InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes ❯ Naraku's Proposition and Sesshomaru's Decision ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
We Will Become Silhouettes
Chapter 6 Naraku's proposition and Sesshomaru's decision
Inuyasha stared morosely forward at the demon lord who seemed to be gazing at him with a look that made severely uncomfortable. He still couldn't believe he was even here in the first place. So he had killed a couple demons...big deal. They were invading his land, or his father's land in any case, and they had a pact to uphold with the slayers...regardless of what Sesshomaru might think. Then why this need for retribution? Why all the familiarity? He had seen the looks Sesshomaru, Amarante, and these two demons had shared. More importantly he had seen the way Sesshomaru had looked almost longingly at that Kagura bitch. He wanted to know what the connection between the two was, and he wanted to know it before he made 'arrangements' with this Naraku. He didn't know why but it felt like something was being hidden from him. Something he knew was a grave significance.
He cursed his father for being away at a time like this. He had gone to assist some of their allies with a squabble with the western panther demon tribe, and had been at battle ever since. He wasn't even due back for another couple of weeks. Inuyasha scowled to himself. If his father was going to leave him in charge he might have thought about leaving little notes about what he was supposed to do in times like these. Oh but wait...he remembered now. His father had left with a secure mind because he had his bitch of a wife here, and her capable son. Well you know what, he didn't care if it was childish, when his father got home he was so telling on them both...Right now though he just had to make it through this meeting.
Trying to look as regal and professional as possible, Inuyasha straightened on the pillow his stepmother had pushed him onto, and looked Naraku in the eyes. All the while doing his very best not to be at all intimidated by how they seemed to glow red as they stared back into his. Naraku had said they would be discussing the conditions of 'surrender' and so he figured they sooner they got them discussed, the sooner he got to get the hell out of dodge.
"Why the hell should we give you anything Naraku?" He spit his name out like venom as he tried his best to look as intimidating as he had seen his father so many times before. "You so-called 'brothers' were attacking one of our allies. I was only coming to defend them against their enemies, so in a way you attacked us first." He crossed his arms and stuck his chin up in a very dignified manner...or so he thought at least. "I think I should be the one coming to your home and asking for retribution, not the other way around." He had to hand it to himself...he had a point. "So how bout it Naraku. Whatcha gonna give me to stop from killing your sorry ass?"
"Inuyasha!" Oh yeah, he had forgotten that she was still there. He glanced over to his stepmother and saw her eyes with blazing with fury. "How dare you talk to our guest with such disrespect. Apologize immediately. These are negotiations, not five year squabbles." He narrowed his eyes at her.
"Why thank you so much for informing me of that fact. How could I have been so thoughtless." He glanced back to Naraku. "Please tell me what you're gonna give me to stop from killing your sorry ass." With a smirk of defiance he glanced back to the heartless woman. "Better?"
What sounded remarkably like a hiss escaped from her throat and she sprang forward, grabbing onto his ear as she did. "That it is. You are out of this room. Go fetch your brother, and he'll handle this matter. Obviously you don't have a mature bone in your body...Your father would be so disappointed."
With a growl he batted Amarante's hand away. What his father saw in this whore he would never have any idea. Well it might have had something to do with the fact that she was one of the only Inu-youkai left in existence, but still...she was such a bitch. "I can handle a stupid negotiation." He snapped. "I don't need his help" As an afterthought he added. "And stop calling him my brother. We're not even related by blood."
Amarante's lip curled into what appeared to be a smile, and she once again seated herself on the pillow. "Oh make no mistake about it Inuyasha, my darling Sesshomaru is your brother." That smile turned much more sinister than when it had started, and her eyes seemed to become alight with mischief. "But then I can see why you wouldn't want me to call him that...Wouldn't want to feel guilty, now would we?"
His hands clenched together in anger, and he glanced over to Naraku who seemed to be just listening on in silence...Sinking it all in was more like it. The bastard probably knew exactly what they were referring to, and now was filing it away as some potential weakness...Damn that bitch was dumb. Speaking of her... "Drop it Amarante." Inuyasha's voice held a hint of the danger that would come if she didn't, but he thought he aught to make sure that she didn't make anymore 'accidental' slip ups. "What the hell are you doing in here anyways? I don't need a babysitter. I'm my father's heir, and as such I'll take care of these matters myself. You're not needed here anymore mother."
They glared daggers at each other for what felt like ages, before she finally gave in and stood up. Inuyasha smiled to himself triumphantly...He always did kick ass when it came to staring contests. Amarante turned towards Naraku and bowed. "I am sorry for my son's unruly behavior, but you must understand that he has poor manners and really doesn't know any better. I wish Sesshomaru could have been here to help keep him in line," She shrugged. "but alas, your sister always has to hog him when she comes to visit."
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, and as if that comment wasn't bad enough, Naraku had to reply with one even worse. "It's perfectly alright Amarante. It would have been easier to discuss this with the calmer of the two, but Kagura does so enjoy these visits with her little puppy." Inuyasha was pretty sure that by this time smoke was coming out of his ears. Her little puppy? HER LITTLE PUPPY! He was about to respond with a barrage of obscenities, or just skip the obscenities and slice them both to a million pieces, but Naraku beat him to the punch. "Besides this fiery attitude of his suits me perfectly." The demon glanced towards him, and the look he gave him made the hanyou's blood run cold. "It was Inuyasha I came here to see after all. It wouldn't be fair if we discussed terms involving him if he didn't at least have a little say."
Okay now he was confused. Inuyasha rose an eyebrow at the statement. Why in the world would he be part of the negotiations? What the hell did he have that Naraku wanted? His eyes widened to saucers as he remembered the conversation he had had with Sesshomaru just before they had come here. He had been so pissed that he had just left him for some whore that he hadn't been able to recall, but he sure as hell did now. "He's lecherous Dagger, and if it comes to what I think it will you should do well to remember what I told you earlier." Inuyasha's eyes closed in remembrance as he could practically fell Sesshomaru inhaling his scent...Memorizing him before they had to part. "That you are mine." You know his were closed, that is until the entirety of that statement sunk in, and then they flew open at lightning speed.
Sesshomaru knew! Sesshomaru knew that he was going to part of these ridiculous terms, and yet he left him anyways? What the hell was he thinking. That was when he remembered how he hadn't been shocked at all to see Naraku, but he had looked a little surprised to see Kagura. That fucking bastard...He left him for that stupid whore! His teeth clenched so hard that one of his fangs pierced his bottom lip. He didn't even notice the small pearl of blood that had formed from the wound, nor did he even bother to wipe it away as it slid down his chin. He was much too pissed for that. As a matter of fact he couldn't think of anything other than his anger, that is until he heard the door slide shut. Then he could think of something else...He would have to. That door sliding shut meant that Amarante had left, and it she had left that meant only one thing...He was alone with Naraku. Oh yes, he was alone, and for the first time ever he was wishing that his stepmother was still around to help him.
Gulping, Inuyasha nervously glanced back to the spot where Naraku was sitting, only to find out that he had moved remarkably closer. As a matter of fact he had moved a lot close in fact that he was practically on top of him. Inuyasha tried to scoot back, but his thighs were grabbed. "Don't worry Inuyasha, I'm not going to hurt you. I just like to sample my conquests. That way I know if they're really deserving." Naraku's head tilted to the side as a smirk came to his face. "But from the looks of you, and the fact that you're covered in that stench, and can pretty much guess that you're going to be."
Feeling more than a little repulsed, Inuyasha slid the hands on his thighs off, before scooting his way back into the corner. "Good, than I guess you won't be needing the sample." That was when a question popped into his head about Naraku's previous comment. "And what smell?"
Inuyasha had to bite his lip to stop from saying anything when he saw Naraku practically lick his lips in anticipation. "Why that would be Sesshomaru." His smirk widened. "Or rather his arousal." He couldn't help it, at hearing just what it was he smelt like Inuyasha's cheeks tinted a dark red. "Oh don't be embarrassed. You should be proud...Sesshomaru doesn't choose to bed just anyone after all." Inuyasha sputtered, but for the life of him he couldn't think of a decent response. But really, what do you say to that? "Though he hasn't yet, has he?"
He didn't have to say anything to that. He could just stare down at the floor and act as if he hadn't heard the question. After all what business was it of Naraku's was him and Sesshomaru did. And yet his head seemed to move of it's own free will to look into his eyes. Damn...everyone was always telling him how easy he is to read, which meant that by way of his actions Naraku already had his answer without him saying a word.
"He hasn't." Inuyasha scowled. Even if he was right that didn't mean that he ahd to sound so damn amused about it. "You do know that that means only one thing." The bastard paused for dramatic effect, and Inuyasha couldn't help it, his curiosity was peaked.
"Yeah and what's that asshole?" He tried to sound patronizing, but he was mildly sure that instead he just came off as desperate.
By the look on Naraku's face he realized he definitely had come off as desperate. "That he's ashamed of you of course." Inuyasha's breath hitched in his throat, and his perky ears drooped a little. That couldn't be true. Images of all the times Sesshomaru had called him worthless, or pathetic, or a mutt, crossed his mind. Well it could be true, but that didn't give this bastard the right to say it. "Oh don't look so sad Inuyasha. He obviously wants you, if that makes you feel any better...He probably wants you more than anything he's ever wanted before." His ears perked back up at that, and sadly something akin to a smile came to his face...God he was such a love sick puppy. Just one word that Sesshomaru liked him and he was ready to start hugging the nearest thing...even in this situation. "He'll never take you though." That little happy bubble he had been residing in exploded at those four words, and he was back to his weary state of mind.
"What are you talking about? He would have taken me this morning if my bitch of a stepmother hadn't walked in. And he'll take me as soon as we're done here. He has no qualms about sleeping with me, that I can assure you." Now Inuyasha thought he had finalized that argument, unfortunately Naraku immediately shot back with.
"Then why hasn't he? If he's so ready and willing, then why is it that the most the two of you have done is probably dry humped?"
"I told you that Amarante..." Inuyasha started, but apparently Naraku wasn't even going to give the chance to voice a reply.
"He hasn't claimed you, because in his mind you're not good enough for him." That struck harder than any physical blow ever could, and he was suddenly regretting ever getting into this conversation in the first place. "You're a hanyou Inuyasha, a half-breed, a mutt...I'm sure he's reminded you of that several times." Inuyasha was speechless, but from the forlorn look you could what his answer was. "That's because he despises your kind, and he despises you most of all, because even though you're just a worthless mutt, you're still going control the western lands someday."
It felt like he was in a daze. Things had been so good this morning, and now he felt like he was completely lost. "How is it..." He finally found his usually brash voice, only now it was weak and far away. "How is it that you know so much about Sesshomaru?"
"We grew up together. Me, Sesshomaru, and of course Kagura. The dog demon and I were never really that close, but him and my sister spent every day together since he learned to walk. They shared their first kiss when they were just fledglings. They fucked as soon as your stepbrother learned what that word meant...They were inseperatable, and I'm fairly certain that what Sesshomaru feels for my sister is the closest thing to love he'll ever get to."
Inuyasha was shaking by this time. Every time Naraku spoke it seemed a little bit of himself was slipping away. Why was it that just to hear about Kagura and Sesshomaru together made him feel like someone was stabbing a knife in his heart? This was ridiculous...For one thing it was in the past, and for another, him and Sesshomaru weren't even together...not really. In all probability it was most likely just as Naraku had said, Sesshomaru wanted to screw him, but that was all, and he couldn't even stomach doing that.
No, it couldn't be true. After all what did he really know about Naraku except that he was obviously a pervert? He could be making this up...Kagura and Sesshomaru weren't really that close. His stepbrother was cold, callous, he couldn't be that close to anyone. "You're a liar." He boldly stated. "But it doesn't matter. We didn't come here to talk about my family. We came here to talk about what you wanted, and as of yet you haven't said a damn thing about just what that could be."
That same sinister smirk came back to Naraku's face, and upon mentioning of the deal he seemed to give him the up and down. "Why that's simple Inuyasha. I want you." Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at that.
"Me?" He couldn't be serious? Of course he had thought that he might want to bed him...Sesshomaru's hints had led him to that conclusion...but was that all?
Naraku nodded. "You give yourself to me unconditionally, let me mark you as a mate, and I'll leave these lands and never return." Inuyasha was pretty sure that his jaw had hit the floor. Mates!? He wanted to mate with him?...There was no way...he couldn't.
"Why?" He accidentally voiced one of the questions he had been asking himself in his head, and to it Naraku raised an eyebrow.
"You are the prince of the western lands. Has Sesshomaru really lowered your esteem so much so that you don't even think you're good enough to be bed by anyone?" His head tilted to the side. "Let me put it this way Inuyasha, you let me worry about why I want you, all you have to worry about is whether or not I can take you." Inuyasha opened his mouth to say 'No...hell no' but he was never given the chance because Naraku rose a hand to stop his speech. "Don't answer yet. I want to give you time to think about what this means, and how many of those precious lives that you worked so hard to save before will be sacrificed should you refuse."
Naraku stood from his cushion, and walked over to where the hanyou was still huddled against the wall. To Inuyasha's horror he tilted his chin up and planted a chaste kiss on his lips before pulling away. "Take your time Inuyasha. I will be back for my sister in three days, and for your decision." With a smile that seemed too unnatural to be on his face, Naraku turned his back to him and seemed to disappear in gust of smoke. This of course could be considered a good thing, although him leaving left Inuyasha alone...Left him all alone to his very confused thoughts.
His first confused thought being why the hell did Naraku want him as a mate anyways? What was so special about him that a demon lord from god knows where would want to choose him to be a mate after they had only just met? Not only was he a hanyou, but he was a guy, and he didn't know what world Naraku lived on, but being a guy meant no children. So this whole mate thing was pretty much pointless. He just couldn't seem to wrap his fingers around why on earth he wanted him...It was ridiculous. He had to have been joking. Inuyasha nodded to himself. Yes, that was it. He was joking and in three days time he was going to come back here and say that he was and demand a little land or something. Truthfully he couldn't believe that he had thought he was serious in the first place. A little voice in the back of his head kept saying to keep telling himself that and maybe it would be true, and he did his best to ignore the sarcasm behind the statement and did just that.
Well at least he tried to do just that, but every time it was almost buried it would come flaring back, and pretty soon he was becoming close to having a nervous breakdown. Not to mention he also had to deal with all the stuff he had heard about Sesshomaru, and that was enough to make anyone loose it. Sesshomaru...speaking of his stepbrother he really aught to be told about this. Yes, he would tell Sesshomaru and then he would know what to do. After all he wasn't very well going to tell him to go through with this arrangement...Or at least he hoped he wouldn't.
Pushing himself to his feet, Inuyasha decided that the only way to find out was to go see for himself. Plus he could use this as a distraction to get him away from Kagura. Kagura...Naraku had said she was staying here for three days. Which was just if he didn't have enough to worry about without the 'supposed' love of Sesshomaru's life staying at the palace with them. He shook his head...He really needed to find his stepbrother.
You know the whole finding him thing hadn't really been that hard. It was the whole finding him and not killing him right there on the spot thing that was the challenge. He was in the sakura tree forest out in the yard. But the thing was he wasn't alone...Kagura was there as well. Now you might be thinking that this also isn't that big of a deal, but she happened to be laying in his lap as they sat in the shade, and he happened to be stroking her hair rather affectionately as they seemed to be catching up on old times...God he was a bastard, and here he was feeling guilty about Naraku kissing him.
The hurt he was feeling, not to mention flaming jealousy, was overwhelming, and he just wanted to break the two apart at whatever the cost. Because not only did it hurt to see him being nice to someone, but it also hurt to know that what Naraku had told him about the two of their past was no doubt true. They were lovers, and now that the bitch was back he probably didn't even compare in Sesshomaru's eyes. Well there was only one way to find out.
"Sesshomaru." He tried to keep his voice normal, even though all he wanted to do right now was crawl in a little hole and die. At the sound of his name Sesshomaru turned around, and didn't look one bit guilty about being caught in the position he was in.
"What is it?" His voice was cold and cruel, and it hurt to think that although he talked to him this way, he was no doubt whispering sweet nothings into Kagura's ear.
Inuyasha's lip trembled at the thought, and he did his best to keep himself together. "I just...I really need to talk to you." He asked as nicely as possible, even though at the moment all he wanted to do was cuss the bastard out.
Kagura picked her head up and gave a small smile before lying back down. Though she did manage to tug Sesshomaru's ear down to ear mouth to whisper something that sounded remarkably like 'awww he is a lovesick puppy' before letting him back up. You know what that wasn't even the bad part. The bad part was that Sesshomaru gave a small laugh at that and nodded his head in agreement.
"I'm in the middle of something right now. We can talk later." Sesshomaru waved his hand in dismissal, and went back to his tender hair strokes. Inuyasha's lips raised in a snarl. He couldn't believe that he had just dismissed him like. How the hell could he just dismiss him like that!? All the anxiety and anger he had been feeling all day boiled up, and he finally lost it.
"You can fuck her later Sesshy...She's here for three god damn days!" He yelled out, and managed to get the attention of both parties. Though Kagura just looked amused at his outburst, Sesshomaru looked like he might kill him. But did that stop his mouth from running?...No it did not. "What don't like it when I call you Sesshy?...She sure as hell can, but then I shouldn't be surprised. After all, you are her little puppy."
Sesshomaru's features were cold as ice, and really that was worst than him looking pissed. "I suggest you walk away mutt. One more word out of you and I'll slash a hole in your stomach the size of Edo." He knew he should be intimidated by that threat...Well if he had any sense at all he would intimidated by it, but he was much too pissed to think straight, and as such much too pissed to practice good sense.
"Oh don't worry about me puppy...I'm gone. And if you ever find the need to visit your little fuck buddy there you can drop me a line, because chances are we'll be living in the same place." Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed to slits, and his back seemed to tighten in curiosity.
"What are you talking about?" Even though he was doing a good job of hiding it, Inuyasha could tell that his stepbrother was genuinely curious about this whole matter. Well he could go fuck himself if he thought that he was going to sate his curiosity.
"Oh, what kind of a worthless half-breed mutt would I be if I told." Inuyasha was shaking so bad by this time that it was getting hard to get his words out. "Your a smart boy Sessh...I'm sure you can figure that one out a-ll by yourself." He turned around and started running. He half expected Sesshomaru to grab his arm to stop him, or hell even yell, but he didn't, and that hurt worst of all. He was mentally exhausted, and quite close to tears, and he would be damned if he was going to let Sesshomaru see him cry. He would go to the only person who had ever seen him cry before...The only person that had ever seen him in a moment of weakness...He really hoped that Miroku was home.
"So what are you going to do?" Miroku asked the question that he had been asking himself since he had left his meeting with Naraku, and he still couldn't come up with an answer. Miroku had been completely supportive, and not asked him what he was going to do. But apparently now he was over his hardship and had to answer. If he had anymore tears left he would have started crying again just to get out of it.
"I have no idea. My first reaction was to say no, because of..." He trailed of, refusing to say the name of the person he was saving himself for. "But now...I don't want to, but is my happiness worth so many peoples lives? My father could loose his land over this war, and all for me?" He buried his head further into his friend's kimono. "Even though I don't want to, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do it."
"If you didn't do what?" Inuyasha stiffened at the voice. So Sesshomaru had come to find him? Judging by how he frigidly overpronouced every word, he would have to guess that he wasn't at all pleased either. This of course made no difference to him one way or another, because he was still insanely pissed at his stepbrother, and could give a care less whether or not he was angry. In fact the very idea that he was made him happier.
Resituating himself so that he was facing Sesshomaru while still being in Miroku's lap, he gave the youkai a coy smile. "We were just discussing whether or not I was going to let Miroku be top. I mean sure I wanna top, but I couldn't live with myself if I gave my friend here a bad experience." Miroku's eyes widened to saucers as a growl was heard from deep within Sesshomaru's chest cavity.
Miroku poked him on the shoulder, and whispered out of the corner of his mouth in fear. "Hey maybe you shouldn't pin this on me. I mean I thought he was going to kill Kagome the other day and all she did was dance with you." With a fake smile, he waved his friends fears off.
"Oh don't worry about it Miroku. You see he might have used to care, but now he has someone new...or of the two." He stopped himself for a moment. "The point is that he won't care what we do now. I could suck you off right in front of him and he probably wouldn't even bat an eye..." He turned towards Sesshomaru who looked mildly close to strangling him. "Isn't that right big brother?"
Sesshomaru completely bypassed the question, and instead turned glaring eyes on Miroku. "If you value your life human you'll get out of here right now and not interrupt us no matter what you hear." All the color drained from the monk's face, and he glanced back and forth between the two. He seemed torn between his own life and protecting him....How sweet.
"Oh go on Miroku...He's not gonna do anything. We'll be out in a little bit after we have this nice fun chat of ours." With one last look of hesitation, Miroku scrambled up from his place on the cot and practically sprinted towards the door. He almost got away too, but his arm was grabbed by Sesshomaru at the last second, and the look he gave him seemed to almost make him wet his pants.
"If I find out that you've ever touched him in any way that is not platonic than I'll chop off anything you touched him with." Wow...this time he was pretty sure Miroku did wet himself. "Is that understood?" The monk hastily nodded, and all but leaped out of the room and into the safety of the outdoors. With Miroku being gone, that left them in the room alone, and Sesshomaru took full advantage of that right away.
He was on him in an instant. Sesshomaru's weight held him in place, and his hands were immediately pinned above his head. He couldn't even scream, because a mouth was firmly placed over his mouth to keep him quiet. "You know Dagger I can forgive the Miroku thing, because you're obviously upset, and not even you would be stupid enough to actually sleep with him, but what happened today is another matter. Tell me when was it that you completely lost your mind, and maybe we can backtrack to try to find it."
Slowly Sesshomaru uncovered his mouth, and used his now free hand to tilt Inuyasha's face up to look at him. There were so many things he wanted to say to him at the moment, but the only one he managed was. "Why are you here Sesshomaru? You have Kagura, go tie her to a bed and leave me alone." His voice was so dejected, and he really wanted to just fade into the cot he was lying on.
Inuyasha turned his face to the side, and was surprised with how gentle it was grabbed and brought back. "You weren't like this before Naraku, so he had to have been the one to get you so crazy. So what happened between the two of you?" There was concern in his voice, and for a moment Inuyasha almost believed it, but then he remember exactly how callous he had been when he had been upset a little while ago, and the desire to hurt him came back.
Stretching his neck upwards, Inuyasha connected their mouths, and made sure that Sesshomaru's tongue brushed past his lips to enter his. If he could still taste Naraku on his lips, then he knew that Sesshomaru would be able to too. And sure enough not even a moment after his tongue had slipped into his mouth did he pull back with a look of complete and utter revulsion on his face.
"He really did try to sleep with you, didn't he?" There was anger in Sesshomaru's voice that he had never heard before, and for some reason he just wanted to make him angrier.
"Oh no...Naraku was a perfect gentleman. All he did was kiss his future mate good-bye...Don't want to spoil anything before the ceremony." Sesshomaru's irises seemed to flood with red, and Inuyasha gulped in dread of what he had done, but then his stepbrother took a deep breath and his eyes turned back to their normal golden shade.
"Stop with the jealousy stuff Inuyasha. I just want to hear the truth. I don't have time to deal with all your nonsense right now." It was only then when Inuyasha felt how Sesshomaru was actually shaking with trying to keep himself under control. Did the thought of him and Naraku together really make him so angry that he was going to transform?
"Yeah? Well who says its nonsense. It's the deal Naraku made with me. He said he was going to make me his mate," To get Sesshomaru even more upset he added. "Because Sesshomaru doesn't choose to bed just anyone so I must be special, and if he got me he would leave with his army and never return."
Inuyasha cried out when the claws wrapped around his wrists tightened together so hard that it dug into his skin and made him bleed. At the sound of his pain though the claws retreated, as for that matter did his entire body. Sesshomaru practically leaped off the cot, and began stalking across Miroku's hut. "Where are you going?"
Sesshomaru didn't even stop in his trek. "To kill Naraku for ever thinking he could touch you, let alone take you as a concubine." That same possessive jealousy was back in the youkai's voice, and for a moment Inuyasha didn't want it to end. So he did the only think he could do...He stalled.
"Oh what leaving so soon? And here I didn't even get to all the nice things he had to say about you."
Sesshomaru paused in his tracks, but didn't turn around just yet. "I see. He told you about me and Kagura. That's why you acted the way you did." His voice was far away as he digested all of this. "Tell me Dagger what else did he say?"
Pushing himself off of the bed, Inuyasha moved to walk past Sesshomaru and out of the hut, but he did manage to get out yet another scathing statement as he passed. "He told me how you hate mongrels, and that's why you won't sleep with me." Okay so it was bait, but he was telling the truth so it wasn't all that bad.
His bait seemed to have the desired effect when his arm was grabbed in passing, and he was forcefully spun back around. "Did he? And do you believe that's why we haven't slept together yet?" Inuyasha sucked in a deep breath when Sesshomaru's hands moved down to the tie of his kimono and quickly undid the sash. His eyes shut and a tremble racked his spine as graceful hands swiftly pushed the fabric down off his shoulders, leaving him to stand there in only his flesh. "Do you really think I hate you Inuyasha?" The last part was said in a soft whisper just outside his earlobe, and he couldn't even bring himself to breathe, let alone actually speak. The only response he could bring himself to give was a slight shake of his head and a pathetic whimper when silk covered arms came to wrap around his bare waist. "Good..." Was said in a low throaty growl that was masked behind obvious arousal. "Go get on the bed."
The instructions were clear, as was the fact of what Sesshomaru wanted to do once they got to the bed. Though Inuyasha didn't hesitate to do what he was told, and he timidly sat down on the bed, doing his best to cover himself as he did so. Sesshomaru didn't join him on the bed, but instead sort of circled the area like a hawk looking for its prey. "Lie back." Giving Sesshomaru a questioning look, Inuyasha did as he was told, and laid flat on his back with his legs bent at the knee and closed in front of him to preserve some of his dignity. Though by the way things were going he didn't know how much of that he was even going to have left. "Open your legs Dagger, and stretch your arms above your head." By this point Inuyasha was trying desperately to control his breathing. "Close your eyes In-u-ya-sha." With a deep breath he once again did as he was told, trying to desperately to ignore just how arousing all of this was, and the way he said his said his was enough to almost make him loose it right there.
Inuyasha lay there for almost a minute in complete darkness with the only sound in the room being his shallow breathing. His skin was tingling in anticipation about what could possibly be next. "I know you want me to touch you Dagger." Inuyasha exhaled a sharp breath as the youkai's voice appeared right next to his ear. "Your body yearns for my touch just as mine yearns to touch yours." Inuyasha's mouth dropped open in a moan as one finger slid tantalizingly all the way down his body and up again. "Show me where. I want to know where it is you most want to be touched."
The hanyou opened his legs wider to show just where he was aching to touched, but for some reason Sesshomaru grabbed his hand instead. "You misunderstand me. I want you to show me how you want to be touched." Inuyasha gulped. That was without a doubt the most erotic thing anyone had ever said to him. The hand that Sesshomaru had grabbed was led all the way down his body, and placed just above his need. "Show me how much you want me."
His hand shakily moved further down until his fingertips touched his erection. He couldn't believe this was happening...It seemed almost unreal. Even more so when his cold clammy hands wrapped around himself. He had to bite his lip to stop the moan from leaving his mouth as he started to stroke himself. "Tell me am I the one touching you like that? Or is Naraku?" Inuyasha shook his head, but he wasn't sure if it was to answer the question or just because he was in the throws of pleasure. "Tell me who do you dream about every night. Whose name do you wake up screaming in the morning. Who did you beg to fuck you this morning?"
Inuyasha had began to arch his back and buck into his own hand as images that Sesshomaru was the one doing this to him entered his mind. Pleasure shot up his spin when he felt a hand cover his own, quickening the pace as it did. "When you climax scream out their name." Inuyasha's eyes were clenched shut as he was practically bent over himself. His breathing was coming out in deep labored gasps and soon he couldn't even feel himself anymore, all he could feel was Sesshomaru's hand on top of his...All he could feel was the one he desired bringing him to completion.
Every nerve in his body felt like it was on fire. He had touched himself before, hell he had even fooled around with Kagome once or twice, but nothing like this. This felt like his entire body was both burning and freezing at the same time. It was like he could feel every molecule of his body and be able to identify them all in his pleasure...It was like heaven.
Soon his own hand fell to the side, but the pleasing strokes didn't cease. "Open your eyes Inuyasha." He was almost too out of it to understand the command, but he got just what he meant at the last second and cracked his eyes open. Though when he did he had to blink a few times just to be able to comprehend what he was seeing.
Sesshomaru had climbed on top of him by this time, and his eyes were blood red as he stared down at him with a look of utmost want. Unconsciously his hand reached up and stroked the youkai's cheek, loving the way his hand covered his own. "Promise me something Dagger...Swear to me that you'll never look like this for anyone else."
Inuyasha tilted his head to the side. What was he talking about? What did he look like, and why was Sesshomaru so much on the edge. This wasn't like him, he was always calm cool and collected. But most importantly, why had he stopped stroking. Still keeping his one hand on his cheek, he put his other hand on his face as well. "Sesshomaru I swear to you that I will do whatever you want, but I'm a sex starved hanyou, and I need this right now."
The hand that was wrapped around his member retreated altogether, and Inuyasha almost howled in utter frustration. That is until he saw the confused look covering his stepbrother's face. "I can't sleep with you." No. Fucking. Way. He was not going to leave him high and dry again. He would get an orgasm if it killed him!
"Why the hell not!?" Inuyasha hand traveled down to Sesshomaru's still clothed body and undid the tie of his kimono, quickly slipping it off his body. "I need this Sessh...You need this...Please...I'm begging you."
"Do not ask me to do this Inuyasha. I can not!" His voice was raised past the quiet chilling tone he usually used, and it made Inuyasha fall silent. "I'll sate your wants, but do not ask that of me. I have instincts, and I barely control what they're telling me to do now and I'm barely touching you." Sesshomaru leaned down laying soft butterfly kisses on his neck and down his collarbone. Inuyasha's eyes reshut when his small licks and kisses reached his finely sculpted chest, and stopped to properly suck on each one of his abs on his stomach.
Inuyasha cried out when those kisses reached his thigh, and once there traveled back upwards, curiously avoided the one spot that throbbed to be licked. Between ragged breaths, Inuyasha managed to get out. "Y-you''re a tease." He let out a throaty moan when in reply to his statement Sesshomaru placed a small lick on the tip of his member before no doubt leaving countless hickies all over his thighs and lower stomach.
That talented tongue once more graced the area, but this time wasn't playful. This time he slowly and deliberately licked all the way up, stopping to vibrate it on the sensitive vein running up the side. Inuyasha's leg kicked out as his entire body began to seize up. Warmth was pooling in his groin, and he already knew what disaster was about to happen.
"SESSHOMARU!" He screamed out his lover's name as he shot his seed into that awaiting mouth, watching with lidded eyes as some of it spilled down the side of his shaft. Though he really preferred it, because as it did, Sesshomaru leaned down to lick it up. Stopping for a long while to clean off his stomach, and as he did he looked like a cat lapping up milk. He had never experienced anything that felt so great in his life, and he was still trying his hardest to make his way down from Cloud 9.
Kisses were laid all the way up his body, until they reached his face, and a then a sloppy kiss was placed on his lips. "Are you still sex starved Dagger?" Inuyasha gave a small tired smile.
"No...but you probably can't say the same thing." His cheeks tinted with embarrassment, and he had to actually look the other way before spitting out the next part. "Oh and sorry about...Well you know going so soon and everything."
His face was pulled back and another kiss was placed on his lips. "Don't be sorry. After all not everyone can say that they got you to cum with just one lick...I take it as a compliment." With another smile, Inuyasha snuggled closer to the one who had just given him what like everything he could ever want or dream of. "Inuyasha?" Not wanting to pick his head up, he just sort of 'hmmmd' against Sesshomaru's chest. That seemed enough for the dog demon though, because he continued on. "I want you to remember what you felt tonight, because if I ever find out that you touched someone else, or if they touched you, the only one to 'leave and never return' will be me. And when I do leave I'll make you wish that you had never existed."
More than a little worried, Inuyasha picked his head up from his lover's chest and looked him in the eyes...which were thankfully now back to golden. "I would never cheat on you by choice Sessh...I promised you remember...I'll never look like this for anyone else." Whatever the hell that meant. Truthfully he thought Sesshomaru was a little whacked out when had said it, but it was kinda sweet, so he wasn't going to argue. Inuyasha leaned forward kissing the youkai on the lips, before mouthing into the kiss once again. 'I promise' Thoughts of the deal between himself and Naraku filled his head, and he really hoped that this was promise he would be able to keep.
Chapter 6 Naraku's proposition and Sesshomaru's decision
Inuyasha stared morosely forward at the demon lord who seemed to be gazing at him with a look that made severely uncomfortable. He still couldn't believe he was even here in the first place. So he had killed a couple demons...big deal. They were invading his land, or his father's land in any case, and they had a pact to uphold with the slayers...regardless of what Sesshomaru might think. Then why this need for retribution? Why all the familiarity? He had seen the looks Sesshomaru, Amarante, and these two demons had shared. More importantly he had seen the way Sesshomaru had looked almost longingly at that Kagura bitch. He wanted to know what the connection between the two was, and he wanted to know it before he made 'arrangements' with this Naraku. He didn't know why but it felt like something was being hidden from him. Something he knew was a grave significance.
He cursed his father for being away at a time like this. He had gone to assist some of their allies with a squabble with the western panther demon tribe, and had been at battle ever since. He wasn't even due back for another couple of weeks. Inuyasha scowled to himself. If his father was going to leave him in charge he might have thought about leaving little notes about what he was supposed to do in times like these. Oh but wait...he remembered now. His father had left with a secure mind because he had his bitch of a wife here, and her capable son. Well you know what, he didn't care if it was childish, when his father got home he was so telling on them both...Right now though he just had to make it through this meeting.
Trying to look as regal and professional as possible, Inuyasha straightened on the pillow his stepmother had pushed him onto, and looked Naraku in the eyes. All the while doing his very best not to be at all intimidated by how they seemed to glow red as they stared back into his. Naraku had said they would be discussing the conditions of 'surrender' and so he figured they sooner they got them discussed, the sooner he got to get the hell out of dodge.
"Why the hell should we give you anything Naraku?" He spit his name out like venom as he tried his best to look as intimidating as he had seen his father so many times before. "You so-called 'brothers' were attacking one of our allies. I was only coming to defend them against their enemies, so in a way you attacked us first." He crossed his arms and stuck his chin up in a very dignified manner...or so he thought at least. "I think I should be the one coming to your home and asking for retribution, not the other way around." He had to hand it to himself...he had a point. "So how bout it Naraku. Whatcha gonna give me to stop from killing your sorry ass?"
"Inuyasha!" Oh yeah, he had forgotten that she was still there. He glanced over to his stepmother and saw her eyes with blazing with fury. "How dare you talk to our guest with such disrespect. Apologize immediately. These are negotiations, not five year squabbles." He narrowed his eyes at her.
"Why thank you so much for informing me of that fact. How could I have been so thoughtless." He glanced back to Naraku. "Please tell me what you're gonna give me to stop from killing your sorry ass." With a smirk of defiance he glanced back to the heartless woman. "Better?"
What sounded remarkably like a hiss escaped from her throat and she sprang forward, grabbing onto his ear as she did. "That it is. You are out of this room. Go fetch your brother, and he'll handle this matter. Obviously you don't have a mature bone in your body...Your father would be so disappointed."
With a growl he batted Amarante's hand away. What his father saw in this whore he would never have any idea. Well it might have had something to do with the fact that she was one of the only Inu-youkai left in existence, but still...she was such a bitch. "I can handle a stupid negotiation." He snapped. "I don't need his help" As an afterthought he added. "And stop calling him my brother. We're not even related by blood."
Amarante's lip curled into what appeared to be a smile, and she once again seated herself on the pillow. "Oh make no mistake about it Inuyasha, my darling Sesshomaru is your brother." That smile turned much more sinister than when it had started, and her eyes seemed to become alight with mischief. "But then I can see why you wouldn't want me to call him that...Wouldn't want to feel guilty, now would we?"
His hands clenched together in anger, and he glanced over to Naraku who seemed to be just listening on in silence...Sinking it all in was more like it. The bastard probably knew exactly what they were referring to, and now was filing it away as some potential weakness...Damn that bitch was dumb. Speaking of her... "Drop it Amarante." Inuyasha's voice held a hint of the danger that would come if she didn't, but he thought he aught to make sure that she didn't make anymore 'accidental' slip ups. "What the hell are you doing in here anyways? I don't need a babysitter. I'm my father's heir, and as such I'll take care of these matters myself. You're not needed here anymore mother."
They glared daggers at each other for what felt like ages, before she finally gave in and stood up. Inuyasha smiled to himself triumphantly...He always did kick ass when it came to staring contests. Amarante turned towards Naraku and bowed. "I am sorry for my son's unruly behavior, but you must understand that he has poor manners and really doesn't know any better. I wish Sesshomaru could have been here to help keep him in line," She shrugged. "but alas, your sister always has to hog him when she comes to visit."
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, and as if that comment wasn't bad enough, Naraku had to reply with one even worse. "It's perfectly alright Amarante. It would have been easier to discuss this with the calmer of the two, but Kagura does so enjoy these visits with her little puppy." Inuyasha was pretty sure that by this time smoke was coming out of his ears. Her little puppy? HER LITTLE PUPPY! He was about to respond with a barrage of obscenities, or just skip the obscenities and slice them both to a million pieces, but Naraku beat him to the punch. "Besides this fiery attitude of his suits me perfectly." The demon glanced towards him, and the look he gave him made the hanyou's blood run cold. "It was Inuyasha I came here to see after all. It wouldn't be fair if we discussed terms involving him if he didn't at least have a little say."
Okay now he was confused. Inuyasha rose an eyebrow at the statement. Why in the world would he be part of the negotiations? What the hell did he have that Naraku wanted? His eyes widened to saucers as he remembered the conversation he had had with Sesshomaru just before they had come here. He had been so pissed that he had just left him for some whore that he hadn't been able to recall, but he sure as hell did now. "He's lecherous Dagger, and if it comes to what I think it will you should do well to remember what I told you earlier." Inuyasha's eyes closed in remembrance as he could practically fell Sesshomaru inhaling his scent...Memorizing him before they had to part. "That you are mine." You know his were closed, that is until the entirety of that statement sunk in, and then they flew open at lightning speed.
Sesshomaru knew! Sesshomaru knew that he was going to part of these ridiculous terms, and yet he left him anyways? What the hell was he thinking. That was when he remembered how he hadn't been shocked at all to see Naraku, but he had looked a little surprised to see Kagura. That fucking bastard...He left him for that stupid whore! His teeth clenched so hard that one of his fangs pierced his bottom lip. He didn't even notice the small pearl of blood that had formed from the wound, nor did he even bother to wipe it away as it slid down his chin. He was much too pissed for that. As a matter of fact he couldn't think of anything other than his anger, that is until he heard the door slide shut. Then he could think of something else...He would have to. That door sliding shut meant that Amarante had left, and it she had left that meant only one thing...He was alone with Naraku. Oh yes, he was alone, and for the first time ever he was wishing that his stepmother was still around to help him.
Gulping, Inuyasha nervously glanced back to the spot where Naraku was sitting, only to find out that he had moved remarkably closer. As a matter of fact he had moved a lot close in fact that he was practically on top of him. Inuyasha tried to scoot back, but his thighs were grabbed. "Don't worry Inuyasha, I'm not going to hurt you. I just like to sample my conquests. That way I know if they're really deserving." Naraku's head tilted to the side as a smirk came to his face. "But from the looks of you, and the fact that you're covered in that stench, and can pretty much guess that you're going to be."
Feeling more than a little repulsed, Inuyasha slid the hands on his thighs off, before scooting his way back into the corner. "Good, than I guess you won't be needing the sample." That was when a question popped into his head about Naraku's previous comment. "And what smell?"
Inuyasha had to bite his lip to stop from saying anything when he saw Naraku practically lick his lips in anticipation. "Why that would be Sesshomaru." His smirk widened. "Or rather his arousal." He couldn't help it, at hearing just what it was he smelt like Inuyasha's cheeks tinted a dark red. "Oh don't be embarrassed. You should be proud...Sesshomaru doesn't choose to bed just anyone after all." Inuyasha sputtered, but for the life of him he couldn't think of a decent response. But really, what do you say to that? "Though he hasn't yet, has he?"
He didn't have to say anything to that. He could just stare down at the floor and act as if he hadn't heard the question. After all what business was it of Naraku's was him and Sesshomaru did. And yet his head seemed to move of it's own free will to look into his eyes. Damn...everyone was always telling him how easy he is to read, which meant that by way of his actions Naraku already had his answer without him saying a word.
"He hasn't." Inuyasha scowled. Even if he was right that didn't mean that he ahd to sound so damn amused about it. "You do know that that means only one thing." The bastard paused for dramatic effect, and Inuyasha couldn't help it, his curiosity was peaked.
"Yeah and what's that asshole?" He tried to sound patronizing, but he was mildly sure that instead he just came off as desperate.
By the look on Naraku's face he realized he definitely had come off as desperate. "That he's ashamed of you of course." Inuyasha's breath hitched in his throat, and his perky ears drooped a little. That couldn't be true. Images of all the times Sesshomaru had called him worthless, or pathetic, or a mutt, crossed his mind. Well it could be true, but that didn't give this bastard the right to say it. "Oh don't look so sad Inuyasha. He obviously wants you, if that makes you feel any better...He probably wants you more than anything he's ever wanted before." His ears perked back up at that, and sadly something akin to a smile came to his face...God he was such a love sick puppy. Just one word that Sesshomaru liked him and he was ready to start hugging the nearest thing...even in this situation. "He'll never take you though." That little happy bubble he had been residing in exploded at those four words, and he was back to his weary state of mind.
"What are you talking about? He would have taken me this morning if my bitch of a stepmother hadn't walked in. And he'll take me as soon as we're done here. He has no qualms about sleeping with me, that I can assure you." Now Inuyasha thought he had finalized that argument, unfortunately Naraku immediately shot back with.
"Then why hasn't he? If he's so ready and willing, then why is it that the most the two of you have done is probably dry humped?"
"I told you that Amarante..." Inuyasha started, but apparently Naraku wasn't even going to give the chance to voice a reply.
"He hasn't claimed you, because in his mind you're not good enough for him." That struck harder than any physical blow ever could, and he was suddenly regretting ever getting into this conversation in the first place. "You're a hanyou Inuyasha, a half-breed, a mutt...I'm sure he's reminded you of that several times." Inuyasha was speechless, but from the forlorn look you could what his answer was. "That's because he despises your kind, and he despises you most of all, because even though you're just a worthless mutt, you're still going control the western lands someday."
It felt like he was in a daze. Things had been so good this morning, and now he felt like he was completely lost. "How is it..." He finally found his usually brash voice, only now it was weak and far away. "How is it that you know so much about Sesshomaru?"
"We grew up together. Me, Sesshomaru, and of course Kagura. The dog demon and I were never really that close, but him and my sister spent every day together since he learned to walk. They shared their first kiss when they were just fledglings. They fucked as soon as your stepbrother learned what that word meant...They were inseperatable, and I'm fairly certain that what Sesshomaru feels for my sister is the closest thing to love he'll ever get to."
Inuyasha was shaking by this time. Every time Naraku spoke it seemed a little bit of himself was slipping away. Why was it that just to hear about Kagura and Sesshomaru together made him feel like someone was stabbing a knife in his heart? This was ridiculous...For one thing it was in the past, and for another, him and Sesshomaru weren't even together...not really. In all probability it was most likely just as Naraku had said, Sesshomaru wanted to screw him, but that was all, and he couldn't even stomach doing that.
No, it couldn't be true. After all what did he really know about Naraku except that he was obviously a pervert? He could be making this up...Kagura and Sesshomaru weren't really that close. His stepbrother was cold, callous, he couldn't be that close to anyone. "You're a liar." He boldly stated. "But it doesn't matter. We didn't come here to talk about my family. We came here to talk about what you wanted, and as of yet you haven't said a damn thing about just what that could be."
That same sinister smirk came back to Naraku's face, and upon mentioning of the deal he seemed to give him the up and down. "Why that's simple Inuyasha. I want you." Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at that.
"Me?" He couldn't be serious? Of course he had thought that he might want to bed him...Sesshomaru's hints had led him to that conclusion...but was that all?
Naraku nodded. "You give yourself to me unconditionally, let me mark you as a mate, and I'll leave these lands and never return." Inuyasha was pretty sure that his jaw had hit the floor. Mates!? He wanted to mate with him?...There was no way...he couldn't.
"Why?" He accidentally voiced one of the questions he had been asking himself in his head, and to it Naraku raised an eyebrow.
"You are the prince of the western lands. Has Sesshomaru really lowered your esteem so much so that you don't even think you're good enough to be bed by anyone?" His head tilted to the side. "Let me put it this way Inuyasha, you let me worry about why I want you, all you have to worry about is whether or not I can take you." Inuyasha opened his mouth to say 'No...hell no' but he was never given the chance because Naraku rose a hand to stop his speech. "Don't answer yet. I want to give you time to think about what this means, and how many of those precious lives that you worked so hard to save before will be sacrificed should you refuse."
Naraku stood from his cushion, and walked over to where the hanyou was still huddled against the wall. To Inuyasha's horror he tilted his chin up and planted a chaste kiss on his lips before pulling away. "Take your time Inuyasha. I will be back for my sister in three days, and for your decision." With a smile that seemed too unnatural to be on his face, Naraku turned his back to him and seemed to disappear in gust of smoke. This of course could be considered a good thing, although him leaving left Inuyasha alone...Left him all alone to his very confused thoughts.
His first confused thought being why the hell did Naraku want him as a mate anyways? What was so special about him that a demon lord from god knows where would want to choose him to be a mate after they had only just met? Not only was he a hanyou, but he was a guy, and he didn't know what world Naraku lived on, but being a guy meant no children. So this whole mate thing was pretty much pointless. He just couldn't seem to wrap his fingers around why on earth he wanted him...It was ridiculous. He had to have been joking. Inuyasha nodded to himself. Yes, that was it. He was joking and in three days time he was going to come back here and say that he was and demand a little land or something. Truthfully he couldn't believe that he had thought he was serious in the first place. A little voice in the back of his head kept saying to keep telling himself that and maybe it would be true, and he did his best to ignore the sarcasm behind the statement and did just that.
Well at least he tried to do just that, but every time it was almost buried it would come flaring back, and pretty soon he was becoming close to having a nervous breakdown. Not to mention he also had to deal with all the stuff he had heard about Sesshomaru, and that was enough to make anyone loose it. Sesshomaru...speaking of his stepbrother he really aught to be told about this. Yes, he would tell Sesshomaru and then he would know what to do. After all he wasn't very well going to tell him to go through with this arrangement...Or at least he hoped he wouldn't.
Pushing himself to his feet, Inuyasha decided that the only way to find out was to go see for himself. Plus he could use this as a distraction to get him away from Kagura. Kagura...Naraku had said she was staying here for three days. Which was just if he didn't have enough to worry about without the 'supposed' love of Sesshomaru's life staying at the palace with them. He shook his head...He really needed to find his stepbrother.
You know the whole finding him thing hadn't really been that hard. It was the whole finding him and not killing him right there on the spot thing that was the challenge. He was in the sakura tree forest out in the yard. But the thing was he wasn't alone...Kagura was there as well. Now you might be thinking that this also isn't that big of a deal, but she happened to be laying in his lap as they sat in the shade, and he happened to be stroking her hair rather affectionately as they seemed to be catching up on old times...God he was a bastard, and here he was feeling guilty about Naraku kissing him.
The hurt he was feeling, not to mention flaming jealousy, was overwhelming, and he just wanted to break the two apart at whatever the cost. Because not only did it hurt to see him being nice to someone, but it also hurt to know that what Naraku had told him about the two of their past was no doubt true. They were lovers, and now that the bitch was back he probably didn't even compare in Sesshomaru's eyes. Well there was only one way to find out.
"Sesshomaru." He tried to keep his voice normal, even though all he wanted to do right now was crawl in a little hole and die. At the sound of his name Sesshomaru turned around, and didn't look one bit guilty about being caught in the position he was in.
"What is it?" His voice was cold and cruel, and it hurt to think that although he talked to him this way, he was no doubt whispering sweet nothings into Kagura's ear.
Inuyasha's lip trembled at the thought, and he did his best to keep himself together. "I just...I really need to talk to you." He asked as nicely as possible, even though at the moment all he wanted to do was cuss the bastard out.
Kagura picked her head up and gave a small smile before lying back down. Though she did manage to tug Sesshomaru's ear down to ear mouth to whisper something that sounded remarkably like 'awww he is a lovesick puppy' before letting him back up. You know what that wasn't even the bad part. The bad part was that Sesshomaru gave a small laugh at that and nodded his head in agreement.
"I'm in the middle of something right now. We can talk later." Sesshomaru waved his hand in dismissal, and went back to his tender hair strokes. Inuyasha's lips raised in a snarl. He couldn't believe that he had just dismissed him like. How the hell could he just dismiss him like that!? All the anxiety and anger he had been feeling all day boiled up, and he finally lost it.
"You can fuck her later Sesshy...She's here for three god damn days!" He yelled out, and managed to get the attention of both parties. Though Kagura just looked amused at his outburst, Sesshomaru looked like he might kill him. But did that stop his mouth from running?...No it did not. "What don't like it when I call you Sesshy?...She sure as hell can, but then I shouldn't be surprised. After all, you are her little puppy."
Sesshomaru's features were cold as ice, and really that was worst than him looking pissed. "I suggest you walk away mutt. One more word out of you and I'll slash a hole in your stomach the size of Edo." He knew he should be intimidated by that threat...Well if he had any sense at all he would intimidated by it, but he was much too pissed to think straight, and as such much too pissed to practice good sense.
"Oh don't worry about me puppy...I'm gone. And if you ever find the need to visit your little fuck buddy there you can drop me a line, because chances are we'll be living in the same place." Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed to slits, and his back seemed to tighten in curiosity.
"What are you talking about?" Even though he was doing a good job of hiding it, Inuyasha could tell that his stepbrother was genuinely curious about this whole matter. Well he could go fuck himself if he thought that he was going to sate his curiosity.
"Oh, what kind of a worthless half-breed mutt would I be if I told." Inuyasha was shaking so bad by this time that it was getting hard to get his words out. "Your a smart boy Sessh...I'm sure you can figure that one out a-ll by yourself." He turned around and started running. He half expected Sesshomaru to grab his arm to stop him, or hell even yell, but he didn't, and that hurt worst of all. He was mentally exhausted, and quite close to tears, and he would be damned if he was going to let Sesshomaru see him cry. He would go to the only person who had ever seen him cry before...The only person that had ever seen him in a moment of weakness...He really hoped that Miroku was home.
Inuyasha stared blankly at the wall of Miroku's small hut. His eyes were red and puffy from the tears that had long since stopped. The sun was just setting and he had been here like this for the greater part of the day. This being huddled on Miroku's bed, head in his lap, and letting his best friend comfort him and tell him that it was alright. Which of course was a crock of shit, because it was about as far from alright as you could possibly get. But still he was making the effort, and he did always like the feel a hands kneading through his hair. It was like when Sesshomaru touched his hair, but Sesshomaru was an ass and Miroku wasn't, so if given the choice he would be getting pet by his friend any day."So what are you going to do?" Miroku asked the question that he had been asking himself since he had left his meeting with Naraku, and he still couldn't come up with an answer. Miroku had been completely supportive, and not asked him what he was going to do. But apparently now he was over his hardship and had to answer. If he had anymore tears left he would have started crying again just to get out of it.
"I have no idea. My first reaction was to say no, because of..." He trailed of, refusing to say the name of the person he was saving himself for. "But now...I don't want to, but is my happiness worth so many peoples lives? My father could loose his land over this war, and all for me?" He buried his head further into his friend's kimono. "Even though I don't want to, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do it."
"If you didn't do what?" Inuyasha stiffened at the voice. So Sesshomaru had come to find him? Judging by how he frigidly overpronouced every word, he would have to guess that he wasn't at all pleased either. This of course made no difference to him one way or another, because he was still insanely pissed at his stepbrother, and could give a care less whether or not he was angry. In fact the very idea that he was made him happier.
Resituating himself so that he was facing Sesshomaru while still being in Miroku's lap, he gave the youkai a coy smile. "We were just discussing whether or not I was going to let Miroku be top. I mean sure I wanna top, but I couldn't live with myself if I gave my friend here a bad experience." Miroku's eyes widened to saucers as a growl was heard from deep within Sesshomaru's chest cavity.
Miroku poked him on the shoulder, and whispered out of the corner of his mouth in fear. "Hey maybe you shouldn't pin this on me. I mean I thought he was going to kill Kagome the other day and all she did was dance with you." With a fake smile, he waved his friends fears off.
"Oh don't worry about it Miroku. You see he might have used to care, but now he has someone new...or of the two." He stopped himself for a moment. "The point is that he won't care what we do now. I could suck you off right in front of him and he probably wouldn't even bat an eye..." He turned towards Sesshomaru who looked mildly close to strangling him. "Isn't that right big brother?"
Sesshomaru completely bypassed the question, and instead turned glaring eyes on Miroku. "If you value your life human you'll get out of here right now and not interrupt us no matter what you hear." All the color drained from the monk's face, and he glanced back and forth between the two. He seemed torn between his own life and protecting him....How sweet.
"Oh go on Miroku...He's not gonna do anything. We'll be out in a little bit after we have this nice fun chat of ours." With one last look of hesitation, Miroku scrambled up from his place on the cot and practically sprinted towards the door. He almost got away too, but his arm was grabbed by Sesshomaru at the last second, and the look he gave him seemed to almost make him wet his pants.
"If I find out that you've ever touched him in any way that is not platonic than I'll chop off anything you touched him with." Wow...this time he was pretty sure Miroku did wet himself. "Is that understood?" The monk hastily nodded, and all but leaped out of the room and into the safety of the outdoors. With Miroku being gone, that left them in the room alone, and Sesshomaru took full advantage of that right away.
He was on him in an instant. Sesshomaru's weight held him in place, and his hands were immediately pinned above his head. He couldn't even scream, because a mouth was firmly placed over his mouth to keep him quiet. "You know Dagger I can forgive the Miroku thing, because you're obviously upset, and not even you would be stupid enough to actually sleep with him, but what happened today is another matter. Tell me when was it that you completely lost your mind, and maybe we can backtrack to try to find it."
Slowly Sesshomaru uncovered his mouth, and used his now free hand to tilt Inuyasha's face up to look at him. There were so many things he wanted to say to him at the moment, but the only one he managed was. "Why are you here Sesshomaru? You have Kagura, go tie her to a bed and leave me alone." His voice was so dejected, and he really wanted to just fade into the cot he was lying on.
Inuyasha turned his face to the side, and was surprised with how gentle it was grabbed and brought back. "You weren't like this before Naraku, so he had to have been the one to get you so crazy. So what happened between the two of you?" There was concern in his voice, and for a moment Inuyasha almost believed it, but then he remember exactly how callous he had been when he had been upset a little while ago, and the desire to hurt him came back.
Stretching his neck upwards, Inuyasha connected their mouths, and made sure that Sesshomaru's tongue brushed past his lips to enter his. If he could still taste Naraku on his lips, then he knew that Sesshomaru would be able to too. And sure enough not even a moment after his tongue had slipped into his mouth did he pull back with a look of complete and utter revulsion on his face.
"He really did try to sleep with you, didn't he?" There was anger in Sesshomaru's voice that he had never heard before, and for some reason he just wanted to make him angrier.
"Oh no...Naraku was a perfect gentleman. All he did was kiss his future mate good-bye...Don't want to spoil anything before the ceremony." Sesshomaru's irises seemed to flood with red, and Inuyasha gulped in dread of what he had done, but then his stepbrother took a deep breath and his eyes turned back to their normal golden shade.
"Stop with the jealousy stuff Inuyasha. I just want to hear the truth. I don't have time to deal with all your nonsense right now." It was only then when Inuyasha felt how Sesshomaru was actually shaking with trying to keep himself under control. Did the thought of him and Naraku together really make him so angry that he was going to transform?
"Yeah? Well who says its nonsense. It's the deal Naraku made with me. He said he was going to make me his mate," To get Sesshomaru even more upset he added. "Because Sesshomaru doesn't choose to bed just anyone so I must be special, and if he got me he would leave with his army and never return."
Inuyasha cried out when the claws wrapped around his wrists tightened together so hard that it dug into his skin and made him bleed. At the sound of his pain though the claws retreated, as for that matter did his entire body. Sesshomaru practically leaped off the cot, and began stalking across Miroku's hut. "Where are you going?"
Sesshomaru didn't even stop in his trek. "To kill Naraku for ever thinking he could touch you, let alone take you as a concubine." That same possessive jealousy was back in the youkai's voice, and for a moment Inuyasha didn't want it to end. So he did the only think he could do...He stalled.
"Oh what leaving so soon? And here I didn't even get to all the nice things he had to say about you."
Sesshomaru paused in his tracks, but didn't turn around just yet. "I see. He told you about me and Kagura. That's why you acted the way you did." His voice was far away as he digested all of this. "Tell me Dagger what else did he say?"
Pushing himself off of the bed, Inuyasha moved to walk past Sesshomaru and out of the hut, but he did manage to get out yet another scathing statement as he passed. "He told me how you hate mongrels, and that's why you won't sleep with me." Okay so it was bait, but he was telling the truth so it wasn't all that bad.
His bait seemed to have the desired effect when his arm was grabbed in passing, and he was forcefully spun back around. "Did he? And do you believe that's why we haven't slept together yet?" Inuyasha sucked in a deep breath when Sesshomaru's hands moved down to the tie of his kimono and quickly undid the sash. His eyes shut and a tremble racked his spine as graceful hands swiftly pushed the fabric down off his shoulders, leaving him to stand there in only his flesh. "Do you really think I hate you Inuyasha?" The last part was said in a soft whisper just outside his earlobe, and he couldn't even bring himself to breathe, let alone actually speak. The only response he could bring himself to give was a slight shake of his head and a pathetic whimper when silk covered arms came to wrap around his bare waist. "Good..." Was said in a low throaty growl that was masked behind obvious arousal. "Go get on the bed."
The instructions were clear, as was the fact of what Sesshomaru wanted to do once they got to the bed. Though Inuyasha didn't hesitate to do what he was told, and he timidly sat down on the bed, doing his best to cover himself as he did so. Sesshomaru didn't join him on the bed, but instead sort of circled the area like a hawk looking for its prey. "Lie back." Giving Sesshomaru a questioning look, Inuyasha did as he was told, and laid flat on his back with his legs bent at the knee and closed in front of him to preserve some of his dignity. Though by the way things were going he didn't know how much of that he was even going to have left. "Open your legs Dagger, and stretch your arms above your head." By this point Inuyasha was trying desperately to control his breathing. "Close your eyes In-u-ya-sha." With a deep breath he once again did as he was told, trying to desperately to ignore just how arousing all of this was, and the way he said his said his was enough to almost make him loose it right there.
Inuyasha lay there for almost a minute in complete darkness with the only sound in the room being his shallow breathing. His skin was tingling in anticipation about what could possibly be next. "I know you want me to touch you Dagger." Inuyasha exhaled a sharp breath as the youkai's voice appeared right next to his ear. "Your body yearns for my touch just as mine yearns to touch yours." Inuyasha's mouth dropped open in a moan as one finger slid tantalizingly all the way down his body and up again. "Show me where. I want to know where it is you most want to be touched."
The hanyou opened his legs wider to show just where he was aching to touched, but for some reason Sesshomaru grabbed his hand instead. "You misunderstand me. I want you to show me how you want to be touched." Inuyasha gulped. That was without a doubt the most erotic thing anyone had ever said to him. The hand that Sesshomaru had grabbed was led all the way down his body, and placed just above his need. "Show me how much you want me."
His hand shakily moved further down until his fingertips touched his erection. He couldn't believe this was happening...It seemed almost unreal. Even more so when his cold clammy hands wrapped around himself. He had to bite his lip to stop the moan from leaving his mouth as he started to stroke himself. "Tell me am I the one touching you like that? Or is Naraku?" Inuyasha shook his head, but he wasn't sure if it was to answer the question or just because he was in the throws of pleasure. "Tell me who do you dream about every night. Whose name do you wake up screaming in the morning. Who did you beg to fuck you this morning?"
Inuyasha had began to arch his back and buck into his own hand as images that Sesshomaru was the one doing this to him entered his mind. Pleasure shot up his spin when he felt a hand cover his own, quickening the pace as it did. "When you climax scream out their name." Inuyasha's eyes were clenched shut as he was practically bent over himself. His breathing was coming out in deep labored gasps and soon he couldn't even feel himself anymore, all he could feel was Sesshomaru's hand on top of his...All he could feel was the one he desired bringing him to completion.
Every nerve in his body felt like it was on fire. He had touched himself before, hell he had even fooled around with Kagome once or twice, but nothing like this. This felt like his entire body was both burning and freezing at the same time. It was like he could feel every molecule of his body and be able to identify them all in his pleasure...It was like heaven.
Soon his own hand fell to the side, but the pleasing strokes didn't cease. "Open your eyes Inuyasha." He was almost too out of it to understand the command, but he got just what he meant at the last second and cracked his eyes open. Though when he did he had to blink a few times just to be able to comprehend what he was seeing.
Sesshomaru had climbed on top of him by this time, and his eyes were blood red as he stared down at him with a look of utmost want. Unconsciously his hand reached up and stroked the youkai's cheek, loving the way his hand covered his own. "Promise me something Dagger...Swear to me that you'll never look like this for anyone else."
Inuyasha tilted his head to the side. What was he talking about? What did he look like, and why was Sesshomaru so much on the edge. This wasn't like him, he was always calm cool and collected. But most importantly, why had he stopped stroking. Still keeping his one hand on his cheek, he put his other hand on his face as well. "Sesshomaru I swear to you that I will do whatever you want, but I'm a sex starved hanyou, and I need this right now."
The hand that was wrapped around his member retreated altogether, and Inuyasha almost howled in utter frustration. That is until he saw the confused look covering his stepbrother's face. "I can't sleep with you." No. Fucking. Way. He was not going to leave him high and dry again. He would get an orgasm if it killed him!
"Why the hell not!?" Inuyasha hand traveled down to Sesshomaru's still clothed body and undid the tie of his kimono, quickly slipping it off his body. "I need this Sessh...You need this...Please...I'm begging you."
"Do not ask me to do this Inuyasha. I can not!" His voice was raised past the quiet chilling tone he usually used, and it made Inuyasha fall silent. "I'll sate your wants, but do not ask that of me. I have instincts, and I barely control what they're telling me to do now and I'm barely touching you." Sesshomaru leaned down laying soft butterfly kisses on his neck and down his collarbone. Inuyasha's eyes reshut when his small licks and kisses reached his finely sculpted chest, and stopped to properly suck on each one of his abs on his stomach.
Inuyasha cried out when those kisses reached his thigh, and once there traveled back upwards, curiously avoided the one spot that throbbed to be licked. Between ragged breaths, Inuyasha managed to get out. "Y-you''re a tease." He let out a throaty moan when in reply to his statement Sesshomaru placed a small lick on the tip of his member before no doubt leaving countless hickies all over his thighs and lower stomach.
That talented tongue once more graced the area, but this time wasn't playful. This time he slowly and deliberately licked all the way up, stopping to vibrate it on the sensitive vein running up the side. Inuyasha's leg kicked out as his entire body began to seize up. Warmth was pooling in his groin, and he already knew what disaster was about to happen.
"SESSHOMARU!" He screamed out his lover's name as he shot his seed into that awaiting mouth, watching with lidded eyes as some of it spilled down the side of his shaft. Though he really preferred it, because as it did, Sesshomaru leaned down to lick it up. Stopping for a long while to clean off his stomach, and as he did he looked like a cat lapping up milk. He had never experienced anything that felt so great in his life, and he was still trying his hardest to make his way down from Cloud 9.
Kisses were laid all the way up his body, until they reached his face, and a then a sloppy kiss was placed on his lips. "Are you still sex starved Dagger?" Inuyasha gave a small tired smile.
"No...but you probably can't say the same thing." His cheeks tinted with embarrassment, and he had to actually look the other way before spitting out the next part. "Oh and sorry about...Well you know going so soon and everything."
His face was pulled back and another kiss was placed on his lips. "Don't be sorry. After all not everyone can say that they got you to cum with just one lick...I take it as a compliment." With another smile, Inuyasha snuggled closer to the one who had just given him what like everything he could ever want or dream of. "Inuyasha?" Not wanting to pick his head up, he just sort of 'hmmmd' against Sesshomaru's chest. That seemed enough for the dog demon though, because he continued on. "I want you to remember what you felt tonight, because if I ever find out that you touched someone else, or if they touched you, the only one to 'leave and never return' will be me. And when I do leave I'll make you wish that you had never existed."
More than a little worried, Inuyasha picked his head up from his lover's chest and looked him in the eyes...which were thankfully now back to golden. "I would never cheat on you by choice Sessh...I promised you remember...I'll never look like this for anyone else." Whatever the hell that meant. Truthfully he thought Sesshomaru was a little whacked out when had said it, but it was kinda sweet, so he wasn't going to argue. Inuyasha leaned forward kissing the youkai on the lips, before mouthing into the kiss once again. 'I promise' Thoughts of the deal between himself and Naraku filled his head, and he really hoped that this was promise he would be able to keep.
A.N- Heeeeeeeyyyyy Alright sorry for the hella long update, but my laptop broke. Something bout it over heating, and then it had to get fixed and so I was like I'll wait, but then apparently its a piece of crap and can't be fixed so I'm stuck with the normal computer upstairs in my house...seriously what a pain. But yeah that's why all my stories have been behind. But anyways what did you think? And hey to all you yaoi fans there was a little racy scene in there, and god everytime I see Sesshomaru, and INuyasha for that matter, all I can think of how they are....yummy...(starts to drool) Okay WAY off topic...if there was a topic to ever be off of in the first place. Well this will probably be the last update till after Christmas, and so Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoyed this chapter as my christmas present to you. *blows kisses* Thanks so much for reading, and I love you all....especially those of you who review....thanks again!