him in the least. “Don’t look at me like that. Why should I care what happens to humans? Why should you for that matter? You did choose to be noble, and look where it got you…I suggest you settle down, because it will do us no good for you to be riled up when we go to meet the demon. The last thing we need is for you to say something incredibly stupid like you normally do.”

“Jackass!” Inuyasha shot out.

“Imbecile.” Sesshomaru coldly bit out as a reply.

His eyes were narrowed to slit as he stared at the youkai. “I hate you.” His hand was wrenched backwards as Sesshomaru pulled him closer.

“Not nearly as much as I hate you.” Without really knowing why or how it happened, they were kissing again. At first there was the same aggression as earlier, but the longer their mouths were connected the softer they became, until eventually their mouths were just touching each other without even moving…Strange how things like that always happen around them. They had just declared how much they hated each other, only to now be wrapped in one another’s arms.

His heart rate finally returning to normal, Inuyasha pulled away from Sesshomaru’s mouth and instead laid his head on his chest. “I don’t want to be responsible for a war Sesshomaru.”

At first he thought that he would immediately be pushed off, but Sesshomaru allowed him to remain snuggled into his chest. As a matter of fact he even pulled him closer. “War is not the end of the world Inuyasha, but hopefully we can meet his demands…Though if it’s who I think it is then I don’t think we’ll be sating his wants.”

Inuyasha’s eyebrows furrowed together as he picked his head up to stare curiously into the youkai’s eyes. “What are you talking about? What do they want?”

“Well if I’m correct, and I’m fairly certain I am, then something we are most definitely not willing to give him.” His eyes narrowed a little as he obviously thought about just what that was. “He’s lecherous Dagger, and if it comes to what I think it will you should due well to remember what I told you earlier.”

Not knowing what the hell Sesshomaru was cryptically talking about, he decided to just play it off as a joke. “What, that you hate me?” He expected to get an annoyed look, or perhaps to get hit, but what he wasn’t expecting was for the youkai to lean forward and bury his face in his hair, inhaling his scent.

“That you are mine.” Inuyasha’s eyes widened to saucers as he was once more pulled in for a kiss, and the look remained on his face long after Sesshomaru had pulled away. “Now let’s go see what this demon wants.” With a dumbstruck look on his face, all Inuyasha could do was nod as he followed the youkai out of the room and down the hall to meet this stranger.

His heart was till fluttering when they went into the grand meeting hall at the other end of the palace. That was saying something to, because the palace was huge, and it was a hella long walk. Inuyasha walked in Sesshomaru’s shadow the entire, not daring to even speak a word due to the fact that he didn’t trust his voice at the moment. How could so much good, and yet so very much bad come about in a single day? He didn’t know if he should be smiling in joy, or weeping in regret. Why the hell was everything always so damn complicated?

When they entered the room all eyes fell onto them. Those eyes included Amarante, and two strangers. The first was a rather handsome looking man if you’re into the whole deep dark and sinister look, and the second was a woman with long raven hair and red eyes. She looked just as sinister as the man did, and he immediately began to feel uncomfortable as both pairs of new eyes examined him with every bit of scrutiny they could muster.

His uncomfortableness only grew when Sesshomaru was the first one to speak out. “Naraku…I should have guessed it was you.” Here he glanced sideways to give Inuyasha a knowing look to obviously tell him that he had in fact guessed who it was. After that though his gaze swept to the woman, and there was a definite familiarity as they exchanged bows. “And Kagura, always a pleasure.”

So Sesshomaru knew these people? Well that was interesting to say the least. What was even more interesting was how Sesshomaru and Kagura were staring at each other. Well he wouldn’t use the word interesting per say, more like really fucking annoying. There seemed to be much more than familiarity behind their eyes, and it pissed him off to no end.

Kagura’s head tilted to the side as she walked closer to the youkai, holding out her arm as she bade Sesshomaru to take it. “It’s been too long Sesshomaru. Perhaps we can catch up on old times. Care to show me around the castle?”

Their eyes never left each other’s. “I would love to, but aren’t we supposed to be talking right now?” Kagura gave a laugh and waved her hand, dismissing the very thought.

“Oh no. Leave all this boring business to my brother and the young prince here.” At this she motioned to Inuyasha, and he had to hold himself back from snarling at her. Sesshomaru glanced from him to her uncertainly, and finally settled on his mother.

If he had ever needed a reason to hate Amarante, she gave him one here. “Oh dear go catch up with Kagura. We’ll be fine here.” This time Inuyasha really did snarl and had to bite his lip to cover it before anyone noticed.

The dark haired girl smiled, before clapping her hands together. “You see? Amarante is more than enough to deal with my brother.” She turned her neck. “Isn’t that right Naraku?”

“Of course dear sister. Leave the business to us, and go have fun with Sesshomaru.” This was the first time he had heard the man speak, but once he did he couldn’t help the unpleasant shiver that racked his spine. There was just something about him…He couldn’t place it, but it just seemed to scream evil.

Kagura once more held out her arm. “So what about it Sesshy?…Care to take a walk with an old friend?” Inuyasha’s jaw dropped. Had she just called him Sesshy? And if she had called him Sesshy then why wasn’t she dead? As a matter of fact why the hell didn’t Sesshomaru look in the least bit pissed that she had called him that. What was the background behind these two anyways? The more and more he thought about it, the more and more he was determined he didn’t think he wanted to know just how far they went back.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Sesshomaru’s eyes met his, but it was only for a moment. Soon they had traveled back to Kagura…He was really starting to hate that bitch with a passion. “Alright.” He moved to take her outstretched arm, but paused before doing so. His face turned to his mother and Naraku. “Granted of course that I’m told before the decision is made.”

Amarante gave a big smile, that even Inuyasha could tell was fake, before waving her hand in dismissal. “Of course my dear, of course. Now you have fun. I know that you and Kagura have a lot of catching up to do.”

Giving a nod, Sesshomaru took the arm offered to him. Oh. That. Bastard. Inuyasha glared full heartily at his stepbrother as he strode past him. How the hell could he do that? His teeth clenched as he shook his head to try to dispel the anger that wanted to pour out of his short tempered mouth. Whenever he saw Sesshomaru again he was going to kill him, or at least yell at him. Yes he would yell at him A LOT.

In his furry he barely noticed Amarante shuffling him to one of the sofa pillows on the floor. He only noticed when he was forcibly pushed down onto his seat, and then he became very aware that he was sitting right in front of the demon Naraku.

His burgundy eyes seemed to pierce his soul as he seemed to try to read his thoughts. The same cold feeling filled him as he tried his hardest not to break eye contact with the man, but it was becoming increasingly difficult with how he kept staring at him. Finally he spoke, but after the words were out Inuyasha really wished he wouldn’t have. “And now Inuyasha we are going to discuss the conditions of surrender.” The hanyou swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat, and cursed his lot in life once again. He was far past his theory about the universe liking him, because it no doubt despised him, and all this because he had chose to save a village…God Karma was a bitch.

A.N- So whatta think?...Bad guy’s thrown into the mix. *dun dun dun* plot thickens. But I’m just going to tell you right now, because I had a couple reviews about this and I want to put your minds at ease. There will NOT…I repeat…There will NOT be rape in my story. So I hope I have made people happy, and if not…too bad. But yeah I liked this chapter, and I like my idea for future chapter…especially this one idea, it makes me laugh every time…but I won’t say a word about it…until it happens of course and then you can be damn sure you’ll hear it in the author’s note. But I watched the 3rd Inuyasha movie a couple of weeks ago…the one all about Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, and it was so good! I loved it…but yeah, just thought I’d share that review (And wasn’t it sooo detailed?) lmao…anyways I hope you liked the update, and now I’m off to watch the season finale of Rome…I’m very excited. But please leave a review on the way out, it will make me VERY happy. *smiles* thanks for reading.