InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes ❯ We Come Crashing Down ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

We Will Become Silhouettes
Alright so I'm placing the author's note at the beginning of the chapter, because I have no doubt by the end of this you won't want to hear me talk…I'm very sorry for the long update, and hope this makes up for it…though judging from the content who knows if it will…okay on to the reason for this A/N
WARNING- This chapter contains very graphic subject matter, and is much darker than the rest…please do not read if this offends you, because I know that I'm going to get yelled at a lot after you read this…lol
But I promise it gets better…it does, you'll like me…and certain characters again soon, and I love all of you for reading this and everyone who left a review or plans to leave one in the future…please don't flame me…I'll cry lol…(runs away from shooting flames)
Oh and a big thanks to Demitria Miriam…without her betaing skills none of this would be possible…or I suppose it would be, but it would just be really annoying to read lol…ENJOY!
Chapter 17 We Come Crashing Down
“Inuyasha. Inuyasha! INUYASHA, WAKE THE HELL UP!”
Golden eyes snapped open at such a rash awakening, and that was when he realized that he had fallen asleep on the forest floor.
Grass blades were stuck to the side of his face as he rubbed them and the dirt off, being mindful of the jagged indents they had made in his skin. Why was he sleeping outside again? He had been doing that more and more recently lately he realized. Before, it was only when Sesshomaru got pissed at him and, after fucking him quite a few times, told him to piss off.
During those times he would give just about anything to get out of the castle and away from the immediate vicinity that his agitated lover would hold quick to, as if he, Inuyasha, didn't belong there. But now was not one of those times. Now he'd give anything to sleep in his room again and let the faint ghost-like drifts of his former mate creep up his nostrils and remind him of how things used to be before his father had come home and shone light on their cursed fairytale.
He was digressing though. This wasn't about him reminiscing about the `good ole times'…this was about the increasingly loud voice shrieking in his ears. A voice, he soon realized, that wasn't coming from the nude girl curled up in his haori lying right beside him.
A faint smile came to his face…Oh yeah…that had happened last night, hadn't it? The weird thing was that he didn't feel all that bad about it. Last night hadn't been like any of the nights he had ever spent with Sesshomaru. There was no steamy passion, no spark, but there had been connection. Ever since the mating bond had been broken he had felt so empty, so disconnected…Lycani made that feeling fade a little, it made him feel even a little bit less lonely. This had nothing to do with finding love; it had to do with feeling intimacy with someone who he knew wouldn't hurt him, who he knew cared about him.
Well that certainly snapped him out of his sleep-hazed state. Propping himself up on his elbows, Inuyasha looked up to see Sango's crazed face staring down at him. Why the hell was she here? More importantly how the hell had she found him to begin with?
“Sango…” he said in a hushed tone, so as not to wake the sleeping demoness, who seemed to be able to slumber through just about anything, beside him. “For one thing, keep your voice down, Lycani's still sleeping…and for another, what the hell are you doing here?”
If looks could kill, Inuyasha was sure that he'd have a knife buried deep in his chest cavity by now if the glare of pure hatred she was giving him, that was unrivaled, was anything to go by. Though, for the life of him, he couldn't figure out why. He hadn't really talked to the demon slayer in a while, but last he checked Sango and him were on fairly good terms. He had even sparred with her little brother Kohaku, and picked flowers with her kid sister Rin the other day. Though he shouldn't really be all that surprised, it seemed all of his relationships were going to hell nowadays.
“You asshole!” Sango screamed, grabbing a paper fan out of her kimono and striking him none too delicately across the face. “Do you really think I care if I wake up your dirty mistress? We've got problems! BIG problems.” She said through clenched teeth, and, by the vein that was slightly popping in her forehead, he knew that it was more than likely a serious matter.
However, before he had a chance to ask her of this serious matter, the girl lying against his chest stirred from sleep, and, of course not having any idea what was going on around her, woke with a sloppy smile on her face.
Inuyasha couldn't help but stare as her hair stuck up at all angles with numerous twigs and leaves sticking out of the mass, not to mention she then said probably the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to him after just waking up. “Hey perfect…were all your little puppy dog dreams filled with bliss?”
See, who does that? No one should ever be that nice to a person who was just using them to get back at their mate…it should be a rule! Though as soon as she saw the nervous look cross his face her after sex bliss faded, and she looked around, immediately noticing Sango and quickly covering up in embarrassment.
Wrapping his black haori around herself, she sat up with a start, looking between the two parties in bewilderment.
“Inuyasha, what's going on? Who is that human girl?” Okay, so Lycani was a little prejudiced…she wasn't like `Sesshomaru prejudiced,' but she was raised in an all youkai society who had ningen slaves that they treated worse than dirt. In retrospect though, looking at Sango with such distaste probably wasn't the best idea under such circumstances.
“Listen bitch, you're no better in my eyes than the whore Sesshomaru screwed…you realize that you're just like her right?” Sango chided, and honestly Inuyasha was shocked that such hostilities were coming from the demon slayer's mouth. “You're just the dumb girl he screwed to punish his mate…” Now at this point Sango once again gave him a death glare. “Which he should have figured was a stupid idea, because Sesshomaru, being the bastard that he is, wasn't just going to just lie down and take it like his hot-headed mate!”
Sitting up, Inuyasha decided it was high time he put a stop to the verbal abuse Sango was putting Lycani through for no reason. “Listen Sango, you're my friend, and so I haven't sliced your face off yet, but believe me when I tell you that you can't talk to her that way…” That of course was when something occurred to him that he should have probably noticed much sooner. “Wait…why did refer to Sesshomaru taking revenge in the past tense?”
The pained sigh Sango gave was really the only answer he needed. Grabbing his hakama, Inuyasha shrugged on his black pants quickly, now completely en guarde as to what could have possibly happened. Scenario after scenario was running through his head, each more vicious and cruel than the last. How could he have been so stupid? What did he think was going to happen? That Sesshomaru would come running to him and confess the errors of his twisted ways and they'd live happily ever after? Not fucking likely.
“Sango, what did he do?” Inuyasha asked, fearful of the answer, yet bound and determined to hear the havoc he had caused all the same. What was he thinking? Did he actually believe that sleeping with Lycani was going to teach Sesshomaru a lesson? He should have learned by now that any scheme he had in his head to get back at his mate would be tripled by Sesshomaru.
Sango took a deep breath, staring at the pair in a mixture of pity and anger. It seemed her previous burst of pissiness had faded, and she finally just realized what they were dealing with. “He came looking for you…and without thinking he cracked Miroku's collarbone…and Kagome…he…”
Golden eyes widened to saucers, and after the initial shock of how violent Sesshomaru had been to his friends, the unbridled anger came forward in full force. Snarling, Inuyasha bared his teeth as his fingernails sunk into his palms. “Where is he?”
Inuyasha noticed for the first time how red and puffy Sango's eyes were. Had this really happened in the short amount of time he had been sleeping? How had he found out so soon? It was then that Inuyasha grimaced at his own stupidity. He remembered the night before, and how utterly painful it had been when Sesshomaru had been with Kagura. So he had felt him cheating? He felt it and unlike being hurt like he had, he had immediately wanted revenge. He really shouldn't be surprised, Sesshomaru always was unnaturally possessive, and this…well this was the ultimate betrayal. But why go after Miroku and Kagome? Why not go after…
His gaze traveled to Lycani, and he realized right then and there just how much danger he had unknowingly put her in. “I have to go.” He said to the demoness, noticing the increasing fear in her eyes. “I have to go try to calm him down…tell him it didn't mean anything…beg his forgiveness.”
Her fearful gaze soon faded, only to be replaced by one of disgust. “Apologize to him? He just broke your best friend's collarbone, and did who knows what to the other, and you want to apologize to him?!” Getting to her feet, she pulled the haori down as far as it would go so that it came to her thighs. “And what do you mean, `it meant nothing'? How can you look me in the face and tell me it meant nothing?!”
It was weird, but he got the strangest sense of deja vue as she was saying that. Hadn't he said the same thing to Sesshomaru after he had used him in such a way? God, he was such a hypocrite! How could he even feel justified holding Sesshomaru responsible for what he had done, when here he was doing the exact same thing?
He had no way to justify himself. The only thing he could do was tell her the only truth he knew. “Because I love him, Lycani…I'm sorry, but I love him…I don't want to, but I do…and I know how much pain he was in last night because of what we did.” He held his head down in shame. “I don't condone what he's done but I understand it…and I have to go and make everything alright.
It seemed he hadn't said the right thing, because before he knew it his head was reeling back from the shock of being punched in the jaw. Pain laced up his face from the blow, and he turned around to see Lycani panting in anger as she nursed her injured fist.
“You fucking coward!” she screamed. “I can see why Sesshomaru loves fucking you so much…you make a great little bitch!” She punched at him again, but this time he had enough sense to block it. “The bastard hurts your friends, and you take it as your fault? Just how fucking whipped has he made you?” She ripped her hand from his grasp. “Tell me, Inuyasha, does he make you get on all fours and beg him to let you suck his dick, because that really wouldn't surprise me!”
Sango cleared her throat, bringing both of the party's attentions back to her. “You know, Inuyasha, she's got quite the mouth on her…but she does have a point. I just told you that he's holding Kagome hostage and practically ripped Miroku's arm off, and you wanted to apologize to him for having to make the effort.”
He wanted to deny it. He wanted to say he had never become so pathetic, but how do you deny something that's staring you right in the face? “I…” He could say nothing to justify his reasonings, and so he moved on to the next best course of action. “Where's Kagome?”
Inuyasha walked apprehensively forward, all too aware of how close he was getting to Miroku's small house. After some heated yelling from both Lycani and Sango, the hanyou had talked the both of them into going back to the East. He needed Lycani to get home before Sesshomaru found her, and if he was taking pleasure in destroying everything he loved, well then it was probably a good idea that Sango left as well.
Lycani had just about called him every name in the book by the time it was over. He had been called bastard, asshole, whore, slut, user, bitch, and quite a few others that he wasn't even sure he thought could possibly come out of the girl… She had even called him a penguin rapist at one time…he didn't even know what the hell a penguin was, but he was pretty sure that if given the choice he wouldn't rape it.
He wasn't going to hold any of that against her though. Lycani was one of the nicest people he had ever met…except when you crossed her, and then he had never met someone more vindictive in his life…well except maybe Sesshomaru. He deserved all that and more. Inuyasha couldn't even begin to fathom how he could have been so stupid as to do that to her. If he was just trying to accomplish a revenge lay, then why didn't he pick some whore from the village? Why her? Why did he choose to sleep with one of his best friends?
The wind shifted, and with it the smell of his mate drifted up into his nostrils…as did the smell of blood…human blood. Fearing the worst, Inuyasha quickened his pace, putting all thoughts of what he had done to Sesshomaru out of his head. No, this wasn't about that. This was about what Sesshomaru had done to his friends, and that, he now realized, was unforgivable. They had done nothing…they were just innocent bystanders in his and the youkai's never-ending struggle to keep their fucked up relationship going. It wasn't fair, and, damn it, Sesshomaru would pay!
Jumping from tree branch to tree branch, Inuyasha quickly made it to the outskirts of town where Miroku's house was. He had no doubt in his mind that the monk was probably regretting ever offering to let him stay there until the whole debacle was over. Oh well, he supposed he'd let him break his arm to make up for it or something…that is if he wasn't dead already.
Landing in the back of the house, Inuyasha saw the crumpled body of Miroku lying against the side where a huge crater seemed to have formed in the side of his hut. Rushing over, Inuyasha used a claw hand to check for a pulse, and after leaning forward and feeling Miroku's warm breath on his face, he determined that he was still alive. Though he definitely didn't envy that arm of his. It was twisted back at an unnatural angle, and the bone was jutting out of his shoulder. Inuyasha winced at just the thought of how bad that must have hurt, and prayed to whoever might be listening that Kagome was still okay. She'd never let him hear the end of it if he allowed anything to happen to her.
Creeping around the house, Inuyasha heard the faint sound of voices coming from the front, and as he peeked around the corner his eyes widened as he caught the sight of Sesshomaru holding Kagome out in front of him by her neck, as he sat on the log bin…his eyes were flooded a deep red, and the marks on the sides of his face seemed to be bleeding.
Taking a deep breath, Inuyasha tried to steady himself and think about just how he was going to handle this situation…He had to have a plan. Sesshomaru was dangerous at the best of times, but in this state…who knew what kind of havoc he could cause.
“Half-breed, there's no sense hiding…I smelt your horrendous stench the moment you arrived in the area.” Inuyasha's ears drooped to the side of his head…well so much for making a plan.
Looking around for possible options, Inuyasha stepped out of the corner, meeting Sesshomaru's bloodthirsty gaze head on. “Sesshomaru, let her go.” He stated firmly, trying to pretend that he actually had some control over what was happening, but it seemed Sesshomaru wasn't buying his shotty attempt.
The youkai's head cracked to the side, and Inuyasha noticed how his eyes had completely flooded red, there wasn't even any pupils left…not to mention his fangs were elongated, and his claws looked to be razor sharp and dripping poison. All and all, Sesshomaru seemed like he was on the edge of transforming…and he had a feeling that was not a good thing.
“You're in no position to give me orders, you dirty piece of trash.” Inuyasha winced…Sesshomaru's voice was icy cold like normal, and yet it held more cruelty in it than he had ever thought possible.
Kagome's eyes shot over to him, and he saw the fear in them, but she didn't even attempt to struggle, which was probably a good thing, seeing as how Sesshomaru's claw was positioned right at the vital point in her neck.
“Let her go, Sesshomaru…she has nothing to do with this…I'm the one who slept with someone else! I'm the one you're pissed at! Not her!” It took a special kind of bravery to turn a cold-blooded killer's rage on yourself but Inuyasha knew it had to be done. He had brought this on himself, and the one's he cared about didn't need to keep paying for his mistakes.
“You think I should let her go, do you?” Sesshomaru gave an insanely eerie smile that just didn't seem to fit on his normally-so stoic lover's face. “See, I was trying to decide just what to do with her myself…I was going to fuck her to teach you a lesson, but I just couldn't bring myself to actually put my cock inside a mere ningen…It's bad enough that I've already reduced myself to screwing half-breeds.”
Inuyasha's hair bristled, and he forgot all about his past objectives. His only concern now was that antagonizing remark that he seemed to play right into. “You didn't seem to mind `lowering yourself to halfbreeds' all the times you slept with me…You didn't seem to mind it all that much when you made me your mate!”
He could have sworn he saw Sesshomaru flinch, but in the next nanosecond he was back to normal…or as normal as you can get when your eyes are bleeding red.
“Yes…” He gave a smirk. “Well, we all make mistakes, don't we?” That blow stung deep, and Inuyasha growled in response, trying to think of a good comeback that would knock the bastard down a peg.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome mumbled, trying to talk as still as possible. “Stop arguing with your stepbrother, and get me out of here!”
“Kagome don't worry…he won't hurt you.” As soon as the words left his mouth he immediately regretted them. After all he had learned, calling Sesshomaru's bluff was never a good thing, which he soon learned yet again.
Never loosing eye contact with him, Sesshomaru through the miko forward, seemingly letting her free, but just before she fell into Inuyasha's arms, he shot out his light whip, impaling her through the shoulder and splattering blood all over the hanyou's face..
“Oh…” he snidely began, while licking the excess blood that had splattered on his finger, and shuddering at the taste. “Won't I?”
Kagome cried out in anguish as she fell into Inuyasha's arms, screaming from the pain of having all the tendons in her shoulder seared and severed. The hanyou stared on in horror, but through all of it he realized something. With both of his friends, Sesshomaru had only injured them…he hadn't made a fatal strike that couldn't heal in time. Was he... subconsciously holding back? Though even if he was, the injuries alone were inexcusable.
Kagome's face was a ghostly white as she looked into his eyes, but even as she was looking up at him, Inuyasha could tell that she wasn't really seeing him. His suspicions were only confirmed when her eyes shut a moment later and she went slack in his arms, more than likely passing out from the blood loss. Carefully laying her down, Inuyasha set her firmly on the ground, and turned his attentions once more to his stepbrother, who seemed more than a little pleased with his work.
“Why? Why the hell would you hurt her?” He stalked over, once more being much braver then he really should ever dream of being. “She did nothing to you.” Lashing out, his palms connected with Sesshomaru's chest as he pushed him backwards as hard as he could. “She did nothing!”
Unfortunately he highly underestimated his stepbrother's reflexes, because before he could even react Sesshomaru had grabbed both of his wrists, pulling him forward and crashing him against his chest.
“No, you're right, she did do nothing…” He leaned in close, letting his warm breath fall on the hanyou's skin. “But you did.”
Inuyasha howled in pain as the claws gripping his wrists squeezed, cutting the skin around the bone to shreds. It seemed the weather played in with his hurt, because dark clouds began to fill the sky, and Inuyasha could hear thunder on the horizon…or maybe it was just thundering in his ears as he realized his predicament.
Sesshomaru pulled his mate's wrists up to his lips, letting his tongue reach out and catch a pearl drop of blood on it. “And believe me, mutt…you'll beg to have me impale your shoulder before this day is up.”
Inuyasha let a sharp inhale fill his chest when that tongue traveled up his wrist, letting its silky sweetness clean up its owner's intentional mistake. Though the tongue stopped being sweet as soon as Sesshomaru's teeth sunk into his wrist, cutting open his vein and sending blood flying everywhere. “Now get into that house unless you want me to do this on top of your friend's incapacitated body,” the youkai growled.
Inuyasha's head swirled from the temporary blood loss as he was rather forcefully thrown through the front door of Miroku's hut, landing with a thud on the cold ground. His head connected rather painfully with the hard earth, but that was by far the least of his worries at the moment. No, he was much more concerned with how the hair connected to the head in question was forcefully grabbed and used to yank him up back into a standing position, with his very agitated and half-crazed mate pressed up behind him.
“Did it feel good, half-breed?” Sesshomaru whispered as his face pressed against the hanyou's, never letting go of the hold on his hair. “Being inside her…pressing your delectable cock in and out of her the way you never got to do with me?” His one free hand snaked around Inuyasha's body, coming to rest on his midsection. “I bet it felt good to have that much control over someone and to know just how bad you were sticking it to me as you were sticking it in her.”
Inuyasha was shaking by this time as Sesshomaru's hand slowly began to slide lower and lower. This wasn't his mate…this was a youkai controlled completely by the dark demon thoughts inside of him, and he had no doubt in his mind that the dark part of Sesshomaru wanted to hurt him…badly.
Taking a deep breath, Inuyasha pulled together every last bit of courage he had inside of him and tried to stand up to his mate. “Yeah, Sessh, it did feel good…now if you're going to kill me then go ahead and do it already!”
The grip on his body tightened as a harsh and cruel laugh echoed in his ear. “Silly half-breed…I'm not going to kill you.” Inuyasha stiffened and began to doubt his roll in this situation. His doubt only grew as the grip on his skull tightened. “You don't break your own toys…You just rough them up a little so you can still play with them.” As he said `play', he pressed himself even harder against his back, and Inuyasha felt, with a surge of both fear and anticipation, Sesshomaru's erection pressing rather forcefully into his lower back, and for the first time understood the true extent of just what was going to happen here in Miroku's house.
“Sesshomaru, don't do this,” he pleaded. “You're not yourself…even as big of a bastard as you are you wouldn't do something like this!” Inuyasha screamed as a chunk of his hair was ripped out as the youkai pretty much chucked him up against the wall.
“Don't you dare presume to question what I would or would not do…You don't even know me!” he snarled, spinning the hanyou around, and pinning him to the wall with his tall body pressed once more again up against him, though this time they were face to face and so Inuyasha got to see every little bit of the insanity reflected in his lover's still red eyes.
Inuyasha's entire body was racked with shivers as he stared fearfully into what he thought at one time would be his mate for the rest of his life. “Sesshomaru, if you do this…we might not get passed it.” The hanyou began to shake even more as a clawed hand moved to his drawstring, undoing the tie and letting them fall down to his hipbones.
“Won't we?” A warm finger traced circles across the sensitive flesh just underneath his abdomen. “Tell me, half-breed, if you're so unwilling to do this then why…” Inuyasha screamed in both anguish and pleasure as Sesshomaru none-too-gently grabbed his member. “ your cock so hard?”
Golden eyes shut in both shame and unremarkable pleasure as Sesshomaru continued to fondle him through the fabric of his pants. “Is it a surprise to you?” Inuyasha half moaned, half sneered out. “Because it shouldn't be…I get hard every time you touch me…you know that better than anyone, but that doesn't make me willing to get fucked by you when you're like this…after what you just did to my friends!” He didn't get much more out, because Sesshomaru pushed his hakama past his hipbones, leaving them to pool on the floor, and leaving him standing there completely naked after Lycani had conveniently used his haori to cover up with.
Sesshomaru looked down, appraising his mate's nude body and seeing how the body's owner blushed head to toe and hung his head in shame as it was being done. A hand reached out, running sensually from his forehead all he way down to his bellybutton, leaving burning hot trails in his wake.
“Get on your knees, mutt.” Inuyasha's head snapped up at that, looking shockingly at the person who had just requested such a crude thing.
“No,” he stated, plainly refusing to give into whatever perverted sexual act Sesshomaru wanted to instill upon him as a punishment. Though his valiant stand didn't last very long.
A clawed hand shot out, gripping Inuyasha's chin hard enough to make the bones crack as Sesshomaru stared at him once again with that insane look in his eyes. “Get. On. Your. Knees.”
Looking into Sesshomaru's eyes, Inuyasha knew he had no choice, and so with a glare he dropped down to his knees, his face coming into contact with his lover's hardness. Though his breathing was soon relived as Sesshomaru took a few steps back, removing his kimono and leaving himself in all of his glory.
Inuyasha wouldn't be so fearful if he didn't see the sadistic smirk covering the youkai's face as he stared down at him. “Now beg me for it.” The hanyou raised an eyebrow. He had to be kidding right? There's no way he could actually expect him to do such a thing?
Who the hell did the bastard think he was? It was bad enough that he was practically raping him, but he wanted him to beg for it? Lycani's voice came into his head about how he probably begged to suck the youkai's dick, and knew right then and there that it really wasn't that far from the truth. As a matter of fact she had really hit the nail right on the head.
Though, he soon realized, she had just given him a glorious idea. Inuyasha's eyes widened as the plan formed in his head, and he gave a small smirk of satisfaction as he realized the brilliance that lied in Lycani's insults.
Relaxing his body, Inuyasha looked seductively up at his mate, stretching his back almost cat like as he lowered himself onto his hands and knees, never breaking eye contact with the insane youkai.
Keeping himself balanced with one arm, Inuyasha reached underneath himself letting his fingers ghost over his flesh until they reached the source of his problems. Throwing his head back in a moan, the hanyou gave his heated flesh a languid stroke, almost screaming at the feeling of it. He stroked his flesh a few more times, before letting the hand trail back up his body and rest at his lips, his tongue snaking out to wrap around his sticky fingers, letting the taste of his own essence coat his taste buds.
“Sesshomaru…” he whispered out seductively. “Please let me suck off your hot, juicy cock.” As predicted, Sesshomaru looked down skeptically at him, obviously not buying this whole `I want to be your sex slave' spiel, though honestly Inuyasha didn't know why not. Sesshomaru had actually made him pretend to be a sex slave before…He had even taught him all the moves to do to himself to get him the most hot and bothered, and he planned to exploit that information to the fullest.
“Do you honestly expect me to believe this?” Sesshomaru smirked. “Though I have to say the sight is something to behold.” Inuyasha smirked at just how well he knew his mate.
“I know you like it, baby…” He smirked as Sesshomaru's winced, and gave a little smile on the inside at how Sesshomaru's pupils slowly began to come back to his eyes. “You see, I may not know anything about your past, but I know exactly what you like…where you like to be touched…and how you like to touch me.”
Inuyasha's fingers once more found there way to his mouth as he sucked on them in the same way he would if it was his mate in his mouth. “Mmmmm…” he moaned, pulling the saliva slick fingers from his moist cavern. “I can just imagine how good you would taste.”
With a twinge of satisfaction, Inuyasha noticed how a drop of pre-cum ran off his lover's member at seeing his little show. He knew right then and there that this plan would undeniably work, because as much as Sesshomaru liked to deny such things, he wanted him every bit as badly as Inuyasha himself.
Letting his tongue poke out of his mouth, Inuyasha carefully ran the slick appendage across his lips, noticing how Sesshomaru's eyes followed him the entire time. “So whattya say, Sesshy…You wanna literally fuck my brains out?”
Sesshomaru let out a laugh, wiping the smirk clean off of Inuyasha's face. “Do you really think I'm that stupid, mutt?” He leaned down on his haunches, coming to eye level with the hanyou. “I wouldn't let your mouth near my dick right now if my life depended on it.”
Shit! Why the hell did he always have to do that? Why the hell could he read him so well! He tried not to show too much shock, after all there was still a chance the plan could work. Inuyasha tilted his head to the side, letting his curtain of white fall in front of his face.
“Oh? Too bad… That means I'll just have to do it all by myself.” And with that said, Inuyasha spread his legs farther apart, letting his saliva soaked hand travel in between them to rest at his entrance. Though once it was there he paused and looked back up at his mate. “Don't worry, baby…I'll pretend it's you.”
Without another word he plunged three fingers into himself, whining a little at the pain that came from the intrusion. “Oh god!” he cried, bringing the digits out only to plunge them right back in. “Sesshomaru, harder!” He bit his lower lip as he shut his eyes. “Do it like that! Do it like my fantasy!”
Peaking a golden eye open, he saw the way Sesshomaru was panting as he watched the carefully thought out scene in front of him. Opening his eyes fully, Inuyasha met his mate's head on, seriousness coming back full force. “Don't stop, baby…god don't stop…” He moaned out like a whore, ramming his fingers once more inside him.
He watched as Sesshomaru's knees hit the floor, his eyes regaining a few sparks of gold inside the almost all red orbs, and knew he was on the verge on triumph…not to mention something else. He gyrated his hips, raising them up and down…impaling himself over and over on his own hand….that is until a different hand covered his own, stopping his actions entirely.
Keeping his head down, he couldn't help but smirk to himself. Sesshomaru always did love it when he touched himself. Though Inuyasha couldn't stop the actual moan that escaped his lips as Sesshomaru reached around him, pulling his fingers out from his entrance.
Looking up, Inuyasha was met with the lustful heated gaze Sesshomaru was giving him, and he swallowed in dread over what he knew would come next. “Haven't I told you before that I'm the only one that can be inside of you?” Inuyasha cried out as the fingers that had left him were soon replaced by his mate's. “Now tell me, mutt…does your offer still stand?”
Inuyasha could do nothing but nod as those claws began stretching him, and at the same moment Sesshomaru's free hand forced his head down, pushing him face first into his crotch. Though he pulled him back up as soon as he touched it.
“I warn you, half-breed, if I so much as see your teeth I'll rip every single one of them out, one by one,” Sesshomaru warned before forcing him back down. He wanted to focus, really he did, but he couldn't help but be a little distracted at the feeling of Sesshomaru being inside of him…even if it was only his fingers. As Sesshomaru curled his digits in impatience though, sending a shiver of pain down his spine, Inuyasha knew that he had to do this, and he had to do this soon.
Grabbing a hold of Sesshomaru's shaft, Inuyasha gave his love a few teasing strokes, loving how the fingers inside him twitched because of it. Leaning down, he let his lips ghost over the tip, tasting his mate for the first time in days, and just that alone was enough to almost bring him to completion.
His tongue snaked out, giving Sesshomaru an experimental lick, before wrapping it sensually around the base. If he could catch him off guard…if he could do it…even with the penetration he should still be able to get away.
Kissing up the shaft, Inuyasha let his lips cover the head, going down on his lover and getting ready to finish just what he had come here to do. Though as that warm silky flesh touched his tongue he knew that he couldn't…no matter how much he deserved it… However, that didn't mean he actually had to kneel here and suck the bastard off.
Bobbing his head up and down a couple of times, he felt the fingers inside him go lax, and that's when he pushed himself forward, making them all but retreat from his insides. He pulled his mouth off of Sesshomaru, going instead to kiss around his thighs, licking his way around his hot spot, and leaving love bite after love bite in his wake…though a little hickey was really nothing compared to what he was about to do.
With a growl, Inuyasha lashed out, biting down hard on the flesh from the inside of his stepbrother's thighs and spitting out the meat he had ripped out with him.
Sesshomaru let out a pained scream, but Inuyasha didn't wait around to see if his lover was alright. He figured not biting his dick off was enough pity to show on him for one day. No, right now he had to get out of here, grab Kagome and Miroku and get them out of here before Sesshomaru once again lost it.
Sadly his plan didn't get past the front door, because with a slam, Sesshomaru tackled the hanyou, shoving his head hard enough against the floor to make him see stars. Inuyasha could smell blood in his nostrils, and he knew that it wasn't his own. Without even looking he knew Sesshomaru's eyes had bled back into red.
“Inuyasha, you have been a very, very, bad little puppy.” Inuyasha gave a whine as he realized just what he had done to himself…so much for showing compassion. Now who knew what the hell was going to happen to him…damn it, he should have bitten off the bastard's dick!
Though that was the last thing he was concerned with right now. He had just made a very big mistake and, in the state Sesshomaru was in, making such a crucial mistake was probably the worst thing he could have done.
Slamming his head into the floor again, Sesshomaru hit him hard enough to create a gash across his eyebrow. “Now tell me, mutt, what did I tell you would happen if you bit me?” Sesshomaru growled, his voice laced with anger.
Inuyasha stood completely still, thinking that it was a rhetorical question and that if he did nothing Sesshomaru anger would lesson. Snarling once again, Sesshomaru slammed his head once more into the ground, making him see stars…apparently he had been wrong.
“I asked you a question, hanyou…and you'd be wise to answer it!” Sesshomaru licked up the side of his face, cleaning the gash along his forehead, practically making the wound close automatically.
Inuyasha shut his eyes at the warm sensation, and he knew right then and there that he better do everything his mate said if he even wanted to get out of this house breathing. Though he shouldn't be worried about that, because according to Sesshomaru he didn't `break his own toys,' but you would be surprised with what you could live through.
“You said you'd rip out my teeth!” Inuyasha gasped, regretting more and more his attempt to get away…He should have just swallowed his pride and let himself be fucked into the wall for a few hours. As that thought crossed his mind, thunder clapped outside the house, effectively ripping a hole in the cloud and allowing the rain to pour…figures.
Inuyasha let out a scream as Sesshomaru bit down hard on his ear. “Good boy…at least I've taught you how to listen…among other things.” His golden eyes clenched shut as he unconsciously thrust into the hand that grabbed him. “That was a wonderful show you put on, and quite useful…I wasn't quite sure until right then if you'd be up to the job.”
Letting out shaking gasps, Inuyasha tried to focus on what the youkai was saying, but he could really only comprehend about half of it. “What…what are you talking about?”
“Oh, believe me, you'll know soon enough….” The hand traveled from his groin back up to his hair. “Now, on to your punishment for biting me…though I must say, choosing to bite where you did might have been one of the smartest decisions of your life.”
Inuyasha turned his head, about ready to apologize, but he never got the chance. Sesshomaru used one hand to grab his chin, while the other one grabbed into his forced open mouth, ripping out one fang forcefully, and then the other. The hanyou didn't even know his lungs could reach the decibels it did when he screamed.
Blood spurted from his mouth as Sesshomaru tossed his two fangs haphazardly, splattering the cold ground in crimson specks. He had ripped out his teeth! He had really actually ripped out his fucking teeth!
He soon realized when Sesshomaru turned his face forcefully around so that the sick bastard could no doubt see the pain he had caused him that there was a very good reason he had gone through with the teeth pulling. If he had thought Sesshomaru was close to loosing it before, it was nothing compared to now. Not only were Sesshomaru's eyes pure red now, but they were glowing.
Inuyasha growled at the harsh treatment, but his growl didn't appear near as intimidating when he was missing his fangs. “Bastard!” he slurred, barely able to get speech out due to his mouth's handicapped state, and the fact that most of his mouth was still filled to the brink in blood.
Smirking, Sesshomaru leaned forward, affectionately nuzzling his face against the shocked hanyou's cheek. His shock from his stepbrother's kindness soon faded as soon as the sadistic freak opened his mouth. “…and then some.” His tenderness soon faded as he forced Inuyasha's head down, barking out a command in a tone that seemed almost sinister. “Now get on your hands and knees, and I'll show you exactly what you get for betraying me.”
He didn't move, refusing to actually help Sesshomaru torture him, but it didn't matter either way. Sesshomaru always got what he wanted. Grabbing both of the hanyou's hips, he let his claws sink into the bone, dispensing just enough poison through them to cause a scream of pain from the body underneath him. Knowing he no longer had a choice, Inuyasha shakily got to his knees, propping his hands up underneath him.
Sesshomaru ran a hand tantalizingly along the hanyou's arched back, causing goose bumps to rise on his flesh wherever his mate's skin touched. He hated that fact. He hated it so bad that no matter what Sesshomaru was doing to him he still responded in the most whorish way possible.
“Was it worth it, pet?” A moan escaped Inuyasha as that hand traveled underneath, making small languid circles on his stomach. “Did you get your revenge?” That hand moved to his inner thighs, pinching in just the exact spot that Inuyasha had bitten. Sesshomaru leaned forward so that his body was resting perfectly over his mate's. So close in fact that his mouth was again right near his ear. “Did you know that I'm going to gut that bitch like some animal as soon as I'm, as you so eloquently put it earlier, done fucking your brains out?”
So he was right. Sesshomaru was going to go after Lycani. He really didn't know why such a thought shocked him though. In this state he had expected Sesshomaru to threaten to do much worse. That didn't mean he could be okay with it. He may have sent Lycani with Kilala and Sango, but that didn't mean for one instant that he could just let him get away with such threats on his friends.
Turning his head, Inuyasha motioned the youkai forward, and with a knowing grin Sesshomaru accepted his offer. Leaning towards his love, the hanyou nestled his head into the youkai's neck, showing his affection for him in a way he knew Sesshomaru adored. After the nuzzling, he brought his head up, looking the demon square in the eyes, seeing the hate and hostility for him mirrored in his features. With a snarl Inuyasha reacted, spitting the blood that had accumulated in his mouth all over his lover's perfect face.
The blood mixed with saliva ran down Sesshomaru's face, making the youkai snarl in anger, forcing his face once more into the floor. “Brave, pet, but stupid…and here I was going to show you some mercy.”
While having his face pressed against the blood splattered floor, Sesshomaru grabbed the hanyou's hips, and without an ounce of compassion, thrust forcefully inside him. Inuyasha let out a howl of pain at the feeling of having his lover inside of him after so long. This wasn't how it was supposed to be when they were finally together again though…It was never supposed to be like this with Sesshomaru.
It felt like his insides were ripping apart as the youkai pulled almost completely out before ramming back into him with less mercy than he would have ever thought possible. He closed his eyes, willing to make himself believe that this wasn't the love of his life doing this to him. He tried to pretend that it wasn't his mate that was causing him such pain, but he couldn't, because as much as he might try to deny, Sesshomaru was the only one that could make him feel the way he did…because even as his lover was practically raping him, he was still as hard as he ever was and about ten seconds away from begging for more through his mangled mouth.
He could feel a warm liquid running down his thighs, and as Sesshomaru penetrated him once again he knew without a doubt that it was his blood. Inuyasha gave another scream when the youkai grabbed his leaking member, stroking him as he carelessly thrust into him over and over again.
“Sesshomaru, stop…please…” His voice was still slurred from his missing teeth, but he had no doubt in his mind that his lover had heard him. Sadly though, unlike last time when he heard the word `stop' he didn't cease his ministrations, as a matter of fact he was fairly sure that the bastard sped up.
Grabbing a fistful of white hair, Sesshomaru pulled Inuyasha's face up off the ground. “Don't pretend so much, hanyou…I can tell how much you're enjoying this.” The shame he was feeling at having his love do this to him was more painful than the intrusion could have ever been. The worst part of it all was how Sesshomaru was absolutely right. He was enjoying this. He was enjoying it so much that he might cum any time now…Sesshomaru really did seem to make him bend to his will no matter what the situation was.
“Tell me…” Sesshomaru's husky voice was against his ear now as he sped up his thrusts. His other hand came to rest on the top of his shoulder blades. “...that you're a whore.”
Inuyasha growled at the request. Trying to get away from the body above him, the hanyou refused to give in to the bastard's demand. It was bad enough that he was having to endure this, but there was no way in hell he was going to call himself a whore while the asshole was doing him doggy style.
Though with a squeeze to his dripping member Inuyasha saw white, and could really care less about his pride. He was pretty sure he didn't have any left anyways. “Fine, Sesshomaru…I'm a whore, are you happy?” He turned his head, glaring over his shoulder at the youkai smirking behind him. “I'm a dirty whore, Sessh, but I'm your whore. Even after you almost killed two of my friends and then practically rape me, I'm still here, loving every second of it…I'm what you made me, aren't you proud?”
The hanyou let his ears droop in almost pleasure as Sesshomaru leaned forward, nuzzling the side of his face and giving him a small kiss. “Immensely,” Sesshomaru stated before sliding his claws down Inuyasha's back, making the hanyou cry out in pain and rise up onto his knees so that he was practically sitting in the youkai's lap. “Now cum…” Sesshomaru commanded, biting down hard in the juncture between his shoulder and neck, the very same spot where his mating mark had been.
With a cry in both surprise and pleasure, Inuyasha saw white, splattering his essence in his lover's hand and collapsing forwards into a boneless heap on the ground. Dragging a clawed hand down his stomach, Sesshomaru gathered up the hanyou's essence before sticking a clawed finger in his mouth, making him taste his own shock and disgust for himself.
“You like that, don't you, love?”
Had he just…had he just? Unfortunately his mind was never allowed to come up with an answer, because Sesshomaru grabbed his hips, dragging him back up onto his lap and impaling the hanyou around himself.
Every nerve in Inuyasha's body hummed in pleasure at the feeling. Sesshomaru wasn't being any more gentle with his actions mind you, but the bleeding mark on Inuyasha's neck was enough to make him get over whatever discrepancies they had had. Sesshomaru couldn't really hate him. He wouldn't mate him again if he really hated him. How sad was that? Even after everything that had happened, Inuyasha was willing to let everything go at the knowledge that he had taken him back…even though he was the one that had broken it off in the first place.
Throwing his head back, Inuyasha let his hair rest on Sesshomaru's shoulder as the youkai raised his hips up and down, slamming him back onto himself as he moaned in pleasure. So he liked it when he participated, did he? Using his lover's newfound enjoyment to his advantage, Inuyasha gyrated his hips, rolling them down so that Sesshomaru had to grip his hips so hard that it made them bleed just to stop the evident scream from ripping through his arrogant throat.
Turning his head Inuyasha nuzzled the side of Sesshomaru's face. “Yeah, I like it, baby, but so do you.” Smirking at the chill that traveled down the youkai's spine, Inuyasha couldn't help but lick the side of his face, loving the taste that came from such a sociopathic demon…a demon that had just once again called him `love.'
Sesshomaru turned towards him, meeting his golden eyes, and Inuyasha couldn't help but give a sigh of relief when he saw golden ones staring back at him. Without warning, Sesshomaru grabbed the back of his head, slamming their mouths together in their first kiss of the night.
Inuyasha could do nothing but haphazardly kiss back as Sesshomaru practically devoured his mouth. Well that is until the youkai in question bit down on his tongue. Howling, Inuyasha pulled back from the kiss, tasting even more blood in his mouth than before.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Inuyasha screamed, elbowing Sesshomaru in the ribs, and forcing himself off of his lap. “You practically rape me, and then you mate me, and now when I get into it and see that you're back to normal you try to bite my fucking tongue off!?” He crossed his legs in front of him, scrambling as far away from the irrational youkai as possible. “I can't do it, Sesshomaru…I can't keep doing this!”
He had expected Sesshomaru's eyes to flood red, for him to pounce on him once more in anger, for him to call him a lying, cheating bastard because Inuyasha knew the reason he had had his tongue almost bit off was the fact that his lover could still taste Lycani in his mouth. He didn't though. No, like always, Sesshomaru did something much, much worse. His lips curled into a cruel smirk as a harsh laughter escaped his throat.
His heart clenched at that. He hated that laugh, because he knew better than anyone that whenever Sesshomaru used it that it meant bad things were about to happen…and this was no exception.
“Mates?” he laughed. “Is that what you think that mark means?” Inuyasha's hand unconsciously traveled to his neck, gripping the mark that up until a few seconds ago he had cherished.
“But that's where my mark was…you bit me…you…” Sesshomaru interrupted him before he could continue, leaning forward and placing a finger over his mouth.
“You're right, I did…but you didn't.” Sesshomaru trailed a finger down his own mark, ghosting over the spot on his neck where his mark used to be. There were only a few hours left before the bond was up, and so you couldn't even see it anymore.
Scowling Inuyasha clutched the still bleeding wound, all the hurt and anger he had been feeling flooding back full force. “So what?” he growled, trying to get control of his speech so that he didn't sound ridiculous while missing two of his teeth. “Do you just have a fascination for biting then?”
That damn smirk came back to the bastard's face, and if he even thought about laughing that condescending laugh again Inuyasha was going to slug him in the jaw. “Oh no, pet, it means something. It means that you are mine.”
“Yeah until an hour from now when the things heals!” Inuyasha snapped, wanting nothing more than to get out of this situation and go check on Miroku and Kagome. The rain was really coming down hard by this time, and the last thing he needed was for them to drown because him.
“It won't heal.” Sesshomaru stated matter-of-factly. “That mark is permanent…It's a possession mark.” The words echoed through his brain, but for the life of him he couldn't get them to comprehend.
The most he could even get out was a faint broken echo of what the youkai had said. “…Possession…mark?”
“Yes.” Sesshomaru answered him, obviously already prepared for his shocked haze. “You are my possession. No one will touch you for fear of your owner, you'll have a desire inside of you to bend to my every want…and if you don't now, you'll soon learn.” He watched with wide unseeing eyes as Sesshomaru ran a hand through his hair, obviously pleased with what he had done. “All in all mutt…you are now my slave.”
After everything Sesshomaru had done to him since they had met, Inuyasha had still stuck by him…he had still loved him. He felt in his heart that everything would be alright in the end, and so all he had to do was stick with it until that moment arrived, but now he wasn't so sure…because this, this was the ultimate betrayal. Possession marks were used for greedy lord's sex slaves, concubines that had no will of their own except to fill their master's request. They were mindless miserable dolls, and his soon to be ex-mate had just marked the person he once claimed to love in such a degrading matter.
“How?” Inuyasha whispered, not being able to believe what he had heard with his own ears. “How could you do this to me?” The hanyou made a move to stand, but his legs were too weak from what he had heard to even support him and he fell back on his ass, not even noticing the pain. “You never cared about me at all, did you?” he said almost to himself, staring down lost at the floor with his limbs lying like a dead weight all around him.
“Don't sound so surprised, precious, after all you should know better than to believe in fairytales.”
No…No…NO! Inuyasha curled his legs up to his chin, gripping them as hard as possible.
His entire body shook as he fought to hold back the tears that he had sworn he would no longer let fall. He wouldn't cry. He hadn't in so long! Gripping his head, Inuyasha stared in agony at the person who had just once more broken his heart. “Fuck you!” he screamed, closing his eyes and willing the pain that he knew he couldn't fix away.
“Oh, what, does this break you heart?” Sesshomaru, plucking one more of the strings away that was holding Inuyasha together.
“Stop it,” Inuyasha mumbled, clenching his eyes and rocking his body.
“You didn't think any of this was ever about love, did you?” Even through his clenched eyes a single warm tear managed to slip out and roll unnoticed down his cheek.
“No…Please stop.” Why wouldn't it go away? Why couldn't Sesshomaru ever stop hurting him?
“Stop?” Sesshomaru asked. “Why would I stop? I haven't even finished yet.” Inuyasha jumped as warm hands touched his bare flesh, and not having the will to even move anymore he didn't resist as he was pushed backwards.
He bit his bottom lip as a hand trailed over his face, gently stroking his features as Sesshomaru parted his legs, crawling between them.
“Open your eyes, mutt.” Not ever being able to deny Sesshomaru anything, Inuyasha let his tear filled eyes open to meet Sesshomaru's, hating the way they overflowed down his cheeks. “Now be a good pet and spread your legs wider…you wouldn't want me to go away unsatisfied, would you?”
It wasn't bad enough that Sesshomaru had done this to him now, but now he wanted an easy finish? Covering his eyes with his arm, Inuyasha spread his thighs wider, allowing Sesshomaru to crawl on top of him and grip his hips. He just wanted this to be over, he just wanted Sesshomaru to leave and let him be in his misery.
Inuyasha took in a shaky breath as Sesshomaru thrust into his already slick passage, filling him, and yet for the first time ever leaving him feeling so empty. Tears streaked down his eyes as Sesshomaru continued to thrust. He pretended that this was just one of their normal times, he pretended he hadn't really just heard what he had heard, but he couldn't stop the pain. So when he felt Sesshomaru cum inside of him, he just pretended it was a nightmare, and that soon he would wake up from it to find that none of this horror had actually happened.
As Sesshomaru pulled out of him and started to move away, Inuyasha couldn't help the instinct of latching on to his lover…or he supposed now it would be fit to call him his owner. Sadly though the youkai wouldn't even give him the pleasure in doing that.
Ripping his hands out from around his neck, Sesshomaru placed them back at his sides. The mocking smirk was gone from his face, and the possessive anger he had seen earlier was back full force. “After you fucked her did you really think I'd stay to cuddle?” he growled. “You are nothing to me now except a decent lay, and so come to my room later tonight…I'm sure I'll be feeling horny enough to fuck even you.”
The tears streamed even harder down his face as Sesshomaru removed himself from his body. He continued to cry even as the bastard slowly began to dress himself, and he probably would have continued to lie in his tear filled puddle of pity, had it not been for what Sesshomaru said as he was leaving the hut to walk out into the pouring rain.
“Did you enjoy the show?” Not knowing what that meant, Inuyasha uncovered his eyes and looked up towards the doorway. What he saw made him feel more shame than he had ever thought possible.
Miroku stood in the doorway, holding a still unconscious and bleeding Kagome in his arms as he tried to hold his arm in place. The look of pitying disgust in his best friend's eyes said more about what had just transpired between Sesshomaru and him than a thousand words could.
Shaking his head back and forth, Inuyasha scrambled to his feet, wincing as he pulled on his hakama and looked around at the mess he had made in the monk's house. Blood was everywhere, as was the semen he had dispelled when Sesshomaru had marked him in such a degrading manner. He tongued the empty gashes that used to hold teeth as he saw them lying on the ground, and as he looked down at himself he felt the full extent of exactly what Sesshomaru had just put him through. It was in that moment, watching Sesshomaru disappear into a ball of light with a smirk, and having to see Miroku turn hurt, sad eyes on him that he actually thought he might have lost his mind.
“Inuyasha, I'm so…” Though it wasn't until Miroku spoke, that the hanyou truly lost it. Screaming in pure agony, Inuyasha gripped his head, running out of the house and into the pouring rain.
“SESSHOMARU! SESSHOMARU!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. “GET BACK HERE, YOU ASSHOLE…I'LL KILL YOU…I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” He screamed into the night, the wind and thunder drowning out most of the sound as the water washed away most of the filth covering him. He wouldn't let him get away with this. He wouldn't! Letting insanity drive him, Inuyasha took off in a dead run through the woods. He wouldn't let him get away with this! He would rather die than be Sesshomaru's bitch! Eyes glowing red, Inuyasha took off into the night, ignoring Miroku's screams for him to come back.